Items tagged with: Senegal
🇫🇷🇸🇳 Francia inicia la cesión de bases militares a Senegal en un primer paso hacia la retirada total
La embajada de Francia en Dakar anunció que las instalaciones y viviendas de los distritos de Marechal y Saint-Exupery de Dakar habían sido transferidas al control senegalés.
Los demás «serán devueltos según el calendario acordado conjuntamente», añadió, sin especificar un plazo.
#Francia #Senegal #Africa #BasesMilitares #News #Noticias
Francia inicia la cesión de bases militares a Senegal en un primer paso hacia la retirada total
Francia dijo el viernes que había iniciado la entrega de varias bases militares en Senegal, como parte de la retirada de soldados de la naci...Unix Noticias (Blogger)
Die #Doku #Solarheldinnen von #Arte.
Der Teaser von Arte hier:
In einem abgelegenen Dorf im #Senegal, weit entfernt von Schulen und ohne Aussicht auf Anschluss an das #Stromnetz, nehmen drei #Frauen ihr Schicksal selbst in die Hand. In der Stadt wollen sie eine Fortbildung zum Thema #Solarenergie besuchen, um ihre Dorfgemeinschaften mit #Strom zu versorgen.
Bei Arte:…
Senegals Solarheldinnen - Die ganze Doku | ARTE
In einem abgelegenen Dorf im Senegal, weit entfernt von Schulen und ohne Aussicht auf Anschluss an das Stromnetz, nehmen drei Frauen ihr Schicksal selbst in die Hand.ARTE
Journal de l'Afrique - Présidentielle au Gabon, seulement 4 dossiers retenus sur les 23 candidatures
Au Gabon, sur plus d'une vingtaine de candidatures enregistrées, seulement 4 ont été validées par la commission nationale d'organisation des élections. Parmi les prétendants à la magistrature suprême, Le Général, Brice Clotaire Oligui Nguema.Fatimata WANE (FRANCE 24)
Internet shutdowns at record high in Africa as access ‘weaponised’
More governments seeking to keep millions of people offline amid conflicts, protests and political instabilityEromo Egbejule (The Guardian)
Internet shutdowns at record high in Africa as access ‘weaponised’
More governments seeking to keep millions of people offline amid conflicts, protests and political instabilityEromo Egbejule (The Guardian)
La France restitue au Sénégal plusieurs installations militaires
Dans le cadre de son retrait militaire au Sénégal, prévu à la fin de l'année 2025, la France a restitué, vendredi, plusieurs installations utilisées par l'armée française.FRANCE 24
GTA Project Gas Leak – BP Oil Company in the Dock - Greenpeace Africa
Although BP has acknowledged the incident, the company's assertions regarding a "low flow" and "negligible" impact do not hide the significant risks that offshore hydrocarbon extraction presents to marine ecosystems and coastal communities.Greenpeace Africa
Fingerprint Art
Unique and Universally Connected | Djibril Coulibaly…
#Senegal #Art via #DakartNews
Fingerprint Art: Unique and Universally Connected | Djibril Coulibaly
Djibril Coulibaly’s works are distinguished by their dynamic and captivating movements. Rich in colors and textures, they create intriguing compositions where fingerprints intertwine to form …Bridging Africa and The World Through Contemporary Art…
#agroecology #agroecologia #agroécologie #permaculture #permacultura #agroforestry #agrofloresta #agroforesterie #sustainability #foodsystems #farming #agriculture #regenerative #organic #organicfood #climatechange #foodsovereignty #ecology #africa #senegal
Taaru Askan Farm - Agroecology Map
Located in Mbodiene, Senegal, Taaru Askan Farm cultivates organic fruits and vegetables while offering training rooted in permaculture and agroecology principles. What began as a modest dream in 20...Agroecology Map
#Senegal has reached a landmark peace agreement with the Movement of Democratic Forces of Casamance (MFDC), ending one of Africa’s longest-running conflicts.…
Senegal signs historic peace deal with Casamance separatists | Africanews
The MFDC has been fighting for Casamance’s independence for over four decades, but recent years have seen progress toward peace. In May 2023, at least 250 MFDC fighters surrendered their weapons in Mongone, signaling a shift towards reconciliation.Africanews
Spanish city 'adopts' two Senegalese migrants who tried to intervene in a deadly homophobic attack on a young man…
Spanish city honours migrants who intervened in homophobic attack
Ibrahima Diack and Magatte N'Diaye are given "adopted sons of the city" status in A Coruña.Frances Mao (BBC News)
Migration aus Senegal
Es dreht sich nicht alles um Deutschland
In Senegal steigt die Arbeitslosigkeit, die Leute sprechen übers Auswandern. Hoch im Kurs steht aber nicht Deutschland, sondern zwei andere EU-Länder.
#Africa #afrobeat #senegal #mbalax #SoundsofSunday
The first time I heard of Youssou N'Dour was when I bought this record back in the 80s, still my favorite.
Listen here:
🇧🇫 Major land reform has come to Burkina Faso, bringing the country's trajectory back to a 'Sankarist' direction.…
🔴 French Troops to Leave Senegal by 2025
🪧 France & Senegal to set up a joint commission for military withdrawal & base transfers.
🪧 Both nations seek a new security partnership tailored to evolving strategic priorities.
🪧 Follows France’s military exits from Mali, Burkina Faso & Niger amid rising anti-French sentiment.
Thiès : L’impact des activités minières sur le climat sous la loupe
Les activités des entreprises extractives dans la région de Thiès aggravent les effets du changement climatique, a affirmé Demba Seydi, directeur des programmes de l’ONG CAJUST, lors d’un événement tenu mercredi à Thiès. Selon Seydi, les impacts climatiques ressentis par les populations locales sont exacerbés par ces opérations minières