Items tagged with: SeesawMechanism
Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity
Stephane H. Maes
June 21, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model. In particular with chirality flips of fermion induced by gravity, right-handed neutrinos (and left-handed anti-neutrinos) can appear in flight and now acquire mass when encountering Higgs bosons; two mysteries can be explained in one shot in a multi-fold universe.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. SMG : The Standard Model with Multi-Fold Gravity
[1] proposes that in a multi-fold universe, the Lagrangian is complemented by terms associated to gravity and entanglement (in the form of the sum of the attractive effective potentials) [1].
The effect of gravity can be seen through the attractive potential contributions of all the energy sources. It can also been seen as expressing the Standard Model Lagrangian in curved spacetime (semi-classical point of view), now considered valid till small scales.
EPR entanglement is not believed to often play a significant role, except in dark matter use cases [5]. The last term is all other “New Physics” terms and we will consider it to be null.
3. Chirality and Helicity flips induced by Gravity
In a curved spacetime, the chirality (or helicity) of massless fermions flips back and forth [6].
In the presence of gravity (with perturbative graviton models), the chirality of massive fermions flips [7]. Additional torsion further contribute to such flips [8]. [1] generates torsion within matter due to the effect of uncertainty on the multi-folds.
These effects have already been analyzed as the reason why gravity can smear the anomalies of baryon and lepton number symmetries and therefore potentially ensure the absence of proton decay, except possibly in extreme conditions within black holes [9].
Note that in the literature, it is also argued that chirality would not flip for massless fermion [7], at the difference of [6]. We believe that the latter is more correct as [7] relies on linearization of gravity, a process that does not work well and that is not giving a correct analysis compared to how gravity is explained in [1] and we know that gravity is not weak any more at very smalls scales, especially due to the massive gravity contributions.
4. The Right-handed Neutrino and its Left-handed anti particles
We recommend the following reference as entry point to neutrinos [10].
Neutrinos exist with different flavors and oscillate in flight between these flavors to change flavor and masses. They always interact in a specific flavor with the corresponding mass. Only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed anti neutrinos seem to interact (i.e. when not in flight).
So far, only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed anti-neutrinos have been observed. It is unknown if what happens or happened to the particles with opposite chirality. Do they exist?
5. The Neutrino mass problem
As a result of the absence of these opposite chirality neutrinos cannot interact with the Higgs Boson (which flips chirality). Therefore it is known in the standard model how neutrino have acquired their observed mass (that is now established to by non-zero).
Many theories have been proposed, usually with New Physics, to explain try to the mass. None have been validated so far. They involve hypothesis of seesaw mechanism, Majorana neutrinos (i.e. neutrino as its own self anti-particle), an additional sterile neutrino and a whole bunch of super partners proposals. An overview can be found in [11].
Numerous experiments have been proposed to try to validate on model or another with for example the search for Neutrino-less Double Beta-Decay (e.g. to determine if neutrinos are Majorana particles). It is fair to say that nothing conclusive has been observed so far!
At the light of [1], the reasoning above for SMG, and [9], we suspect that all these efforts may be going in the wrong direction…
Indeed, if we consider that gravity is present, then in flight particles can flip chirality in addition to oscillating in mass and flavors. So Higgs interactions are now possible in flight, which is how and when bumps with Higgs boson take place -a different situation form particle to particle interactions (also flipping chiralities, to be then flip back to observable chiralities by gravity, before any of all the other types of interaction can take place), which means mass acquisition as conventionally understood for fermions in the Standard Model can occur in flight for neutrinos (also why it is inflight that we can find the neutrino mass eigenstates). Masses are small, because available interaction time with Higgs bosons is small.
It resolves in one shot both the questions of the existence of right-handed neutrinos (and left-handed antineutrinos) as well as the origin of the (low) mass of the neutrinos. All is achieved within the context of the Standard Model with Gravity, in a multi-fold universe, and without the need of New Physics.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipates the behaviors modeled of a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Other theories showing that gravity is relevant at the level of the standard model, can repeat the chirality flip argument, even with no relation to multi-fold universe and mechanisms or to gravity emergence from entanglement. So our model here is generic: if we add gravity to Standard Model with a model keeping it non negligible at the Standard Model scales, then right-handed neutrinos and left-handed anti neutrinos exist in flight, only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed anti neutrinos interact in general; but the existence of both chirality in flight ensures mass acquisition via the Higgs mechanism.
Note however that If our model here is not validated by experience, it would not invalidate the multi-fold mechanism and the proposal that gravity emerges from entanglement as detailed in [1]. The analysis builds on [1], as a consequence of it, but it is not a condition for validation of multi-fold universes.
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges of explaining the mass of the neutrinos without New Physics.
We explain the fate of right-handed neutrinos and left-handed anti neutrinos: they exist, but only in flight where they can interact with the Higgs. Why it only exist in flight is still an open issue. And the low mass of the neutrinos results from the usual Higgs mechanism, while in flight. The mass is low because only little time is available for mass acquisition and bumping with Higgs bosons). The model works for multi-fold universe as well as in any situation where gravity is non negligible and added to the Standard Model.
This along with similar results in [1] and [9], make a strong case for more seriously considering the implications of adding gravity to the Standard Model to obtain SMG, as a way to contribute to addressing open issues and offer better alternatives to New Physics speculations. This goes hand in hand with recognizing that this also implies the need to seriously consider that gravity may not always be negligible at the Standard Model scales as proposed in [1].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity”, viXra:2007.0018v1,…, June 23, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261v1,…, June 21, 2020.
[6]: Carlos Mergulhao Jr., (1995), “Neutrino Helicity Flip in a Curved Space-tlme”, General Relativity and Gravitation, volume 27, pages 657–667.
[7]: R. Aldrovandi, G. E. A. Matsas, S. F. Novaes, D. Spehler, (1994), ” Fermion Helicity Flip in Weak Gravitational Fields”, arXiv:gr-qc/9404018v1
[8]: Soumitra SenGupta, Aninda Sinha, (2001), ” Fermion helicity flip by parity violating torsion”, arXiv:hep-th/0102073v2.
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes “, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
[11]: M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia and M. Yokoyama, (2019), “14. Neutrino Masses, Mixing, and Oscillations”, in M. Tanabashi et al. (Particle Data Group), Phys. Rev. D 98, 030001 (2018) and (2019) update.
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#Chirality #ChiralitySymmetry #Entanglement #Gravity #Helicity #HiggsMechanism #MajoranaParticle #MassProblem #MultiFoldUniverse #NeutrinoMass #Neutrinos #NewPhysics #QuantumGravity #SeesawMechanism #StandardModel #symmetryBreaking
elementary particle with extremely low mass that interacts only via the weak force and gravity
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?
Stephane H. MaesJune 21, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles or regions. When applied to astrophysics, these effects are analogous to additional matter within or around galaxies. This way, we recover behaviors that match expected and observed dark matter effects, when present or missing. No New Physics is introduced in terms of new particles beyond the Standard Model or modifying long range gravity: only the modeling of gravity as emerging from entanglement in a multi-fold universe.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR – Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Attractive Potential Between Entangled particles
The key proposal in [1] is a mechanism of multi-folds designed to address the EPR paradox. It is shown that, with such a mechanism, (EPR) entanglement creates an attractive potential between entangled particles that behaves like gravity.When involving virtual particles emitted around a source of energy, we recover GR equations (and the Hilbert Einstein action) at classical (and semi-classical scales). At very small scales, there are additional contributions of massive virtual particles that generate additional contributions.
Entanglements between particles create additional contributions expected to behave like additional gravity contributions or fluctuations that we expect to see for example near macroscopically entangled material like superconductors [10].
The effective potentials can be seen as in
(or in
when it can be integrated over a region (uncertainty region or bundle of entangled particles. For Gravity, the integration goes over [r,infinity), for all the previous sent virtual pairs), where r is the distance between particle and center of mass or source).The effects due to entanglement are very small in general at macroscopic scales; yet, just like for gravity, they add up when considering the combined effect across a galaxy.
3. The Dark matter problem
It has been extensively shown that dark matter, i.e. matter that has mass or energy and interacts with other matter only (or mostly) through gravity (at least long range), is required to explain behavior of the universe, in particular the rotational velocities of most galaxies [5,6]. Without dark matter, they would disintegrate, considering the amount of normal matter observed or modeled. Dark matter is expected to constitute 85% of the total matter in the universe. Many models confirm its existence with good consistency across the methods used to estimate or validate its effects.Today, however, Physics cannot account for, or explain, the origin of dark matter. Proposed tentative solutions (to explain or avoid dark matter) range from changes to gravity with for examples modifications of the long-range behavior of (newton) gravity (e.g. MOND), large scale massive gravity versions of GR, additional long range bulk spacetime entanglement effects[fn1] in (entropic) gravity models, or proposing actual candidates for dark matter like black holes or particles most of the time new and associated to New Physics (see [5] for an overview).
Dark energy is another mysterious content of our universe [6,7]. [8] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms proposed in [1] can contribute to an explanation of the dark energy.
4. EPR Entanglement in Multi-fold Universe: A Source for Dark Matter
In [1], entangled EPR pairs create attractive gravity like potential in between them towards the center of mass of these particles (and variations for multi-partite, nonhierarchical, entanglement).Virtual pairs emitted by energy or matter contribute to gravity with the model of [1]. Any other entanglement between particles, especially real particle entanglement, is not counted in conventional gravity. These entanglements appear as additional gravity contributions.
Entanglement can be, as shown in figure 1:
- (1) Between particles emitted by stellar or other objects and these objects.
- (2) Between pairs of entangled particles moving in opposite directions.
- (3) Between surrounding matter or particles entangled with the above.
Figure 1: It illustrates how the different entanglements cases, discussed in the text, appear as dark matter with attraction towards the galaxy center and mass in the center or in halos. Green circles represent center of masses.In all cases, the sources or centers of mass are located within the galaxy (especially in the center) and in surrounding halos. It matches the models for dark matter. The effect is a combination of cold and hot dark matter, but it always appear as cold matter. The dominant contributing particles involved in entanglement are photons and neutrinos. Of course, other cosmic radiations also contribute.
It is also well known that dark matter present some challenges for conventional explanations based on modified gravity or on particles because there are cases of galaxies where no or very little dark matter is inferred (See [9] for an example – more references can be found in [1]). It is hard to explain gravity laws or particles that would be sometimes be modified or sometimes be there; but not always.
It is not a problem with the multi-folds mechanism of [1].
Figure 2: In globular cases, with enough matter surrounding, entanglement may be destroyed before it has the desired effects, therefore giving the impression of missing dark matter.In the model of [1], if matter is distributed (e.g. Globular galaxy – see Figure 2) in a way that intercept most particles early and disentangle them on their way out of a galaxy region, the effect weakens or disappears… It matches the few galaxy examples that miss dark matter.
Tthis model and explanation is therefore able to account for dark matter, at least partially (till quantitatively estimated), and that is qualitatively consistent with observations; including when dark matter would be observed as missing.
The arguments in [1] are only qualitative, not yet quantitative. More work is needed to see if quantitative estimates make sense and may suffice to explain dark energy. Of course, other effects can also play along.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipates the behaviors modeled of a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Our proposal has no equivalent or variations for a non multi-fold universe: the source of dark matter effects come directly from the multi-folds mechanism as proposed in [1] and the resulting attraction towards the source or center of mass as a result of entanglement. Even other models, that link entanglement and gravity, may not help as the multi-fold universe do, as none have clearly identified such a gravity-like attraction as a result of entanglement. Any model where gravity appears between entangled particles could support the proposal from this paper.
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges with dark matter as well as the situation where it is believed to be missing.Combined with [8], it is remarkable that the mechanism of [1] can contribute to effects like inflation, small cosmological constant and dark energy and now dark matter; that it be present or missing.
While steps in the right direction in terms of validating [1], future work should aim at providing quantitative estimates to further determine viability of the proposal or completeness of the explanation, versus just contributing to what happens, which would already be satisfying.
The proposed explanation of dark matter is also an attractive validation candidate for the proposal that entanglement generates gravity like contributions [1,10].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006, or…, June 21, 2020.
Note: The web version (here) is tracked at…. A mistake in many references instead provided the URL to the dark energy paper. It is regrettable and will be corrected in the future for all upcoming papers and revisions.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[6]: B. Clegg (2019), “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Hidden 95% of the Universe”, Icon Books Ltd
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”,…, June 19, 2020.
[9]: Shany Danieli, Pieter van Dokkum, Charlie Conroy, Roberto Abraham, and Aaron J. Romanowsky, (2019), “Still Missing Dark Matter: KCWI High-resolution Stellar Kinematics of NGC1052-DF2”, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 874, Number 2
[10]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Entanglement Concretizes Time in a Multi-fold Universe”,…, June 28, 2020.
[11]: Erik P. Verlinde (2010), “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton”, arXiv:1001.0785
[12]: Erik Verlinde, (2016), “Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe”, arXiv:1611.02269v2
[fn1]: These notions, as proposed in [11,12], are fundamentally different effects from what is proposed in [1]. [1] considers effects between particles. Entropic bulk entanglement are postulated as statistical effects between spacetime regions. Of course, [1] may be an enabler or an explanation for such effect; or not. It does not really matter within the scope of this paper.
September 15 2020: Check [Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Successful Explanation and the “Too Thin Universe” but “Too Strong Gravity Lensing by Galaxy Clusters””,…, September 14, 2020.] for more recent obeservation explained with our approach (and problematic for conventional approaches).
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#Astrophysics #DarkMatter #Entanglement #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumGravity #StandardModel
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