Items tagged with: Pyrenees
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I love reflections. Especially with mountains.
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GR11 Day 52- Foxes & Closed Grocery Stores
Day 52 of my thru-hike across the Spanish Pyrenees!
I woke up next to Rio Aragon Subordan (across Refugio de la Mina, which is abandoned), hiked up Chipeta Alto (a nice and easy peak just off the GR11), then hiked to Camping Zuriza.
There are some things you should know about Zuriza:
1. Several hikers reported foxes breaking into their tents and stealing their food here and near other campgrounds in this area.
- The supermarket here is closed for good! There is an expensive restaurant only (and a very nice staff member who gave me a free chocolatey baked bread thingy- thank you to that guy!! 😁 ). You should plan on buying groceries in Isaba, where there is a bigger shop which is open until 9PM in summer.
📷 Hoy ha amanecido el día gris y lluvioso. Siendo de secano (aquí en València hace sol 350 días al año 😂) lo cierto es que me gustan estos días.
En la foto, la zona de Ordino Arcalís (Andorra, verano de 2011), camino del estanque de Tristaina, si no recuerdo mal. Fuimos varios veranos de vacaciones, y es que el Pirineo andorrano está lleno de rutas interesantes 😻
Buenos días, pese al mal tiempo 🖖🏼
#photography #fotografía #andorra #pirineos #pyrenees #montaña #mountain #outdoors #trekking
GR11 Day 38-39. Preparing for the Storm
Day 38-39 of my thru-hike across the Pyrenees Mountains!
Here I walked from Parzán, past Chisagüés, and found a safe camping spot below the next set of high mountains. Then I took a rest day, waiting out the thunderstorm.
Intro song: Gimme Love by D Jay Koi
Time-lapse song: Let's Have Some Fun by Grégoire Lourme
Glaciers are receding all over the world, at a rate of three Olympic swimming pools per second.
The Alps and Pyrénées are among the hardest-hit areas, having shed around 40% of their mass in 20 years, according to a study published in Nature on Wednesday.
Glaciers are receding all over the world, at a rate of three Olympic swimming pools per second.
The Alps and Pyrénées are among the hardest-hit areas, having shed around 40% of their mass in 20 years, according to a study published in Nature on Wednesday.
Somewhere in the #Pyrenees, mid-1998, during our cycling trip. This was pretty much the last time I shot photos on slide film. For once, I didn’t add the grain - on the contrary, I even reduced it a bit.
The following year, I bought my first digital camera, a Nikon Coolpix 950, boasting an incredible 2 megapixels. But hey, we all know it’s not about the megapixels, right?
Changement climatique : les Alpes et les Pyrénées ont perdu 40% de leur masse glacière en moins de 25 ans
Une étude internationale publiée ce mercredi révèle que 273 milliards de tonnes de glace disparaissent tous les ans, soit l'équivalent de trois piscines olympiques par seconde. Les chaînes de montagne les plus touchées dans le monde sont les Alpes et les Pyrénées…
#Alpes #Pyrénées #ChangementClimatique #RéchauffementClimatique #écologie #environnement #Climat
Un projet d’usine de biochar menace les forêts pyrénéennes
À Garlin, Miraïa veut créer la plus grande usine de biochar de France. 135 000 tonnes de biomasse forestière seront nécessaires chaque année.La Relève et La Peste
Waterfall in Noarre, Pyrenees
#Monochrome #BlackAndWhite #LandscapePhotography #Landscape #Nature #Photography #Mountain #Hiking #Pyrenees
L'OCTOMBULE — Thématique "L'ours". Ce dernier dessinée par Jean-François Caritte trône sur le recto de notre feuille chérie. Ça griffe et ça hiberne, mais l'imprimé n'est pas loin avec son ourse. Hommage à l'imprimeur de L'OCTOMBULE M. Inocto.
A2 — recto/verso — offset — noir et blanc — 800 ex. Prix : 0,10 € la monnaie n'est pas rendue
La remontée (ou la descente vers le Zéro) se poursuivra un de ces quatre matins avec l'affichage du Zseize sur ce fil.
#samizdat #journal #impression #parution #dépôtlégal #ourse #caverne #ours #griffe #hibernation #fourrure #pyrenees #graphisme #nounours #typographie #maquette #écriture #dada #poésie #farce
La #neige s'est invitée jusqu'en plaine dans les #Pyrénées. La ville de #Lourdes s'est réveillée sous une petite pellicule blanche.
🕐 08/02 09:29
GR11 Day 37- Berries and Beautiful Camping
Day 37 of my thru-hike across the Pyrenees Mountains!
I spent half the day picking berries in the forest near Refugio de Viados, then I followed the GR11 trail toward a town called Parzan, stopping on the way to camp in a beautiful spot by Embalse de Urdiceto.
Intro song: “Gimme Love” by D Jay Koi
Time-lapse song: Fell in Love with Summer by Songwriterz
GR11 Day 34- COWS!
Day 34 of my thru-hike across the Pyrenees!
I started the day at Cabana de Quillon, got food from a campground shop, then saved myself from the rain at Cabana de Santa Ana. Then all the cows in the world came onto the GR11. I don’t know what was going on there but it smelled really bad!
I found camping a bit off the GR11 next to Barranco de la Aigueta (near Ibonet de Batisielles).
Intro song: “Gimme Love” by D Jay Koi
GR11 Day 16-18: Blisters and Horses!
Yes, somewhere around here I had to raise my daily budget from 3 euros to 5. There was just no way I could get up those mountains without donuts and chorizo! 😁
My blisters were also killing me! And many horses wanted to eat my food! 😁
Here I walked from Puigcerdà, took a rest at Molleres de la Feixa, then walked to the Folch i Girona refuge, the Minyons lakes, and camped by Riu d'Engaït. (Pyrenees, Spain).
A tiny waterfall for #WaterfallWednesday Somewhere in the Pyrenees.
#LandscapePhotography #Landscape #Photography #Mountain #Hiking #Nature #Pyrenees
(réchauffement climatique monochrome)
Romance in the Pyrenean savannas
(monochrome global warming)
feutres + papier = format A4
(souvenir - juin 2022)
#xavierdekepper #xdk #drawing #dessin #drawingoftheday #sketch #feutres #felttippen #felttippen #animals #animaux #vache #cow #zebre #rechauffementclimatique #globalwarming #savannah #pyrenees #romance #monochrome
📍 Ordesa (Huesca, España).
#mountains #mountainscape #silentsunday #cloudy #clouds #Pyrenees #moody #landscape #landscapephotography #landscapephotographer #landscapelovers #nature #naturephotography #naturephotographer #naturelovers #pixelfed #fediphotography #fediphotographer #photooftheday #photography #photographer #photo #photographylovers #hiking
Estany de Flamisella (2.206 m) a small and calm lake in Alt Pirineu Natural Park, the largest natural park in Catalonia. The flowering plant in the foreground is a dactylorhiza maculata, a kind of spotted orchid. The peak on the distance is Tuc de Marterat (2.667 m)
Location: 42°42'12.8656" N 1°15'13.1673" E #MountainMonday
#Monochrome #LandscapePhotography #BlackandWhite #Landscape #Photography #Mountain #Hiking #Pyrenees
Day 23-24: HRP and La Porta del Cel hike
Here I walked from the Baiau Refuge, turned off of the GR11 to trek the HRP (Haute Route Pyrenees) and slept in Refugi de Baborte (also called Refugi del Cinquantenari). Then I took another variation and followed a trail called “La Porta del Cel” to get back to the GR11 at a little village called Tavascan.
A day well spent! 😄
GR11 thru-hike, Day 50-51- Getting Hot!
Days 50-51 of my thru-hike across the Pyrenees Mountains in Spain!
I started the day walking up some ski pistes west of Candanchú, then walked up and down some dry mountains taking a variation of the GR11 towards Refugio de Lizara. On my 50th night, I camped at Humedal de Plana Mistresa. Then on day 51 I walked past Ibon de Estanes (a beautiful lake), then down to Rio Aragon Subordan and camped across Refugio de la Mina (which was abandoned).
The days are getting hotter and hotter but I’m getting closer to my final destination- the Atlantic Ocean! 😄
“Gimme Love” by D Jay Koi
“Let's Have Some Fun” by Grégoire Lourme