Items tagged with: MultiFoldUniverse
Derivation of the Equivalence Principle in a Multi-fold Universe
Stephane H. Maes
June 29, 2020
[em]In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very small scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.[/em]
The mechanisms proposed to address entanglement and that are responsible for gravity when considering entanglement of virtual particles, also automatically result into the (weak) principle of equivalence, without postulating it.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. The Equivalence Principles
The equivalence principle reflects how Einstein managed to first conceive, then formalize the extension of Special Relativity to any observer, no matter what his location and velocity and in particular to understand that nothing distinguish (non-gravitational) Physics in the presence of gravity from Physics in its absence but in an accelerated reference frame [5].
Rigorously, the principle exists in at least 3 forms:
- The weak equivalence principle that states that inertial mass and gravity mass (i.e. the charge for the gravitation interaction) are the same.
- Einstein’s equivalence principle, which really states the intuitive consideration above as the principle that any non-gravitational physics in a free-falling laboratory is independent of the velocity of the laboratory and its location in spacetime
- The strong equivalence principle which adds to Einstein’s equivalence principle that gravitational physics then depends only on the initial conditions, not the constitution of the (small) entities.
At the core, there are 3 key underlying principles: i) inertial mass = gravitational mass ii) (General) covariance (also related to background independence) iii) gravity and acceleration are equivalent in the sense that they can play the role on one another in different suitable frames.
These principles + Special relativity and Einstein’s genius gave us GR!
Then, two other giants of Physics provided (Quantum Field Theory) QFT derivations of the weak equivalence principle:
- Steven Weinberg showed that the Lorentz invariance of the scattering S-matrix involving gravitons ensures that the inertial mass and the gravitational mass must be the same [6]. As a side note, Weinberg then went on showing that Lorentz invariant S-Matrix for covariance and spin-2 long range (massless) interactions automatically recovers GR [7].
- Richard Feynman independently reconstructed GR from first principles and QFT (propagator and Feynman diagrams) showing that gravity must be Lorentz invariant, mediated by massless with spin-2 gravitons and recovers the equivalence principle as well as covariance / Gauge invariance of Fierz-Pauli [9].
As [1], recovers GR / massless gravity as well as additional massive gravity and entanglement contributions, from completely different considerations related to the EPR paradox, it is of interest to see:
- Can we recover the equivalence principle, for GR?
- Does it extend beyond GR?
- Are there any more insights from this analysis?
3. The Equivalence principles in a Multi-fold universe for Massless Gravity
Intuitively, the recovery of GR should imply that we recover the equivalence principles; or [1] assertions would be suspicious.
If we go back to the basics of [1], the multi-fold mechanisms have folds activated when EPR entanglement takes place. As a result, bundles of folds are activated and paths of particles crossing the support domains of the folds have paths mapped to each fold, resulting (per fold) into an attractive effective potential in
between the entangled particles and towards their center of mass (integration over all relevant folds in a multi-fold leads to potentials in
Each fold contributes its Ricci curvature scalar (GR is recovered by adding all these Ricci scalars and Ricci Tensors (by adding direction of attraction for every point of spacetime). The effective potential is the result of computing the path integral contribution of the path on the folds. It is also proportional to the mass of the particle on the folds.
So the resulting Lagrangian in [1] contains the Lagrangian of the particle, without gravity and with the inertial mass, plus a potential that reconstructs GR or Newton gravity with the same inertial mass: gravitational mass and inertial masses is a direct result of the multi-fold mechanisms. We have recovered the weak equivalence mechanism in multi-fold universes. Symmetries between flipping the roles of the particles also lead to determining that the effective potential will also be proportional to the mass of the source ([1] presents a different also valid argument for that).
Because GR is recovered at large scales and multi-fold mechanisms are covariant (e.g. based on path integrals) respecting Lorentz symmetries and background independence, we also recover Einstein’s equivalence principle and the strong equivalence principle.
4. Beyond Massless Gravity
Because multi-fold universe have also massive gravity contributions, at very small scales, we also need to note that the reasoning of section 3 can be repeated as is, for these contributions within their ranges. So the respect of the equivalence principle extends to all gravity contributions in multi-fold universes.
Entanglement (e.g. between real particles) is conventionally not counted as gravity effects. Yet they bring gravity like contributions in multi-fold universes [1,10]. Again the same mechanisms apply with the same reasoning: the weak equivalence principle extends to entanglement gravity-like effects.
On the other hand, the ranges and anisotropy / symmetry breaking introduced by two EPR entangled particles does not allow the same generic considerations for the two other variations of the principle: it may depend on the use case (we already know they considerations works for all the gravity use cases where the effects come from virtual EPR pairs). It may not really matter as we probably would consider that entanglement (between real particles) is not gravity.
5. A Quick Note on Fold Tenancy and Higgs Mechanisms Impact
[1] proposes multi-fold mechanisms where folds and mapping are multi-tenant with strong partitioning, so that only one particles is present per fold instance and no interaction takes place other than at entry and exit.
The analysis above necessitate to detail a bit more this statement. It is correct if the Lagrangian on the fold is the Lagrangian of the particle in spacetime, without other interactions. This implies that, the folds are spacetime also, just curved. Therefore the tenancy model is to be understood as applying for particles. A uniform field in spacetime and tied to it would also be present and interact in a fold. So Higgs and the Higgs field are expected to be present in the multi-folds and as a result the particle propagator remains associated to their mass in the folds. Note that if inflation was to be described with an inflaton field, it probably is not be present in the multi-folds as their dynamics is already said by the moves of the entangled particles (real and virtual) or field. These already take inflaton into account [11].
This model can be motivated by the fact that otherwise, particles could mutate in ways not intended by the mechanisms designed to solve EPR paradoxes and no observed in practice. Otherwise, for example, electroweak symmetry breaking and Englert-Brout-Higgs-Guralnik-Hagen-Kibble mechanisms would not be in the multi-folds and physics would be different. [1] was clear that physics is the same except without particle to particle interactions; which we must explicitly now qualify as not excluding Higgs interactions with the particles in the multi-fold.
This multi-fold tenancy model can also be motivated by how multi-fold and mappings can be seen as holographic effects from higher dimensional geometrical effects in a non-compact 7D Kaluza-Klein surrounding universe [12]: different particles at different spacetime locations enter are in different KK instances and so they don’t interact. Higgs boson are located where the particles are, so they can enter the same KK instance. See [12] for more details on this unconstrained KK model. [Note: This paragraph was added in the October 11 version of this paper, the post original write-up.]
With these qualification, it was indeed appropriate to use the inertial mass in the Lagrangian in the previous sections when in the multi-folds.
6. Non-elementary particles
For composite particles, like hadrons or atoms, the composite is the particle considered as having paths on the multi-folds and therefore all the arguments above can be repeated and applied to all matter in general.
7. Conclusions
This analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipate the behaviors modeled in a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] potentially explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe. Compilation of outcome and derivative from [1] can be found in [13].
Our analysis has no equivalent or variations for non multi-fold universe: derivation of the equivalence principle is directly tied to the multi-fold mechanisms.
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows that the weak equivalence principle can be derived in multi-fold universe. The other principles applies to massless, and to massive gravity, when within the range of the latter. Extensions to gravity like effects due to other entanglements is on a case by case basis. The analysis applies to all matter.
The qualification of the multi-fold tenancy model to allow interactions with Higgs bosons within multi-folds is important as normal for multi-fold mechanisms and implied by the reasoning proving the equivalence principle.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Derivation of the Equivalence Principle in a Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2010.0090v1,…, June 19, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020). (…)
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[6]: S. Weinberg, (1964), “Derivation of Gauge Invariance and The Equivalence Principle from Lorentz Invariance and the S-Matrix”, Phys. Letters, Vol 9, N. 4
[7]: S. Weinberg, (1965), “Photons and. Gravitons in Perturbation Theory: Derivation of Maxwell’s and Einstein’s Equations”, Phys. Rev., Vol 138, N. 4B
[8]: Richard Feynman, (2002), “Feynman Lectures On Gravitation”, Westview Press; 1 edition (June 20, 2002)
[9]: M. Fierz, Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, (1939), “On relativistic wave equations for particles of arbitrary spin in an electromagnetic field”, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A173211–232
[10]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”, viXra:2010.0010v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[11]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261v1,…, June 19, 2020.
[12]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes”,…, August 20, 2020.
[13]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe” -Navigation page listing all papers.…
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principle of general relativity stating that inertial and gravitational masses are equivalent
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?
Stephane H. MaesJune 24, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
All these phenomena result from the observation that attractive gravity-like potentials appear in spacetime between entangled systems, because of the mechanisms proposed in a multi-fold universe to address the EPR paradox. An immediate implication, and opportunity to validate or falsify the model, is that gravity-like effects and fluctuation are predicted to appear between, around or near entangled systems; we just need check if this is encountered in the real world.
This paper discuss situations where attraction due to entanglement, and hence gravity like effects or fluctuations, could be encountered. For example, within or near quantum matter like superconductors or (Bose Einstein Condensates) BECs or within Qubits. One could argue that some indications exist that some of these effects could already have already been observed. We are really seeking falsifiability or validation opportunities for the multi-fold mechanisms. Early considerations are encouraging.
Discussing some related experiments led us to also address how shielding is correctly modeled with multi-fold mechanisms: Faraday cages do not weaken gravity!
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles [5], detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity (GR) at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In the present paper, we remain at a high level of analysis. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. The followings subsections are organized as a series of observations in [1] where gravity like effects are expected to result from entanglement and should be observable, at least indirectly through some resulting effects. Direct observation will remain challenging because of the expected weakness of the attractions. Our analysis is by no means exhaustive. However, we hope that it will intrigue enough the reader to push him or her to dig deeper. Most of the more detailed (or entry point) references are provided in [1], and so every statement is not motivated here or presented with the most appropriate references. This paper is rather a story tale. “[1]” appears often, as a person or a model, to refer to the original arguments, analysis, mechanisms or proposals discussed in [1].
2. Entanglement effects in Multi-fold universes
The mechanisms of multi-folds, the main feature proposed in [1], trigger activation of additional structures (folds) when particles are (EPR) entangled so that additional paths can traverse the folds, where the EPR entangled particles can always meet as a same exit points. Doing so, all the activated folds (i.e. multi-folds) create attractive potentials in in between the entangled particles ( per fold). The attraction is towards their source or center the mass, depending of the use cases and movements (and masses involved – entangled particles can be massive or massless). When involving virtual particles emitted by a source of energy, this potential is reminiscent of gravity and [1] attributes gravity to these effects. It can also be looked as adding contributions of the Ricci curvature scalar R of the folds, from all matter or energy contributions, to build a new Ricci curvature scalar field R and, with the direction of attraction information, a new consistent Ricci curvature tensor. Doing so, for all sources of energy, recovers Einstein’s GR field equations (or Hilbert Einstein Action); which is amazing as invariance of surfaces (the real geometrical meaning behind the Hilbert Einstein Action) or variants of the Hilbert Einstein have, at no point, be postulated in [1] prior to that determination (something that can’t exactly be said the same way for strings). Also, the multi-folds have a spin-2 symmetry.So, it is predicted in [1], that (EPR) entanglement between particles (or larger systems), results into attractive potentials in
towards the center of mass, with r the distance between form the center of mass, in
between the entangled particles (on the support domain of the mapping), if integration takes place over r. That is over a system of entangled particles or for the range of uncertainty. Otherwise, each particles contribute a per fold contribution. For gravity, the integration of r goes to infinity, hence the generic gravity like statement.It is also important to note for completeness that [1] postulates that such effects only exist when entanglement is the result of interaction occurring locally (same source location). Other situations are considered as hierarchical and thought not to contribute an additional effective potential. Yet, as in force composition, the different parts involved in a hierarchical event also amount to attractive effects; so attraction exist but as force composition. Also, if the entanglement is the effect of many repeated interactions (e.g. electron to phonon to electron), while hierarchical, the effects with composition will just appear as a normal non-hierarchical effect with attractive potential (at least in first approximation). So solid state entanglements a la superconductors for examples are modeled as nonhierarchical entanglement in this discussion; even if, in reality, it is the outcome of complex hierarchical composition of attractive potentials.
3. Gravity like fluctuations near (in between) entangled systems
An immediate consequence of the mechanism and model proposed in [1], is that fluctuations of gravity-like effects (in
– when macroscopic and in
when mostly between localized individual particles. These effects are very small (as is gravity beyond very small scales), so direct observation is probably hopeless for the near future, if ever. We will need clever indirect ways or macroscopic additive effects to be able to validate our model.A non-exhaustive list of candidate scenarios where such gravity like fluctuations are predicted to exist is provided here:
- Gravity like effects or fluctuations within, and in proximity of superconductors. Superconductors involve of combinations of Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer (BCS) pairs (at low temperatures and for low temperature superconductors) [7] and Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC) pairs [8] (after a transition from BCS pairs for high temperature superconductors) as well BEC pairs of pairs etc. in high temperature superconductors [6]. According to the mechanisms described in [1]:
- Attraction should occur within the bulk of the superconductors. It should also be with stronger effects for high temperature superconductors, because BEC pairs are smaller than BCS pairs (That spread all over the material over many crystal cells).
- This kind of effects have been anecdotally reported (see [9] for one of the most recent compilation of these controversial and hard to reproduce experiments)[fn1]. However, we urge the reader to be cautious in reading beyond the descriptions of the experiments and results and the references as we do not necessarily subscribe with the presentation of the experiments as accepted facts or many aspects of the proposed explanations or assertions in some of the listed references material, of anti-gravity, gravity shielding or repulsive gravity effects and other families or properties of gravitons-like particles. Unfortunately, the results experiments seem to have never been rigorously confirmed or unambiguously analyzed.
- In our view, these reported effects, if corroborated, and if we understand well the setup of the two experiments, could result from super-conductor internal stress within the electromagnetic field (between separated BEC BCS-pairs) plus vacuum polarizations. The latter results from entanglement attractions between the produced polarized virtual pairs. When the discharges occur, the superconductor and the vacuum polarization relaxes and so does the vacuum entanglement and attraction potential, resulting into a gravity fluctuation or wave that propagate at the same speed as the polarization relaxation. The relaxation produce a “expansion effects”, wherever polarization was present in the vacuum as well as within the superconductor and could explain the effects on the emitter or on the test masses. It would appear as an initially repulsive effect as the relaxation wave propagates. This explanation to these controversial experiments have never been proposed in the related literature as summarized in [9]. The complications of the shields is discussed in Appendix A.
- If true (both the observations and our suggested explanation), then we have a resounding indirect confirmation of the mechanisms described (attraction due to entanglement) in [1]; not just for entanglements within the superconductor but also the entanglement of the polarized vacuum.
- The stronger attraction within the high temperature superconductor creates a stronger effect than with low temperature superconductor material when the pairs are pushed to its boundaries by the electromagnetic field. A non-entangled material only see the vacuum effect. Without superconductors, i.e. in normal discharge situations, only vacuum polarization relaxation takes place. This is not sufficient. The fact that recoil may be better corroborated while radiation effects seems (often) no reproducible could come from the fact that the relaxation effect within the superconductor always takes place and is stronger than vacuum polarization relaxation. The other case (figure 1-a in [9]) requires suitable polarization beyond the right electrodes till the test mass something and it is a much weaker effect.
- Superconductors are also involved in these experiments also because of their known propensity of quantum matter like superconductors to amplify or reflect the vacuum polarization effects; something well known since the work for example of deWitt [10] and also involved in the still unconfirmed gravitational Casimir effect proposal [11]. These works predict effects of gravity on superconductor, not gravity like effect produce by super conductors. The distinction matters and shows the challenge in distinguishing the two types of effects if we want to validate the gravity like attraction generated by entanglement.
- To be convincing, we should see larger effects than expected by just contributions à la [10]. The results, with the problems already mentioned seem to indicate that it may be the case.
- As another related potential corroboration, building on the ideas of [10], it has also been proposed that an effect for gravitation analogous to the London moment in superconductor could exist for gravitons, in rotating superconductors, in a varying strong magnetic field [12]. Again, the magnetic field would push BEC BCS-pairs towards the surface of the superconductor and, as a result, bring stronger gravitation effect leaks observable outside and very near the super conductor, where a frame dragging effect as in GR, but stronger could be observed. Such effects have been observed [12]. However, the reported results were again in our view not clear enough to assess for sure if they would match our frame dragging expectation. It seems that they might.
- It is also important to understand all aspects of the experiments and details are missing on the actual results and in particular make sure that the effect are due to entanglement and not a variation a la [10], where frame dragging would be explained solely by the rotation flipping the roles (here the super conductor rotates, the detector is fixed) without the contributions of the attraction / gravity like fluctuation due to entanglement.
- The effect must be larger than normal frame dragging (undetectable) or effects explained by [10]. More work to model how [10] impacts the experimentation and if we can really detect an unexpected additional effect. Assuming that [12] did correctly account for [10], then according to the result, they have unaccounted for effects.
- The proposed setup of [12] and variations could be good ways (better than the first set of discharge experiments) to (indirectly) validate the multi-fold mechanisms. However, we would prefer experiments that are not involving and mixing other Physics (like strong magnetic fields, strong electromagnetic pulses etc.) to avoid the risk of misinterpretations and combinations of all these effects from superconductor, existing gravity and electromagnetism interactions. Electromagnetic fields were required because London – Meissner types of behaviors can amplify our predicted attraction . Unfortunately, we could not determine based on the research reports what of the side effects of the fields, as discussed here, have been accounted for in the results.
- Quantum matter, like BECs, superfluids, supermetals etc. are other candidates. The gravity fluctuation effects to look for are similar to what is discussed above for superconductors. The particular existing results discussed above for superconductor may not be repeatable or may need adaptation depending on the type of quantum material.
- Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) is another example of BEC [14]. Here, we see two avenue for confirmations:
- Experimentally when such plasma are formed in high energy accelerators [13]. It would be worth looking if any perturbations due to attractive potentials could be modeled and observed
- Theoretical models of cosmology (early moments after the big bang) and stellar physics could consider if adding such considerations could introduce new prediction or effects when involving large quantities of plasma and thus entanglement. The main reason being that at the scale of the universe or of stars, even small effects can start to play meaningful roles.
- Speaking of which, [1,5] showed of an effect associated to entanglement can qualitatively explain the dark matter effects, without requiring New Physics. It seems also consistent with the observations of galaxies that seem not to contain dark matter; something that most other models have had difficulties to handle. This is quite a potential confirmation, but we now need to proceed towards a more quantitative model of [1] so that we can determine if the number match to account for dark matter (or a portion of it).
- Validating [5] would be of great interest. It would after all, with the conclusions of our model, probably and most influential entanglement effect that we can think of (short of large or even larger, scale spacetime entanglement, proposed by others, but not something that we support).
- It is certainly encouraging that in addition, [1,15] can also explains effects that contribute to cosmological inflation and dark energy as well as a small cosmological constant that does not conflict with the QFT vacuum energy density estimates.
- Qubits are entangled systems achieved by different mechanisms like trapped ions, superconductors etc. [16]. They are at the code of quantum computing and larger Qubit systems are being built as time passes. These are not yet large enough for our needs, but things may change rapidly. Within the Qubits, if measurable, attraction would be a sign of entanglement and therefore a way to detect entanglement without observing it; something forbidden by the non-observability of entanglement [17]. Being able to do so would be a great tool for quantum computing and validation of our predictions.
- For quantum computing, teleportation or other purpose, researchers are entangling bigger systems like atoms, larger and larger molecules, wider atom systems or even biological systems; all involving huge amounts of entities (see for example [18-20]). The bigger these systems are the better are the chance to directly or indirectly determine if gravity fluctuations appear among them, as long that we do not hit the snag of hierarchical entanglement not producing attractive potentials. So some precaution are needed to understand if validation is possible or if the absence of attraction would implies falsifiability of our model or rather such the dominance of hierarchical entanglement effects.
4. Other effects and Considerations
It is also worth also noting that [1] predicts impact of the multi-folds effects on the Standard Model. So far, we have used that explain some open problems with the standard model, without requiring new physics. We have shown how entanglement would also appear; but we have not yet found any situation (besides dark matter as in [5]) where it is the contributing factor, versus rather the massive gravity contribution term at small scales also predicted by [1] and expected to be non-negligible at small scales. So far it is that latter mechanism that is invoked in [1] to contribute explanations. See [21] for a list of papers derived from [1], many discussing the impact on the standard model or on New Physics beyond the Standard Model.That is not to say that, even if possibly surprising, the model proposed in [1] is in fact already contained in many existing conventional physics as well as New Physics around Superstrings and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture [22]. Indeed, see for example [23-24] showing how entanglement and spacetime curvature relate. See [1,22] for analysis of how our model also relates to superstring and more directly on topic, how the ER=EPR conjecture [25] is very much a more limited model corroborating the multi-fold mechanisms (see for example [26]); but missing the resulting impact of gravity like potentials towards the center of mass. Non-transferability of the wormholes and misreading of the curvature implications of the entangled black holes may possibly be why these models have not (yet) reached our conclusions. For us, the beauty is that we do not need the New Physics, we just need to add gravity (string enough at smalls scales) to the Standard Model. There is enough material to start making a case for this [21].
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we have compiled examples of situation where it might be possible to observe gravity like fluctuations due to entanglement, as predicted by the multi-fold mechanisms proposed in [1].At this stage, we hope to find more experiments, effects or model where the additional gravity fluctuation due to entanglement plays a significant role that makes it or its consequence detectable. It is essential to the validation or falsifiability of the multi-fold mechanism proposed in [1]. Doing so if for future work but we can only encourage any such experiments or to keep our predictions in mind quantum matter or quantum computing and teleportation experiments, just in case.
A few challenges remain. The main one being that just like for gravity, at the scale considered, the effects are so small that it will be very hard to detect them, especially directly. Yet our proposal for dark matter already shows that there are ways and there is hope. We also have high hopes for superconductors and BEC experiments. We already pointed out to anecdotal that may corroborate; even if not necessarily as the authors of these experiments would have expected.
Of course, another challenge is that the model of [1] is more qualitative than quantitative. Now, it is a priority for us to evolve towards more quantitative approaches by evolving form proportionality equation to the real coupling factors and estimate these factors (e.g. by relating to expected values in classical situations). We aim with future work to get such better quantitative predictions as well as to evangelize experimentations base don the present paper. Not being currently active in a Physics institution, currently limits our ability to directly attempt an experimental program ourselves.
Our hope with this publication is that others will get ideas on how to validate our model directly or indirectly. We certainly welcome such, or any other, collaborations.
Needless to say that the early hints of corroboration presented here, the contributions to addressing open issues covered in [1,21] and the fact that Physics all along maybe hinted at the multi-folds mechanism, are strong encouragements. We hope it will convince the community to spend some cycle on what [1] proposes.
Note (10/2/20): The progresses towards larger entangled systems reported recently in [27,28], as well as [18-20], will hopefully result into some focused efforts to test our model of attractive gravity like effects between and among entangled systems.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”, viXra:2010.0010v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[fn1]: We are cautious about citing and concerned about the extensive discussion presented here. Indeed the experiment result mentioned here are seen as controversial. We mention them, more as examples of indirect ways to experiments with effects predicted by [1], than as successfully reviewed experimental results that we would want to rely on.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[9]: Giovanni Modanese, (2014), “Gravity-Superconductors Interactions as a Possible Means to Exchange Momentum with the Vacuum”, arXiv:1408.1636v1
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Appendix A – No gravity shields in Multi-fold Universes
In [9], the experiences of figure 1 and 2, sensors are described as positioned in shielded boxes or behind shield screens, we do interpret this as electromagnetic shields (as faraday cages or large screens). This is certainly challenging a direct vacuum polarization story beyond the shield. We did not want to bring this up in the main discussion and add more controversies.Obviously, gravity screens do not exist. [1] must be able to account for no weakening of gravity within faraday cages for example, despite our mechanisms relying on virtual particles. If only virtual neutrinos were to contribute, gravity would be weakened within such a cage, which is obviously not the case. In general for the multi-fold mechanisms of [1], when the virtual particles tries to reach a test particle within an electromagnetic shield, it does it be affecting the four -vector potential of the shield. Considering the system shield + target particle, its total energy is affected and it affects the energy source available to multi-folds affecting the test particle. The combine effect is hierarchical and the composition appears as if the effect went through the shield. A dedicated upcoming paper or an update of [1] will explicitly address these shielding concerns with the multi-fold mechanisms.
Coming back to [9], our plausible explanation stops at the shield. So what could be happening next? The gravity fluctuation due to the relaxation of the vacuum polarization (e.g. in figure 2 of [9]) affects the 4-vector potential as a fluctuation that therefore could continue beyond the shield as a gravity fluctuation. Remember, we only try to interpret [9] at the light of [1]. We are in no position to corroborate what actually was observed.
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Physicists Have Successfully Connected Two Large Objects in Quantum Entanglement : ScienceAlert
We stride through our Universe with the confidence of a giant, giving little thought to the fact that reality bubbles with uncertainty.Mike McRae (ScienceAlert)
Pointers to Nowhere with Geometric Unity Theory, or Some Ways Forward in Multi-fold Universes?
March 7, 2021
The theory of Geometric Unity is an incomplete, often misunderstood, and controversial new candidate as Theory of everything, that has been proposed by Eric Weinstein.
This paper starts with some pointers to conventional reviews of the Geometric Unity theory.
Then, we add our own considerations, that indicate that some of the main inconsistencies like anomalous fiber bundle, and complexification of the group used for the bundle and connections, may be addressable with approaches, and arguments, encountered in the multi-fold theory, including anomaly smearing by gravity, via chirality flips, and spacetime orientation flips, fractal discrete spacetime, and multi-fold space time matter induction and scattering.
Yet the assumptions of supersymmetry, and high dimensions present in Geometric Unity probably doom the physicality of the Geometric Unity model, just as we have shown it to be the case for most supersymmetry-based GUTs and TOEs.
The arguments can apply to GU over our real universe, especially if it was multi-fold, but to be multi-fold is not necessarily a requirement.
1. Introduction
The theory of Geometric Unity (GU) is described in [1,2]. Many controversies, and confusion, surround this theory. It seems to many, that it may just be a cabal, because of all the mysteries and absence of a clear description. We do not share that view.
In fact it seems like the push back seems primarily motivated by the fact that the theory was developed outside the main Physics community and bypassed expected publication steps. So what? That may not be an appropriate justification for tossing it aside, without much consideration as seems to be the case so far.
[1] sketches the theory, as finally published by its author. It is in our view the best and most detailed mathematical formulation of the theory publicly available to date. [2] remained for a long time the only way that the proposal was known through this video of the controversial 2013 Cambridge lecture.
A review and criticism of GU can be found in [3]. With a few follow-up from the same author, it is the only published analysis and review of GU.
Note added on 10/26/22: [27], and references therein, list additional issues with, and discussions of GU [1,2].
2. Analysis of Existing Reviews of GU
In our views, there are a few things that are worth noting.
There has been way too much drama around this matter. As a consequence, everything makes the GU proposal too mysterious, and suspicious. See for example the comments in [4] (e.g. comment [5]), that can also be widely found by Googling the history of the Oxford talk, the Guardian article [17], and the Scientific American follow-up [6]. As a result, it seems that to some extent the theory has been dismissed by many, without having even considered, reviewed and proven wrong or falsified.
It is sad. Indeed we believe that the idea behind GU and merit and it is certainly attractive, from a modeling point of view, with its position of General Relativity (GR) / spacetime, fields and matter, and quest for a common first order equation where gravity/GR, Dirac and Yang Mills can be different aspects of a same equation. Note added on 10/16/22: It is a bit like when we argue in [14,33,34] that GR (the Hilbert Einstein Action) is contained in Yang Mills and Yang Mills is contained in gravity/GR.
Unfortunately, there seems to be many challenges with the proposal [1,2] that is incomplete, argued inconsistent, etc. The current GU paper [1], is certainly under-documented and poorly explained, and therefore often not verifiable, or at time even not understandable. For example, even intuitively, the hope in self-dual Yang Mills equation as square root of Yang Mills equations (we are speaking of the order of the equations), built on the analogy of what needs to be done, inspired by Dirac vs. Klein Gordon equations/operator with Dirac and squared root of Klein Gordon, itself based on the fact that Feynman diagrams seem to hint that matter (seen as fermions here) like electrons and positrons would be the square root of bosons like the photon, seem farfetched and somehow hard to reconcile with dualities like the gravity as double copy of Yang Mills (Note added on 11/16/22: See [34] and reference therein).
However, we are not sure that the main issues raised so far in [3] mean necessarily the end for the geometric Unity Theory (GU). Indeed, there may be ways around these key issues, based on what we did or encountered in the multi-fold theory [7,16]. Unfortunately, doing so, additional challenges with GU are encountered.
3. Anomaly inconsistencies, Yeah or Nay?
The anomaly challenges, discussed in [3], may not be what they seem, and it can possibly be solved with the mechanisms that we proposed to address the anomalies of the symmetries forbidding proton decays, quantum gravitational anomalies, and chiral anomalies [7-10,18]. In particular, in [7,9], we have seen that the anomalies could be smeared out by the chiral flips induced by gravity, keeping the symmetry valid, and canceling the non-conserved axial chiral current (averaged over the chirality flips for particles, or orientation changes of space time at higher energies) [7,18,26]. Indeed, U(128), the group in question, plays its role only at energies way above (the series of) different symmetry breakings ultimately into the GR (General Relativity) and SM (Standard Model) symmetries.
On that basis, we argue that, at energies well above the electroweak symmetry breaking energy scales, the spacetime is not yet oriented. It will not happen until way lower in energy scales. It means that notions of orientations, and hence chirality, are red herrings, at the energy levels where U(128) plays a role: chirality is undefined and therefore so is the axial chiral current, except for local spurious notions, based on the local rotation of temporary local massive particle. As the notion of chirality does not exist, its symmetry cannot be broken. That can only happen when or after chirality symmetry appears. No anomaly is observable or relevant at the scales where GU proposes that U(128) plays a role. More details on chirality and orientation flips are provided in [7,18].
Note added on 11/16/22: A fuller discussion, and interpretation of the effects, has since been further discussed in [28,29].
These two arguments (chirality/orientation flips due to gravity, and the absence of global/stable orientation at energies where U(128) would matter) show that [3] is possibly incorrect in assuming that it would be impossible to think of a mechanism that could consistently remove the Gauge (chiral) anomaly associated to U(128). Indeed, QFT, SM, and GR can be seen as effective and valid at larger spacetime scales, than the ones relevant to U(128). Therefore, smearing of the UV effects is exactly what is expected: anomalies disappear in that process. GU can be modeled using U(128), no need to go to Spin(14), and encounter the dimension and isomorphism incompatibilities mentioned in [3].
Such considerations would allow GU, as is, to maintain unitarity of the theory, despite the anomalies, and apparent subsequent loss of unitarity. Of course, it also implies that, even if it were to lead to unification, GU would not be a true TOE, but, at best, still be an effective theory approximating the UV / Planck scale Physics. It would be progress, but not to the full extent hoped for, and claimed, by Weinstein.
4. Complexification of the (bundle) group, an issue?
[3] argues that GU misses a complexification step, as it proceeds to defining (a) Shiab (Ship in a Bottle) operator(s). Firstly, we are not so sure that it is the case: [3] may have missed on the reading [1], as it is our understanding that it was composed mostly based on [2], before [1] was made available. It seems that [1] is working with Gl(128,ℂ) (See equations 3.30, 3.34 to 3.36, 3.37 and 8.4 in [1]). But we admit that so many groups are thrown around in [1] that it may not be what is ultimately used at the critical step.
Secondly, and, in any case, and as already mentioned, GU applies at very high energies, above all the potential symmetry breakings leading to the final GR and SM symmetries, and above typical GUTs energy scales, with their symmetries listed in [1]. At such GU scales, and above, it is unclear if one can still consider that spacetime is continuous, instead of discrete, non-commutative, fractal like, generated via random walks and still Lorentz invariant [7] (Note added on 10/16/22: See also [30]), or if the dominant processes are 4D, 3D or 2D [7]. We need to know more details about GU to understand the actual scales involved. However, if the process, followed by GU, is aware of spacetime discreteness and its fractal nature, as we do expect, then we know that it is typically described with QM (/QFTs) on fractional spacetime and that involves complex/imaginary potentials [7,19], hence particles with complex or imaginary masses, just as for the Higgs above the electroweak symmetry breaking scale [20]. Therefore, it could be possible to interpret complexification as an approximation, and a sign, of what exactly happens at these high energies. At such energies, high enough, the complex gauge connection could very well reflect the discreteness, and fractal nature, of spacetime, that we met in the multi-fold theory [7].
When spacetime become discrete, the notion of gauge symmetry is itself an approximation. Also, it may just not correctly handle unitarity considerations under these conditions.
Note added on 11/16/22: More details about the 2D processes, random walk, discrete spacetime, and how these properties can be addressed by the Higgs filed and approximately modeled in QFT can also be found in [7, 12,15,21,22,28,30].
On this basis, we argue that the GU approach may reflect being able to approximate, and hint, what is physically happening, and that the complexification, with complex connections, may rather be an advantage, instead of a doomsday con, as argued in [3].
Also, the analysis of [3], and paper 15 in [3], focus on aspects of complex connections that may not be not what complexification implies in GU; just as imaginary masses are not really about Tachyonic Higgs, but rather instability and (global) electroweak symmetry breaking by the Higgs mechanisms [20].
5. 14D, U(128), Spin(14) and more
In GU, a 14D space corresponds to the GU “observerse”, proposed by Weinstein [1], with reduction to 4D, via pull back via ב*, that probably requires more thoughts.
The multi-fold theory encounters also 14D through the different paths described in the next two paragraphs. Therefore, it is a priori a reasonable model for the GU “observerse”, as target for a super in-and-out mapping/modeling of spacetime.
For example, we note that extending the multi-fold mechanisms to explain, with multi-folds, gravity in the Ricci flat 7D embedding spacetime [15,21], associated to multi-fold universe version of 7D space time matter induction, (i.e. adding 3D and sharing time) [This amount to what the 4D multi-fold spacetime feels in the presence of multi-folds, i.e. the inside-out view], and considering AdS(5) sharing time (i.e. adding 4D, the 3D to again explain gravity in AdS(5) via multi-fold can be shared with the 3D already added to the 7D spacetime) [This amounts to the space where multi-fold live, i.e. the outside-in view] leads to a 14D spacetime.
Alternatively, space time matter induction (see [15,21] and reference therein) requires 14D to account for left and right chirality, that it can’t model on its own in a 7D spacetime [9,18,26]. This would imply symmetries Spin(7,7) ≃ Spin (14), in that 14D space.
And yes one could also argue that 14D are enough dimensions to support all relevant flavors of supersymmetry, super strings, super gravity and M-theory [14], even if a key outcome of the multi-fold theory, seems to be that supersymmetry and superstrings/M-theory are no physical, but rather a mathematical duality [7,11,12,14,23-25]. Follow [16], to get the latest papers and comments on this.
Note added on 10/16/22: However, in a paper later published [27], we further analyzed GU and got inspired by to progress the multi-fold theory, thereby proving wrong those in the Physics community who simply rejected GU, and decided to not pay attention to it because of its challenges and its allegedly controversial promotion: even problematic studies may have good ideas! In particular, we derived the symmetries of SM and GR. A key implications of the derivation [27], and the Ultimate Unification [7,13,29] is however that we probably have a desert of new fundamental particles above the gravity electroweak symmetry breaking energy scales and that no grand unification symmetry breaking takes place [7,29,31]. In other words, no U(128) or Spin(14), or even lower level symmetry breaking are expected to be encountered, at high energy scales. That may be a new even more problematic problem for the GU program: there may be no room for U(128) symmetry breaking, just as there is no room for GUTs.
Also [35] will provide on all these multi-fold dimensions thrown around, albeit there we did not try to focus on interpreting possible 14D spaces.
6. More Multi-fold Considerations: more dead-ends, or ways forward for Geometric Unity?
More importantly, based on the work we have done so far, we know that supersymmetry, and 14D spacetime are not compatible with the Standard Model along with Asymptotic Safety of gravity [11,12]. This seems to doom, for now at least, the GU proposal, just as for other GUTs and TOEs [7, 11-13], as well as superstrings. Again, addressing this, or looking at a reformulation that would not require supersymmetry may be a good way forward, if at all plausible and consistent.
To be fair the notion of proposed supersymmetric in GU is vague in [1]. It may imply something different, albeit not likely.
In a multi-fold universe, these 5D, 7D, 14D extra dimensions relate to multi-folds, but are not encountered as the spacetime, where the particles live, and wherePhysics takes place, and therefore not affected by the large dimension incompatibility issues. Therefore, there may still be ways forward compatible with Multi-fold theories, or not… This is also for future work, but worth some collaboration.
Note added in 10/16/22: [27] discusses follow-ups to [3], and discusses a new problem for GU, if we were to follow this train of thought. There are no stable and renormalizable (asymptotically safe) Yang Mills in more than 4 (5)D, unless of supersymmetric. This is another challenge with GU approach as it seems to imply the need to introduce supersymmetries to ensure such renormalizability or asymptotic safety, but then hit our stated incompatibility with asymptotically safe gravity (and SM), which we have confirmed in [7,11,12,32], even for the real universe. Also it is unclear that high dimensional self-dual Yang Mills equation can help with these issues. The problem is that when quantization of GU is introduced, all the work may fall apart if asymptotic safety can’t be ensured. A theory that relies on high dimensional Yang Mills, can’t be quantized and asymptotically safe, unless if super symmetric. But that would then be incompatible with the standard model in 4D.
7. Conclusions
Besides the objections to Geometric Unity raised within conventional Physics, we identified additional considerations arguing against it, related to supersymmetry and high dimensionality, which has been established as incompatible with the Standard Model plus asymptotic safety of gravity, and supersymmetric Yang Mills (Note added on 11/16/22) and to the lack of asymptotic safety of high dimension Yang Mills that is not supersymmetric).
These issues remain problematic, especially as asymptotic safety of gravity seems to apply to the real universe, even if that is not (yet) accepted by many. Note added 11/16/22: See [11,12,32]
On the other hand, we have shown that some of the (conventional) concerns raised against GU (in [3], the only paper / preprint that the community bothered to produce, yet got refused publication even just on arXiv), may have answers based on approaches, and results, encountered in the multi-fold theory, which can be applied to GU to address these concerns. Not being experts in GU, we can’t be sure if they will ultimately help, or if the effort is any way futile, considering the new issues that we identified.
Also, there are also discrepancies and gaps between GU and the multi-fold approach, so that we are also not sure if GU can apply to multi-fold universes, or the Physics in multi-fold spacetime.
It is also unclear if some, or all, of our proposals to address some of the GU challenges, are valid in the real universe. We have growing reasons to believe it might, but for more details, the reader should check upcoming papers tracked that at [16]. Yet, our arguments could also be repeated for non-multi-fold universes, if we are willing to accept the ability of gravity to flip chirality, or spacetime orientation, or that spacetime would be discrete and fractal. Note added on 10/16/22: then again, [33] seems to indicate that our universe is indeed multi-fold.
It is also worth mentioning that the dimensions of the GU “observerse” can be confirmed as sensible in the multi-fold theory, in multiple ways. Different reasonings also lead to Spin (14), and therefore glimpses of U(128), with complexification. We see it as a mutual consistency check between GU and the Multi-fold theory.
Note added on 10/16/22: More issues have since been raised in [27], inspired by GU. Unfortunately, [27] encounters, and predicts, the absence of group symmetry larger than SM and gravity above the energy scales of multi-fold gravity electroweak symmetry breaking.
In conclusions, while we may have proposed some useful input to GU, we do not believe that we have been able to progress the quest motivating GU, or even catch a glimpse of hint that it would be the right approach, or that the desired Shiab operator(s) would exist. We are left not too optimistic for GU, even if grateful for the proposal.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “Pointers to Nowhere with Geometric Unity Theory, or Some Ways Forward in Multi-fold Universes?”, viXra:2210.0081v1,…, March 7, 2021.
[1]: The Portal, “Theory of Geometric Unity”,…. Retrieved for this write-up on March 7, 2021.
[2]: Eric Weinstein, “A Portal Special Presentation- Geometric Unity: A First Look”,…. Retrieved for this write-up on March 7, 2021.
[3]: Timothy Nguyen, Theo Polya, (2021), “A Response to Geometric Unity”, timothynguyen.files.wordpress.…. Retrieved for this write-up on March 7, 2021.
[4]: Back Reaction, (2021), “[Guest Post] Problems with Eric Weinstein’s “Geometric Unity””,…. Retrieved for this write-up on March 7, 2021.
[5]: Comment to [5]:…. Retrieved for this write-up on March 7, 2021. [Unfortunately, the comments seem to have now disappeared. A copy was made, and could be made available upon request].
[6]: Not Even Wrong, (2013“, “Eric Weinstein on Geometric Unity”,…, and Comments on the page. Retrieved for this write-up on March 7, 2021.
[7]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020). Tracked at….
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2022), ”Gravity or Magnetic Monopoles? You Cannot Have Both! II“, viXra:2006.0190v2,…, August 20, 2022.
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes“, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
[10]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Viable Lattice Spacetime and Absence of Quantum Gravitational Anomalies in a Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2205.0143v1,…, December 4, 2020.
[11]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Renormalization and Asymptotic Safety of Gravity in a Multi-Fold Universe: More Tracking of the Standard Model at the Cost of Supersymmetries, GUTs and Superstrings”, viXra:2102.0137v1,…, September 18, 2020.
[12]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “Quantum Gravity Asymptotic Safety from 2D Universal Regime and Smooth Transition to Dual Superstrings”, viXra:2208.0151v1,…, January 29, 2021.
[13]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”, viXra:2006.0211v1,…, June 16, 2020.
[14]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Circular Arguments in String and Superstring Theory from a Multi-fold Universe Perspective”, viXra:2103.0195v1,…, October 5, 2020.
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes”, viXra:2011.0208v1,…, August 20, 2020.
[16]: Stephane Maes, (2020-2022), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe”, Navigation page listing all papers.….
[17]: Marcus du Sautoy, (2013), “Eric Weinstein may have found the answer to physics’ biggest problems”, The Guardian,…, 23 May 201. Retrieved on November 16, 2020.
[18]: Stephane H Maes, (2022), “Can Chirality Flips Occur in a Multi-Fold Universe? What About Conservation Laws? II”, viXra:2204.0152v2,…, August 20, 2022.
[19]: Trifce Sandev, Irina Petreska, Ervin K. Lenzi, (2016), “Effective Potential from the Generalized Time-Dependent Schrodinger Equation”, Semantic Scholar,….
[20]: Wikipedia, “Tachyonic field”,…. Retrieved on April 5, 2019.
[21]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Particles of The Standard Model In Multi-Fold Universes”, viXra:2111.0071v1,…, November 4, 2020.
[22]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Higgs Fields and Bosons”, viXra:2204.0146v1,…, November 6, 2020.
[23]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[24]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Superstrings Encounter of the Second, Third or Fourth Types?”, viXra:2010.0140v1,…, July 5, 2020.
[25]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “The String Swampland and de Sitter Vacua: A Consistent Perspective for Superstrings and Multi-fold Universes”, viXra:2208.0078v1,…, January 9, 2021.
[26]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “More on Multi-fold Particles as Microscopic Black Holes with Higgs Regularizing Extremality and Singularities”, viXra:2210.0004v1,…, February 25, 2021.
References added on 10/16/2022
[27]: Stephane H. Maes, (2022), “Justifying the Standard Model U(1) x SU(2) x SU(3) Symmetry in a Multi-fold Universe”,…, August 8, 2022.
[28]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “Multi-fold Gravity-Electroweak Theory and Symmetry Breaking”,…, March 16, 2021.
[29]: Stephane H. Maes, (2022), “Invalidation and Proof of the Mass Gap, and Viability of The Standard Model on a Discrete Spacetime”,…, July 15, 2022.
[30]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “Multi-fold Non-Commutative Spacetime, Higgs and The Standard Model with Gravity”,…, April 11, 2021.
[31]: Stephane H. Maes, (2022), “A Conjecture: No Dark Matter will be discovered at LHC, or elsewhere”,…, July 8, 2022.
[32]: Stephane H Maes, (2022), “A Non-perturbative Proof of the Asymptotic Safety of 4D Einstein Gravity, With or Without Matter”,…, May 4, 2022.
[33] Stephane H Maes, (2022), “Deriving the Multi-fold Theory from General Relativity at Planck scale”,…, February 22, 2022.
[34]: Stephane H Maes, (2022), “Multi-folds in Yang Mills Feynman Diagrams”,…, April 5, 2022.
[35]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “Multi-fold Embeddings, Space Time Matter Induction or Gravity Asymptotically Safe and The AdS/CFT Correspondence Conjecture, they all can recover the Standard Model”,…, December 20, 2021.
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#anomalies #AsymptoticSafe #asymptoticSafety #chiralAnomalies #chiralityFlip #complexification #dimensions #Dirac #flips #GeneralRelativity #GeometricUnityTheory #gravityInducedChiralityFlips #imaginaryMass #Matter #MultiFoldUniverse #protonDecay #QuantumGravity #spacetime #spacetimeOrientation #StandardModel #standardModelWithGravity #Supersymmetry #TheoryOfEverything #YangMills
Eric Weinstein may have found the answer to physics' biggest problems
Marcus du Sautoy: A physicist has formulated a mathematical theory that purports to explain why the universe works the way it does – and it feels like 'the answer'Marcus du Sautoy (The Guardian)
Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes
Stephane H. MaesJune 13, 2020
Gravity is not modeled in the Standard Model. The Proton decay, predicted by many GUTs, TOEs, supersymmetry, supergravity theories and superstrings, is forbidden in the Standard Model because the proton is the lightest baryon and the conservation of the lepton and baryon numbers would be violated. In New Physics beyond the Standard Model, such violations could be tolerated because the baryon and lepton number symmetries have chirality anomalies. We discuss that in a multi-fold universe, where gravity emerges from entanglement effects, or in a universe where gravity is strong enough to cause chirality flips of fermions, these anomalies are smeared so that the baryon and lepton symmetries could be no more anomalous, and conservation of the baryon and lepton numbers could be seen as stricter. As a result, proton decay could remain forbidden, except when gravity is extreme. It has significant consequences for theories predicting proton decay but matches the total lack of any proton decay observation so far.
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe. That is still to be validated.
With the proposed model, spacetime and Physics can be modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. The gravity model recovers General Relativity (GR) at large scale, with massless gravity, but also massive gravity contributions at very small scale, that make gravity no more negligible at these scales.
The hypothetical decay of proton into lighter subatomic particles, such as a neutral Pion and a positron or involving charged Pions or Kaons has been proposed, although forbidden by the Standard Model. Sakharov proposed it as a Baryogenesis, that explains the dominance of matter over anti matter. Theories that try to unify electromagnetic, weak and strong interactions, called Grand Unification Theories, or Unified, (GUTs) typically predict proton decay. Details can be found in [2] (For Proton Decay) and [3] (for GUTs). GUT and Theories of Everything (TOE), have been the long dream of physicists since Einstein encountered then embraced the ideas pioneered by Kaluza and Klein. Most GUTs (there are some exceptions), TOEs, supersymmetry, superstrings, along with super gravity, predict proton decay with different prediction for its half-life.
Yet, unfortunately, experimental results are not good so far: no proton decay has ever been observed and upper bounds for its half-life [2] are raising beyond the predictions of all these theories. Details are discussed in [4]. This has dire consequences for all these theories [5]: they are one by one invalidated or ad hoc changes are needed in order to explain the lack of any observation. Therefore, no GUT or TOE yet. It certainly does not help that most of these theories also predict magnetic monopoles: they also have never been observed and [1] also suggests that they might not exist because of gravity.
Going back to the details of the Standard Model, proton decay is forbidden because the proton is the lightest baryon and the Standard Model conserves the baryon and lepton numbers, as result of symmetries. Yet it is known that these symmetries are anomalous, meaning that they create problems when the classical or non-quantized formulations are quantized. As a result, they is not associated to interactions, fields or boson carriers. The difference between these numbers however cancels the anomalies and it could be associated to a boson (in models beyond the Standard Model). The anomalies involve the asymmetries in chirality: left-handed and right-handed particles do not interact the same way in the Standard Model [6,7].
With its proposal for gravity emergence from entanglement, [1] shows that gravity can be added to the Standard Model without really introducing the New Physics brought by all these other theories that predict proton decay. In particular, [1] shows that fermions (massive and massless) have their chirality flipped (back and forth between left-handed and right-handed) by gravity. This allows [1] to propose a new model to explain the mass of the neutrino that also does not require New Physics. In the present case, these flips can be seen as allowing particles to be at time right-handed and at time left-handed, effects appearing at very small scales, where massive gravity plays a role. As a result, we observe a smeared average, that will not care of the difference of behavior between left-handed and right-handed particles, as all are sometimes in one mode and sometimes in the other. Doing so, could eliminate the anomalies by canceling the problematic axial currents, e.g. just as in a similar effect in QCD involving QCD sphalerons [11]. Of course, it is a conjecture, that requires more formal work to validate if such a smearing concept would make sense for anomalies and what is exactly its impact. An immediate consequence would be that, because the baryon and lepton numbers are now more stringently conserved, there is no easy leeway to break these symmetries and have proton decays. This is a very important result not limited to the model of [1]: gravity may eliminate chirality anomalies in symmetries of the Standard Model in all models where gravity induces chirality flips for fermions.
Therefore, if [1] is right, proton decay could be forbidden by more fundamental and unbroken (i.e. not anomalous) symmetries and may never be observed (in normal conditions of reasonable gravity). Of course, the reasoning still need to be peer reviewed and it also relies on the proposal that the smearing or averaging saves the symmetries in Physics.
It creates hurdles for any theory that predicts proton decay, and we saw that this includes most of the GUTs, TOEs, and superstring models. For non-TOEs, their best way out would probably be to argue that their prediction is due to the absence of gravity in their model and that they would probably also drop their predictions or estimates for proton decays if gravity is correctly added. Yet, that may not work for models that are already encompassing gravity or gravitons (e.g. superstrings). This is not the argument encountered usually today [8].
[1] also mentions that, in a massive macroscopic black hole, the quarks can probably be compressed till they fully overlap and annihilate their colors. And so, yes, proton decay can take place, but only in black holes, or extreme gravity, and with half-life way larger than anything predicted by conventional theories.
If proton decay was to be observed, way beyond the predictions of GUTs and TOEs, then [1] could provide an explanation with its strong (massive) gravity contribution proposal. Depending on the resulting observed half-life of the proton, it may explain the large half time (due to the extreme gravity effects), or if invalidated (i.e. the half-time is within expectations of a conventional GUT or TOE), it would be only create problems for the anomaly smearing hypothesis of [1]: it did not prevent the anomalies of the baryon and lepton number symmetries. Note that whatever is the outcome, proton decay should not be seen as a criteria to invalidate the model of gravity emergence from entanglement and multi-fold mechanisms proposed in [1].
In conclusion, [1] provides a new hypothesis to explain why, with gravity, proton decay has never been observed under normal conditions over the last 40+ years. It also throw new challenges to the theories that predict proton decay, especially if they also already claim to model gravity.
It is also worth noting that, even without the models of [1], if gravity can be shown to play a strong enough role at very small scale so that it can flip chirality of fermions, the arguments above can be repeated in such a context and they would result into the same consequences for proton decay. [1] has just the convenient advantage of already making a case for why gravitation would be strong enough to cause the chirality flips.
This paper really contributed two things: i) the considerations in the context of [1]. ii) A new theoretical hypothesis on how and why a strong enough gravity at small scales can remove the anomaly from baryon and lepton number symmetries. That is new in itself and should be considered, no matter what the outcome of investigation of concept of multi-fold universes proposed in [1] are. In both cases, it is proposed that removing the anomalies, could render proton decay less acceptable because of gravity. It also exemplifies and makes a case for adding gravity consideration in the Standard Model. [1] discusses other examples where gravity could matter to the Standard Model.
The analysis presented in this paper and in [1] are quite different analyses of the gravity effects than what is conventionally proposed (e.g. see [8] for a review), where the effects are also seen as smearing, but rather in terms of impact on the coupling constants and fine structures constants; with recognition that gravity may significantly affect the proton decay and half-life estimates but without identifying that it may instead eliminate its possibility altogether.
Interactions with Black holes and magnetic monopoles have also been proposed as sources of proton decay [9,10]. [1] settles the magnetic monopole by arguing that they do not exist, also because of gravity effects. Black holes are discussed above. [1] models particles and spacetime as microscopic black holes. It leads to a distinction between business as usual for microscopic black holes (i.e. just think of particle interactions) and the effects within macroscopic black holes able to compress quarks and annihilate colors. In a multi-fold universe proposed in [1], extremal black holes can disintegrate into smaller black holes and eventually into protons, themselves as compositions of extremal black holes (quarks) and other elementary particle black holes. This way, there should be no pesky remnant troubles.
In retrospect, the chirality flipping, and semi classical suitability found in [1], were really key in coming up with the new analysis proposed here. But the reasoning indicates that it should be possible to apply the outcome to our real universe not only if is well modeled by [1] but also if it is not the case with suitable gravity effects that flip chirality.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes “, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[6]: Schwartz, M.D., (2013), “Quantum Field Theory and the Standard Model”, Cambridge University Press.
[7]: Kazuo Fujikawa, Hiroshi Suzuki, (2014), “Path Integrals and Quantum Anomalies”, Oxford University Press, USA; Reprint edition (January 21, 2014).
[8]: Pran Nath, Pavel Fileviez Perez, (2006), “Proton stability in grand unified theories, in strings, and in branes”, arXiv:hep-ph/0601023v3.
[9]: Steven Weinberg, (1981), “The Decay of the Proton”, Scientific American, Vol. 244, No. 6 (June 1981), pp. 64-75.
[11]: Steven D. Bass, (2004), “Anomalous commutators and electroweak baryogenesis”, arXiv:hep-ph/0403219v1
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Grand Unification Dream Kept at Bay
Physicists have failed to find disintegrating protons, throwing into limbo the beloved theory that the forces of nature were unified at the beginning of time.Natalie Wolchover (Quanta Magazine)
Call for Collaboration
Call for Collaboration:
Looking for collaborators or students interested to validate (or falsify) experimentally the multi-fold universe predictions (See [1]) and in particular gravity like effects due to entanglement (macroscopic entangled systems like superconductors are a recommended starting point) [2].
The Nobel price suggestion is of course a joke, but the impact of any corroboration would be huge and have a significant impact on many aspects of Theoretical Physics, Particle Physics, Gravity and Quantum Computing. If you look for new ideas out of the beaten path….
Besides experimental validation, numerous opportunities for deriving quantitative theoretical models, based on [1], also exist for Theoretical Physics activities. Potential implications on the Standard model, Strings, Supersymmetry, GUTs and TOEs are interesting.
See [3] for an up to date list of topics derived from [1]. Many open also the door to new models and experimental validations.
Offer is to collaborate or mentor. At this stage, no funding or grant is available.
Contact via contact form.
Multi-fold Community, where you can submit your own related papers, and be linked here.
(April 1, 2023), we have created Multi-fold Theory community (on Zenodo site sponsored by CERN, EU, …):…. We will progressively have (most) relevant preprint also available there (It will take a while).
We encourage serious related work, papers and collaboration to be submitted there at….
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Call for Collaboration”,…, September 6, 2020.
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[2]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”,…, June 24, 2020.
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Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?
Stephane H. MaesJune 24, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
All these phenomena result from the observation that attractive gravity-like potentials appear in spacetime between entangled systems, because of the mechanisms proposed in a multi-fold universe to address the EPR paradox. An immediate implication, and opportunity to validate or falsify the model, is that gravity-like effects and fluctuation are predicted to appear between, around or near entangled systems; we just need check if this is encountered in the real world.
This paper discuss situations where attraction due to entanglement, and hence gravity like effects or fluctuations, could be encountered. For example, within or near quantum matter like superconductors or (Bose Einstein Condensates) BECs or within Qubits. One could argue that some indications exist that some of these effects could already have already been observed. We are really seeking falsifiability or validation opportunities for the multi-fold mechanisms. Early considerations are encouraging.
Discussing some related experiments led us to also address how shielding is correctly modeled with multi-fold mechanisms: Faraday cages do not weaken gravity!
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles [5], detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity (GR) at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In the present paper, we remain at a high level of analysis. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. The followings subsections are organized as a series of observations in [1] where gravity like effects are expected to result from entanglement and should be observable, at least indirectly through some resulting effects. Direct observation will remain challenging because of the expected weakness of the attractions. Our analysis is by no means exhaustive. However, we hope that it will intrigue enough the reader to push him or her to dig deeper. Most of the more detailed (or entry point) references are provided in [1], and so every statement is not motivated here or presented with the most appropriate references. This paper is rather a story tale. “[1]” appears often, as a person or a model, to refer to the original arguments, analysis, mechanisms or proposals discussed in [1].
2. Entanglement effects in Multi-fold universes
The mechanisms of multi-folds, the main feature proposed in [1], trigger activation of additional structures (folds) when particles are (EPR) entangled so that additional paths can traverse the folds, where the EPR entangled particles can always meet as a same exit points. Doing so, all the activated folds (i.e. multi-folds) create attractive potentials in in between the entangled particles ( per fold). The attraction is towards their source or center the mass, depending of the use cases and movements (and masses involved – entangled particles can be massive or massless). When involving virtual particles emitted by a source of energy, this potential is reminiscent of gravity and [1] attributes gravity to these effects. It can also be looked as adding contributions of the Ricci curvature scalar R of the folds, from all matter or energy contributions, to build a new Ricci curvature scalar field R and, with the direction of attraction information, a new consistent Ricci curvature tensor. Doing so, for all sources of energy, recovers Einstein’s GR field equations (or Hilbert Einstein Action); which is amazing as invariance of surfaces (the real geometrical meaning behind the Hilbert Einstein Action) or variants of the Hilbert Einstein have, at no point, be postulated in [1] prior to that determination (something that can’t exactly be said the same way for strings). Also, the multi-folds have a spin-2 symmetry.So, it is predicted in [1], that (EPR) entanglement between particles (or larger systems), results into attractive potentials in
towards the center of mass, with r the distance between form the center of mass, in
between the entangled particles (on the support domain of the mapping), if integration takes place over r. That is over a system of entangled particles or for the range of uncertainty. Otherwise, each particles contribute a per fold contribution. For gravity, the integration of r goes to infinity, hence the generic gravity like statement.It is also important to note for completeness that [1] postulates that such effects only exist when entanglement is the result of interaction occurring locally (same source location). Other situations are considered as hierarchical and thought not to contribute an additional effective potential. Yet, as in force composition, the different parts involved in a hierarchical event also amount to attractive effects; so attraction exist but as force composition. Also, if the entanglement is the effect of many repeated interactions (e.g. electron to phonon to electron), while hierarchical, the effects with composition will just appear as a normal non-hierarchical effect with attractive potential (at least in first approximation). So solid state entanglements a la superconductors for examples are modeled as nonhierarchical entanglement in this discussion; even if, in reality, it is the outcome of complex hierarchical composition of attractive potentials.
3. Gravity like fluctuations near (in between) entangled systems
An immediate consequence of the mechanism and model proposed in [1], is that fluctuations of gravity-like effects (in
– when macroscopic and in
when mostly between localized individual particles. These effects are very small (as is gravity beyond very small scales), so direct observation is probably hopeless for the near future, if ever. We will need clever indirect ways or macroscopic additive effects to be able to validate our model.A non-exhaustive list of candidate scenarios where such gravity like fluctuations are predicted to exist is provided here:
- Gravity like effects or fluctuations within, and in proximity of superconductors. Superconductors involve of combinations of Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer (BCS) pairs (at low temperatures and for low temperature superconductors) [7] and Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC) pairs [8] (after a transition from BCS pairs for high temperature superconductors) as well BEC pairs of pairs etc. in high temperature superconductors [6]. According to the mechanisms described in [1]:
- Attraction should occur within the bulk of the superconductors. It should also be with stronger effects for high temperature superconductors, because BEC pairs are smaller than BCS pairs (That spread all over the material over many crystal cells).
- This kind of effects have been anecdotally reported (see [9] for one of the most recent compilation of these controversial and hard to reproduce experiments)[fn1]. However, we urge the reader to be cautious in reading beyond the descriptions of the experiments and results and the references as we do not necessarily subscribe with the presentation of the experiments as accepted facts or many aspects of the proposed explanations or assertions in some of the listed references material, of anti-gravity, gravity shielding or repulsive gravity effects and other families or properties of gravitons-like particles. Unfortunately, the results experiments seem to have never been rigorously confirmed or unambiguously analyzed.
- In our view, these reported effects, if corroborated, and if we understand well the setup of the two experiments, could result from super-conductor internal stress within the electromagnetic field (between separated BEC BCS-pairs) plus vacuum polarizations. The latter results from entanglement attractions between the produced polarized virtual pairs. When the discharges occur, the superconductor and the vacuum polarization relaxes and so does the vacuum entanglement and attraction potential, resulting into a gravity fluctuation or wave that propagate at the same speed as the polarization relaxation. The relaxation produce a “expansion effects”, wherever polarization was present in the vacuum as well as within the superconductor and could explain the effects on the emitter or on the test masses. It would appear as an initially repulsive effect as the relaxation wave propagates. This explanation to these controversial experiments have never been proposed in the related literature as summarized in [9]. The complications of the shields is discussed in Appendix A.
- If true (both the observations and our suggested explanation), then we have a resounding indirect confirmation of the mechanisms described (attraction due to entanglement) in [1]; not just for entanglements within the superconductor but also the entanglement of the polarized vacuum.
- The stronger attraction within the high temperature superconductor creates a stronger effect than with low temperature superconductor material when the pairs are pushed to its boundaries by the electromagnetic field. A non-entangled material only see the vacuum effect. Without superconductors, i.e. in normal discharge situations, only vacuum polarization relaxation takes place. This is not sufficient. The fact that recoil may be better corroborated while radiation effects seems (often) no reproducible could come from the fact that the relaxation effect within the superconductor always takes place and is stronger than vacuum polarization relaxation. The other case (figure 1-a in [9]) requires suitable polarization beyond the right electrodes till the test mass something and it is a much weaker effect.
- Superconductors are also involved in these experiments also because of their known propensity of quantum matter like superconductors to amplify or reflect the vacuum polarization effects; something well known since the work for example of deWitt [10] and also involved in the still unconfirmed gravitational Casimir effect proposal [11]. These works predict effects of gravity on superconductor, not gravity like effect produce by super conductors. The distinction matters and shows the challenge in distinguishing the two types of effects if we want to validate the gravity like attraction generated by entanglement.
- To be convincing, we should see larger effects than expected by just contributions à la [10]. The results, with the problems already mentioned seem to indicate that it may be the case.
- As another related potential corroboration, building on the ideas of [10], it has also been proposed that an effect for gravitation analogous to the London moment in superconductor could exist for gravitons, in rotating superconductors, in a varying strong magnetic field [12]. Again, the magnetic field would push BEC BCS-pairs towards the surface of the superconductor and, as a result, bring stronger gravitation effect leaks observable outside and very near the super conductor, where a frame dragging effect as in GR, but stronger could be observed. Such effects have been observed [12]. However, the reported results were again in our view not clear enough to assess for sure if they would match our frame dragging expectation. It seems that they might.
- It is also important to understand all aspects of the experiments and details are missing on the actual results and in particular make sure that the effect are due to entanglement and not a variation a la [10], where frame dragging would be explained solely by the rotation flipping the roles (here the super conductor rotates, the detector is fixed) without the contributions of the attraction / gravity like fluctuation due to entanglement.
- The effect must be larger than normal frame dragging (undetectable) or effects explained by [10]. More work to model how [10] impacts the experimentation and if we can really detect an unexpected additional effect. Assuming that [12] did correctly account for [10], then according to the result, they have unaccounted for effects.
- The proposed setup of [12] and variations could be good ways (better than the first set of discharge experiments) to (indirectly) validate the multi-fold mechanisms. However, we would prefer experiments that are not involving and mixing other Physics (like strong magnetic fields, strong electromagnetic pulses etc.) to avoid the risk of misinterpretations and combinations of all these effects from superconductor, existing gravity and electromagnetism interactions. Electromagnetic fields were required because London – Meissner types of behaviors can amplify our predicted attraction . Unfortunately, we could not determine based on the research reports what of the side effects of the fields, as discussed here, have been accounted for in the results.
- Quantum matter, like BECs, superfluids, supermetals etc. are other candidates. The gravity fluctuation effects to look for are similar to what is discussed above for superconductors. The particular existing results discussed above for superconductor may not be repeatable or may need adaptation depending on the type of quantum material.
- Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) is another example of BEC [14]. Here, we see two avenue for confirmations:
- Experimentally when such plasma are formed in high energy accelerators [13]. It would be worth looking if any perturbations due to attractive potentials could be modeled and observed
- Theoretical models of cosmology (early moments after the big bang) and stellar physics could consider if adding such considerations could introduce new prediction or effects when involving large quantities of plasma and thus entanglement. The main reason being that at the scale of the universe or of stars, even small effects can start to play meaningful roles.
- Speaking of which, [1,5] showed of an effect associated to entanglement can qualitatively explain the dark matter effects, without requiring New Physics. It seems also consistent with the observations of galaxies that seem not to contain dark matter; something that most other models have had difficulties to handle. This is quite a potential confirmation, but we now need to proceed towards a more quantitative model of [1] so that we can determine if the number match to account for dark matter (or a portion of it).
- Validating [5] would be of great interest. It would after all, with the conclusions of our model, probably and most influential entanglement effect that we can think of (short of large or even larger, scale spacetime entanglement, proposed by others, but not something that we support).
- It is certainly encouraging that in addition, [1,15] can also explains effects that contribute to cosmological inflation and dark energy as well as a small cosmological constant that does not conflict with the QFT vacuum energy density estimates.
- Qubits are entangled systems achieved by different mechanisms like trapped ions, superconductors etc. [16]. They are at the code of quantum computing and larger Qubit systems are being built as time passes. These are not yet large enough for our needs, but things may change rapidly. Within the Qubits, if measurable, attraction would be a sign of entanglement and therefore a way to detect entanglement without observing it; something forbidden by the non-observability of entanglement [17]. Being able to do so would be a great tool for quantum computing and validation of our predictions.
- For quantum computing, teleportation or other purpose, researchers are entangling bigger systems like atoms, larger and larger molecules, wider atom systems or even biological systems; all involving huge amounts of entities (see for example [18-20]). The bigger these systems are the better are the chance to directly or indirectly determine if gravity fluctuations appear among them, as long that we do not hit the snag of hierarchical entanglement not producing attractive potentials. So some precaution are needed to understand if validation is possible or if the absence of attraction would implies falsifiability of our model or rather such the dominance of hierarchical entanglement effects.
4. Other effects and Considerations
It is also worth also noting that [1] predicts impact of the multi-folds effects on the Standard Model. So far, we have used that explain some open problems with the standard model, without requiring new physics. We have shown how entanglement would also appear; but we have not yet found any situation (besides dark matter as in [5]) where it is the contributing factor, versus rather the massive gravity contribution term at small scales also predicted by [1] and expected to be non-negligible at small scales. So far it is that latter mechanism that is invoked in [1] to contribute explanations. See [21] for a list of papers derived from [1], many discussing the impact on the standard model or on New Physics beyond the Standard Model.That is not to say that, even if possibly surprising, the model proposed in [1] is in fact already contained in many existing conventional physics as well as New Physics around Superstrings and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture [22]. Indeed, see for example [23-24] showing how entanglement and spacetime curvature relate. See [1,22] for analysis of how our model also relates to superstring and more directly on topic, how the ER=EPR conjecture [25] is very much a more limited model corroborating the multi-fold mechanisms (see for example [26]); but missing the resulting impact of gravity like potentials towards the center of mass. Non-transferability of the wormholes and misreading of the curvature implications of the entangled black holes may possibly be why these models have not (yet) reached our conclusions. For us, the beauty is that we do not need the New Physics, we just need to add gravity (string enough at smalls scales) to the Standard Model. There is enough material to start making a case for this [21].
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we have compiled examples of situation where it might be possible to observe gravity like fluctuations due to entanglement, as predicted by the multi-fold mechanisms proposed in [1].At this stage, we hope to find more experiments, effects or model where the additional gravity fluctuation due to entanglement plays a significant role that makes it or its consequence detectable. It is essential to the validation or falsifiability of the multi-fold mechanism proposed in [1]. Doing so if for future work but we can only encourage any such experiments or to keep our predictions in mind quantum matter or quantum computing and teleportation experiments, just in case.
A few challenges remain. The main one being that just like for gravity, at the scale considered, the effects are so small that it will be very hard to detect them, especially directly. Yet our proposal for dark matter already shows that there are ways and there is hope. We also have high hopes for superconductors and BEC experiments. We already pointed out to anecdotal that may corroborate; even if not necessarily as the authors of these experiments would have expected.
Of course, another challenge is that the model of [1] is more qualitative than quantitative. Now, it is a priority for us to evolve towards more quantitative approaches by evolving form proportionality equation to the real coupling factors and estimate these factors (e.g. by relating to expected values in classical situations). We aim with future work to get such better quantitative predictions as well as to evangelize experimentations base don the present paper. Not being currently active in a Physics institution, currently limits our ability to directly attempt an experimental program ourselves.
Our hope with this publication is that others will get ideas on how to validate our model directly or indirectly. We certainly welcome such, or any other, collaborations.
Needless to say that the early hints of corroboration presented here, the contributions to addressing open issues covered in [1,21] and the fact that Physics all along maybe hinted at the multi-folds mechanism, are strong encouragements. We hope it will convince the community to spend some cycle on what [1] proposes.
Note (10/2/20): The progresses towards larger entangled systems reported recently in [27,28], as well as [18-20], will hopefully result into some focused efforts to test our model of attractive gravity like effects between and among entangled systems.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”, viXra:2010.0010v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[fn1]: We are cautious about citing and concerned about the extensive discussion presented here. Indeed the experiment result mentioned here are seen as controversial. We mention them, more as examples of indirect ways to experiments with effects predicted by [1], than as successfully reviewed experimental results that we would want to rely on.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
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[11]: James Q. Quach, (2015), “Gravitational Casimir effect”, arXiv:1502.07429v1
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[13]: ALICE Collaboration, (2018), “Anisotropic flow in Xe-Xe collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.44 TeV”, arXiv:1805.01832v2
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”,, June 19, 2020.
[17]: Ning Bao and Jason Pollack and Grant N. Remmen, (2015), “Wormhole and entanglement (non-)detection in the ER=EPR correspondence”, arXiv:1509.05426
[18]: C. F. Ockeloen-Korppi, E. Damskagg, J.-M. Pirkkalainen, A. A. Clerk, F. Massel, M. J. Woolley, M. A. Sillanpaa, (2017), “Entangled massive mechanical oscillators”, arXiv:1711.01640v1
[19]: Yaakov Y. Fein et al. (2019), “Quantum superposition of molecules beyond 25 kDa”, Nature Physicss.
[20]: Kong, J., Jiménez-Martínez, R., Troullinou, C. et al., (2020), “Measurement-induced, spatially-extended entanglement in a hot, strongly-interacting atomic system”. Nat Commun 11, 2415.
[22]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[23]: ChunJun Cao, Sean M. Carroll, Spyridon Michalakis, (2016). “Space from Hilbert Space: Recovering Geometry from Bulk Entanglement”, arXiv:1606.08444v3.
[24]: van Raamsdonk, Mark (2010). “Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement”, Gen. Rel. Grav. 42 (14): 2323–2329. arXiv:1005.3035
[26]: Julian Sonner, (2013), “Holographic Schwinger Effect and the Geometry of Entanglement”, arXiv:1307.6850v3.
[28]: Rodrigo A. Thomas, Michał Parniak, Christoffer Østfeldt, Chistoffer B. Møller, Christian Bærentsen, Yeghishe Tsaturyan, Albert Schliesser, Jürgen Appel, Emil Zeuthen, Eugene S. Polzik, (2020), “Entanglement between Distant Macroscopic Mechanical and Spin Systems”, arXiv:2003.11310v1
Appendix A – No gravity shields in Multi-fold Universes
In [9], the experiences of figure 1 and 2, sensors are described as positioned in shielded boxes or behind shield screens, we do interpret this as electromagnetic shields (as faraday cages or large screens). This is certainly challenging a direct vacuum polarization story beyond the shield. We did not want to bring this up in the main discussion and add more controversies.Obviously, gravity screens do not exist. [1] must be able to account for no weakening of gravity within faraday cages for example, despite our mechanisms relying on virtual particles. If only virtual neutrinos were to contribute, gravity would be weakened within such a cage, which is obviously not the case. In general for the multi-fold mechanisms of [1], when the virtual particles tries to reach a test particle within an electromagnetic shield, it does it be affecting the four -vector potential of the shield. Considering the system shield + target particle, its total energy is affected and it affects the energy source available to multi-folds affecting the test particle. The combine effect is hierarchical and the composition appears as if the effect went through the shield. A dedicated upcoming paper or an update of [1] will explicitly address these shielding concerns with the multi-fold mechanisms.
Coming back to [9], our plausible explanation stops at the shield. So what could be happening next? The gravity fluctuation due to the relaxation of the vacuum polarization (e.g. in figure 2 of [9]) affects the 4-vector potential as a fluctuation that therefore could continue beyond the shield as a gravity fluctuation. Remember, we only try to interpret [9] at the light of [1]. We are in no position to corroborate what actually was observed.
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#AdSCFTCorrespondence #BCS #BEC #DarkEnergy #DarkMatter #EPR #EREPR #FrameDragging #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #GravityFluctuations #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumComputing #QuantumGravity #QuantumMatter #QuarkGluonPlasma #Qubits #StandardModel #Superconductor #superfluid #Teleportation #VacuumPolarization #WeakGravityConjecture
Physicists Have Successfully Connected Two Large Objects in Quantum Entanglement : ScienceAlert
We stride through our Universe with the confidence of a giant, giving little thought to the fact that reality bubbles with uncertainty.Mike McRae (ScienceAlert)
Entangled Neural Networks from Multi-fold Universes to Biology
Stephane H. Maes
December 25, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles, that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales, and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hints at a even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
Recently a controversial series of papers ended up proposing the possibility that the universe be a neural network. It is the result of observing that with an irreversible thermodynamics model of the learning process of the neural network (NN), it might appear possible to model quantum and classical physics, to observe the emergence of a General Relativistic spacetime with gravity, and plausibly to construct a generalized holographic principle beyond the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. The approach has been received with some skepticism.
In this paper, we revisit the notion of NN in relationship to multi-fold universes, and illustrate how the multi-fold mechanism can be implemented with grafted NN. Relying on progress in biology and medicine, we argue that not only just NN can emulate NN universe, but also that it can provide new tools for AI, and new approaches to NNs, shallow or deep. It validates our multi-fold models and offer models for biological neurological models.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter, and dark energy, and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model, other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales, and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with others like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In previous papers, we analyzed how works, that proposed to model Physics in the universe as a neural network (NN) [5,6,7], relates to multi-fold universes when entanglement is added [8,9]. In this paper, we discuss how the multi-fold mechanisms, and grafted NN are indeed QNN, and conversely. Interestingly, NN, which can represent any AI algorithm, can also model QNN. QNN are postulated to relate to deeper properties of the human mind, including possible consciousness [10,11]. The analogies between these different domains can be the basis for new NN-based algorithms.
2. Entangled Neurons and the Mind
As discussed in [10], it has been proposed that consciousness and other mind features are related to entanglement in the brain. Although the initial mechanisms proposed by Penrose [12,13] did not (yet) pan out [14], new models suggest that entanglement indeed exist in the brain [11].
According to [15], Phosphorus has the right spin properties to be both a QuBit and an entanglement transporter (that can carry an entangled state from a region of, say a chain, to another, e.g. from the beginning of a chain to the end of that chain) with long enough coherent times to support transport. And we know that macroscopic systems and large molecules or objects can be entangled [1,15,16]. So, with this, the arguments of Penrose or other considerations, we can expect that it is possible to entangle (non-local) neurons.
Plausibility of the proposal of [15], and the role of entanglement in the mind and consciousness can be deducted from the results of [18], where Lithium is seen impacting differently the treatment of bipolar disorder when using different isotopes (a sign that the impact comes from nuclear properties like spin rather than the electronics, i.e., chemical properties). Considering that Phosphorus entanglement properties comes from its nuclear spin 1/2, Lithium can substitute for Calcium in the associated molecules with Phosphorus and impacts the entanglement. The fact that it impact bipolarity, seems to validate the proposal.
In this paper, based on the reasoning above, we assume the following:
- Neuron entanglement are the key properties of the human brain, including consciousness, ability to reason, imagine and “decide”, as well as to learn, or best. act on data never encountered and learned before.
- NNs implementing non-local neuron entanglement, can implement these behavior with the right optimization algorithms.
We keep also in mind that any function, classification, or ML/AI algorithm can be modeled and implemented by NNs [19-21].
3. Multi-fold NNs
Based on [1,8,9]: entanglement takes place under a mode where Quantum Physics dominates. According to [5], wavefunction and mechanisms from the Schrödinger equation, governs the parameters of the NN weights, and biases, when close to equilibrium. As quantum mechanics dominates, entanglement can take place among spacetime regions with significant wavefunction contributions [22]. When that is the case, the neurons dominantly associated to these regions, are entangled: their weights and biases are correlated, as are the states of the hidden layer: the emergent spacetime.
Both aspects (GR governed spacetime, and Quantum behaviors underlying the weights and biases) coexist as we are close to equilibrium (and learning has taken place). However entanglement requires that the states be represented as Bell states, which, in quantum computing, means applying Hadamard gates on the quantum circuits [23]. That step is not included in the [5] model, that was not focused on modeling entanglement [8,9].
Figure 1: Multi-fold Grafted NN to emulate entanglement. W(H) refers to the weights of extra layer described in [24].
Per [24,25], such H gate is emulated in NN, e.g. Boltzmann restricted Machines (BRM), by adding hidden layers (nodes) [24,25]. These can be the multi-folds activated by entanglement (and in 7D), as discussed in [8,9]. These are the additional grafted NN between entangled spacetime points as shown on figure 1. Their effects mixes and correlates entangled state, and that propagates to all the subsequent neurons and states at the next clock click; something shown in [25] to well approximate the Hadamard gate effects (figure 1b in [25]).
These NNs are the ones we mentioned but did not detailed in [8,9]. The presence of the Grafted NN create gravity modifications in the spacetime of x(t) (per [5]).
4. New NNs: Grafted Multi-fold NN
Figure 2 – (a) Grafted multi-fold NN: optimization includes deciding node pairs to entangle by emulation. When entangled, multi-folds appear and Hadamard emulation weights are set. (b) Entangled pairs may then continue to be entangled, be disentangled or propagate (entanglement propagation to a neighbor). This propagation strategy can just be an option: another approach can just consider any possible pair for entanglement at every step.
Following the model of section 3, and the considerations of section 2, we propose to consider the following new NN types for AI and deep learning: Non quantum grafted NN where, at each time click, pairs of nodes can be considered for entanglement, and the corresponding weights and biases are correlated, and Hadamard layers are added to emulate the behavior.
Whatever are the cost/loss functions to optimize, and the optimization algorithm, now each node pair (neighbor) can be considered for “entanglement”, or QNN circuit behaviors, if it better optimizes the target function that with the two NN branches, business as usual. Then entangled pairs are next considered for disentanglement, maintaining entanglement or moving it to a neighbor node (e.g. as if the nodes correspond to particles that are moving away). The optimization algorithm where the evolution of the weights and biases purportedly entangled evolve in a correlated manner (e.g. roughly the same increase, or decrease, say in percentage).
It is illustrated in Figure 2. Note that it is different from more conventional hybrid NN where layers are either conventional or QNNs [26].
Doing so fully emulates a multi-fold universe, and adds entanglement to NN, copying biological behavior as discussed in section 2.
Entanglement (emulation) is expected to improve learning (more accurate and with less training data) [27]. It also allows exploring different (many) options in parallel which accounts for better learning and decision capabilities. From a learning angle, the entanglement, or its emulation, reduces the entropy of the encoder (and therefore the mutual information between visible and hidden layers) and increases the mutual entropy between the hidden layer of the decoder and the output (e.g. classification) as in [28], following Information Theory’s coding theorems [31]. We believe it also is the basis for adding efficient decision-making features to NN based AI beyond just decision trees types of approaches. Exploring and combining options is also expected to provide new abilities to act on new data, or situations/contexts. Implementing and validating such proposals is for future work.
5. Dimensions of the Mind
[29] presents some results that suggest that the brain works in 7+ dimensions. This is something also hinted by the 7D induction model for a multi-fold universe [30]. We may also come back to this in the future.
6. Conclusions
The paper proposes new NNs: multi-fold graft NNs, and how they can be implemented and trained or used. The approach further validates and complements the analyses in [8,9].
Future work is warranted to study and validate Grafted multi-fold NNs, both in AI, and in the context of modeling neurological models of biological neurons as well as models of the human mind including consciousness, decision making, bipolarity and other related aspects, on the road to quantum supremacy for AI.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Entangled Neural Networks from Multi-fold Universes to Biology”, viXra:2207.0174v1,…, December 25, 2020.
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Vitaly Vanchurin, (2018), ” The world as a neural network”, arXiv:2008.01540v1
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[7]: Vitaly Vanchurin, (2020), “Towards a theory of machine learning”, arXiv:2004.09280v3
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Implicit Multi-Fold Mechanisms in a Neural Network Model of the Universe”, viXra:2012.0191v1,…, September 12, 2020.
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Interpretation of “Neural Network as the World””, viXra:2012.0197v1,…, September 14, 2020.
[10]: Philip Ball, (2017), ” Nobody understands what consciousness is or how it works. Nobody understands quantum mechanics either. Could that be more than coincidence?”,…. Retrieved on November 28, 2020.
[11]: Matthew P.A. Fisher (2015), Quantum cognition: The possibility of processing with nuclear spins in the brain, Annals of Physics, Volume 362.
[12]: Penrose, R. (1989). “The emperor’s new mind: Concerning computers, minds, and the laws of physics”, Oxford University Press.
[13]: Penrose, R. (1994). “Shadows of the mind: A search for the missing science of consciousness”, Oxford University Press.
[14]: Max Tegmark, (1999), “Importance of quantum decoherence in brain processes”, Importance of quantum decoherence in brain processes.
[15]: C Marletto, D M Coles, T Farrow and V Vedral, (2018), “Entanglement between living bacteria and quantized light witnessed by Rabi splitting”, Journal of Physics Communications, Volume 2, Number 10.
[16]: C. F. Ockeloen-Korppi, E. Damskagg, J.-M. Pirkkalainen, A. A. Clerk, F. Massel, M. J. Woolley, M. A. Sillanpaa, (2017), “Entangled massive mechanical oscillators”, arXiv:1711.01640v1.
[17]: Yaakov Y. Fein et al. (2019), “Quantum superposition of molecules beyond 25 kDa”, Nature Physics.
[18]: Severus, E., Taylor, M.J., Sauer, C. et al., (2014), “Lithium for prevention of mood episodes in bipolar disorders: systematic review and meta-analysis. Int J Bipolar Disord”, 2, 15.
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[23]: Michael A. Nielsen, Isaac L. Chuang, (2011), “Quantum computation and quantum information”, Cambridge University press.
[24]: Gao, X. & Duan, L.-M. (2017) “Efficient representation of quantum many-body states with deep neural networks”. Nature Communications 8, 662
[25]: Bjarni Jónsson, Bela Bauer, Giuseppe Carleo, (2018), “Neural-network states for the classical simulation of quantum computing”, arXiv:1808.05232v1
[26]: Qiskit, “Hybrid quantum-classical Neural Networks with PyTorch and Qiskit “,…. Retrieved on December 19, 2020.
[27]: Tohru Nitta, (2009), “Complex-Valued Neural Networks: Utilizing High-Dimensional Parameters”, Information Science Reference
[28]: Mukul Malik, (2018), “Information Theory of Neural Networks, Opening the Black Box …. Somewhat”, Retrieved on December 19, 2020.
[29]: Paul Ratner, (2017), “The human brain builds structures in 11 dimensions, discover scientists”,…. Retrieved on December 27, 2020.
[30]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes”, viXra:2011.0208v1,…, August 20, 2020.
[31]: Parthasarathy, K. R, (2013), “Coding Theorems of Classical and Quantum Information Theory”, Hindustan Book Agency
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#AI #BoltzmannRestrictedMachines #Consciousness #DeepLearning #entangledNeurons #Entanglement #GeneralRelativity #GraftedMultiFoldNeuralNetworks #GraftedNeuralNetworks #Gravity #MachineLearning #Mind #MultiFoldUniverse #NeuralNetworks #neuralNetworksAsTheWorld #Neurology #NN #QuantumComputing #QuantumGravity #QuantumNeuralNetwork #QuantumPhysics #QuantumSupremacy
The human brain builds structures in 11 dimensions, discover scientists
Groundbreaking research finds that the human brain creates multi-dimensional neural structures.Paul Ratner (Big Think)
Implicit Multi-Fold Mechanisms in a Neural Network Model of the Universe
Implicit Multi-Fold Mechanisms in a Neural Network Model of the Universe
Stephane H. Maes
September 12, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hints at a even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
Recently a controversial series of papers ended up proposing the possibility that the universe be a neural network. It is the result of observing that with an irreversible thermodynamics model of the learning process of the neural network, it might appear possible to model quantum and classical physics, to observe the emergence of a General Relativistic spacetime with gravity, and plausible to construct a generalized holographic principle beyond the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. The approach has been received with some skepticism.
In this paper, we do not try to assess the validity of the approach and proposal. We simply assume that the proposal amounts to showing that neural network (NN) learning with a suitable thermodynamically related loss function (aka cost function) optimization, that amounts to extremize the free energy of the system, can model the Physics of the universe. When we add a model of entanglement, we discover that the neural network must allow its involved neurons to pair into pairs (or groups) of (dynamic) Qubits. Non quantum NN neurons cannot be simply grouped this way. Instead one need to add new (external) NN, that themselves emulate Qubit behaviors, between the “entangled” nodes. It amounts to match the multi-folds, including their spacetime extensions, and mechanisms. Furthermore the additional NN, explain the possibility to induce 7D physics in 4D space time to induce the Standard Model with gravity (SMG), encountered with multi-fold universes, while the multi-fold dynamics itself (in AdS(5), does not have necessarily have to be governed by General Relativity.
The work also leads us to wonder if Quantum Physics is fundamental or emergent; especially with what we already know about entanglement and spacetime construction by random walks, in multi-fold universes.
An appendix also discusses how NN models could relate to the Wigner’s wonder at why mathematics describe the Physical world.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
The present paper discusses how modeling entanglement by extending the neural networks (NN) proposed to model Physics in the universe as neural networks theories [5,6,7], can be seen as recovering key results of [1] and [9].
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1] and derived papers.
2. NN Model of the Universe
[6] shows that if information theory is modeled with (covariant) irreversible / non-equilibrium thermodynamic processes then, close to equilibrium, the conjugate thermodynamics variables of the information content (tensor) is an emerging spacetime following the Hilbert Einstein spacetime. This result is to be related to [8], that derives emergence of quantum mechanics from classical irreversible thermodynamics. Away from equilibrium, the picture is less clear. We note that the irreversibility has to be directly related to the quantum behavior.Following up on these results, [7] proposes a thermodynamics model for Machine Learning (ML) and derives a proposal for Thermodynamics of learning. NN are example of ML, but we know that any AI or ML algorithm can always be modeled as a NN [17,18,22]. [5] then models NN thermodynamics, using [7] and inspired from [6,8] and shows
- Close to equilibrium and when the entropy contributions from learning are small, one can recover a Schrödinger equation and a wave function that results from the stochastic dynamics of the training variables randomly trying to find where to go to learn. It amounts to small scale events, trying different evolution to find hints of the best ones, not really changing much with respect to what the NN has learned, and it denotes a state of the NN, where equilibrium has been reached, and new variables values for the models are randomly visited just in case they could help or because learning continues.
- Further away from equilibrium, where random fluctuations of the qi, the learning variables, are smaller and less visible, and hence at larger scales, and therefore when learning process dominates the thermodynamic, the training variable have an evolution that can be characterized by a classical Hamiltonian and therefore can be modeled by classical Physics. It corresponds to a state of the NN, where it can estimate how to progress to learn or improve the loss/cost function (think of gradient like steepest gradient descent methods for learning/training/optimization).
- When modeling directly the dynamics of the state of the neurons, [6] applies and under suitable conditions (close to equilibrium and with weak interaction between the neurons (at least when nonlocal)), the dynamics of the neurons follows Einstein’s GR field equations
- Analyzing In and Out layers of the NN versus hidden layers, one can hypothesize ways to recover a generalized holographic principle that would link a quantum mechanically dominated NN (In + Out layers) to a deep / many layers NN dominated by gravity.
Appendix A presents additional considerations on what we can learn from [5].
However, this model does not model entanglement yet (under {*)). It is a key missing part before we can claim to have a truly complete quantum model emerging from [5].
3. Adding Entanglement to NN
Qubit/Quantum NN and Fuzzy Logic are traditional ways to add quantum entanglement effects [10,11,12]. Essentially the most natural way is to allow neurons to now be Qubits, instead of, say binary neurons.But this is not what we are discussing here. The NN in [5] are not modeled as Qubits. Some additional considerations should probably be added to [5] to handle these, although may be without significant impact. However that is different from having nodes switching from neurons to Qubit based neurons. That is not trivially handled by the Quantum NN in [5]. In future work, we will show it actually could be handled by a different NN, as [17,18,22] suggest that a different NN could do the job, unfortunately possible at the cost of an excessive cost in complexity and number of neurons and variables. This option (*) is not discussed in the present paper and will be the topic of a future paper.
Returning to [5], entanglement results from having regions of the wave function entangled, corresponding say to different EPR particles. These correspond to different hidden values xi(K) where K denotes regions not directly interacting (and as such non-local).
Per [5] we know that, before entanglement, the xj(L) form a spacetime governed by GR (at least when interactions between the neurons is weak). Entanglement (and disentanglement) are strongly interacting disrupting events that correlate and bind the behaviors between two (or more) different xi(O) and xj(P), or disrupt such correlation. Entangled region become essentially a self-interacting system with, at best, weak (as in with small interaction impacts) interactions with the rest. Changes to the training variables are correlated so that they impact the hidden variable consistently with the entanglement behavior. Such an entanglement amounts to having xi(O) and xj(P) now behaving like a Qubit pair. To be handled with NN à la [5], we need an external NN grafted between the now entangled hidden variable to emulate a Qubit. Such a NN is for example studied in [13]. It is possible to show that any NN with such grafts is in fact a QNN or hybrid NN + QNN. A more detailed discussion and proof will be provided in a future dedicated paper. Of course, other approaches may exist.
As a result, when entanglement takes place, a discontinuity in the wave function/equations is reflected by the grafts of additional NNs. This NN also follows [5] and so an extra spacetime appears between the two entangled hidden variable regions (the rest remaining the same). The grafting process is most probably not governed by GR, but once connected, GR applies on the resulting spacetime + extra spacetime, which modifies the gravity felt, per [7], on the pre-existing spacetime (not from the grafted NN). At disentanglement, we revert to a previous unentangled topology, and we can consider that xi(O) and xj(P) also maintain their place in the main spacetime. Of course, all these steps have impact on the entropy production and destruction and the free energy.
As time passes, the grafted NNs evolve to remain connected between the entangled points and new NNs can be grafted, seeded by previous values. Older ones remain in place. When disentanglement takes place, they are removed.
4. Multi-folds and Multi-fold Mechanism in Entanglement of Quantum systems described by NN
Fundamentally, section 3 depicts the multi-fold mechanisms proposed and detailed in [1]: extra folds are made available for path integral paths of the entangled particle and result into gravity impact on the background spacetime (as attractive gravity like effective potentials or effective curvature between entangled systems [14]). We recover the extra gravity due to the folds, here exemplified by the interactions in the grafted spacetime that curves as a result. Mappings effects result from older grafted NN remaining in place till disentanglement, located around/between the neurons and affected by the correlation between entangled neurons. As the graft is done via another process, it is not expected to follow GR, as we suggested for the dynamics of multi-folds [1,16].We also recover the additive effect of multiple sources in multi-fold: if different source merge the different additional grafted NNs add their effects.
The disentanglement process, where we remove the graft, is related in our view to how we handle fold deactivation to maintain unitarity as well as the process of deactivation.
The irreversibility associated to Quantum Physics [8] is also interesting considering that [1] predicts that multi-fold mechanisms are a source of irreversibility (deactivation can’t “grow” as activation starting from local points per the hierarchical principle) and T-symmetry violation. We expect to explain it beyond just disentanglement in future work. Only allowing entanglement to grow from neighboring points, is a way to enforce the hierarchical principle discussed in [1].
5. Recovering the Standard Model with Gravity (SMG)
[9] did all the work to recover from [1] the Standard Model with gravity: SMG. To do so, it relied on induced space-time-matter from locally embedding spacetime into a 7D unconstrained (i.e. non compact) Kaluza-Klein Universe.The result here show how “entangled” points of spacetime are locally embedded is a bigger spacetime (with 2 times the space dimensions, i.e. 7D for a 4D background spacetime), therefore also relating entangled NN with the proposal of [9] for induction from 7D Physics.
6. AdS(5) in the NN model of the Universe
Because additional NN are grafted, not generated by optimization of just the original NN (at least within the context of (*)), their dynamics and kinematics are not a priori governed by GR (not forbidden, as easily seen when considering approaches beyond (*)), but not implied). We recover our result from (and a priori a difference with ER= EPR) [9,24].Repeating our multi-fold analysis that describes the quantum origin gravity, from entanglement via the multi-fold mechanisms, results into an AdS(5) dual space surrounding every spacetime point and generated by the folds [1]. That is for now beyond the model of [5], yet fully compatible.
The proposal of [5] in terms of Holographic duality can not only model and extend the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture but also the factual correspondence discussed in [1,9,15,16]. Maybe the extensions proposed in [5], for going beyond the zone of applicability of Quantum Physics, also apply to multi-fold universes. It could be worth further investigation.
7. Quantum Physics, Irreversibility and Equilibrium
The recovery of GR close to equilibrium, in [5], agrees with the results from many other works, following the pioneering recovery of GR, by Ted Jacobson, who applied Thermodynamics to spacetime treated as adiabatic, and in, or close to, equilibrium. That work was used in later work to study quantum gravity and entanglement entropy. Indeed this adiabatic and equilibrium regime is the domain of applicability of GR and of Quantum PhysicsIn general, the equations of conventional Quantum Physics appear time reversible. [1] showed that gravity and entanglement is not T-symmetric. It hints at why [8] can model quantum physics and phenomena by thermodynamics of irreversible systems. And irreversibility is expected to result from purely quantum effects, What is more representative of quantum Physics than entanglement and disentanglement?
But [8] provides another result that is possibly even more important: if thermodynamics is such a good model, then Quantum Physics may rather be an emergent theory and we still need to find the more fundamental underlying theory. As [1] provide both idea of irreversibility of entanglement and construction of spacetime via random walks, these may be good starting point. It will be object of future work.
12/24/20 note: See [23] for such a follow-up contribution where the W-type hypothesis introduced in [23] complements [1] to provide glimpses of such a fundamental theory. Interestingly it also extends causes for T-asymmetry to wave function collapses.
9. Conclusions
There have been already many hints of relationships between spacetime, entanglement, thermodynamics and information theory like treating the universe as universal Quantum Computer, encountering error correcting code in spacetime (including in [1]), deriving GR from spacetime properties in equilibrium and the relationships between gravity, entropy and entanglement entropy as well as the principle of conservation of information in Quantum Physics and the information paradox with Black holes. Information and Physics are closely related and this paper, along with many of its references, add to these observations.In this paper, we did not try or claim to validate or endorse the proposal that the universe would be a NN. We rather started from the point of view that Physics and the Universe seems to follow models analog to the evolution of a learning NN using the models of [5]. Adding entanglement to the models, we immediately recover strong hints of the multi-fold mechanisms: a way to add it as a model can be interpreted immediately as adding multi-folds with all the implications of [1,17]; including in particular compatibility with the approach that allowed us to recover the SMG, induced from a 7D unconstrained KK universe. It certainly reinforces the claim that multi-fold universes should be seriously considered.
On the flip side, we showed compatibility of multi-fold universes with the proposal of [5], extended with NN grafts that model entanglement, something that [5] must add to its model to further its claims about the universe by supporting entanglement.
We also encountered hints that Quantum Physics may be an emergent theory, if so well modeled by Thermodynamics. Being a NN maybe an explanation. Other explanations, more physical, may exist.
Appendix A – A NN model of the world? An alternate interpretation
(This appendix will also be repurposed into a dedicated paper not tied to multi-fold universes)[5] proposes that the universe is a NN. We do not believe that this is the only interpretation of the results presented in [5] and we want to propose an alternative explanation. As already mentioned, the NN approach can be seen as a model of the dynamics of Physics in the universe. Such model is mathematical, in fact it is a consequence of Hilbert 13th problem and the ability to model any system with deep hidden layers and in particular NN as demonstrated with the Kolmogorov-Arnold representation Theorem [17] and the Universal approximation theorem [18].
In the present case the dynamics of the state variables, i.e. the equation of motion, are the approximated functions. Per the theorems above we know such approximation is (almost) always possible (up to discontinuities) and to any desired degree of accuracy (for the right optimization strategy in the case of NN).
What is interesting, is that if the algorithm for loss/cost function optimization relies on (classical) Thermodynamics (for Irreversible and for non-equilibrium processes with a Free Energy model), it uncovers naturally the dynamics described in section 2 [5], where the fact that the NN includes also the model of the learning processes allows to capture in one shot dynamics of the physical system (i.e. the universe) and the dynamic of information processing; therefore concretizing the physical information theory aspects also (e.g. see [19] for related aspects of physical information theory); something that now can be captured into a common Thermodynamics (and physical) model. It goes beyond [8] and justifies considerations like Learning’s Thermodynamics or the principle of conservation of information. In our view, much more than having a NN modeling (or being per [5]) the universe, the key aspect is that we have a complete model for physical and information entropy modeling and computing.
In such a model, it makes sense that entropy extremization and action extremization become equivalent or dual. It is also natural to see that, at small scales, quantum fluctuations around equilibrium imply fluctuations of the learning variables, and the NN state, while at larger scales away from equilibrium (albeit still close), the system will rather behave classically as a learning system (to go back to equilibrium).
So we interpret [5] as a model that shows first and foremost how Physics + Information Theory coexist into a larger model. The model of [5] has its own dynamics. These dynamics may be seen as a model of how physical systems like the universe handle information conservation or just as an algorithm to derive the same outcome. More work is needed to determine that. If it is the former, this may actually be a way to answer why and how mathematics are so good at modeling the Universe as asked famously by Wigner [20], and others, and it would be aligned with Tegmark’s view [21]. Indeed, [5] would now amount to modeling how the universe remains close to thermodynamic equilibrium while always reacting to changes and fluctuation (e.g. random, thermal external, etc.) to catch up with the mathematical prescription aiming at optimizing the loss/cost function while evolving with minimum disruptions as captured by extremization of the entropy and action changes: physical systems take some “guessed optimized efforts” to catch up and follow the mathematics that describe them correctly and these mathematics are the reflection of this process. It is a direct application of Pontryagin’s maximum principles and theorem [25-27].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Implicit Multi-Fold Mechanisms in a Neural Network Model of the Universe”, viXra:2012.0191v1,…, September 12, 2020.
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Vitaly Vanchurin, (2018), ” The world as a neural network”, arXiv:2008.01540v1
[6]: Vitaly Vanchurin, (2018), “Covariant Information Theory and Emergent Gravity”, arXiv:1707.05004v4
[7]: Vitaly Vanchurin, (2020), “Towards a theory of machine learning”, arXiv:2004.09280v3
[8]: D. Acosta, P. Fernandez de Cordoba, J. M. Isidro, J. L. G. Santander, (2012), “Emergent quantum mechanics as a classical, irreversible thermodynamics”, arXiv:1206.4941v2
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes”, viXra:2011.0208v1,…, August 20, 2020.
[11]: Nobuyuki Matsui, Haruhiko Nishimura and Teijiro Isokawa, (2009), “Qubit Neural Network: Its Performance and Applications”, in Tohru Nitta, (2020), “Complex-valued Neural Networks: Utilizing High-dimensional Parameters”, Information Science Reference
[12]: Gopathy Purushothaman and Nicolaos B. Karayiannis, (1997), “Quantum Neural Networks (QNN’s): Inherently Fuzzy Feedforward Neural Networks”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON NEURAL NETWORKS, VOL. 8, NO. 3, MAY 1997
[13]: Emmanuel Flurin, Leigh S. Martin, Shay Hacohen-Gourgy, Irfan Siddiqi, (2020), “Using a Recurrent Neural Network to Reconstruct Quantum Dynamics of a Superconducting Qubit from Physical Observations”, PHYSICAL REVIEW X 10, 011006
[14]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”, viXra:2010.0010v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Area Laws Between Multi-Fold Universes and AdS”, viXra:2010.0207v1,…, August 10, 2020.
[16]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Gravitons In-N-Out Spacetime”, viXra:2010.0155v1,…, July 27, 2020.
[17]: Wikipedia, “Kolmogorov–Arnold representation theorem”…, Retrieved on September 14, 2020.
[18]: Wikipedia, “Universal approximation theorem”,…, Retrieved on September 14, 2020.
[19]: Seth Lloyd, (2006), “Programming the Universe: A Quantum Computer Scientist Takes on the Cosmos”, Alfred A. Knopf
[20]: Wigner, E. P. (1960). “The unreasonable effectiveness of mathematics in the natural sciences. Richard Courant lecture in mathematical sciences delivered at New York University, May 11, 1959”. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics. 13: 1–14.
[21]: Max Tegmark, (2007), “The Mathematical Universe”, arXiv:0704.0646v2
(Added when pre-print was published on
[22]: Andre Ye, (2020), “Every Machine Learning Algorithm Can Be Represented as a Neural Network”,…. Retrieved on December 19, 2020
[23]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “The W-type Multi-Fold Hypothesis and Quantum Physics Interpretation of wave Functions and QFT”, viXra:2207.0118v1,…, December 20, 2020.
[24]: Maldacena, Juan and Susskind, Leonard (2013). “Cool horizons for entangled black holes”. Fortsch. Phys. 61 (9): 781–811. arXiv:1306.0533
[25]: Wikipedia, “Pontryagin’s maximum principle”,…. Retrieved on September 29, 2020.
[26]: “13 Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle”,…. Retrieved on September 29, 2020.
[27]: Thayer Watkins, “The Nature of the Principle of Least Action in Mechanics”,…. Retrieved on September 29, 2020.
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#CFTAdSCorrespondenceConjecture #ClassicalPhysics #Emergent #Entropy #FundamentalTheory #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #Hamiltonian #HolographicDuality #Irreversible #irreversibleThermodynamics #LearningThermodynamics #MachineLearning #MultiFoldUniverse #NeuralNetworks #NonEquilibriumThermodynamics #QuantumComputing #QuantumGravity #QuantumMechanics #QuantumPhysics #Qubits #TheUnreasonableEffectivenessOfMathematicsInTheNaturalSciences #Themodynamics
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A bold prediction on the muon anomalous magnetic moment, and expected results to be published on April 7, 2021 by the Fermilab Muon g-2, and its explanation
Stephane H. Maes
April 1, 2021
The proposed model of particles as Kerr Newman black hole (regularized Qballs of condensed Higgs bosons matching Kerr Newman solitons), as derived in the multi-fold theory, or in Burinskii works, implies a composite and extended model. As a result, the form factors involved in the computation of the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon have to be corrected, not just by all the radiative corrections to consider, but also to account for the fact that the Landé g-factor will differ now from 2.
Also, in an experimental setup as in the Fermilab muon g-2, the soliton/Qball will be deformed by inertial effects (e.g. centripetal force) that can add an additional effect to the measured magnetic moment of the muons (or any other particle). However, effects remain negligible even if gravity at the Standard Model scales were to become non-negligible.
We predict that the first discrepancy will be confirmed and that it is not linked to new particles or new forces. We will see if the results published on April 7, 2021 will agree.
1. Introduction
With respect to the muon anomalous magnetic moment, and expected resulted to be published on April 7, 2021.
For an overview, see [1,2]. A complete computation of the electron anomalous magnetic moment is detailed in [15], including its problems [16].
Tutorial and the technical details of the discrepancy between the theoretically expected magnetic moment, and the observations can be found at [3-6]. [5,6] represent the predictions of different collaborations as discussed in [1].
2. Not Just Loop Radiation Corrections
2.1 Away from 2 as Landé g-Factor
Considering [7,8,12], the electron and the muon are modeled as microscopic black holes regularized by a superconducting edge that confines a condensate of massless Higgs boson inside. Even if surprising to many, this proposal recovers many results in physics e.g. [11, 17,18]. A high-level overview can be found in [19], albeit without the twist and microscopic model of Q-balls and Higgs potentials.
Note that in a multi-fold universe, gravity increases at the scales of the Standard Model (something that we denote as SMG) and we expected it to be non-negligible (even if small) with all the massive gravity contributions that start to contribute [12,20]. Accordingly, the microscopic radii involved are smaller than what is discussed in [19]. The massive black holes remain beyond extremal.
All particles are now composite. While [18] showed that the scattering at high spins are equivalent, for fermion with 1/2 spins, there are some corrections. Or said different, there are no additional effects to consider at the SM scales beyond what is described by the Dirac equation: extended objects and their interactions and composite behavior like a Hadron bag à la MIT or SLAC bags [8]. So the Landé g-Factor will evolve away from 2, albeit staying close to it as otherwise all the analyses of [8,17,18] would have been wrong.
It means that the computations performed in [5,6] and explained for example in [16] are not sufficient: another correction is to be introduced (based on updated F1(0) and F2(0)≠0 (See equation (6.37) and following two paragraphs in [15]); just as in the case of a proton which is a composite particle (involving also other interactions) only approximated by Dirac equation; a much coarser approximation. For the proton, the difference is at 40%. For the muon, or for the electron for that matter, the corrections would be way smaller, but non-zero. The greater the mass the greater the effect.
Therefore, the effect has more chances to be detected with muons than with electrons, and as shown in [3], the measurements of the tauon are still way too imprecise to detect anything relevant. Other particles are composite or not leaning themselves to a setup as in muon g-2 at Fermilab (and before Brookhaven).
A quantitative analysis would be worth applying. It is for future work, but it could be initiated with a model or simulations extracted from [8,17,18].
2.2. Any additional internal effects?
Considering [7], and in particular its references (e.g. [8]) that discusses the fine structure constant and the electron magnetic momentum as geometrical properties of the Kerr-Newman solution as an electron, it is fair to expect that the soliton geometry is affected by gravity / inertial forces. The larger the mass or object, the larger de deformation.
Examples of such deformations can be found in [9] (due to external field in this reference). It is logical to expect that, based on the proposal mapping the Qball edges as soliton solution to Dirac-Kerr-Newman discussed in [7], the solution in an external field (external gravity field or internal effects per the equivalence principle) will be similarly deformed and therefore provide a (slight magnetic moment variation, considering for example [10,14]) vs. the original one liked to the not-deformed Kerr Newman metric/soliton: e.g. [11]).
Considering the experiment muon g-2 setup described in [2], In the present case, the field in [9] would be replaced, per the equivalence principle, by the inertial effects due to the rotation in the Fermilab rings (see figures in [2], and think of tidal effects). The inertial / centrifugal / centripetal effect could deform the muon Qball slightly and as a result create a discrepancy in the measured magnetic momentum, that would be greater and hence more noticeable than say in a similar electron experimentation. Such an effect would be missing from the prediction estimates [5,6].
However, quick estimates show that the dominant effects coming into play at the centripetal effect from the experimentation and the angular momentum of the microscopic black holes. Corrections to the magnetic momentum end up being roughly 1014 times smaller than the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon. The effects are negligible. It is a good lessons, in general we do not have to consider Qballs as deformable beyond being able to scatter, split or merge.
3. Predictions
Based on the above, we predict an extra term, for the corrections to the anomalous magnetic moment of the muon (and electron and other particles in similar conditions), that captures the drift of the Landé g-Factor away from 2. It is due to the microscopic black hole model, in addition and independently to the other radiative loop corrections.
Therefore, the result of Fermilab should confirm Brookhaven initial results, and, in our view, it is not an indication of New Physics beyond the Standard Model (SM), i.e. no new forces or particles, but instead a confirmation of [7] originally derived from the multi-fold theory [12] built on Burinksii’s proposals.
4. Conclusions
We presented a prediction for the result of the Fermilab muon g-2 experimental results to be published on April 7, 2001. We also provided a theoretical microscopic explanation for it. In particular we showed that qualitatively there is an effect that should appear for muon as well as other particles under similar settings. We did not provide quantitative estimates so it is possible that the effect is too small to explain the observations, in which case other considerations would need to be added.
If our prediction is not confirmed, we believe that it would rather be due to the effect being too small rather than the effect not taking place.
On that basis, we recommend that any explanation of the Fermilab muon g-2 experimental results consider this and other explanations that do not involve New Physics, in the sense of new particles or new forces; although this proposal does not exclude them. Other analyses in [20] lead us to be skeptical, at least for now of additional particles especially, if tied to supersymmetry or additional Higgs bosons.
The prediction is based on the bet that our real universe is a multi-fold universe, where we derived the model of particles as regularized microscopic black holes and SMG. It should also hold if Burinskii’s theory holds even in a non-multifold universe.
As the analysis is not quantitative, the absence of observation of a different value from the conventional predictions [5,6], may just mean that the effect in section 2.2. are still too small. It would still be of great interest to seek validation future technology would make it possible.
Let us see what April 7, 2021 will bring us.
Note also the interest to collaborate to compute the actual correction to the muon (and electron) anomalous moments due to the Kerr-Newman Qball solutions.
Note added on April 7, 2021, post Fermilab result publications.
The results have been published [21,22]. There is a discrepancy as predicted. The press labels it a sign or even proof of New Physics as in new particles and new forces (e.g. [23]). The present paper shows that we do not need New Physics, à la new particles or new forces. Also as we already knew another paper argues the absence of tension of the results with SM [6,24]. We suspect that actual the situation is a mix: no tension but some discrepancies as we described here.
Our next prediction, for the long run: no New Physics is needed no matter what: this is not due to new particles or forces and even if such were to exist they are not behind this effect.
Cite as: Stephane H. Maes, “A bold prediction on the muon anomalous magnetic moment, and expected results to be published on April 7, 2021 by the Fermilab Muon g-2, and its explanation”, viXra:2104.0030v1,…, April 1, 2021.
[1]: Davide Castelvecchi, (2021), “Long-Awaited Muon Physics Experiment Nears Moment of Truth. A result that has been 20 years in the making could reveal the existence of new particles and upend fundamental physics”,…. Retrieved on April 1, 2021.
[2]: Elizabeth Gibney, (2017), “Muons’ big moment could fuel new physics. Fermilab experiment to measure muon magnetic moment more precisely might reveal unknown virtual particles.”,…. Retrieved on April 1, 2021.
[3]: Wikipedia, “Anomalous magnetic dipole moment”,…. Retrieved on April 1, 2021.
[4]: A. Hoecker and W.J. Marciano, (2019), “57. Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment”, in M. Tanabashi et al. (Particle Data Group), Phys. Rev. D 98, 030001 (2018) and 2019 update,…. Retrieved on April 1, 2021.
[5]: T. Aoyama, at al. (2020), “The anomalous magnetic moment of the muon in the Standard Model”, Physics Reports, Volume 887, 3 December 2020, Pages 1-166,….
[6]: Bipasha Chakraborty, at al. (2017-2018), “Strong-isospin-breaking correction to the muon anomalous magnetic moment from lattice QCD at the physical point”, arXiv:1710.11212v2.
[7]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “More on Multi-fold Particles as Microscopic Black Holes with Higgs Regularizing Extremality and Singularities”,…, February 25, 2021.
[8]: Alexander Burinskii, (2020), “The Kerr–Newman Black Hole Solution as Strong Gravity for Elementary Particles”,….
[9]: N. Bretón, A. A. García, V. S. Manko, and T. E. Denisova, (1998), “Strong-isospin-breaking correction to the muon anomalous magnetic moment from lattice QCD at the physical point”, Phys. Rev. D 57, 3382,….
[10]: Marcus Ansorg, Jörg Hennig, Carla Cederbaum, (2011-2010), ), “Universal properties of distorted Kerr-Newman black holes”, arXiv:1005.3128v2.
[11]: Newman, E.T., (2002), “On a classical, geometric origin of magnetic moments, spin-angular momentum and the Dirac gyromagnetic ratio”, Phys. Rev. D, 66, 104005.
[12]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[13]: Wikipedia, “Anomalous magnetic dipole moment”, “Anomalous magnetic dipole moment”,
[14]: Andrey A. Shoom, (2015), “Distorted stationary rotating black holes”, arXiv:1501.06579v1.
[15]: Peskin, Michael Edward and Schroeder, Daniel V., (1995), “An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory”, Westview Press.
[16]: Zhong-Zhi Xianyu, (2016), “A Complete Solution to Problems in “An Introduction to Quantum Field Theory” by Peskin and Schroeder”, Harvard University.…. Retrieved for this paper on April 1, 2021.
[17]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[18]: Nima Arkani-Hamed, Yu-tin Huang, Donal O’Connell, (2019-2020), “Kerr Black Holes as Elementary Particles”, arXiv:1906.10100v2.
[19]: Wikipedia, “Black hole electron”,…. Retrieved on April 13, 2020.
[20]: Stephane Maes, (2020), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe”, Navigation page listing all papers.….
References added April 7, 202, post publication of the results:
[21]: B. Abi, et al. (2021), “Measurement of the Positive Muon Anomalous Magnetic Moment to 0.46 ppm”, PHYSICAL REVIEW LETTERS 126, 141801
[22]: Daniel Garisto, (2021), “Long-Awaited Muon Measurement Boosts Evidence for New Physics. Initial data from the Muon g-2 experiment have excited particle physicists searching for undiscovered subatomic particles and forces”, Scientific American, April 7, 2021.…. Retrieved on April 7, 2021.
[23]: Pallab Ghosh, (2021), “Muons: ‘Strong’ evidence found for a new force of nature”, BBC News, April 7, 2021. Retrieved on April 7, 2021.
[24]: Quanta Magazine, April 7, 2021.…. Retrieved on April 7, 2021.
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Figure for comment below (from…)
TLDR: Anomalous magnetic moment of muon. Dirac= magnetic moment. Diagram: SM anomalous model. New Physics: additional diagrams. Our theory per this paper: Dirac =/= 2
April 7, 2021 – 9 AM PDT:
Prediction confirmed!
Of course New Physics vs. our explanation is now to be evaluated.
#BeyondTheStandardModel #corrections #Fermilab #FeynmanDiagrams #Gravity #HiggsInMultiFolds #HighEnergyPhysics #KerrNewman #MultiFoldUniverse #MuonAnomalousMagneticMomentum #muonG2 #ParticlesAsBlackHoles #Qball #QuantumGravity #StandardModel #standardModelWithGravity
Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form. Multi-fold Community, where you can submit your own related papers, and be linked here. (Apri…Shmaes - Physics
New Physics with LHCb to explain loss of lepton universality, or just gravity?
Stephane H. Maes
March 29, 2021
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-fold mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General Relativity (GR) at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model resulting into what we defined as SMG. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hints at a even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
Recently, there has been a flurry of enthusiasm following announcement of 3.1-sigma violation of lepton universality at LHCb. Many articles, papers and pundits see it as hints of New Physics.
In this paper we hypothesize that gravity could explain these observation, instead of New Physics understood as new particles or forces. The proposal can be strongly justified in a multi-fold universe with SMG. It could also make sense, in general, whenever SMG can be motivated.
1. Introduction
The multi-fold paper [7] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [10], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [7], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [60] and Kerr Newman [17] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [10] recovers results consistent with others (see [32] and its references), while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
The present paper reviews the hints of New Physics. It therefore provides a simple argument based on gravity in the context of SMG, to explain the reported observations. Then based on the work on particles as microscopic black holes regularized by Higgs boson condensates, we provide a strong argument that could extend to other past hints of violation of lepton universality.
2. Hints of New Physics at LHCb?
There have been a report of 3.1 standard deviations, i.e. still below the 5-sigma threshold for confirmation, of violations of lepton universality in B meson decays [1,2,3]. According to the Standard Model (SM) and lepton universality for the weak interaction (lepton coupling constant to gauge bosons does not depend on the flavor of the leptons) [6]. Yet, B mesons should decay to a kaon and two muons at the same rate at which they decay to a kaon and two electrons. Yet LHCb is seeing a difference in this rare beauty decay: B mesons seem to decay to muons 15 percent less often than they do to electrons.
It immediately resulted into a flurry of articles and papers announcing hints of new Physics, new particles and a fifth force (see [4] and for examples the papers it mentions); potentially a sign of the desperation of many in High energy particle Physics and Theoretical Physics; although supersymmetry may not immediately explain such results either; at least for other violations like in [5].
This result announcement come on top of other universality violation results like in [5,6] and its reference [15,16] (also not yet at the 5-sigma threshold) where for examples tau excesses would have similarly be observed. Note however that this paper will not discuss the tau excess and probably should wait the new LHCb and Belle experiments current in plan [1]. The experimentations were different as they studied interactions where lepton and anti-neutrino of the corresponding flavor were produced and neutrino related considerations may have to added. So we should not worry for now that these involved excess of the heaviest lepton (tau) versus the lightest (muons) instead of excess of electrons (lightest versus muons in [1].
3. SMG to the rescue – An hypothesis
We suggest that SMG, i.e. the SM with gravity non-negligible at the SM scales [7-9], something encountered in a multi-fold universe, could provide an explanation without requiring New Physics (understood in terms of adding new particles like leptoquark as in [1] and in the papers mentioned in [4] (or neutral vector bosons (Z’) or even extra Higgs boson), or forces). If we wanted to solely limit ourselves to SMG, within a multi-fold universe or not, more thoughts are required to justify the deficit of muons besides stating the following: because of the mutual attraction between the entangled lepton and anti-lepton (due to entanglement if in a multi-fold universe [7,10] but with universal effect between the flavors, and due to gravity, in all cases – multi-fold or not), the propensity to have the W+ decay is reduced between the more massive pairs, even if only slightly. This could be enough to explain the muon deficit observed in [1].
4. Multi-fold and SMG to the rescue – a more detailed hypothesis
If we throw in multi-fold mechanisms, then the modeling of particles as microscopic black holes regularized as Qballs of condensed Higgs bosons [7,13,14], suggest that the same model (Qballs) applies to leptons as to quarks. Therefore, just as for QCD, where a proton can be art of its time a superposition of a neutron and a pion (see [11,12] and references within), the same could happen between the Qballs (of the different leptons and anti-leptons, i.e. all possible product of W+ decays) forming, all the time, within the see of Higgs in the Qball of the W+, before the decay finally takes place: when there is a stronger attraction between them, there is less energy benefits for them to form (they recombine more often something that is also systematic as we are talking of lepton and its anti-lepton). Even if very small, this effect should result into less decays into muon and anti-muon pairs that electron and positron pairs.
By the way, and without the same analysis, with respect to the other experimental results mentioned above [15,16], the leptons in the decay products are not particles and anti-particles. It is reasonable to expect that it reduces the suppression effects towards the heaviest leptons while still ensuring non universality of leptons beyond the weak interaction. Favorable energy balance may now favor the heaviest decay outcome.
To that effect it is also important to understand that strong interaction also have effects that render all the result hard to fully interpret. In [1], it is argue that they are well understood as equivalently playing a minimal role. We argue that the argument does not apply for gravity if we subscribed to SMG, even more in a multi-fold universe.
We also argue that such effects exist in all weak interactions. They just typically are hidden by strong interaction and other effects. Experiments as in [1] and [5,6] are situation where, as argued in [1], the other interactions dominate and hides (for now, for the limit of what we can measure) these effects.
Let us conclude by also adding that following [14], we know the significant impact of the Higgs field and bosons, and of gravity on the weak interaction.
The proposal here is just that: a proposal or hypothesis based on how we have seen SMG and Multi-fold mechanism helping with SM challenges. More modeling and experiments are needed, first of all the determine if there was even an issue to start with. As discussed even just having SMG valid may suffice to motivate our proposal.
5. Conclusions
We have proposed how SMG in general or, better yet, SMG in a multi-fold universe could explain the observed apparent violations of lepton universality without requiring New Physics, understood as without requiring new particles or new forces.
The hypothesis is especially strong when it can rely on the multi-fold model if particles as regularized black holes as Qballs or solitons made of Higgs condensates. The idea relies on copying the sea of quarks and gluons of QCD to explain why leptons pairs of different masses may behave differently despite having a universal interaction with gauge / weak bosons.
Because of the relatively limited access to data and limited quantitative model still in the multi-fold theory, this proposal is really to be understood as just a proposal to bring forward the possibility and encourage discussions.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “New Physics with LHCb to explain loss of lepton universality, or just gravity?”, viXra:2103.0191v1,…, March 29, 2021.
[1]: LHCb collaboration, (2021), “Test of lepton universality in beauty-quark decays”, arXiv:2103.11769v1 (
[2]: CERN, (2021), “Intriguing new result from the LHCb experiment at CERN. The LHCb results strengthen hints of a violation of lepton flavour universality”,…. Retrieved on March 23, 2021.
[3]: Daniel Garisto, (2021), “Unexplained Results Intrigue Physicists at World’s Largest Particle Collider Muons and electrons might not experience the same fundamental interactions, contrary to Standard Model predictions”, March 25, 2021.…. Retrieved on March 29, 2021.
[4]: Stephane H. Maes, (2021), ), “Comments on hints of new Physics”,… and following comments.
[5]: Clara Moskowitz (2015), “2 Accelerators Find Particles That May Break Known Laws of Physics. The LHC and the Belle experiment have found particle decay patterns that violate the Standard Model of particle physics, confirming earlier observations at the BaBar facility”, September 9, 2015.…. Retrieved on March 29, 2021.
[6]: Wikipedia, “Lepton”, September 9, 2015. Retrieved on March 29, 2021.
[7]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020). (See also…).
[8]: Stephane Maes, (2020), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe”, Navigation page listing all papers.….
[9]: Stephane Maes, (2021), “Current Review – All Publications around the Multi-fold universe – February 2021”,,…, February 15, 2021. (More recent updates available at the URL).
[10]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020). (See also…).
[11]: Natalie Wolchover, (2021), “Decades-Long Quest Reveals Details of the Proton’s Inner Antimatter”,…. Retrieved on February 24, 2021.
[12]: Ethan Siegel, (2021), “What Rules The Proton: Quarks Or Gluons?”,…. Retrieved on March 18, 2021.
[13]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “More on Multi-fold Particles as Microscopic Black Holes with Higgs Regularizing Extremality and Singularities”,…, February 25, 2021.
[14]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Gravity-Electroweak Theory and Symmetry Breaking”,…, March 16, 2021.
[15]: LHCb collaboration, (2015), “Measurement of the ratio of branching fractions B(B¯¯¯¯0→D∗+τ−ν¯¯¯τ)/B(B¯¯¯¯0→D∗+μ−ν¯¯¯μ)”, arXiv:1506.08614v2.
[16]: Belle Collaboration, (2015), “Measurement of the branching ratio of B¯→D(∗)τ−ν¯τ relative to B¯→D(∗)ℓ−ν¯ℓ decays with hadronic tagging at Belle”, arXiv:1507.03233v3.
[17]: Wikipedia, “Kerr–Newman metric”,…. Retrieved for this paper on March 21, 2020.
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Unexplained Results Intrigue Physicists at World's Largest Particle Collider
Dan Garisto (Scientific American)Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universes
Stephane H. MaesJune 14, 2020
Superstrings seem to somehow appear in multi-folds universes. [em][em]We compare the results and models of superstrings with the multi-fold mechanisms associated to EPR entanglement and discover that such multi-fold mechanism in a multi-fold universe: i) explain or clarify many superstring results, ii) provide analogies to superstring results that often change conjectures (e.g. AdS/CFT correspondence, ER=EPR, GR=QM) to facts or theorems in a multi-fold universe iii) position superstrings with respect to our spacetime iv) illustrates differences and v) makes suggestions on how to evolve superstrings theories and M-Theory, according to the multi-fold universe proposal and observations in the real universe, so far. We conclude with a call for collaboration.[/em][/em]
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in s multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [24] and Kerr Newman [25] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [32], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
Throughout the analysis, [1] finds numerous touch points with superstrings, despite coming from a complete different proposition, i.e. 1) not starting from General Relativity (GR) or the Hilbert Einstein Action adapted for higher dimensions (or variations and extensions) 2) no modeling strings and not starting from a string equation or a string action like the Nambu-Goto Action 3) not declaring any supersymmetry or supergravity invariance 4) in fact, delaying quantization as long as possible in the discussions of the multi-fold mechanisms.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. The followings subsections are organized as a series of observations in [1] that relate to superstrings and conversely. [1] did not focus on presenting these facts as a comparison or as lessons learned for and from superstrings. Also, our analysis is not exhaustive. However, we hope that it will intrigue enough the reader to push him or her to dig deeper. Most of the more detailed (or entry point) references are provided in [1] and so every statement is not motivated here or presented with the most appropriate references. This paper is rather a story tale. “[1]” appears often, as a person or a model, to refer to the original arguments, analysis, mechanisms or proposals discussed in [1].
[1] is about a multi-fold universe. We discovered that the framework and mechanism of [1] have many touch points with superstrings, in terms of the resulting picture of the universe and specific properties or phenomena. [1] argues that it can model well our real space time and provides predictions and opportunities for falsifiability.
2. Selected duality highlights
2.1 Point particles, strings, world sheets and black holes
[1] works with a model where, from the beginning, particles are central to the analysis (at the difference of conventional QFT, which has many modeling problems with particles). The suitability of the approach comes from the strict rejection of any supra luminosity in a multi-fold universe defined by [1]. Accordingly, for example, Path Integrals must filter out any path that would have a portion space like with respect to another portion of the path. This is a key difference with conventional QFT. It avoids excessive spread of the wave functions of relativistic particles, and zeroes QFT correlations between space like regions. Of course, it is understood that particles are only tractable between their creation and annihilation and that their numbers change.In addition, from the onset, a particle in [1] is associated to an uncertainty region, according to the uncertainty principle (and the hard no supra luminosity limit). It is not a point particle, but rather a ball of uncertainty. Within and around that region. This was the case at larger scale, even before determining that spacetime is discrete in a multi-fold universe. Spacetime reconstruction models show that spacetime, discrete as already mentioned, and particles are presented by microscopic black holes (possibly extremal for charged particles). The particle blackholes result from the structure of the effective potential surrounding every particle, as a result of the EPR entanglement of all the virtual particles that are emitted by the particle. Spacetime points are rather the result of the spacetime concretization by passage of particles following random walks. Massless carriers like photons are also Schwarzschild blackholes. All these are relevant only at very small scales, below the scales of typical quantum models. This model describes spacetime and gravitation as 2-D processes at very small scales and 4-D at larger scales. The spacetime is Lorentz invariant, thanks to the random walk-based spacetime reconstruction that generates a fractal structure and a non-commutative geometry. GR equation can be recovered as a result of the models of [1] (by computation of path integrals, or by Thermodynamics arguments). The mechanisms of multi-folds, the main feature proposed in [1], trigger additional structures (folds) when particles are (EPR) entangled so that additional paths can traverse the folds, where the EPR entangled particles can always meet as a same exit points. Doing so, all the activated folds (i.e. multi-folds) create attractive potentials in
in between the entangled particles (
per fold) towards their source or center the mass, depending of the use cases and movements (and masses involved e.g. massive or massless). When involving virtual particles emitted by a source of energy, this potential is reminiscent of gravity. It can also be looked as adding contributions of the Ricci curvature scalar R of the folds, from all matter or energy contributions, to build a new Ricci curvature scalar field R and, with the direction of attraction information, a new consistent Ricci curvature tensor. Doing so, for all sources of energy, recovers Einstein’s GR field equations (or Hilbert Einstein Action); which is amazing as invariance of surfaces (the real geometrical meaning behind the Hilbert Einstein Action) or variations of the Hilbert Einstein had, at no point, be postulated in [1] prior to that determination (something that can’t exactly be said the same way for strings). Also, the multi-folds have a spin-2 symmetry.This, as well as the microscopic black hole models, indicates that semi-classical models can be used till way smaller scales that usually expected (if tuned to behaviors described in [1]). Doing so, we can see particles positions, in the presence of entanglement and gravity, will oscillate preferably along the geodesics.
It reminds of few string features, but in appearance only:
- Superstring theory models particles as little strings instead of point particles. In a multi-fold universe of [1], the strings could rather be seen as the result of how particles appear as they wiggles back and forth predominantly along geodesics of choice, as a result of gravity (due to entanglement). It directly relates to the discussion in [1] about a similar observation made in [2] on the horizon of black holes (and the different variations of Black Hole soft hairs theorems). In [1], particles appear with their uncertainty regions that are shaped like wiggling strings in the presence of gravity.
- The length of the uncertainty walk on the geodesic is proportional to the energy of the particle. This is also the rule linking length and energy in string theory.
- At times, superstring theory models spacetime as the world sheets, building the manifold with these geodesics.
- When looked this way, the Nambu-Goto Action, behind all the string models, extremizes the world sheet surfaces (as soap bubbles minimize their surfaces between supports – here, the different string lines at different time – see [3]). Therefore, this action is immediately equivalent to the Hilbert Einstein Action, which also extremize surfaces. It is therefore no surprise that Nambu-Goto and strings recover exactly GR (when computing linear GR perturbations, i.e. conventional gravitons), at any order, or that, even with variations or extensions, they always recover or include some forms of graviton. Modeling gravitons and matching GR series expansions became the motivation, claim of fame and the main selling point for (super)strings as a theory of gravity and a Theory of Everything (ToE). Historically, some scattering amplitudes proposed ad hoc and computed for mesons gave good results. They were later understood and visualized, as strings linking quarks and anti-quarks in mesons (with the strong interactions increasing when the string is stretched; it was prior to QCD). The Nambu-Goto Action formalized the physics that includes minimizing surface of the world sheet to model the dynamics. More details and history are available in [4]. The point is that, in retrospect, the apparition of the graviton, not trivial to compute, was actually obvious. So yes, string models include gravitons (graviton-like particles) but it is really just because of how the world sheets are defined and then linked to spacetime. The same analysis can be repeated about (D-)branes.
- On the other hand, [1] does not start from a Hilbert Einstein Action (and variations or extensions) or from surface extremization Actions, or strings or analogous Physics. Yet by modeling EPR entanglement and a proposal to address the EPR paradox with multi-folds mechanisms, it ends up also with the GR field equation and the Hilbert Einstein Action (and spin-2 gravitons). One could argue that it is at least a similar feat as strings that should warrant some attention.
- It also means that spacetime in a multi-fold universe can contain string world sheets or can be modeled by superstrings or branes: spacetime shares equivalent Actions.
2.2 Multi-fold universe and super string landscape and swampland
In a multi-fold universe, entanglements activate multi-folds outside [f1] the spacetime [1]. Multi-folds attach to pairs of entangled particles (real or virtual) and paths in these folds become available to path integrals of particles encountering a mapping to the folds. The result is the appearance in spacetime (in between the entangled particles) of an effective potential attractive towards the center of mass of mass and in . It is equivalent to positive curvature (additive) contributions.[1] Goes out of its way to emphasize that:
- Folds do not have to be governed by the Hilbert Einstein Action. They just might.
- Multi-folds live outside spacetime in a AdS(5) space.
- Multi-folds attached to entangled particles are the source of gravity like effects and spin-2 symmetries. When quantized (i.e. when discretized in [1]), the multi-folds match quantas of spacetime: they are the gravitons and they live in AdS(5); not our spacetime. It is their effects that appears through the effective potentials (or reconstructed curvature field) that make it look like they could live in our spacetime. The mapping is what transposes the effect to spacetime. This models is what ensure normalizability (no divergences) at the difference of conventional QFT approaches. It also shows that curvature can also be considered as a visualization tool more than a physical geometric reality.
- Gravity and gravitons can be massless or massive. Massive gravity correspond to entanglement of massive virtual particles pairs emitted by an energy source (i.e. particle). This effect only exist at very small scales, where it can become significant.
- Because of its bottom-up approach, multi-fold massive gravity does not suffer of the challenges and inconsistencies often met with a massive GR model [6]. Yet, we also know that such massive gravity can be made consistent [7]. However, note that [7] models massive gravity at large scale. This is not the result obtained in [1], which makes it matter only at very small scales, a fact easier to accept considering how GR has been repeatedly validated at very large scales.
- In general, additional entanglement also adds gravity like contributions.
- By construction, the background space can be modified from an initial condition by adding energy / matter to spacetime. These contributions are always with positive curvature. Spacetime is therefore either flat (without matter) or positively curved (unless if started with a negative initial condition for some reason). Negative curvature cannot be produced by the multi-fold mechanisms in [1] and so in [1], it is unphysical!
This matches interestingly many results in superstrings. To name a few:
- Gravitons are usually closed superstrings (bosonic loops of spin-2), that can live in AdS (+other dimensions) – and other spaces. It would explain why superstrings can model strong (strongly coupled) gravity.
- Superstrings models can exist in a large variety of ways (e.g. different configurations of the compact additional dimensions; usually characterized by different Calabi-Yau manifolds [23]). It led to the notions of string landscapes and swamplands where superstrings would be respectively viable and making physical sense, or not [19].
- The string landscape is so far empty of model matching our universe, even if expected, or prayed to be populated by some … At least no model has been found so far that can be thought to be suitably related to our universe.
- The string swampland is richly populated
- More than 10^500 (or even 10^272000, or more) types of theories are to be evaluated and classified!
- It has been shown that superstrings cannot be consistent or stable in a universe with positive dark energy and / or positive curvature like our universe.
Let us compare.
Many of these top level points match amazingly well [1], as multi-folds are sets of spheres (i.e. closed), in AdS(5) (i.e. negative curvature space); while generation of negative curvatures is not possible in spacetime but can be in a tangent space where multi-folds (and superstrings) and gravitons live. From the point of view of [1], it is perfectly logical and expected that strings only live in a space with negative curvature (e.g. AdS(5) ++) and influence spacetime through holography or AdS/CFT correspondence (see next section). In [1] that effects comes from the mappings.
In [1], with a model of particles (and spacetime locations) modeled as microscopic black holes (surrounding them), AdS(5) is tangent to our spacetime at every such points (let’s not finesse on arguing about embedding space, tangent space or dual space). The microscopic black holes could also be seen as the sources and seeds of the multi-folds [8]. But they also could be entertained as the place where the strings characterizing the particles are attached to spacetime, hinting at the superstring model. That picture also evolves a bit the way that spacetime and world sheets or branes should relate. World sheet may not be the spacetime, but their growth match spacetime creation or updates/perturbation as do the multi-folds. This point of view may possibly help better recover macroscopic spacetime in superstrings, today, still a challenge.
The onset of folds due to entanglement is also hinted in superstrings and in Physics in general [8.9]. It shows that the ideas of [1] may appear surprising, but they were already hinted by many conventional Physics models!
We will discuss the requirement for positive curvature for superstring in the next subsection.
2.3 AdS / CFT Correspondence
With AdS(5) tangent to spacetime, gravity is living in AdS(5) and impacting spacetime via attractive effective potentials (or curvatures) resulting from the mappings between spacetimes and folds. With gravity factually weaker in our spacetime than the other interactions (at normal quantum, semi classical and classical scales), [1] has recovered the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and the holographic principle.In [1], it is no more a conjecture! It is a fact. CFT can be replaced by QFT, because [1] argues that with a discrete spacetime, background independence and torsion (both features of the model in[1]), gravity effects are well behaved (no singularity, no divergence, i.e. renormalizable: it is by default normalized). Again gravity is in AdS(5), but its effects are in our spacetime. [1] matches and go way beyond what superstrings tell us with the AdS/CFT correspondence.
Our spacetime is the boundary of AdS(5) and gravity lives in AdS(5) with effects, through the multi-folds mappings, in spacetime. However, remember that multi-folds do not necessarily have to obey the Hilbert Einstein Action for this to work. They might. We will repeat it again and again.
[1] and superstrings can share a same view of key aspects of the universe!
2.4 ER=EPR conjecture
With AdS(5) tangent to spacetime, gravity is living in AdS(5) and impacting spacetime via attractive effective potentials (or curvatures) resulting from the mappings between spacetimes and folds. With gravity factually weaker in our spacetime than the other interactions (at normal quantum, semi classical and classical scales), [1] has recovered the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and the holographic principle.In [1], it is no more a conjecture! It is a fact. CFT can be replaced by QFT, because [1] argues that with a discrete spacetime, background independence and torsion (both features of the model in[1]), gravity effects are well behaved (no singularity, no divergence, i.e. renormalizable: it is by default normalized). Again gravity is in AdS(5), but its effects are in our spacetime. [1] matches and go way beyond what superstrings tell us with the AdS/CFT correspondence.
Our spacetime is the boundary of AdS(5) and gravity lives in AdS(5) with effects, through the multi-folds mappings, in spacetime. However, remember that multi-folds do not necessarily have to obey the Hilbert Einstein Action for this to work. They might. We will repeat it again and again.
[1] and superstrings can share a same view of key aspects of the universe!
2.4 ER=EPR conjecture
The ER = EPR conjecture showed another duality between connected black holes (à la ER bridge) and entangled blackholes. it is immediately reminiscent of the folds and mappings between EPR entangled particles in [1]. [1] was developed without even knowing about ER=EPR, that was discovered when compiling relevant prior works.ER=EPR usually models behaviors of black holes in AdS, where black holes have interesting properties or can be fully modeled. Yet traversability when the black holes are connected to form a wormhole is a problem: it often requires exotic matter, infinite time or the black holes or wormholes are unstable, especially when traversed. Multi-folds avoid these problems by not imposing Hilbert Einstein Action to define its dynamics.
[1] can allow paths of path integrals to traverse the folds. It is something that ER=EPR has not considered and therefore ER=EPR conjecture has missed, so far, the gravity generation (or modeling) impact of the approach. Our guess is that they did not pursue either because nobody made the connections of the plausible implications or because non-traversability when modeled by GR prevented paths from path integral to use the wormholes or travel through the connected black holes.
In fact, we also discovered, after publishing [1], that [10] proposed that, using the AdS/CFT correspondence and the holographic Schwinger effect at strong gravity coupling, and with superstrings living in AdS(5) (+ more dimensions), an entangled pairs of particles and anti-particles, quarks in their example, would automatically have a wormhole in AdS(5), along their world sheet, joining the two entangled particles (It is a superstring view of the world). It is the closest superstring and AdS/CFT endorsement of the multi-fold mechanisms that [1] proposes. That paper stopped short of all the consequences that result from the apparition of the wormhole. We also want to make sure that the reader remembers that, in [1] , we do not assume that the wormhole follows Hilbert Einstein type of action. Yet, this is a resounding illustration that what we propose was actually already contained or hinted in many models of conventional physics.
2.5 Other similarities and differences
The conjecture QR=QM [11], that “we’ll observe quantum gravity using quantum computers in a lab sometime in the next decade or so”. Somehow is seems very well aligned with [1] and one of its proposal for validation for multi-fold universe: [11] claims the above. [12] argues that quantum computing is universal and can be done by any type of entangled entities to obtain the same results. So indeed, gravity should appear not, as a simulation, but in between the entangled Qubits; because of the fundamental results obtained by [1] in terms of attraction between entangled systems. Of course, the question is when we will be able to detect that.[1] concretizes, probably differently from what [11] really had in mind, how quantum computing will indeed allow us to observe quantum gravity!
As a note, [13] criticizes [11], but it may be a misunderstanding of what the author of GR=QM meant. From a Quantum computing and information point of view [12], our interpretation and outcome is what [11] meant! And it makes sense, at least in a context like [1].
Black Holes and Singularities
Superstrings have managed to address a whole bunch of singularity problems. Yet their models of black holes are essentially limited to AdS spaces. That may be useful to model wormholes and multi-folds for [1] if they were following GR derived equation (which, in [1], they might but don’t have to). The exotic properties and closed form solutions of AdS black holes help address discussions like traversability, stability, exotic matter and time like loops. Yet they are not very useful in our spacetime, or in a space with a positive curvature space like dS (de Sitter), or with a positive cosmological constant, as it seems that our universe is.Interestingly, [1] also guarantee the absence of any gravity related singularity (i.e. in black holes and at the big bang or big crunch if it was to exists) because spacetime is discrete (so always at least on minimum length), because it can introduce torsion (at very small scales) within matter/energy that does not propagate but would prevent singularities [14] and probably also because of its dark energy and positive cosmological constant mechanisms ([1] may help explain these effects). As a result, it can support big bounces scenarios, if that was the cosmological evolution.
[1] also derives area laws for spacetime and for blackholes matching both blackhole theories and thermodynamics models for black holes, horizons and spacetime. For spacetime, these can be used to recover GR in a way well known since [15]. Several black hole paradoxes seem resolved, or at least well mitigated, in a multi-fold universe.
Positively curved spacetime
We live, apparently, in a flat or positively curved spacetime with dark energy (i.e. a positive cosmological constant) (Although this has been questioned, several times recently but with limited support [16]). On the other hand, it is now clear that superstrings cannot live in such a universe per [17]. These universes are part of the swampland.The recently confirmed AdS instability for GR [18] is another indication that superstring can live in AdS but that our spacetime cannot be AdS. Otherwise, it would not be able to contain matter (macroscopically)! And yes, [1] states that matter are black holes but it is not exactly the intent of what [18] showed and why AdS is unstable under GR. In [1], this conclusions is not a result of instability: [1] does not and cannot apply to AdS, as it cannot physically generate negative curvature. An interesting consequence is the flip conclusion that matter does not exists (macroscopically) in AdS(5), the superstring universe. Therefore, besides gravitons, the other superstrings, appearing in superstring theories, do not describe particles in our space time, unless through D-branes world sheets or by connecting to our spacetime attached to particles that they characterizes . In [1] that would be connecting to spacetime through the microscopic black hole surrounding the particle and within its uncertainty region. And yes that uncertainty region may appear as a string per the above but is not, per this instability. More way to reconcile that with AdS/CFT correspondence are discussed in the speculative section 3.
[1] showed that it is ok that superstrings live in the tangent space with gravity impacting our spacetime via multi-folds and mapping. It is our version of AdS/CFT correspondence and holographic principle. In our view, it is a more sensible result than all the still on-going attempts to transform superstrings results in AdS to guess the results in dS or other positive curved spacetime à la de Sitter. That has never really worked… All this should clarify landscapes and swampland for superstrings [19].
Entanglement and Gravity
QFT and Superstrings do not model well particles as discussed in [1]. They models fields. As a result they also do not model well entanglement between individual particles (and strings). Their models and methods are only statistical (Thermodynamics) through correlations and entanglement entropies. That is in part why these approaches cannot see gravity emerging the same way as in [1].[1] suggests that superstring theory should evolve to support explicit modeling of entanglement between strings, e.g. as in [1]. So far, and using the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture, ER=EPR and [10] are examples of a first possible steps. Approaches like [9] are other ones. Lessons and approaches with multi-folds as in [1] and this paper are also an input.
Background independence
[1] is covariant and background independent both in its top down analysis (first part of [1]) and it reconstruction (bottom-up).QFT and superstrings are not background independent. Many have argued that it is a major issue that creates complexity, divergences and renormalization issues. [1] agrees with these arguments.
The duality discussed here may inspire ways to address this problem in QFT and superstrings; albeit without a bottoms-up approach it is more challenging. Maybe superstring model should encompass a bottoms-up (re)constructive effort, where spacetime is built, not pre-supposed.
Strange (Discrete and Noncommutative yet Lorentz invariant) Geometries
Noncommutative geometries have been shown to appear in some superstring models. Noncommutative geometry often are associated to discrete spacetime, as in [1]. The non-commutativity is in fact a way to preserve Lorentz invariance; but its physical motivation can’t be cleanly explained by superstrings (they are rather only as math results).[1] shows how Lorentz invariance of spacetime is the result of fractals produced by random walks, at very small scales, as paths of the path integrals. Doing so, produces a Lorentz invariant spacetime, that is discrete, and where noncommutative geometry expresses suitably the Lorentz invariance through the commutators (that render the position operators fuzzy). Interestingly, [1] derives the noncommutativity of the position operators in AdS(5), because of the dynamics of the multi-folds. As the holographic (mappings) effects in spacetime matches these dynamics, spacetime must also be discrete. This is a fantastic result and it implies, per our duality, that superstring theory should consider that the universe is discrete with random then noncommutative geometry.
These properties of a discrete spacetime were well known already through different reasoning [20,21]. Yet, its implications for superstring, while sometimes compatible, do not seem to have been seriously pursued. The physical explanation obtained by [1] is also very unexpected and had not been matched in [20,21] (i.e. they are not able to either why Lorentz invariant, it is rather respectively postulated or deducted from random distributions but then without explaining why random.) or other non-commutative, fractal or fractional spacetime theories! There are many theories and models proposing some of these features out there, typically without a detailed justification.
Supersymmetries, supergravity and more
[1] does not require or assume supersymmetries or supergravity. It would remain unaffected by their existence. Without requiring them, [1] avoids the problems of the absence of proton decays and absence of magnetic monopoles to name a few and yet still have options for an Ultimate Unification of interaction scenarios that survive the absence of these effects. [1] shows how gravity further precludes proton decay [5] and magnetic monopoles in multi-folds universes.[1] treats AdS(5) as an external space. The extra dimensions of AdS(5) are not visible to us (only to paths of our constituting particles through curvature of the effect of attractive effective potential). It does not matter, if AdS(5) is complemented by additional compact dimensions to reach 10 or 11 dimensions, as needed respectively by superstrings and M-Theory. Being outside spacetime matters, as discussed in our footnote earlier: we can’t explain macroscopic ER bridges in spacetime: they are not exactly observed. It also helps with the notions of non-observability of entanglement [27]. It also explains non divergence and normalizability of the quantized gravity modeled in spacetime by [1].
3. Supersymmetry only in AdS(5)(++)?
This section is speculative and should be treated as such. We thought along time if this section should be added. We do not want to distract from the analysis above that shows all the touch points between multi-folds universe introduced in [1] and superstrings. Because this section is more speculative and provocative on what might or might not be, it may distract and become the focus of all the attention. We decided to go ahead and not push these considerations to another paper, because it is really part of the analysis and its implications. We hope that the reader will approach the section in the same spirit.Maybe one should think about super partner particles differently, and it may be why they have never been observed: maybe super partners exist after all, but, like gravitons or multi-folds, they would only live in AdS(5), not in our spacetime. We already understand how gravitons relate both to our spacetime and AdS(5). As mentioned earlier, none other physical particle than the gravitons should live in the superstring space as AdS is unstable with matter. But nonphysical (e.g. virtual, or other concepts) might exist without problem and they are clearly encountered by superstring theories. This unconventional idea may then require new holographic principles if we expect super partners to have effects in our spacetime. Otherwise they only exist for the sanity of the superstrings but would be unphysical or unconnected to physical reality, which maybe that is what it is!
So, according to [1], multi-fold live outside our spacetime, in AdS(5). When quantized massive and massless gravitons live in AdS(5). This recovers a version of the AdS/CFT correspondence for multi-folds universes. If we exploit all the considerations on correspondence between superstrings and multi-fold mechanisms, it is natural to imagine that AdS(5) can of course by extended with multiple additional (compact) dimensions (which we will here conveniently denote as AdS{5)(++); it is all outside our spacetime anyway. AdS(5)(++) is the space where superstrings or M-theory live (with one more dimension). The (multi-) folds are not affected and their dynamic do not have to follow GR in AdS(5)(++): graviton can continue to behave the same even if they now are in AdS{5)(++).
Yet the multi-fold mechanism, with its mapping, brings some paths of the particle crossing the support domains of the mapping, in the fold. In [1] the fold is treated as a extension of spacetime; so physics is as in the conventional world, only the spacetime is curved and the folds are single tenant (i.e. single instance per particle: no interactions in the folds other than at entry and exit. But if we relax a bit that last assumption, one could see that paths on the folds also brings the particle in AdS(5)(++), where Physics is now dictated by superstring theory (and it could explain why AdS/CFT may model aspects of our spacetime physics in the bulk, as announced earlier).
For the sake of discussion, let’s see how that could happen and how could it play out. Two scenarios can maybe explain how some of these path would lead to strings:
- because of uncertainties in our spacetime (and in the folds), the folds wiggle around tangent to spacetime. While the paths stays in their fold, the wiggling means that this implies wiggling around in AdS(5)(++), between the different positions of the fold spacetime.
- at any point within the fold, the curvature effect results into an attractive effective potential felt in our spacetime. Then at the next time click, the fold evolves with the path. Yet if we consider an infinitesimal time with a given fold (at a given time), the path on the fold is a path left behind in AdS(5)(++).
In either cases (or combining both), these multi-folds of [1] leaves a myriad of tiny paths in AdS(5)(++). The particle (path) on it had all its physical properties with it. These could be seen (we have no better qualifier at this stage), as small strings in AdS(5)(++). These paths may be very small and proportional to the energy of the particle (in our spacetime) e.g. for option 2) or all of the same size, e.g. for 1)). In this model, it is clear that entanglement, and therefore gravity per [1], is responsible for the apparition of the tiny paths in AdS(5)(++): no entanglement or no gravity and no mapping exists to make this happen. If just considering our spacetime, it also shows how superstring can affix themselves to particles while wiggling in AdS{5)(++); if that was how particle in our spacetime get their properties, a claim solely from string theories.
When in AdS(5)(++), superstring Physics applies. Other particles exist (e.g. the super partners) depending on the superstring variant that is considered. They can interact with the tiny paths and do Physics with associated stringy Feynman diagrams. How that might in anyway be then reflected to our reality is anyone’s guess and for future work, as symmetries in our spacetime and conservation rules must be suitably handled. At least this way, it may not matter that magnetic monopoles do not exist; they can just exist in AdS(5)(++). The handling of proton decay depends on how the above is handled or if proton stability could be a landscape requirement. Or physics in AdS(5)(++), while tacking place has no effect at all on our spacetime… In fact, even the requirement for symmetry breaking may be relaxed, as in AdS(5)(++), super partners could have the same mass as particles in our spacetime. Or physics in AdS(5)(++), while tacking place, has no effect at all on our spacetime…
Ensuring that symmetries in our spacetime and conservation rules must be suitably handled could be achieved by prescribing that
- only interactions where super partners or others are virtual string account.
- They can be modeled as reflected in our spacetime via the mappings (i.e. this way, the Feynman diagram has input and output with spacetime particles and the blob in between reflects the multi-folds and interactions in AdS(5)(++)). As far as we know, none of these have been ever observed so far.
- supersymmetry accommodates not having proton decay, e.g. via gravity prevention of proton decay or supersymmetry conservation rules that amount to conservation of baryon and lepton numbers (not just their differences) or other mechanisms. This may include other prescriptions to protect other symmetries; but we do no
Of course, ii) is nontrivial but it would also bring conventional GUTs back in the race[1]. It is possible per [29,30,31]. This way, for superstrings: no proton decay, no magnetic monopoles (they are at best in AdS(5)(++)), no recurrent mass acquisition in our spacetime, and no never observed super partners (they are also in AdS(5)(+)). It is
These could be good criteria for the string landscape. The scheme above may not yet help for GUTs as the other effects including magnetic monopoles can’t be address if we can’t put the super partners outside our spacetime. What could be proposed for that is still unclear at this stage.
4. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows a duality between multi-fold universe and superstrings with an amazing amount of explanations and insights on what happens and what does not happen in superstrings, as well as what should be worth investigating to go to the next step and either converge superstrings with multi-fold universes or bring superstrings to the next level. It also helps programs like the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture, the ER=EPR conjecture and GR=QM. As often, what are conjecture in superstrings are facts with a twist, or theorems in [1], or often offer some insight on what is meant or happening in superstrings with physical interpretation relating to spacetime. After all, unless spacetime and strings are suitably compartmentalized, as also proposed here, the fact that strings and matter live in different universes may hamper some superstring theories ambitions as ToEs (unless if our latest proposal for super partners resulted into something concrete and may be solves as a result also the issues of predicting proton decay or magnetic monopoles). AdS/CFT correspondence, as a conjecture, today may miss the oomph that [1] provides to close the deal.Maybe [1] can also help with aspects of the landscape or even the elusive M-theory.
[1] also offers touch points with the superstrings evil twins (depending on those perspective – It is a figure of speech; we do not make judgement of which is what): Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) and other spacetime construction approaches (e.g. [22]). For example, the reconstruction schemes and entanglement models and mechanisms of [1] are key input.
[1] shows also significant impact on the Standard Model, when we add gravity (especially the short scale massive contributions). It could contribute explanations to several famous open issues.
Despite all the energy out there, it is fair to say that the momentum behind quantum gravity, GUTs and ToEs, and that includes superstrings, has again waned. At least, it appears so from the outside.
We certainly would invite some opportunities to put it all together, as this paper started to do by positioning what [1] and its multi-folds mechanisms can offer to superstring, M-theory as quantum gravity in general. In fact [1], with its massive gravity contributions at small scale seems to offer a new alternative for a Unification of all the interactions by democratizing the effects of all interactions, at very small scales, instead of uber symmetry approaches à la Electroweak that first combined it with the strong interaction into GUTs [28]; something that has run into some significant snags.
Although quite different approaches, all the models depicts facettes of the required framework. Hopefully, this paper and [1] helped, and maybe these approaches can progress more collaboratively together?
[1] With for examples supersymmetry only for virtual particles (and no proton decay). Feasibility and implications have not been evaluated. It is just an idea.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[2]: G. ‘t Hooft, (1990), “The Black Hole Interpretation of String Theory”, Nuclear Physics B335 (1990) 138-154
[3]: Zwiebach, Barton (2003). “A First Course in String Theory”. Cambridge University Press.
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes “, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[6]: Claudia de Rham, (2014), “Massive Gravity”, arXiv:1401.4173v2
[7]: Claudia de Rham, Gregory Gabadadze, Andrew J. Tolley, (2010), “Resummation of Massive Gravity”, arXiv:1011.1232v2
[8]: ChunJun Cao, Sean M. Carroll, Spyridon Michalakis, (2016). “Space from Hilbert Space: Recovering Geometry from Bulk Entanglement”, arXiv:1606.08444v3.
[9]: van Raamsdonk, Mark (2010). “Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement”, Gen. Rel. Grav. 42 (14): 2323–2329. arXiv:1005.3035
[10]: Julian Sonner, (2013), “Holographic Schwinger Effect and the Geometry of Entanglement”, arXiv:1307.6850v3
[11]: Leonard Susskind, (2017). “Dear Qubitzers, GR=QM”, arXiv:1708.03040
[12]: Seth Lloyd, (2006), “Programming the Universe”, Alfred A. Knopf
[14]: A. Trautman, (1973), “Spin and Torsion May avert Gravitational Singularities”, Nature Physical Science, ol. 142, 7-8.
[15]: Ted Jacobson, (1995), “Thermodynamics of Spacetime: The Einstein Equation of State”, arXiv:gr-qc/9504004v2.
[17]: Georges Obied, Hirosi Ooguri, Lev Spodyneiko, Cumrun Vafa, (2018), “De Sitter Space and the Swampland”, arXiv:1806.08362v3.
[18]: Georgios Moschidis, (2018), “A proof of the instability of AdS for the Einstein–massless Vlasov system”, arXiv:1812.04268v1.
[19]: Cumrun Vafa, (2005), “The String Landscape and the Swampland”, arXiv:hep-th/0509212v2
[20]: S. Doplicher, K. Fredenhagen and J. E. Roberts, (1994), “Spacetime quantization induced by classical gravity”, Phys. Rev. B 331 (1994) 33.
[21]: Hooft, Gerard ’t, (2016), “How quantization of gravity leads to a discrete space-time”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 701 012014
[22]: Johannes Thueringen, (2015), “Discrete quantum geometries and their effective dimension”, Ph.D. Thesis, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin
[26]: R. Moti, A. Shojai, “Traversability of quantum improved wormhole solution”, arXiv:2006.06190v1
[27]: Ning Bao and Jason Pollack and Grant N. Remmen, (2015), “Wormhole and entanglement (non-)detection in the ER=EPR correspondence”, arXiv:1509.05426.
[28]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”,… , June 16, 2020.
[29]: Jogesh C. Pati, (1996), “Baryon Non-Conservation in Unified Theories, in the Light of Supersymmetry and Superstrings”, arXiv:hep-ph/9611371v1
[31]: G. Lazarides, C. Panagiotakopoulos, Q. Shafi, (1993),”Supersymmetric Unification without Proton Decay”, arXiv:hep-ph/9306332v1
[32]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[f1]: [1] could have decide to rather use wormholes (or folds) within spacetime (e.g. like ER bridges). All the mechanisms, models and features would remain valid, except that the AdS position (as tangent to spacetime and as in the AdS/CFT correspondence) may be different or more cumbersome to discuss and the analysis presented here may have to evolve a bit: superstring and multi-fold may lose, or have to adapt, some of their relationships detailed here. But, allowing this (in spacetime wormholes instead of outside spacetime) leads to two additional challenges: 1) folds probably would have to follow GR in our spacetime (maybe not but it is harder to argue). As explained in [1] that is a constraint that is limiting, yet not an impossibility. 2) ER bridges in our spacetime may be harder to comprehend when spanning macroscopic distances! Shouldn’t they be observable? (2) is why while equivalent in terms of most of the results, [1] did not decide to pursue that path and just to assume it as a less interesting particular case. Yet a pre-print post publication of [1], shows that traversable wormholes of very small diameters could be envisaged in our spacetime [26]. Without any idea, if they would be detectable or observable or how things would encounter them and interact with them, it is hard to say it if would make sense as “in spacetime” (multi-)folds. But, if they are undetectable and [26] is correct, they could be candidates for a variations of multi-fold universe were multi-folds would be built with such wormholes and paths could traverse them. For now, we do not explore further or support this variation of multi-folds. It may be for future work.
[f2]: With for examples supersymmetry only for virtual particles (and no proton decay). Feasibility and implications have not been evaluated. It is just an idea.
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Multi-Fold Dark Matter Effects and Early Supermassive Black Holes
Stephane H. Maes
October 15, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in-between entangled particles or regions. No New Physics is introduced in terms of new particles beyond the Standard Model or modifying long range gravity: only the modeling of gravity as emerging from entanglement, in a multi-fold universe.
The discovery of early supermassive black holes raises questions of how they could have formed 13 billion years ago. In this paper, we propose a way that can contribute to an explanation in multi-fold universes, with multi-fold dark matter effects due to entanglement.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR – Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
[1,5] derived an explanation for Dark matter in a multi-fold universe, without requiring New Physics.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Multi-Fold Explanation to Dark Matter
[1,5] recovers automatically dark matter with its model of attractive effective potential appearing between physical (real) entangled systems [6], at the difference of virtual ones that already account for gravity.
Accordingly emitted massless (or quasi massless, i.e. neutrinos) particles are entangled in pairs or with their source or intermediate systems. This account for extra gravity like attraction towards the center and / or halos around galaxies. It is illustrated in figure 1 (from [5]).
Figure 1: It illustrates how the different entanglements cases, discussed in the text, appear as dark matter with attraction towards the galaxy center and mass in the center or in halos. Green circles represent center of masses. (Reused from [5]).
[5] (see its figure 2) explains that it can also account for globular galaxies where no significant dark matter is detected.
[7,8] provided additional analyses of astronomical observations that challenged conventional dark matter theories. It shows that we can account for all the reported behaviors.
3. Early supermassive blackholes
[9,10] details the discovery of 83 supermassive blackholes 13 billions year old. It is unclear how they did form so early in the universe (i.e. within less than a billion year).
Following the discovery of early galaxies feeding such an early supermassive black hole [11], the author proposed that this is how such black hole grew. They would have formed within huge halos of dark matter that create both black holes and feeding galaxies.
[11] does not explain the source of the estimated MDM halo∼1012−13 MꙨ , that they believe was needed to form the black hole and its feeding galaxies; citing only expected early bias creating the necessary clumps of dark matter. References in [11], including [12], propose an hierarchical model: smaller black matter hallo meet and grow into larger structures but do not explain further. In fact results as in [12] only model younger systems.
4. Multi-fold dark matter effects Can seed as needed
We do not have ambition to detail here anything new, and useful, in terms of the genesis of blackholes, or galaxies. However, we want to present a motivation on why and how large dark matter clumps can occur early on. That’s it.
In an early multi-fold universe, one can expect lots of entanglement, analogous to initial dark matter halos, across an early region. It would be due to the random walks described in the spacetime reconstruction phase of [1]. Indeed, then, mostly new spacetime locations are created and entanglements exist for a while across spacetime locations, across region created or concretized by same or entangled particles. The effect is stronger than at later ages. As a result, it is possible to account for strong attractive effect analogous to dark matter. They can then account for the equivalent conventional dark matter mass involved.
5. Conclusions
We extended the use cases supported by the multi-fold dark matter models proposed in [1,5,7,8] to include support for formation of large dark matter halos and structure in an early multi-fold universe. Entanglement in early multi-fold universes can be strong among particles, spacetime points and spacetime point and their concretizing particles.
While this is by no means a validation of the multi-fold universe proposal, we consider that it is another supporting and corroborative hint that should encourage the community to seriously consider our proposed mechanisms and investigate seriously the proposal of attractive gravity-like effect between entangled systems [1,6].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Multi-Fold Dark Matter Effects and Early Supermassive Black Holes”, viXra:2105.0041v1,…, October 15, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006v1, or, June 21, 2020.
[6]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”,…, June 24, 2020.
[7]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Successful Explanation and the “Too Thin Universe” but “Too Strong Gravity Lensing by Galaxy Clusters””,…, September 14, 2020.
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Effects Survive Low-Mass Galaxies with Dark Matter Deficits and Excesses”,…, October 14, 2020.
[9]: Jack Ryan, (2019), “Astronomers discover 83 supermassive black holes at the edge of the universe”,…. Retrieved on October 1, 2020.
[10]: Yoshiki Matsuoka, et al., (2019), “Discovery of the First Low-Luminosity Quasar at z > 7”, arXiv:1901.10487v1
[11]: Marco Mignoli, Roberto Gilli, Roberto Decarli, Eros Vanzella, Barbara Balmaverde, Nico Cappelluti, Letizia P. Cassarà, Andrea Comastri, Felice Cusano, Kazushi Iwasawa, Stefano Marchesi, Isabella Prandoni, Cristian Vignali, Fabio Vito, Giovanni Zamorani, Marco Chiaberge, Colin Norman, (2020), “The web of the Giant: spectroscopic confirmation of a Large Scale Structure around the z=6.31 quasar SDSS J1030+0524”, arXiv:2009.00024v2
[12]: Debora Sijacki, Volker Springel, Martin G. Haehnelt, (2009), “Growing the first bright quasars in cosmological simulations of structure formation”, arXiv:0905.1689v2
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#bigBang #BlackHoles #DarkMatter #DarkMatterHalos #EarlyUniverse #Entanglement #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #multiFoldDarkMatterEffects #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumGravity #SupermassiveBlackHoles #z7Redshift
Astronomers discover 83 supermassive black holes at the edge of the universe
Lurking in the distant corners of space are 83 monster black holes that can teach us about the early days of the cosmos.Jackson Ryan (CNET)
Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?
Stephane H. MaesJune 21, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles or regions. When applied to astrophysics, these effects are analogous to additional matter within or around galaxies. This way, we recover behaviors that match expected and observed dark matter effects, when present or missing. No New Physics is introduced in terms of new particles beyond the Standard Model or modifying long range gravity: only the modeling of gravity as emerging from entanglement in a multi-fold universe.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR – Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Attractive Potential Between Entangled particles
The key proposal in [1] is a mechanism of multi-folds designed to address the EPR paradox. It is shown that, with such a mechanism, (EPR) entanglement creates an attractive potential between entangled particles that behaves like gravity.When involving virtual particles emitted around a source of energy, we recover GR equations (and the Hilbert Einstein action) at classical (and semi-classical scales). At very small scales, there are additional contributions of massive virtual particles that generate additional contributions.
Entanglements between particles create additional contributions expected to behave like additional gravity contributions or fluctuations that we expect to see for example near macroscopically entangled material like superconductors [10].
The effective potentials can be seen as in
(or in
when it can be integrated over a region (uncertainty region or bundle of entangled particles. For Gravity, the integration goes over [r,infinity), for all the previous sent virtual pairs), where r is the distance between particle and center of mass or source).The effects due to entanglement are very small in general at macroscopic scales; yet, just like for gravity, they add up when considering the combined effect across a galaxy.
3. The Dark matter problem
It has been extensively shown that dark matter, i.e. matter that has mass or energy and interacts with other matter only (or mostly) through gravity (at least long range), is required to explain behavior of the universe, in particular the rotational velocities of most galaxies [5,6]. Without dark matter, they would disintegrate, considering the amount of normal matter observed or modeled. Dark matter is expected to constitute 85% of the total matter in the universe. Many models confirm its existence with good consistency across the methods used to estimate or validate its effects.Today, however, Physics cannot account for, or explain, the origin of dark matter. Proposed tentative solutions (to explain or avoid dark matter) range from changes to gravity with for examples modifications of the long-range behavior of (newton) gravity (e.g. MOND), large scale massive gravity versions of GR, additional long range bulk spacetime entanglement effects[fn1] in (entropic) gravity models, or proposing actual candidates for dark matter like black holes or particles most of the time new and associated to New Physics (see [5] for an overview).
Dark energy is another mysterious content of our universe [6,7]. [8] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms proposed in [1] can contribute to an explanation of the dark energy.
4. EPR Entanglement in Multi-fold Universe: A Source for Dark Matter
In [1], entangled EPR pairs create attractive gravity like potential in between them towards the center of mass of these particles (and variations for multi-partite, nonhierarchical, entanglement).Virtual pairs emitted by energy or matter contribute to gravity with the model of [1]. Any other entanglement between particles, especially real particle entanglement, is not counted in conventional gravity. These entanglements appear as additional gravity contributions.
Entanglement can be, as shown in figure 1:
- (1) Between particles emitted by stellar or other objects and these objects.
- (2) Between pairs of entangled particles moving in opposite directions.
- (3) Between surrounding matter or particles entangled with the above.
Figure 1: It illustrates how the different entanglements cases, discussed in the text, appear as dark matter with attraction towards the galaxy center and mass in the center or in halos. Green circles represent center of masses.In all cases, the sources or centers of mass are located within the galaxy (especially in the center) and in surrounding halos. It matches the models for dark matter. The effect is a combination of cold and hot dark matter, but it always appear as cold matter. The dominant contributing particles involved in entanglement are photons and neutrinos. Of course, other cosmic radiations also contribute.
It is also well known that dark matter present some challenges for conventional explanations based on modified gravity or on particles because there are cases of galaxies where no or very little dark matter is inferred (See [9] for an example – more references can be found in [1]). It is hard to explain gravity laws or particles that would be sometimes be modified or sometimes be there; but not always.
It is not a problem with the multi-folds mechanism of [1].
Figure 2: In globular cases, with enough matter surrounding, entanglement may be destroyed before it has the desired effects, therefore giving the impression of missing dark matter.In the model of [1], if matter is distributed (e.g. Globular galaxy – see Figure 2) in a way that intercept most particles early and disentangle them on their way out of a galaxy region, the effect weakens or disappears… It matches the few galaxy examples that miss dark matter.
Tthis model and explanation is therefore able to account for dark matter, at least partially (till quantitatively estimated), and that is qualitatively consistent with observations; including when dark matter would be observed as missing.
The arguments in [1] are only qualitative, not yet quantitative. More work is needed to see if quantitative estimates make sense and may suffice to explain dark energy. Of course, other effects can also play along.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipates the behaviors modeled of a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Our proposal has no equivalent or variations for a non multi-fold universe: the source of dark matter effects come directly from the multi-folds mechanism as proposed in [1] and the resulting attraction towards the source or center of mass as a result of entanglement. Even other models, that link entanglement and gravity, may not help as the multi-fold universe do, as none have clearly identified such a gravity-like attraction as a result of entanglement. Any model where gravity appears between entangled particles could support the proposal from this paper.
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges with dark matter as well as the situation where it is believed to be missing.Combined with [8], it is remarkable that the mechanism of [1] can contribute to effects like inflation, small cosmological constant and dark energy and now dark matter; that it be present or missing.
While steps in the right direction in terms of validating [1], future work should aim at providing quantitative estimates to further determine viability of the proposal or completeness of the explanation, versus just contributing to what happens, which would already be satisfying.
The proposed explanation of dark matter is also an attractive validation candidate for the proposal that entanglement generates gravity like contributions [1,10].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006, or…, June 21, 2020.
Note: The web version (here) is tracked at…. A mistake in many references instead provided the URL to the dark energy paper. It is regrettable and will be corrected in the future for all upcoming papers and revisions.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[6]: B. Clegg (2019), “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Hidden 95% of the Universe”, Icon Books Ltd
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”,…, June 19, 2020.
[9]: Shany Danieli, Pieter van Dokkum, Charlie Conroy, Roberto Abraham, and Aaron J. Romanowsky, (2019), “Still Missing Dark Matter: KCWI High-resolution Stellar Kinematics of NGC1052-DF2”, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 874, Number 2
[10]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Entanglement Concretizes Time in a Multi-fold Universe”,…, June 28, 2020.
[11]: Erik P. Verlinde (2010), “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton”, arXiv:1001.0785
[12]: Erik Verlinde, (2016), “Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe”, arXiv:1611.02269v2
[fn1]: These notions, as proposed in [11,12], are fundamentally different effects from what is proposed in [1]. [1] considers effects between particles. Entropic bulk entanglement are postulated as statistical effects between spacetime regions. Of course, [1] may be an enabler or an explanation for such effect; or not. It does not really matter within the scope of this paper.
September 15 2020: Check [Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Successful Explanation and the “Too Thin Universe” but “Too Strong Gravity Lensing by Galaxy Clusters””,…, September 14, 2020.] for more recent obeservation explained with our approach (and problematic for conventional approaches).
I thank my generous supporters on Patreon. [strong]If you like my work, publications, and opinions, please consider joining them. This way, you can support this research work done totally independent from any institution. Use the contact form if you prefer to help by putting together a grant or other type of funding.[/strong]
#Astrophysics #DarkMatter #Entanglement #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumGravity #StandardModel
Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form. Multi-fold Community, where you can submit your own related papers, and be linked here. (Apri…Shmaes - Physics
Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Effects Survive Low-Mass Galaxies with Dark Matter Deficits and Excesses
Stephane H. Maes
October 14, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in-between entangled particles or regions. No New Physics is introduced in terms of new particles beyond the Standard Model or modifying long range gravity: only the modeling of gravity as emerging from entanglement, in a multi-fold universe.
The observations of the existence of low mass galaxies, with excess of dark matter, in some cases, and with deficits in dark matters in others, were presented as proof that dark matter exists as cold dark matter. This paper shows that multi-fold dark matter effects of entanglement can explain the observations and are not in any ways weakened. Of course, it is to be added with the other examples, where our models explain dark matter, and galaxy behaviors, better than conventional explanations, and without requiring New Physics.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR – Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model, other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe; which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime (concretized) results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
[1,5] derived an explanation for Dark matter in a multi-fold universe, without requiring New Physics.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Multi-Fold Explanation to Dark Matter
[1,5] recovers automatically dark matter with its model of attractive effective potential appearing between physical (real) entangled systems [6], at the difference of virtual ones that already account for gravity.
Accordingly emitted massless (or quasi massless, i.e. neutrinos) particles are entangled in pairs or with their source or intermediate systems. This account for extra gravity like attraction towards the center and / or halos around galaxies. It is illustrated in figure 1 (from [5]).
Figure 1: It illustrates how the different entanglements cases, discussed in the text, appear as dark matter with attraction towards the galaxy center and mass in the center or in halos. Green circles represent center of masses. (Reused from [5]).
[5] (see its figure 2) explains that it can also account for globular galaxies where no significant dark matter is detected.
[7] provided additional analyses of astronomical observations that challenged conventional dark matter theories. It shows that we can account for all the reported behaviors.
3. Low-Mass Galaxies with Deficits or Excess of Dark Matter
In 2019, low-mass galaxies have been observed with respectively:
- Excess of dark matter with respect to the typical 5 to 1 ratio [8,9,10,12]
- Deficit of dark matter [11,12]
[12], a popular science article, provides a perfect summary of the discoveries and the associated problem. Low masses are assumed to result from interactions with other galaxies that resulted into expelling, i.e. losing, a large number of stars and gas or being expelled and later recombined into a diffuse galaxy. If dark matter were cold matter, then we can expect that they remain with the main galaxy from where stars were expelled (because rather living in halos around the galaxies the matter would not have been influenced and expelled the same way). At best, a smaller amount would have been expelled. On the other hand, the expelled stars that then recombined into a diffuse galaxy would not have come along with much dark matter.
As a result, the observation of the two types of galaxies (with excess and deficit of inferred dark matter) is presented by many, including [12] as proof that dark matter exists and is in the form of cold dark matter.
Never mind the fact that the envisages scenarios could also have resulted into purer dark matter galaxies as expelled galaxies (recombining dark matter). These are not really observable, or tracked, today unless through gravitational lensing and other universe mass density estimates. They may in fact be part of some of the conventional explanations that could be advanced for the effects discussed in [7].
4. Not only cold dark matter in multi-fold universes
Figure 2: It shows the excess of entanglement per normal matter on the left side and the deficit on the right side for expelled matter recombined into a galaxy. The entanglement effects create the dark matter effects analogous to conventional cold matter.
Following [5], we see that expelled matter will at best generate its own entanglement and not benefit of the rest of the original galaxy effects and history (all the particles out there still with systems in the galaxy or still attracting towards the galaxy center.
So expelled matter will have (at least for a while) only little entanglement effects and hence weaker than expected multi-fold dark matter effects.
On the other hand, the “mother galaxy” will continue to have all these (historical) entangled particles (particles to particles and particles to galaxy systems) attracting towards it, despite having possibly way less matter. Therefore they will present stronger multi-fold dark matter effects.
It is illustrated in Figure 2.
Figure 2: Show the excess of entanglement per normal matter on the left side and the deficit on the right side for expelled matter recombined into a galaxy. The entanglement effects create the dark matter effects analogous to conventional cold matter.
As multi-fold dark matter effects are what the conventional papers call dark matter, the multi-fold dark matter is as suited, and validated, by the observations and explanations of section 3, as cold dark matter.
5. Conclusions
We extended the use cases supported by the multi-fold dark matter models proposed in [1,5,7]. These allowed us to explain, and survive, the new observations that suggest that the observation of low mass galaxies with respectively excess or deficits of dark matter. Entanglement in multi-fold universes work as well.
The model survived the apparently challenge as well as the dominant explanation based on cold matter, that is touted out there . While this is by no means a validation of the multi-fold universe proposal, we consider that it is another supporting and corroborative hint that should encourage the community to seriously consider our proposed mechanisms, and investigate seriously the proposal of attractive gravity-like effect between entangled systems [1,6].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Effects Survive Low-Mass Galaxies with Dark Matter Deficits and Excesses”, viXra:2105.0042v1,…, October 14, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006v1, or, June 21, 2020.
[6]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”,…, June 24, 2020.
[7]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Successful Explanation and the “Too Thin Universe” but “Too Strong Gravity Lensing by Galaxy Clusters””,…, September 14, 2020.
[8]: Pieter van Dokkum, Asher Wasserman, Shany Danieli, Roberto Abraham, Jean Brodie, Charlie Conroy, Duncan A. Forbes, Christopher Martin, Matt Matuszewski, Aaron J. Romanowsky, Alexa Villaume, (2019), “Spatially-resolved stellar kinematics of the ultra diffuse galaxy Dragonfly 44. I. Observations, kinematics, and cold dark matter halo fits”, arXiv:1904.04838v2
[9]: Wikipedia, “Segue 1”, Retrieved on October 14, 2020
[10]: Wikipedia, “Segue 3”, Retrieved on October 14, 2020
[11]: Shany Danieli, Pieter van Dokkum, Charlie Conroy, Roberto Abraham, Aaron J. Romanowsky, (2019), “Still Missing Dark Matter: KCWI High-Resolution Stellar Kinematics of NGC1052-DF2”, arXiv:1901.03711v2
[12]: Ethan Siegel at al., (2020), “These Two Galaxies Can’t Both Exist Without Dark Matter”,…. Retrieved on October 13, 2020
I thank my generous supporters on Patreon. If you like my work, publications, and opinions, please consider joining them. This way, you can support this research work done totally independent from any institution. Use the contact form if you prefer to help by putting together a grant or other type of funding.
#coldDarkMatter #DarkMatter #Entanglement #GalaxiesWithDeficitOfDarkMatter #galaxiesWithExcessOfDarkMatter #Gravity #multiFoldDarkMatterEffects #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumGravity #StandardCosmologicalModel #StandardModel
These Two Galaxies Can’t Both Exist Without Dark Matter
From galaxies with no dark matter to ones with hundreds of times more dark matter than normal, our Universe needs it more than ever.Ethan Siegel (Forbes)
Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?
Stephane H. MaesJune 21, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles or regions. When applied to astrophysics, these effects are analogous to additional matter within or around galaxies. This way, we recover behaviors that match expected and observed dark matter effects, when present or missing. No New Physics is introduced in terms of new particles beyond the Standard Model or modifying long range gravity: only the modeling of gravity as emerging from entanglement in a multi-fold universe.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR – Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Attractive Potential Between Entangled particles
The key proposal in [1] is a mechanism of multi-folds designed to address the EPR paradox. It is shown that, with such a mechanism, (EPR) entanglement creates an attractive potential between entangled particles that behaves like gravity.When involving virtual particles emitted around a source of energy, we recover GR equations (and the Hilbert Einstein action) at classical (and semi-classical scales). At very small scales, there are additional contributions of massive virtual particles that generate additional contributions.
Entanglements between particles create additional contributions expected to behave like additional gravity contributions or fluctuations that we expect to see for example near macroscopically entangled material like superconductors [10].
The effective potentials can be seen as in
(or in
when it can be integrated over a region (uncertainty region or bundle of entangled particles. For Gravity, the integration goes over [r,infinity), for all the previous sent virtual pairs), where r is the distance between particle and center of mass or source).The effects due to entanglement are very small in general at macroscopic scales; yet, just like for gravity, they add up when considering the combined effect across a galaxy.
3. The Dark matter problem
It has been extensively shown that dark matter, i.e. matter that has mass or energy and interacts with other matter only (or mostly) through gravity (at least long range), is required to explain behavior of the universe, in particular the rotational velocities of most galaxies [5,6]. Without dark matter, they would disintegrate, considering the amount of normal matter observed or modeled. Dark matter is expected to constitute 85% of the total matter in the universe. Many models confirm its existence with good consistency across the methods used to estimate or validate its effects.Today, however, Physics cannot account for, or explain, the origin of dark matter. Proposed tentative solutions (to explain or avoid dark matter) range from changes to gravity with for examples modifications of the long-range behavior of (newton) gravity (e.g. MOND), large scale massive gravity versions of GR, additional long range bulk spacetime entanglement effects[fn1] in (entropic) gravity models, or proposing actual candidates for dark matter like black holes or particles most of the time new and associated to New Physics (see [5] for an overview).
Dark energy is another mysterious content of our universe [6,7]. [8] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms proposed in [1] can contribute to an explanation of the dark energy.
4. EPR Entanglement in Multi-fold Universe: A Source for Dark Matter
In [1], entangled EPR pairs create attractive gravity like potential in between them towards the center of mass of these particles (and variations for multi-partite, nonhierarchical, entanglement).Virtual pairs emitted by energy or matter contribute to gravity with the model of [1]. Any other entanglement between particles, especially real particle entanglement, is not counted in conventional gravity. These entanglements appear as additional gravity contributions.
Entanglement can be, as shown in figure 1:
- (1) Between particles emitted by stellar or other objects and these objects.
- (2) Between pairs of entangled particles moving in opposite directions.
- (3) Between surrounding matter or particles entangled with the above.
Figure 1: It illustrates how the different entanglements cases, discussed in the text, appear as dark matter with attraction towards the galaxy center and mass in the center or in halos. Green circles represent center of masses.In all cases, the sources or centers of mass are located within the galaxy (especially in the center) and in surrounding halos. It matches the models for dark matter. The effect is a combination of cold and hot dark matter, but it always appear as cold matter. The dominant contributing particles involved in entanglement are photons and neutrinos. Of course, other cosmic radiations also contribute.
It is also well known that dark matter present some challenges for conventional explanations based on modified gravity or on particles because there are cases of galaxies where no or very little dark matter is inferred (See [9] for an example – more references can be found in [1]). It is hard to explain gravity laws or particles that would be sometimes be modified or sometimes be there; but not always.
It is not a problem with the multi-folds mechanism of [1].
Figure 2: In globular cases, with enough matter surrounding, entanglement may be destroyed before it has the desired effects, therefore giving the impression of missing dark matter.In the model of [1], if matter is distributed (e.g. Globular galaxy – see Figure 2) in a way that intercept most particles early and disentangle them on their way out of a galaxy region, the effect weakens or disappears… It matches the few galaxy examples that miss dark matter.
Tthis model and explanation is therefore able to account for dark matter, at least partially (till quantitatively estimated), and that is qualitatively consistent with observations; including when dark matter would be observed as missing.
The arguments in [1] are only qualitative, not yet quantitative. More work is needed to see if quantitative estimates make sense and may suffice to explain dark energy. Of course, other effects can also play along.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipates the behaviors modeled of a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Our proposal has no equivalent or variations for a non multi-fold universe: the source of dark matter effects come directly from the multi-folds mechanism as proposed in [1] and the resulting attraction towards the source or center of mass as a result of entanglement. Even other models, that link entanglement and gravity, may not help as the multi-fold universe do, as none have clearly identified such a gravity-like attraction as a result of entanglement. Any model where gravity appears between entangled particles could support the proposal from this paper.
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges with dark matter as well as the situation where it is believed to be missing.Combined with [8], it is remarkable that the mechanism of [1] can contribute to effects like inflation, small cosmological constant and dark energy and now dark matter; that it be present or missing.
While steps in the right direction in terms of validating [1], future work should aim at providing quantitative estimates to further determine viability of the proposal or completeness of the explanation, versus just contributing to what happens, which would already be satisfying.
The proposed explanation of dark matter is also an attractive validation candidate for the proposal that entanglement generates gravity like contributions [1,10].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006, or…, June 21, 2020.
Note: The web version (here) is tracked at…. A mistake in many references instead provided the URL to the dark energy paper. It is regrettable and will be corrected in the future for all upcoming papers and revisions.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[6]: B. Clegg (2019), “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Hidden 95% of the Universe”, Icon Books Ltd
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”,…, June 19, 2020.
[9]: Shany Danieli, Pieter van Dokkum, Charlie Conroy, Roberto Abraham, and Aaron J. Romanowsky, (2019), “Still Missing Dark Matter: KCWI High-resolution Stellar Kinematics of NGC1052-DF2”, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 874, Number 2
[10]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Entanglement Concretizes Time in a Multi-fold Universe”,…, June 28, 2020.
[11]: Erik P. Verlinde (2010), “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton”, arXiv:1001.0785
[12]: Erik Verlinde, (2016), “Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe”, arXiv:1611.02269v2
[fn1]: These notions, as proposed in [11,12], are fundamentally different effects from what is proposed in [1]. [1] considers effects between particles. Entropic bulk entanglement are postulated as statistical effects between spacetime regions. Of course, [1] may be an enabler or an explanation for such effect; or not. It does not really matter within the scope of this paper.
September 15 2020: Check [Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Successful Explanation and the “Too Thin Universe” but “Too Strong Gravity Lensing by Galaxy Clusters””,…, September 14, 2020.] for more recent obeservation explained with our approach (and problematic for conventional approaches).
I thank my generous supporters on Patreon. [strong]If you like my work, publications, and opinions, please consider joining them. This way, you can support this research work done totally independent from any institution. Use the contact form if you prefer to help by putting together a grant or other type of funding.[/strong]
#Astrophysics #DarkMatter #Entanglement #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumGravity #StandardModel
Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form. Multi-fold Community, where you can submit your own related papers, and be linked here. (Apri…Shmaes - Physics
Viable Lattice Spacetime and Absence of Quantum Gravitational Anomalies in a Multi-fold Universe
Stephane H. Maes
December 4, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model (SM) without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hints at a even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
The Nielsen Ninomiya theorem predicts incompatibility of the conventional Standard Model with 4D discrete, lattice spacetimes per the Nielsen Ninomiya theorem, because of the weak interaction and the neutrino chiral asymmetries in SM. A priori, it would be problematic for the viability of the multi-fold universe reconstruction if it were to represent the real universe, and support or recover the Standard Model, as in the Standard Model with gravity, that is not negligible at the Standard Model scales (SMG). It would also invalidate our lattice-based claims of proof of the Mass gap for Yang Mills theories. Even more problematic, quantum gravitational anomalies would obstruct entanglement: quantum entanglement would not be possible in a discrete 4D universe. It simply would destroy, as impossible and inconsistent, the multi-fold mechanisms and the multi-fold spacetime reconstruction.
This paper discusses the consistency of multi-fold models with respect to these issues, as well as the implications for gravitational anomalies in multi-fold universes. The resolution relies on gravity induced flips of chiral fermions in multi-fold universes, that we already used to explain the neutrino mass and absence of proton decay observations. The resulting (spontaneous) chiral symmetry breaking handles consistency concerns with the weak interaction on lattices, and problems with Dirac fermion doubling in QCD. The gravitational anomaly cancellations, or smearing, also directly relate to the feasibility of simulations, e.g. Monte Carlo simulations of multi-fold universes, or even the possibility that the universe itself could be a simulation.
Finally, the paper also derives non-invariance of the weak hypercharge under non-negligible gravity is also an important new result of SMG, a results that does not change anything to observable weak interaction physics.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive, and possibly charged, particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
The present paper discusses the implications of multi-fold mechanisms and SMG, on chiral fermions, especially neutrinos, and how this relates to the Nielsen Ninomiya no-go theorem for 4D lattices and to quantum gravitational anomalies. As a result, the consistency of multi-fold models can be ascertained: even number of chiral fermion species, doubling of Dirac fermions in QCD and compatibility with the weak interaction.
2. The Nielsen Ninomiya No-Go Theorem
The Nielsen Ninomiya No-Go Theorem is summarized in [5] and detailed with different proofs and reasoning to motivate it in [6-9]. Accordingly, a lattice for an even dimensional (e.g. 4D) spacetime, requires the same number of species (including all quantum number) of left and right-handed chiral fermions (i.e., massless Weyl fermions) on the lattice with certain assumptions (action periodic at boundary, local, translation invariant and Hermitian action including exact conservation of discrete valued quantum number(s) (chiral charge in a finite region). Locality also constraints the type of anomalies that the theory can entertain it cannot support nonlocal anomalies which do not result into the no-go situations.
The main implication seems to be that the weak interaction and therefore the Standard Model (SM) cannot be implemented or simulated on a lattice, at least without violating one of the assumptions mentioned above. Indeed in the conventional SM, right-handed neutrinos and left-handed anti-neutrinos are missing, and the remaining charged fermions are assumed Weyl fermions, for the weak interaction, with different hypercharges associated to right and left-handed Weyl fermions; something forbidden by the theorem. Because it interacts only with left-handed fermions, the weak interaction therefore expected to not be implementable on a lattice.
Also, a Dirac fermion doubling problem is encountered by lattice QCD; preventing its simulation of chiral symmetric QCD over lattices and therefore another potential inconsistency with a discrete spacetime.
Note that although derived with a regular lattice the Nielsen Ninomiya No-Go Theorem holds, or is expected to hold, in the case an “amorphous” lattice.
3. A priori concerns with the Nielsen Ninomiya No-Go Theorem in a Multi-fold Universe
If the theorem were true in a (4D) multi-fold universe, we are confronted with the following problems, to name a few:
- The multi-fold universe reconstruction models would lead to a universe with a spacetime (discrete, fractal with random walk, Lorentz invariant and non-commutative) incompatible with SM [1]. The random walk fractal spacetime can be seen as fitting the amorphous lattice situation or a regular lattice with (many) missing (not yet concretized [1]) nodes.
- Our extended model for SMG, see the latest development at [12], that includes non-interacting (in flight) right-handed neutrinos, and otherwise no need for sterile neutrinos or Majorana neutrinos, seems to fall apart [1,10,11,13].
4. Multi-fold salvation
It turns out that our chirality flip mechanisms [1,10,11, 13,14,31] and its use to associate masses to the neutrinos implies that the neutrino is a Dirac fermion, even if its right-handed may always be in flight / at the entry points of the multi-folds. As a result, there are no Weyl fermions post Higgs mechanism and electroweak symmetry breaking: a multi-fold spacetime can be discrete, and remain compatible with the weak interaction and SMG.
Indeed and in addition, the chirality flips apply to all the fermions involved in weak (or electroweak) interactions, meaning that in the presence of gravity, chiral symmetry is broken for the weak interaction and the weak hypercharge is not conserved. Yet, as weak interactions only occur with left-handed fermions, this has no apparent effects: the non-conservation event do not impact interactions that do conserve weak hypercharge. The non-invariance of the weak hypercharge in the presence of gravity able to switch chirality is a new result.
Such a (spontaneous) break of the chiral symmetry, also ensure the absence of Dirac fermion doubling in QCD [5-8,29,30] and explains strong interaction confinement. The consistency of a discrete spacetime is also essential to the Yang Mills mass gap problem solution we proposed [21]. These QCD considerations will be further discussed, and expanded, in a future paper.
5. Quantum Gravitational Anomalies
As also mentioned in [6], the same number of Weyl fermion of each chirality species also cancels quantum chiral / axial gravitational anomalies for gravity that acts as QED à la Adler–Bell–Jackiw for fermions in a QED fields [14-17,27,28], because of cancelling contributions from the different chiral fermion loops (we do not discuss non-local anomalies here). It has several consequences:
- It confirms the anomaly smearing due to gravity that we proposed in [13], with a different path to derive the same outcome: the lepton and baryon number chiral anomalies are canceled and so these symmetries are harder to violate in SMG. We used this to justify the absence of observed proton decay. Conventional approach would probably be more comfortable with the reasoning of this paper.
- It has been argued that gravitational anomalies obstruct entanglement from existing in 4D spacetime [18]! With our result, the gravitational anomaly is canceled and entanglement is possible. This is rather critical as without it, the whole multi-fold theory would have been totally moot, and entanglement would not exist in the real universe.
Note that this does not affect the neutral pion decay into two photons modeled in [27] and observed experimentally [14], that constitutes the main observation of chiral anomalies involves primarily charged meson (charged Kaon/anti-kaons) or charged baryons/anti-baryons (protons) loops, in the chiral loops and anomalies due to the π0 electromagnetic field. The broken chirality symmetry of the QCD vacuum ensure non-zero contributions, in fact, something independent of the fermions involved. This is not affected by the reasoning presented in this paper that does not necessarily cancel these effects. However, in the already mentioned future QCD paper, we expect to tie together the vacuum chiral symmetry breaking of QCD, confinement, the mass gap problem and gravity, and to provide microscopic explanations for the spontaneous chiral symmetry breaking of the QCD vacuum.
6. Monte Carlo and other simulations
As a side note, the elimination of quantum gravitational anomalies, modeled by analogy with thermal quantum Hall conductance effect, where similar anomalies are encountered, avoids the typical problem of negative sign in Monte Carlo simulations and the huge computational complexities that result [19-21]. Note that the elimination of the gravitational loop does not affect other physical situations where such anomalies are encountered like in particular 2D and 4D thermal quantum Hall conductance effects.
The reasoning presented here does not necessarily imply that anomalies are smeared by eliminating chiral fermions in solid states / condensed material physics: these involve quasi particles and different phenomena (e.g. [19,24,25]. This is especially important as these effects can be seen as a unique 4D spacetime effect, demonstrating direct a 4D spacetime, and so, in itself, of interest to anybody trying to confirm experimentally that our real universe has a 4D spacetime.
Multi-fold universes can be numerically simulated and, if that is what you would like to dream of, it could still possible that we would live in a simulation As the problems of simulation might not require intractable large amount of computing that the sign problem could otherwise create [19].
7. Conclusions
We have shown that the multi-fold model and SMG, the standard model with non-negligible gravity at it scale, maintain consistency when it comes to chirality and discrete spacetime in a 4D multi-fold universe spacetime: there is no chiral fermion doubling problem on a discrete multi-fold spacetime, neutrinos and weak interactions à la SM, can coexist. The mass gap problem is indeed resolved in a multi-fold universe [21], and right-handed neutrinos can exist in flight due to gravitational induced chirality flips in a discrete multi-fold spacetime [1,10,11,13,31].
Also, we derived non-invariance of the weak hypercharge under non-negligible gravity that can flip chirality as in [1,31]. It is also an important new result of SMG, a results that does not change anything to observable weak interaction physics as no weak interaction takes place with the right-handed fermions.
In fact, in a 4D multi-fold universe spacetime, there are no Adler–Bell–Jackiw -like gravitational anomalies, because of fermion chirality flips due to gravity, which smear or prevent such anomalies. Monte Carlo simulations do not have to run amok on such anomalies and therefore the idea that our universe may be a simulation also remains possible, something that we do not advocate but that certainly also relates to previous papers on modeling the universe as a neural network [22,23].
As we will discuss in upcoming papers, the handling of the Nielsen Ninomiya No-Go Theorem with gravity has farther reaching impact on the understanding QCD and generic Yang Mills confinement, spontaneous symmetry breaking and resolution of the mass gap problem, that is not just in a multi-fold universe.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Viable Lattice Spacetime and Absence of Quantum Gravitational Anomalies in a Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2205.0143v1,…, December 4, 2020.
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Wikipedia, “Nielsen–Ninomiya theorem”,…. Retrieved on December 2, 2020.
[6]: Nielsen, H.B.; Ninomiya, M. (1981), “A no-go theorem for regularizing chiral fermions”, Phys. Lett., B105: 219
[7]: Nielsen, H.B.; Ninomiya, M. (1981), “Absence of neutrinos on a lattice: (I). Proof by homotopy theory”, Nucl. Phys., B185: 20
[8]: Nielsen, H.B.; Ninomiya, M. (1981), “Absence of neutrinos on a lattice: (II). Intuitive topological proof”, Nucl. Phys., B193: 173
[9]: Friedan, D. (1982), “A Proof of the Nielsen-Ninomiya Theorem”, Commun. Math. Phys., 85: 481
[10]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity”, viXra:2007.0018v1,…, June 23, 2020.
[11]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “No Conventional Sterile Neutrinos In a Multi-fold Universe: just SMG business as usual”, viXra:2103.0202v1,…, October 1, 2020.
[12]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe” -Navigation page listing all papers,….
[13]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes“, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
[14]: Wikipedia, “Chiral anomaly”,…, Retrieved on June 6, 2020.
[15]: Roman W. Jackiw (2008), “Axial anomaly”, Scholarpedia, 3(10):7302.
[16]: Alvarez-Gaumé, Luis, Edward Witten (1984), “Gravitational Anomalies”, Nucl. Phys. B. 234 (2): 269.
[17]: Luis Alvarez-Gaume, (1984), “Gravitational Anomalies”, in G. ’t Hooft, A. Jaffe, H. Lehmann, P. K. MitterI, M. Singer, R. Stora , eds, “Progress in Gauge Field Theory”, Part of the NATO ASI Series book series (NSSB, volume 115)
[18]: Masataka Watanabe, (2016), “Quantum Information Theory of The Gravitational Anomaly”, Asian Winter School of Strings, OIST, Okinawa, Japan, 9 Jan., 2016
[19]: Ringel, Zohar and Kovrizhin, Dmitry L., (2017), “Quantized gravitational responses, the sign problem, and quantum complexity”, Science Advances, vol. 3, issue 9
[20]: Wikipedia, “Numerical sign problem”,…, Retrieved on December 2, 2020.
[21]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Progress on Proving the Mass gap for Yang Mills and Gravity (maybe it’s already proved…)”, viXra:2006.0155v1,…, June 12, 2020.
[22]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Implicit Multi-Fold Mechanisms in a Neural Network Model of the Universe”, viXra:2012.0191v1,…, September 12, 2020.
[23]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Interpretation of “Neural Network as the World””, viXra:2012.0197v1,…, September 14, 2020.
[24]: Oded Zilberberg, Sheng Huang, Jonathan Guglielmon, Mohan Wang, Kevin Chen, Yaacov E. Kraus, Mikael C. Rechtsman, (2017), “Photonic topological pumping through the edges of a dynamical four-dimensional quantum Hall system”, arXiv:1705.08361v1
[25]: Michael Lohse, Christian Schweizer, Hannah M. Price, Oded Zilberberg, Immanuel Bloch, (2017), ” Exploring 4D Quantum Hall Physics with a 2D Topological Charge Pump”, rXiv:1705.08371v1
[26]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Higgs Fields and Bosons”, viXra:2204.0146,…, November 6, 2020.
[27]: Adler, S. L. (1969). “Axial-Vector Vertex in Spinor Electrodynamics”, Physical Review. 177 (5), 2426–2438
[28]: William A. Bardeen, (2000), “Anomalies”, in P. Breitenlohner and Dieter Maison (Eds), “Quantum Field Theory”. Springer, 2000.
[29]: Heinz J. Rothe, (2005), “Lattice Gauge Theories. An Introduction”, World Scientific, 3rd Edition.
[30]: David Tong, (2018), “Gauge Theory”, Cambridge U.,….
[31]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Can Chirality Flips Occur in a Multi-Fold Universe? What About Conservation Laws?”, viXra:2204.0152v1,…, December 6, 2020.
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#4DQuantumHallConductance #4DSpacetime #AdlerBellJackiwAnomalies #anomalies #anomaliesSmearing #anomalyCancelation #chiralAnomalies #ChiralFermion #chiralityFlip #confinement #Dirac #discrete #discreteLattice #Entanglement #fractal #Gravity #gravityInducedChiralityFlips #helicityFlip #lorentzInvariant #massGap #MonteCarlo #multiFoldConsistency #MultiFoldUniverse #NielsenNinomiya #nonCommutative #protonDecays #QCD #quantumAnomalies #QuantumGravity #QuantumHallEffect #rightHandedNeutrinos #SignProblem #Simulation #spacetimeReconstruction #spontaneousChiralSymmetryBreaking #StandardModel #standardModelWithGravity #WeakInteraction #WeylFermion
David Tong: Gauge Theory
A Cambridge University course with lecture notes, providing an introduction to strongly coupled quantum field
Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity
Stephane H. MaesJune 21, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model. In particular with chirality flips of fermion induced by gravity, right-handed neutrinos (and left-handed anti-neutrinos) can appear in flight and now acquire mass when encountering Higgs bosons; two mysteries can be explained in one shot in a multi-fold universe.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. SMG : The Standard Model with Multi-Fold Gravity
[1] proposes that in a multi-fold universe, the Lagrangian is complemented by terms associated to gravity and entanglement (in the form of the sum of the attractive effective potentials) [1].
The effect of gravity can be seen through the attractive potential contributions of all the energy sources. It can also been seen as expressing the Standard Model Lagrangian in curved spacetime (semi-classical point of view), now considered valid till small scales.
EPR entanglement is not believed to often play a significant role, except in dark matter use cases [5]. The last term is all other “New Physics” terms and we will consider it to be null.
3. Chirality and Helicity flips induced by Gravity
In a curved spacetime, the chirality (or helicity) of massless fermions flips back and forth [6].In the presence of gravity (with perturbative graviton models), the chirality of massive fermions flips [7]. Additional torsion further contribute to such flips [8]. [1] generates torsion within matter due to the effect of uncertainty on the multi-folds.
These effects have already been analyzed as the reason why gravity can smear the anomalies of baryon and lepton number symmetries and therefore potentially ensure the absence of proton decay, except possibly in extreme conditions within black holes [9].
Note that in the literature, it is also argued that chirality would not flip for massless fermion [7], at the difference of [6]. We believe that the latter is more correct as [7] relies on linearization of gravity, a process that does not work well and that is not giving a correct analysis compared to how gravity is explained in [1] and we know that gravity is not weak any more at very smalls scales, especially due to the massive gravity contributions.
4. The Right-handed Neutrino and its Left-handed anti particles
We recommend the following reference as entry point to neutrinos [10].Neutrinos exist with different flavors and oscillate in flight between these flavors to change flavor and masses. They always interact in a specific flavor with the corresponding mass. Only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed anti neutrinos seem to interact (i.e. when not in flight).
So far, only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed anti-neutrinos have been observed. It is unknown if what happens or happened to the particles with opposite chirality. Do they exist?
5. The Neutrino mass problem
As a result of the absence of these opposite chirality neutrinos cannot interact with the Higgs Boson (which flips chirality). Therefore it is known in the standard model how neutrino have acquired their observed mass (that is now established to by non-zero).Many theories have been proposed, usually with New Physics, to explain try to the mass. None have been validated so far. They involve hypothesis of seesaw mechanism, Majorana neutrinos (i.e. neutrino as its own self anti-particle), an additional sterile neutrino and a whole bunch of super partners proposals. An overview can be found in [11].
Numerous experiments have been proposed to try to validate on model or another with for example the search for Neutrino-less Double Beta-Decay (e.g. to determine if neutrinos are Majorana particles). It is fair to say that nothing conclusive has been observed so far!
At the light of [1], the reasoning above for SMG, and [9], we suspect that all these efforts may be going in the wrong direction…
Indeed, if we consider that gravity is present, then in flight particles can flip chirality in addition to oscillating in mass and flavors. So Higgs interactions are now possible in flight, which is how and when bumps with Higgs boson take place -a different situation form particle to particle interactions (also flipping chiralities, to be then flip back to observable chiralities by gravity, before any of all the other types of interaction can take place), which means mass acquisition as conventionally understood for fermions in the Standard Model can occur in flight for neutrinos (also why it is inflight that we can find the neutrino mass eigenstates). Masses are small, because available interaction time with Higgs bosons is small.
It resolves in one shot both the questions of the existence of right-handed neutrinos (and left-handed antineutrinos) as well as the origin of the (low) mass of the neutrinos. All is achieved within the context of the Standard Model with Gravity, in a multi-fold universe, and without the need of New Physics.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipates the behaviors modeled of a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Other theories showing that gravity is relevant at the level of the standard model, can repeat the chirality flip argument, even with no relation to multi-fold universe and mechanisms or to gravity emergence from entanglement. So our model here is generic: if we add gravity to Standard Model with a model keeping it non negligible at the Standard Model scales, then right-handed neutrinos and left-handed anti neutrinos exist in flight, only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed anti neutrinos interact in general; but the existence of both chirality in flight ensures mass acquisition via the Higgs mechanism.
Note however that If our model here is not validated by experience, it would not invalidate the multi-fold mechanism and the proposal that gravity emerges from entanglement as detailed in [1]. The analysis builds on [1], as a consequence of it, but it is not a condition for validation of multi-fold universes.
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges of explaining the mass of the neutrinos without New Physics.We explain the fate of right-handed neutrinos and left-handed anti neutrinos: they exist, but only in flight where they can interact with the Higgs. Why it only exist in flight is still an open issue. And the low mass of the neutrinos results from the usual Higgs mechanism, while in flight. The mass is low because only little time is available for mass acquisition and bumping with Higgs bosons). The model works for multi-fold universe as well as in any situation where gravity is non negligible and added to the Standard Model.
This along with similar results in [1] and [9], make a strong case for more seriously considering the implications of adding gravity to the Standard Model to obtain SMG, as a way to contribute to addressing open issues and offer better alternatives to New Physics speculations. This goes hand in hand with recognizing that this also implies the need to seriously consider that gravity may not always be negligible at the Standard Model scales as proposed in [1].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity”, viXra:2007.0018v1,…, June 23, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261v1,…, June 21, 2020.
[6]: Carlos Mergulhao Jr., (1995), “Neutrino Helicity Flip in a Curved Space-tlme”, General Relativity and Gravitation, volume 27, pages 657–667.
[7]: R. Aldrovandi, G. E. A. Matsas, S. F. Novaes, D. Spehler, (1994), ” Fermion Helicity Flip in Weak Gravitational Fields”, arXiv:gr-qc/9404018v1
[8]: Soumitra SenGupta, Aninda Sinha, (2001), ” Fermion helicity flip by parity violating torsion”, arXiv:hep-th/0102073v2.
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes “, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
[11]: M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia and M. Yokoyama, (2019), “14. Neutrino Masses, Mixing, and Oscillations”, in M. Tanabashi et al. (Particle Data Group), Phys. Rev. D 98, 030001 (2018) and (2019) update.
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#Chirality #ChiralitySymmetry #Entanglement #Gravity #Helicity #HiggsMechanism #MajoranaParticle #MassProblem #MultiFoldUniverse #NeutrinoMass #Neutrinos #NewPhysics #QuantumGravity #SeesawMechanism #StandardModel #symmetryBreaking
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How the ER = EPR, GR = QM and AdS/CFT correspondence conjectures, can be explained in multi-fold theory, along with the E/G conjecture. A call to the Physics Community!
Stephane H. Maes
November 28, 2021
V2 with this latest title was published December 28, 2021
This paper is a call to the Physics community, to all those interested in ER = EPR, GR = QM and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture, you should consider how the multi-fold theory and the E/G conjecture explain and realize them in a multi-fold universe.
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles, that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General Relativity (GR) at large scales and semi-classical models remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model resulting into what we defined as SMG. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model without New Physics other than gravity, i.e. no new particles or forces. These considerations hints at an even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
This paper provides references to how AdS(5), the AdS/CFT correspondences, ER=EPR and GR=QM conjectures are encountered in a multi-fold universe and explained microscopically. It leads to the E/G conjecture, that gravity and entanglement explain one another even in our real universe. Outside multi-fold theories, the main additions that we provide and lead to the new interpretation, e.g. the E/G conjecture, come from i) multi-fold mechanisms that allow path integrals to include traversing of the multi-fold, something typically not considered with the wormholes models prevalent with these other conjecture because of transferability challenges in the real universe ii) a SMG model where in-flight right-handed neutrinos suddenly allow for wormhole to be traversed and look like multi-fold even in our real universe.
1. Introduction
The multi-fold paper [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics, like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy, and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi-classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and concretized spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although possibly surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with others (see [4] and its references), while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity non-negligible at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we make a call to the Physics community to pay attention at how like the AdS/CFT correspondence, the ER = EPR and the GR = QM conjectures are encountered and modeled in the multi-fold theory [1,9]: it should, if nothing else, inspire some progress with these conjectures.
The paper is intentionally short to maintain the focus on the call to the Physics community, instead of the details that can be found in the references.
2. Core multi-fold message
The results of [1] lead to the E/G conjecture: in a multi-fold universe, entanglement is gravity and gravity is entanglement. In other words, entanglement creates gravity effects and gravity results from entanglement effects. The conjecture is that this statement applies also to our real universe [8].
This result is really essential and the holy grail in our view of work like the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture, the ER = EPR conjecture and the GR = QM conjecture. From a multi-fold point of view, all these works have so far blocked on challenges with the traversability of wormholes, something that multi-fold mechanisms avoid, while the multi-fold theory also seems to resolve wormhole traversability with the right role played in SMG [1] by in-flight right-handed neutrinos[2]. We suggest focusing on [1,5,6,8,10] for more details. The proposed references answer much of these issues in surprising ways.
Outside multi-fold theories, the main additions that we provide and lead to the new interpretation, e.g. the E/G conjecture, come from i) multi-fold mechanisms [1] that allow path integrals to include traversing of the multi-fold, something typically not considered with the wormholes models prevalent with these other conjecture because of transferability challenges in the real universe ii) a SMG model where in-flight right-handed neutrinos suddenly allow for wormhole to be traversed and look like multi-fold even in our real universe [8].
More details on the multifold theory and latest developments can be tracked at [7,9].
3. Conclusions
This short paper calls the community of Physics to realize that the multi-fold theory has led to interesting, (mostly qualitative) developments that may help progress and complement or provide a new setting for conjectures like the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture, the ER = EPR conjecture and the GR = QM conjecture. We recommend that this be investigated and encourage discussions, reviews and collaborations.
Of course we want to also emphasize that the multi-fold theory is also of interest to High Energy Particle Physics, with the SMG, the standard model with gravity not negligible at its scale [1,7,9]; to quantum gravity, especially in the context of superstrings, supersymmetry, LQG and asymptotic safety and to cosmology with its model for multi-fold dark matter, dark energy and inflation effects [1] and the related papers tracked in [7,9].
As announced, the paper was intentionally kept short to maintain the focus on the call to the Physics community, instead of the details that can be found in the references.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “How the ER = EPR, GR = QM and AdS/CFT correspondence conjectures, can be explained in multi-fold theory, along with the E/G conjecture. A call to the Physics Community!”, viXra:2111.0144v2,…, December 28, 2021.
(V1 was submitted on November 28, 2021, but should not be used anymore. Only the title was corrected.)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020). (See also…).
[2]: Wikipedia, “Reissner–Nordström metric”,…. Retrieved on March 21, 2020.
[3]: Wikipedia, “Kerr–Newman metric”,…. Retrieved on March 21, 2020.
[4]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “More on Multi-fold Particles as Microscopic Black Holes with Higgs Regularizing Extremality and Singularities”,…, February 25, 2021.
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Circular Arguments in String and Superstring Theory from a Multi-fold Universe Perspective”, viXra:2103.0195v1,…, October 5, 2020.
[6]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “Right-handed Neutrinos and Traversable Wormholes: the key to entanglement, gravity and multi-folds extensions to ER=EPR?”,…/, April 3, 2021.
[7]: Stephane Maes, (2020), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe”, Navigation page listing all papers.….
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “The E/G conjecture: entanglement is gravity and gravity is entanglement”, viXra:2010.0139v1,…, October 15, 2020.
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), ”The Multi-fold Theory: A synopsis”, viXra:2112.0144v1,…, December 24, 2021. Note that additional links will always be available at… to track the latest and interim versions of the synopsis, as they may be published under different tittle or URL/publication numbers.
[1] See [1,7,9] for a discussion of SMG, the standard model with non-negligible gravity effects at the scale of SM.
[2] We hope that the growing communities interested and believing in these conjectures can read and understand how our work validate, with twists these conjecture. The twist being the machinery of the multi-fold theory, in a multi-fold universe.
I thank my generous supporters on Patreon. If you like my work, publications, and opinions, please consider joining them. This way, you can support this research work done totally independent from any institution. [strong]Use the contact form if you prefer to help by putting together a grant or other type of funding.[/strong]
#AdS5_ #AdSCFTCorrespondence #call #Collaboration #conjectures #Dualities #EGConjecture #Entanglement #EntanglementIsGravityAndGravityIsEntanglement #EREPR #GeneralRelativity #GRQM #Gravity #GravityFluctuations #multiFold #MultiFoldUniverse #Physics #PhysicsCommunity #QuantumGravity #StandardModel #standardModelWithGravity #Superstrings #Supersymmetry #traversability #wormhole
spherically symmetric metric with electric charge
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)The E/G conjecture: entanglement is gravity and gravity is entanglement
Stephane H. MaesOctober 15, 2020
We postulate the E/G conjecture for the real universe: entanglement is gravity and gravity is entanglement. In other words, entanglement creates gravity effects and gravity results from entanglement effects.
E/G conjecture is a factual duality in multi-fold universes. With its close match and recovery of other superstring-based conjectures, we argue that it plays at the minimum an equivalent role as mathematical model, or as model of the real universe.
1. Introduction and Context
Strings, superstrings, supergravity and supersymmetry are mathematical framework. Therefore they are mathematically valid that they be physical or not. Just as AdS/CFT correspondences conjecture seems to mathematically work in many contexts (physical or mathematical). This is despite an unphysical model.2. E/G conjecture and E/G duality
The same is true for the multi-fold model. It works in a multi-fold universe. But it is also a mathematical model. We do not know if it is physical or not, even if we wish and have hints that it may be physical.It may explains why conjectures like holographic duality, AdS/CFT correspondences conjecture, ER=EPR conjecture, GR=QM conjecture (whatever that one really is) seems to fit so well aspects of the real world. See [4] for a list of relevant conjecture that we found relevant.
We believe that the same is true between the multi-fold universe and the real universe, in case multi-fold universes do not match the real universe
Therefore, we can propose a new key conjecture (factual in multi-fold universe and hints already by many aspects in the real universe): “Entanglement is gravity and gravity is entanglement” in the real universe. We propose to call this the E/G conjecture.
If multi-fold universes model the real universe, the conjecture becomes a fact: the E/G (factual) duality.
3. Derivation
The E/G conjecture is based on and derived from the reasoning above, [1] and all the material in [2]:
- Multi-fold mechanisms between EPR entangled systems create attractive effective potential, or effective curvature in the region between the entangled systems [1]. It could be recovered also from the ER=EPR conjecture if the wormholes were traversable, which may possibly be the case.
- There are exception for hierarchical entanglements [1] that match the ER=EPR requirements for associating ER to entangled systems (see[1,3]).
- Entanglements between virtual particle pairs emitted by a particle or energy source generate gravity-like attractive effective potential, or effective curvature in the region between the entangled systems [1]. It can be used to recover GR and more [5].
- [1,2] discuss many resulting effects that:
- Could explain standard model issues
- Could explain standard cosmological model issues and observations
- We also positioned the model with respect to superstrings, supersymmetry, and lots of their associated conjecture that are recovered, with variations. It can also explain some of aspects of these theories, by understanding their relations to the multi-fold models [1, 6 – 11, 3].
- On this basis, we believe that multi-fold are mathematical models consistent with these conventional models. Hence the E/G conjecture.
As compiled in [1], other works have previously argued such links between entanglement and gravity (e.g. [12-14]) ; but typically with fully explaining its physical origin, but rather showing hints or statistical argument in its favor. Confusion in these work also exist between entity entanglement or spacetime entanglement etc. Some derive hints of curvature of spacetime as a result. Other make gravity and MOND emerge from entanglement.
4. Conclusions
In the real universe, we propose the E/G conjecture that Entanglement is gravity and gravity is entanglement, meaning Entanglement creates gravity effects and gravity results from entanglement effects.In multi-fold universes, the conjecture is a factual duality: Entanglement generates gravity-like effects and gravity is the result of entanglement between virtual particles.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “The E/G conjecture: entanglement is gravity and gravity is entanglement”, viXra:2010.0139v1,…, October 15, 2020.
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[2]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe”, Navigation page listing all papers.….
[3]: Hrant Gharibyan, Robert F. Penna, (2013), “Are entangled particles connected by wormholes? Support for the ER=EPR conjecture from entropy inequalities”, arXiv:1308.0289v1
[4]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Circular Arguments in String and Superstring Theory from a Multi-fold Universe Perspective”,… , October 5, 2020.
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Massless and Massive Multi-Gravity in a Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2010.0095v1,…, June 19, 2020.
[6]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[7]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”, viXra:2006.0211v1,…, June 16, 2020.
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Superstrings Encounter of the Second, Third or Fourth Types?”,…, July 5, 2020.
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes”,…, August 20, 2020.
[10]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Area Laws Between Multi-Fold Universes and AdS”,…, August 10, 2020.
[11]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Gravitons In-N-Out Spacetime”,…, July 27, 2020, (posted September 6, 2020)
[12]: van Raamsdonk, Mark (2010). “Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement”. Gen. Rel. Grav. 42 (14): 2323–2329. arXiv:1005.3035
[13]: ChunJun Cao, Sean M. Carroll, Spyridon Michalakis, (2016). “Space from Hilbert Space: Recovering Geometry from Bulk Entanglement”, arXiv:1606.08444v3
I thank my generous supporters on Patreon. If you like my work, publications, and opinions, please consider joining them. This way, you can support this research work done totally independent from any institution. Use the contact form if you prefer to help by putting together a grant or other type of funding.
#AdSCFTCorrespondence #EGConjecture #EGFactualDuality #Entanglement #EntanglementIsGravityAndGravityIsEntanglement #EREPR #GeneralRelativity #GRQM #Gravity #HolographicDuality #multiFold #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumPhysics #realUniverse #StringTheory #Supergravity #Superstrings #Supersymmetry
Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form. Multi-fold Community, where you can submit your own related papers, and be linked here. (Apri…Shmaes - Physics
Can Chirality Flips Occur in a Multi-Fold Universe? What About Conservation Laws?
Stephane H. Maes
December 6, 2020
See instead updated version at, viXra:2204.0152v2.
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model (SM) without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hint at a even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
In past papers, we have argued that chirality flips can occur in the presence of non-negligible gravitational effects. In multi-fold universes, it led us propose mechanisms to justify the absence of proton decay and the possible existence in flight of right-handed neutrinos and left-handed anti-neutrinos. However, we based these proposals on helicity flips at scales above mass acquisition by the Higgs mechanisms. We did not discuss the obvious implications on conservation of the weak hypercharge or weak isospin. This paper does so.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model (SM) mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales, and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations, and particles, can be modeled as microscopic black holes (minimal Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity, or entanglement model, in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
The present paper revisits, and completes, the analysis and implications of chirality flips due to gravity in multi-fold universes versus more conventional helicity flips. These chirality flips are behind the proposals made in [1,5-9], and therefore the derivations of the SMG (Standard Model with non-negligible gravity at its scale) properties that differ or clarify the SM.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1] and derived papers.
2. Conventional helicity flips vs. chirality flips
As discussed in [1,5-9], we relied on [10-12] to show how helicity can be flipped by gravity (curved space in semiclassical mode or linearized conventional gravitons). {10-12] did not agree on the behavior for massless chiral fermions; the discrepancies were interpreted in [1,5,6] to the difference between semi-classical and quantized approximations, and on that basis favored [10], with helicity flips also in the massless cases.
For massless (Weyl) fermions, helicity flips are equivalent to chirality flips. Based on the reasoning, if a massless chiral fermion interacts with gravity, its chirality will flip back and forth.
3. Problems with chirality flips
Chirality flips due to interaction with the Higgs boson confer mass to the fermions. As left-handed and right-handed fermions have different quantum numbers for the weak isospin and weak hypercharge, these appear not conserved. They are because of the Higgs bosons, in the vacuum carrying the difference required to conserve these quantum numbers.
If massless Weyl fermion have their helicity flipped, a priori, no candidate is involved to preserve conservation of weak isospin and weak hypercharge.
4. Gravity induced chirality flips in multi-fold universes
In [9], we proposed a scenario whereby every concretized spacetime location is associated to Higgs fields through Higgs boson microscopic black holes. As a results, even when interacting with gravity (curved spacetime or effective potential) instead of Higgs bosons, there is always an associated (set of) Higgs bosons where a Weyl fermion is located when chirality flips. The Higgs boson can carry or provide the deltas in weak isospin and weak hypercharge; essentially as in conventional Higgs interactions and chirality flips can take place as envisaged in [1,5-9].
5. Conclusions
We have completed the model of fermion chirality flips in multi-fold universe due to gravity. The model of Higgs microscopic black holes at any concretized spacetime location derived in [9] enables chirality flips of chiral fermions in between the mass generation interactions with the Higgs boson. Of course, post chirality flips helicity flips can also take place with the massive fermions.
Proposals for right-handed neutrinos [6,7,9] and absence of proton decay due to stronger lepton and baryon number symmetries [5] remain valid.
Remember that there is an updated version at, viXra:2204.0152v2, to be cited as: Stephane H Maes, (2022), “Can Chirality Flips Occur in a Multi-Fold Universe? What About Conservation Laws? II”, viXra:2204.0152v2,…, August 20, 2022.
Cite this older version as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Can Chirality Flips Occur in a Multi-Fold Universe? What About Conservation Laws?”, viXra:2204.0152v1,…, December 6, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes “, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
[6]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity”, viXra:2007.0018v1,…, June 23, 2020.
[7]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “No Conventional Sterile Neutrinos In a Multi-fold Universe: just SMG business as usual”, viXra:2103.0202v1,…, October 1, 2020.
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes”, viXra:2011.0208v1,…, August 20, 2020.
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Higgs Fields and Bosons”, viXra:2204.0146v1,…, November 6, 2020.
[10]: Carlos Mergulhao Jr., (1995), “Neutrino Helicity Flip in a Curved Space-tlme”, General Relativity and Gravitation, volume 27, pages 657–667.
[11]: R. Aldrovandi, G. E. A. Matsas, S. F. Novaes, D. Spehler, (1994), ” Fermion Helicity Flip in Weak Gravitational Fields”, arXiv:gr-qc/9404018v1
[12]: Soumitra SenGupta, Aninda Sinha, (2001), ” Fermion helicity flip by parity violating torsion”, arXiv:hep-th/0102073v2.
I thank my generous supporters on Patreon. If you like my work, publications, and opinions, please consider joining them. This way, you can support this research work done totally independent from any institution. Use the contact form if you prefer to help by putting together a grant or other type of funding.
#BaryonNumber #Chirality #chiralityFlip #conservation #conservationLaws #Entanglement #Gravity #helicityFlip #HiggsInMultiFolds #LeptonNumber #MassGeneration #MultiFoldUniverse #protonDecay #QuantumGravity #rightHandedNeutrinos #sterileNeutrinos #vev #weakHypercharge #weakIsospin
spherically symmetric metric with electric charge
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Protons may never decay, except in black holes
Protons may never decay, except in black holesS. Maes
June 12, 2010
Replaced and superseded by: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), ” Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons may never decay, except in black holes “,…, June 13, 2020.
I thank my generous supporters on Patreon. [strong]If you like my work, publications, and opinions, please consider joining them. This way, you can support this research work done totally independent from any institution. Use the contact form if you prefer to help by putting together a grant or other type of funding.[/strong]
Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form. Multi-fold Community, where you can submit your own related papers, and be linked here. (Apri…Shmaes - Physics
Can Chirality Flips Occur in a Multi-Fold Universe? What About Conservation Laws? II
Stephane H. Maes
V2- August 20, 2022
(Updated from the December 6, 2020 version that is at… )
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles, whether they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model (SM) without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hint at a even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
In past papers, we have argued that chirality flips can occur in the presence of non-negligible gravitational effects. In multi-fold universes, it led us to propose mechanisms to justify the absence of proton decay and the possible existence in flight of right-handed neutrinos and left-handed anti-neutrinos. However, we based these proposals on helicity flips at scales above mass acquisition by the Higgs mechanisms. We did not discuss the obvious implications on conservation of the weak hypercharge or weak isospin. This paper does so.
Text added on 8/20/22: The chirality flips of massless particles above the multi-fold gravity electroweak symmetry breaking energy scale can be attributed to spacetime orientation fluctuations, as particle appear.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model (SM) mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales, and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations, and particles, can be modeled as microscopic black holes (minimal Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity, or entanglement model, in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
The present paper revisits, and completes, the analysis and implications of chirality flips due to gravity in multi-fold universes versus more conventional helicity flips. These chirality flips are behind the proposals made in [1,5-9], and therefore the derivations of the SMG (Standard Model with non-negligible gravity at its scale) properties that differ or clarify the SM.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1] and derived papers.
2. Conventional helicity flips vs. chirality flips
As discussed in [1,5-9], we relied on [10-12] to show how helicity can be flipped by gravity (curved space in semiclassical mode or linearized conventional gravitons). [10-12] did not agree on the behavior for massless chiral fermions; the discrepancies were interpreted in [1,5,6] to the difference between semi-classical and quantized approximations, and on that basis favored [10], with helicity flips also in the massless cases.
For massless (Weyl) fermions, helicity flips are equivalent to chirality flips. Based on the reasoning, if a massless chiral fermion interacts with gravity, its chirality will flip back and forth.
3. Problems with chirality flips
Chirality flips due to interaction with the Higgs boson confer mass to the fermions. As left-handed and right-handed fermions have different quantum numbers for the weak isospin and weak hypercharge, these appear not conserved. They are because of the Higgs bosons, in the vacuum carrying the difference required to conserve these quantum numbers.
If massless Weyl fermion have their helicity flipped, a priori, no candidate is involved to preserve conservation of weak isospin and weak hypercharge.
4. Gravity induced chirality flips in multi-fold universes
In [9], we proposed a scenario whereby every concretized spacetime location is associated to Higgs fields through Higgs boson microscopic black holes. As a results, even when interacting with gravity (curved spacetime or effective potential) instead of Higgs bosons, there is always an associated (set of) Higgs bosons where a Weyl fermion is located when chirality flips. The Higgs boson can carry or provide the deltas in weak isospin and weak hypercharge; essentially as in conventional Higgs interactions and chirality flips can take place as envisaged in [1,5-9].
Text added on 8/20/22: In order to support the arguments presented in [1,5-7], respectively for the absence of proton decay, along with serious conservation of the Baryon and Lepton numbers, and the existence of a massive right-handed neutrinos, we really only care for the massless case at energy scales above the multi-fold gravity electroweak symmetry breaking energy scale. This way, we do not have to fully decide between [10] and [11,12], while keeping the same conclusion.
Indeed, above the multi-fold gravity electroweak symmetry breaking energy scale, spacetime is not oriented [13,14], and with local quantum particle fluctuations, when pairs of particles and anti-particles appear, locally and temporarily orient spacetime, with say rotation of particle fluctuations: when they appear and microscopic black holes rotate, they provide a local orientation of spacetime. That is equivalent to helicity flips. And they need to occur with the massless Weyl components before mass acquisition. Per [15], 4D spacetime properties like helicity, impact quantum numbers from the locally embedding 7D spacetime through multi-fold space tome mater induction and scattering. As a result, the model is consistent: local flips of spacetime orientation amount to chirality flips for massless particles above the multi-fold gravity electroweak symmetry breaking energy scale.
In terms of conservation charges, such flips in the orientation of spacetime can be handled, as discussed in section 4. Indeed, the orientation of spacetime comes from rotation of Higgs condensates [13,14].
5. Conclusions
We have completed the model of fermion chirality flips in multi-fold universe due to gravity. The model of Higgs microscopic black holes at any concretized spacetime location derived in [9] enables chirality flips of chiral fermions in between the mass generation interactions with the Higgs boson. Of course, post chirality flips helicity flips can also take place with the massive fermions.
With the mechanisms above gravity electroweak symmetry breaking energy scales, proposals for right-handed neutrinos [6,7,9] and absence of proton decay due to stronger lepton and baryon number symmetries [5] remain valid.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2022), “Can Chirality Flips Occur in a Multi-Fold Universe? What About Conservation Laws? II”, viXra:2204.0152v2,…, August 20, 2022.
(See the older version 1 at…. )
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020). (See also…).
[2]: Wikipedia, “Reissner–Nordström metric”,…. Retrieved on March 21, 2020.
[3]: Wikipedia, “Kerr–Newman metric”,…. Retrieved on March 21, 2020.
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes “, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
[6]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity”, viXra:2007.0018v1,…, June 23, 2020.
[7]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “No Conventional Sterile Neutrinos In a Multi-fold Universe: just SMG business as usual”, viXra:2103.0202v1,…, October 1, 2020.
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes”, viXra:2011.0208v1,…, August 20, 2020.
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Higgs Fields and Bosons”, viXra:2204.0146v1,…, November 6, 2020.
[10]: Carlos Mergulhao Jr., (1995), “Neutrino Helicity Flip in a Curved Space-tlme”, General Relativity and Gravitation, volume 27, pages 657–667.
[11]: R. Aldrovandi, G. E. A. Matsas, S. F. Novaes, D. Spehler, (1994), ” Fermion Helicity Flip in Weak Gravitational Fields”, arXiv:gr-qc/9404018v1
[12]: Soumitra SenGupta, Aninda Sinha, (2001), ” Fermion helicity flip by parity violating torsion”, arXiv:hep-th/0102073v2.
References added on August 20, 2022
[13]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “More on Multi-fold Particles as Microscopic Black Holes with Higgs Regularizing Extremality and Singularities”,…, February 25, 2021.
[14]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “Multi-fold Gravity-Electroweak Theory and Symmetry Breaking”,…, March 16, 2021.
[15]: Stephane H. Maes, (2022), “Justifying the Standard Model U(1) x SU(2) x SU(3) Symmetry in a Multi-fold Universe”,…, August 8, 2022.
I thank my generous supporters on Patreon. If you like my work, publications, and opinions, please consider joining them. This way, you can support this research work done totally independent from any institution. Use the contact form if you prefer to help by putting together a grant or other type of funding.
#BaryonNumber #Chirality #chiralityFlip #conservation #conservationLaws #Entanglement #Gravity #GravityElectroweak #helicityFlip #HiggsInMultiFolds #LeptonNumber #MassGeneration #MultiFoldUniverse #protonDecay #QuantumGravity #rightHandedNeutrinos #sterileNeutrinos #vev #weakHypercharge #weakIsospin
Can Chirality Flips Occur in a Multi-Fold Universe? What About Conservation Laws?
Stephane H. MaesDecember 6, 2020
See instead updated version at, viXra:2204.0152v2.
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model (SM) without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hint at a even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
In past papers, we have argued that chirality flips can occur in the presence of non-negligible gravitational effects. In multi-fold universes, it led us propose mechanisms to justify the absence of proton decay and the possible existence in flight of right-handed neutrinos and left-handed anti-neutrinos. However, we based these proposals on helicity flips at scales above mass acquisition by the Higgs mechanisms. We did not discuss the obvious implications on conservation of the weak hypercharge or weak isospin. This paper does so.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model (SM) mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales, and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations, and particles, can be modeled as microscopic black holes (minimal Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity, or entanglement model, in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
The present paper revisits, and completes, the analysis and implications of chirality flips due to gravity in multi-fold universes versus more conventional helicity flips. These chirality flips are behind the proposals made in [1,5-9], and therefore the derivations of the SMG (Standard Model with non-negligible gravity at its scale) properties that differ or clarify the SM.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1] and derived papers.
2. Conventional helicity flips vs. chirality flips
As discussed in [1,5-9], we relied on [10-12] to show how helicity can be flipped by gravity (curved space in semiclassical mode or linearized conventional gravitons). {10-12] did not agree on the behavior for massless chiral fermions; the discrepancies were interpreted in [1,5,6] to the difference between semi-classical and quantized approximations, and on that basis favored [10], with helicity flips also in the massless cases.For massless (Weyl) fermions, helicity flips are equivalent to chirality flips. Based on the reasoning, if a massless chiral fermion interacts with gravity, its chirality will flip back and forth.
3. Problems with chirality flips
Chirality flips due to interaction with the Higgs boson confer mass to the fermions. As left-handed and right-handed fermions have different quantum numbers for the weak isospin and weak hypercharge, these appear not conserved. They are because of the Higgs bosons, in the vacuum carrying the difference required to conserve these quantum numbers.If massless Weyl fermion have their helicity flipped, a priori, no candidate is involved to preserve conservation of weak isospin and weak hypercharge.
4. Gravity induced chirality flips in multi-fold universes
In [9], we proposed a scenario whereby every concretized spacetime location is associated to Higgs fields through Higgs boson microscopic black holes. As a results, even when interacting with gravity (curved spacetime or effective potential) instead of Higgs bosons, there is always an associated (set of) Higgs bosons where a Weyl fermion is located when chirality flips. The Higgs boson can carry or provide the deltas in weak isospin and weak hypercharge; essentially as in conventional Higgs interactions and chirality flips can take place as envisaged in [1,5-9].5. Conclusions
We have completed the model of fermion chirality flips in multi-fold universe due to gravity. The model of Higgs microscopic black holes at any concretized spacetime location derived in [9] enables chirality flips of chiral fermions in between the mass generation interactions with the Higgs boson. Of course, post chirality flips helicity flips can also take place with the massive fermions.Proposals for right-handed neutrinos [6,7,9] and absence of proton decay due to stronger lepton and baryon number symmetries [5] remain valid.
Remember that there is an updated version at, viXra:2204.0152v2, to be cited as: Stephane H Maes, (2022), “Can Chirality Flips Occur in a Multi-Fold Universe? What About Conservation Laws? II”, viXra:2204.0152v2,…, August 20, 2022.
Cite this older version as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Can Chirality Flips Occur in a Multi-Fold Universe? What About Conservation Laws?”, viXra:2204.0152v1,…, December 6, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes “, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
[6]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity”, viXra:2007.0018v1,…, June 23, 2020.
[7]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “No Conventional Sterile Neutrinos In a Multi-fold Universe: just SMG business as usual”, viXra:2103.0202v1,…, October 1, 2020.
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes”, viXra:2011.0208v1,…, August 20, 2020.
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Higgs Fields and Bosons”, viXra:2204.0146v1,…, November 6, 2020.
[10]: Carlos Mergulhao Jr., (1995), “Neutrino Helicity Flip in a Curved Space-tlme”, General Relativity and Gravitation, volume 27, pages 657–667.
[11]: R. Aldrovandi, G. E. A. Matsas, S. F. Novaes, D. Spehler, (1994), ” Fermion Helicity Flip in Weak Gravitational Fields”, arXiv:gr-qc/9404018v1
[12]: Soumitra SenGupta, Aninda Sinha, (2001), ” Fermion helicity flip by parity violating torsion”, arXiv:hep-th/0102073v2.
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#BaryonNumber #Chirality #chiralityFlip #conservation #conservationLaws #Entanglement #Gravity #helicityFlip #HiggsInMultiFolds #LeptonNumber #MassGeneration #MultiFoldUniverse #protonDecay #QuantumGravity #rightHandedNeutrinos #sterileNeutrinos #vev #weakHypercharge #weakIsospin
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“Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”: 2D or 2+1D spacetime at small scales
Stephane H. Maes[1]
March 20, 2021
This short note presents a clarification to statements provided in our paper “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, with respect to the dimensional reduction of quantum gravity proposed by ‘t Hooft.
1. Motivations
In [1], and subsequent multi-fold theory papers, e.g. [2], tracked in [3,4], we stated that G. ‘t Hooft proposed that gravity behaves as if it had 2D degrees of freedom [5]. Multiple readers asked about this, as [5] explicitly states 2+1D.
2. Clarifications
Yes, [5] recovered degrees of freedom associated to a 2+1D spacetime, which may appear inconsistent with our statements made in [1,2].
We should have been clearer that 2+1D in [5] indeed implies 2D spacetime at very small scales. Indeed if at these scales, all particle are massless (e.g. because we are above the electroweak energy scale), their speed is fixed at c. The resulting process is therefore 2D.
In fact, it is consistent with most quantum gravity theories per [6].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2021), ““Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”: 2D or 2+1D spacetime at small scales”, viXra:2103.0142,…, March 20, 2021.
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020). (See also…).
[2]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Renormalization and Asymptotic Safety of Gravity in a Multi-Fold Universe: More Tracking of the Standard Model at the Cost of Supersymmetries, GUTs and Superstrings”, viXra:2102.0137v1,…, September 18, 2020.
[3]: Stephane Maes, (2020), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe”, Navigation page listing all papers.….
[4]: Stephane Maes, (2021), “Current Review – All Publications around the Multi-fold universe – February 2021”,,…, February 15, 2021. (More recent updates available at the URL).
[5]: G. ‘t Hooft, (1993), “Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Gravity”, arXiv:gr-qc/9310026v2.
[6]: Steven Carlip, (2010), “The Small Scale Structure of Spacetime“, arXiv:1009.1136v1.
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#2D #4D #AsymptoticSafe #CFT #DiscreteSpacetime #Entanglement #GeneralRelativity #LorentzInvariance #MultiFoldUniverse #nonCommutative #QuantumGravity #QuantumPhysics #randomWalk #renormalizable #spacetimeReconstruction
Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form. Multi-fold Community, where you can submit your own related papers, and be linked here. (Apri…Shmaes - Physics
Particles of The Standard Model In Multi-Fold Universes
Stephane H. Maes
November 4, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hints at a even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.A subsequent analysis described how embedding a multi-fold universe in a 7D unconstrained, i.e. non compact, Kaluza-Klein (KK) flat spacetime can induce the standard model in the multi-fold spacetime.
In this paper, we illustrate how computations previous derived by others in the context of a more cabalistic model can be reused and adapted to hint at extracting, from 7D unconstrained KK flat spacetime containing the multi-fold universe, many particles of the Standard Model, and very closely predicting their masses and charges. Illustrating and progressing concretely our previous assertions.
With the model of our previous papers and the results obtained in this paper, the way that multi-fold mechanisms repurpose KK and other models result while avoiding many of their problems or gaps in physical interpretations; further weights in for the pertinence of multi-fold models in Physics.
Our approach may also have found a duality hidden behind the Unified GEM theory in a multi-fold universe.
1. Introduction
The paper [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
The present paper presents how one can, heuristically, derive the mass of many Standard Model particles with an approximation of a multi-fold universe embedded in a flat 7D unconstrained KK spacetime.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1] and derived papers.
2. Unified GEM Theory
In the abstract, we refer to the GEM (Gravity-Electromagnetism) unification theory, because it is a model that has not be widely exposed to the Physics community, rightfully so considering its many assertions that are hard to follow or motivate as rigorously as usually demanded by the community. It seems to have rather been published and discussed in Plasma engineering and other aero spatial engineering circles. The latter have had they doses of controversies with Physics. As such, it raises much more skepticism, including ours.
In fact we do not want to evangelize this model; but rather just borrow its numerological computations and results adapted to multi-fold universes in 7D unconstraint KK flat spacetime.
But to do so we need a little bit of introduction to the GEM unification theory. As most useful review references, for our needs, we refer to [5,6].
[5] presents the original plasma analysis and analogy between a traditional model for gravity and a model where particles movements take place as drift of a spatially varying electromagnetic Poynting field and where subsequent pressures, against particle cross sections, match gravity effects. It makes two considerations:
- At very high energy (very small scale), that Gravity fields are equivalent to a spatially varying Poynting, such that the geometry of space requires self-cancelation of ultra-strong electromagnetic fields.
- Absence of such observations are attributed to a vacuum with cells of locally random high electromagnetic fields generating a consistent Poynting field but cancelling on average across cells. This maintains Lorentz invariance of the vacuum.
- The handwaved interpretation is that at very small frequencies, these large electromagnetic fields would create spacetime while at lower frequencies they are the conventional electromagnetic fields.
- At very small scales or very high frequencies, electrons and protons become equivalent (except for opposite charge signs). It would be fundamentally due to the plasma effects and the considerations that a sea of plasma particle can modify the perceived size or mass of the particles and screening their electrostatic properties. In Physics of Plasmas, it is modeled with the Debye length [13].
Playing with these considerations, [5] shows recovery, within the Plasma universe, of quantum uncertainties for gravity, models vacuum and its fluctuations, recovers correct estimates for the proton to electron mass ratio, of the fine structure constant α and of the Newton gravity constant G, or even of the CMB radiation temperature. When considering all the strange dualities and numerology considered by others when it comes to particle physics, very small-scale physics and quantum gravity, these results warrant pursuing further the analogies, even if just as what-ifs.
Along that vein, building on [5], [6] proposes additional refinements to the model, including refining the Newton gravity constant G estimates mentioned above: instead of just modeling the universe as a plasma, it adds a fifth compact dimension, à la KK, that it uses to map a charge as distance (an analogy to KK theory) and to introduce scattering, in 4D, on geometrical objects that live in 5D. The scattering model is based on classical Mie scattering resonances, and higher order resonance scenarios. Doing so, the model recovers particles and their mass and charges including the proton and neutron [14] masses , proton as composed on 3 quarks, gluons, meson
ηc, (and as such the strong interaction), W±, Z0 (and as such the weak interaction), and Higgs boson (predicted at 124 GeV, before discovery of the Higgs boson – although their numerological exercises have also provided a 127.69 GeV as a more recent estimate [14]) as well as a neutral particle around ~21MeV (M*, a never observed particle that would be the outcome of the convergence of proton and electrons) and more. All these particles would be excitations of the plasma vacuum and/or resonance with 5D objects.
These amazing results, even if originally built on strange justifications, especially with its focus on protons and electrons as the key elements emerging from the vacuum plasma, allegedly motivated by the dominance of hydrogen in the universe, hint, independently from the induced space – time -matter models [7-9] (i.e. flat 5+D non compact KK flat spacetime), at how 5D geometrical objects can produce the SM particles as we predicted in [10].
Of course, it is and could be dismissed as another case of a theory built on numerology coincidences as many have been encountered in physics, especially high energy physics. But could it rather be another consequence of the dualities that also appear all over small scale / high energy Physics.
(*) Note: [em]Our references to the Unified GEM Theory, in general, and the many additional considerations in [14] and other unified GEM papers, force us to again caution the reader about these publications. In fact, we mention [14], because we assert estimate updates only found in [14], but we do not encourage investing too much in this reference, unless the readers understand that it is either just a numerological exercise or is willing to consider an associated duality, that we haven’t spent time validating or explaining at this stage. Again we are just happy to show that this exercise extracts particle estimates from the multi-fold 7D induces space time matter theory as already predicted in [10]. Extracting a duality, if any exists, is for future work, even if the next section may actually provide the bases for explaining the validity such a duality[/em].
3. Appropriation for a Multi-fold universe in 7D unconstrained KK flat spacetime
Without endorsing the Unified GEM theory, let us see if we can justify the assumptions of the GEM unification theory for a multi-fold universe. Indeed, we believe that its Mie and higher-level scattering considerations in 5D could be relevant to, at the minimum, illustrate the analysis initiated in [10].
Regarding the Unified GEM Theory principles, the model only needs to work at very small scales. So instead of arguments for a duality gravity ≡ EM, and/or the universe, or should we say spacetime in this case, is like a plasma of proton and electron (This is why duality is not obvious), we will rather consider the interior of a neutron, with a quark gluon plasma inside (with electron also randomly present in the plasma as now well known in quantum physics e.g. with all the effects of the Lamb Shift). When about to decay into a proton, the neutron could be seen as a plasma of quarks, (anti) neutrinos and electrons; at least at times. Inside the neutron at very small scales, gravity induced curvature of spacetime would be entirely driven by electromagnetic contributions (as strong and electroweak effects converge per UU) and so that EM and gravity effects cancel as in the Unified GEM Theory unification principles. Doing so, we may have justified the Unified GEM theory, yet we stick to our (*) caveat. In any case, our discussion here seems a better reasoning for explaining the focus on proton and electron as a plasma (vacuum) universe for the numerology exercises as in GEM unification theory. It works for protons also of course; that it be when formed by neutron decay, but also later due to the QCD physics inside a proton as discussed for example in [18]. [this last sentence was added on 11/14/21]. The analysis essentially extends to any hadron (particle composed of quarks). If we wanted to repeat the analysis to the vacuum (or spacetime), we may also make describe it as part of vacuum fluctuations (relying on the democratization discovered with the Ultimate Unification (UU) analysis [1,15] to focus on electron and protons) as in [6]: therefore, the vacuum can also be seen as such a plasma which satisfy the same principles and, per UU: in a multi-fold universe, the UU model implies that all particles become essentially the same in terms of the interaction that they carry and their charges and mass (which will become massless at small enough scales). So the approximation that, at very small scales, electron and proton converge as apparent particles in the plasma, of same size and mass, could hold; and the unified GEM theory, no matter how it looks, may indeed suitably characterize very small scale spacetime, SMG (the standard model where gravity is considered as non-negligible at its scales, e.g. see [1]) and quantum gravity. Note that without UU, e.g. if the real universe is not multi-fold, the extension to all particles and vacuum/spacetime maybe more tenuous.
Eventually in a multi-fold universe, every particle feels locally, due to uncertainty, the multi-folds in a 7D spacetime which holds for the interactions with 5D objects [10]. As multi-folds are essentially a set of folds that have spin-2 symmetry, 7D space is mostly felt as 3 times 1D when it comes to the degrees of freedom. They usually see the multi-folds they created, which can be seen here as providing also Mie and higher order scattering and therefore can reuse the approximations of [6] (just for that part). And with particle propagating along a 1D path, ne can argue that the dominant effect felt by a particle in a 4D multi-fold universe is 5D.
Also, 7D adds 3 degrees of freedom therefore modeling the colors of QCD (Added on 11/14/21: but without effect on flavors, that is rather handled by SM_G [19]). Also, one could envisage that one of the new particles (or some of them) could be a mixture of neutrinos (tau neutrino or a mix) with both chiralities but only the left-handed neutrino interacting, a single chirality (hence confused as spin 0 in [6]) or two particles with respectively left and right handed chirality (M* and M**)[1]. This neutrino encounter is our speculation based on the estimated mass (i.e. mass upper bound for tau neutrino [16]). If it was the case, then every SM particle is covered by the interactions with 5D objects or as resonance or excitations. Quite a potential result!
Of course, our multi-fold theory is not the Unified GEM theory. So, in the multi-fold version, the plasma hypothesis only explains some quantities used to bootstrap the model and hint at the geometry derived from 5D (in fact 7D but 5D is the dominant effect)) geometrical objects as predicted in [10]. Yet, the analysis presented here certainly goes a long way to also assuage our unease with the motivations in GEM unification theory presented in [5,6,14].
On that basis, we have shown that is possible to repeat the approximations and numerology of [5,6], based on multi-fold universe. Doing so confirm the possibility of finding 7D geometrical objects that model the SM, or SMG (Standard Model with gravity non-negligible at its scales [1], which naturally can result from the multi-fold models with impact compiled across the papers in [16]) particles in a multi-fold universe spacetime. This conclusions was the objective of the present paper.
Of course, we still want to aim at deriving the actual 7D objects in 7D unconstrained KK flat spacetime that model each of the SM particles. This is for future work. Note on 11/14/21: the work presented in [20] goes a long way to further understand such solutions in a 4D multi-fold universe.
4. Conclusions
We have provided an approximation where many (all if we accept the neutrino proposal and that the other missing ones are the result of other quark combinations and that missing elementary particles are just other excitations – [14] shows that explicitly with the muon as such an excitation) of the SM particles can be modeled in a multi-fold universe by geometrical objects in a 7D unconstrained KK flat spacetime that embeds the multi-fold universe. Doing so, we validated such a thesis from [10] and the original hypothesis behind space-time-matter theory [7-9].
We believe that even if based on approximate models and concerning hypotheses, as well as rather numerology, the result is a significant step reinforcing the relevancy of both multi-fold universes and SMG.
We also may have encountered the neutrino and postulated an explanation for the sole physical visibility of the right-handed neutrino.
While it was not a claim nor an objective of the paper, we may have also uncovered an interesting duality validating aspects of the Unified GEM theory model for a multi-fold universe.
Cite as: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Particles of The Standard Model In Multi-Fold Universes”, viXra:2111.0071v1,…, November 4, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: John E. Brandenburg, (1992),”Unification of Gravity and Electromagnetism in the Plasma Universe”, IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON PLASMA SCIENCE, VOL. 20, NO. 6, DECEMBER 1992
[6]: John E. Brandenburg, (2016), “The GEM (Gravity-EM)Theory : the Unification of the Strong, EM , Weak ,and Gravity Forces of Nature”, Journal of Multidisciplinary Engineering Science Studies (JMESS), Vol. 2 Issue 7, July – 2016
[7]: Paul S Wesson, (1999), “Space – Time – Matter: Modern Kaluza-Klein Theory”, World Scientific Pub Co.
[8]: Paul S Wesson, (2006), “Five-dimensional Physics: Classical And Quantum Consequences of Kaluza-klein Cosmology”, World Scientific Pub Co.
[9]: Paul S. Wesson and James M. Overduin, (2018), “Principles of Space-Time-Matter: Cosmology, Particles and Waves in Five Dimensions”, World Scientific Pub Co.
[10]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes”,…, August 20, 2020.
[11]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity”, viXra:2007.0018v1,…, June 23, 2020.
[12]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “No Conventional Sterile Neutrinos In a Multi-fold Universe: just SMG business as usual”,…, October 1, 2020.
[13], Wikipedia, “Debye length”,…. Retrieved on November 2, 2020.
[14]: John Brandenburg, (2016), “The GEM Unification Theory. Extending the Standard Model to Include Gravitation”, Lambert Academic Publishing. (*) Please see the caveat in section 3.
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”, viXra:2006.0211v1,…, June 16, 2020.
[16]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe” -Navigation page listing all papers,….
[17]: Wikipedia, “Standard Model”,…. Retrieved on October 10, 2019.
References added 11/14/21:
[18]: Ethan Siegel, (2021), “What Rules The Proton: Quarks Or Gluons?”,…. Retrieved on March 18, 2021.
[19]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Dictates the Number of Fermion Generations: 3”, viXra:2007.0068v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[20]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “More on Multi-fold Particles as Microscopic Black Holes with Higgs Regularizing Extremality and Singularities”,…, February 25, 2021.
[1] As a rather purely speculative idea, it is possible that the right-handed neutrino chirality itself be always present rather in the multi-folds (not in 7D as chirality is undefined in 5D or 7D), therefore not interacting other than with the Higgs and left-handed neutrinos when these enter the folds at the entry points. That would explain its absence for all purpose except contributing to the mass of the left-handed neutrino mass, as proposed in [11,12]. Determining if such an interpretation is sensible is for future work. Note added on 11/14/21: explanations of these considerations can be found in future papers [21-23].
I thank my generous supporters on Patreon. [strong]If you like my work, publications, and opinions, please consider joining them. This way, you can support this research work done totally independent from any institution. Use the contact form if you prefer to help by puting together a grant or other type of funding.[/strong]
#5D #7D #Electron #Entanglement #etaC #GEMUnificationTheory #gluon #GravityElectromagnetism #HiggsBoson #InducedSpaceTimeMatter #KaluzaKlein #leftHandedNeutrinos #MultiFoldUniverse #NeutrinosMassProblems #neutron #PiMeson #Plasma #Proton #Quarks #rightHandedNeutrinos #scattering #spaceTimeMatterInductionAndScattering #StandardModel #standardModelWithGravity #WBoson #ZBoson
What Rules The Proton: Quarks Or Gluons?
Is a proton fundamentally more 'quarky' or 'gluey' in nature?Ethan Siegel (Forbes)
Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity
Stephane H. MaesJune 21, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model. In particular with chirality flips of fermion induced by gravity, right-handed neutrinos (and left-handed anti-neutrinos) can appear in flight and now acquire mass when encountering Higgs bosons; two mysteries can be explained in one shot in a multi-fold universe.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. SMG : The Standard Model with Multi-Fold Gravity
[1] proposes that in a multi-fold universe, the Lagrangian is complemented by terms associated to gravity and entanglement (in the form of the sum of the attractive effective potentials) [1].
The effect of gravity can be seen through the attractive potential contributions of all the energy sources. It can also been seen as expressing the Standard Model Lagrangian in curved spacetime (semi-classical point of view), now considered valid till small scales.
EPR entanglement is not believed to often play a significant role, except in dark matter use cases [5]. The last term is all other “New Physics” terms and we will consider it to be null.
3. Chirality and Helicity flips induced by Gravity
In a curved spacetime, the chirality (or helicity) of massless fermions flips back and forth [6].In the presence of gravity (with perturbative graviton models), the chirality of massive fermions flips [7]. Additional torsion further contribute to such flips [8]. [1] generates torsion within matter due to the effect of uncertainty on the multi-folds.
These effects have already been analyzed as the reason why gravity can smear the anomalies of baryon and lepton number symmetries and therefore potentially ensure the absence of proton decay, except possibly in extreme conditions within black holes [9].
Note that in the literature, it is also argued that chirality would not flip for massless fermion [7], at the difference of [6]. We believe that the latter is more correct as [7] relies on linearization of gravity, a process that does not work well and that is not giving a correct analysis compared to how gravity is explained in [1] and we know that gravity is not weak any more at very smalls scales, especially due to the massive gravity contributions.
4. The Right-handed Neutrino and its Left-handed anti particles
We recommend the following reference as entry point to neutrinos [10].Neutrinos exist with different flavors and oscillate in flight between these flavors to change flavor and masses. They always interact in a specific flavor with the corresponding mass. Only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed anti neutrinos seem to interact (i.e. when not in flight).
So far, only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed anti-neutrinos have been observed. It is unknown if what happens or happened to the particles with opposite chirality. Do they exist?
5. The Neutrino mass problem
As a result of the absence of these opposite chirality neutrinos cannot interact with the Higgs Boson (which flips chirality). Therefore it is known in the standard model how neutrino have acquired their observed mass (that is now established to by non-zero).Many theories have been proposed, usually with New Physics, to explain try to the mass. None have been validated so far. They involve hypothesis of seesaw mechanism, Majorana neutrinos (i.e. neutrino as its own self anti-particle), an additional sterile neutrino and a whole bunch of super partners proposals. An overview can be found in [11].
Numerous experiments have been proposed to try to validate on model or another with for example the search for Neutrino-less Double Beta-Decay (e.g. to determine if neutrinos are Majorana particles). It is fair to say that nothing conclusive has been observed so far!
At the light of [1], the reasoning above for SMG, and [9], we suspect that all these efforts may be going in the wrong direction…
Indeed, if we consider that gravity is present, then in flight particles can flip chirality in addition to oscillating in mass and flavors. So Higgs interactions are now possible in flight, which is how and when bumps with Higgs boson take place -a different situation form particle to particle interactions (also flipping chiralities, to be then flip back to observable chiralities by gravity, before any of all the other types of interaction can take place), which means mass acquisition as conventionally understood for fermions in the Standard Model can occur in flight for neutrinos (also why it is inflight that we can find the neutrino mass eigenstates). Masses are small, because available interaction time with Higgs bosons is small.
It resolves in one shot both the questions of the existence of right-handed neutrinos (and left-handed antineutrinos) as well as the origin of the (low) mass of the neutrinos. All is achieved within the context of the Standard Model with Gravity, in a multi-fold universe, and without the need of New Physics.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipates the behaviors modeled of a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Other theories showing that gravity is relevant at the level of the standard model, can repeat the chirality flip argument, even with no relation to multi-fold universe and mechanisms or to gravity emergence from entanglement. So our model here is generic: if we add gravity to Standard Model with a model keeping it non negligible at the Standard Model scales, then right-handed neutrinos and left-handed anti neutrinos exist in flight, only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed anti neutrinos interact in general; but the existence of both chirality in flight ensures mass acquisition via the Higgs mechanism.
Note however that If our model here is not validated by experience, it would not invalidate the multi-fold mechanism and the proposal that gravity emerges from entanglement as detailed in [1]. The analysis builds on [1], as a consequence of it, but it is not a condition for validation of multi-fold universes.
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges of explaining the mass of the neutrinos without New Physics.We explain the fate of right-handed neutrinos and left-handed anti neutrinos: they exist, but only in flight where they can interact with the Higgs. Why it only exist in flight is still an open issue. And the low mass of the neutrinos results from the usual Higgs mechanism, while in flight. The mass is low because only little time is available for mass acquisition and bumping with Higgs bosons). The model works for multi-fold universe as well as in any situation where gravity is non negligible and added to the Standard Model.
This along with similar results in [1] and [9], make a strong case for more seriously considering the implications of adding gravity to the Standard Model to obtain SMG, as a way to contribute to addressing open issues and offer better alternatives to New Physics speculations. This goes hand in hand with recognizing that this also implies the need to seriously consider that gravity may not always be negligible at the Standard Model scales as proposed in [1].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity”, viXra:2007.0018v1,…, June 23, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261v1,…, June 21, 2020.
[6]: Carlos Mergulhao Jr., (1995), “Neutrino Helicity Flip in a Curved Space-tlme”, General Relativity and Gravitation, volume 27, pages 657–667.
[7]: R. Aldrovandi, G. E. A. Matsas, S. F. Novaes, D. Spehler, (1994), ” Fermion Helicity Flip in Weak Gravitational Fields”, arXiv:gr-qc/9404018v1
[8]: Soumitra SenGupta, Aninda Sinha, (2001), ” Fermion helicity flip by parity violating torsion”, arXiv:hep-th/0102073v2.
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes “, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
[11]: M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia and M. Yokoyama, (2019), “14. Neutrino Masses, Mixing, and Oscillations”, in M. Tanabashi et al. (Particle Data Group), Phys. Rev. D 98, 030001 (2018) and (2019) update.
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Multi-fold Higgs Fields and Bosons
Stephane H. Maes
November 6, 2020
[em]In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles, that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure, and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hint at an even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.[/em]
This paper propose that Higgs bosons live in spacetime both of the multi-fold universe and of a 7D unconstrained Kaluza-Klein (KK) flat spacetime. With such a result, we can evolve the results and understandings from our original multi-fold paper and propose that concretized spacetime location are actually Higgs bosons microscopic black holes fluctuating around minimal Schwarzschild Planck black holes associated to the Higgs field. It could explain how the Higgs acquired mass and, as a result, why reconstruction-based inflation could be modeled by Higgs bosons as inflatons, and how it is setup for the electroweak symmetry breaking. With the Higgs boson living at the edge of a 7D space embedding the multi-fold universe spacetime, and in the multi-folds, we explain why multi-fold support Higgs presence in its tenancy model, something needed in order recover the equivalence principle and gravity.
With the resulting refined multi-fold model, omni presence of the Higgs field and absence of an energy budget to concretize spacetime can now be explained.
We also further speculate on the right-handed neutrinos in a multi-fold universe, the axion and the maximal parity breaking of the Electroweak interaction with consequences for explanations of matter vs. antimatter asymmetry via axiogenesis, and of dark matter; topics where we already know that axions are not required in multi-fold universes, although not forbidden.
In this paper, we again predict right-handed neutrinos, and their anti-particles, hidden behind the Higgs, at the entry and exit points of multi-folds.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with others like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
The present paper builds on [5,6] which discuss multi-fold universes embedded in larger 7D unconstrained Kaluza-Klein (KK) flat spacetime, where it is shown that the Standard Model (SM) with gravity not negligible at its scale (SMG) can be induced from 7D geometry. It then discusses the Higgs field, and boson, within a multi-fold universe and its potential implications on spacetime, inflation and the multi-fold mechanisms. This allows to revisit notions of spacetime locations and their concretization, possible inflation and the tenancy model for multi-fold tenancy versus the original model in the first version of [1].
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience, and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1] and derived papers.
The evolution of the multi-fold theory and results can be tracked at [22].
2. Higgs and Geometrical Induction: A 7D Higgs Field
In order to support the equivalence principle in a multi-fold universe[1], we already concluded that the Higgs field must also be present in the multi-folds [7]. It was further confirmed by determining that the Higgs boson can be encountered like any SM particle, as an object in 7D unconstrained Kaluza-Klein (KK) flat spacetime [5]. As illustration, in [6], its mass is correctly derived explicitly in higher order Mie scattering estimates with the multi-folds.
Yet, we are saying something slightly different between [7] and [5,6]: not only are particles derived from the embedded spacetime; but the scalar field is omnipresent not just in the multi-fold 4D spacetime but the embedding 7D spacetime.
In general, this is not a dilaton, or radion [8], as we do not, for now, assuming compacting the extra unconstrained KK dimensions. We will revisit that in a later section.
3. Multi-fold Spacetime Construction and Inflation
The theory of inflation has been proposed to address challenges with the Big Bang theory to account for uniformity observed between regions of the universe, that a priori have not had the time to know about each other (i.e. homogeneity and isotropy of universe), as well as the estimated flatness of the universe (i.e. positive curvature, quasi null). It also help address more technical issues like the low rate of magnetic monopoles (none have been observed ever, something that we explained in the context of a multi-fold universe without requiring inflation [1,9]). The original inflation proposals and good overviews of inflation can be found in [10-13].
In [1,9], we discussed how the random walks, and particle (anti-particle) pairs creation, encountered during the construction phase of a multi-fold universe can generate inflation with an exponential growth of the amount of both particles and concretized spacetime locations. Indeed, even starting from a single point, successive time clicks are used, i.e., used for a change, or skipped, i.e., awaiting a future change. When used for a change, they are associated to movements (at the speed of light) that create spacetime location and / or creations of new particles. This also includes visiting skipped locations that are then concretized, or revisiting already concretized ones; hence the generic terminology of concretizing spacetime. Quantum uncertainties also further jiggle around the random walk paths and with entanglements opens the door to dark matter effects [1,9].
Per the multi-fold model, particles are microscopic blackholes. In the early stages, they are minimal for the charges they carry as massless particles: we did not model if only one type of particle exists (then neutral for all charge) or if different types with different charges may coexist; but we strongly emphasized a democracy of the particles: they have all the same effect on gravity and these match whatever other interactions they may entertain; all interactions have same coupling constant or effect. This is the basis for our proposal for an Ultimate Unification, instead of conventional Grand Unification Theories (GUTs) or Theories of Everything (TOEs) [1,14].
The multi-fold spacetime is therefore the result of random walks of the particles, which provides a discrete, fractal, Lorentz invariant and non-commutative spacetime at the smallest scales. In order to model spacetime creation and concretization, [1] reused the mode of microscopic blackhole and associated a minimal (Planckian Schwarzschild black hole) to each concretized spacetime location, allowing also these points to be entangled for a while with neighbors, when concretized by the walk of a same particle and not yet revisited by another. Yet we did not associate any physical entity to these spacetime locations other than being just that: spacetime locations, with a minimal black hole on it. But such an association of a minimal black hole at every concretized spacetime amounts to associating a (scalar) field to it.
For now, in the inflation phase such a field would naturally be an inflaton [15]. It is a key addition to the multi-fold models: concretized multi-fold spacetime locations are modeled by inflatons and their associated blackholes (at least during the inflation phase).
In the spirit of the approach of [1], the random walk of particles and concretization are the physical effects and the scalar inflaton field, vacuum energy density and relativistic pressure are its models in QFT and GR.
Today, in conventional Physics, we do not know for sure what field could be responsible for the cosmological inflation. Hypotheses involve small fields, large fields, hybrid fields, natural fields (e.g. due to the elusive axion) and variations or combinations of multiple fields and criteria to be satisfied for suitability non only to the inflation phase but also the slow-roll and re-heating critical to explain the hot big bang phase and match the theory to the (Λ-)CMB observations.
4. Higgs Inflation With Non-minimal Coupling
The Higgs scalar field has been proposed as a candidate [16]. The idea of a field, already used to model the electroweak symmetry breaking and the subsequent mass generation of all elementary particles (including neutrinos in a multi-fold universe [17]), is quite attractive and economical. It resulted into a plethora of analyses. We recommend [18-21] for a recent overview of the analyses, problems encountered and proposed resolutions for the approaches based on the original model of [16]: Higgs inflation with non-minimum coupling to gravity. it is required in order to match the CMB results with the Higgs potential and amounts to add a term to the Lagrangian density of the SM in:
L = LHE + LSM +
is a new coupling factor and R is the Ricci curvature scalar. SM designates the Standard Model Lagrangian (of course including the Higgs field) and HE refers to the Hilbert Einstein contribution[2] and is the Higgs scalar field. Lagrangian and actions are expressed in the Jordan frame.
This gives the additional degree of freedom needed to better match CMB results and supports adequate inflation as well as slow roll towards reheating.
It can be understood as follows: the Higgs field potential energy is modified in the presence of curvature to decrease by expanding where more matter and curvature exist, i.e. to flatten the spacetime. See section 6 for more details.
Unfortunately, other problems have since been identified with the proposal, mainly in terms of consistency of the model (inflation plateau occurring above the expected UV cutoff of the model), electroweak vacuum instability concerns and unitarity concerns [19,23]. The coupling
is also found to be very large, which is not a good sign.
Before exploring what happens with minimally coupled Higgs fields in multi-fold universe, let us note, for completeness, that models have also modeled Higgs inflation with supersymmetry and super strings. See references for variations and extensions in [18] (supersymmetry, e.g. [23], or supergravity), and the analysis of [24] shows a successful model for high-scale supersymmetry, and for most GUT models the non-minimal coupling Higgs inflation could be viable and consistent with slow-roll requirements. However, we know that supersymmetry and supergravity are not physical in multi-fold universe (and probably as probably as most probably also not physical in the real universe) [25]; so these results are not really helping or convincing.
5. Inflation with Higgs Field Minimally Coupled to Gravity
We already know that without additional considerations, minimally coupled Higgs fields do not work to explain inflation. The main problem to realize the minimal Higgs inflation without any ultra-violate modification is the lack of tuning parameter as
in the non-minimal coupling case. Modelling well the Higgs potential the potential becomes tricky [42].
Work has also been done for Higgs inflation in conjunction with asymptotically safe gravity [27], driven by considerations from [20]. In general, it has been shown that non-minimally coupled schemes may work with now a way smaller
. Furthermore, minimally coupled schemes are shown to work [26].
Note that asymptotically safe gravity has also been considered for other inflaton schemes that the Higgs, e.g. [27,28].
6. Multi-fold Inflation Modeled at QFT Scales by Higgs Field (non) Minimally Coupled to Gravity
Justification of the non-minimal coupling to gravity is also trickier in a multi-fold universe: the model that give repulsive pressure for a uniform field in GR gives the same with the multi-fold mechanisms. For conventional GR it can be argued that this is a plausible, and one of the simplest, form of quantum correction. In a multi-fold universe, all such quantum corrections effects are also already accounted for.
It is therefore a bit harder to justify larger scale QFT modeling with the non-minimum coupling, other than an attempt by the QFT approximations to model the effects of the random walk by emphasizing that were curvature increases with many particles, the effect is larger, possibly because of the extra effects of multi-fold dark energy that increases near high curvature or where lots of matter, including lots of massless Higgs, as discussed in [9].
In a multi-fold universe, gravity is asymptotically safe [25], so both options are acceptable.
In the minimal coupling case, Of course the field representation is just an approximation of these microscopic effects. Therefore it is hard to say if the QFT approximation should rather use the minimal or non-minimal representation. We would like to say that with the non-minimal coupling, we can cover all bases.
Therefore, we expect that the quantum walk inflation in multi-fold universes (per the construction phase [1,9can be modeled in QFT by a non-minimally coupled Higgs that may be minimally coupled. But can be along the lines of [26].
Note added on March 28, 2021: Considering how [37] anticipates our multi-fold gravity electroweak symmetry breaking [38], it behooves to us to emphasize that non-minimally coupled could very well also be suitable to model the multi-fold effects. In fact, in general it is more often encountered conventionally than the minimal coupling of [20]. It is only that microscopic justification was a bit trickier until [38,39], where we see that indeed the density of Higgs boson is probably the trigger for the gravity electroweak symmetry breaking, with Higgs boson condensing into Kerr-Newman solitons to produce massive particles. Under these considerations non-minimally coupled models may even make more sense!
Note added on April 12, 2021: Additional interesting arguments can be found in [40] (and in Feynman’s lectures on gravitation [41]).
6.1 Consistency and stability
Asymptotic safety ensure scale invariance of gravity. The model should not have the inconsistencies of plateauing, and it is not doing it beyond validity of the model.
6.2 Slow roll in Multi-fold Universes
In a multi-fold universe, the inflation takes place as long that there is enough energy to make the involved particle walk randomly, at almost every time click, and create new particle pairs. When that is reduced, the process stops being exponential, and rather evolves towards a tamer random walk and vacuum fluctuations; i.e. a slow roll. It corresponds to the QFT model which identifies slow roll as taking place when the kinetic energy of the inflaton becomes larger than the field potential.
As discussed, we have not modeled yet what are the particle involved, other than that they all have zero mass during inflation and follow the principle of democratization of interactions from UU [1,14]. It could be a new particles, a set of massless version of most of the SM particles, massless Higgs bosons etc. Or they must just all be only massless Higgs. As, whenever spacetime locations are concretized, a minimum microscopic blackhole associated to the Higgs field is left at these locations. More details will be provided in future works that can always be tracked at [22].
6.3 Re-heating in multi-fold universes
Re-heating results from symmetry breaking, starting from the UU as in an universe in inflation, temperature and energy density lowers. As a result particles and interactions diversify. Electroweak symmetry break up occurs at lower temperature and all particle acquire their masses; including the Higgs.
From then on, the hot big bang takes place and can follows its post inflation chronology.
6.4 Electroweak vacuum stability
[29] shows how concerns with electroweak false vacuum and instabilities are addressed in a multi-fold universe; thereby alleviating the concern with Higgs inflation.
7. Higgs Boson and Multi-fold universe
Massive Higgs particles are now like a sea of Higgs located at every spacetime location. They also extend, near the infinitesimal edge boundary only, we assume, in the 7D unconstrained KK flat spacetime. As a result, they do not have to enter in energy or quantum number conservation budgets as they interact with fermions to give them mass and flip their chirality. It happen at every concretized spacetime location. Note that Higgs boson that temporary appear into real particles before decaying do respect all conservation laws.
Every concretized spacetime location therefore is characterized by a minimal black hole associated to the Higgs field that creates pairs of virtual Higgs, and absorbs virtual Higgs back and forth. With quantum fluctuations it also consists of exchange back and forth with surrounding concretized spacetime locations, so that creation and annihilation is not tracked as associated to a specific location but within a fluctuating region. This contribute to how non-commutativity and Lorentz invariance was already recovered [1]. More details will be provided in future work that can always be tracked at [22].
The microscopic minimum black holes are what is sometimes misnamed as the fabric of spacetime.
When multi-folds are activated [1], they consists of the same fabric of spacetime and as so the same processes take place in the multi-folds. This ensures that paths in the multi-fold will also involve interactions with the Higgs boson and as a result involve particles with the same mass as in the multi-fold spacetime. It is essential to recovering the equivalence principle [7] and gravity derivation from multi-fold mechanisms [1].
It justifies the clarification or update to the multi-fold tenancy models of [1] described in [7]: all laws of Physics apply equally to each fold. Only one particle lives in a folds (hard partitioning based tenancy model); particles appearing in a same multi-fold are in fact in different instances and they never interact other than at entry and exit points. However, this does not hold for the Higgs boson, which is present at every location of the multi-folds and therefore ensuring that electroweak is also broken in the multi-folds (post electroweak symmetry breaking, and that all particle keep their mass in the multi-folds.
The comments about energy and quantum number conservation also explains why any energy involved in the multi-fold dynamics (and their kinematics and dynamics beyond the prescriptions of [1]) do not have to be tracked: the budgets and details occur in the embedding spacetime.
8. Multi-fold Right-handed Neutrinos, CP violation and Maximal P Symmetry Breaking by the Electroweak Interaction
All the previous section are proposals for an evolution of our multi-fold model.
This section however is in our view much more speculative, as not as well derived from constructive considerations, themselves derived from [1], that also meet QFT models that must be recovered at higher scales. So this section should be treated as such, and will certainly require further work. It aims at expanding on a comment made in [6] about right-handed neutrinos (and left-handed anti neutrinos) in multi-fold universes. Future work will details this. As always these future work can be tracked in [22].
In [17,30], we argued the existence of the right-handed neutrino, always in-flight, never available for interaction and appearing only as part of the interactions with the Higgs boson so that neutrinos acquire mass.
The right-handed neutrinos is created, even if temporarily in the mass generating Higgs interaction; yet not observed. What if this is only happening in the multi-folds: the Higgs is present in the multi-folds, right-handed neutrinos appear and disappear on the paths in multi-folds of a left-handed neutrino, giving it mass in the multi-folds but not exiting the multi-folds. Real particles in the multi-fold spacetime interact with right-handed neutrinos through the Higgs (in 7D)[3] only through quantum fluctuations at entry, exit points of the folds or when mapped to a multi-fold.
No energy is lost, for entangled particles with real path in the multi-fold, because of the same arguments as in [1]: path can have as small probability as desired and everything is recovered in the deactivation mechanisms of the multi-fold, with just a twist: exit always flips the right-handed path to a left-handed one first. Continuing down this speculative path, a possible reason could be the right-handedness of the gravity representation discussed in [5] that prevents right-handed neutrino representations in multi-fold spacetime (which is used for the electroweak interaction post symmetry breaking).
Real left-handed neutrinos can interact with Higgs to generate right-handed neutrinos only due to fluctuations making then see/feel the multi-folds that surround them; yet enough to gain mass[4]. Being hidden in at the entry and exit of multi-folds can explain their lower mass and absence of other interaction considering the multi-fold tenancy principle [1], with the updates from [7].
A chirality preference at the entry point of the multi-fold, maybe resulting by the presence of in-flight right-handed neutrinos, or left-handed anti-neutrinos, would entail and explain CP violation (by gravity or Physics in general as it affect somehow spacetime, and why torsion in matter is not only supported but may be possibly always present [1]. Such systematic violation of CP symmetry, along with all the observations made so far [31], could mean that, perhaps, it is more reasonable to conclude that CP symmetry does not exist in our universe, than that the violations result from symmetry breaking by an unknown mechanism. As a result, particles like the axion may not be motivated anymore by the Peccei Quinn mechanism [31,32], that we already questioned in [1,33]. It removes it as a candidate for dark matter, and matter antimatter asymmetry (via axiogenesis [35]), especially as we have alternative explanations in multi-fold universes respectively in [1,34] and [36].
Similar considerations could possibly explain the maximal parity breaking of the Electroweak interaction, i.e. the fact that W± only couple to left-handed fermions, and the Z0 boson couples unequally to left and right-handed fermions. Understanding, modeling, and validating this is for future work.
At this stage, and as announced earlier, this section is a conjecture. We do not have a concrete explanation or justification on how and why the filtering out of a chirality versus the other takes place, other than an effect of the in-flight right-handed neutrinos. Consider for example, the Higgs Boson and the right-handed neutrinos: if this phenomena occurs around any particle and at any concretized spacetime location, then systematic P violation occurs everywhere in multifold spacetime. As Higgs is C-symmetric, spacetime and physics could be systematically violating CP symmetry. Alternatively, it could be a refinement (asymmetric for chirality) of the multi-folds or their dynamics: even if correct our conjecture just move the unexplained to another problem…
Note that the presence of Higgs field in 7D unconstrained KK spacetime may also lead to models to trigger the big bang or electroweak symmetry breaking via events taking place in these extra dimensions. We do not have a concrete proposal but wanted to note as food for thoughts that for examples dimension collapses in the embedded universe would result into mass acquisition by the Higgs, but, as far as we know, this does not fit well the chronology of a big bang with inflation or the large dimensions of the AdS(5) and 7D unconstrained KK. Yet it would be worth exploring this in the future.
9. Conclusions
We have shown how in a multi-fold universe, we can build a QFT model of inflation that relies on the Higgs (field and boson), and consistently relates to our multi-fold constructive model [1]. Doing so we clarified the details of concretized spacetime locations with microscopic black holes that are now identified as related to the Higgs field, which concretize spacetime, is responsible for the random walks and inflation, in addition to mass generation.
Associating the Higgs field to the embedding 7D unconstrained KK flat spacetime allow us to explain why multi-fold mechanisms, Higgs interactions and Higgs inflation can seemingly violate some conservation rules. It also provides a physical justification to the multi-fold tenancy rule updates that we introduced with respect to the original model in [1] in order to recover the equivalence principle [7], and rigorously derive gravity from the multi-fold mechanisms [1]. It may also provides explanations for triggering of the big bang expansion and inflation.
Doing so led us to propose explanations on a fundamental CP and P symmetry violation by multi-fold mechanisms with proposal to explain the absence of right-handed neutrinos in interactions (yet their involvement in mass generation), as well as the maximal violation of P symmetry by the electroweak interaction. One is a conjecture on the behavior of the multi-fold entry and exit points another explains that relying on always in-flight non-interacting, except via the Higgs, right-handed neutrinos, and the anti-neutrinos, located at such multi-fold entry and exit points, along with the Higgs, e.g. blocked behind it. In fact we conjecture that a multi-fold universe may simply not be CP symmetric as a result. It would have broad implications on motivating the axion and relying on it to explain mater antimatter asymmetry (via axiogenesis) or dark matter. These problems were already separately addressed in multi-fold universes without the need of axions.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Higgs Fields and Bosons”, viXra:2204.0146v1,…, November 6, 2020.
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes”, viXra:2011.0208v1,…, August 20, 2020.
[6]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Particles of The Standard Model In Multi-Fold Universes”,…, (November 4, 2020).
[7]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Derivation of the Equivalence Principle in a Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2010.0090v1,, June 19, 2020.
[8]: Wikipedia, “Dilaton”, Retrieved on May 13, 2020.
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261v1,…, June 19, 2020.
[10]: Wikipedia, “Inflation (cosmology)”,…. Retrieved on November 11, 2019.
[11]: Julian Heeck, (2011), “Introduction to Inflation”,…. Retrieved on November 4, 2020.
[12]: A D Linde, (1984). “The inflationary universe”, Rep. Prog. Phys., Vol 47, pp 925-986, 1984
[13]: A. Guth, (2018), “The New Inflationary Universe”, MIT Course, Physics 8.286: The Early Universe
[14]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”, viXra:2006.0211v1,…, June 16, 2020.
[15]: Wikipedia, “Inflaton”, Retrieved on November 11, 2019.
[16]: F.L. Bezrukov, M.E. Shaposhnikov, (2007), “The Standard Model Higgs boson as the inflaton”, arXiv:0710.3755v2
[17]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity”, viXra:2007.0018v1,…, June 23, 2020.
[18]: Javier Rubio, (2019), “Higgs Inflation”, Front. Astron. Space Sci., 22 January 2019
[19]: Michael Atkins, (2012), “Could the Higgs Boson be the Inflaton?”, NExT Meeting – March 2012, Sussex,…. Retrieved on November 8, 2020.
[20]: Michael Atkins, Xavier Calmet, (2010), “Remarks on Higgs Inflation”, arXiv:1011.4179v2
[21]: Dan Green, (2014), “Inflation and the Higgs Scalar”, arXiv:1412.2107v1
[22]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe” -Navigation page listing all papers,….
[23]: Masato Arai, Shinsuke Kawai, Nobuchika Okada, (2011), “Higgs inflation in minimal supersymmetric SU(5) GUT”, arXiv:1107.4767v3
[24]: Sibo Zheng, (2015), “Can Higgs inflation be saved with high-scale supersymmetry?”, Eur. Phys. J. C, 75:489.
[25]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Renormalization and Asymptotic Safety of Gravity in a Multi-Fold Universe: More Tracking of the Standard Model at the Cost of Supersymmetries, GUTs and Superstrings”, viXra:2102.0137v1,…, September 18, 2020.
[26]: Zhong-Zhi Xianyu, Hong-Jian He, (2014), “Asymptotically Safe Higgs Inflation”, arXiv:1407.6993v2
[27]: C. Wetterich, (2019), “Effective scalar potential in asymptotically safe quantum gravity”, arXiv:1911.06100v2
[28]: Alessia Platania, (2019), “The Inflationary Mechanism in Asymptotically Safe Gravity”, Universe 2019, 5(8), 189.
[29]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Stabilizes Electroweak Vacuum – No Bubble of Nothing to Worry About!”, viXra:2007.0173v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[30]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “No Conventional Sterile Neutrinos In a Multi-fold Universe: just SMG business as usual”, viXra:2103.0202v1,…, October 1, 2020.
[31]: Wikipedia, “CP violation”,…. Retrieved on November 3, 2019.
[32]: Wikipedia, ” Peccei–Quinn theory”,…. Retrieved on October 28, 2020.
[33]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Strong CP Violation Tamed in The Presence of Gravity”, viXra:2007.0025v1,…, June 21, 2020.
[34]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”More Matter Than Antimatter, All Falling Down”, viXra:2010.0121v1,…, July 5, 2020.
[35]: Raymond T. Co, Keisuke Harigaya, (2019), “Axiogenesis”, arXiv:1910.02080v2.
[36]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006v1 or, June 21, 2020.
References added on March 28, 2021
[37]: Mikhail Shaposhnikov, (2007), “Is there a new physics between electroweak and Planck scales?”, arXiv:0708.3550v1.
[38]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Gravity-Electroweak Theory and Symmetry Breaking”,…, March 16, 2021.
[39]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “More on Multi-fold Particles as Microscopic Black Holes with Higgs Regularizing Extremality and Singularities”,…, February 25, 2021.
Reference added on April 13, 2021
[40]: Y. N. Srivastava, J. Swain, A. Widom, (2011), “An Argument for Nonminimal Higgs Coupling to Gravity”, arXiv:1110.5549v1.
[41]: Richard Feynman, (2002), “Feynman Lectures On Gravitation”, Westview Press, 1 edition (June 20, 2002).
[42]: Debaprasad Maity, (2017), “Minimal Higgs inflation”, Nuclear Physics B, Volume 919, Pages 560-568
[1] And in order to rigorously recover gravity à la [1]…
[2] Interestingly, this is already an example of SMG, SM with a non negligible gravity contribution at the SM scales, as we have argued throughout [1] and the papers compiled in [22].
[3] Through the Higgs, is actually very important: 7D spacetime does not support chiral fermions (See the related discussion in [5] and how it is handled to still recover chiral fermions in the 4D multi-fold spacetime).
[4] The low mass values may be due to these complications in the mechanisms that effectively renders the interaction with the Higgs as if with a smaller coupling; except maybe for the neutrino tau.
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#7D #AsymptoticSafe #asymptoticSafeHiggsInflation #axiogenesis #Axion #bigBang #blackHole #Chirality #CPSymmery #CPViolation #DarkMatter #democratization #DiscreteSpacetime #Electroweak #ElectroweakMaximallyParityViolation #ElectroweakVacuum #ElectroweakVacuumStability #Entanglement #FalseVacuum #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #HiggsBoson #HiggsField #HiggsInMultiFolds #HiggsInflation #HiggsMechanism #Inflation #Inflaton #KaluzaKlein #matterAntimatterAsymmetry #microscopicBlackHoles #multiFold #multiFoldTenancy #MultiFoldUniverse #PSymmery #Parity #PecceiQuinn #QuantumGravity #rightHandedNeutrinos #scalarField #slowRoll #StandardModel #standardModelWithGravity #Supersymmetry #symmetryBreaking #Torsion #UltimateUnification #WBoson #ZBoson
proposed resolution to the strong CP problem
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?
Stephane H. MaesJune 19, 2020
Note: if you are looking for “Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, go to…, or viXra:2007.0006v1.
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement and spacetime is discrete, with a fractal structure based on random walk and a non-commutative geometry. When random walk is combined with maximal particle generations, exponential expansion can automatically takes place. Away from maximal generation or in an already concretized spacetime, random walk accounts for a constant or slowing down expansion. Meanwhile, the multi-fold mechanisms also implies a constant expansion potential, adding a force to the expansion of the universe, thanks to uncertainties. It explain the constant acceleration of the universe expansion with a cosmological constant that is not the vacuum energy density but can be way smaller.
It may contribute to addressing problems like the absence of any explanation of dark energy, the embarrassing orders of magnitude of discrepancies between vacuum energy and the cosmological constant predicted by conventional Physics; issues that are among Today’s biggest mysteries of the universe. These explanations do not require New Physics beyond the Standard Model and the Standard Cosmology Model.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Spacetime Construction
In [1], spacetime is created when it is encountered by a particle (This is also inspired from the ideas that spacetime creation may result from wave function collapse) that consists of a microscopic black hole surrounding it. As the particle moves, it leaves remnants of minimal Schwarzschild black holes as spacetime location. The effect is also inspired from [6]. We speak of spacetime concretization. With this scenario, and as result of the top down framework of multi-fold universes, [1] shows that spacetime is therefore discrete and non-commutative with particles moves as relativistic paths of the path integral describing the particles: i.e. a random walk, in space and in time, leading to a fractal structure. The random sprinkles of spacetime points and particles ensure that spacetime can be Lorentz invariant.These conclusions from the multi-fold model are all along consistent with well know results [7,8]. But why and how these features are actually realized in spacetime were something missing, so far.
Spacetime concretization can generate new spacetime points and grow the edges of the universe. As the process is fractal in space and in time, it also leaves many non-concretized points of the underlying discrete lattice (of minimum length cells). At later times, particles can random walk on the existing concretized structure or fill gaps by concretizing points missed so far. At no time, is a minimum length (in space and in time) violated, in accordance with [5].
We will also describe bulk expansion effects.
To be complete, there are also entanglement between particles and spacetime that they concretize. These also introduce a temporary brake (with effective potential per the multi-fold mechanisms of [1]) to the expansion but limited to the duration of such entanglements. We do not use spacetime entanglement as sources of gravity as proposed in proposals where Gravity would emerge from entropy as in Verlinde’s papers, e.g. [19,20]. The model in [1] is quite different from these works.
3. Big Bang and Inflation
At the beginning of our universe, that it be localized in one or a few points, across an initial region or more widely extended (as proposed for example by other infinite or parallel universe models), the energy is such that every fluctuation or particle move can both concretize spacetime and create new particles. A toy model to hint how fluctuations in spacetime can create particles and spacetime is discussed in [6].When the energy is such that at every time jumps take place and new particles can be created (in every directions) along with spacetime concretization (reoccupied or visited for the first time), the process results into an exponential growth of the number of particles and spacetime. Bulk effects (dark energy effects, discussed later) contribute to stretch the structures at the same time which also ensures that spacetime stretches as this takes place. These early particles can be of different types, including creation and annihilation of the ones we encounter today, or essentially be all of the same as an inflaton [9]. It does not matter for our model.
In conventional QFT views, the inflaton field, a candidate to conventionally explain inflation, is homogenous throughout the universe and the total energy content of the universe grows also exponentially until it stops everywhere (or only somewhere in eternal inflation models, in such case, possibly resulting into different universe, etc.). It sets a high vacuum energy ground level and hence, per GR, a negative pressure [10], and we have inflation [11]. In a multi-fold universe, at small scales, the density of particle is initially roughly the same everywhere, which provides energy to the particles who exert a constant pressure due to that energy. That pressure is the combination of the jumps to new spacetime point and interspersed growth between points (as will continue today, as discussed later) along with the bulk effect to be discussed later. So both our model from [1] and the inflaton model essentially match. [1] works with inflaton (explaining it effect at very small scales) or instead of it.
The source of energy enabling these effects is not really explained in [1] and out of scope for this work. It is either inherent to the inflaton field (e.g. as (false) vacuum), which can also be the case for the particles only explanation (false vacuum giving always a minimum energy to every particles with no energy changes but why is it at such a level is not explained) or due to a tremendous original energy that remains so large early on that its level is essentially not affected by particle creation long enough for the exponential growth to take place as long as needed (in practice, that is also a very short time even if the expansion and stretching effects are tremendous, except in eternal inflation models where it would still be going on somewhere beyond our universe horizon). As inflatons have not yet be found or well modeled, we prefer the latter explanation, i.e. no inflation. Note that such a choice also probably negates eternal inflation models, that would need energy to continue eternally. But both sources of energy are supported.
The energy involved can originate from the everything that we do not know and that happened before the Big Bang event, including big bounces, or a vacuum collapse bubbles, or from a symmetry breaking event (and resulting phase change). For example (it is just an illustration of a possible mechanism), it could be energy released due to the break of the Ultimate Unification symmetry introduced in [1,12], as if it was a phase change of the universe. The democracy symmetry breaks as progressively more and more of the involved particles drop out from being able to contribute at the same level as carriers of massive gravity from spacetime point to point. Each time, this correspond to a conversion of energy potential of everything in the universe into kinetic energy as gravity weakened at smaller scales due to particles decrease their contribution as larger scale carriers to the massive gravity component. Note this example would be an oscillating situation as increasing energy (e.g. like inflation reheating) will bring back the particles that just gave up as gravity carriers, until they drop out again). It evolves like this particle type per particle type till inflation stops.
When there is no more enough energy to sustain both systematic spacetime concretization and particle creation, the inflation progressively die out. Again all this takes a very short time.
After that, random walks continue and particles (virtual and real) can revisit already concretized spacetime point or concretize new points. In addition. Expansion also continue as discussed after. These effects are now the dominant contributions for expansion, albeit countered for a while in the battle for universe dominance by attractive gravity that fights off expansion and balances a significant part of the expansion effects, for as long at matter and energy clusters are close enough: until distances become too large between clusters and expansion start to really dominate and accelerate. Our universe is now in that phase.
4. Dark Energy? Maybe not so fast…
Dark energy is proposed as a way to explain the observed expansion and now observed accelerated expansion of the universe. Good entry points can be found at [13,14].Cosmological expansion is conventionally modeled by the cosmological constant in GR [16]. In QFT and superstrings, this leads immediately to major issues. QFT predicts a vacuum energy density that leads to a cosmological constant that is larger than what is observed [16]. It is hardly a small adjustment issue! There is clearly a problem or something is missed by conventional Physics.
New Physics is not faring much better, as discussed in [15]: superstrings are not stable (i.e. they cannot live) in positive cosmological constant universes [17]; while GR is unstable with matter in AdS [18]. [15] explains how this is in fact consistent with multi-fold universes [1] and our deducted superstrings dualities. For the purpose of discussion here, it only matters in the sense that New Physics has no helpful say about the cosmological constant problem!
A zero cosmological constant may help with superstrings (and for many supersymmetric theories). However, again it does not match physical explanations or observations of accelerated expansion, granted that, as mentioned in [1], some recent papers are still revisiting and questioning if there is indeed such an acceleration.
This situation is not just an open problem but one of the most embarrassing problem for modern Physics. There are no other ways to put it. Today, we have no clue.
Yet in a multi-fold universe:
- A small positive cosmological constant (generating negative curvature contributions are not supported by the multi-fold mechanism, which also explain why superstrings cannot, and do not, live in our spacetime [15]) can be explained
- It is independent of the QFT energy vacuum density
- And the explanation is without involving any New Physics other than adding gravity to the Standard Model in a multi-fold universe.
Indeed, expansion of the spacetime comes in two flavors:
- Random walks, business as usual, that revisit existing spacetime point and fill the gaps in the spacetime fractal structure or pushes the edge. It is not a dominant bulk effect expansion but it has a small contribution to the cosmological constant.
- Constant effective potential pressure everywhere towards AdS(5) resulting from uncertainties of entangled particles, that generate attractive effective potentials between them. [1] shows that, as the particles wiggle because of quantum uncertainties, the folds and mappings can create, within the bulk, effective potential pulls towards the bulk, (which amounts to normal random walk acceleration) or towards the outside spacetime, which is a bulk expansion effect a always present force (because of uncertainty that component always consistently exists): we have found a dark energy effect, without any dark energy involved, that also contribute to the cosmological constant. Fluctuations creates the effective potential due to entanglement; fluctuations are not the energy that expand, it the effective potential that expands; therefore decoupling the cosmological constant value from the energy density of the vacuum.
This second effect is between entangled particles, real or virtual, but therefore, slightly more pronounced within or around matter or energy clusters (where more energy fluctuations may be encountered and also because pulling out towards AdS(5) will happen more often where spacetime is curved by matter). Yet, it exists everywhere as vacuum virtual pairs also contribute. Its intensity is related to the vacuum energy levels as well as the energy content of the entangled particles. It is not the vacuum energy density and it is expected to be a way smaller contribution, but omnipresent in spacetime. This way, we are able to solve the cosmological constant problem. It also weakens the arguments for an anthropic principle (to explain the cosmology constant), which in turns weakens reuse of such a principle to justify parallel universes and the “expected” existence of large superstring swampland and landscape (maybe – not that certain now that the landscape needs to be a positive curvature universe [15]).
The arguments in [1] are only qualitative, not yet quantitative. More work is needed to see if quantitative estimates make sense and may suffice to explain dark energy. Of course, other effects can also play along.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipate the behaviors modeled in a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] potentially explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Our proposal has no equivalent or variations for non multi-fold universe: the source of dark energy effects come directly from the multi-folds mechanisms as proposed in [1]. Even other models that link entanglement and gravity would most probably not help as the multi-fold universe does.
The fact that dark energy and cosmological constant issues are confirmed (so far) by observations, yet unexplained, indicates one possible small step in favor of this subject helping to validate the models proposed in [1].
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges with dark energy and with the cosmological constant.The model also has the ability to further explain the expected discrete and noncommutative (Lorentz invariant and fractal) nature of spacetime and to support inflation (with or without inflatons).
While steps in the right direction in terms of validating [1], future work should aim at providing quantitative estimates to further determine viability of the proposal or completeness of the explanation, versus just contributing to what happens, which would already be satisfying.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261v1,…, June 19, 2020.
Note: If you were by mistake pointed here looking for Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006v1, or… June 21, 2020, the web version (here) is tracked at…. A mistake in many references instead provided the URL to the dark energy paper (here). It is regrettable and will be corrected in the future for all upcoming papers and revisions.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Luis J. Garay, (1995), “Quantum Gravity and Minimum Length”, International Journal of Modern Physics A, V 10.
[6]: Hou Y. Yau, (2007 & 2016), “Quantum Theory from a Space-Time Wave”, arXiv:0706.0190 v2 and v4
[7]: S. Doplicher, K. Fredenhagen and J. E. Roberts, (1994), “Spacetime quantization induced by classical gravity”, Phys. Rev. B 331 (1994) 33.
[8]: Hooft, Gerard ’t, (2016), “How quantization of gravity leads to a discrete space-time”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 701 012014
[12]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”,…, June 16, 2020.
[14]: B. Clegg (2019), “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Hidden 95% of the Universe”, Icon Books Ltd
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe“, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[17]: Georges Obied, Hirosi Ooguri, Lev Spodyneiko, Cumrun Vafa, (2018), “De Sitter Space and the Swampland”, arXiv:1806.08362v3.
[18]: Georgios Moschidis, (2018), “A proof of the instability of AdS for the Einstein–massless Vlasov system”, arXiv:1812.04268v1.
[19]: Erik P. Verlinde (2010), “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton”, arXiv:1001.0785
[20]: Erik Verlinde, (2016), “Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe”, arXiv:1611.02269v2
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#CosmologicalConstantProblem #Cosmology #DarkEnergy #Entanglement #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #Inflation #Inflaton #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumGravity
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No Conventional Sterile Neutrinos In a Multi-fold Universe: just SM_G business as usual
Stephane H. Maes
October 1, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless, virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-fold mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
[em]Different recent experiments have argued against, or in favor of a sterile neutrinos. In a multi-fold universe, or whenever we can add a non-negligible gravity contribution at the scales of the Standard Model, we showed how to explain the mass of the neutrino without New Physics and predict the number of generations for each fermions family, including the number of neutrinos flavors, to be exactly 3. Therefore, in a multi-fold universe, there should not be conventional sterile neutrinos: right-handed flavored neutrinos no ability to interact with W± and Z0 (they only interact only with the Higgs and though gravity) suffice to explain the neutrino oscillation anomalies encountered so far. [/em]
The results extend to SMG.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model (SM) mysteries, without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in s multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales, and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with others like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime, nor the derivations of implications for the Standard Model. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Reminder of past results in Multi-fold Universes
2.1 Neutrino Masses and Right-handed Neutrinos
[1,5] observed that gravity induces chirality/ helicity flips for fermions, including the neutrinos. As no right-handed neutrino has ever been observed, it is assumed that right-handed neutrinos do not interact other than with the Higgs (and gravity) and so they appear only in flight as part of the neutrino oscillations. Doing so, interactions with the Higgs also flipping helicity can account for the mass of the neutrinos.
Note added on 3/30/21: See [25] for a detailed justification.
2.2 No place for an extra Neutrinos (flavor) in SM
[1,6] expand the Standard model’s Lagrangian with gravity (SMG) in order to predict exactly three regimes for the mass contributions of each fermion family to the Lagrangian; therefore justifying the ability to only distinguish three flavors. A same mass generation applies to all fermions including neutrinos. There is therefore no room for a sterile neutrino, unless if by this we mean right-handed neutrino, which is sometimes the definition encountered in the literature, but not our choice.
Note that we consider that this is a consistent with , but a different result from the experimental estimations based on the Standard Model that the Z0 spectrum also implies only 3 light neutrino species based on the analysis of the decay of Z0 into neutrino / anti-neutrino pairs [14,8]. Our results is rather derived from the analysis of multi-fold gravity impact on the SM Lagrangian. Therefore, We believe that in a multi-fold universe, we would not encounter most of the cases envisaged in [8].
3. Sterile Neutrinos?
See [7,8] for some overviews of sterile neutrinos.
There is ample confusion with the terminologies and different definitions in different domains or papers [7,8]. For example, in the literature, the notion of sterile neutrino is sometimes associated to a right-handed neutrino [7] or a 4th (or more) neutrino with no hypercharge or weak nuclear charge [8,15] (models allow Majorana models or inclusion (as we propose in section 2.1; but without the justification of the role of gravity in SMG), or not of right-handed flavored neutrino corresponding to the electron, muon and tau flavors of the left-handed neutrinos).
These sterile neutrinos are allowed to participate to neutrino oscillations [16]. Because the sterile neutrino is decoupled from the strong nuclear scale or the electroweak symmetry breaking scale, its mass can be large or small. Accounting for the neutrino anomalies reported below would require a mass larger than the conventional neutrinos (to account for the anomalies and to not violate the Z0 (and W±) decay widths) [8,14].
4. Sterile Neutrinos Experimentation Results
4.1 Con Sterile Neutrinos Results
The IceCube Collaboration [9,10] has repeatedly and consistently found no discrepancies between predicted amounts of detected muon neutrinos that traversed the earth versus what they observed. If sterile neutrinos existed, one would expect less muon neutrinos, especially at certain frequencies due to mass resonance effects like the Mikheyev–Smirnov–Wolfenstein effect (MSW)[17] plus additional effects [24]. This is the most recent experiment at the time of write-up of this paper.
Many other experiments seem to indicate the same (even if without disproving completely Sterile neutrino) [11].
4.2 Pro Sterile Neutrinos Results
On the other hand. the MinibooNE [12] and LSND [13] collaborations have detected discrepancies for muon neutrinos traveling over relatively short distance, in the form of detection of too many electron neutrinos: the neutrinos oscillations are not expected to have had time to take place, since production of the muon neutrinos to justify such observations. Other cases (always with the same paradigm of short distances between source and detection) have been observed [17]. [8] also discusses examples of disappearing electron neutrino anomalies.
The proposed explanation (see for example [18]) is that the introduction of one (or in fact 2 or more (3 being in fact probably more probable but experimentally not distinguishable from 2) ) sterile neutrino(s) (with one of the conventional definitions of section 3), allows for shorter oscillation wavelengths (with more massive sterile neutrinos) and therefore resolves the issue. It is seen as a strong indication of the existence of such sterile neutrinos.
5. A multi-fold Explanation: flavored right-handed neutrinos only
We believe that our results, from section 2.2, forbid sterile neutrinos, with the conventional definitions of section 3 (especially as in [18]): to be oscillating, they should be a flavor. To be a flavor, they violate 2.2, period. The Z0 decay width may be compatible with heavier sterile neutrinos (as are the W±). The results of section 2.2 however again does not encourage such a model.
One could consider that the right-handed in-flight only right-handed neutrinos are the sterile neutrinos: they have a flavor, but no ability to interact with W± and Z0 (they only interact with the Higgs and though gravity). This is consistent with the SM, where the neutrinos only couple left-handedly to the Z and W-bosons.
Per section 2.1, we believe that it is what happens in a multi-fold universe and SMG (Standard Model with non-negligible gravity effects at the SM scales).
Indeed, results as in section 4.1 are explained by the fact that matter does not modify the helicity/chirality flips of neutrinos and so no differences of rates should be measured by the IceCube collaboration (and yes it is also affected by gravity per [23]). It matches their observation. Regarding section 4.2, although our proposal is sometimes considered as a case of sterile neutrino, it would not provide a justification for the pro Sterile neutrino results. Instead, we propose a new explanation based on [19]: gravity effects on neutrino oscillations. According to [19], they can be ascribed to three effects: propagation decoherence, Penrose decoherence and quantum decoherence due to gravitation scattering. The first is shown (e.g. [20,21]) to mostly amount to lensing effects and changes of the coherence length of the oscillations. The second is not really an effect per [22]. The latter on is exactly what we observe: mass eigenvalue mixes decohere into single mass values: right-handed neutrinos disappear for interactions (they remain in flight) and when they reappear (as a mix of mass states) they may be in any flavor state; which explains the unexplained neutrino flavor apparitions. The effects are not affected by distances shorter than the coherence length of the oscillations. The results of section 4.2 are therefore explained.
Note added on 3/30/21: See [25,26] for a more detailed justification on how and why this in-flight/hiding mode can be achieved in a multi-fold universe by being at the edge of spacetime/living within the multi-folds, behind the Higgs boson.
Therefore, in a multi-fold universe, right-handed flavored neutrinos without ability to interact with W± and Z0 (they only interact only with the Higgs and though gravity) suffice to explain the neutrino oscillation anomalies encountered so far. It is another confirmation of the value of SMG and a proposal that argues against New Physics, which we consider to not include the case of a sterile neutrino being just as right-handed neutrinos (and left-handed anti-neutrinos) that does not interact because of the chirality discrimination by the electroweak massive bosons.
As already discussed, the model may also works beyond multi-fold universe whenever gravity is non-negligible at the SM scales (and semi-classical effects remain correct), including the in-flight mode.
So it is not that there are no Sterile neutrinos, it is rather than with SMG, sterile neutrinos are just the missing right-handed neutrinos and left-handed anti-neutrinos. They are always in-flight not interacting.
Note added on 3/30/21: See [25-27] for more details on the in-flight mode.
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can explain neutrino oscillation anomalies without a conventional sterile neutrino (or at least with a new definition of sterile neutrino).
The proposal is extensible to any situation where gravity is non-negligible at SM scales (SMG).
It again motivates our call for taking SMG seriously, considering how many open issues with SM can be (partially) explained with SMG [24].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “No Conventional Sterile Neutrinos In a Multi-fold Universe: just SMG business as usual”, viXra:2103.0202v1,…, October 1, 2020.
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020). Updates and revisions tracked at…
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity”, viXra:2007.0018v1,…, June 23, 2020.
[6]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Dictates the Number of Fermion Generations: 3”, viXra:2007.0068v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[7]: Wikipedia, “Sterile neutrino”,…, Retrieved for this paper on October 1, 2020
[8]: Dmitry V.Naumov, (2019), “Sterile Neutrino. A short introduction”, arXiv:1901.00151v1
[9]: M. Aartsen et al., (2020), “eV-scale sterile neutrino search using eight years of atmospheric muon neutrino data from the IceCube Neutrino Observatory”, Phys. Rev. Lett, 125, 141801.
[10]: M. Aartsen et al., (2020), “Searching for eV-scale sterile neutrinos with eight years of atmospheric neutrinos at the IceCube Neutrino Telescope, ” Phys. Rev. D 102, 052009
[11]: P. Adamson et al. (MINOS+ and Daya Bay Collaborations), (2020), “Improved constraints on sterile neutrino mixing from disappearance searches in the MINOS, MINOS+, Daya Bay, and Bugey-3 experiments”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 071801.
[12]: A. A. Aguilar-Arevalo et al. (MiniBooNE Collaboration), (2018), “Significant excess of electronlike events in the MiniBooNE short-baseline neutrino experiment”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 121, 221801.
[13]: A. Aguilar et al. (LSND Collaboration), (2001), “Evidence for neutrino oscillations from the observation of ν̄e appearance in a ν̄μ beam”, Phys. Rev. D 64, 112007.
[14]: The ALEPH Collaboration, the DELPHI Collaboration, the L3 Collaboration, the OPAL Collaboration, the SLD Collaboration, the LEP Electroweak Working Group, the SLD electroweak, heavy flavour groups, (2005), “Precision Electroweak Measurements on the Z Resonance”, arXiv:hep-ex/0509008v3
[15]: Richard Ruiz, (2014), “Sterile Neutrino. A short introduction”, Quantum Diaries,…, Retrieved on October 2, 2020.
[16]: Daedalus IsoDAR, “The Sterile Neutrino”,…, Retrieved on October 2, 2020.
[17]: G. Mention et al., (2011), “Reactor antineutrino anomaly”, Phys. Rev. D 83, 073006.
[18]: Janet M. Conrad, William C. Louis, Michael H. Shaevitz, (2013), “The LSND and MiniBooNE Oscillation Searches at High Δm2“, arXiv:1306.6494v1
[19]: Jonathan Miller, Roman Pasechnik, (2013), “Quasi-classical Gravity effect on neutrino oscillations in a gravitational field of an heavy astrophysical object “, arXiv:1305.4430v6
[20]: Fornengo, N., Giunti, C., Kim, C. W., Song, J., (1997), “Gravitational effects on the neutrino oscillation”, Physical Review D, 56
[21]: Fornengo, N., Giunti, C., Kim, C. W., Song, J., (1999), “Gravitational effects on the neutrino oscillation in vacuum”, Nuclear Physics B (Proc. Suppl.), 70, 264-266
[22] Stephane H Maes, (2020), “No Gravity Induced Wave Function Collapse in a Multi-fold Universe”,…, September 11, 2020.
[23]: H. Athar, Jose F. Nieves, (2000), “Matter effects on neutrino oscillations in gravitational and magnetic fields”, arXiv:hep-ph/0001069v1
[24]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe” -Navigation page listing all papers.….
Added on March 30, 2021:
[25]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Higgs Fields and Bosons”,…, November 6, 2020.
[26]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Gravity-Electroweak Theory and Symmetry Breaking”,…, March 16, 2021.
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#GeneralRelativity #Gravity #IceCube #LSND #MassOfNeutrinos #MiniBooNE #MultiFoldUniverse #neutrinoOscillationAnomalies #neutrinoOscillations #Neutrinos #NewPhysics #QuantumGravity #StandardModel #standardModelWithGravity #sterileNeutrinos
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Site navigation / map WEB SITE TRACKING ALL PUBLICATIONS AROUND THE MULTI-FOLD UNIVERSE / COMPILATION OF UPDATES, FOLLOW-UPS AND NEW WORKS In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglemen…Shmaes - Physics
Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity
Stephane H. MaesJune 21, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model. In particular with chirality flips of fermion induced by gravity, right-handed neutrinos (and left-handed anti-neutrinos) can appear in flight and now acquire mass when encountering Higgs bosons; two mysteries can be explained in one shot in a multi-fold universe.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. SMG : The Standard Model with Multi-Fold Gravity
[1] proposes that in a multi-fold universe, the Lagrangian is complemented by terms associated to gravity and entanglement (in the form of the sum of the attractive effective potentials) [1].
The effect of gravity can be seen through the attractive potential contributions of all the energy sources. It can also been seen as expressing the Standard Model Lagrangian in curved spacetime (semi-classical point of view), now considered valid till small scales.
EPR entanglement is not believed to often play a significant role, except in dark matter use cases [5]. The last term is all other “New Physics” terms and we will consider it to be null.
3. Chirality and Helicity flips induced by Gravity
In a curved spacetime, the chirality (or helicity) of massless fermions flips back and forth [6].In the presence of gravity (with perturbative graviton models), the chirality of massive fermions flips [7]. Additional torsion further contribute to such flips [8]. [1] generates torsion within matter due to the effect of uncertainty on the multi-folds.
These effects have already been analyzed as the reason why gravity can smear the anomalies of baryon and lepton number symmetries and therefore potentially ensure the absence of proton decay, except possibly in extreme conditions within black holes [9].
Note that in the literature, it is also argued that chirality would not flip for massless fermion [7], at the difference of [6]. We believe that the latter is more correct as [7] relies on linearization of gravity, a process that does not work well and that is not giving a correct analysis compared to how gravity is explained in [1] and we know that gravity is not weak any more at very smalls scales, especially due to the massive gravity contributions.
4. The Right-handed Neutrino and its Left-handed anti particles
We recommend the following reference as entry point to neutrinos [10].Neutrinos exist with different flavors and oscillate in flight between these flavors to change flavor and masses. They always interact in a specific flavor with the corresponding mass. Only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed anti neutrinos seem to interact (i.e. when not in flight).
So far, only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed anti-neutrinos have been observed. It is unknown if what happens or happened to the particles with opposite chirality. Do they exist?
5. The Neutrino mass problem
As a result of the absence of these opposite chirality neutrinos cannot interact with the Higgs Boson (which flips chirality). Therefore it is known in the standard model how neutrino have acquired their observed mass (that is now established to by non-zero).Many theories have been proposed, usually with New Physics, to explain try to the mass. None have been validated so far. They involve hypothesis of seesaw mechanism, Majorana neutrinos (i.e. neutrino as its own self anti-particle), an additional sterile neutrino and a whole bunch of super partners proposals. An overview can be found in [11].
Numerous experiments have been proposed to try to validate on model or another with for example the search for Neutrino-less Double Beta-Decay (e.g. to determine if neutrinos are Majorana particles). It is fair to say that nothing conclusive has been observed so far!
At the light of [1], the reasoning above for SMG, and [9], we suspect that all these efforts may be going in the wrong direction…
Indeed, if we consider that gravity is present, then in flight particles can flip chirality in addition to oscillating in mass and flavors. So Higgs interactions are now possible in flight, which is how and when bumps with Higgs boson take place -a different situation form particle to particle interactions (also flipping chiralities, to be then flip back to observable chiralities by gravity, before any of all the other types of interaction can take place), which means mass acquisition as conventionally understood for fermions in the Standard Model can occur in flight for neutrinos (also why it is inflight that we can find the neutrino mass eigenstates). Masses are small, because available interaction time with Higgs bosons is small.
It resolves in one shot both the questions of the existence of right-handed neutrinos (and left-handed antineutrinos) as well as the origin of the (low) mass of the neutrinos. All is achieved within the context of the Standard Model with Gravity, in a multi-fold universe, and without the need of New Physics.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipates the behaviors modeled of a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Other theories showing that gravity is relevant at the level of the standard model, can repeat the chirality flip argument, even with no relation to multi-fold universe and mechanisms or to gravity emergence from entanglement. So our model here is generic: if we add gravity to Standard Model with a model keeping it non negligible at the Standard Model scales, then right-handed neutrinos and left-handed anti neutrinos exist in flight, only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed anti neutrinos interact in general; but the existence of both chirality in flight ensures mass acquisition via the Higgs mechanism.
Note however that If our model here is not validated by experience, it would not invalidate the multi-fold mechanism and the proposal that gravity emerges from entanglement as detailed in [1]. The analysis builds on [1], as a consequence of it, but it is not a condition for validation of multi-fold universes.
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges of explaining the mass of the neutrinos without New Physics.We explain the fate of right-handed neutrinos and left-handed anti neutrinos: they exist, but only in flight where they can interact with the Higgs. Why it only exist in flight is still an open issue. And the low mass of the neutrinos results from the usual Higgs mechanism, while in flight. The mass is low because only little time is available for mass acquisition and bumping with Higgs bosons). The model works for multi-fold universe as well as in any situation where gravity is non negligible and added to the Standard Model.
This along with similar results in [1] and [9], make a strong case for more seriously considering the implications of adding gravity to the Standard Model to obtain SMG, as a way to contribute to addressing open issues and offer better alternatives to New Physics speculations. This goes hand in hand with recognizing that this also implies the need to seriously consider that gravity may not always be negligible at the Standard Model scales as proposed in [1].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity”, viXra:2007.0018v1,…, June 23, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261v1,…, June 21, 2020.
[6]: Carlos Mergulhao Jr., (1995), “Neutrino Helicity Flip in a Curved Space-tlme”, General Relativity and Gravitation, volume 27, pages 657–667.
[7]: R. Aldrovandi, G. E. A. Matsas, S. F. Novaes, D. Spehler, (1994), ” Fermion Helicity Flip in Weak Gravitational Fields”, arXiv:gr-qc/9404018v1
[8]: Soumitra SenGupta, Aninda Sinha, (2001), ” Fermion helicity flip by parity violating torsion”, arXiv:hep-th/0102073v2.
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes “, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
[11]: M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia and M. Yokoyama, (2019), “14. Neutrino Masses, Mixing, and Oscillations”, in M. Tanabashi et al. (Particle Data Group), Phys. Rev. D 98, 030001 (2018) and (2019) update.
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Implicit Multi-Fold Mechanisms in a Neural Network Model of the Universe
Implicit Multi-Fold Mechanisms in a Neural Network Model of the Universe
Stephane H. Maes
September 12, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hints at a even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
Recently a controversial series of papers ended up proposing the possibility that the universe be a neural network. It is the result of observing that with an irreversible thermodynamics model of the learning process of the neural network, it might appear possible to model quantum and classical physics, to observe the emergence of a General Relativistic spacetime with gravity, and plausible to construct a generalized holographic principle beyond the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. The approach has been received with some skepticism.
In this paper, we do not try to assess the validity of the approach and proposal. We simply assume that the proposal amounts to showing that neural network (NN) learning with a suitable thermodynamically related loss function (aka cost function) optimization, that amounts to extremize the free energy of the system, can model the Physics of the universe. When we add a model of entanglement, we discover that the neural network must allow its involved neurons to pair into pairs (or groups) of (dynamic) Qubits. Non quantum NN neurons cannot be simply grouped this way. Instead one need to add new (external) NN, that themselves emulate Qubit behaviors, between the “entangled” nodes. It amounts to match the multi-folds, including their spacetime extensions, and mechanisms. Furthermore the additional NN, explain the possibility to induce 7D physics in 4D space time to induce the Standard Model with gravity (SMG), encountered with multi-fold universes, while the multi-fold dynamics itself (in AdS(5), does not have necessarily have to be governed by General Relativity.
The work also leads us to wonder if Quantum Physics is fundamental or emergent; especially with what we already know about entanglement and spacetime construction by random walks, in multi-fold universes.
An appendix also discusses how NN models could relate to the Wigner’s wonder at why mathematics describe the Physical world.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
The present paper discusses how modeling entanglement by extending the neural networks (NN) proposed to model Physics in the universe as neural networks theories [5,6,7], can be seen as recovering key results of [1] and [9].
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1] and derived papers.
2. NN Model of the Universe
[6] shows that if information theory is modeled with (covariant) irreversible / non-equilibrium thermodynamic processes then, close to equilibrium, the conjugate thermodynamics variables of the information content (tensor) is an emerging spacetime following the Hilbert Einstein spacetime. This result is to be related to [8], that derives emergence of quantum mechanics from classical irreversible thermodynamics. Away from equilibrium, the picture is less clear. We note that the irreversibility has to be directly related to the quantum behavior.
Following up on these results, [7] proposes a thermodynamics model for Machine Learning (ML) and derives a proposal for Thermodynamics of learning. NN are example of ML, but we know that any AI or ML algorithm can always be modeled as a NN [17,18,22]. [5] then models NN thermodynamics, using [7] and inspired from [6,8] and shows
- Close to equilibrium and when the entropy contributions from learning are small, one can recover a Schrödinger equation and a wave function that results from the stochastic dynamics of the training variables randomly trying to find where to go to learn. It amounts to small scale events, trying different evolution to find hints of the best ones, not really changing much with respect to what the NN has learned, and it denotes a state of the NN, where equilibrium has been reached, and new variables values for the models are randomly visited just in case they could help or because learning continues.
- Further away from equilibrium, where random fluctuations of the qi, the learning variables, are smaller and less visible, and hence at larger scales, and therefore when learning process dominates the thermodynamic, the training variable have an evolution that can be characterized by a classical Hamiltonian and therefore can be modeled by classical Physics. It corresponds to a state of the NN, where it can estimate how to progress to learn or improve the loss/cost function (think of gradient like steepest gradient descent methods for learning/training/optimization).
- When modeling directly the dynamics of the state of the neurons, [6] applies and under suitable conditions (close to equilibrium and with weak interaction between the neurons (at least when nonlocal)), the dynamics of the neurons follows Einstein’s GR field equations
- Analyzing In and Out layers of the NN versus hidden layers, one can hypothesize ways to recover a generalized holographic principle that would link a quantum mechanically dominated NN (In + Out layers) to a deep / many layers NN dominated by gravity.
Appendix A presents additional considerations on what we can learn from [5].
However, this model does not model entanglement yet (under {*)). It is a key missing part before we can claim to have a truly complete quantum model emerging from [5].
3. Adding Entanglement to NN
Qubit/Quantum NN and Fuzzy Logic are traditional ways to add quantum entanglement effects [10,11,12]. Essentially the most natural way is to allow neurons to now be Qubits, instead of, say binary neurons.
But this is not what we are discussing here. The NN in [5] are not modeled as Qubits. Some additional considerations should probably be added to [5] to handle these, although may be without significant impact. However that is different from having nodes switching from neurons to Qubit based neurons. That is not trivially handled by the Quantum NN in [5]. In future work, we will show it actually could be handled by a different NN, as [17,18,22] suggest that a different NN could do the job, unfortunately possible at the cost of an excessive cost in complexity and number of neurons and variables. This option (*) is not discussed in the present paper and will be the topic of a future paper.
Returning to [5], entanglement results from having regions of the wave function entangled, corresponding say to different EPR particles. These correspond to different hidden values xi(K) where K denotes regions not directly interacting (and as such non-local).
Per [5] we know that, before entanglement, the xj(L) form a spacetime governed by GR (at least when interactions between the neurons is weak). Entanglement (and disentanglement) are strongly interacting disrupting events that correlate and bind the behaviors between two (or more) different xi(O) and xj(P), or disrupt such correlation. Entangled region become essentially a self-interacting system with, at best, weak (as in with small interaction impacts) interactions with the rest. Changes to the training variables are correlated so that they impact the hidden variable consistently with the entanglement behavior. Such an entanglement amounts to having xi(O) and xj(P) now behaving like a Qubit pair. To be handled with NN à la [5], we need an external NN grafted between the now entangled hidden variable to emulate a Qubit. Such a NN is for example studied in [13]. It is possible to show that any NN with such grafts is in fact a QNN or hybrid NN + QNN. A more detailed discussion and proof will be provided in a future dedicated paper. Of course, other approaches may exist.
As a result, when entanglement takes place, a discontinuity in the wave function/equations is reflected by the grafts of additional NNs. This NN also follows [5] and so an extra spacetime appears between the two entangled hidden variable regions (the rest remaining the same). The grafting process is most probably not governed by GR, but once connected, GR applies on the resulting spacetime + extra spacetime, which modifies the gravity felt, per [7], on the pre-existing spacetime (not from the grafted NN). At disentanglement, we revert to a previous unentangled topology, and we can consider that xi(O) and xj(P) also maintain their place in the main spacetime. Of course, all these steps have impact on the entropy production and destruction and the free energy.
As time passes, the grafted NNs evolve to remain connected between the entangled points and new NNs can be grafted, seeded by previous values. Older ones remain in place. When disentanglement takes place, they are removed.
4. Multi-folds and Multi-fold Mechanism in Entanglement of Quantum systems described by NN
Fundamentally, section 3 depicts the multi-fold mechanisms proposed and detailed in [1]: extra folds are made available for path integral paths of the entangled particle and result into gravity impact on the background spacetime (as attractive gravity like effective potentials or effective curvature between entangled systems [14]). We recover the extra gravity due to the folds, here exemplified by the interactions in the grafted spacetime that curves as a result. Mappings effects result from older grafted NN remaining in place till disentanglement, located around/between the neurons and affected by the correlation between entangled neurons. As the graft is done via another process, it is not expected to follow GR, as we suggested for the dynamics of multi-folds [1,16].
We also recover the additive effect of multiple sources in multi-fold: if different source merge the different additional grafted NNs add their effects.
The disentanglement process, where we remove the graft, is related in our view to how we handle fold deactivation to maintain unitarity as well as the process of deactivation.
The irreversibility associated to Quantum Physics [8] is also interesting considering that [1] predicts that multi-fold mechanisms are a source of irreversibility (deactivation can’t “grow” as activation starting from local points per the hierarchical principle) and T-symmetry violation. We expect to explain it beyond just disentanglement in future work. Only allowing entanglement to grow from neighboring points, is a way to enforce the hierarchical principle discussed in [1].
5. Recovering the Standard Model with Gravity (SMG)
[9] did all the work to recover from [1] the Standard Model with gravity: SMG. To do so, it relied on induced space-time-matter from locally embedding spacetime into a 7D unconstrained (i.e. non compact) Kaluza-Klein Universe.
The result here show how “entangled” points of spacetime are locally embedded is a bigger spacetime (with 2 times the space dimensions, i.e. 7D for a 4D background spacetime), therefore also relating entangled NN with the proposal of [9] for induction from 7D Physics.
6. AdS(5) in the NN model of the Universe
Because additional NN are grafted, not generated by optimization of just the original NN (at least within the context of (*)), their dynamics and kinematics are not a priori governed by GR (not forbidden, as easily seen when considering approaches beyond (*)), but not implied). We recover our result from (and a priori a difference with ER= EPR) [9,24].
Repeating our multi-fold analysis that describes the quantum origin gravity, from entanglement via the multi-fold mechanisms, results into an AdS(5) dual space surrounding every spacetime point and generated by the folds [1]. That is for now beyond the model of [5], yet fully compatible.
The proposal of [5] in terms of Holographic duality can not only model and extend the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture but also the factual correspondence discussed in [1,9,15,16]. Maybe the extensions proposed in [5], for going beyond the zone of applicability of Quantum Physics, also apply to multi-fold universes. It could be worth further investigation.
7. Quantum Physics, Irreversibility and Equilibrium
The recovery of GR close to equilibrium, in [5], agrees with the results from many other works, following the pioneering recovery of GR, by Ted Jacobson, who applied Thermodynamics to spacetime treated as adiabatic, and in, or close to, equilibrium. That work was used in later work to study quantum gravity and entanglement entropy. Indeed this adiabatic and equilibrium regime is the domain of applicability of GR and of Quantum Physics
In general, the equations of conventional Quantum Physics appear time reversible. [1] showed that gravity and entanglement is not T-symmetric. It hints at why [8] can model quantum physics and phenomena by thermodynamics of irreversible systems. And irreversibility is expected to result from purely quantum effects, What is more representative of quantum Physics than entanglement and disentanglement?
But [8] provides another result that is possibly even more important: if thermodynamics is such a good model, then Quantum Physics may rather be an emergent theory and we still need to find the more fundamental underlying theory. As [1] provide both idea of irreversibility of entanglement and construction of spacetime via random walks, these may be good starting point. It will be object of future work.
12/24/20 note: See [23] for such a follow-up contribution where the W-type hypothesis introduced in [23] complements [1] to provide glimpses of such a fundamental theory. Interestingly it also extends causes for T-asymmetry to wave function collapses.
9. Conclusions
There have been already many hints of relationships between spacetime, entanglement, thermodynamics and information theory like treating the universe as universal Quantum Computer, encountering error correcting code in spacetime (including in [1]), deriving GR from spacetime properties in equilibrium and the relationships between gravity, entropy and entanglement entropy as well as the principle of conservation of information in Quantum Physics and the information paradox with Black holes. Information and Physics are closely related and this paper, along with many of its references, add to these observations.
In this paper, we did not try or claim to validate or endorse the proposal that the universe would be a NN. We rather started from the point of view that Physics and the Universe seems to follow models analog to the evolution of a learning NN using the models of [5]. Adding entanglement to the models, we immediately recover strong hints of the multi-fold mechanisms: a way to add it as a model can be interpreted immediately as adding multi-folds with all the implications of [1,17]; including in particular compatibility with the approach that allowed us to recover the SMG, induced from a 7D unconstrained KK universe. It certainly reinforces the claim that multi-fold universes should be seriously considered.
On the flip side, we showed compatibility of multi-fold universes with the proposal of [5], extended with NN grafts that model entanglement, something that [5] must add to its model to further its claims about the universe by supporting entanglement.
We also encountered hints that Quantum Physics may be an emergent theory, if so well modeled by Thermodynamics. Being a NN maybe an explanation. Other explanations, more physical, may exist.
Appendix A – A NN model of the world? An alternate interpretation
(This appendix will also be repurposed into a dedicated paper not tied to multi-fold universes)
[5] proposes that the universe is a NN. We do not believe that this is the only interpretation of the results presented in [5] and we want to propose an alternative explanation. As already mentioned, the NN approach can be seen as a model of the dynamics of Physics in the universe. Such model is mathematical, in fact it is a consequence of Hilbert 13th problem and the ability to model any system with deep hidden layers and in particular NN as demonstrated with the Kolmogorov-Arnold representation Theorem [17] and the Universal approximation theorem [18].
In the present case the dynamics of the state variables, i.e. the equation of motion, are the approximated functions. Per the theorems above we know such approximation is (almost) always possible (up to discontinuities) and to any desired degree of accuracy (for the right optimization strategy in the case of NN).
What is interesting, is that if the algorithm for loss/cost function optimization relies on (classical) Thermodynamics (for Irreversible and for non-equilibrium processes with a Free Energy model), it uncovers naturally the dynamics described in section 2 [5], where the fact that the NN includes also the model of the learning processes allows to capture in one shot dynamics of the physical system (i.e. the universe) and the dynamic of information processing; therefore concretizing the physical information theory aspects also (e.g. see [19] for related aspects of physical information theory); something that now can be captured into a common Thermodynamics (and physical) model. It goes beyond [8] and justifies considerations like Learning’s Thermodynamics or the principle of conservation of information. In our view, much more than having a NN modeling (or being per [5]) the universe, the key aspect is that we have a complete model for physical and information entropy modeling and computing.
In such a model, it makes sense that entropy extremization and action extremization become equivalent or dual. It is also natural to see that, at small scales, quantum fluctuations around equilibrium imply fluctuations of the learning variables, and the NN state, while at larger scales away from equilibrium (albeit still close), the system will rather behave classically as a learning system (to go back to equilibrium).
So we interpret [5] as a model that shows first and foremost how Physics + Information Theory coexist into a larger model. The model of [5] has its own dynamics. These dynamics may be seen as a model of how physical systems like the universe handle information conservation or just as an algorithm to derive the same outcome. More work is needed to determine that. If it is the former, this may actually be a way to answer why and how mathematics are so good at modeling the Universe as asked famously by Wigner [20], and others, and it would be aligned with Tegmark’s view [21]. Indeed, [5] would now amount to modeling how the universe remains close to thermodynamic equilibrium while always reacting to changes and fluctuation (e.g. random, thermal external, etc.) to catch up with the mathematical prescription aiming at optimizing the loss/cost function while evolving with minimum disruptions as captured by extremization of the entropy and action changes: physical systems take some “guessed optimized efforts” to catch up and follow the mathematics that describe them correctly and these mathematics are the reflection of this process. It is a direct application of Pontryagin’s maximum principles and theorem [25-27].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Implicit Multi-Fold Mechanisms in a Neural Network Model of the Universe”, viXra:2012.0191v1,…, September 12, 2020.
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[14]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”, viXra:2010.0010v1,…, June 24, 2020.
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[16]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Gravitons In-N-Out Spacetime”, viXra:2010.0155v1,…, July 27, 2020.
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[23]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “The W-type Multi-Fold Hypothesis and Quantum Physics Interpretation of wave Functions and QFT”, viXra:2207.0118v1,…, December 20, 2020.
[24]: Maldacena, Juan and Susskind, Leonard (2013). “Cool horizons for entangled black holes”. Fortsch. Phys. 61 (9): 781–811. arXiv:1306.0533
[25]: Wikipedia, “Pontryagin’s maximum principle”,…. Retrieved on September 29, 2020.
[26]: “13 Pontryagin’s Maximum Principle”,…. Retrieved on September 29, 2020.
[27]: Thayer Watkins, “The Nature of the Principle of Least Action in Mechanics”,…. Retrieved on September 29, 2020.
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Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?
Stephane H. MaesJune 24, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
All these phenomena result from the observation that attractive gravity-like potentials appear in spacetime between entangled systems, because of the mechanisms proposed in a multi-fold universe to address the EPR paradox. An immediate implication, and opportunity to validate or falsify the model, is that gravity-like effects and fluctuation are predicted to appear between, around or near entangled systems; we just need check if this is encountered in the real world.
This paper discuss situations where attraction due to entanglement, and hence gravity like effects or fluctuations, could be encountered. For example, within or near quantum matter like superconductors or (Bose Einstein Condensates) BECs or within Qubits. One could argue that some indications exist that some of these effects could already have already been observed. We are really seeking falsifiability or validation opportunities for the multi-fold mechanisms. Early considerations are encouraging.
Discussing some related experiments led us to also address how shielding is correctly modeled with multi-fold mechanisms: Faraday cages do not weaken gravity!
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles [5], detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity (GR) at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In the present paper, we remain at a high level of analysis. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. The followings subsections are organized as a series of observations in [1] where gravity like effects are expected to result from entanglement and should be observable, at least indirectly through some resulting effects. Direct observation will remain challenging because of the expected weakness of the attractions. Our analysis is by no means exhaustive. However, we hope that it will intrigue enough the reader to push him or her to dig deeper. Most of the more detailed (or entry point) references are provided in [1], and so every statement is not motivated here or presented with the most appropriate references. This paper is rather a story tale. “[1]” appears often, as a person or a model, to refer to the original arguments, analysis, mechanisms or proposals discussed in [1].
2. Entanglement effects in Multi-fold universes
The mechanisms of multi-folds, the main feature proposed in [1], trigger activation of additional structures (folds) when particles are (EPR) entangled so that additional paths can traverse the folds, where the EPR entangled particles can always meet as a same exit points. Doing so, all the activated folds (i.e. multi-folds) create attractive potentials in in between the entangled particles ( per fold). The attraction is towards their source or center the mass, depending of the use cases and movements (and masses involved – entangled particles can be massive or massless). When involving virtual particles emitted by a source of energy, this potential is reminiscent of gravity and [1] attributes gravity to these effects. It can also be looked as adding contributions of the Ricci curvature scalar R of the folds, from all matter or energy contributions, to build a new Ricci curvature scalar field R and, with the direction of attraction information, a new consistent Ricci curvature tensor. Doing so, for all sources of energy, recovers Einstein’s GR field equations (or Hilbert Einstein Action); which is amazing as invariance of surfaces (the real geometrical meaning behind the Hilbert Einstein Action) or variants of the Hilbert Einstein have, at no point, be postulated in [1] prior to that determination (something that can’t exactly be said the same way for strings). Also, the multi-folds have a spin-2 symmetry.So, it is predicted in [1], that (EPR) entanglement between particles (or larger systems), results into attractive potentials in
towards the center of mass, with r the distance between form the center of mass, in
between the entangled particles (on the support domain of the mapping), if integration takes place over r. That is over a system of entangled particles or for the range of uncertainty. Otherwise, each particles contribute a per fold contribution. For gravity, the integration of r goes to infinity, hence the generic gravity like statement.It is also important to note for completeness that [1] postulates that such effects only exist when entanglement is the result of interaction occurring locally (same source location). Other situations are considered as hierarchical and thought not to contribute an additional effective potential. Yet, as in force composition, the different parts involved in a hierarchical event also amount to attractive effects; so attraction exist but as force composition. Also, if the entanglement is the effect of many repeated interactions (e.g. electron to phonon to electron), while hierarchical, the effects with composition will just appear as a normal non-hierarchical effect with attractive potential (at least in first approximation). So solid state entanglements a la superconductors for examples are modeled as nonhierarchical entanglement in this discussion; even if, in reality, it is the outcome of complex hierarchical composition of attractive potentials.
3. Gravity like fluctuations near (in between) entangled systems
An immediate consequence of the mechanism and model proposed in [1], is that fluctuations of gravity-like effects (in
– when macroscopic and in
when mostly between localized individual particles. These effects are very small (as is gravity beyond very small scales), so direct observation is probably hopeless for the near future, if ever. We will need clever indirect ways or macroscopic additive effects to be able to validate our model.A non-exhaustive list of candidate scenarios where such gravity like fluctuations are predicted to exist is provided here:
- Gravity like effects or fluctuations within, and in proximity of superconductors. Superconductors involve of combinations of Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer (BCS) pairs (at low temperatures and for low temperature superconductors) [7] and Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC) pairs [8] (after a transition from BCS pairs for high temperature superconductors) as well BEC pairs of pairs etc. in high temperature superconductors [6]. According to the mechanisms described in [1]:
- Attraction should occur within the bulk of the superconductors. It should also be with stronger effects for high temperature superconductors, because BEC pairs are smaller than BCS pairs (That spread all over the material over many crystal cells).
- This kind of effects have been anecdotally reported (see [9] for one of the most recent compilation of these controversial and hard to reproduce experiments)[fn1]. However, we urge the reader to be cautious in reading beyond the descriptions of the experiments and results and the references as we do not necessarily subscribe with the presentation of the experiments as accepted facts or many aspects of the proposed explanations or assertions in some of the listed references material, of anti-gravity, gravity shielding or repulsive gravity effects and other families or properties of gravitons-like particles. Unfortunately, the results experiments seem to have never been rigorously confirmed or unambiguously analyzed.
- In our view, these reported effects, if corroborated, and if we understand well the setup of the two experiments, could result from super-conductor internal stress within the electromagnetic field (between separated BEC BCS-pairs) plus vacuum polarizations. The latter results from entanglement attractions between the produced polarized virtual pairs. When the discharges occur, the superconductor and the vacuum polarization relaxes and so does the vacuum entanglement and attraction potential, resulting into a gravity fluctuation or wave that propagate at the same speed as the polarization relaxation. The relaxation produce a “expansion effects”, wherever polarization was present in the vacuum as well as within the superconductor and could explain the effects on the emitter or on the test masses. It would appear as an initially repulsive effect as the relaxation wave propagates. This explanation to these controversial experiments have never been proposed in the related literature as summarized in [9]. The complications of the shields is discussed in Appendix A.
- If true (both the observations and our suggested explanation), then we have a resounding indirect confirmation of the mechanisms described (attraction due to entanglement) in [1]; not just for entanglements within the superconductor but also the entanglement of the polarized vacuum.
- The stronger attraction within the high temperature superconductor creates a stronger effect than with low temperature superconductor material when the pairs are pushed to its boundaries by the electromagnetic field. A non-entangled material only see the vacuum effect. Without superconductors, i.e. in normal discharge situations, only vacuum polarization relaxation takes place. This is not sufficient. The fact that recoil may be better corroborated while radiation effects seems (often) no reproducible could come from the fact that the relaxation effect within the superconductor always takes place and is stronger than vacuum polarization relaxation. The other case (figure 1-a in [9]) requires suitable polarization beyond the right electrodes till the test mass something and it is a much weaker effect.
- Superconductors are also involved in these experiments also because of their known propensity of quantum matter like superconductors to amplify or reflect the vacuum polarization effects; something well known since the work for example of deWitt [10] and also involved in the still unconfirmed gravitational Casimir effect proposal [11]. These works predict effects of gravity on superconductor, not gravity like effect produce by super conductors. The distinction matters and shows the challenge in distinguishing the two types of effects if we want to validate the gravity like attraction generated by entanglement.
- To be convincing, we should see larger effects than expected by just contributions à la [10]. The results, with the problems already mentioned seem to indicate that it may be the case.
- As another related potential corroboration, building on the ideas of [10], it has also been proposed that an effect for gravitation analogous to the London moment in superconductor could exist for gravitons, in rotating superconductors, in a varying strong magnetic field [12]. Again, the magnetic field would push BEC BCS-pairs towards the surface of the superconductor and, as a result, bring stronger gravitation effect leaks observable outside and very near the super conductor, where a frame dragging effect as in GR, but stronger could be observed. Such effects have been observed [12]. However, the reported results were again in our view not clear enough to assess for sure if they would match our frame dragging expectation. It seems that they might.
- It is also important to understand all aspects of the experiments and details are missing on the actual results and in particular make sure that the effect are due to entanglement and not a variation a la [10], where frame dragging would be explained solely by the rotation flipping the roles (here the super conductor rotates, the detector is fixed) without the contributions of the attraction / gravity like fluctuation due to entanglement.
- The effect must be larger than normal frame dragging (undetectable) or effects explained by [10]. More work to model how [10] impacts the experimentation and if we can really detect an unexpected additional effect. Assuming that [12] did correctly account for [10], then according to the result, they have unaccounted for effects.
- The proposed setup of [12] and variations could be good ways (better than the first set of discharge experiments) to (indirectly) validate the multi-fold mechanisms. However, we would prefer experiments that are not involving and mixing other Physics (like strong magnetic fields, strong electromagnetic pulses etc.) to avoid the risk of misinterpretations and combinations of all these effects from superconductor, existing gravity and electromagnetism interactions. Electromagnetic fields were required because London – Meissner types of behaviors can amplify our predicted attraction . Unfortunately, we could not determine based on the research reports what of the side effects of the fields, as discussed here, have been accounted for in the results.
- Quantum matter, like BECs, superfluids, supermetals etc. are other candidates. The gravity fluctuation effects to look for are similar to what is discussed above for superconductors. The particular existing results discussed above for superconductor may not be repeatable or may need adaptation depending on the type of quantum material.
- Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) is another example of BEC [14]. Here, we see two avenue for confirmations:
- Experimentally when such plasma are formed in high energy accelerators [13]. It would be worth looking if any perturbations due to attractive potentials could be modeled and observed
- Theoretical models of cosmology (early moments after the big bang) and stellar physics could consider if adding such considerations could introduce new prediction or effects when involving large quantities of plasma and thus entanglement. The main reason being that at the scale of the universe or of stars, even small effects can start to play meaningful roles.
- Speaking of which, [1,5] showed of an effect associated to entanglement can qualitatively explain the dark matter effects, without requiring New Physics. It seems also consistent with the observations of galaxies that seem not to contain dark matter; something that most other models have had difficulties to handle. This is quite a potential confirmation, but we now need to proceed towards a more quantitative model of [1] so that we can determine if the number match to account for dark matter (or a portion of it).
- Validating [5] would be of great interest. It would after all, with the conclusions of our model, probably and most influential entanglement effect that we can think of (short of large or even larger, scale spacetime entanglement, proposed by others, but not something that we support).
- It is certainly encouraging that in addition, [1,15] can also explains effects that contribute to cosmological inflation and dark energy as well as a small cosmological constant that does not conflict with the QFT vacuum energy density estimates.
- Qubits are entangled systems achieved by different mechanisms like trapped ions, superconductors etc. [16]. They are at the code of quantum computing and larger Qubit systems are being built as time passes. These are not yet large enough for our needs, but things may change rapidly. Within the Qubits, if measurable, attraction would be a sign of entanglement and therefore a way to detect entanglement without observing it; something forbidden by the non-observability of entanglement [17]. Being able to do so would be a great tool for quantum computing and validation of our predictions.
- For quantum computing, teleportation or other purpose, researchers are entangling bigger systems like atoms, larger and larger molecules, wider atom systems or even biological systems; all involving huge amounts of entities (see for example [18-20]). The bigger these systems are the better are the chance to directly or indirectly determine if gravity fluctuations appear among them, as long that we do not hit the snag of hierarchical entanglement not producing attractive potentials. So some precaution are needed to understand if validation is possible or if the absence of attraction would implies falsifiability of our model or rather such the dominance of hierarchical entanglement effects.
4. Other effects and Considerations
It is also worth also noting that [1] predicts impact of the multi-folds effects on the Standard Model. So far, we have used that explain some open problems with the standard model, without requiring new physics. We have shown how entanglement would also appear; but we have not yet found any situation (besides dark matter as in [5]) where it is the contributing factor, versus rather the massive gravity contribution term at small scales also predicted by [1] and expected to be non-negligible at small scales. So far it is that latter mechanism that is invoked in [1] to contribute explanations. See [21] for a list of papers derived from [1], many discussing the impact on the standard model or on New Physics beyond the Standard Model.That is not to say that, even if possibly surprising, the model proposed in [1] is in fact already contained in many existing conventional physics as well as New Physics around Superstrings and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture [22]. Indeed, see for example [23-24] showing how entanglement and spacetime curvature relate. See [1,22] for analysis of how our model also relates to superstring and more directly on topic, how the ER=EPR conjecture [25] is very much a more limited model corroborating the multi-fold mechanisms (see for example [26]); but missing the resulting impact of gravity like potentials towards the center of mass. Non-transferability of the wormholes and misreading of the curvature implications of the entangled black holes may possibly be why these models have not (yet) reached our conclusions. For us, the beauty is that we do not need the New Physics, we just need to add gravity (string enough at smalls scales) to the Standard Model. There is enough material to start making a case for this [21].
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we have compiled examples of situation where it might be possible to observe gravity like fluctuations due to entanglement, as predicted by the multi-fold mechanisms proposed in [1].At this stage, we hope to find more experiments, effects or model where the additional gravity fluctuation due to entanglement plays a significant role that makes it or its consequence detectable. It is essential to the validation or falsifiability of the multi-fold mechanism proposed in [1]. Doing so if for future work but we can only encourage any such experiments or to keep our predictions in mind quantum matter or quantum computing and teleportation experiments, just in case.
A few challenges remain. The main one being that just like for gravity, at the scale considered, the effects are so small that it will be very hard to detect them, especially directly. Yet our proposal for dark matter already shows that there are ways and there is hope. We also have high hopes for superconductors and BEC experiments. We already pointed out to anecdotal that may corroborate; even if not necessarily as the authors of these experiments would have expected.
Of course, another challenge is that the model of [1] is more qualitative than quantitative. Now, it is a priority for us to evolve towards more quantitative approaches by evolving form proportionality equation to the real coupling factors and estimate these factors (e.g. by relating to expected values in classical situations). We aim with future work to get such better quantitative predictions as well as to evangelize experimentations base don the present paper. Not being currently active in a Physics institution, currently limits our ability to directly attempt an experimental program ourselves.
Our hope with this publication is that others will get ideas on how to validate our model directly or indirectly. We certainly welcome such, or any other, collaborations.
Needless to say that the early hints of corroboration presented here, the contributions to addressing open issues covered in [1,21] and the fact that Physics all along maybe hinted at the multi-folds mechanism, are strong encouragements. We hope it will convince the community to spend some cycle on what [1] proposes.
Note (10/2/20): The progresses towards larger entangled systems reported recently in [27,28], as well as [18-20], will hopefully result into some focused efforts to test our model of attractive gravity like effects between and among entangled systems.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”, viXra:2010.0010v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[fn1]: We are cautious about citing and concerned about the extensive discussion presented here. Indeed the experiment result mentioned here are seen as controversial. We mention them, more as examples of indirect ways to experiments with effects predicted by [1], than as successfully reviewed experimental results that we would want to rely on.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[9]: Giovanni Modanese, (2014), “Gravity-Superconductors Interactions as a Possible Means to Exchange Momentum with the Vacuum”, arXiv:1408.1636v1
[10]: Bryce S. DeWitt, (1966), “Superconductors and Gravitational Drag”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 16, 1092
[11]: James Q. Quach, (2015), “Gravitational Casimir effect”, arXiv:1502.07429v1
[12]: Clovis Jacinto de Matos, Martin Tajmar (2006). “Gravitomagnetic London Moment and the Graviton Mass inside a Superconductor”, arXiv:cond-mat/0602591
[13]: ALICE Collaboration, (2018), “Anisotropic flow in Xe-Xe collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.44 TeV”, arXiv:1805.01832v2
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”,, June 19, 2020.
[17]: Ning Bao and Jason Pollack and Grant N. Remmen, (2015), “Wormhole and entanglement (non-)detection in the ER=EPR correspondence”, arXiv:1509.05426
[18]: C. F. Ockeloen-Korppi, E. Damskagg, J.-M. Pirkkalainen, A. A. Clerk, F. Massel, M. J. Woolley, M. A. Sillanpaa, (2017), “Entangled massive mechanical oscillators”, arXiv:1711.01640v1
[19]: Yaakov Y. Fein et al. (2019), “Quantum superposition of molecules beyond 25 kDa”, Nature Physicss.
[20]: Kong, J., Jiménez-Martínez, R., Troullinou, C. et al., (2020), “Measurement-induced, spatially-extended entanglement in a hot, strongly-interacting atomic system”. Nat Commun 11, 2415.
[22]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[23]: ChunJun Cao, Sean M. Carroll, Spyridon Michalakis, (2016). “Space from Hilbert Space: Recovering Geometry from Bulk Entanglement”, arXiv:1606.08444v3.
[24]: van Raamsdonk, Mark (2010). “Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement”, Gen. Rel. Grav. 42 (14): 2323–2329. arXiv:1005.3035
[26]: Julian Sonner, (2013), “Holographic Schwinger Effect and the Geometry of Entanglement”, arXiv:1307.6850v3.
[28]: Rodrigo A. Thomas, Michał Parniak, Christoffer Østfeldt, Chistoffer B. Møller, Christian Bærentsen, Yeghishe Tsaturyan, Albert Schliesser, Jürgen Appel, Emil Zeuthen, Eugene S. Polzik, (2020), “Entanglement between Distant Macroscopic Mechanical and Spin Systems”, arXiv:2003.11310v1
Appendix A – No gravity shields in Multi-fold Universes
In [9], the experiences of figure 1 and 2, sensors are described as positioned in shielded boxes or behind shield screens, we do interpret this as electromagnetic shields (as faraday cages or large screens). This is certainly challenging a direct vacuum polarization story beyond the shield. We did not want to bring this up in the main discussion and add more controversies.Obviously, gravity screens do not exist. [1] must be able to account for no weakening of gravity within faraday cages for example, despite our mechanisms relying on virtual particles. If only virtual neutrinos were to contribute, gravity would be weakened within such a cage, which is obviously not the case. In general for the multi-fold mechanisms of [1], when the virtual particles tries to reach a test particle within an electromagnetic shield, it does it be affecting the four -vector potential of the shield. Considering the system shield + target particle, its total energy is affected and it affects the energy source available to multi-folds affecting the test particle. The combine effect is hierarchical and the composition appears as if the effect went through the shield. A dedicated upcoming paper or an update of [1] will explicitly address these shielding concerns with the multi-fold mechanisms.
Coming back to [9], our plausible explanation stops at the shield. So what could be happening next? The gravity fluctuation due to the relaxation of the vacuum polarization (e.g. in figure 2 of [9]) affects the 4-vector potential as a fluctuation that therefore could continue beyond the shield as a gravity fluctuation. Remember, we only try to interpret [9] at the light of [1]. We are in no position to corroborate what actually was observed.
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#AdSCFTCorrespondence #BCS #BEC #DarkEnergy #DarkMatter #EPR #EREPR #FrameDragging #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #GravityFluctuations #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumComputing #QuantumGravity #QuantumMatter #QuarkGluonPlasma #Qubits #StandardModel #Superconductor #superfluid #Teleportation #VacuumPolarization #WeakGravityConjecture
Physicists Have Successfully Connected Two Large Objects in Quantum Entanglement : ScienceAlert
We stride through our Universe with the confidence of a giant, giving little thought to the fact that reality bubbles with uncertainty.Mike McRae (ScienceAlert)
Multi-Fold Black Holes: Entropy, Evolution and Quantum Extrema
Stephane H. Maes
October 31, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles; that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure, and non-commutative geometry, that is Lorentz invariant, and where spacetime locations, and particles, can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales, and semi-classical models remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. It can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hint at an even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
In our original work on multi-fold universe, we derived area laws for black hole, and considerations on the black hole paradoxes. Our analysis of evolution of charged black holes was used to derive a new unification model based on democracy of forces and particles: the Ultimate Unification (UU), significantly different from conventional GUTs. The discrete structure of spacetime, and multi-fold mechanisms, also ensure the absence of gravitational or cosmological singularities
Recently, progress has been made with conventional modeling of black holes, and with the AdS/CFT conjecture, it is believed to be very close to demonstrate a resolution (and/or the absence) of the information paradox. Something we had already hinted. Doing so, they also added to the modeling of the interior of black holes based on quantum considerations.
[em]Considering how we have so far been able to recover many conventional models in multi-fold universes, typically with variations, factual statements, and physical (and often microscopic) explanations of the effects, this paper is focused on deriving the equivalent model for the interior and evolution of black holes. It includes recovering the Page curve for multi-fold black holes, the quantum extremal surface inside a black hole, and resolution of the information paradox with a solution consistent with the conventional approach, but in 4D, and without dependency on the AdS/CFT correspondence, or the ER=EPR conjectures, and its wormholes. This last statement about dependencies is not totally honest, as the latter two conjectures are inherently factual in multi-fold universes, and multi-fold may be, or correspond to, wormholes. [/em]
[em][em][em]Anecdotally, we also recover, that black holes behave as if they had singularities, despite the absence of singularity in a multi-fold universe. The quantum extremal surface plays a key role in this and in the Page curve recovery, although different from conventional models.[/em][/em][/em]
1. Introduction
The preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR – Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy, and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe, that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum, and macroscopic scales, and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional, and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Concretized spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and charged particles, possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity (GR) at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components, at very small scale, that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Multi-fold Black Holes.
2.1. Particles and Concretized Spacetime location as Black Holes
In its reconstruction phase, [1] models particles and spacetime locations as microscopic (and extremal) black holes. The origins of these black holes comes from the observation that multi-fold create a black hole structure surround every particle / energy location. Doing so they also create AdS(5), as dual or cotangent space to the particles. It is the origin of the AdS/CFT factual correspondence in Multi-fold universes.
2.2 No Gravity or Cosmology Singularity
With multi-fold mechanisms, we also determine that no singularity exist. It results from the fact that:
- Multi-fold mechanisms (can) contribute torsion within matter. It ensures the absence of singularity (because, by definition, torsion requires paths from a location ending at another location, and, therefore, it is incompatible with a point singularity). [5] derives this result as a conventional classical or semi classical version.
- Multi-fold mechanisms contribute a positive cosmological constant, that we believe can explain or at least contribute to dark energy effects [6]. These contributions, in the presence of a lot of system interacting with each other (and therefore entangled) over small distance, will result into a significant additional outbound pressure.
- Discreteness of spacetime, and non-commutativity, while allowing for black holes, also ensure minimum distances and hence no singularities [1,7,8].
Only at the first moment of the big bang is it possible that a singularity existed. This will be the object of future paper (track them at [52,53]).
The absence of singularity is maintained with black holes in a multi-fold universe. Note however that we are obtaining and modeling differently the incompleteness of geodesics, as will be seen in later sections: no infinite density, or point-like infinite concentration (conventional space like singularity), nor time like singularity (due to this different way to look at geodesics incompleteness). It leads to different ways to understand the singularity theorems) [44,48].
2.3 Area laws and Entropy
[1] derives an area dependency for the black hole entropy (due to gravity or spacetime), as well as for spacetime causal horizons. The derivation is not based on GR, but rather entirely based on the multi-fold mechanisms and quantum uncertainty. As the model focuses so far with qualitative models, quantitative proportionality is rather obtained by recovering the conventional results as we know that multi-fold mechanisms recover GR. Therefore, all its corresponding results at large enough scales must also be recovered. Note also that this reasoning is a bit simplistic because it does not model the history of the black hole (it just derive the result for a given black hole) and oversimplifies the multi-fold mechanisms inside the black hole. We will revisit a slightly more rigorous model in a later section.
The derivation, in [1], is based on the holographic principle associated to spin-2 symmetry of the multi-folds. As a result, all the effects of the mass or energy content of the black hole amount to the flow of multi-fold effects across any surface containing that mass; not really how it is distributed. So outside the black hole all the effects are due to the boundary of the black hole horizon. But the horizon blocks propagation of the entangled virtual particles responsible for the multi-folds. It implies that, from the inside, all virtual particles accumulate on the inside of the horizon, unable to get out. It is the quantum uncertainties that move particles inside the horizon occasionally outside, where they can then contribute to the potential energy of the layer outside (via exposure of the external layer to Veff). Particles outside generate multi-folds, reflecting that potential energy level and gravity expands outside the horizon. It is a similar phenomenon to the one that is discussed in [9] to ensure that gravity shields do not exist. (Note on 5/16/21: See also [51]).
From the outside, the multi-folds (and virtual particles) also accumulate on the horizon, for an external observer, reflecting the gravity effects from the outside. These external multi-folds have a particle falling in (and so eternally blocked on the external side of the horizon). Thus, any external gravity effect is similarly passed to the black hole when the fluctuation brings the external virtual particles inside. As a result, the microscopic degrees of freedom are proportional to the area of the horizon [1].
Figure 1: It shows the shell around the black hole horizon contributing to the multi-folds generated by the black hole and perceived outside. The number of involved microstates contributing to the entropy are therefore proportional to the area of the shell.
Therefore, the black hole horizon is populated with internal and external particles, entangled through this kind of interaction: the fluctuations of the horizon. Note that while analogous to Hawking radiations, it is a different phenomenon. The amount of degree of freedoms are proportional to A Δħ, where Δħ denotes the thickness of the quantum fluctuation region. The entropy is therefore proportional to A, the area of the black hole. This is the well-known Hawking Bekenstein black entropy and area law of black holes.
These results are for a (stationary) non-charged and not rotating black hole. Charged and rotating black holes have more complex Thermodynamics (e.g. [45]) that involves its charge(s) and angular momentum and characterized with metrics like the Kerr (no total charge) [46], Kerr-Newman [3] and Reissner-Nordstrom (no rotation/no total angular momentum) [2] metrics and a ring of singularity. The same reasoning applies, although mathematically more complicated, and with more corner cases (e.g. extremal and beyond extremal use cases) [47,48].
The area law also evolves into including a ln(A) contribution encountered at small scales through different reasonings in [1] and [10] dues to other fields (hairs and micro-hairs) from the black hole and the 2D dominant process at small scales [11]. This dependency is also recovered in conventional models [16].
2.4 Multi-fold Black Hole Lifecycle
Multi-fold considerations on the evaporation of charged black holes invalidate the weak gravity conjecture (WGC) [1,12] at very small scales, and shows how (charged total charge) black holes will evolve into extremal black holes, that can then ultimately break apart into smaller black holes, and eventually elementary particles. This is how all entropy (and information) is returned and the information paradox is resolved. The reasoning in [1] is mostly thermodynamic. In the upcoming sections, we will detail further what takes place.
As a consequence of the reasoning we introduced a new possible grand unification model: the Ultimate Unification (UU), which is quite different from conventional GUTs with uber symmetries [1,13].
3. Status of Conventional Resolution of the Black Hole Information Paradox
By conventional, we mean mainstream Physics, possibly including, for the purpose of this paper, and, at the difference of most of our other papers, string theory.
To our knowledge, [14] is currently the best overall review of the current status and the latest evolution, even if a popular science article. It clearly explains how multiple new results combine into the new approach. We will re-explain its overview, re-phrased our way, in order to prepare for our multi-fold analysis.
The black hole information paradox [15] results from Hawking’s observations, that, if a black hole evaporates[1], it will end up disappearing, and all the information in the black hole, due to all the matter previously trapped in the black hole, and modeled by the black hole entropy, will disappear and be lost. Such a conclusion violates unitarity of Quantum Physics (and its associated principle of conservation of information). It is therefore expected by many to be incorrect; yet no firm conclusion or proof has been provided so far. In [1], we argued also for indications of a resolution of this paradox based on slightly different considerations.
3.1 The Black Hole Entropy Page Curve
The generalized second law of Black holes [17] expresses the total entropy of the universe, with a black hole, as the external entropy plus the black hole entropy. Per thermodynamics, its variation must always be positive. With a radiating black hole model, one needs to add the entropy changes due to radiations to the black hole entropy changes (due to energy, or mass, reduction, and therefore area reductions as radiation takes place). While the universe expansion may lead to additional considerations, it does not modify the law for the universe, contrary to what has been sometimes pretended in recent publications (e.g. [55])).
Page modeled black holes with a scattering matrix (S matrix), and derived a curve that expresses the entanglement entropy of the system (as entangled particles are emitted by Hawking’s radiation), that complements the black hole entropy in the generalized second law[18,19]. It resulted into the Page black hole entropy curve (see Figure 4, where we recover the same curve in multi-fold universes), showing that a decrease in the black hole entropy is matched by an increase of its entanglement entropy till they are equal. After, the entanglement entropy decreases as the black hole entropy mass continues to decrease due to the radiations, because the possible amount of black hole entropy microscopic states now limit what can be entangled.
With such a model and results, the information paradox is resolved: all entropy originally in the black hole is at the end back in the surroundings, but it is replaced by the Page paradox [14]: how can quantum effects appear at larger scale (the page time occurs when the black hole is still large / macroscopic) than intuitively expected, i.e. at quantum scales. The Page curve effects occur while the black holes are still large. Even if the reasoning that we just described seems convincing, what is really physically happening? That answer does not really exists in conventional Physics, except maybe for the next sections, which is still more a path integral mathematical formalism with some challenges (e.g. would the path integral really apply to macroscopic objects across all possible topologies). However, in upcoming sections, dedicated to multi-fold universes, we provide a multi-fold microscopic explanation.
3.2. Physical Explanation with Path Integrals and the AdS/CFT Correspondence Conjecture
The progresses reported in [14] are supposed to address these questions, in conventional universes:
- Using the AdS/CFT Correspondence Conjecture to match computations in AdS to computations in a flat spacetime with CFTs (Conformal Field Theory) (the dual spacetime) [20]. As CFTs are modeled by quantum physics with well understood behaviors, the theory is unitary and preserves information. Therefore, black holes in AdS must preserve information; that is:
- If you believe in the AdS/CFT Correspondence Conjecture. It a priori implies an underlying superstring and supersymmetric model, which is contrary to what [14] states when suggesting that the progress would have no direct dependency on strings[2]. But it is granted that many have moved beyond superstrings when using the AdS/CFT Correspondence Conjecture that they rather consider as a global approach to M-theory [49].
- If you believe that black holes in AdS have any relevance to the real universe; which we know is not AdS. Attempts to shakily extrapolate AdS results to non-anti de sitter’s spaces, i.e., to de Sitter universes, have usually not been that rigorous (See, for example,[27,28]), and often with controversies and mistakes.
- However, in AdS, evaporation can never complete [29], because what is emitted ends up being reflected, and, therefore, re-absorbed in the future. The resolution of this aspect requires a trick, like the introduction of the evaporon, to allow escape in an additional dimension. With the duality, it would amount to cooling down CFTs with an extra dimensional escape path.
- It is an ad hoc, and not that well physically justified, proposal, to say the least. But then again, the whole business of dualities are like that [25].
- With the evaporon, in AdS, [30,31] recover the Page curve due to a phase transition, when a quantum extremal surface forms inside the black hole in AdS.
- Consider the generalized entropy (coming from the surface and the external region) from the second generalized law of black Holes. For AdS black holes, the area entropy plus the entanglement entropy is the generalized entropy (to be suitably renormalized [34] in a non-discrete spacetime, which is the conventional case). The formula can be extended to other suitable surfaces, splitting a Cauchy surface in two (e.g. a causal horizon) [32]. A quantum extremal surface extremizes the generalized entropy. It is the generalization of the Ruy-Takayanagi area law for the generalized entropy [32,33].
- If an AdS black hole is modeled with CFTs as its boundaries/horizon, when it evaporates, after the phase transition is reached, a quantum extremal surface appears within the black hole. As a causal horizon, it splits the black hole interior and we recover the information escape figure of [14]: no entanglement exists across that surface (the black hole horizon also varies a bit). The extremal surface decreases as the black hole area decreases. So after the phase transition, less of the black hole is available for entangled Hawking radiation. It explains the decreasing entanglement entropy mentioned in section 3.1, matching the decrease the black hole area entropy and the Page curve.
- Computations estimates were done in reduced dimensions AdS (e.g. AdS(2)). Unfortunately, we do not live in a 2D spacetime, at least not at our scale, or in our current epoch. [37] can be seen as extending the ideas to higher dimensional AdS black holes.
- More rigorous computations are reported for AdS(2), in [35,36]. They rely on path integrals over all possible spacetime topologies. Interestingly the significant contributions to the integral include topologies of multiple entangled blackholes linked by wormholes, something reminiscent of the ER=EPR conjecture, that also reminds of the multi-fold mechanisms [1,25]. To some extent, one can see these results as a different derivation of the result of the previous main bullet just as the ER=EPR conjecture actually derives from the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture.
3.3 Conventional End to End Black Hole Evaporation Scenario
So, the new end-to-end explanation of the information paradox, à la [14], goes as follows, in a conventional universe:
- As Hawking’s radiation takes place, entanglement appears between the black hole interior and the outside.
- After a while, a phase transition occurs where, by tension occurs between the entangled interior and exterior, and an island appears towards the center, separated by a quantum extremal surface. What is beyond, i.e. within, that surface is no more available for entanglement with the outside of the black hole.
- As radiation continues, the entangled radiation, and the black hole entropy, decrease.
- At the end, all content of the black hole has been radiated and information has been transferred, via radiation, to the outside, through the entanglement. No information has been lost.
Of course, the model is fully developed, beyond the Page reasoning, only for an AdS spacetime, and for no more than 1 or 2 spatial dimensions. Neither of the conditions matches our spacetime. We know that gravity is fundamentally different in 1D, and 2D, spatial dimensions so the arguments for this being a good indication of 4D AdS, or above, does not necessarily hold. We also know that AdS is fundamentally unstable for GR (in the presence of matter) [50], so, again, extrapolations to a flat, or positively curved spacetime are not guaranteed.
Therefore, it is fair to say that, while very impressive as a development work, we do not know how physical the theory actually is, i.e., if and how it applies to our real universe. For sure, ideas like evaporon and the replica trick with wormhole replica models in the path integrals, as used in the computations of [35-37], are speculations and relying heavily on conjectural interpretations of the AdS/CFT correspondence, itself a conjecture… Also computations , required with the approach they follow, are quite approximative. Additional criticisms, and concerns, with this story so far are discussed in [14].
An outcome of the upcoming sessions is that the results hold for multi-fold universe, through different reasonings and more detailed microscopic interpretations. It implies also support of positively curved 4D spacetimes, à la de Sitter, that maybe, who knows, more relevant to our real universe.
4. Multi-fold Version of Evaporation
In order to understand any impact to the multi-fold theory, as well as to provide a different perspective on the effects in our real universe, let us try to analyze what the scenario of section 3.3. become in a multi-fold universe.
4.1 Radiation from Changes in Curvature
As a black hole radiates, the curvature of spacetime outside its horizon also changes.
As discussed in [38,39] (see 2), changes of the spacetime curvature also generate new particles. A well-known result of QFTs in curved spacetime. The effects can be seen as a significant additional non-entangled radiation (because the in-falling particle never reaches the black hole horizon). That is how we consider it in this contribution in the present paper, and it affects Sout, in the generalized second law of black holes.
As we do not care, for this paper, about the exact quantitative proportionality constant, we consider anything outside the horizon to contribute to Sout. It simplifies the analysis without changing the outcome.
4.2 Hawking’s radiation for a Multi-fold Back Hole
The reasoning presented in [1], and in section 2.3, is, intentionally, a bit too simplistic: from the inside horizon to further inside the black hole horizon, particles plunge towards the center, accelerating until reaching again c. From that point, virtual particles that they emit towards the horizon are essentially freezing in place, while the ones towards the center contribute to more attraction towards the center: no virtual particle can really propagate with momentum components away from the black hole center: only those with momentum towards the center propagate. Conversely, if energy is accumulating at the horizon, and matter is still in move, one can see the quantum extremal surface as a black hole horizon within the black hole horizon, due now solely to the matter that is closer to the center. As illustrated in figure 2, it creates the multi-fold phenomena equivalent to the classical trapped surfaces introduced by Penrose [40] and the quantum extremal surface discussed in section 3.2. More details on the trapped surface and gravitational collapse are also provided in Appendix A.
After crossing the horizon of the black hole, something that appears to take forever to an external observer, the notion of time loses sense for an external observer (in fact time becomes imaginary [56,57]). Inside the black hole, one see that conventionally the particle falls rapidly towards the center in its proper time [43,52]. However, as in general (e.g. collapse), there is matter at the horizon, when/if crossing it due to quantum fluctuation and Hawking’s radiation, then the are initially within a symmetric sphere with mass on the external shell. So the mass seen is smaller than the externally estimated black hole mass. As a result, particle accelerate and encounter a new horizon that results from a black hole effect. Think of a black hole with lesser mass. We will call this horizon the quantum extremal surface, by analogy to the concept introduced in the previous sections for conventional models. In that region, the particles will appear to take forever to cross the surface from the point of view of an observer on the inside of the horizon of the black hole.
It matters, and it is a difference from typical black hole models: when the black hole evaporates and its horizon shrinks, it will catch with these frozen particles, while the quantum extremal surface remain essentially the same (as no particle enters it until the end of time). These affects are also different form the scenarios described above:
- particles do not disappear within the quantum extremal surface
- particles take forever to reach the quantum extremal surface. This effect compensate for the difference of the previous bullet. Frankly makes much more sense as disappearing within the quantum extremal surface, does not exactly explain where/how it disappears and it seems that some information would not be exactly recovered this way.
- Even more interesting, and probably against all odds, even within the black hole horizon, the center remains hidden to the horizon (inner). More considerations on the center region are discussed in Appendix A.
Figure 2: It illustrates the in and out virtual particles filling the black hole horizon. The ones on the inside can’t escape. Near the horizon, the ones propagating externally, towards the horizon, take forever to cross it, for an external observer. Their historical impact (before a gravitational collapse or when absorbed) is reflected by the virtual particles and multi-folds on the inside of the horizon. Quantum fluctuations entangle them (the ones inside with the ones outside). This effect also increases the potential energy on the outside, resulting into virtual particles and external multi-folds responsible for the black hole gravitational effects beyond the horizon (and conversely for external gravity effects from external masses on the black hole and its inside). Particles reaching the quantum extremal surface of the black hole can only generate effective potential attractive towards the black hole center and take forever to cross that surface, resulting into the apparition of the equivalent to a quantum extremal surface. It is like the horizon of a black hole with the matter that is not outside of it and consists of anything initially within that quantum extremal surface.
Virtual particles, associated to multi-folds from inside the black hole, essentially result from when the collapse (or merger) into a black hole took place (See appendix A), and / or when later particle got absorbed, are frozen at the horizon, or at the internal quantum extremal surface. It explains why, and how, saturation of the horizon in the shell, around the horizon, of Figure 1 takes place, without over-saturation: no new contribution (as virtual particles attached to multi-folds) reaches it, from the particles trapped at the quantum extremal surface, and when a new particle is absorbed, the black hole expands, as in [42], which also explains, in our model, why some may see stringy effects on a blackhole horizon, despite no strings being involved [22].
Figure 2 also illustrates the multi-fold behavior of the quantum extremal surfaces. introduced by the papers discussed in section 3.2. Within the horizon, some of the energy is concentrated near the horizon. So crossing it imply first the possibility to emit, towards the horizon, virtual, or real, particles that are able to reach it. After a while, a region with a shorter radius behaves like a new horizon. Indeed, as particles cross it, they can no longer emit real or virtual particles with momentum components away from the black hole center: they effectively stop contributing new entanglement (or other new causal effects) with the horizon (and of course beyond). This effect occurs as soon as the black hole is formed. It is not due to a later phase transition, or occurring just at or after Page time, which is due to other effects. But, at a later stage, this effect starts dominating.
With quantum uncertainties, particles, real or virtual, inside or outside the black hole horizon, can temporarily be inside or outside the horizon. As such, virtual particles are entangled with each other, on either side of the horizon. When Hawking’s radiation takes place on the horizon, one of the particle inside on the horizon is entangled with it, and receives an opposite momentum kick, to maintain a null total momentum. As the internal particle moves in, it is captured by the black hole until it reaches the quantum extremal surface, where it can no longer generate new virtual particles reaching the horizon, or new entanglement (beyond the existing one with the evaporated particle). So the process and budget are:
- 2 virtual particles on the horizon (entangled) disappear
- One is evaporated, it is entangled with the other one: Entanglement receives one more particle. Entanglement entropy increases by one particle effect.
- That second one disappears within the inside of the blackhole and once it reaches the quantum extremal surface, it can’t contribute new entanglement: the black hole mass is decreased by one the effect of one particle. Black hole entropy is reduced by one particle effect (The quantum extremal surface grows towards the horizon. As it is crossed, entangled particles with the outside no disappear in the inside, therefore reducing the entangled radiation / entropy).
- The horizon area decreases, reducing available virtual particles on the inside and outside of the horizon. It can catch up with virtual or real particles absorbed earlier due to Hawking’s radiation and frozen due to the quantum extremal surface effect.
- The process repeats.
- When entanglement entropy matches the black hole (area) entropy (i.e. ~ at Page time), pairs on the horizon start to also reduce existing entanglement: one lost entangled pair (with the outside) per radiated particle with the process above: entanglement entropy and black hole entropy drop at the same rate or radiation no destroy entanglement by expulsing from the black hole real particles not entangled that haven’t entangled with outside of horizon (they already entangled with the previously evaporated particle) till there is nothing any more (and not lost information). While it occurs already before Page time, it is at Page time that the process starts to dominate as there are not really not enough option any more for entanglement building radiations.
- Alternatively, and/or, at some point, black holes splits could occur for (charged) black hole (as in [1,13]).
- The latter steps progressively become more dominant: it is not a strict transition as in the model reviewed by [14].
In terms of the quantum extremal surface and its content, particles that were within the surface, when it formed, may include a few particles entangled with the outside of the black hole. These are not to be considered as information that entered the black hole later. When the evaporating black hole has its horizon shrinking to the quantum extremal surface, only this entanglement remains (any entanglement with particles in the gap between the horizon of the black hole and the quantum extremal surface is now gone, or, probably in rarer cases, in entanglement with the outside of the black hole). It then continues, mostly through a gap then catching up towards the central region. There may be cases where an interest step includes more quantum extremal surfaces with a same process; but it shouldn’t be in general. Meanwhile, black hole splits as described in [1,13] can also finalize faster the total release of information. It is also the basis for hints of the Ultimate Unification (UU) [1,13].
With the above, we recover the Black hole entropy (or information) Page curve. The process and curve are illustrated in Figures 3 and 4.
Figure 3: (a) illustrates the Hawking evaporation before reaching Page time: the majority of the radiation contributions come from entangled virtual particles in and out of the horizon. Evaporation increases the entanglement entropy. (b) illustrates what happens, all the time, but especially when most entangled pairs are already radiated. Now real particle entangled with the evaporated particles are radiated. That reduces the entanglement entropy instead of increasing it. It resulted from the contraction of the black hole horizon possibly catching up with these particles or rather them disappearing within the quantum extremal surface. Of course, in between, these two phases, a mix occur and empty microstates may be repopulated with new multi-folds (caught up by the contracting horizon, from history, or from accompanying a caught up real particles) and entangled in and out. However, as the area reduced, less microstates are available leaving the door to radiating caught up real particles frozen in place by the quantum extremal surface. Also, particles reaching within the horizon will rapidly fall to the center [43,52]. If reached by the horizon contraction before, they can evaporate as soon that a quantum fluctuation lets them outside the horizon. It is a faster process than also having to be “realized” for virtual particles, which usually rather first get entangled rather than evaporated. So, in general, these particles are entangled with previously evaporated entangled particles and take that contribution out of the entanglement entropy of the black hole, or, through the fluctuations and evaporation they lose their entanglement and do not re-entangle with a particle on the outside of the horizon or by disappearing behind the quantum extremal surface. At the horizon, they evaporate immediately when given the opportunity to escape. When the horizon reaches the quantum extremal surface, the process continues till all particles are radiated or the black hole splits.
Within the quantum extrema surface, the matter/particles/energy, that made it as the black hole and the surface formed, are not encountering a singularity (space like) because of the arguments of section 2.2, and nothing can have a momentum component towards the surface. Therefore, matter accumulates (finite amount) in the center region, frozen in place: the geodesics terminate (but do not converge to a singular point – i.e. no time-like or space-like singularity)).
Figure 4: Page curve recovered by the process described for multi-fold black holes. Note the time scale can vary beyond the Page time (intersection of SRad and SBH) [19]. SBH(max) is the initial entropy of the black hole (initial condition), which here means at the moment when we start modeling radiation. This value and its evolution in time depends on the black hole history (e.g. primordial or formed by mergers, splits or star collapses).
5. Conclusions
In the present paper, we showed that we can recover much of the results of [14] in a multi-fold universe with some variations:
- We recover the Page curve of entropy/information evolution (with some twist on what the Page time means)
- Black holes have properties that remind of the quantum extremal surface, throughout their cycle, except in cases where all matter is already at the center (e.g. if horizon reached the quantum extremal surface).
- At some point, the radiated particles are no more entangled with the black hole, and rather destroys existing entanglement by taking away from the black hole entangled particles. These effects indeed contribute growing non entangled radiations (or non-entangled contributions to Sout)
- The black hole entropy will go to zero, with all information in radiated (entangled and non-entangled) recovered outside the black hole (Sout) over the course of lifetime of the radiation. It resolves and explains the information paradox.
- At small sizes, and beyond Page time, one would expect that the phenomena of black hole break down, discussed in [1.13] could also occur. If, and when they happen, these splits produce new black holes and starts anew the process with each black hole, with a new corresponding SBH for each of them.
- The entanglement between the black hole and external particles, or regions, is associated to multi-folds. It hints at the ER=EPR conjecture [42] and its wormholes [1,21,23,24,25].
The above ensures no information paradox in a multi-fold universe, and consistency with UU.
We believe that our derivation is very general, explains the physical phenomena that take place in multi-fold universe, and may enlighten what happens behind the models reviewed in [14], especially as it works for a 4D spacetime with positive curvature. It may well describe the real universe processes, if the real universe is a multi-fold universe, or with the point of view on dualities that we reached in [25,26]. In a multi-fold universe, no singularity (zero size concentration or time-like) exist; yet the black holes behaves as if they existed as in a continuous universe.
Appendix A: Star collapse and Trapped surface
The collapse of a star into a black hold is sketched in Figure 5.
Figure 5: It sketched how a star (a) can collapse (b), and an horizon and trapped surface (matter within the horizon) appear as well as the quantum extremal surface. The greyed-out region is the quantum extremal surface.
Figure 5 is consistent with the classical derivation of gravitational collapse and trapped surface introduced by Penrose [40]. Any curve below the resulting black hole horizon is a trapped surface. It captures the multi-fold version of Penrose collapse and singularities theorems.
Within the quantum extremal surface, multi-folds and associated massless virtual particles towards the horizon are frozen in place. Even if other photons / massless particles are directed towards the center, they can’t move past and outside the uncertainty / minimum length region, again freezing in place when trying to do so. However per [1], no infinite curvature occurs. All particles, other than the ones frozen in place, converge towards a minimal region from which they can’t escape. They can’t move out anymore, which means that after moving towards the center (or central region), they freeze in place, if they have momentum components towards the horizon, something that always happens in that region. It is the end of their story, space-like (massive) and time-like (massless). In conventional GR, one would say that the geodesics become incomplete. Here, we have also a space-like and time-like misbehaving region, even without a zero-length region: within a multi-fold universe, the absence of physical singularity does not prevent the semblance of singularity, time-like and space-like [44,48].
The same properties are true for non-stationary black holes. Beyond gravitational collapse of stars, [1,13] described black hole splits and UU. Mergers and collisions of black holes are more complicated and today mostly modeled with numerical GR [58,60] (Note added on 5/23/21: and interesting point like approximations as in [61,62]), but one would expect that it would also result into apparition of quantum extremal surfaces. More on this in future work.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-Fold Black Holes: Entropy, Evolution and Quantum Extrema”, viXra:2105.0136v1,…, October 31, 2020.
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[1] In [38,39], among other things about particle in multi-fold universes, we look at Hawking’s radiation from a different conventional angle: outside the horizon. The paper focuses on the horizon and inside. Original references to Hawking’s work can be found in [38]. It also positions our reasoning of section 2.3, versus the additional effects of particle creation beyond the horizon; something that affects the whole system (generalized entropy) but not the black hole entropy estimates. Such extra radiation component can be considered either as associated to the black hole, as an extra radiation term in the generalized second law (section 3.1), if the external system is considered as being only the asymptotic region of the universe, or as variations of Sout.
[2] Our work on the subject has led us to question the adequacy of superstrings and supersymmetry to describe our real universe [1, 10,13,21-25]. Yet, [25,26] provide arguments that such superstring dualities may provide mathematically correct approximations of multi-fold universe results, and therefore, hopefully, also of the real universe.
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#AdS #AdSBlackHoles #areaLaws #BlackHoleEntropy #BlackHoleEvaporation #BlackHoleHorizon #BlackHoleInformationParadox #BlackHoleLifecycle #CFTAdSCorrespondenceConjecture #DarkEnergy #DiscreteSpacetime #Dualities #Entanglement #EntanglementEntropy #EREPR #ExtremalBlackHole #GeneralRelativity #GeneralizedSecondLawOfBlackHoles #Gravity #HawkingRadiation #informationParadox #informationPuzzle #microscopicBlackHole #minimumLength #MultiFoldUniverse #noSingularity #PageCurve #PagePuzzle #PathIntegrals #QuantumExtremalSurface #QuantumGravity #RadiationEntropy #Remnants #ReplicaTrick #replicaWormholes #RyuTakayanagiConjecture #singularity #Torsion #TrappedSurface #UltimateUnification #WeakGravityConjecture #Wormholes
New Black Hole Math Closes Cosmic Blind Spot
A mathematical shortcut for analyzing black hole collisions works even in cases where it shouldn’t. As astronomers use it to search for new classes of hidden…Steve Nadis (Quanta Magazine)
Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?
Stephane H. MaesJune 19, 2020
Note: if you are looking for “Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, go to…, or viXra:2007.0006v1.
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement and spacetime is discrete, with a fractal structure based on random walk and a non-commutative geometry. When random walk is combined with maximal particle generations, exponential expansion can automatically takes place. Away from maximal generation or in an already concretized spacetime, random walk accounts for a constant or slowing down expansion. Meanwhile, the multi-fold mechanisms also implies a constant expansion potential, adding a force to the expansion of the universe, thanks to uncertainties. It explain the constant acceleration of the universe expansion with a cosmological constant that is not the vacuum energy density but can be way smaller.
It may contribute to addressing problems like the absence of any explanation of dark energy, the embarrassing orders of magnitude of discrepancies between vacuum energy and the cosmological constant predicted by conventional Physics; issues that are among Today’s biggest mysteries of the universe. These explanations do not require New Physics beyond the Standard Model and the Standard Cosmology Model.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Spacetime Construction
In [1], spacetime is created when it is encountered by a particle (This is also inspired from the ideas that spacetime creation may result from wave function collapse) that consists of a microscopic black hole surrounding it. As the particle moves, it leaves remnants of minimal Schwarzschild black holes as spacetime location. The effect is also inspired from [6]. We speak of spacetime concretization. With this scenario, and as result of the top down framework of multi-fold universes, [1] shows that spacetime is therefore discrete and non-commutative with particles moves as relativistic paths of the path integral describing the particles: i.e. a random walk, in space and in time, leading to a fractal structure. The random sprinkles of spacetime points and particles ensure that spacetime can be Lorentz invariant.These conclusions from the multi-fold model are all along consistent with well know results [7,8]. But why and how these features are actually realized in spacetime were something missing, so far.
Spacetime concretization can generate new spacetime points and grow the edges of the universe. As the process is fractal in space and in time, it also leaves many non-concretized points of the underlying discrete lattice (of minimum length cells). At later times, particles can random walk on the existing concretized structure or fill gaps by concretizing points missed so far. At no time, is a minimum length (in space and in time) violated, in accordance with [5].
We will also describe bulk expansion effects.
To be complete, there are also entanglement between particles and spacetime that they concretize. These also introduce a temporary brake (with effective potential per the multi-fold mechanisms of [1]) to the expansion but limited to the duration of such entanglements. We do not use spacetime entanglement as sources of gravity as proposed in proposals where Gravity would emerge from entropy as in Verlinde’s papers, e.g. [19,20]. The model in [1] is quite different from these works.
3. Big Bang and Inflation
At the beginning of our universe, that it be localized in one or a few points, across an initial region or more widely extended (as proposed for example by other infinite or parallel universe models), the energy is such that every fluctuation or particle move can both concretize spacetime and create new particles. A toy model to hint how fluctuations in spacetime can create particles and spacetime is discussed in [6].When the energy is such that at every time jumps take place and new particles can be created (in every directions) along with spacetime concretization (reoccupied or visited for the first time), the process results into an exponential growth of the number of particles and spacetime. Bulk effects (dark energy effects, discussed later) contribute to stretch the structures at the same time which also ensures that spacetime stretches as this takes place. These early particles can be of different types, including creation and annihilation of the ones we encounter today, or essentially be all of the same as an inflaton [9]. It does not matter for our model.
In conventional QFT views, the inflaton field, a candidate to conventionally explain inflation, is homogenous throughout the universe and the total energy content of the universe grows also exponentially until it stops everywhere (or only somewhere in eternal inflation models, in such case, possibly resulting into different universe, etc.). It sets a high vacuum energy ground level and hence, per GR, a negative pressure [10], and we have inflation [11]. In a multi-fold universe, at small scales, the density of particle is initially roughly the same everywhere, which provides energy to the particles who exert a constant pressure due to that energy. That pressure is the combination of the jumps to new spacetime point and interspersed growth between points (as will continue today, as discussed later) along with the bulk effect to be discussed later. So both our model from [1] and the inflaton model essentially match. [1] works with inflaton (explaining it effect at very small scales) or instead of it.
The source of energy enabling these effects is not really explained in [1] and out of scope for this work. It is either inherent to the inflaton field (e.g. as (false) vacuum), which can also be the case for the particles only explanation (false vacuum giving always a minimum energy to every particles with no energy changes but why is it at such a level is not explained) or due to a tremendous original energy that remains so large early on that its level is essentially not affected by particle creation long enough for the exponential growth to take place as long as needed (in practice, that is also a very short time even if the expansion and stretching effects are tremendous, except in eternal inflation models where it would still be going on somewhere beyond our universe horizon). As inflatons have not yet be found or well modeled, we prefer the latter explanation, i.e. no inflation. Note that such a choice also probably negates eternal inflation models, that would need energy to continue eternally. But both sources of energy are supported.
The energy involved can originate from the everything that we do not know and that happened before the Big Bang event, including big bounces, or a vacuum collapse bubbles, or from a symmetry breaking event (and resulting phase change). For example (it is just an illustration of a possible mechanism), it could be energy released due to the break of the Ultimate Unification symmetry introduced in [1,12], as if it was a phase change of the universe. The democracy symmetry breaks as progressively more and more of the involved particles drop out from being able to contribute at the same level as carriers of massive gravity from spacetime point to point. Each time, this correspond to a conversion of energy potential of everything in the universe into kinetic energy as gravity weakened at smaller scales due to particles decrease their contribution as larger scale carriers to the massive gravity component. Note this example would be an oscillating situation as increasing energy (e.g. like inflation reheating) will bring back the particles that just gave up as gravity carriers, until they drop out again). It evolves like this particle type per particle type till inflation stops.
When there is no more enough energy to sustain both systematic spacetime concretization and particle creation, the inflation progressively die out. Again all this takes a very short time.
After that, random walks continue and particles (virtual and real) can revisit already concretized spacetime point or concretize new points. In addition. Expansion also continue as discussed after. These effects are now the dominant contributions for expansion, albeit countered for a while in the battle for universe dominance by attractive gravity that fights off expansion and balances a significant part of the expansion effects, for as long at matter and energy clusters are close enough: until distances become too large between clusters and expansion start to really dominate and accelerate. Our universe is now in that phase.
4. Dark Energy? Maybe not so fast…
Dark energy is proposed as a way to explain the observed expansion and now observed accelerated expansion of the universe. Good entry points can be found at [13,14].Cosmological expansion is conventionally modeled by the cosmological constant in GR [16]. In QFT and superstrings, this leads immediately to major issues. QFT predicts a vacuum energy density that leads to a cosmological constant that is larger than what is observed [16]. It is hardly a small adjustment issue! There is clearly a problem or something is missed by conventional Physics.
New Physics is not faring much better, as discussed in [15]: superstrings are not stable (i.e. they cannot live) in positive cosmological constant universes [17]; while GR is unstable with matter in AdS [18]. [15] explains how this is in fact consistent with multi-fold universes [1] and our deducted superstrings dualities. For the purpose of discussion here, it only matters in the sense that New Physics has no helpful say about the cosmological constant problem!
A zero cosmological constant may help with superstrings (and for many supersymmetric theories). However, again it does not match physical explanations or observations of accelerated expansion, granted that, as mentioned in [1], some recent papers are still revisiting and questioning if there is indeed such an acceleration.
This situation is not just an open problem but one of the most embarrassing problem for modern Physics. There are no other ways to put it. Today, we have no clue.
Yet in a multi-fold universe:
- A small positive cosmological constant (generating negative curvature contributions are not supported by the multi-fold mechanism, which also explain why superstrings cannot, and do not, live in our spacetime [15]) can be explained
- It is independent of the QFT energy vacuum density
- And the explanation is without involving any New Physics other than adding gravity to the Standard Model in a multi-fold universe.
Indeed, expansion of the spacetime comes in two flavors:
- Random walks, business as usual, that revisit existing spacetime point and fill the gaps in the spacetime fractal structure or pushes the edge. It is not a dominant bulk effect expansion but it has a small contribution to the cosmological constant.
- Constant effective potential pressure everywhere towards AdS(5) resulting from uncertainties of entangled particles, that generate attractive effective potentials between them. [1] shows that, as the particles wiggle because of quantum uncertainties, the folds and mappings can create, within the bulk, effective potential pulls towards the bulk, (which amounts to normal random walk acceleration) or towards the outside spacetime, which is a bulk expansion effect a always present force (because of uncertainty that component always consistently exists): we have found a dark energy effect, without any dark energy involved, that also contribute to the cosmological constant. Fluctuations creates the effective potential due to entanglement; fluctuations are not the energy that expand, it the effective potential that expands; therefore decoupling the cosmological constant value from the energy density of the vacuum.
This second effect is between entangled particles, real or virtual, but therefore, slightly more pronounced within or around matter or energy clusters (where more energy fluctuations may be encountered and also because pulling out towards AdS(5) will happen more often where spacetime is curved by matter). Yet, it exists everywhere as vacuum virtual pairs also contribute. Its intensity is related to the vacuum energy levels as well as the energy content of the entangled particles. It is not the vacuum energy density and it is expected to be a way smaller contribution, but omnipresent in spacetime. This way, we are able to solve the cosmological constant problem. It also weakens the arguments for an anthropic principle (to explain the cosmology constant), which in turns weakens reuse of such a principle to justify parallel universes and the “expected” existence of large superstring swampland and landscape (maybe – not that certain now that the landscape needs to be a positive curvature universe [15]).
The arguments in [1] are only qualitative, not yet quantitative. More work is needed to see if quantitative estimates make sense and may suffice to explain dark energy. Of course, other effects can also play along.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipate the behaviors modeled in a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] potentially explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Our proposal has no equivalent or variations for non multi-fold universe: the source of dark energy effects come directly from the multi-folds mechanisms as proposed in [1]. Even other models that link entanglement and gravity would most probably not help as the multi-fold universe does.
The fact that dark energy and cosmological constant issues are confirmed (so far) by observations, yet unexplained, indicates one possible small step in favor of this subject helping to validate the models proposed in [1].
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges with dark energy and with the cosmological constant.The model also has the ability to further explain the expected discrete and noncommutative (Lorentz invariant and fractal) nature of spacetime and to support inflation (with or without inflatons).
While steps in the right direction in terms of validating [1], future work should aim at providing quantitative estimates to further determine viability of the proposal or completeness of the explanation, versus just contributing to what happens, which would already be satisfying.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261v1,…, June 19, 2020.
Note: If you were by mistake pointed here looking for Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006v1, or… June 21, 2020, the web version (here) is tracked at…. A mistake in many references instead provided the URL to the dark energy paper (here). It is regrettable and will be corrected in the future for all upcoming papers and revisions.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Luis J. Garay, (1995), “Quantum Gravity and Minimum Length”, International Journal of Modern Physics A, V 10.
[6]: Hou Y. Yau, (2007 & 2016), “Quantum Theory from a Space-Time Wave”, arXiv:0706.0190 v2 and v4
[7]: S. Doplicher, K. Fredenhagen and J. E. Roberts, (1994), “Spacetime quantization induced by classical gravity”, Phys. Rev. B 331 (1994) 33.
[8]: Hooft, Gerard ’t, (2016), “How quantization of gravity leads to a discrete space-time”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 701 012014
[12]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”,…, June 16, 2020.
[14]: B. Clegg (2019), “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Hidden 95% of the Universe”, Icon Books Ltd
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe“, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[17]: Georges Obied, Hirosi Ooguri, Lev Spodyneiko, Cumrun Vafa, (2018), “De Sitter Space and the Swampland”, arXiv:1806.08362v3.
[18]: Georgios Moschidis, (2018), “A proof of the instability of AdS for the Einstein–massless Vlasov system”, arXiv:1812.04268v1.
[19]: Erik P. Verlinde (2010), “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton”, arXiv:1001.0785
[20]: Erik Verlinde, (2016), “Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe”, arXiv:1611.02269v2
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The Multi-fold Theory: A synopsis
Stephane H. Maes
December 24, 2021
Also published externally as “The Multi-fold Theory: A synopsis so far, V2 – End of 2021”
This paper provides a synopsis and review of the multi-fold theory in preparation for more detailed reviews lectures and books.
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General Relativity (GR) at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model resulting into what we defined as SMG. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hints at an even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
Among the multi-fold SMG discoveries, the apparition of an-always in-flight, and hence non-interacting, right-handed neutrinos, coupled to the Higgs boson is quite notable. It is supposedly always around right-handed neutrinos, due to chirality flips by gravity of the massless Weyl fermions, induced by 7D space time matter models and hidden behind the Higgs boson or field at the entry points and exit points of the multi-folds. Massless Higgs bosons modeled as minimal microscopic black holes mark concretized spacetime location. They can condensate into Dirac Kerr-Newman soliton Qballs to produce massive and charged particles, thereby providing a microscopic explanation for a Higgs driven inflation, the electroweak symmetry breaking, the Higgs mechanism, the mass acquisition and the chirality of fermions and spacetime; all resulting from the multi-fold gravity electroweak symmetry breaking.
The multi-fold theory has also concrete implications on New Physics.
We see this paper as a draft to collect comment and feedback as we evolve it towards a fuller publication.
It is the End of 2021 version.
Change tracking (not all changes) with respect to previous version:….
2. Overview of Multi-fold theory.
4. Gravity-like fluctuations from entanglement.
5. W-type multi-fold hypothesis.
6. Time and Time Symmetry violation.
7. Gravity emergence from entanglement and the E/G Conjecture.
8. Massive and massless gravity.
10. AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and facts in Multi-fold universes.
13. Gravity-induced helicity and chirality flips.
15. Absence of magnetic monopoles.
16. The strong CP violation problem..
17. 3 is the number of fermion generations.
18. Stabilization of the electroweak vacuum..
19. Right-handed neutrinos and neutrino masses.
20. Matter antimatter asymmetry and all falling down.
21. 7D space time matter induction.
22. Multi-fold spacetime reconstruction.
23. Spacetime reduction to 2D degrees of freedom.
25. Higgs Bosons, Qball Condensates and Kerr-Newman Solitons.
26. Multi-fold gravity electroweak symmetry breaking.
27. Recovering the Standard Model and the role of Higgs field and Right-handed neutrinos.
28. Right-handed neutrinos and traversable wormholes: linking ER=EPR and Multi-folds.
29. Ultimate Unification and Weak Gravity Conjecture.
30. Asymptotic safety of gravity.
31. SM incompatibility with most New Physics.
32. No LHCb or Muon g-2 New Physics.
33. No singularities, Gravitational or Cosmological
40. What if the real universe is not multi-fold? Caveats.
1. Introduction
It is a draft and skeleton for more developed review papers in preparation for a detailed lecture or book. Feedback is therefore welcome.
The overview presented in this paper and the related research presents a new qualitative approach off the beaten path to address quantum gravity and the understanding of quantum gravity. Aspects are not fully developed, in particular a quantitative model. We do hope that it helps address some of the challenged encountered today in Physics.
Although many aspects seem to relate to our real universe, and the self-consistency that we have encountered is compelling, we do not have yet any sign of confirmation. Therefore, it is presented as a model of multi-fold universes, that may or may not relate to the real universe. Physics is assumed the same up to the insights or variations introduced by our principles and model.
The paper focuses on putting together in one places the developments and results so far of the multi-fold theory, especially beyond [1]. It has really flourished in unexpected ways. It means that we discuss all aspects in the context of the multi-fold theory. However many results are also useful, sometimes original or valid without requiring a multi-fold universe. Many references mentioned such extended validity, but not always. Towards the end a section is devoted to these considerations. However, we recommended that interested readers consider also the value of each proposal or concept even if the universe is not multi-fold but other consideration keep the proposal sensible.
2. Overview of Multi-fold theory
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles, that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General Relativity (GR) at large scales and semi-classical models remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model resulting into what we defined as SMG. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model without New Physics other than gravity, i.e. no new particles or forces. These considerations hints at a even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
Among the multi-fold SMG discoveries, the apparition of an-always in-flight, and hence non-interacting, right-handed neutrinos, coupled to the Higgs boson is quite notable. It is supposedly always around right-handed neutrinos, due to chirality flips by gravity of the massless Weyl fermions, induced by 7D space time matter models and hidden behind the Higgs boson or field at the entry points and exit points of the multi-folds. Massless Higgs bosons modeled as minimal microscopic black holes mark concretized spacetime location. They can condensate into Dirac Kerr-Newman soliton Qballs to produce massive and charged particles, thereby providing a microscopic explanation for a Higgs driven inflation, the electroweak symmetry breaking, the Higgs mechanism, the mass acquisition and the chirality of fermions and spacetime; all resulting from the multi-fold gravity electroweak symmetry breaking.
The multi-fold paper [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics, like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy, and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi-classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and concretized spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although possibly surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with others (see [4] and its references), while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity non-negligible at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected. [8] may also justify different coupling values at very small scales, in the 2D massless random walk regime.
All the outcomes of the multi-fold theory, so far, are compiled in [9,10]. This includes also our analysis and interpretations of the impact of multi-fold theory on New Physics.
3. Multi-fold mechanisms
The fundamental motivation for the initial model was to find a way to restore locality and common sense in (EPR) entanglement that seems to imply non-locality. To the effect, we proposed that when local entanglement takes place between two particles, multi-folds are activated, in ways that allow paths in path integrals associated to the particles to also traverse the multi-folds [1]. The entanglement is the entry point for such path. Exit points are the result of mapping of end points in the multi-fold to the evolving positions of each particles, and coincide in the multi-folds for both particles. This way it is plausible to explain how the two EPR entangled particles can at any time apparently instantaneously communicate/interact. As such, it is analogous with the idea of the ER=EPR conjecture [5,6], where (entangled) black holes are connected. Yet they are typically not traversable and so do not allow paths of the path integral to traverse the connected black holes. Another model, of the same vain, suggests that locations where entangled particles are systems are connected, outside spacetime, by a minimum length segment [7]. The proposed model accounts for the Bell inequalities and non-locality with local models[1].
To account for exit points of the paths, when entanglement takes place, we introduced the notion of mappings from a mapping support domain in spacetime, between the entangled systems, to the multi-folds. As a result for smoothness and continuity/analyticity, any particle or system crossing the spacetime support domain of the mapping has paths of its path integral feeling the multi-folds.
Multi-folds live in a AdS(5) universe dual /tangent that surround every spacetime location. Multi-folds kinematics and dynamics follow the motions of the entangled system starting from entanglement till disentanglement, e.g. due to measurement or disturbance of the system. Deactivation detaches the mapping and shrinks the multi-folds towards the center of mass with a velocity of c and so does its effect on the mapping support domain. It ensures that the theory is unitary and conserves what is conventionally conserved. That is in addition to the fact that the probability ε of having a path on the multi-folds. The multi-fold dynamics a priori does not have to obey GR, although it might.
[1] also introduces a hierarchical entanglement principle that restricts multi-fold activations to cases, where entanglement occurred locally[2].
A universe following these mechanisms, and where the absence of any supra luminosity, in vacuum, is enforced is called a multi-fold universe. It is assume that Physics in a multi-fold universe and in multi-folds is the same as our real universe, except for the extra multi-folds, absolutely no-supra luminosity, and the impact of that principle on path integrals, and the consequences of multi-folds theory (typically at very small scale), as well as the notions of particles and entanglements as discussed in upcoming sections.
[1] introduces a multi-fold tenancy model: one multi-fold instance per particle that “feels it” so that no interactions takes place in multi-folds other than at entry and exit points and with some exceptions[3]. A key motivation being that such interactions would open the door to effect not encountered so far: creation or annihilation of particles in the multi-fold or seemingly non-local interactions for gauge interactions, expected to be local[4].
4. Gravity-like fluctuations from entanglement
The impact of paths on the multi-folds is equivalent to a potential in , between the entangled particles, where r is the distance from the center of mass of the entangled particles [1]. The potential is attractive towards that center of mass.
It provide a path for validation or falsifiability of key aspects of the multi-fold theory: it predicts that gravity-like fluctuations appear among entangled systems [1,12].
5. W-type multi-fold hypothesis
It is an additional hypothesis added later [11], that assumes that every spacetime location within the domain of a wavefunction, or field, is connected to any other location within the domain of a wavefunction or field, via multi-folds that deactivate as for regular multi-fold when a wave function collapses. It offers a new interpretation of Quantum Physics and sheds new light on many aspects like BEC, the Born rule, path integrals and the measurement problem.
The W-type multi-fold hypothesis, if true, also presents the advantage to easily motivate the multi-fold mappings: overlapping support domain of overlapping wave functions will be connected this way and as a results path of a particle crossing in between entangled particles will feel the associated multi-folds as in such case we can assume a non-zero ε wave function norm everywhere in between the entangled particles.
The W-type hypothesis has also the interesting consequence to imply that any physical system, no matter how large or small is in fact the reflection and embodies many samples of the underlying W-type configurations achieved through multi-fold “position” taken in between any two time units: the ergodic principles/theorems are therefore always satisfied even for small systems; which provides a microscopic explanation to a key foundation of thermodynamics, the 2nd principle and the arrow of time.
6. Time and Time Symmetry violation
As a result of the multi-fold mechanisms, especially at deactivation, entanglement, especially disentanglement breaks time symmetry. It is irreversible and provide a direction for the arrow of time [1,13,14].
The W-type multi-fold hypothesis extends such irreversibility to wave function collapses.
As, per [1,15,16], gravity results from entanglement, gravity therefore breaks T symmetry, and it therefore probably also breaks CP symmetry if torsion is involved, which multifold mechanism support to be generated within matter (i.e. any energy particles boson or fermion in our usage of the term); otherwise, CPT is violated by gravity[5].
As we will review in an upcoming section, time fluctuations generate space and fields of particles. Time clicks marshals the random walks of particles that construct spacetime and results from them. As particles are created in entangled pairs, time results from the random walks of entangled particles and it is entanglement that makes time observable within the system.
Time itself originates from the random walks, as the click of position changes [1,13]. It is also consistent with a view that time perceptions result from entanglement and can only be perceived within the universe (not as a super observer of the universe) [13].
With the W-type hypothesis, we now understand why time is not reversible, while quantum physics may appear to also support a superposition of opposite arrows of time: at each time click, positions may vary per the wave function while space-time also evolves with its random walk introducing the statistical irreversibility but allowing any quantum mechanical only model to appear as if the random jumps within the wave functions could indeed as well be reverted (or behave as if in a superposition of different time arrows) [85]: at the microscopic very small scale level, quantum mechanics is reversible or a system with superposition of two arrows of time but the associated spacetime (and one could say very small scale gravity) is irreversible. This explains also why all these apparently contradictory statements are actually perfectly aligned and consistent!
7. Gravity emergence from entanglement and the E/G Conjecture
[1] proposes that any entity or energy source emits an amount of entangled pairs pf virtual particles and their anti-particles. The amount of each type being proportional to the energy or mass of the source. As a result, and assuming that multi-folds appear and behave the same way for real and virtual entangled particles, we recover an effective potential generated by each source towards it that is in . A particle encountering the domain support of the multi-fold mappings, has paths of its path integral on the multi-folds and therefore feels this effect proportionally to its mass. We recover gravity. In fact, when computing this over the whole multi-fold spacetime for the distributions of mass and energy, we recover the Hilbert Einstein action and Einstein GR field equations, when considering only massless contributions.
[19] further showed that the proposed derivation of the effective potential associated to multi-fold implies recovery of the (weak) equivalent principle.
These result lead to our E/G conjecture: in a multi-fold universe, entanglement is gravity and gravity is entanglement. In other words, entanglement creates gravity effects and gravity results from entanglement effects. The conjecture is that this statement applies also to our real universe [16]. This result is really essential and the holy grail in our view of work like the AdS/CFT conjecture, the ER = EPR conjecture and the GR = QM conjecture.
From a multi-fold point of view, all these works have so far blocked on challenges with the traversability of wormholes, something that multi-fold mechanisms avoid, while the multi-fold theory also seems to resolve wormhole traversability with the right role played in SMG by in-flight right-handed neutrinos[1]. We suggest focusing on [1,7,8,16] for more details. The proposed references answer much of these issues in surprising ways.
[1] We hope that the growing communities interested and believing in these conjectures can read and understand how our work validate, with twists these conjecture. The twist being the machinery of the multi-fold theory, in a multi-fold universe.
Also, in [1] and in the web version of [31][7], we note that conventional Physics also predicts that entanglement implies GR.
[1] also illustrates the possibility, but not implication, that multi-fold mechanisms would generate torsion, non propagating and limited to within/around matter, i.e. any boson or fermion. The presence or absence or torsion would play a role in the respect of C, P or CP symmetries of gravity and entanglement.
8. Massive and massless gravity
All the different types of particles a contribute to the flow of entangled virtual pairs. Massless contribute till infinite ranges (unless if confined). Quasi-massless, i.e. think of neutrinos, are limited to a slightly shorter range. More and more massive particles contribute as virtual pairs at shorter ranges. As a result, multi-fold universes have massless and massive gravity contributions [1,15], all stable and asymptotically safe, something we will discuss later [17,18].
9. Gravitons
The massive and massless particles associated to entanglement and gravity can be considered as gravitons [1]. They can be seen as pairs of spacetime effective potential fluctuations that evolve as entangled particles evolve, as quasi particles [1,20,21]. Or they can be seen as the multi-folds in AdS(5), almost as closed strings in superstring theory. We will later see that if associated to quanta of spacetime, due to its discrete nature, both multi-fold and spacetime quanta are equivalent. So multi-fold and effective potential fluctuations or spacetime quanta are different facets of each other.
This duality also explains why gravitational energy seems to not be accounted for in GR, despite clearly being contained in gravitational waves [1,20,21,22], a problem already accounted for by many like Rosen [23,24] or with the challenges with the energy momentum pseudo tensor of GR (e.g. [22,25]).
Also, and as somehow also hinted by Rosen, although with a different model, spacetime can be seen as a flat background flat with additional effective potentials instead of curved [1,20,21,24]. All the models are equivalent. But I implies that only universes with positive cosmological constant can be accounted for unless if the underlying background spacetime can be differently motivated to be negatively curved, something plausible [18,26] but also a key challenge for superstrings which are considered by many as incompatible with a positive cosmological constant, and therefore a prior positive curvature [26].
Despite the absence of models of gravitons as conventionally expected, the reliance on virtual particles does not lead to problems of gravity shield: changes in the potential energy of intermediated shields convey the same effective potentials further away with or without shield [39].
The symmetry of the multi-fold mechanisms is spin-2 (180o). This, and its connection to two entangled particles, also explain the double copy of gravity duality with gravity (or gravity as squared gauge theory) [66,68].
The flat background and multi-fold mechanism also imply that a-priori gravity does not cause quantum wave function collapse [67].
10. AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and facts in Multi-fold universes
From the mechanisms of multi-fold universes and AdS(5) surrounding any particle or source of energy that emits pairs of entangled virtual particles, we recover a version of an holographic principle and what is conventionally known as the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture [30] (We also reviewed its derivation in [7]), which is typically considered as a global approach à la M-theory[8].
In a multi-fold universe, the correspondence is factual, and essentially conveys the duality discussed in section 9, [1]: gravity effects as effective potentials in the multi-fold spacetime result from multi-fold living in AdS(5). There are however some differences: spacetime is not supersymmetric, fields are not conformant except at very high energy, i.e. at very small scales, and gravity exists in spacetime, i.e. the boundary of AdS(5), as well as in the bulk of AdS(5), as the multi-folds are present there[9].
Because of the structure of entanglement, and its spin-2 symmetry, [1,31] encounters several area laws for entropy of systems separated by a suitable surface, e.g. horizon or causal horizon; which define area laws for black holes and spacetime causal horizons.
We also establish a relationship between the entropy of a region bounded by a surface in spacetime and its Ryu–Takayanagi area in AdS(5): in [31], it is shown to directly relate to the extent of the largest relevant multi-folds between entangled regions bounded by the surface.
[86,12] provide us with the first model that we are aware of where AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture actually amounts to a potential geometrical model of our real universe, not just a mathematical duality of holography. Keep in mind that our multi-fold model derived AdS/CFT correspondence from the physical model of the multi-folds, not the other way around as done here: we encounter AdS(5) as tangent dual to ever spacetime location, rather than encountering spacetime as the boundary of a AdS(5) initial model.
11. Particles
Because of the multi-fold models, it is essential to be able to track particles and their entanglements [1], something that is in fact not incompatible with QFT if done for particles in between their creation and annihilation. These aspects would require additional considerations in QFT as well as in superstrings or Loop Quantum gravity [27,28] and other reconstruction models [29].
12. SMG Basics
With the effective potential in , the effected is stronger at small scales. This is compounded with the effects of massive gravity due to massive, short ranges interactions. SMG proposes that gravity is no more negligible at the Standard Model (SM) lengths or below [1].
[9,10] compiles a whole set of effects that may be explained by SMG. They are listed in the next few sections before moving on to other aspects of multi-fold universes.
Much of the SMG implications are not limited to multi-fold universes but could apply to any models where gravity is not negligible at SM scales.
On the other hand, as proposed in [1], semiclassical arguments, considered valid at SMG, as in a multi-fold universe effects with the effective potential in , applies to the SM scales. Variations only happen at smaller scales or higher energies, around the electroweak symmetry breaking scale[10] as will be discussed later on.
13. Gravity-induced helicity and chirality flips
Massless particles incur helicity, and therefore chirality flips in gravity fields [1]. Stronger gravity effects increase the effect. We will see later on, that at very small scales or in the early stages of the universe, all particles are massless.
14. Absence of proton decay
The gravity induced chirality flips of massless fermions, including the quarks smear the anomalies around the baryon and lepton number symmetries. As a result, [1,33] proposes that these symmetries must be taken much more seriously that usually expected. It has consequences that proton decay is forbidden, except maybe in black holes or if other more fundamental symmetries are broken.
The prediction of absence of proton decay and its explanation in the context of SMG is a challenge to all the theories that predicts proton decay, i.e. supersymmetry, superstrings and many Grand Unification Theories (GUTs) and Theories of Everything (TOEs). Even if it could be seen as a approximate symmetry of these theories, the argument does not works too well anymore once they claim to themselves model gravity and gravity would dominate before (i.e. lower scales or earlier age of the universe) the reign of these theories.
Although we left open in [1,33] the opportunity to possibly have proton decay within a black hole when gravity would become extremely strong. However that is most certainly a moot point. The particle democratization steps of the multi-fold Ultimate Unification (UU) as discussed in [1,35] (see section 29) implies certainly that the notion is moot: particles probably behave all the same before that would happen and so it most probably never happens [69].
This results from SMG does not require the universe to be multi-fold.
Interestingly, the symmetry smearing seems to be a fundamental consideration. As discussed in [91], the smearing by gravity of the electric magnetic duality, r associated symmetry breaking, explains not just the absence of proton decay but also the absence of magnetic monopoles (section 15) and the inability to model gravity in CFT in the CFT/AdS correspondence conjecture, unless if gravity is asymptotically safe (section 30), something incompatible with supersymmetry (above 6D), supergravity (Above 6D), superstrings, M-theory and most GUTs and TOEs (section 31). This result is in general not limited to multi-fold universes, which makes it even more important for Physics.
15. Absence of magnetic monopoles
Gravity precludes magnetic monopoles. It can be seen two different ways:
- Gravity geodesics break the symmetry of Maxwell equations with sources: charges appear as current, due to the movements along the geodesics, and the symmetry disappears between electric and magnetic fields. This is a semiclassical argument, considered valid at SMG, as explained in section 12.
- .Polarity and helicity/chirality flips due to gravity amount to broken symmetry between electric and magnetic fields. The model is again semi-classical
The prediction of absence of magnetic monopoles does not bode well for theories that predict them. These are uber symmetry approaches for GUTs as well as many TOEs, supersymmetry and superstrings. Again,
This result depends only on SMG and validity of semi-classical models for gravity. It does not require multi-fold universes. Even if it could be seen as an approximate symmetry of these theories, the argument does not works too well anymore once they claim to themselves model gravity and gravity would dominate before (i.e. lower scales or earlier age of the universe) the reign of these theories.
See also the considerations of section 15 about the electric magnetic duality smearing.
16. The strong CP violation problem
[1,36] showed that by adding a gravity contribution to the SM Lagrangian, the up-quark mass could be reduced enough to eliminate string CP violation problem.
This result depends only on SMG. It does not require multi-fold universes.
17. 3 is the number of fermion generations
By adding a gravity contribution to the SM Lagrangian, one can see that only 3 regimes of Lagrangian will occur, therefore defining only three distinguishable fermions generations per family [1,37]. Such a motivation for 3 and only 3 generation of Fermions is so far considered as a mystery.
This result depends only on SMG. It does not require multi-fold universes.
18. Stabilization of the electroweak vacuum
The idea that the electroweak vacuum may be a false vacuum has been an area of concerns for some. Since the discovery of the Higgs boson, it has been shown that nature seems to be stable but at the edge of instability.
In [1,38], we show how, again, by adding a gravity contribution to the SM Lagrangian, the stability of the electroweak vacuum is reinforced by bringing it in the regime where not only it is stabler but it is also a true vacuum.
19. Right-handed neutrinos and neutrino masses
Adding gravity to the Lagrangian of the SM (i.e. SMG) implies that left-handed neutrinos, and right-handed anti neutrinos, at very small scale (at energies electroweak symmetry breaking) can be flipped to right-handed neutrinos and left-handed anti-neutrinos, respectively [1,7]. Therefore, they should be present in a multi-fold universe, and therefore explain the mass of neutrinos as the result of the same mass acquisition as any other fermions.
As right-handed neutrinos have never been observed, the proposal in [1,7] is that these right-handed neutrinos only exist in flight. What that means in in fact derived later on. However, at this stage of the overview of multi-fold theory, we could guess that that may mean that right-handed neutrinos, and left-handed anti neutrinos, only exist where interactions are not possible. That could within the multi-folds[11].
If most of the time in flight, one can also expect that the interactions may occur less often; hence the small masses: they can only take place when chirality flip, i.e. way less often than all the other massive particles.
The result is important as it implies that neutrinos are not Majorana particles and that no high mass right-handed neutrino and other sterile neutrino exist either [40]; something reinforced by numerous particles physics experimental results as well as by section 17 and now further reinforced with the results of microBooNE [70].
20. Matter antimatter asymmetry and all falling down
The multi-fold mechanisms that generate gravity do not depend on matter or anti-matter as they result from entanglement. As a result, [41] predicts that matter and antimatter are similarly attracted, not repulsed.
With the time symmetry breaking described in section 6, matter and antimatter interacts differently with gravity and therefore, the chirality flips occur at different rates. As the right-handed neutrino interacts less, per section 19, [41]shows that these interactions result into a deficit of antimatter.
21. 7D space time matter induction
A 4D spacetime with multi-folds is embedded in a 7D spacetime (subject to 7D GR, flat por Einsteinian). It is analogous to a unconstrained Kaluza-Klein (KK) model, i.e. KK without compactified dimensions [17]. Objects in a 4D multi-fold spacetime do not feel the embedding universe, beyond though fluctuations when entering or existing the multi-folds.
In such cases, particles, interactions and charges can be derived as the result of 7D geometrical objects. Examples are discussed in [42]. 7D spacetime is the minimum required to support the symmetries of the standard model [43][12]. Note that to support 7D GR with multi-folds would require 3 more dimensions (embedding), i.e. a 10D embedding universe with gravity (multi-fold) living in 11D (adding scale – as a dual/tangent universe). We recover the 10D and 11D properties of superstrings and M-theory argued in [43], without supersymmetry considerations.
There are a few addition interesting observations extracted from the 7D space time matter induction.
A 7D spacetime is incompatible with chiral fermions, however, in our model chiral fermions live in 4D. They only at best could feel 7D through ε fluctuations when entering or exiting the multi-folds. It is also for these reasons that multi-folds are not seen in 4D multi-fold spacetime and do not require dimension compactification for the 7D embedding spacetime or the dual/tangent AdS(5). Therefore there is no issue having 4D chiral fermions once fermions emerge if spacetime is chiral. It turns that it is the case as discovered in [27] and explained in [34].
[42] relies mostly on numerology to show that SM particles masses could be predicted from space time matter induction. Interestingly, the Higgs boson mass and another neutral particle (M* references used by [42]) appear as if 5D particles[13] at the edge of our 4D spacetime. It matters. From this observation, we propose that at the entry (or exit) of multi-folds, we have Higgs bosons and associated to them within the multi-fold another mystery particle of mass compatible within the limits on the tau neutrino mass[14]. With our proposal of sections 19 and 20, we will take this to be representative of right-handed neutrinos (merged and mixed across flavors in multi-folds), and as a 7D massive object before electroweak symmetry breaking. More on this later.
Interestingly, in the update on 14 November 2021 of [42][15], we identified more clearly that while the Unified GEM theory relied on by that paper [42], may actually denote another new duality in a multi-fold universe with strong gravity. It is in relation to the fact that the Ultimate Unification [1,35] can actually hints at why in a multi-fold universe, gravity and plasma physics may coincide that it be for charged particles (protons and electrons or other hadrons). Such a result adds weight on why the recovery of the SM particles as done in [42] is in fact quite consistent and more relevant than one might have initially thought in a multi-fold universe.
A recent paper [77] shows an alternate way to look at how Ricci flatness and Hilbert Einstein action with new geometries (metrics) derives Electromagnetism, another indication that the space time matter induction relation to flatness and GR may be more important than just the usually associated role of the extra dimension in constrained KK theories.
[86] presents an extensive analysis of the dimensions required to support derivation of the SM Yang Mills field and gravity from KK with compactified dimensions, vs. from unconstrained KK. It also discusses how the embedding used for space time matter induction relates to the different manifold embedding theorems out there. In our opinion, this analysis is a unique contribution that has never been fully understood or clarified in previous KK and 5D space time matter induction contributions, as found in the literature.
22. Multi-fold spacetime reconstruction
The initial analysis of the multi-fold mechanisms provides hints that spacetime is actually discrete and non-commutative [1]. The main arguments being:
- No supra luminosity argues for a finite length
- GR is recovered from a graph of microscopic black holes
- The relationship of the position in multi-fold depends on the momentum in the corresponding direction and therefore appears in AdS(5) or the 7D embedding universe. As a result, spacetime should also be non-commutative, per the mappings. Non-commutativity of spacetime also hints for finite length and discreteness [46].
- Quantization of gravity implies discrete spacetime
- Discretization of spacetime implies non-commutativity
- Non-commutativity provides a way to ensure Lorentz invariance
- Space and time appears to be created by random fluctuations.
- (Relativistic) Path integrals appear as fractal walks.
- Random Poisson[16] distributions on a 4D spacetime lattice is (the only way to be) Lorentz invariant
In addition, particles appear in a multi-fold universe as surrounded by a microscopic black hole. It is how AdS(5) appears as dual or tangent to every spacetime point.
We therefore proposed that a multi-fold spacetime is a graph with microscopic minimum black holes at its nodes. Particles are also microscopic black holes, defined by the characteristics of the particle, more on this soon. Multi-fold mechanisms exist in a discretized version (in spacetime and in AdS(5)).
Path integrals result from random walk of the particles on the spacetime. Therefore, spacetime is constructed by random walk and result into a fractal structure. We propose that spacetime location that have been occupied by a random walk are concretized spacetime. It is by opposition to the other spacetime location not yet concretized. The former locations are occupied by microscopic black holes, remnants of the concretization. Doing so guarantees recovery of GR at larger scales.
A Poisson random walk ensures Lorentz invariance. It is ensured by assuming that both in the early universe or at very smalls scales, the number of concretized locations depends only on the volume (except maybe at the universes edge). We will discuss options for the early universe in an later section.
Based on the reasoning of section 22, [1] shows how particles can be associated to microscopic black holes, typically beyond extremal for charged or spinning massive particles.
[93] discusses why we know that spacetime is 4D in addition to the argument presented in [1].
23. Spacetime reduction to 2D degrees of freedom
Random walks reduce to a 2D process with a transition from 4D to 2D via 3D [1,46-48]; a well-known result of quantum gravity [48] and key to the good behavior of gravity (e.g. asymptotic safety, renormalizability etc.), as we will review in upcoming sections.
It is worth noting that the W-type multi-fold hypothesis [11] can be understood as the way that a particles would randomly occupy one path or another at a given moment.
The resulting spacetime and 2D gravity is in fact expected to rather be the result of a KK dimension reduction to 2 D (by compactifying the other two) [8]: so multi-fold mechanisms associated to entanglement and 2D remain valid even if the gravity coupling may be modified in such a regime.
24. 4D lattice consistency
Compatibility of a spacetime lattice, regular or fractal, with SM requires an equal number of right-handed and left-handed chiral fermions, which cancels chiral and gravity anomalies [49]. The proposal of section 19 for the right-handed neutrinos ensures that this condition is satisfied. Doing so reinforces also the anomaly cancelation as used in section 14; with as, a result a stronger weight to be given to the symmetries associated to lepton and baryon numbers.
As a consequence, the Yang-mills mass gap is proven in a multi-fold universe [1,50,92][17], thereby guaranteeing consistency and good behavior of Yang-Mills fields and therefore of the SM.
25. Higgs Bosons, Qball Condensates and Kerr-Newman Solitons
In [1], the highest energy, i.e. smallest scales, or earliest moment of the universe, involve spacetime construction using random walk of particles that must be massless. The particle types are not defined and may involve multiple types. However based on the analysis of section 21, it became clear that a massless Higgs boson, present at every concretized spacetime location, could be the involved particle. As we will discuss later one, analysis of the possibility to model inflation using the Higgs potential and field coupled to gravity reinforces that option [51]. It will be revisited in an upcoming section.
The theory is therefore that at very smalls scales every concretized spacetime location is occupied by a massless Higgs boson. Microscopic blackholes associated to particles can be modeled as Qballs[18] with edges that match solitons, solutions of the Kerr-Newman metric with a Higgs potential solution that confines Higgs boson within the Qball; unaffecting the Higgs potential outside. Properties of the Qballs result from 7D geometry with charges defined by the associated symmetries [4]. The model matches and recovers scattering and multi-poles models of the particles as well as for example the hyperfine structure constant as a measure of the geometry of the electron Qball. Interestingly the Qball edge can be seen as a superconducting region that matches the soliton edges and regularize the singularities otherwise visible of the Kerr Newman, or Reissner Nordstrom solutions, thereby resolving the conundrum typically posed with (beyond) extremal black holes when attempting to use them to model particles.
26. Multi-fold gravity electroweak symmetry breaking
Section 27 provides in a microscopic description of the main part of the electroweak symmetry breaking whereby we understand how the condensation of the massless Higgs bosons amount to a symmetry breaking where the Higgs boson acquires mass and provides mass to the particles into which it condensates.
The process is accompanied by spacetime acquiring chirality, something hinted in [32], and clarified in [4]: when particle become massive at symmetry breaking or most probably during earlier fluctuations, the black hole rotation result into (local) chirality of spacetime. Any matter antimatter asymmetry will amount to selecting such a chirality.
These steps match a symmetry breaking of SL(2, ℂ) is the symmetry group for complexified Lorentz transformations on a 4D spacetime, and it can be broken into the subgroup SUR (2) (which will be associated to the weak, part of the Standard Model, when multiplied by SU(3) for the strong interaction and U(1) for the electromagnetism) and the subgroup SUL(2) (which is associated to gravity). This ability of SL(2, ℂ) to represent gravity is unique to 4D spacetime and relies on the decomposition of spin connections into self-dual and anti-self-dual parts. When formalized in field theory, the approach recovers the electroweak symmetry breaking and an isospin doublet that consists of the Higgs boson and a massive right-handed neutrino.
It confirms also the model that the right-handed neutrino is associated to the Higgs boson and limited to the entry and exit points of the multi-folds.
With the chirality of spacetime, we also explain how non chiral 7D fermions will decompose into chiral fermions.
27. Recovering the Standard Model and the role of Higgs field and Right-handed neutrinos
[46] elaborates on the previous results and shows that:
- Non-commutativity and Group Field Theory (GFT), a global non perturbative theory of spacetime construction, derives spacetime and matter dynamics from the Higgs field (at a transition from 2D to 3D).
- Non-commutativity theory recovers bottoms-up the fermions and bosons of SM, along with the right-handed neutrino and neutrino mass mixing.
It is a remarkable corroboration of the multi-folds results obtained so far. The relationship between multi-fold theory with its concept of Higgs bosons and GFT also explains the similarities and differences with spacetime construction methods [1] especially Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) [28]. The absence of multi-folds in LQG is related to the limitations of these theories in terms of modeling matter/particles and entanglements just as is the case for QFT or even superstrings as discussed in [1].
28. Right-handed neutrinos and traversable wormholes: linking ER=EPR and Multi-folds
With the progress on the multi-fold theory report so far in this paper, we are ready to address the ER=EPR conjecture [52].
Analysis of the conjecture [1,7,27] shows that there are many parallelism between the ER=EPR correspondence conjecture and multi-fold mechanisms: it connects two entangled black holes as an EPR bridge. In a multi-fold universe, entangled black holes should include particles. Works derived from ER=EPR include proposals of a wormhole on the world sheet linking two entangled particles in ADS(5) [53], or entangled entropy modeling that match entanglement entropy when, and only when, the hierarchical principle mentioned in section would be satisfied.
However, no such model identifies the ER=EPR wormholes as the source of gravity. We understand it as being because no typical wormhole is traversable[19] and therefore path of the path integrals are not considered to enter the wormholes. Among the recent work on traversable wormholes, a recent paper shows that traversable wormholes could exist if they contain entangled massive fermions in near their throat [8]. Per all the sections on the right-handed neutrinos, this is exactly what happens: pairs are formed at the activation of the multi-fold due to entanglements (entry point) and they stay at the level of the exit point of the multi-folds. The hierarchical entanglement principle for the multi-folds [1], and the entropy condition mentioned in [7], amount to enforcing that the pairs of fermions at the multi-fold exit points be entangled (because initially entangled at the same entry point when the associated particle got entangled.
Of course, right-handed neutrino is at one exit point ad its left-handed anti neutrino antiparticle is at the other one [90]. She should have made it more explicit in the original text. With the mechanisms of creation of the multi-fold as in [1]. Doing this further emphasizes the notion of wormholes and AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture in superstrings: the worm hole extremities would be linked/attached to the entangled particles via the neutrino/antineutrino pairs. It really emulates Maldacena’s picture [5,30].
The relationship to the tear off of the multi-folds at disentanglement [1] is also interesting and worth detailing in the future.
Mappings (at exit point) plus multi-folds formed the entangled blackholes or traversable wormholes. With this model, ER = EPR is particular case of multi-fold theory and generates gravity or at least gravity-like fluctuations in between entangled particles, thereby recovering the results of section 4, or variations of the results of section 7.
It is also worth noting that at energies above gravity electroweak symmetry breaking, spacetime fermions may not be massive. [8] address this challenge: discrete multi-folds are traversable and still good approximations of wormholes. So even in the 2D massless regime, multi-fold as worm hole would remain traversable; but the coupling constants could change.
29. Ultimate Unification and Weak Gravity Conjecture
[1,35] detailed the ultimate unification (UU) where at high enough energy, i.e. smalls scales or in the early moments of the universe, we concluded that all interactions must become equivalent in intensity to gravity. Per section 26, the dominating particle is the massless Higgs boson. Any other particle would also only appears in pairs as fluctuations.
As a result, as discussed in [1], the weak gravity conjecture (WGC) is violated (equality instead of strict inequality) at such small scales and a new model for black hole decays and remnants can be considered.
Furthermore, sections 26 and 27 suggest no new particles above the multi-fold gravity electroweak symmetry breaking [54][20].
30. Asymptotic safety of gravity
Due to the 2D random walk regime, multi-fold gravity is asymptotically safe and renormalizable as is therefore SMG [17,18]. In fact, we proved in [18], that this results is extensible to the real universe.
Asymptotic safety implies incompatibility of the Standard Model (SM) with high dimensional super symmetry/supergravity (6D or above) or theories like superstrings, many GUTs and TOEs, and the M-theory. This is discussed in the following section.
[86] discusses an analysis of the recent paper [87] that builds a new cosmology consistent with ΛCDM, by relying on the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture, in a universe or brane that is dS(4), the boundary of AdS(5) with (bulk) gravity and with renormalization of gravity in dS(4) and AdS(5). The gravity renormalization amounts to:
- Having gravity asymptotically safe in dS(4)
- Being able to repeat the multi-fold space time matter induction of [17,42] that recovers the SM (particles, including by scattering [42], symmetries and fields [86]).
This is a first non-multi-fold model where our 4D spacetime is surrounded by a tangent AdS(5) space, where superstrings could exist. It is physically possible only because of the normalization of matter/fields and gravity. Without it, gravity would diverge at the boundary and the AdS/CFT correspondence can only be a mathematical duality inspired by the holographic principle. On the other end, making the correspondence physical, showing that gravity is indeed asymptotically safe with matter, which is also renormalized, show we can recover SM and that this is done by induction and scattering, not form the superstrings. Despite this model being built and derived from superstrings or more precisely from the non-perturbative AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture that is positioned as a window into M-theory. It is quite a result and something that should interpellate those who doubt asymptotic safety of gravity.
We interpret this result as another sign that our real universe may indeed be well modeled by our multi-fold theory.
[86] also discusses the dimensions involved to support the SM symmetries and implies that dS(4) involves also renormalizable fields for the modeled of [12] and why we therefore encounter CFTs in the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. Its analysis of induction as unconstrained KK theory also illustrate why the SM yang Mills fields are immediately renormalizable while the analysis is not trivial for gravity, without just invoking the non-linearity of the Einstein GR field equations, as typically argued.
31. SM incompatibility with most New Physics
New Physics can be classified in two classes: new particles and new theories beyond QFT. As such we do not consider SMG or multi-fold theory to be new Physics but to rather just add gravity to SM.
The asymptotic safety of gravity implies incompatibility with theories that require more particles than what is in SM or more dimensions that say lower than 4D up to ~ 6D. As a result most New Physics theory are not consistent:
- Supersymmetry because of the need of super partners
- Superstrings, supergravity and M-theory because of (the additional) extra dimensions[21].
- Most popular GUTs and TOEs because of similar considerations
This is on top of the challenges already identified with proton decay (section 14) and magnetic monopoles (section 15), or the problem that positive cosmological constant universes seem to be part of the string swampland [1,26]. There is an exception though: as most gravity theory agree on the existence of a 2D regime [48], it is possible that superstrings could model correctly spacetime during that regime [18,48]. Unfortunately that suitability would apply only during that regime [1,7,17,27,58]. Also, the challenge with the string swampland is possibly resolvable in the sense that during that 2D massless result and at such very smalls scale, entanglement between freshly concretized (or encountered) spacetime location may add an additional attractive contribution that renders the cosmological constant negative at these scales [18,26].
See also the considerations of section 15 about the electric magnetic duality smearing.
32. No LHCb or Muon g-2 New Physics
Along these lines and based on these conclusions, we can find plausible explanations to the hints of New Physics recently reported:
- [55] explains the problems with lepton universality with the structure of the Higgs Qballs.
- [56] suggest other reasons for potential discrepancies of the muon g-2 experimentation: the non-point like structure of the muons, coupled with its higher mass than the electron may lean itself to a Dirac Landé g-factor for the muon different from 2, instead of issues of radiative corrections[22].
As a lesson of this and the previous section, [54] argues that often New Physics is not really New Physics, that we may have desert of new particles above the Electroweak scale (gravity electroweak or not, i.e. just electroweak). Case in point, [88] shows how there probably is not Higgs mass hierarchy problem or unnaturalness/fine tune in; it’s just a question of using the right renormalization framework.
33. No singularities, Gravitational or Cosmological
In a multi-fold universe, there are no gravitational or cosmological singularities [1]. They are simply forbidden by multiple mechanisms that counter them:
- Discrete spacetime and minimal length ensure no singularity.
- Non-commutativity prevents singularities [1,46].
- Torsion ensures absence of gravitational or cosmological singularities
- Multi-fold dark energy (see later) also combats attraction.
34. Multi-fold Dark matter
In [1,12,94], we propose that, in multi-fold universes, dark matter effects result from the gravity-like effects associated to entanglement between real particles emitted by objects in a galaxy (attractive towards the center of mass of the real particles).
In fact Dark matter is the most obvious example of the gravity fluctuations that appear among entangled systems. [59-61] further illustrates how this proposal can handled the different situations encountered so far when it comes to dark matter. Recently, more galaxies with no dark matters have been discovered (See comments to [60] – the web version).
35. Multi-fold dark Energy
[1,62] illustrates how fluctuations of entangled particles may create an effected potential pointing towards the embedding environment. It results into a persistent expansion force that is fueled by quantum fluctuations, not equal to the value of the vacuum energy, thereby also explaining the small value of the cosmological constant.
36. Multi-fold inflation
[1,62] shows how high energy enough massless particles can exponentially grow spacetime which matches a model of inflation, at least in a universe with positive curvature.
[63] discusses possible ways that this initial energy could be explained.
[51] shows that Higgs massless particles and the Higgs potential can characterize inflation. In general the Higgs potential is a good approximation of the microscopic random walk effects. Something also confirmed by GFT as discussed in [46].
37. Multi-fold black holes
The reader can find in [1,64] more details on multi-fold black holes, their area laws, entropy/information, properties and life cycle (evaporation, Page curve, role of quantum extremal surfaces and extremality / alternate model in multi-fold universe for the Weak Gravity Conjecture (WGC) and split of extremal black holes [1,35] as discussed in section 29. Many aspects recover, or clarify results obtained in conventional Physics and in new Physics, even the quest for triangles [65].
Particles as microscopic black holes, or rather superconducting solitons of Higgs condensate that carries 7D, essentially 5D, geometric object effects is the way to resolve the a priori (over) extremality contradiction encountered with these approaches [4].
The approach followed to track particles in rediscovering the Page curve in [64] can also be understood as relying on the river flow models described in [72].
Interestingly, recent results encountered that black holes increase in mass in an expanding universe [71]. This result is also consistent with our microscopic multi-fold models for expansion and dark energy effects, increased when curvature increase, hence maximal in a black hole[23]. Indeed, the expansion of the universe is due to new spacetime location visited at the edge, and extra spacetime locations due to multi-fold dark energy effects.
As a result, more spacetime location are concretized where new pair of entangled particles / anti-particles can spontaneously appear and be separated by their opposite momenta and the differentiated handling of momentums within the black hole, especially radially from the back hole center. While they may recombine with equivalent ani-particles, it is in the future especially for frozen (or parked in orbit) particles. It results into a continuous source of new mass / energy which we interpret as what was encountered in [71].The increase is proportional to the amount of new spacetime created within Black Hole.
A solution does not exist this was for negative cosmological constant as multi-fold does not support such cases, unless if justified by a suitable initial condition: so one cannot predict a mass reduction in an contracting universe: it would still increase in our model. This is because the effect is due to the microscopic and multi-fold effects not the actual overall expansion of the universe.
38. Spin
The multi-fold theory provides also a way to interpret spin as the result of wave function spin induced by the multi-fold mechanisms [1]. That section may also teach some interesting considerations even for conventional physics with references not known by many.
39. Applications
[1] provides an early set of plausible as well as more far looking possible application of the theory. In particular we discuss ways to use multi-folds, which may or may not be implemented by wormholes, as sometimes considered with traversable wormholes. We do not claim that is possible at any macroscopic level, as typically traversability is the multi-fold theory is limited to being for the involved entangled particles and / or the Higgs boson and right-handed neutrinos and their antineutrino versions.
As a farfetched, i.e. rather science fiction, example, one could explore if multi-folds (or associated traversable wormholes) could be rendered macroscopically traversable. How to open and aggregated multi-fold into a wormhole? Perturb Higgs and right-handed Neutrinos, send Higgs to annihilate? And / or try to produce a reaction on neutrino right-handed (or their left-handed antineutrinos)? Ideas to exlore could be [89]:
- Create an entanglement (e.g. confined photon or trapped ion) with another system
- Surround it with energy level Higgs collisions (future)
- Alternatively or simultaneously neutrino/antineutrino collisions
- See what may happen at the entanglement point and at the other system (e.g. have a small macroscopic object that can be detected / tracked or see if something happen at the other end.
We are not suggesting anything will happen. But we expect it may disrupt the Higgs / neutrino role in the multi-folds (or wormholes) and force a reaction (unknown) that could involve aggregation of them into something more macroscopically traversable.
As explained in [1], this could then be used to direct the exit by sending an entangled particle (exit would be at that location) or using an entangled particle originating from far away (the exit point would be where its entangled partner is located at that moment).
40. What if the real universe is not multi-fold? Caveats
It is important to understand that we know and acknowledge that our work on multi-fold theory is work in progress, preliminary, incomplete and unconfirmed. The multi-fold mechanisms and the E/G conjecture need to be experimentally validated. They have not been so far. The W-type multi-fold hypothesis has not been widely discussed.
Throughout our work and publications, we have tried to always limit statements to multi-fold universe (which may or may not model well the result of our real universe) so as to be rigorous.
At times, we have discussed the possibility of extending values beyond multi-fold universes. This is in particular true for work that rely rather on SMG instead of the multi-fold mechanisms. In such cases, it is quite reasonable to assume that these result extend to non-multi-fold universes, where other arguments that justify SMG, i.e. that gravity would not be negligible any more at the scales of SM.
The multi-fold reconstruction (all or aspects of it) and its implications or abilities to recover QFT / cosmology aspects like asymptotic safety of gravity, gravity as 2D process at such scales, random walk and inflation, aspects of the cosmological constant, non-commutative spacetime at small scales, Higgs behaviors and associated Higgs role, links to GFT or NCSG and spacetime locations or particles as microscopic black holes with Higgs condensates can also apply, and many times, they are through the original references we relied on, beyond multi-fold universes: putting the pieces together can result in interesting proposal and extensions or combination of these original works.
It is true also of the E/G conjecture.
Our push back against supersymmetry, superstrings, M-theory and many GUTs and TOEs is not limited to multi-fold arguments.
We believe that many aspects are interesting proposals and models and some could end up being useful or validated even if the real universe is not multi-fold.
41. Call for collaborations
[74], with its comment section, tracks with a rather light tone potential collaborations opportunities associated to our work on Multi-fold theory.
A lot of emphasis is put on the opportunities to build entangled macroscopic systems where gravity like effect could be validated or alternatively progress on capabilities to be able detect such effects.
Other relate to further investigating the implications of resulted encountered so far or eventually evolve form qualitative analyses to quantitative ones.
New applications and curiosities are also included, like the idea to use macroscopic entanglement (or multi-fold dark matter effects) to increase confinement and eventually assist in achieving a commercially viable fusion reactor, at lower energy and capacity to achieve the needed confinement [75].
We also welcome any non-multi-fold collaboration to bring forward the proposal that we put together in the multi-fold framework to non-multi-fold universes.
42. Conclusions
The paper reviews at a very high level the complete story line of key contributions and results of the multi-fold theory. It put together all the contributions from [1] and subsequent papers [9,10] into one complete overview, linking all the different pieces. It is work in progress and at a very high level. We plan to evolve the paper to add any new development but also to progressively beef up the details into a full review, lecture or even a book.
We publish it as a draft so to collect as much feedback, questions or comments as possible. [9] is the best place to look for updates as the drafts progress through new release of this paper or new papers, when the content reaches a next level.
This paper is work in progress and an evolving document. We publish it periodically to help people track the latest developments as well as benefit from additional details or new insights added throughout the document. All the multi-fold publications are tracked in [9]. Meanwhile going to [83] will always provide a link to the latest (and interim) version of the publication.
We encourage interested reader to not read our work in the context of the multi-fold theory but also grasp and adapt the proposals to non-multi-fold models were the reason can be repeated.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2021), ”The Multi-fold Theory: A synopsis”, viXra:2112.0144v1,…, December 24, 2021. Note that additional links will always be available at… to track the latest and interim versions of the synopsis, as they may be published under different tittle or URL/publication numbers.
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020). (See also…).
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[9]: Stephane Maes, (2020-2021), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe”, Navigation page listing all papers.….
[10]: Stephane Maes, (2021), “Current Review – All Publications around the Multi-fold universe – February 2021”,,…, February 15, 2021. (More recent updates available at the URL).
[11]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “The W-type Multi-Fold Hypothesis and Quantum Physics Interpretation of wave Functions and QFT”,…, December 20, 2020.
[12]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”, viXra:2010.0010v1,…, June 24, 2020.
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[14]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “A Multi-fold Universe Genesis Inspired By Explosive Total Collision: The Source Of The Big Bang?”,…, January 12, 2021.
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[19]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Derivation of the Equivalence Principle in a Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2010.0090v1,, June 19, 2020.
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[32]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes”, viXra:2011.0208v1,…, August 20, 2020.
[33]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes “, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
[34]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Gravity-Electroweak Theory and Symmetry Breaking”,…, March 16, 2021.
[35]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”, viXra:2006.0211v1,…, June 16, 2020.
[36]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Strong CP Violation Tamed in The Presence of Gravity”, viXra:2007.0025v1,…, June 21, 2020.
[37]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Dictates the Number of Fermion Generations: 3”, viXra:2007.0068v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[38]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Stabilizes Electroweak Vacuum – No Bubble of Nothing to Worry About!”, viXra:2007.0173v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[39]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “No Gravity Shield in Multi-folds Universes”, viXra:2010.0032v1,…, June 26, 2020.
[40]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “No Conventional Sterile Neutrinos In a Multi-fold Universe: just SMG business as usual”, viXra:2103.0202v1,…, October 1, 2020.
[41]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”More Matter Than Antimatter, All Falling Down”, viXra:2010.0121v2,…, July 5, 2020. (V2: April 8, 2021).
[42]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Particles of The Standard Model In Multi-Fold Universes”, viXra:2111.0071v1,…, November 4, 2020.
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[46]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “Multi-fold Non-Commutative Spacetime, Higgs and The Standard Model with Gravity”,…, April 11, 2021.
[47]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), ““Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”: 2D or 2+1D spacetime at small scales”, viXra:2103.0142,…, March 20, 2021.
[48]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “Spacetime and Gravity are 2D around Planck Scales: A Universal Property of Consistent Quantum Gravity”,…, March 20, 2021.
[49]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Viable Lattice Spacetime and Absence of Quantum Gravitational Anomalies in a Multi-fold Universe”,…, December 4, 2020.
[50]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ” Progress on Proving the Mass gap for Yang Mills and Gravity (maybe it’s already proved…)”, viXra:2006.0155v1,…, June 12, 2020.
[51]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Higgs Fields and Bosons”,…, November 6, 2020.
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[55]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “New Physics with LHCb to explain loss of lepton universality, or just gravity?”, viXra:2103.0191v1,…, March 29, 2021.
[56]: Stephane H. Maes, “A bold prediction on the muon anomalous magnetic moment, and expected results to be published on April 7, 2021 by the Fermilab Muon g-2, and its explanation”, viXra:2104.0030v1,…, April 1, 2021.
[57]: Sz. Borsanyi, Z. Fodor, J. N. Guenther, C. Hoelbling, S. D. Katz, L. Lellouch, T. Lippert, K. Miura, L. Parato, K. K. Szabo, F. Stokes, B. C. Toth, Cs. Torok, L. Varnhorst, (2021), “Leading hadronic contribution to the muon magnetic moment from lattice QCD”, arXiv:2002.12347v3
[58]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Superstrings Encounter of the Second, Third or Fourth Types?”, viXra:2010.0140v1,…, July 5, 2020.
[59]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Successful Explanation and the “Too Thin Universe” but “Too Strong Gravity Lensing by Galaxy Clusters””, viXra:2102.0079v1,…, September 14, 2020.
[60]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Effects Survive Low-Mass Galaxies with Dark Matter Deficits and Excesses”, viXra:2105.0042v1,…, October 14, 2020.
[61]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Multi-Fold Dark Matter Effects and Early Supermassive Black Holes”,…, October 15, 2020.
[62]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261v1,…, June 19, 2020.
[63]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “A Multi-fold Universe Genesis Inspired By Explosive Total Collision: The Source Of The Big Bang?”,…, January 12, 2021.
[64]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-Fold Black Holes: Entropy, Evolution and Quantum Extrema”,…, October 31, 2020.
[65]: Stephane H. Maes, (2021), “Comments on triangles and multi-fold inflation”,….
[66]: Stephane H. Maes, (2021), “Multi-fold explains why Gravity as the Square of Gauge Theory makes sense”…. Paper is now: [68].
[67]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “No Gravity Induced Wave Function Collapse in a Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2012.0152v1,…, September 11, 2020.
[68]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “Multi-fold gravity and double copy of gauge theory”,…, May 4, 2021.
[69]: Stephane H. Maes, (2012), “Comments on proton decays in multi-fold Black Holes”,…, November 24, 2021.
[70]: Stephane H. Maes, (2012), “Comments on Sterile neutrinos and microBooNE and after”,…, October 18, 2021.
[71]: Kevin S. Croker, Michael Zevin, Duncan Farrah, Kurtis A. Nishimura, and Gregory Tarlé, (2021), “Cosmologically Coupled Compact Objects: A Single-parameter Model for LIGO–Virgo Mass and Redshift Distributions”, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, 921:L22 (6pp).
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[73]: Stephane H. Maes, (2021), “Comments on mass increases due to universe expansion”,…, November 25, 2021.
[74]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Call for Collaboration”,, September 6, 2020.
[75]: Stephane H. Maes, (2021), “Comments on entanglement helping achieve fusion”,…, November 21, 2021.
[76]: Stephane H. Maes, (2021), “Comments on local vs global embedding and multi-fold universe embedding”,…, May 26, 2021.
[77]: J Lindgren and J Liukkonen, (2021), “Maxwell’s equations from spacetime geometry and the role of Weyl curvature”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 1956 012017.
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[81]: Antonio Di Lorenzo, (2011), “A reassessment of Leggett inequality”, arXiv:1104.1695v1.
[82]: Stephane H. Maes, (2021), “Comments on Leggett’s inequality and Multi-fold mechanisms”,…, November 28, 2021.
[83]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “The Multi-fold Theory: A synopsis so far”, viXra:2105.0013v1,…, May 3, 2021. Note that additional links will always be available at track the latest and interim versions of the synopsis, as they may be published under different tittle or URL/publication numbers.
[84]: Christian Henke, (2020/2021), “Standard Cosmology on the Anti-de Sitter boundary”, arXiv:2010.03391v3
[85]: Giulia Rubino, Gonzalo Manzano, and Časlav Brukner, (2021), “Quantum superposition of thermodynamic evolutions with opposing time’s arrows”, Nature COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, (2021) 4:251.
[86]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “Multi-fold Embeddings, Space Time Matter Induction or Gravity Asymptotically Safe and The AdS/CFT Correspondence Conjecture, they all can recover the Standard Model”,…, December 20, 2021.
[87]: Christian Henke, (2020&2021), “Standard Cosmology on the Anti-de Sitter boundary”, arXiv:2010.03391v3.
[88]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “Comments on “No issue of unnaturalness and mass hierarchy with the Higgs mass””,….
[89]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “Thoughts on making muti-folds macroscopically traversable”,….
[90]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “Explicit explanation that multi-fold exit points are associated respectively to a right-handed neutrino and a left-handed antineutrino, which also match the entangled wormholes picture of Maldacena”,….
[91]: Stephane H. Maes, (2021), “Fundamentals of gravity smearing of the electric magnetic duality”,….
[92]: Stephane H. Maes, (2021), “Comments about “We actually have proven the mass gap. The lattice one is the only one that matters.”.”,….
[93]: stephane H Maes, (2021), “Comments on the real universe spacetime being 4D”,…;…;…;…;…;…;…;….
[94]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006v1,…, June 21, 2020.
[1] Note that some may consider that the experimental violation of Leggett’s inequalities [78,79,80] may imply that non-local realism is also invalidated; something that, while still compatible with multi-fold mechanisms, would certainly weaking the motivation for the multi-fold mechanism. It is not the case: Leggett’s inequalities still invalidate local hidden variables model and realism, not non-local models [81,82]. There are also options that multi-fold mechanism by allowing constant links between entangled entities may also lead to variations of the notion of realism, something that we will not further elaborate at this time as [] already addressed the possible concerns with Leggett’s inequalities.
[2] In [7,8], we found some implications of this principles, cast in terms of the ER=EPR conjecture, where it is also essential to consistency of the model and entanglement.
[3] Aspects of these exceptions are discussed later on and include the presence of Higgs fields and Higgs bosons in multi-fold (motivated by the need have massive particles remaining massive on their path on the multi-folds they encounter) and right-handed neutrinos. Keep an eye on this later.
[4] These behavior can be kept in mind if such effects wherever to be encountered in the real universe. We introduce the tenancy principle because none of this is observed, and the tenancy principle accounts for this. We admit that tenancy principle may not apply.
[5] Of course CPT could also be violated even if CP is violated: the effective Lagrangian derived from “changes of variable” in [1] may simply not follow the forms assumed to derive CPT symmetry in QFT.
[6] We hope that the growing communities interested and believing in these conjectures can read and understand how our work validate, with twists these conjecture. The twist being the machinery of the multi-fold theory, in a multi-fold universe.
[7] A v2 will appear in the future. The web address contains the v2.
[8] These require AdS(5) x S5.
[9] We encountered additional justifications for gravity to possibly reign in AdS(5): [32] introduces such effects to induce space time and matter from higher dimensions (see an upcoming section), [7] sees a hint of it from the derivation of strings and gravity / GR in AdS(5) resulting from the strict AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and [7,32] see a different hint that multi-fold dynamics may follow GR in AdS(5) by relying on traversable wormholes for the ER-EPR conjecture where the traversability result from the derivation massive right handed neutrinos in the multi-folds (to be discussed in a later section also).
[10] Conventional electroweak symmetry breaking will be modeled as part of the multi-fold gravity electroweak symmetry breaking and Ultimate Unification (UU) [1,34,35].
[11] In upcoming sections we will see that it is indeed the case and that The Higgs boson also plays a special role.
[12] Note that the situation is different from conventional KK: because dimensions are compactified, it requires 11D [44]. Because the dimensions are not compactified, the 4D spacetime can contribute to the required dimensions (i.e. they can be used for universe that generates the gauge interactions), while when the dimensions are compact dimensions, one needs at least 7 such compactified dimensions: induction is for embedding an embedded 4D manifolds, not a product of manifolds [45]. Interesting additional considerations, on local vs. global embedding are discussed in [76]. All this is discussed in [86].
[13] Because of the symmetries in multi-fold mechanisms, for any entangled pair the process is really dominated by a 5D embedding. So 5D or &D does not really matter for these analysis: the outcome is equivalent.
[14] And therefore relatable to every neutrino through mass mixing.
[15] See web updates [42], for the November 14, 2021 additions
[16] Details are added on top of [1] in [46].
[17] [49] ensures In fact that the proposed resolution is even stronger that stated in [1,50].
[18] Such particle models treat Higgs boson confinement a lot like QCD models hadrons.
[19] They require typically to be in AdS(5) and exotic matter (with negative energy) although things seems to have change recently (see for example [7,8]).
[20] This will be reinforced by an upcoming section on the non-physicality of supersymmetry, superstrings and most popular GUTs and TOEs.
[21] Multi-fold spacetime is 4D and with the same number of particles as SM. At the differences of conventional KK or Superstrings, the 7D embedding spacetime is only felt through fluctuations when entering or exiting the multi-folds. As such, it is not an extra dimensional theory.
[22] One should also note the possibility for incorrect theoretical computation of the QCD radiative corrections as explain in [2] and the comments on the page about [57].
[23] A consequence is that this mass increase also occurs in other material [73], but effects are smaller when curvature is smaller, and no such differentiated handling of different momenta.
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#2DGravity #AdSCFTCorrespondence #AsymptoticSafe #cosmologicalConstant #DarkEnergy #DarkMatter #dimensions #DiscreteSpacetime #Entanglement #EntanglementIsGravityAndGravityIsEntanglement #GeneralRelativity #Graviton #Gravity #HiggsInMultiFolds #Inflaton #KaluzaKlein #lorentzInvariant #LQG #MTheory #multiFoldTheory #MultiFoldUniverse #Neutrinos #NewPhysics #nonCommutative #NoncommutativeGeometry #QuantumGravity #QuantumPhysics #renormalizable #SM #SMG #spacetimeReconstruction #StandardModel #standardModelWithGravity #Superstrings #Supersymmetry #Time #WTypeHypothesis
experimentally violated inequality of correlations of entangled particles
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)The W-type Multi-Fold Hypothesis and the Quantum Physics Interpretation of Wave Functions and QFT
Stephane H. MaesDecember 20, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model (SM) without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hints at a even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
The E/G duality, between entanglement and gravity, opens the door to postulate additional gravity-like effects and multi-fold mechanisms among spacetime points covered by a quantum wave functions or by Quantum Fields. These are plausible by-products of the multi-fold mechanisms, not necessarily mandated, or derived by our work so far, captured in an hypothetical new class of multi-fold universe denoted as W-type. [em]It is the W-type hypothesis.[/em] In a W-type of multi-fold universe, we argue that we can explain the Born rule (on a discrete spacetime) without discussing measurements, or instantaneous wave function collapses as well as address the measurement problem, Wigner’s friend paradoxes, and the classical aspects of macroscopic Physics vs. the quantum Physics at microscopic level. It amounts to positioning a new candidate for interpretation of Quantum Physics, while still remaining compatible with existing interpretations (unfortunately as it does not exclude any).
The W-type hypothesis leads also to a better understanding of the irreversibility of Physics, confirms it and indicate that W-Type multi-fold models, including the Multi-fold reconstruction, seem candidates to a more fundamental theory from which Quantum Physics emerges. It motivates also the duality between Entropy and Physical Action even for a single particle. Also, it reminds of the ergodic hypothesis of Boltzmann.
1. Introduction
The paper [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy, and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model (SM) Lagrangian, with non-negligible effects at it scales (denoted as SMG). All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
The present paper discusses plausible additional multi-fold mechanisms (of W-type) in terms of Quantum Mechanics and QFT (Quantum Field theory) interpretations, and the impact on wave function collapse, quantum measurement problems and the Wigner’s friend paradoxes. From these considerations, we also develop a new motivation and interpretation of Multi-fold quantum Physics, and its applicability to macroscopic systems.
2. E/G duality in a Multi-fold Universe
At the core of [1], are the proposals for multi-fold mechanisms, and the resulting multi-fold kinematics and dynamics, activated with entanglement, in particular between EPR entangled particles, and resulting into gravity-like effective attractive potentials, or effective curvatures, in spacetime, between entangled particles. When considering virtual particles emitted by a mass or energy source, the effects actually match gravity, and we can recover GR at large enough scales [1], and massive contributions at very small scales [1,10]. Entangled physical particles generate similar potentials between entangled systems [1,5]. As a result, entangled material are expected to generate gravity-like fluctuations [1,5], and effects that can explain dark matter are also predicted [1,6].These overall implications of multi-fold universes are summarized by the E/G duality, factual in multi-fold universes, conjecture elsewhere: gravity results from entanglement and entanglement creates gravity [7]. Another set of consequences, related to small scale behaviors, are captured by the proposal for a Standard Model, with non-negligible gravity at its scale: the SMG. These, and more developments of multi-fold models, are tracked at [11].
3. Quantum Wave functions and Quantum Fields in Multi-Fold Universes
Because of our focus on particles in [1,5,8], even in the context of QFT, we did not explore the possible implications at the level of the quantum wave function. For quantum fields, beyond gravity or entanglement between particles, the focus was rather to avoid QFT entanglement of everything with everything, everywhere; especially in space like regions [1].Yet, we know that conventional QFTs have fields everywhere in spacetime and have every spacetime point entangled with any other one [1,. This is because of the Reeh-Schlieder Theorem [12,13], or because in general for a field φ we have:
<0| φ(xa1, xb2) |0> ≠ 0 (1)
In a multi-fold universe, we discussed and proved in [1], the non-validity of (1) or the Reeh-Schlieder Theorem[1]: the absolutely no supra-luminosity principle and its implications on say path integral formalisms that reject paths that would include space-like portions, prevent spacelike leaks and entanglement of a spacetime point with any other spacelike spacetime point.
We also know that in Quantum Mechanics, wave functions can have multiple maxima, resulting into several positions, around where there are significant chances to observe the associated particle. Of course, it becomes more complicated or ambiguous when considering many particles and their associated global wave functions or fields: when to model one versus different particles and when do we model them as entangled (e.g. as asymmetric wavefunction for fermions), or separable, and therefore not entangled (e.g. based on rough position if particles are further away i.e., Fock space states).
With the multi-fold universe principles of absolutely no supra luminosity, and the hierarchical principle [1], we know that particles, that are space-like to each other, are not entangled; that they be modeled by a global wave function, or by a QFT field. However, light like and time like particles could be entangled, if physically and causally justified. When entangled, and not violating the hierarchical principle, multi-folds are activated between the entangled particles (physical or virtual) added to the quantum wave function or quantum field model [1]. Otherwise, they may be separable and factorizable, in good approximation, into products of wave functions associated to each particle (e.g. based on Flock space position eigenstates).
EPR Entanglement in a multi-fold universe activates multi-folds, and mappings [1], and create correlation in phase space. It leads us to already argue, in [1], that wave functions must have a deeper physical meaning (e.g. be a beable [16]), and a direct impact on, or relationship to, spacetime properties and structures. Yet we did not elaborate much further. Let us keep that thought in mind: quantum wave functions and quantum fields seem to impact, or describe spacetime properties or behaviors. It is after all not surprising. Indeed, the multi-fold key insight can be seen or rephrased as: spacetime as described by GR is the result of spacetime adapting itself to support the consequences entanglement; hence the multi-fold mechanisms. That adaptation results into gravity [1].
Now, let us go back to a situation where we can model an individual particle (or a set of non-entangled particles) with a wave function with multiple maxima for a given particle. Let us also remember that, in [1], we modeled Physics at very low scales quantum Physics via particle random walks in accordance with the behavior modeled by Path Integrals as observed in [1,17-20]; a model shared by quantum mechanics (relativistic or not) and QFT. This could be explained by considering that wavefunctions and uncertainties allows the particle associated to a wave function to occupy different positions (in spacetime and in phase space/Hilbert space), where there is a non-zero wavefunction, and change position by random walk, and, or tunneling. The occupation of a particular spacetime location reflects the probability for that location, up to an uncertainty region, according to the uncertainty principle. This way, the possible paths (à la Path Integral) of a quantum particle (relativistic to best observe it) reflects such random jumps and walks (within the uncertainty region where supra luminosity is not an issue) including possible tunneling from a non-zero wavefunction region to another associated to same particle. It is also well known that effects like the Lamb Shift [21-23] are due to the size of the electron charge distribution or the time it spends close or within the nucleus; something that explains in particular the difference between hydrogen lamb shift and Muonic Hydrogen lamb shift (See for example [24]). Therefore, at least in a multi-fold universe, quantum models like a particle wave function (and a QFT field with suitable handling of particles à la [1]) actually model such random walk and tunneling: the particle can be located anywhere that its wave function is non zero, stay or move (jump, walk or tunnel) at clock ticks (see [1,25] for a discussion of its minimum length in multi-fold universes) to another location with a probability to jump at one location versus another dictated by the probabilities behind the wave function density (which is the probability that it be there at that exact moment). This way, we also avoid embarrassing questions about how a quantized charge would otherwise be distributed. This may revisit the notion of bare mass or energy at Planck scales but it ends ups being the same rest, relativistic or renormalized mass in path integrals that are associated with the full fledge wave function.
This analysis is somehow related to the famous discussion between Wheeler and Feynman, about Wheeler asking what if all electrons (and positrons) could actually just a single electron in the universe (traveling everywhere and back and forth in time) [26], although it is different, and not even considered as valid anymore, in modern Physics. The single electron proposal has problems (e.g. the observed asymmetry of electrons and positrons (not applicable in the analogy here) in the universe, and non-perturbative and supra luminous travel) but it inspired the development of QED, and the introduction of the Feynman diagrams [27].
In a multi-fold universe, such jumps, if larger than the minimum length, would violate the no supra luminosity principle, or imply apparent slow shift of the charge in one region then slowly moving to another (jump after jump) instead of being able to jump next to any other non-zero wave function spacetime location, and, this way, having the same charge, quantized everywhere, but at different clock ticks. The former cannot be. Either this image is wrong (just as it is in the conventional real universe) or we are missing a consideration.
4. The Type-W Multi-fold Hypothesis: Quantum Wave Functions, or Fields, as Beables Impacting the spacetime of UMF(W)
To that effect, let us propose a new class of multi-fold universes UMF(W): W-type of multi-fold universe, where not only entangled systems but also spacetime locations covered by a same wave function identified with a same particle (in as much that it is possible) also activate multi-fold mechanisms with any other similarly covered locations (i.e. between spacetime points in the support of the wave function), except between a point and an uncertainty reason around it where jumps would not violate the no supra luminosity principle[2]. The effect of the multi-folds activated between two covered points is proportional to the product of the probability density associated to the uncertainty regions around each spacetime point, and the total energy or mass as well, up to an additional weight ϰW. Anything in between feels an attractive effective potential or effective curvature as in [1].In such a W-type of multi-fold universe, quantum wave functions entangle the supporting spacetime and create gravity like attraction on the mapping support domain between every pair of covered points, except when within the uncertainty region, albeit it may be with a different coupling constant. At this stage, where multi-fold models are mostly qualitative and we have no experimental quantitative validation of the multi-fold mechanisms as in [1], we can not argue if the W-type effects are the same, comparable or at different order of magnitude with the multi-fold effects of [1]. We can only guess that the effects are small, as is gravity[3], in general and plausibly much smaller.
We could also imagine a multi-fold universe of W-type where ϰW = 0. In such a case no gravity like attraction appears yet the following effect still exist.
In UMF(W), we will encounter:
- (i) The multi-folds in a W-type multi-fold universe, UMF(W), enable particles to jump from one spacetime point to another covered by their wave function; thereby supporting a model where the particles can jump back and forth wherever the wavefunction with a probability given by the squared amplitude of the wave functions at the target. Interestingly, this provide an immediate justification for the Born rule [28], without requiring collapse, measurement, continuous measurement models or many worlds. Interestingly, it is a different reasoning recovering the Born rule on a discrete state space (i.e. spacetime) from [29,30].
- (ii) The kinematic and dynamics of the wavefunction collapse is now entirely governed by the kinematics and dynamics of multi-folds, that is discussed in [1]. As every concretized (see [1,31]) spacetime point are at least entry and/or exit points for some multifold (except if all the pairs are within a same uncertainty region), anything that would trigger wave function collapse will result into instantaneous collapse of the W-type multi-folds, and, as a result, instantaneous collapse of the wave function everywhere on the wave-function support; no matter how big, and yet still not violate the no supra luminosity principle.
The wave function, or QFT field, for a particle, can therefore be seen as the following beable:
- (a) A representation of all the possible spacetime points could be visited by the random walks of the associated particle taking place on the covered spacetime according to the probability distribution of the wave function.
- (b) A representation of the multi-fold density of entry (and/or exit) of activated W-type multi-fold associated to a particle.
- (c) A representation of the gravity fluctuations on the wavefunction support (spacetime covered by the wave function) due to effective potentials or effective curvature induced by the multi-fold mechanisms.
- (d) A multi-partite entanglement of the concretized spacetime points, i.e. entangled Higgs fields and bosons per [31].
(a) is observable. (b) is probably not observable and (c) is observable if ϰW ≠ 0. (d) characterizes a possible explanation for the underlying physical events, making it all physical and beable [16]. With the proposed model, quantum wave functions or QFT fields reflect entanglement of spacetime and activate multi-folds between spacetime locations or the associated microscopic black holes [1] or Higgs fields [31], just as entanglement between particles, or regions, activate multi-folds that result into gravity like effects (effective potential and effective curvature). This way, gravity itself results from entanglement between virtual particle pairs emitted by energy source [1,7,10].
In addition, the particle, discussed here, exists. Its position exists, at any time, but it is known only when collapse takes place. Yet it is a beable.
If ϰW ≠ 0, then gravity like interaction exists within the spacetime covered by the non-negligible wave function associated to a particle and it would affect other particles path crossing it.
5. Macroscopic vs. Microscopic Physics in W-type of Multi-fold Universes
Pursuing the proposed model, one can consider that the universe is modeled by a global wave function. Yet, per the hierarchical principle [1], entanglement is limited to causal regions. Also, many separated systems are not interacting, and not associated to the same particle (assuming we can track them and understanding that some may appear or disappear as discussed in [1,8]).So a global wave function consists of many small islands of regions where Higgs multi partite, with entangled concretized spacetime locations and associated W-types of multi-folds, themselves linked to each other by tunneling or by entanglements and multi-fold as described in [1]. Interactions with an entangled region may deactivate the latter multi-folds (corresponding to decoherence or end of entanglement), while measurement, annihilation or interaction with a particle will deactivate the W-types of multi-folds (corresponding to wavefunction collapse).
As larger systems are composed of particles, they are themselves composed of sets of such islands contributing to bigger wavefunction and entanglement. Each subsystem can be seen as evolving its own ways in random walks as for individual particles. As discussed in [1,10], gravity can result from entanglement of all the virtual pairs emitted by all the different subsystems.
In [1,32], we argued that gravity superposition is not the source of spontaneous collapse, because in a multifold universe, the curvature is effective and therefore not creating inconsistencies that would force the collapses proposed by Penrose and Diósi [33-35]. Yet, interactions with, and quantum fluctuations of, anything, including gravity, may result into such collapses for any of the involved island, if they impact the system more strongly than allowed by the uncertainty principle. The larger the system, the bigger the chances that interactions with something (e.g. vacuum or spacetime/Higgs fluctuations) will rapidly take place with some of its parts, resulting into the collapse of all the larger wavefunction(s) and the involved islands. It coincide with the usual views around spontaneous collapse. When a collapse occur, per our model, it is instantaneous and locate the particle at the location where it ended up in the course of its random walk. So in a larger system, the subsystems are localized (e.g. think of their center of distribution of the wave function), and with properties matching the notion of observable values. If this happen often, larger system are therefore behaving classically, while smaller islands can be, or last, much longer entangled or W-type entangled. This explains why macroscopic system are in general classical and microscopic quantum. It also explains physically explains the process of factorization of wavefunctions into products.
If the reasoning presented here is correct, then, by definition, the universe as a whole remains quantum even if its macroscopic systems are classical: it can’t be externally perturbed. Quantum Physics is universal, yet the quantum physics dictates that not isolated (which can only the be universe as a whole) macroscopic systems become described by classical physics with microscopic sub-systems continuing to be described by quantum physics. We also have a criteria for a larger system to remain described by quantum physics: isolate it from interactions or fluctuations larger than the uncertainty region associated to the system or for how long it may remain a quantum system (e.g. like a decoherence time etc.).
Again nothing in the above conclusions are especially new, nor it is universally accepted, for the real universe. Yet the explanation introduced peculiarities proper to W-type of multi-fold universes: spontaneous collapse is consistently justified, and differently from conventional proposal for spontaneous collapses, as well as gravity induced spontaneous collapse as in [33-37].
We also like to think that our model resolves some of the measurement problems or paradoxes [9]. Other interpretations of quantum mechanics [36,38] like the Many-world also remain compatible. However, in our view, alternative like Many-world are less justified now that we have a consistent physical justification for wave function collapse, if one believes in the Occam razor’s principle; especially considering how the random walk model also justifies the Born rule, without any consideration of measurement, continuous or spontaneous measurement, observation, or even collapse. We can argue that we have at least a potentially common consistent model, that explains in one shot: wave function or field as beables, wave function collapse, entanglement, gravity, Born rule and quantum versus classical physics.
In our model, large macroscopic wave functions may not re-form once collapsed, or only do so slower than c, as the Higgs Entanglement can’t reappear. That is different from most conventional spontaneous collapse models [36,37]. Even if they did, our reasoning immediately would re-apply. There could therefore be a meso scale of reality where re-formation takes place, while macroscopically it probably would never happen for systems at much large scale.
6. The measurement problem and Quantum Weirdness
Let us now revisit the measurement problem. We argue that it can be resolved in W-types of multi-fold universes: measurement is simply an interaction (or a set of interactions), that results into a wave function collapse as described above. Of course, the other interpretations [38] remain compatible, but possibly not that justified any more.Of course, many quantum weirdness and paradoxes exists in relation with measurements including EPR experimentation and Bell inequalities and their generalizations as well as the different Wigner’s friend experiments [40-43].
The multi-fold mechanisms were introduced to address EPR and Bell inequalities: non-locality is achieved via the multi-fold mechanisms [1].
Let us consider some of the Wigner friend’s paradoxes.
6.1 Frauchiger-Renner Paradox
In the case of the Frauchiger-Renner Paradox [40], a variation on Wigner’s friend, well explained in [39], one of the following three assumption of Physics must be wrong:
- Universality of Quantum Physics (i.e. it applies to everything)
- Consistency of Quantum Physics (Reality and observations cannot be contradictory)
- Logic of Quantum Physics (facts can be true and false at the same time)
The present paper addresses the non-universality of quantum physics, but with a twist. We do not say that quantum mechanics does not apply to macroscopic systems (like a lab, Alice’s friend and her experiment), but that the collapse proposed in section 5, ensures that no superposition of macroscopic systems takes place within our macroscopic reality, as also agreed in [40]. Again, all others collapse models agree with such an explanation, but our W-type explanation is a self-consistent variation with beables.
6.2 Other Wigner’s friend paradoxes
The same reasoning applies to the Wigner’s friend [41], and variations as discussed in [42,43]: macroscopic observers do not put macroscopic systems into superposition.7. Multi-fold Self-Gravity?
If ϰW ≠ 0, does it means that we have self-gravity effect within a wave function? Obviously, we do not know, it is even harder to measure than among entangled systems. But, as jumps involve the W-type of multi-folds, the particle should feel effective potentials fluctuations at any point before and after jump, and the potential of the traversed multi-fold during the jump. It probably introduces an additional notion of (renormalized) bare mass, rest mass and relativistic mass, with the latter accounting also for such energy contribution; but it does not change anything else as the full conventional mass is used for any analysis of the wavefunction itself. It is indeed expected to see such new notion as a particle in a wave function random walks within it and, at larger scale, the wave functions in quantum mechanics, and QFT, are now the aggregated result of these random walks then modeled by Quantum equations like the path integral.On the other hand, for ϰW ≠ 0, any other particle, with paths crossing the spacetime support of a wave function, feels a potential attractive towards it center of distribution of the wave function, as for the multi-fold of [1], and weighted by ϰW. The effects are small, and probably only relevant when one particle wavefunction is significantly extended. It only appears in spacetime (or state space) locations covered by the wavefunction. These effects create gravity like fluctuations, including larger ones, when or if a wave function collapse. It is different from the spontaneous models proposed in [45,46]: gravity result from entanglement, as in [1,5,7,10 ] or W-type multi-folds when ϰW ≠ 0, yet the analyses proposed in [45,46] are food for thoughts as our proposal may imply similar gravity fluctuations when collapse takes place.
8. On the Irreversibility of Quantum Physics
We know that it has been shown that Quantum Physics appears as a systems well modeled by irreversible Thermodynamics [47]. In [1,48], we showed that in multi-fold universes, multi-fold mechanisms, and therefore entanglement and quantum gravity, are not T-symmetric. The present paper adds fundamental wave functions and QFT fields collapse dynamics, and measurements or interactions, as irreversible processes: the fundamental properties of Quantum Physics are indeed irreversible, even if usually unnoticeable. As these aspects are not modeled in conventional Physics today, the notions that simulations or even experiments [49,50] may appear to reverse time to bring it back to a past initial condition is not a correct, or complete reflection or model of the full quantum system, and therefore of actual reality (even if the equations can computationally be reverted, multi-folds or W-types of multi-folds have not been accounted for).Such irreversibility arguably provide a justification to the notion of entropic or Thermodynamics notion of time arrow. We will discuss in future work how it relate to time symmetric proposals like [51].
Per [47], it is expected that because Quantum Physics is modeled by irreversible Thermodynamics, it is not a fundamental theory but rather an emerging theory. The multi-fold universe reconstruction of [1] provided a part of and underlying even more microscopic model, yet it only illustrated aspects of Quantum emergence. The W-type hypothesis adds physical explanation of the wave function, or QFT field, and its dynamics and collapse as well as its associated Born rule; thereby further clarifying the model. Motivations for randomness and physical Action were also provided in [1]. To that effect, the W-type hypothesis also motivates the duality between Action and Entropy often encountered between say QFT and Statistical Physics and called out on [47], yet while working with single particles.
Related to Thermodynamics, the model reminds of thermodynamics ergodic hypothesis introduced by Boltzmann: the wave function support has every point visited by the particle, some more than others as described by the wavefunction amplitude.
Note added on July 16, 2022: [52] provides another model directly supported by our proposal, if the microscopic idea are random walks of Higgs particles (one or many) making a condensate in an elementary particle [1,31,53], or just those elementary particles: they can all be the (microscopic explanation for the) fast fluctuating variables and their motion could be the random walks of [1]. We will not comment on the supersymmetry proposal though.
9. Conclusions
This paper introduced the type-W multi-fold hypothesis that proposes a new class of multi-fold universes (W-type), where wave functions and quantum fields are sources of W-type multi-folds on the wave function support domain, which explains the wave function behaviors and properties by random walk of the associated particle, or quantum system within the support domain. Random walks at the particle level take place through multi-folds except at very smalls scales (uncertainty region), where they can just jump in spacetime without violating the no supra luminosity limits.The model of W-type multi-fold universes, a new hypothesis with respect to [1], is not a property derived for multi-fold universes, but rather a new concept, can provide a consistent explanation for wave function collapse, and the instantaneity of the collapse, the beable aspects of wave functions, and the measurement problems as well as the Born rule (without involving collapse to justify it). It predicts possible (for ϰW ≠ 0) additional gravity-like fluctuations within the spacetime support domain of a wavefunction, and when collapse takes place. This approach also results into a consistent model to explain why and how macroscopic Physics is classical, thereby addressing several Wigner friend paradoxes. In our view, it also gives a plausible consistent view of quantum mechanics interpretation à la collapse, or better, and as such it seems to be the most logical, Occam razor inspired, interpretation that applies for Quantum mechanics. Yet, W-type multi-fold universes remain compatible with most of the other interpretation [38]. Analyzing if our model can actually discriminate between any of these interpretations is for future work.
It is to be noted that, besides the W-type multi-fold universe being just an hypothesis, gravity like effects could not be produced by W-type multi-folds, for ϰW = 0, or be in general negligible, for ϰW = ε with ε ≈ 0, but not 0.
After addressing the reconciliation of GR with Quantum Physics, providing solutions (SMG) to key open problems with the standard model and standard cosmological model (See [1,11]), and pushing back on New Physics (See [1,11], beyond SMG), Multi-fold models and mechanisms can also address not just entanglement paradoxes but also open issues with Quantum Physics foundations. It invites further work on the possible impacts of W-types of multi-fold universes, and the W-type multi-fold hypothesis.
W-Type multi-fold models, including the Multi-fold reconstruction, seem candidates to a more fundamental theory from which Quantum Physics emerges. It also explicitly links Action and Entropy even at the individual particle level.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “The W-type Multi-Fold Hypothesis and Quantum Physics Interpretation of wave Functions and QFT”, viXra:2207.0118v1,…, December 20, 2020.
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[1] This may or may not be related to the challenges encountered in firmly establishing a condition-less Reeh-Schlieder Theorem in curved spacetime. Indeed, it is still unknown if such a theorem holds in curved spacetime, only under special conditions [13-15], and proof in the presence of curvature or gravity may encounter the same translation problems as encountered in multi-fold universe [1,15]. As we are not trying to analyze the Reeh-Schlieder theorem, such considerations are for future work.
[2] The notation UMF(W), relates to the one used in [1].
[3] Do not be fooled by our claims of non-negligible gravity at very smalls scales in [1] and at the scale in standard model for SMG (all discussions of it are tracked at [11]): they result from small scale 1/r plus massive gravity contributions [10]. Here, the contributions may remain small bounded by the size of uncertainty regions.
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Stephane H. Maes
June 24, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
[em]Since the work of Coleman, it is known that vacuum may be false in the universe with truer vacuum reachable by quantum tunneling. With the discovery and analysis of the Higgs boson, it has been estimated that, with the mass of the Higgs boson, our universe is right on the stable side, but the edge of instability; playing the fire, or rather the risk of a bubble of nothing erasing everything in the universe. In this paper we show that by adding non-negligible gravity to the standard model, the universe can move further away from the brink of instability; a reassuring thought. This satisfying result help us further argue for systematically considering adding gravity to the Standard Model.[/em]
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. SMG : The Standard Model with Multi-Fold Gravity
[1] proposes that in a multi-fold universe, the Lagrangian is complemented by terms associated to gravity and entanglement (in the form of the sum of the attractive effective potentials) [1].
The effect of gravity can be seen through the attractive potential contributions of all the energy sources. It can also been seen as expressing the Standard Model Lagrangian in curved spacetime (semi-classical point of view), now considered valid till small scales.
EPR entanglement is not believed to often play a significant role, except in dark matter use cases [5].
The last term is all other “New Physics” terms and we will consider it to be null.
With (1), the mass generation terms now involves the gravity effective potential described in [1]:
Where, the C1 () designates the vertex contribution that represents the interaction with the Higgs/QCD Vacuum and/or Quark Gluon condensate with chirality flip and C2 () represents the contributions of the right-handed + left-handed leptons or quarks.
3. Electroweak vacuum stability
Since the work of Coleman [6,7], it is known that vacuum may not be unique in the universe. If a lower energy vacuum state exists, even separated with a high potential barrier, quantum tunneling implies that at some point, somewhere, the vacuum may switch to that truer vacuum [8,9]. In that case, even if with a very low probability, a bubble of nothing is expected to grow from that point, racing to ultimately annihilate (reconfigure) the whole part of the universe that it can reach as it expands.
This is rather a scary thought, and the risk of this happening warrants at least evaluating if this may actually happen to our universe.
Since the discovery of the Higgs boson, the problem has been intensively studied [10]. The conclusion is that the Electroweak vacuum is stable but at the edge of instability. A puzzling result, that at the minimum warrants questioning why the Higgs mass would just be at such a value.
4. Thank God for Gravity!
[10] showed how the Electroweak vacuum stability depends on the mass of the top quark, which is the particle interacting with the strongest interaction with the Higgs Boson, along with the Z boson.
When considering SMG , we have:
So we see that the gravity effective potential from [1], Veff, can contribute the same way the mass top quark (mt for mFermion) which is the dominant contribution to the Lagrangian. The other particles masses and the entanglement contributions are way smaller.
This means that the actual rest mass of the top quark is lower that estimated in the Standard Model without gravity. This shift of the stabilizes the Electroweak vacuum and in fact ensures that it is a stable and true vacuum as show with the graphs in [10].
In this example, we use gravity to change the fermion mass estimate without changing the overall impact of the Standard Model, where numerical estimates are well established. It is analogous in reasoning with the approach we used to resolve the strong CP violation problem [18].
The result is achieved within the context of the Standard Model with Gravity, in a multi-fold universe, and without the need of New Physics. For us we take this statements to refer to other symmetries (e.g. Supersymmetry) or Physics (e.g. Superstrings); at the difference of adding gravity as we propose.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipates the behaviors modeled of a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Other theories showing that gravity is relevant at the level of the standard model, can repeat the arguments, even with no relation to multi-fold universe and mechanisms or to gravity emergence from entanglement. So our model here is generic: if we add gravity to Standard Model with a model keeping it non negligible at the Standard Model scales, then there will be 3 and only 3 generations of Fermions.
If our model here is not validated by experience, it would not invalidate the multi-fold mechanism and the proposal that gravity emerges from entanglement as detailed in [1]. The analysis builds on [1], as a consequence of it, but it is not a condition for validation of multi-fold universes.
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can predict a stable true Electroweak vacuum; something that was much shakier and puzzling for the Standard Model without gravity.
The model works for multi-fold universe as well as in any situation where gravity is non negligible and added to the Standard Model.
This along with similar results in [1] and [5,11-17], make a strong case for more seriously considering the implications of adding gravity to the Standard Model to obtain SMG, as a way to contribute to addressing open issues and offer better alternatives to New Physics speculations. This goes hand in hand with recognizing that this also implies the need to seriously consider that gravity may not always be negligible at the Standard Model scales as proposed in [1].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Stabilizes Electroweak Vacuum – No Bubble of Nothing to Worry About!”, viXra:2007.0173v1,…, June 24, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006v1,…, June 21, 2020.
[6]: Sidney Coleman, (1977), “Fate of the false vacuum: Semiclassical theory”, Phys. Rev. D 15, 2929
[7]: Curtis G. Callan, Jr. and Sidney Coleman, (1977), “Fate of the false vacuum. II. First quantum corrections”, Phys. Rev. D 16, 1762
[8]: The reference frame, (2011), “Bubble of nothing and other catastrophes”,…, Retrieved on April 14, 2020.
[10]: J.R. Espinosa, G. Giudice, A. Riotto, (2017), “Cosmological implications of the Higgs mass measurement”, arXiv:0710.2484v1.
[11]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity”, viXra:2007.0018v1,…, June 21, 2020.
[12]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261v1,…, June 19, 2020.
[13]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes “, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
[14]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Gravity or Magnetic Monopoles? You Cannot Have Both!“, viXra:2006.0190v1,… , June 15, 2020.
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”, viXra:2006.0211v1,…, June 16, 2020.
[16]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[17]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Dictates the Number of Fermion Generations: 3”, viXra:2007.0068v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[18]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Strong CP Violation Tamed in The Presence of Gravity”, viXra:2007.0025v1,… , June 21, 2020.
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#BubbleOfNothing #Electroweak #ElectroweakVacuum #ElectroweakVacuumStability #Entanglement #FalseVacuum #Gravity #HiggsBoson #Mass #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumGravity #QuantumTunneling #StandardModel #TopQuark #vacuumStability #ZBoson
hypothetical vacuum, less stable than true vacuum
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?
Stephane H. MaesJune 19, 2020
Note: if you are looking for “Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, go to…, or viXra:2007.0006v1.
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement and spacetime is discrete, with a fractal structure based on random walk and a non-commutative geometry. When random walk is combined with maximal particle generations, exponential expansion can automatically takes place. Away from maximal generation or in an already concretized spacetime, random walk accounts for a constant or slowing down expansion. Meanwhile, the multi-fold mechanisms also implies a constant expansion potential, adding a force to the expansion of the universe, thanks to uncertainties. It explain the constant acceleration of the universe expansion with a cosmological constant that is not the vacuum energy density but can be way smaller.
It may contribute to addressing problems like the absence of any explanation of dark energy, the embarrassing orders of magnitude of discrepancies between vacuum energy and the cosmological constant predicted by conventional Physics; issues that are among Today’s biggest mysteries of the universe. These explanations do not require New Physics beyond the Standard Model and the Standard Cosmology Model.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Spacetime Construction
In [1], spacetime is created when it is encountered by a particle (This is also inspired from the ideas that spacetime creation may result from wave function collapse) that consists of a microscopic black hole surrounding it. As the particle moves, it leaves remnants of minimal Schwarzschild black holes as spacetime location. The effect is also inspired from [6]. We speak of spacetime concretization. With this scenario, and as result of the top down framework of multi-fold universes, [1] shows that spacetime is therefore discrete and non-commutative with particles moves as relativistic paths of the path integral describing the particles: i.e. a random walk, in space and in time, leading to a fractal structure. The random sprinkles of spacetime points and particles ensure that spacetime can be Lorentz invariant.These conclusions from the multi-fold model are all along consistent with well know results [7,8]. But why and how these features are actually realized in spacetime were something missing, so far.
Spacetime concretization can generate new spacetime points and grow the edges of the universe. As the process is fractal in space and in time, it also leaves many non-concretized points of the underlying discrete lattice (of minimum length cells). At later times, particles can random walk on the existing concretized structure or fill gaps by concretizing points missed so far. At no time, is a minimum length (in space and in time) violated, in accordance with [5].
We will also describe bulk expansion effects.
To be complete, there are also entanglement between particles and spacetime that they concretize. These also introduce a temporary brake (with effective potential per the multi-fold mechanisms of [1]) to the expansion but limited to the duration of such entanglements. We do not use spacetime entanglement as sources of gravity as proposed in proposals where Gravity would emerge from entropy as in Verlinde’s papers, e.g. [19,20]. The model in [1] is quite different from these works.
3. Big Bang and Inflation
At the beginning of our universe, that it be localized in one or a few points, across an initial region or more widely extended (as proposed for example by other infinite or parallel universe models), the energy is such that every fluctuation or particle move can both concretize spacetime and create new particles. A toy model to hint how fluctuations in spacetime can create particles and spacetime is discussed in [6].When the energy is such that at every time jumps take place and new particles can be created (in every directions) along with spacetime concretization (reoccupied or visited for the first time), the process results into an exponential growth of the number of particles and spacetime. Bulk effects (dark energy effects, discussed later) contribute to stretch the structures at the same time which also ensures that spacetime stretches as this takes place. These early particles can be of different types, including creation and annihilation of the ones we encounter today, or essentially be all of the same as an inflaton [9]. It does not matter for our model.
In conventional QFT views, the inflaton field, a candidate to conventionally explain inflation, is homogenous throughout the universe and the total energy content of the universe grows also exponentially until it stops everywhere (or only somewhere in eternal inflation models, in such case, possibly resulting into different universe, etc.). It sets a high vacuum energy ground level and hence, per GR, a negative pressure [10], and we have inflation [11]. In a multi-fold universe, at small scales, the density of particle is initially roughly the same everywhere, which provides energy to the particles who exert a constant pressure due to that energy. That pressure is the combination of the jumps to new spacetime point and interspersed growth between points (as will continue today, as discussed later) along with the bulk effect to be discussed later. So both our model from [1] and the inflaton model essentially match. [1] works with inflaton (explaining it effect at very small scales) or instead of it.
The source of energy enabling these effects is not really explained in [1] and out of scope for this work. It is either inherent to the inflaton field (e.g. as (false) vacuum), which can also be the case for the particles only explanation (false vacuum giving always a minimum energy to every particles with no energy changes but why is it at such a level is not explained) or due to a tremendous original energy that remains so large early on that its level is essentially not affected by particle creation long enough for the exponential growth to take place as long as needed (in practice, that is also a very short time even if the expansion and stretching effects are tremendous, except in eternal inflation models where it would still be going on somewhere beyond our universe horizon). As inflatons have not yet be found or well modeled, we prefer the latter explanation, i.e. no inflation. Note that such a choice also probably negates eternal inflation models, that would need energy to continue eternally. But both sources of energy are supported.
The energy involved can originate from the everything that we do not know and that happened before the Big Bang event, including big bounces, or a vacuum collapse bubbles, or from a symmetry breaking event (and resulting phase change). For example (it is just an illustration of a possible mechanism), it could be energy released due to the break of the Ultimate Unification symmetry introduced in [1,12], as if it was a phase change of the universe. The democracy symmetry breaks as progressively more and more of the involved particles drop out from being able to contribute at the same level as carriers of massive gravity from spacetime point to point. Each time, this correspond to a conversion of energy potential of everything in the universe into kinetic energy as gravity weakened at smaller scales due to particles decrease their contribution as larger scale carriers to the massive gravity component. Note this example would be an oscillating situation as increasing energy (e.g. like inflation reheating) will bring back the particles that just gave up as gravity carriers, until they drop out again). It evolves like this particle type per particle type till inflation stops.
When there is no more enough energy to sustain both systematic spacetime concretization and particle creation, the inflation progressively die out. Again all this takes a very short time.
After that, random walks continue and particles (virtual and real) can revisit already concretized spacetime point or concretize new points. In addition. Expansion also continue as discussed after. These effects are now the dominant contributions for expansion, albeit countered for a while in the battle for universe dominance by attractive gravity that fights off expansion and balances a significant part of the expansion effects, for as long at matter and energy clusters are close enough: until distances become too large between clusters and expansion start to really dominate and accelerate. Our universe is now in that phase.
4. Dark Energy? Maybe not so fast…
Dark energy is proposed as a way to explain the observed expansion and now observed accelerated expansion of the universe. Good entry points can be found at [13,14].Cosmological expansion is conventionally modeled by the cosmological constant in GR [16]. In QFT and superstrings, this leads immediately to major issues. QFT predicts a vacuum energy density that leads to a cosmological constant that is larger than what is observed [16]. It is hardly a small adjustment issue! There is clearly a problem or something is missed by conventional Physics.
New Physics is not faring much better, as discussed in [15]: superstrings are not stable (i.e. they cannot live) in positive cosmological constant universes [17]; while GR is unstable with matter in AdS [18]. [15] explains how this is in fact consistent with multi-fold universes [1] and our deducted superstrings dualities. For the purpose of discussion here, it only matters in the sense that New Physics has no helpful say about the cosmological constant problem!
A zero cosmological constant may help with superstrings (and for many supersymmetric theories). However, again it does not match physical explanations or observations of accelerated expansion, granted that, as mentioned in [1], some recent papers are still revisiting and questioning if there is indeed such an acceleration.
This situation is not just an open problem but one of the most embarrassing problem for modern Physics. There are no other ways to put it. Today, we have no clue.
Yet in a multi-fold universe:
- A small positive cosmological constant (generating negative curvature contributions are not supported by the multi-fold mechanism, which also explain why superstrings cannot, and do not, live in our spacetime [15]) can be explained
- It is independent of the QFT energy vacuum density
- And the explanation is without involving any New Physics other than adding gravity to the Standard Model in a multi-fold universe.
Indeed, expansion of the spacetime comes in two flavors:
- Random walks, business as usual, that revisit existing spacetime point and fill the gaps in the spacetime fractal structure or pushes the edge. It is not a dominant bulk effect expansion but it has a small contribution to the cosmological constant.
- Constant effective potential pressure everywhere towards AdS(5) resulting from uncertainties of entangled particles, that generate attractive effective potentials between them. [1] shows that, as the particles wiggle because of quantum uncertainties, the folds and mappings can create, within the bulk, effective potential pulls towards the bulk, (which amounts to normal random walk acceleration) or towards the outside spacetime, which is a bulk expansion effect a always present force (because of uncertainty that component always consistently exists): we have found a dark energy effect, without any dark energy involved, that also contribute to the cosmological constant. Fluctuations creates the effective potential due to entanglement; fluctuations are not the energy that expand, it the effective potential that expands; therefore decoupling the cosmological constant value from the energy density of the vacuum.
This second effect is between entangled particles, real or virtual, but therefore, slightly more pronounced within or around matter or energy clusters (where more energy fluctuations may be encountered and also because pulling out towards AdS(5) will happen more often where spacetime is curved by matter). Yet, it exists everywhere as vacuum virtual pairs also contribute. Its intensity is related to the vacuum energy levels as well as the energy content of the entangled particles. It is not the vacuum energy density and it is expected to be a way smaller contribution, but omnipresent in spacetime. This way, we are able to solve the cosmological constant problem. It also weakens the arguments for an anthropic principle (to explain the cosmology constant), which in turns weakens reuse of such a principle to justify parallel universes and the “expected” existence of large superstring swampland and landscape (maybe – not that certain now that the landscape needs to be a positive curvature universe [15]).
The arguments in [1] are only qualitative, not yet quantitative. More work is needed to see if quantitative estimates make sense and may suffice to explain dark energy. Of course, other effects can also play along.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipate the behaviors modeled in a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] potentially explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Our proposal has no equivalent or variations for non multi-fold universe: the source of dark energy effects come directly from the multi-folds mechanisms as proposed in [1]. Even other models that link entanglement and gravity would most probably not help as the multi-fold universe does.
The fact that dark energy and cosmological constant issues are confirmed (so far) by observations, yet unexplained, indicates one possible small step in favor of this subject helping to validate the models proposed in [1].
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges with dark energy and with the cosmological constant.The model also has the ability to further explain the expected discrete and noncommutative (Lorentz invariant and fractal) nature of spacetime and to support inflation (with or without inflatons).
While steps in the right direction in terms of validating [1], future work should aim at providing quantitative estimates to further determine viability of the proposal or completeness of the explanation, versus just contributing to what happens, which would already be satisfying.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261v1,…, June 19, 2020.
Note: If you were by mistake pointed here looking for Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006v1, or… June 21, 2020, the web version (here) is tracked at…. A mistake in many references instead provided the URL to the dark energy paper (here). It is regrettable and will be corrected in the future for all upcoming papers and revisions.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Luis J. Garay, (1995), “Quantum Gravity and Minimum Length”, International Journal of Modern Physics A, V 10.
[6]: Hou Y. Yau, (2007 & 2016), “Quantum Theory from a Space-Time Wave”, arXiv:0706.0190 v2 and v4
[7]: S. Doplicher, K. Fredenhagen and J. E. Roberts, (1994), “Spacetime quantization induced by classical gravity”, Phys. Rev. B 331 (1994) 33.
[8]: Hooft, Gerard ’t, (2016), “How quantization of gravity leads to a discrete space-time”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 701 012014
[12]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”,…, June 16, 2020.
[14]: B. Clegg (2019), “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Hidden 95% of the Universe”, Icon Books Ltd
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe“, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[17]: Georges Obied, Hirosi Ooguri, Lev Spodyneiko, Cumrun Vafa, (2018), “De Sitter Space and the Swampland”, arXiv:1806.08362v3.
[18]: Georgios Moschidis, (2018), “A proof of the instability of AdS for the Einstein–massless Vlasov system”, arXiv:1812.04268v1.
[19]: Erik P. Verlinde (2010), “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton”, arXiv:1001.0785
[20]: Erik Verlinde, (2016), “Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe”, arXiv:1611.02269v2
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#CosmologicalConstantProblem #Cosmology #DarkEnergy #Entanglement #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #Inflation #Inflaton #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumGravity
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The W-type Multi-Fold Hypothesis and the Quantum Physics Interpretation of Wave Functions and QFT
Stephane H. Maes
December 20, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model (SM) without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hints at a even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
The E/G duality, between entanglement and gravity, opens the door to postulate additional gravity-like effects and multi-fold mechanisms among spacetime points covered by a quantum wave functions or by Quantum Fields. These are plausible by-products of the multi-fold mechanisms, not necessarily mandated, or derived by our work so far, captured in an hypothetical new class of multi-fold universe denoted as W-type. [em]It is the W-type hypothesis.[/em] In a W-type of multi-fold universe, we argue that we can explain the Born rule (on a discrete spacetime) without discussing measurements, or instantaneous wave function collapses as well as address the measurement problem, Wigner’s friend paradoxes, and the classical aspects of macroscopic Physics vs. the quantum Physics at microscopic level. It amounts to positioning a new candidate for interpretation of Quantum Physics, while still remaining compatible with existing interpretations (unfortunately as it does not exclude any).
The W-type hypothesis leads also to a better understanding of the irreversibility of Physics, confirms it and indicate that W-Type multi-fold models, including the Multi-fold reconstruction, seem candidates to a more fundamental theory from which Quantum Physics emerges. It motivates also the duality between Entropy and Physical Action even for a single particle. Also, it reminds of the ergodic hypothesis of Boltzmann.
1. Introduction
The paper [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy, and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model (SM) Lagrangian, with non-negligible effects at it scales (denoted as SMG). All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
The present paper discusses plausible additional multi-fold mechanisms (of W-type) in terms of Quantum Mechanics and QFT (Quantum Field theory) interpretations, and the impact on wave function collapse, quantum measurement problems and the Wigner’s friend paradoxes. From these considerations, we also develop a new motivation and interpretation of Multi-fold quantum Physics, and its applicability to macroscopic systems.
2. E/G duality in a Multi-fold Universe
At the core of [1], are the proposals for multi-fold mechanisms, and the resulting multi-fold kinematics and dynamics, activated with entanglement, in particular between EPR entangled particles, and resulting into gravity-like effective attractive potentials, or effective curvatures, in spacetime, between entangled particles. When considering virtual particles emitted by a mass or energy source, the effects actually match gravity, and we can recover GR at large enough scales [1], and massive contributions at very small scales [1,10]. Entangled physical particles generate similar potentials between entangled systems [1,5]. As a result, entangled material are expected to generate gravity-like fluctuations [1,5], and effects that can explain dark matter are also predicted [1,6].
These overall implications of multi-fold universes are summarized by the E/G duality, factual in multi-fold universes, conjecture elsewhere: gravity results from entanglement and entanglement creates gravity [7]. Another set of consequences, related to small scale behaviors, are captured by the proposal for a Standard Model, with non-negligible gravity at its scale: the SMG. These, and more developments of multi-fold models, are tracked at [11].
3. Quantum Wave functions and Quantum Fields in Multi-Fold Universes
Because of our focus on particles in [1,5,8], even in the context of QFT, we did not explore the possible implications at the level of the quantum wave function. For quantum fields, beyond gravity or entanglement between particles, the focus was rather to avoid QFT entanglement of everything with everything, everywhere; especially in space like regions [1].
Yet, we know that conventional QFTs have fields everywhere in spacetime and have every spacetime point entangled with any other one [1,. This is because of the Reeh-Schlieder Theorem [12,13], or because in general for a field φ we have:
<0| φ(xa1, xb2) |0> ≠ 0 (1)
In a multi-fold universe, we discussed and proved in [1], the non-validity of (1) or the Reeh-Schlieder Theorem[1]: the absolutely no supra-luminosity principle and its implications on say path integral formalisms that reject paths that would include space-like portions, prevent spacelike leaks and entanglement of a spacetime point with any other spacelike spacetime point.
We also know that in Quantum Mechanics, wave functions can have multiple maxima, resulting into several positions, around where there are significant chances to observe the associated particle. Of course, it becomes more complicated or ambiguous when considering many particles and their associated global wave functions or fields: when to model one versus different particles and when do we model them as entangled (e.g. as asymmetric wavefunction for fermions), or separable, and therefore not entangled (e.g. based on rough position if particles are further away i.e., Fock space states).
With the multi-fold universe principles of absolutely no supra luminosity, and the hierarchical principle [1], we know that particles, that are space-like to each other, are not entangled; that they be modeled by a global wave function, or by a QFT field. However, light like and time like particles could be entangled, if physically and causally justified. When entangled, and not violating the hierarchical principle, multi-folds are activated between the entangled particles (physical or virtual) added to the quantum wave function or quantum field model [1]. Otherwise, they may be separable and factorizable, in good approximation, into products of wave functions associated to each particle (e.g. based on Flock space position eigenstates).
EPR Entanglement in a multi-fold universe activates multi-folds, and mappings [1], and create correlation in phase space. It leads us to already argue, in [1], that wave functions must have a deeper physical meaning (e.g. be a beable [16]), and a direct impact on, or relationship to, spacetime properties and structures. Yet we did not elaborate much further. Let us keep that thought in mind: quantum wave functions and quantum fields seem to impact, or describe spacetime properties or behaviors. It is after all not surprising. Indeed, the multi-fold key insight can be seen or rephrased as: spacetime as described by GR is the result of spacetime adapting itself to support the consequences entanglement; hence the multi-fold mechanisms. That adaptation results into gravity [1].
Now, let us go back to a situation where we can model an individual particle (or a set of non-entangled particles) with a wave function with multiple maxima for a given particle. Let us also remember that, in [1], we modeled Physics at very low scales quantum Physics via particle random walks in accordance with the behavior modeled by Path Integrals as observed in [1,17-20]; a model shared by quantum mechanics (relativistic or not) and QFT. This could be explained by considering that wavefunctions and uncertainties allows the particle associated to a wave function to occupy different positions (in spacetime and in phase space/Hilbert space), where there is a non-zero wavefunction, and change position by random walk, and, or tunneling. The occupation of a particular spacetime location reflects the probability for that location, up to an uncertainty region, according to the uncertainty principle. This way, the possible paths (à la Path Integral) of a quantum particle (relativistic to best observe it) reflects such random jumps and walks (within the uncertainty region where supra luminosity is not an issue) including possible tunneling from a non-zero wavefunction region to another associated to same particle. It is also well known that effects like the Lamb Shift [21-23] are due to the size of the electron charge distribution or the time it spends close or within the nucleus; something that explains in particular the difference between hydrogen lamb shift and Muonic Hydrogen lamb shift (See for example [24]). Therefore, at least in a multi-fold universe, quantum models like a particle wave function (and a QFT field with suitable handling of particles à la [1]) actually model such random walk and tunneling: the particle can be located anywhere that its wave function is non zero, stay or move (jump, walk or tunnel) at clock ticks (see [1,25] for a discussion of its minimum length in multi-fold universes) to another location with a probability to jump at one location versus another dictated by the probabilities behind the wave function density (which is the probability that it be there at that exact moment). This way, we also avoid embarrassing questions about how a quantized charge would otherwise be distributed. This may revisit the notion of bare mass or energy at Planck scales but it ends ups being the same rest, relativistic or renormalized mass in path integrals that are associated with the full fledge wave function.
This analysis is somehow related to the famous discussion between Wheeler and Feynman, about Wheeler asking what if all electrons (and positrons) could actually just a single electron in the universe (traveling everywhere and back and forth in time) [26], although it is different, and not even considered as valid anymore, in modern Physics. The single electron proposal has problems (e.g. the observed asymmetry of electrons and positrons (not applicable in the analogy here) in the universe, and non-perturbative and supra luminous travel) but it inspired the development of QED, and the introduction of the Feynman diagrams [27].
In a multi-fold universe, such jumps, if larger than the minimum length, would violate the no supra luminosity principle, or imply apparent slow shift of the charge in one region then slowly moving to another (jump after jump) instead of being able to jump next to any other non-zero wave function spacetime location, and, this way, having the same charge, quantized everywhere, but at different clock ticks. The former cannot be. Either this image is wrong (just as it is in the conventional real universe) or we are missing a consideration.
4. The Type-W Multi-fold Hypothesis: Quantum Wave Functions, or Fields, as Beables Impacting the spacetime of UMF(W)
To that effect, let us propose a new class of multi-fold universes UMF(W): W-type of multi-fold universe, where not only entangled systems but also spacetime locations covered by a same wave function identified with a same particle (in as much that it is possible) also activate multi-fold mechanisms with any other similarly covered locations (i.e. between spacetime points in the support of the wave function), except between a point and an uncertainty reason around it where jumps would not violate the no supra luminosity principle[2]. The effect of the multi-folds activated between two covered points is proportional to the product of the probability density associated to the uncertainty regions around each spacetime point, and the total energy or mass as well, up to an additional weight ϰW. Anything in between feels an attractive effective potential or effective curvature as in [1].
In such a W-type of multi-fold universe, quantum wave functions entangle the supporting spacetime and create gravity like attraction on the mapping support domain between every pair of covered points, except when within the uncertainty region, albeit it may be with a different coupling constant. At this stage, where multi-fold models are mostly qualitative and we have no experimental quantitative validation of the multi-fold mechanisms as in [1], we can not argue if the W-type effects are the same, comparable or at different order of magnitude with the multi-fold effects of [1]. We can only guess that the effects are small, as is gravity[3], in general and plausibly much smaller.
We could also imagine a multi-fold universe of W-type where ϰW = 0. In such a case no gravity like attraction appears yet the following effect still exist.
In UMF(W), we will encounter:
- (i) The multi-folds in a W-type multi-fold universe, UMF(W), enable particles to jump from one spacetime point to another covered by their wave function; thereby supporting a model where the particles can jump back and forth wherever the wavefunction with a probability given by the squared amplitude of the wave functions at the target. Interestingly, this provide an immediate justification for the Born rule [28], without requiring collapse, measurement, continuous measurement models or many worlds. Interestingly, it is a different reasoning recovering the Born rule on a discrete state space (i.e. spacetime) from [29,30].
- (ii) The kinematic and dynamics of the wavefunction collapse is now entirely governed by the kinematics and dynamics of multi-folds, that is discussed in [1]. As every concretized (see [1,31]) spacetime point are at least entry and/or exit points for some multifold (except if all the pairs are within a same uncertainty region), anything that would trigger wave function collapse will result into instantaneous collapse of the W-type multi-folds, and, as a result, instantaneous collapse of the wave function everywhere on the wave-function support; no matter how big, and yet still not violate the no supra luminosity principle.
The wave function, or QFT field, for a particle, can therefore be seen as the following beable:
- (a) A representation of all the possible spacetime points could be visited by the random walks of the associated particle taking place on the covered spacetime according to the probability distribution of the wave function.
- (b) A representation of the multi-fold density of entry (and/or exit) of activated W-type multi-fold associated to a particle.
- (c) A representation of the gravity fluctuations on the wavefunction support (spacetime covered by the wave function) due to effective potentials or effective curvature induced by the multi-fold mechanisms.
- (d) A multi-partite entanglement of the concretized spacetime points, i.e. entangled Higgs fields and bosons per [31].
(a) is observable. (b) is probably not observable and (c) is observable if ϰW ≠ 0. (d) characterizes a possible explanation for the underlying physical events, making it all physical and beable [16]. With the proposed model, quantum wave functions or QFT fields reflect entanglement of spacetime and activate multi-folds between spacetime locations or the associated microscopic black holes [1] or Higgs fields [31], just as entanglement between particles, or regions, activate multi-folds that result into gravity like effects (effective potential and effective curvature). This way, gravity itself results from entanglement between virtual particle pairs emitted by energy source [1,7,10].
In addition, the particle, discussed here, exists. Its position exists, at any time, but it is known only when collapse takes place. Yet it is a beable.
If ϰW ≠ 0, then gravity like interaction exists within the spacetime covered by the non-negligible wave function associated to a particle and it would affect other particles path crossing it.
5. Macroscopic vs. Microscopic Physics in W-type of Multi-fold Universes
Pursuing the proposed model, one can consider that the universe is modeled by a global wave function. Yet, per the hierarchical principle [1], entanglement is limited to causal regions. Also, many separated systems are not interacting, and not associated to the same particle (assuming we can track them and understanding that some may appear or disappear as discussed in [1,8]).
So a global wave function consists of many small islands of regions where Higgs multi partite, with entangled concretized spacetime locations and associated W-types of multi-folds, themselves linked to each other by tunneling or by entanglements and multi-fold as described in [1]. Interactions with an entangled region may deactivate the latter multi-folds (corresponding to decoherence or end of entanglement), while measurement, annihilation or interaction with a particle will deactivate the W-types of multi-folds (corresponding to wavefunction collapse).
As larger systems are composed of particles, they are themselves composed of sets of such islands contributing to bigger wavefunction and entanglement. Each subsystem can be seen as evolving its own ways in random walks as for individual particles. As discussed in [1,10], gravity can result from entanglement of all the virtual pairs emitted by all the different subsystems.
In [1,32], we argued that gravity superposition is not the source of spontaneous collapse, because in a multifold universe, the curvature is effective and therefore not creating inconsistencies that would force the collapses proposed by Penrose and Diósi [33-35]. Yet, interactions with, and quantum fluctuations of, anything, including gravity, may result into such collapses for any of the involved island, if they impact the system more strongly than allowed by the uncertainty principle. The larger the system, the bigger the chances that interactions with something (e.g. vacuum or spacetime/Higgs fluctuations) will rapidly take place with some of its parts, resulting into the collapse of all the larger wavefunction(s) and the involved islands. It coincide with the usual views around spontaneous collapse. When a collapse occur, per our model, it is instantaneous and locate the particle at the location where it ended up in the course of its random walk. So in a larger system, the subsystems are localized (e.g. think of their center of distribution of the wave function), and with properties matching the notion of observable values. If this happen often, larger system are therefore behaving classically, while smaller islands can be, or last, much longer entangled or W-type entangled. This explains why macroscopic system are in general classical and microscopic quantum. It also explains physically explains the process of factorization of wavefunctions into products.
If the reasoning presented here is correct, then, by definition, the universe as a whole remains quantum even if its macroscopic systems are classical: it can’t be externally perturbed. Quantum Physics is universal, yet the quantum physics dictates that not isolated (which can only the be universe as a whole) macroscopic systems become described by classical physics with microscopic sub-systems continuing to be described by quantum physics. We also have a criteria for a larger system to remain described by quantum physics: isolate it from interactions or fluctuations larger than the uncertainty region associated to the system or for how long it may remain a quantum system (e.g. like a decoherence time etc.).
Again nothing in the above conclusions are especially new, nor it is universally accepted, for the real universe. Yet the explanation introduced peculiarities proper to W-type of multi-fold universes: spontaneous collapse is consistently justified, and differently from conventional proposal for spontaneous collapses, as well as gravity induced spontaneous collapse as in [33-37].
We also like to think that our model resolves some of the measurement problems or paradoxes [9]. Other interpretations of quantum mechanics [36,38] like the Many-world also remain compatible. However, in our view, alternative like Many-world are less justified now that we have a consistent physical justification for wave function collapse, if one believes in the Occam razor’s principle; especially considering how the random walk model also justifies the Born rule, without any consideration of measurement, continuous or spontaneous measurement, observation, or even collapse. We can argue that we have at least a potentially common consistent model, that explains in one shot: wave function or field as beables, wave function collapse, entanglement, gravity, Born rule and quantum versus classical physics.
In our model, large macroscopic wave functions may not re-form once collapsed, or only do so slower than c, as the Higgs Entanglement can’t reappear. That is different from most conventional spontaneous collapse models [36,37]. Even if they did, our reasoning immediately would re-apply. There could therefore be a meso scale of reality where re-formation takes place, while macroscopically it probably would never happen for systems at much large scale.
6. The measurement problem and Quantum Weirdness
Let us now revisit the measurement problem. We argue that it can be resolved in W-types of multi-fold universes: measurement is simply an interaction (or a set of interactions), that results into a wave function collapse as described above. Of course, the other interpretations [38] remain compatible, but possibly not that justified any more.
Of course, many quantum weirdness and paradoxes exists in relation with measurements including EPR experimentation and Bell inequalities and their generalizations as well as the different Wigner’s friend experiments [40-43].
The multi-fold mechanisms were introduced to address EPR and Bell inequalities: non-locality is achieved via the multi-fold mechanisms [1].
Let us consider some of the Wigner friend’s paradoxes.
6.1 Frauchiger-Renner Paradox
In the case of the Frauchiger-Renner Paradox [40], a variation on Wigner’s friend, well explained in [39], one of the following three assumption of Physics must be wrong:
- Universality of Quantum Physics (i.e. it applies to everything)
- Consistency of Quantum Physics (Reality and observations cannot be contradictory)
- Logic of Quantum Physics (facts can be true and false at the same time)
The present paper addresses the non-universality of quantum physics, but with a twist. We do not say that quantum mechanics does not apply to macroscopic systems (like a lab, Alice’s friend and her experiment), but that the collapse proposed in section 5, ensures that no superposition of macroscopic systems takes place within our macroscopic reality, as also agreed in [40]. Again, all others collapse models agree with such an explanation, but our W-type explanation is a self-consistent variation with beables.
6.2 Other Wigner’s friend paradoxes
The same reasoning applies to the Wigner’s friend [41], and variations as discussed in [42,43]: macroscopic observers do not put macroscopic systems into superposition.
7. Multi-fold Self-Gravity?
If ϰW ≠ 0, does it means that we have self-gravity effect within a wave function? Obviously, we do not know, it is even harder to measure than among entangled systems. But, as jumps involve the W-type of multi-folds, the particle should feel effective potentials fluctuations at any point before and after jump, and the potential of the traversed multi-fold during the jump. It probably introduces an additional notion of (renormalized) bare mass, rest mass and relativistic mass, with the latter accounting also for such energy contribution; but it does not change anything else as the full conventional mass is used for any analysis of the wavefunction itself. It is indeed expected to see such new notion as a particle in a wave function random walks within it and, at larger scale, the wave functions in quantum mechanics, and QFT, are now the aggregated result of these random walks then modeled by Quantum equations like the path integral.
On the other hand, for ϰW ≠ 0, any other particle, with paths crossing the spacetime support of a wave function, feels a potential attractive towards it center of distribution of the wave function, as for the multi-fold of [1], and weighted by ϰW. The effects are small, and probably only relevant when one particle wavefunction is significantly extended. It only appears in spacetime (or state space) locations covered by the wavefunction. These effects create gravity like fluctuations, including larger ones, when or if a wave function collapse. It is different from the spontaneous models proposed in [45,46]: gravity result from entanglement, as in [1,5,7,10 ] or W-type multi-folds when ϰW ≠ 0, yet the analyses proposed in [45,46] are food for thoughts as our proposal may imply similar gravity fluctuations when collapse takes place.
8. On the Irreversibility of Quantum Physics
We know that it has been shown that Quantum Physics appears as a systems well modeled by irreversible Thermodynamics [47]. In [1,48], we showed that in multi-fold universes, multi-fold mechanisms, and therefore entanglement and quantum gravity, are not T-symmetric. The present paper adds fundamental wave functions and QFT fields collapse dynamics, and measurements or interactions, as irreversible processes: the fundamental properties of Quantum Physics are indeed irreversible, even if usually unnoticeable. As these aspects are not modeled in conventional Physics today, the notions that simulations or even experiments [49,50] may appear to reverse time to bring it back to a past initial condition is not a correct, or complete reflection or model of the full quantum system, and therefore of actual reality (even if the equations can computationally be reverted, multi-folds or W-types of multi-folds have not been accounted for).
Such irreversibility arguably provide a justification to the notion of entropic or Thermodynamics notion of time arrow. We will discuss in future work how it relate to time symmetric proposals like [51].
Per [47], it is expected that because Quantum Physics is modeled by irreversible Thermodynamics, it is not a fundamental theory but rather an emerging theory. The multi-fold universe reconstruction of [1] provided a part of and underlying even more microscopic model, yet it only illustrated aspects of Quantum emergence. The W-type hypothesis adds physical explanation of the wave function, or QFT field, and its dynamics and collapse as well as its associated Born rule; thereby further clarifying the model. Motivations for randomness and physical Action were also provided in [1]. To that effect, the W-type hypothesis also motivates the duality between Action and Entropy often encountered between say QFT and Statistical Physics and called out on [47], yet while working with single particles.
Related to Thermodynamics, the model reminds of thermodynamics ergodic hypothesis introduced by Boltzmann: the wave function support has every point visited by the particle, some more than others as described by the wavefunction amplitude.
Note added on July 16, 2022: [52] provides another model directly supported by our proposal, if the microscopic idea are random walks of Higgs particles (one or many) making a condensate in an elementary particle [1,31,53], or just those elementary particles: they can all be the (microscopic explanation for the) fast fluctuating variables and their motion could be the random walks of [1]. We will not comment on the supersymmetry proposal though.
9. Conclusions
This paper introduced the type-W multi-fold hypothesis that proposes a new class of multi-fold universes (W-type), where wave functions and quantum fields are sources of W-type multi-folds on the wave function support domain, which explains the wave function behaviors and properties by random walk of the associated particle, or quantum system within the support domain. Random walks at the particle level take place through multi-folds except at very smalls scales (uncertainty region), where they can just jump in spacetime without violating the no supra luminosity limits.
The model of W-type multi-fold universes, a new hypothesis with respect to [1], is not a property derived for multi-fold universes, but rather a new concept, can provide a consistent explanation for wave function collapse, and the instantaneity of the collapse, the beable aspects of wave functions, and the measurement problems as well as the Born rule (without involving collapse to justify it). It predicts possible (for ϰW ≠ 0) additional gravity-like fluctuations within the spacetime support domain of a wavefunction, and when collapse takes place. This approach also results into a consistent model to explain why and how macroscopic Physics is classical, thereby addressing several Wigner friend paradoxes. In our view, it also gives a plausible consistent view of quantum mechanics interpretation à la collapse, or better, and as such it seems to be the most logical, Occam razor inspired, interpretation that applies for Quantum mechanics. Yet, W-type multi-fold universes remain compatible with most of the other interpretation [38]. Analyzing if our model can actually discriminate between any of these interpretations is for future work.
It is to be noted that, besides the W-type multi-fold universe being just an hypothesis, gravity like effects could not be produced by W-type multi-folds, for ϰW = 0, or be in general negligible, for ϰW = ε with ε ≈ 0, but not 0.
After addressing the reconciliation of GR with Quantum Physics, providing solutions (SMG) to key open problems with the standard model and standard cosmological model (See [1,11]), and pushing back on New Physics (See [1,11], beyond SMG), Multi-fold models and mechanisms can also address not just entanglement paradoxes but also open issues with Quantum Physics foundations. It invites further work on the possible impacts of W-types of multi-fold universes, and the W-type multi-fold hypothesis.
W-Type multi-fold models, including the Multi-fold reconstruction, seem candidates to a more fundamental theory from which Quantum Physics emerges. It also explicitly links Action and Entropy even at the individual particle level.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “The W-type Multi-Fold Hypothesis and Quantum Physics Interpretation of wave Functions and QFT”, viXra:2207.0118v1,…, December 20, 2020.
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[50]: Kaonan Micadei, John P. S. Peterson, Alexandre M. Souza, Roberto S. Sarthour, Ivan S. Oliveira, Gabriel T. Landi, Tiago B. Batalhão, Roberto M. Serra, Eric Lutz, (2017), “Reversing the direction of heat flow using quantum correlations”, arXiv:1711.03323v2
[51]: Julian Barbour, (2020), “The Janus Point: A New Theory of Time”, Basic Books
Reference added on July 16, 2022
[52]: Gerard t Hooft, (2022), “Projecting local and global symmetries to the Planck scale”, arXiv:2202.05367v1.
[53]: Stephane H. Maes, (2021), “More on Multi-fold Particles as Microscopic Black Holes with Higgs Regularizing Extremality and Singularities”,…, February 25, 2021.
[1] This may or may not be related to the challenges encountered in firmly establishing a condition-less Reeh-Schlieder Theorem in curved spacetime. Indeed, it is still unknown if such a theorem holds in curved spacetime, only under special conditions [13-15], and proof in the presence of curvature or gravity may encounter the same translation problems as encountered in multi-fold universe [1,15]. As we are not trying to analyze the Reeh-Schlieder theorem, such considerations are for future work.
[2] The notation UMF(W), relates to the one used in [1].
[3] Do not be fooled by our claims of non-negligible gravity at very smalls scales in [1] and at the scale in standard model for SMG (all discussions of it are tracked at [11]): they result from small scale 1/r plus massive gravity contributions [10]. Here, the contributions may remain small bounded by the size of uncertainty regions.
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#Beable #BellInequalities #BornRule #ClassicalVsQuantumPhysics #DiscreteSpacetime #EGDuality #effectivePotential #EmergentQuantumPhysics #Entanglement #EntropicTimeArrow #EPR #factorization #FrauchigerRennerParadox #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #hierarchicalPrincipal #Higgs #irreversibleThermodynamics #MacroscopicVsMicroscopicPhysics #measurementProblem #mesoScale #multiFold #MultiFoldUniverse #paradox #PathIntegrals #QFT #QuantumGravity #QuantumInterpretation #QuantumTunneling #randomWalk #SelfGravity #separableWaveFunctions #spontaneousCollapse #standardModelWithGravity #Thermodynamics #TimeArrow #WType #WTypeHypothesis #WTypeMultiFoldUniverse #waveFunction #waveFunctionCollapse #WignerSFriend
A New Theorem Maps Out the Limits of Quantum Physics
The result highlights a fundamental tension: Either the rules of quantum mechanics don’t always apply, or at least one basic assumption about reality must be…Anil Ananthaswamy (Quanta Magazine)
Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?
Stephane H. MaesJune 24, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
All these phenomena result from the observation that attractive gravity-like potentials appear in spacetime between entangled systems, because of the mechanisms proposed in a multi-fold universe to address the EPR paradox. An immediate implication, and opportunity to validate or falsify the model, is that gravity-like effects and fluctuation are predicted to appear between, around or near entangled systems; we just need check if this is encountered in the real world.
This paper discuss situations where attraction due to entanglement, and hence gravity like effects or fluctuations, could be encountered. For example, within or near quantum matter like superconductors or (Bose Einstein Condensates) BECs or within Qubits. One could argue that some indications exist that some of these effects could already have already been observed. We are really seeking falsifiability or validation opportunities for the multi-fold mechanisms. Early considerations are encouraging.
Discussing some related experiments led us to also address how shielding is correctly modeled with multi-fold mechanisms: Faraday cages do not weaken gravity!
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles [5], detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity (GR) at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In the present paper, we remain at a high level of analysis. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. The followings subsections are organized as a series of observations in [1] where gravity like effects are expected to result from entanglement and should be observable, at least indirectly through some resulting effects. Direct observation will remain challenging because of the expected weakness of the attractions. Our analysis is by no means exhaustive. However, we hope that it will intrigue enough the reader to push him or her to dig deeper. Most of the more detailed (or entry point) references are provided in [1], and so every statement is not motivated here or presented with the most appropriate references. This paper is rather a story tale. “[1]” appears often, as a person or a model, to refer to the original arguments, analysis, mechanisms or proposals discussed in [1].
2. Entanglement effects in Multi-fold universes
The mechanisms of multi-folds, the main feature proposed in [1], trigger activation of additional structures (folds) when particles are (EPR) entangled so that additional paths can traverse the folds, where the EPR entangled particles can always meet as a same exit points. Doing so, all the activated folds (i.e. multi-folds) create attractive potentials in in between the entangled particles ( per fold). The attraction is towards their source or center the mass, depending of the use cases and movements (and masses involved – entangled particles can be massive or massless). When involving virtual particles emitted by a source of energy, this potential is reminiscent of gravity and [1] attributes gravity to these effects. It can also be looked as adding contributions of the Ricci curvature scalar R of the folds, from all matter or energy contributions, to build a new Ricci curvature scalar field R and, with the direction of attraction information, a new consistent Ricci curvature tensor. Doing so, for all sources of energy, recovers Einstein’s GR field equations (or Hilbert Einstein Action); which is amazing as invariance of surfaces (the real geometrical meaning behind the Hilbert Einstein Action) or variants of the Hilbert Einstein have, at no point, be postulated in [1] prior to that determination (something that can’t exactly be said the same way for strings). Also, the multi-folds have a spin-2 symmetry.So, it is predicted in [1], that (EPR) entanglement between particles (or larger systems), results into attractive potentials in
towards the center of mass, with r the distance between form the center of mass, in
between the entangled particles (on the support domain of the mapping), if integration takes place over r. That is over a system of entangled particles or for the range of uncertainty. Otherwise, each particles contribute a per fold contribution. For gravity, the integration of r goes to infinity, hence the generic gravity like statement.It is also important to note for completeness that [1] postulates that such effects only exist when entanglement is the result of interaction occurring locally (same source location). Other situations are considered as hierarchical and thought not to contribute an additional effective potential. Yet, as in force composition, the different parts involved in a hierarchical event also amount to attractive effects; so attraction exist but as force composition. Also, if the entanglement is the effect of many repeated interactions (e.g. electron to phonon to electron), while hierarchical, the effects with composition will just appear as a normal non-hierarchical effect with attractive potential (at least in first approximation). So solid state entanglements a la superconductors for examples are modeled as nonhierarchical entanglement in this discussion; even if, in reality, it is the outcome of complex hierarchical composition of attractive potentials.
3. Gravity like fluctuations near (in between) entangled systems
An immediate consequence of the mechanism and model proposed in [1], is that fluctuations of gravity-like effects (in
– when macroscopic and in
when mostly between localized individual particles. These effects are very small (as is gravity beyond very small scales), so direct observation is probably hopeless for the near future, if ever. We will need clever indirect ways or macroscopic additive effects to be able to validate our model.A non-exhaustive list of candidate scenarios where such gravity like fluctuations are predicted to exist is provided here:
- Gravity like effects or fluctuations within, and in proximity of superconductors. Superconductors involve of combinations of Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer (BCS) pairs (at low temperatures and for low temperature superconductors) [7] and Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC) pairs [8] (after a transition from BCS pairs for high temperature superconductors) as well BEC pairs of pairs etc. in high temperature superconductors [6]. According to the mechanisms described in [1]:
- Attraction should occur within the bulk of the superconductors. It should also be with stronger effects for high temperature superconductors, because BEC pairs are smaller than BCS pairs (That spread all over the material over many crystal cells).
- This kind of effects have been anecdotally reported (see [9] for one of the most recent compilation of these controversial and hard to reproduce experiments)[fn1]. However, we urge the reader to be cautious in reading beyond the descriptions of the experiments and results and the references as we do not necessarily subscribe with the presentation of the experiments as accepted facts or many aspects of the proposed explanations or assertions in some of the listed references material, of anti-gravity, gravity shielding or repulsive gravity effects and other families or properties of gravitons-like particles. Unfortunately, the results experiments seem to have never been rigorously confirmed or unambiguously analyzed.
- In our view, these reported effects, if corroborated, and if we understand well the setup of the two experiments, could result from super-conductor internal stress within the electromagnetic field (between separated BEC BCS-pairs) plus vacuum polarizations. The latter results from entanglement attractions between the produced polarized virtual pairs. When the discharges occur, the superconductor and the vacuum polarization relaxes and so does the vacuum entanglement and attraction potential, resulting into a gravity fluctuation or wave that propagate at the same speed as the polarization relaxation. The relaxation produce a “expansion effects”, wherever polarization was present in the vacuum as well as within the superconductor and could explain the effects on the emitter or on the test masses. It would appear as an initially repulsive effect as the relaxation wave propagates. This explanation to these controversial experiments have never been proposed in the related literature as summarized in [9]. The complications of the shields is discussed in Appendix A.
- If true (both the observations and our suggested explanation), then we have a resounding indirect confirmation of the mechanisms described (attraction due to entanglement) in [1]; not just for entanglements within the superconductor but also the entanglement of the polarized vacuum.
- The stronger attraction within the high temperature superconductor creates a stronger effect than with low temperature superconductor material when the pairs are pushed to its boundaries by the electromagnetic field. A non-entangled material only see the vacuum effect. Without superconductors, i.e. in normal discharge situations, only vacuum polarization relaxation takes place. This is not sufficient. The fact that recoil may be better corroborated while radiation effects seems (often) no reproducible could come from the fact that the relaxation effect within the superconductor always takes place and is stronger than vacuum polarization relaxation. The other case (figure 1-a in [9]) requires suitable polarization beyond the right electrodes till the test mass something and it is a much weaker effect.
- Superconductors are also involved in these experiments also because of their known propensity of quantum matter like superconductors to amplify or reflect the vacuum polarization effects; something well known since the work for example of deWitt [10] and also involved in the still unconfirmed gravitational Casimir effect proposal [11]. These works predict effects of gravity on superconductor, not gravity like effect produce by super conductors. The distinction matters and shows the challenge in distinguishing the two types of effects if we want to validate the gravity like attraction generated by entanglement.
- To be convincing, we should see larger effects than expected by just contributions à la [10]. The results, with the problems already mentioned seem to indicate that it may be the case.
- As another related potential corroboration, building on the ideas of [10], it has also been proposed that an effect for gravitation analogous to the London moment in superconductor could exist for gravitons, in rotating superconductors, in a varying strong magnetic field [12]. Again, the magnetic field would push BEC BCS-pairs towards the surface of the superconductor and, as a result, bring stronger gravitation effect leaks observable outside and very near the super conductor, where a frame dragging effect as in GR, but stronger could be observed. Such effects have been observed [12]. However, the reported results were again in our view not clear enough to assess for sure if they would match our frame dragging expectation. It seems that they might.
- It is also important to understand all aspects of the experiments and details are missing on the actual results and in particular make sure that the effect are due to entanglement and not a variation a la [10], where frame dragging would be explained solely by the rotation flipping the roles (here the super conductor rotates, the detector is fixed) without the contributions of the attraction / gravity like fluctuation due to entanglement.
- The effect must be larger than normal frame dragging (undetectable) or effects explained by [10]. More work to model how [10] impacts the experimentation and if we can really detect an unexpected additional effect. Assuming that [12] did correctly account for [10], then according to the result, they have unaccounted for effects.
- The proposed setup of [12] and variations could be good ways (better than the first set of discharge experiments) to (indirectly) validate the multi-fold mechanisms. However, we would prefer experiments that are not involving and mixing other Physics (like strong magnetic fields, strong electromagnetic pulses etc.) to avoid the risk of misinterpretations and combinations of all these effects from superconductor, existing gravity and electromagnetism interactions. Electromagnetic fields were required because London – Meissner types of behaviors can amplify our predicted attraction . Unfortunately, we could not determine based on the research reports what of the side effects of the fields, as discussed here, have been accounted for in the results.
- Quantum matter, like BECs, superfluids, supermetals etc. are other candidates. The gravity fluctuation effects to look for are similar to what is discussed above for superconductors. The particular existing results discussed above for superconductor may not be repeatable or may need adaptation depending on the type of quantum material.
- Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) is another example of BEC [14]. Here, we see two avenue for confirmations:
- Experimentally when such plasma are formed in high energy accelerators [13]. It would be worth looking if any perturbations due to attractive potentials could be modeled and observed
- Theoretical models of cosmology (early moments after the big bang) and stellar physics could consider if adding such considerations could introduce new prediction or effects when involving large quantities of plasma and thus entanglement. The main reason being that at the scale of the universe or of stars, even small effects can start to play meaningful roles.
- Speaking of which, [1,5] showed of an effect associated to entanglement can qualitatively explain the dark matter effects, without requiring New Physics. It seems also consistent with the observations of galaxies that seem not to contain dark matter; something that most other models have had difficulties to handle. This is quite a potential confirmation, but we now need to proceed towards a more quantitative model of [1] so that we can determine if the number match to account for dark matter (or a portion of it).
- Validating [5] would be of great interest. It would after all, with the conclusions of our model, probably and most influential entanglement effect that we can think of (short of large or even larger, scale spacetime entanglement, proposed by others, but not something that we support).
- It is certainly encouraging that in addition, [1,15] can also explains effects that contribute to cosmological inflation and dark energy as well as a small cosmological constant that does not conflict with the QFT vacuum energy density estimates.
- Qubits are entangled systems achieved by different mechanisms like trapped ions, superconductors etc. [16]. They are at the code of quantum computing and larger Qubit systems are being built as time passes. These are not yet large enough for our needs, but things may change rapidly. Within the Qubits, if measurable, attraction would be a sign of entanglement and therefore a way to detect entanglement without observing it; something forbidden by the non-observability of entanglement [17]. Being able to do so would be a great tool for quantum computing and validation of our predictions.
- For quantum computing, teleportation or other purpose, researchers are entangling bigger systems like atoms, larger and larger molecules, wider atom systems or even biological systems; all involving huge amounts of entities (see for example [18-20]). The bigger these systems are the better are the chance to directly or indirectly determine if gravity fluctuations appear among them, as long that we do not hit the snag of hierarchical entanglement not producing attractive potentials. So some precaution are needed to understand if validation is possible or if the absence of attraction would implies falsifiability of our model or rather such the dominance of hierarchical entanglement effects.
4. Other effects and Considerations
It is also worth also noting that [1] predicts impact of the multi-folds effects on the Standard Model. So far, we have used that explain some open problems with the standard model, without requiring new physics. We have shown how entanglement would also appear; but we have not yet found any situation (besides dark matter as in [5]) where it is the contributing factor, versus rather the massive gravity contribution term at small scales also predicted by [1] and expected to be non-negligible at small scales. So far it is that latter mechanism that is invoked in [1] to contribute explanations. See [21] for a list of papers derived from [1], many discussing the impact on the standard model or on New Physics beyond the Standard Model.That is not to say that, even if possibly surprising, the model proposed in [1] is in fact already contained in many existing conventional physics as well as New Physics around Superstrings and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture [22]. Indeed, see for example [23-24] showing how entanglement and spacetime curvature relate. See [1,22] for analysis of how our model also relates to superstring and more directly on topic, how the ER=EPR conjecture [25] is very much a more limited model corroborating the multi-fold mechanisms (see for example [26]); but missing the resulting impact of gravity like potentials towards the center of mass. Non-transferability of the wormholes and misreading of the curvature implications of the entangled black holes may possibly be why these models have not (yet) reached our conclusions. For us, the beauty is that we do not need the New Physics, we just need to add gravity (string enough at smalls scales) to the Standard Model. There is enough material to start making a case for this [21].
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we have compiled examples of situation where it might be possible to observe gravity like fluctuations due to entanglement, as predicted by the multi-fold mechanisms proposed in [1].At this stage, we hope to find more experiments, effects or model where the additional gravity fluctuation due to entanglement plays a significant role that makes it or its consequence detectable. It is essential to the validation or falsifiability of the multi-fold mechanism proposed in [1]. Doing so if for future work but we can only encourage any such experiments or to keep our predictions in mind quantum matter or quantum computing and teleportation experiments, just in case.
A few challenges remain. The main one being that just like for gravity, at the scale considered, the effects are so small that it will be very hard to detect them, especially directly. Yet our proposal for dark matter already shows that there are ways and there is hope. We also have high hopes for superconductors and BEC experiments. We already pointed out to anecdotal that may corroborate; even if not necessarily as the authors of these experiments would have expected.
Of course, another challenge is that the model of [1] is more qualitative than quantitative. Now, it is a priority for us to evolve towards more quantitative approaches by evolving form proportionality equation to the real coupling factors and estimate these factors (e.g. by relating to expected values in classical situations). We aim with future work to get such better quantitative predictions as well as to evangelize experimentations base don the present paper. Not being currently active in a Physics institution, currently limits our ability to directly attempt an experimental program ourselves.
Our hope with this publication is that others will get ideas on how to validate our model directly or indirectly. We certainly welcome such, or any other, collaborations.
Needless to say that the early hints of corroboration presented here, the contributions to addressing open issues covered in [1,21] and the fact that Physics all along maybe hinted at the multi-folds mechanism, are strong encouragements. We hope it will convince the community to spend some cycle on what [1] proposes.
Note (10/2/20): The progresses towards larger entangled systems reported recently in [27,28], as well as [18-20], will hopefully result into some focused efforts to test our model of attractive gravity like effects between and among entangled systems.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”, viXra:2010.0010v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[fn1]: We are cautious about citing and concerned about the extensive discussion presented here. Indeed the experiment result mentioned here are seen as controversial. We mention them, more as examples of indirect ways to experiments with effects predicted by [1], than as successfully reviewed experimental results that we would want to rely on.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[9]: Giovanni Modanese, (2014), “Gravity-Superconductors Interactions as a Possible Means to Exchange Momentum with the Vacuum”, arXiv:1408.1636v1
[10]: Bryce S. DeWitt, (1966), “Superconductors and Gravitational Drag”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 16, 1092
[11]: James Q. Quach, (2015), “Gravitational Casimir effect”, arXiv:1502.07429v1
[12]: Clovis Jacinto de Matos, Martin Tajmar (2006). “Gravitomagnetic London Moment and the Graviton Mass inside a Superconductor”, arXiv:cond-mat/0602591
[13]: ALICE Collaboration, (2018), “Anisotropic flow in Xe-Xe collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.44 TeV”, arXiv:1805.01832v2
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”,, June 19, 2020.
[17]: Ning Bao and Jason Pollack and Grant N. Remmen, (2015), “Wormhole and entanglement (non-)detection in the ER=EPR correspondence”, arXiv:1509.05426
[18]: C. F. Ockeloen-Korppi, E. Damskagg, J.-M. Pirkkalainen, A. A. Clerk, F. Massel, M. J. Woolley, M. A. Sillanpaa, (2017), “Entangled massive mechanical oscillators”, arXiv:1711.01640v1
[19]: Yaakov Y. Fein et al. (2019), “Quantum superposition of molecules beyond 25 kDa”, Nature Physicss.
[20]: Kong, J., Jiménez-Martínez, R., Troullinou, C. et al., (2020), “Measurement-induced, spatially-extended entanglement in a hot, strongly-interacting atomic system”. Nat Commun 11, 2415.
[22]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[23]: ChunJun Cao, Sean M. Carroll, Spyridon Michalakis, (2016). “Space from Hilbert Space: Recovering Geometry from Bulk Entanglement”, arXiv:1606.08444v3.
[24]: van Raamsdonk, Mark (2010). “Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement”, Gen. Rel. Grav. 42 (14): 2323–2329. arXiv:1005.3035
[26]: Julian Sonner, (2013), “Holographic Schwinger Effect and the Geometry of Entanglement”, arXiv:1307.6850v3.
[28]: Rodrigo A. Thomas, Michał Parniak, Christoffer Østfeldt, Chistoffer B. Møller, Christian Bærentsen, Yeghishe Tsaturyan, Albert Schliesser, Jürgen Appel, Emil Zeuthen, Eugene S. Polzik, (2020), “Entanglement between Distant Macroscopic Mechanical and Spin Systems”, arXiv:2003.11310v1
Appendix A – No gravity shields in Multi-fold Universes
In [9], the experiences of figure 1 and 2, sensors are described as positioned in shielded boxes or behind shield screens, we do interpret this as electromagnetic shields (as faraday cages or large screens). This is certainly challenging a direct vacuum polarization story beyond the shield. We did not want to bring this up in the main discussion and add more controversies.Obviously, gravity screens do not exist. [1] must be able to account for no weakening of gravity within faraday cages for example, despite our mechanisms relying on virtual particles. If only virtual neutrinos were to contribute, gravity would be weakened within such a cage, which is obviously not the case. In general for the multi-fold mechanisms of [1], when the virtual particles tries to reach a test particle within an electromagnetic shield, it does it be affecting the four -vector potential of the shield. Considering the system shield + target particle, its total energy is affected and it affects the energy source available to multi-folds affecting the test particle. The combine effect is hierarchical and the composition appears as if the effect went through the shield. A dedicated upcoming paper or an update of [1] will explicitly address these shielding concerns with the multi-fold mechanisms.
Coming back to [9], our plausible explanation stops at the shield. So what could be happening next? The gravity fluctuation due to the relaxation of the vacuum polarization (e.g. in figure 2 of [9]) affects the 4-vector potential as a fluctuation that therefore could continue beyond the shield as a gravity fluctuation. Remember, we only try to interpret [9] at the light of [1]. We are in no position to corroborate what actually was observed.
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#AdSCFTCorrespondence #BCS #BEC #DarkEnergy #DarkMatter #EPR #EREPR #FrameDragging #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #GravityFluctuations #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumComputing #QuantumGravity #QuantumMatter #QuarkGluonPlasma #Qubits #StandardModel #Superconductor #superfluid #Teleportation #VacuumPolarization #WeakGravityConjecture
Physicists Have Successfully Connected Two Large Objects in Quantum Entanglement : ScienceAlert
We stride through our Universe with the confidence of a giant, giving little thought to the fact that reality bubbles with uncertainty.Mike McRae (ScienceAlert)
The String Swampland and de Sitter Vacua: A Consistent Perspective for Superstrings and Multi-fold Universes
Stephane H. Maes
January 9, 2021
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model resulting into what we defined as SMG. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hints at a even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
Superstrings are encountered in the context of Multi-fold universes; but not as physical entities or as entities encountered in the multi-fold universe spacetime. Their discovery in AdS(5) (+ extra dimensions) tangent to every multi-fold universe spacetime points are physically consistent with superstrings that would only exist in universes with negative cosmological constants.
Yet, in previous papers, we did not analyze the details of the related string theory theorems and conjectures, and, in particular, we did not discuss criticisms to the main incompatibility results, which are conjectures not accepted by all, and alternatives that seem to be able to avoid them. This paper provides an analysis that supports the proposal of the incompatibility of superstrings with positive curvature, dark energy or cosmological constant. This result applies to superstring theories. But it is good to note that the reasoning is consistent with the multi-fold universe spacetime reconstruction model (random walk), inflation (including the approach based on Higgs field minimally coupled to gravity) and multi-fold dark energy mechanisms. It piles on the already asserted incompatibility of superstrings and supersymmetry with SMG based on asymptotic safety of gravity in multi-fold universes.
In the context of multi-fold universes, it appears that the multi-fold universe spacetime emerges from the multi-fold random walk, while its dual AdS(5), where the multi-folds, or gravitons, live, could be seen as emerging from superstrings. Superstrings are buffered by AdS(5) from dS and relieved from having to support its emergence or existence. The jury remains out on the exact physical relevance of superstrings beyond gravitons.
1. Introduction
The paper [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR – Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter, and dark energy, as well as explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales, and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
The present paper reviews our points of view on superstrings, and supersymmetry, derived in the context of multi-fold universes, including how our results were consistent with the relationship so far with Vafa’s and others’ swampland analyses, which propose or conjecture that superstrings are no compatible with positive cosmological constant, asymptotic de Sitter spacetime, or de Sitter vacua [5,6]. We review related key papers that seem to criticize, violate (e.g. by proposing counter examples), or support [5,6]. Our conclusions support the corner of the proponents of incompatibility: de Sitter vacua are in the superstring swampland.
2. Multi-fold Perspective on Superstrings and Super Symmetry
The multi-fold mechanisms described in [1] result into a dual AdS(5) universe created by the multi-folds, and where the multi-folds live. In [1], we encountered multi-folds as resembling gravitons (which does not necessarily make gravitons physical), quantized per the spacetime reconstruction model, which could be considered as approximated by the graviton superstrings in AdS(5) (+ additional dimensions).
[7-10] further discusses how other, by opposition to gravitons, superstrings (and as a result, M-theory/supergravity entities like (D-)branes) seem unphysical. This does not dispute the mathematical framework behind superstrings, or the existence of the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture.
Per [1], a multi-fold universe spacetime always has a positive effective curvature. In the associated duality, between spacetime and AdS(5), GR may or may not reign in AdS(5) with respect to multi-fold kinematics and dynamics.
In [11], we argued incompatibility of superstrings and supersymmetry with the standard model (SM) and SMG. [12,13] further discusses the challenges with the physicality of supersymmetry, and associated (grand) unification theories (GUTs). It is something that was also hinted by [14], which showed that it is impossible to define a supersymmetry algebra in a (an asymptotic) de Sitter spacetime. Indeed it is widely believed that our real universe is asymptotic de Sitter (dS). The addition of asymptotic is to capture the locally non-perfect de Sitter behavior, for example due to the presence of matter.
3. Swampland Criteria and de Sitter Vacua
Superstrings are supposed to define an absurdly large number of possible universes, and physics defined, as the string landscape. Yet some universe models are expected to not emerge from, i.e. be UV completed by, superstrings. These models are deemed to be part of the string swampland [5].
Strings afficionados are not agreeing on the feasibility, or not, for a (an asymptotic) de Sitter spacetime to emerge from superstrings (and supergravity or M-theory). There are two schools of thoughts: the ones who constructed de Sitter vacua by defining spacetime effective potentials that are positive (stable), metastable (e.g. KKLT [15], where a metastable positive potential is created by uplifting a stable AdS vacuum potential by adding other string or brane objects like anti-D3-brane), or unstable but slow evolving (e.g. quintessence with an unstable positive potential slow rolling down to zero) [15-20], and those who put de Sitter vacua theories as part of the swampland [6,21,22]. Many of the papers mentioned here also dispute results of each other, and provide good analyses of the challenges of their own or others’ proposals. Let us note in particular [6,17,21,23] to understand the problems with both uplifting, or quintessence, approaches, and variations like [18-20]. Metastable uplifted models have instabilities, or fine-tuning issues, leading to slow roll away from dS vacua, and / or, decompactification (also encountered with quintessence), as well as non-linearity mutual interaction effects that induce these issues, or invalidate the uplifting model, when all the events that are interactions across the sources of the fields are considered. Quintessence [17,21,25] have problems including violation of the Weak Gravity Conjecture (WGC) [26], with a fifth force at scales where it is expected to hold conventionally, and are difficult to consistently obtain from superstrings models. Racetrack models in uplifting [15,17] also seem to violate WGC. Note that a violation of the strict inequality in WGC is also proposed in multi-fold universes [1,12], but probably at lower scales than envisaged here, and with a different reasoning that does not involve quintessence or fifth force, but rather democratization of all the interactions with the same strength (and particles).
With disagreements (e.g. [17]), it looks like fields generating de Sitter vacua are in the swampland. It is arguably still a conjecture. [21] elegantly argues that all strings model seem to conspire against being able to obtain a (and asymptotic) de Sitter spacetime; which of course has far reaching consequences for cosmology, e.g. [24], and physics [21].
It is probably worth noting that, while the swampland criteria proposals [6], seem to introduce tensions with inflation [24] (something disputed in part in [17], who argue that the swampland criteria just don’t apply to inflation as unrelated to, and not taking place near, a de Sitter vacuum) multi-field proposals for inflation fields and dark energy fields have been made without violating the mathematical de Sitter criterion of the swampland, e.g. [27,28], implying that swampland criteria do not necessarily prevent modeling these inflation and dark energy effects, but without actually modeling their emergence from superstrings, so that we do not know if they are plagued by problems like say the quintessence (e.g. decompactification), or being too time varying effects to justify an asymptotic de Sitter spacetime over the lifetime of the universe. In general new (vs. initial models of Guth) inflation models are not yet well fully understood, or explained, in string theories [29], nor compatible with all the envisaged approaches [30,31]. So, for this paper, we will consider that multi-field approaches do not yet provide counter examples addressing the question of de Sitter vacua emerging from superstrings. If it changes we can revisit, but it does not mean that we would ultimately reach a different conclusion.
4. An Outsider Perspective
4.1 Discussion of the approaches so far
Let us offer a slightly different perspective, not tied to multi-fold universes. Not being practitioners of string theory, we admit that we don’t know what we don’t know; but the approach of de Sitter vacua construction seems, in itself, problematic.
Let us assume that inflation, or whatever alternative, resulted into an essentially flat spacetime. In later time, e.g. reheating and beyond, matter is present, and by this, in the philosophy of [1], we mean covering both fermions and bosons / radiation. It is in these epochs that the curvature of spacetime is determined, and, logically, that large scale positive curvature appears as cumulative results of matter, and of any other energy (let us not drop dark components) contributions. We know that these conditions, i.e. the presence of matter, systematically threaten decompactification in a superstring universe, if positive accelerations of the universe expansion are to be maintained [17,21]. In fact, it could be intuitively understood by seeing that matter and dark energy act in opposite direction: when matter is present new lower energy vacua exists, leading to AdS solutions, or requiring stronger positive dark energy effect to counter the impact, otherwise, the compactified dimensions tend to get a negative curvature: they become unstable and want to decompactify.
On the other hand, superstrings have no problem generating negative potentials and AdS spacetime. Adding matter to AdS lower also the energy level, but does not threaten the nature of the vacua and decompactification; even if AdS itself is unstable to matter (at least for GR, which we claim results from the same observations [32]).
The constructions (uplifting or quintessence) result from certain combinations of certain types of strings and branes. What about the other “entities” (like other branes types, or strings), that they be gravity, matter or supersymmetry/superstrings related? Why select some or the other? Wouldn’t contributions or fluctuations from any other entity also bring back the potentials to AdS vacua or spacetime? It has already been seen that non-linear effect of combination have so far put in question the uplifting models [6,17,21,23].
We are inclined to endorse a priori the fact that dS vacua, positive cosmological constant, dark energy or possibly even well-behaved inflation are in the swampland. To be convinced otherwise, we would prefer to see conditions where all the string and brane contributions that could be considered would be positive (e.g. as in multi-fold universes, all scenarios of gravity and expansion are associated with a positive curvatures [1]), or remain positive when interacting. Such scenario does not (yet) exist, and to our knowledge, there is no corresponding string model.
4.2. Superstring Spacetime Emerges With A Negative Cosmology Constant
In this section we will argue that the fundamental approach of string implies a model that favor negative cosmological constant. To do so we go back to the reasoning that we made showing that GR and gravitons are of course contained in strings because the string actions contain to the first order the Hilbert Einstein action for the embedding spacetime [10].
Indeed, the preference for negative cosmological constant can also be derived from [10]. The Nambu-Goto or Polyakov actions extremize areas of grand circles in the world sheet instead of sphere areas in space time. They grow as curvature decreases (and goes negative). As a result, the action estimates are always a bit smaller than the expected action (smaller Ricci scalar curvature) (and with a different sign) For a give extremum in the embedding spacetime. [10] shows that we can extremize one, or the other of the Hilbert Einstein action, or one of the string actions. The string actions extremize an action in (- α R + 1) which correspond to extremizing a Hilbert Einstein action in (R’ + α-1), i.e. a manifold of Ricci curvature scalar R’ with a negative cosmological constant). α is positive. R is the Ricci curvature scalar before “change of variable”.
The outcome is that while both can produce similar extrema (when embedded in an imposed spacetime with a certain curvature as referenced in [10] (especially reference [36] in [10])), only the negative curvature is emerging (without tricks) from the string action. Therefore, strings can only generate negatively curved spacetime. This is the result obtained without extra fields. Additional fields, as in the references in [10], will further create negative curvature as discussed in section 4.1. Therefore, nothing built on the string actions can contribute a positive curvature.
Therefore, it is a normal consequence of the Nambu-Goto or Polyakov actions extremization, that characterize strings (and superstrings), that the strings spacetime that they would generate (i.e., we are no more looking at them as embedded in an existing spacetime, but seeing what they model as a spacetime that emerge from them) be AdS, with AdS vacua, or with negative cosmological constant. The problems discussed in section 3, and concerns of section 4.1, further justify the futility of trying to generate a dS vacua, at least without a clear physical explanations for the additional terms (fields) that would create the positive curvature, something that does not exist within the context of superstrings as sources for such fields.
The reasoning extends to cases where the cosmological constant would not be constant.
So we believe that we can say that (asymptotic) dS spacetime, de Sitter Vacua, and positive cosmological constant or positive dark energy emerging from strings, are in the string swampland and that the reasoning above is the proof of that statement. To our knowledge, such a proof had never been concretely provided so far in the literature.
With the above, we can complete the analysis of [22] and affirm statements of its section 2.10:
- (Asymptotic) dS spacetime does not exist as a consistent quantum theory of gravity emerging from superstrings, and it belongs to the swampland. (1)
- Non-supersymmetric AdS/CFT holography (i.e. the correspondence conjecture) lies in the swampland:
- Non-SUSY is not allowed <= Λ < 0 = > SUSY is allowed ([22]-(2.17))
- dS/CFT (holography) lies in the swampland:
- SUSY is not allowed <= Λ > 0 => Non-SUSY are not allowed (2)
Therefore, we propose that (2) can now be more strongly considered as a fact instead of the question ([22]-(2.18)).
It is important to note that we also rephrased the first statement (1). Indeed our multi-fold work, so far, and as tracked in [1,33], and other non-stringy approaches to quantum gravity, like LQG [34], do not equate consistency with meaning the ability to emerge from superstrings.
Finally let us note that differences between ([22]-(2.17)) and (2) for spacetime generated by superstrings was anticipated and predicted in [10] simply based on analysis of the respective actions. This result comes from the relationships between the actions, not from other deeper stringy or quantum(correction) considerations! [10] offered already all the bases for proofs needed.
5. Multi-fold Universes, dS and AdS spacetimes
5.1 Multi-fold spacetime / AdS(5) factual correspondence
The multi-fold QFT in Multi-fold spacetime (DS) / AdS(5) correspondence [1], is different from (5). [1] derives a factual dS + QFT/AdS(5) correspondence for Multi-fold universes: multi-folds live in an AdS(5) spacetime tangent to, and dual of, the 4D multi-fold spacetime.
A multi-fold spacetime is flat or (asymptotic) de Sitter, unless if starting with different initial curvatures, to be separately justified. Entanglement and gravity always contribute positive effective curvature that result form the multi-fold mechanisms [1].
5.2. Multi-fold dark energy effects
By spacetime reconstruction [1], the multi-fold spacetime is generated by random walk as a discrete, fractal random, anti-commutative, and Lorentz invariant spacetime, with null or positive curvature. Per [1], spacetime locations are associated to minimum microscopic black holes, further explored and related to Higgs fields in [35].
The Random walk concretization could be modeled by an (effective) QFT with a field potential of the type presented in Figure 1.
Figure 1: The random walk and concretization mechanism modeled by an effective field: growth increase with energy or particles up to a certain point after which it can only concretized points not yet visited or concretize what dark energy mechanisms have gained, so the potentials reaches a titled plateau.
[1,37] presented an additional explanation for dark energy. Again, could be modeled by an (effective) QFT with a field potential of the type presented in Figure 2.
Figure 2: The dark energy mechanisms of [1,37] start from vacuum fluctuation effect contribution to fluctuation effects between entangled virtual pairs emitted by real particles / energy sources and finally fluctuations effects between entangled systems.
We note that this gives us a multi-field model and each field satisfy the de Sitter swampland criterion [6]. We did not check other swampland criteria [38], as they fundamentally do not mean much.
In previous papers, we proposed how inflation can be seen as a model for the initial random walk growth at high energy [1,37], and Higgs Field (Minimally) Coupled to Gravity as possible concrete examples [35].
6. Multi-fold vs Superstring Universes
Based on our analysis of the inability of superstrings to generate asymptotic de Sitter spacetimes, while being able to generate asymptotic AdS spacetime. Based on the positioning between AdS and Multi-fold space time. We would like to propose the following:
- Supersymmetry and superstrings generate the tangent/dual spacetime of a multi-fold universe spacetime and where multi-folds evolve.
- Random walk and multi-fold mechanisms generate the multi-fold spacetime. It cannot be emerge per superstrings (per the above).
- Multi-folds attach to entangled particles in multi-fold spacetime and provide extra path that explain entanglement, gravity-like effects [1,39] and gravity [1,40]. This can be seen as the multi-fold factual versions of the AdS/CFT correspondence [41] and ER=EPR conjectures [42,8], albeit GR may not governs aspects of the kinematics and dynamics of the multi-fold when attached to entangled entities [10].
- So far, anything from supersymmetry and superstrings that is beyond characterization of the physics of gravitons in AdS(5) may not be physical. Even the latter may be unphysical.
- The standard model SM or SMG, in a multi-fold universe, can be recovered from induced space time matter models from a 7D (vacuum) universe, where the multifold universe is embedded [36].
For multi-fold universes, AdS(5) seems to buffer superstrings from the asymptotic dS spacetime, relieving superstrings from having to explain or generate asymptotic dS spacetime.
There are still major open issues to this picture with respect to superstrings: while we know that superstrings are not compatible with SM or SMG [11], we do not yet know all what to make of the Yang Mills field also emerging from superstrings [10], as well as all the supersymmetric and higher spin particles that we have suggested so far to be non-physical [7,12]. Do they play a role, or are they just there as a consequence of needing an AdS(5) as part or as a result of the multi-fold mechanisms? If we look at the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture, by analogy, one might suspect that Yang Mills in AdS(5) (from superstrings) may relate to Yang mills in the multi-fold spacetime, building on the reasoning in [10,41]. But we do not have a way so far to explain or even guess what it would consist of, other than possibly something like proximity effects as in [10,43].
Considering the above, it is important to remember that, if the standard model SM, or SMG, lives in an asymptotic de Sitter universe, as we believe that the real universe is, then [11] adds to the conclusion that a (and asymptotic) de Sitter Universe, or a Multi-fold Universe, with SM / SMG, cannot emerge from superstrings: the asymptotic safety of quantum gravity in a multi-fold universe and suspected within the real universe is not compatible with SM/SMG.
9. Conclusions
We have provided a perspective on why superstrings cannot generate a (an asymptotic) de Sitter spacetime, or dS vacua. Based on past work, it leads to the conclusion that spacetime geometry, and acceleration, as well as its content (SM/SMG) seem to be incompatible with the emergence from superstrings.
When it comes to multi-fold universes, the AdS(5) dual to multi-fold spacetime buffers superstrings from dS spaces. Multi-fold spacetime emerges from random walks. One can take two consistent point of views: AdS(5) can be seen as emerging from superstrings to support multi-folds, or as emerging from multi-fold dynamics and create a spacetime compatible with supporting superstrings, or coexistence with superstrings reigning in that spacetime.
The new result from this paper seem to reinforce the view that asymptotic de Sitter (multi-fold universe, or the real universe) spacetime geometry and acceleration as well as its content (SM/SMG) seem to be incompatible with its emergence from superstrings. We believe it is the latter as it is consistent also with the model of a locally embedding 7D space felt from the 4D spacetime and responsible for space time matter induction that creates the SM, as proposed in [36,44].
The physical role, or impact, of superstrings other than possibly graviton, or graviton-like effects of multi-folds, in the dual manifolds emerging and hosting superstrings is still an open issue for future work. A priori, they have no physical effect, other than maybe to the extent that, at very small scales so that curvature is not really seen, space time matter induction from 7D spacetime (viewed from inside the 4D spacetime) is essentially equivalent to coming from the AdS(5) viewed from the outside. So, maybe there is a mathematical relationship or duality between the two that allows multi-fold 7D space time matter induction to appear as if an effect from superstrings in AdS(5) (+…).
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “The String Swampland and de Sitter Vacua: A Consistent Perspective for Superstrings and Multi-fold Universes”, viXra:2208.0078v1,…, January 9, 2021.
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theory that attempts to canonically quantize gravity via Ashtekar variables
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universes
Stephane H. MaesJune 14, 2020
Superstrings seem to somehow appear in multi-folds universes. [em][em]We compare the results and models of superstrings with the multi-fold mechanisms associated to EPR entanglement and discover that such multi-fold mechanism in a multi-fold universe: i) explain or clarify many superstring results, ii) provide analogies to superstring results that often change conjectures (e.g. AdS/CFT correspondence, ER=EPR, GR=QM) to facts or theorems in a multi-fold universe iii) position superstrings with respect to our spacetime iv) illustrates differences and v) makes suggestions on how to evolve superstrings theories and M-Theory, according to the multi-fold universe proposal and observations in the real universe, so far. We conclude with a call for collaboration.[/em][/em]
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in s multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [24] and Kerr Newman [25] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [32], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
Throughout the analysis, [1] finds numerous touch points with superstrings, despite coming from a complete different proposition, i.e. 1) not starting from General Relativity (GR) or the Hilbert Einstein Action adapted for higher dimensions (or variations and extensions) 2) no modeling strings and not starting from a string equation or a string action like the Nambu-Goto Action 3) not declaring any supersymmetry or supergravity invariance 4) in fact, delaying quantization as long as possible in the discussions of the multi-fold mechanisms.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. The followings subsections are organized as a series of observations in [1] that relate to superstrings and conversely. [1] did not focus on presenting these facts as a comparison or as lessons learned for and from superstrings. Also, our analysis is not exhaustive. However, we hope that it will intrigue enough the reader to push him or her to dig deeper. Most of the more detailed (or entry point) references are provided in [1] and so every statement is not motivated here or presented with the most appropriate references. This paper is rather a story tale. “[1]” appears often, as a person or a model, to refer to the original arguments, analysis, mechanisms or proposals discussed in [1].
[1] is about a multi-fold universe. We discovered that the framework and mechanism of [1] have many touch points with superstrings, in terms of the resulting picture of the universe and specific properties or phenomena. [1] argues that it can model well our real space time and provides predictions and opportunities for falsifiability.
2. Selected duality highlights
2.1 Point particles, strings, world sheets and black holes
[1] works with a model where, from the beginning, particles are central to the analysis (at the difference of conventional QFT, which has many modeling problems with particles). The suitability of the approach comes from the strict rejection of any supra luminosity in a multi-fold universe defined by [1]. Accordingly, for example, Path Integrals must filter out any path that would have a portion space like with respect to another portion of the path. This is a key difference with conventional QFT. It avoids excessive spread of the wave functions of relativistic particles, and zeroes QFT correlations between space like regions. Of course, it is understood that particles are only tractable between their creation and annihilation and that their numbers change.In addition, from the onset, a particle in [1] is associated to an uncertainty region, according to the uncertainty principle (and the hard no supra luminosity limit). It is not a point particle, but rather a ball of uncertainty. Within and around that region. This was the case at larger scale, even before determining that spacetime is discrete in a multi-fold universe. Spacetime reconstruction models show that spacetime, discrete as already mentioned, and particles are presented by microscopic black holes (possibly extremal for charged particles). The particle blackholes result from the structure of the effective potential surrounding every particle, as a result of the EPR entanglement of all the virtual particles that are emitted by the particle. Spacetime points are rather the result of the spacetime concretization by passage of particles following random walks. Massless carriers like photons are also Schwarzschild blackholes. All these are relevant only at very small scales, below the scales of typical quantum models. This model describes spacetime and gravitation as 2-D processes at very small scales and 4-D at larger scales. The spacetime is Lorentz invariant, thanks to the random walk-based spacetime reconstruction that generates a fractal structure and a non-commutative geometry. GR equation can be recovered as a result of the models of [1] (by computation of path integrals, or by Thermodynamics arguments). The mechanisms of multi-folds, the main feature proposed in [1], trigger additional structures (folds) when particles are (EPR) entangled so that additional paths can traverse the folds, where the EPR entangled particles can always meet as a same exit points. Doing so, all the activated folds (i.e. multi-folds) create attractive potentials in
in between the entangled particles (
per fold) towards their source or center the mass, depending of the use cases and movements (and masses involved e.g. massive or massless). When involving virtual particles emitted by a source of energy, this potential is reminiscent of gravity. It can also be looked as adding contributions of the Ricci curvature scalar R of the folds, from all matter or energy contributions, to build a new Ricci curvature scalar field R and, with the direction of attraction information, a new consistent Ricci curvature tensor. Doing so, for all sources of energy, recovers Einstein’s GR field equations (or Hilbert Einstein Action); which is amazing as invariance of surfaces (the real geometrical meaning behind the Hilbert Einstein Action) or variations of the Hilbert Einstein had, at no point, be postulated in [1] prior to that determination (something that can’t exactly be said the same way for strings). Also, the multi-folds have a spin-2 symmetry.This, as well as the microscopic black hole models, indicates that semi-classical models can be used till way smaller scales that usually expected (if tuned to behaviors described in [1]). Doing so, we can see particles positions, in the presence of entanglement and gravity, will oscillate preferably along the geodesics.
It reminds of few string features, but in appearance only:
- Superstring theory models particles as little strings instead of point particles. In a multi-fold universe of [1], the strings could rather be seen as the result of how particles appear as they wiggles back and forth predominantly along geodesics of choice, as a result of gravity (due to entanglement). It directly relates to the discussion in [1] about a similar observation made in [2] on the horizon of black holes (and the different variations of Black Hole soft hairs theorems). In [1], particles appear with their uncertainty regions that are shaped like wiggling strings in the presence of gravity.
- The length of the uncertainty walk on the geodesic is proportional to the energy of the particle. This is also the rule linking length and energy in string theory.
- At times, superstring theory models spacetime as the world sheets, building the manifold with these geodesics.
- When looked this way, the Nambu-Goto Action, behind all the string models, extremizes the world sheet surfaces (as soap bubbles minimize their surfaces between supports – here, the different string lines at different time – see [3]). Therefore, this action is immediately equivalent to the Hilbert Einstein Action, which also extremize surfaces. It is therefore no surprise that Nambu-Goto and strings recover exactly GR (when computing linear GR perturbations, i.e. conventional gravitons), at any order, or that, even with variations or extensions, they always recover or include some forms of graviton. Modeling gravitons and matching GR series expansions became the motivation, claim of fame and the main selling point for (super)strings as a theory of gravity and a Theory of Everything (ToE). Historically, some scattering amplitudes proposed ad hoc and computed for mesons gave good results. They were later understood and visualized, as strings linking quarks and anti-quarks in mesons (with the strong interactions increasing when the string is stretched; it was prior to QCD). The Nambu-Goto Action formalized the physics that includes minimizing surface of the world sheet to model the dynamics. More details and history are available in [4]. The point is that, in retrospect, the apparition of the graviton, not trivial to compute, was actually obvious. So yes, string models include gravitons (graviton-like particles) but it is really just because of how the world sheets are defined and then linked to spacetime. The same analysis can be repeated about (D-)branes.
- On the other hand, [1] does not start from a Hilbert Einstein Action (and variations or extensions) or from surface extremization Actions, or strings or analogous Physics. Yet by modeling EPR entanglement and a proposal to address the EPR paradox with multi-folds mechanisms, it ends up also with the GR field equation and the Hilbert Einstein Action (and spin-2 gravitons). One could argue that it is at least a similar feat as strings that should warrant some attention.
- It also means that spacetime in a multi-fold universe can contain string world sheets or can be modeled by superstrings or branes: spacetime shares equivalent Actions.
2.2 Multi-fold universe and super string landscape and swampland
In a multi-fold universe, entanglements activate multi-folds outside [f1] the spacetime [1]. Multi-folds attach to pairs of entangled particles (real or virtual) and paths in these folds become available to path integrals of particles encountering a mapping to the folds. The result is the appearance in spacetime (in between the entangled particles) of an effective potential attractive towards the center of mass of mass and in . It is equivalent to positive curvature (additive) contributions.[1] Goes out of its way to emphasize that:
- Folds do not have to be governed by the Hilbert Einstein Action. They just might.
- Multi-folds live outside spacetime in a AdS(5) space.
- Multi-folds attached to entangled particles are the source of gravity like effects and spin-2 symmetries. When quantized (i.e. when discretized in [1]), the multi-folds match quantas of spacetime: they are the gravitons and they live in AdS(5); not our spacetime. It is their effects that appears through the effective potentials (or reconstructed curvature field) that make it look like they could live in our spacetime. The mapping is what transposes the effect to spacetime. This models is what ensure normalizability (no divergences) at the difference of conventional QFT approaches. It also shows that curvature can also be considered as a visualization tool more than a physical geometric reality.
- Gravity and gravitons can be massless or massive. Massive gravity correspond to entanglement of massive virtual particles pairs emitted by an energy source (i.e. particle). This effect only exist at very small scales, where it can become significant.
- Because of its bottom-up approach, multi-fold massive gravity does not suffer of the challenges and inconsistencies often met with a massive GR model [6]. Yet, we also know that such massive gravity can be made consistent [7]. However, note that [7] models massive gravity at large scale. This is not the result obtained in [1], which makes it matter only at very small scales, a fact easier to accept considering how GR has been repeatedly validated at very large scales.
- In general, additional entanglement also adds gravity like contributions.
- By construction, the background space can be modified from an initial condition by adding energy / matter to spacetime. These contributions are always with positive curvature. Spacetime is therefore either flat (without matter) or positively curved (unless if started with a negative initial condition for some reason). Negative curvature cannot be produced by the multi-fold mechanisms in [1] and so in [1], it is unphysical!
This matches interestingly many results in superstrings. To name a few:
- Gravitons are usually closed superstrings (bosonic loops of spin-2), that can live in AdS (+other dimensions) – and other spaces. It would explain why superstrings can model strong (strongly coupled) gravity.
- Superstrings models can exist in a large variety of ways (e.g. different configurations of the compact additional dimensions; usually characterized by different Calabi-Yau manifolds [23]). It led to the notions of string landscapes and swamplands where superstrings would be respectively viable and making physical sense, or not [19].
- The string landscape is so far empty of model matching our universe, even if expected, or prayed to be populated by some … At least no model has been found so far that can be thought to be suitably related to our universe.
- The string swampland is richly populated
- More than 10^500 (or even 10^272000, or more) types of theories are to be evaluated and classified!
- It has been shown that superstrings cannot be consistent or stable in a universe with positive dark energy and / or positive curvature like our universe.
Let us compare.
Many of these top level points match amazingly well [1], as multi-folds are sets of spheres (i.e. closed), in AdS(5) (i.e. negative curvature space); while generation of negative curvatures is not possible in spacetime but can be in a tangent space where multi-folds (and superstrings) and gravitons live. From the point of view of [1], it is perfectly logical and expected that strings only live in a space with negative curvature (e.g. AdS(5) ++) and influence spacetime through holography or AdS/CFT correspondence (see next section). In [1] that effects comes from the mappings.
In [1], with a model of particles (and spacetime locations) modeled as microscopic black holes (surrounding them), AdS(5) is tangent to our spacetime at every such points (let’s not finesse on arguing about embedding space, tangent space or dual space). The microscopic black holes could also be seen as the sources and seeds of the multi-folds [8]. But they also could be entertained as the place where the strings characterizing the particles are attached to spacetime, hinting at the superstring model. That picture also evolves a bit the way that spacetime and world sheets or branes should relate. World sheet may not be the spacetime, but their growth match spacetime creation or updates/perturbation as do the multi-folds. This point of view may possibly help better recover macroscopic spacetime in superstrings, today, still a challenge.
The onset of folds due to entanglement is also hinted in superstrings and in Physics in general [8.9]. It shows that the ideas of [1] may appear surprising, but they were already hinted by many conventional Physics models!
We will discuss the requirement for positive curvature for superstring in the next subsection.
2.3 AdS / CFT Correspondence
With AdS(5) tangent to spacetime, gravity is living in AdS(5) and impacting spacetime via attractive effective potentials (or curvatures) resulting from the mappings between spacetimes and folds. With gravity factually weaker in our spacetime than the other interactions (at normal quantum, semi classical and classical scales), [1] has recovered the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and the holographic principle.In [1], it is no more a conjecture! It is a fact. CFT can be replaced by QFT, because [1] argues that with a discrete spacetime, background independence and torsion (both features of the model in[1]), gravity effects are well behaved (no singularity, no divergence, i.e. renormalizable: it is by default normalized). Again gravity is in AdS(5), but its effects are in our spacetime. [1] matches and go way beyond what superstrings tell us with the AdS/CFT correspondence.
Our spacetime is the boundary of AdS(5) and gravity lives in AdS(5) with effects, through the multi-folds mappings, in spacetime. However, remember that multi-folds do not necessarily have to obey the Hilbert Einstein Action for this to work. They might. We will repeat it again and again.
[1] and superstrings can share a same view of key aspects of the universe!
2.4 ER=EPR conjecture
With AdS(5) tangent to spacetime, gravity is living in AdS(5) and impacting spacetime via attractive effective potentials (or curvatures) resulting from the mappings between spacetimes and folds. With gravity factually weaker in our spacetime than the other interactions (at normal quantum, semi classical and classical scales), [1] has recovered the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and the holographic principle.In [1], it is no more a conjecture! It is a fact. CFT can be replaced by QFT, because [1] argues that with a discrete spacetime, background independence and torsion (both features of the model in[1]), gravity effects are well behaved (no singularity, no divergence, i.e. renormalizable: it is by default normalized). Again gravity is in AdS(5), but its effects are in our spacetime. [1] matches and go way beyond what superstrings tell us with the AdS/CFT correspondence.
Our spacetime is the boundary of AdS(5) and gravity lives in AdS(5) with effects, through the multi-folds mappings, in spacetime. However, remember that multi-folds do not necessarily have to obey the Hilbert Einstein Action for this to work. They might. We will repeat it again and again.
[1] and superstrings can share a same view of key aspects of the universe!
2.4 ER=EPR conjecture
The ER = EPR conjecture showed another duality between connected black holes (à la ER bridge) and entangled blackholes. it is immediately reminiscent of the folds and mappings between EPR entangled particles in [1]. [1] was developed without even knowing about ER=EPR, that was discovered when compiling relevant prior works.ER=EPR usually models behaviors of black holes in AdS, where black holes have interesting properties or can be fully modeled. Yet traversability when the black holes are connected to form a wormhole is a problem: it often requires exotic matter, infinite time or the black holes or wormholes are unstable, especially when traversed. Multi-folds avoid these problems by not imposing Hilbert Einstein Action to define its dynamics.
[1] can allow paths of path integrals to traverse the folds. It is something that ER=EPR has not considered and therefore ER=EPR conjecture has missed, so far, the gravity generation (or modeling) impact of the approach. Our guess is that they did not pursue either because nobody made the connections of the plausible implications or because non-traversability when modeled by GR prevented paths from path integral to use the wormholes or travel through the connected black holes.
In fact, we also discovered, after publishing [1], that [10] proposed that, using the AdS/CFT correspondence and the holographic Schwinger effect at strong gravity coupling, and with superstrings living in AdS(5) (+ more dimensions), an entangled pairs of particles and anti-particles, quarks in their example, would automatically have a wormhole in AdS(5), along their world sheet, joining the two entangled particles (It is a superstring view of the world). It is the closest superstring and AdS/CFT endorsement of the multi-fold mechanisms that [1] proposes. That paper stopped short of all the consequences that result from the apparition of the wormhole. We also want to make sure that the reader remembers that, in [1] , we do not assume that the wormhole follows Hilbert Einstein type of action. Yet, this is a resounding illustration that what we propose was actually already contained or hinted in many models of conventional physics.
2.5 Other similarities and differences
The conjecture QR=QM [11], that “we’ll observe quantum gravity using quantum computers in a lab sometime in the next decade or so”. Somehow is seems very well aligned with [1] and one of its proposal for validation for multi-fold universe: [11] claims the above. [12] argues that quantum computing is universal and can be done by any type of entangled entities to obtain the same results. So indeed, gravity should appear not, as a simulation, but in between the entangled Qubits; because of the fundamental results obtained by [1] in terms of attraction between entangled systems. Of course, the question is when we will be able to detect that.[1] concretizes, probably differently from what [11] really had in mind, how quantum computing will indeed allow us to observe quantum gravity!
As a note, [13] criticizes [11], but it may be a misunderstanding of what the author of GR=QM meant. From a Quantum computing and information point of view [12], our interpretation and outcome is what [11] meant! And it makes sense, at least in a context like [1].
Black Holes and Singularities
Superstrings have managed to address a whole bunch of singularity problems. Yet their models of black holes are essentially limited to AdS spaces. That may be useful to model wormholes and multi-folds for [1] if they were following GR derived equation (which, in [1], they might but don’t have to). The exotic properties and closed form solutions of AdS black holes help address discussions like traversability, stability, exotic matter and time like loops. Yet they are not very useful in our spacetime, or in a space with a positive curvature space like dS (de Sitter), or with a positive cosmological constant, as it seems that our universe is.Interestingly, [1] also guarantee the absence of any gravity related singularity (i.e. in black holes and at the big bang or big crunch if it was to exists) because spacetime is discrete (so always at least on minimum length), because it can introduce torsion (at very small scales) within matter/energy that does not propagate but would prevent singularities [14] and probably also because of its dark energy and positive cosmological constant mechanisms ([1] may help explain these effects). As a result, it can support big bounces scenarios, if that was the cosmological evolution.
[1] also derives area laws for spacetime and for blackholes matching both blackhole theories and thermodynamics models for black holes, horizons and spacetime. For spacetime, these can be used to recover GR in a way well known since [15]. Several black hole paradoxes seem resolved, or at least well mitigated, in a multi-fold universe.
Positively curved spacetime
We live, apparently, in a flat or positively curved spacetime with dark energy (i.e. a positive cosmological constant) (Although this has been questioned, several times recently but with limited support [16]). On the other hand, it is now clear that superstrings cannot live in such a universe per [17]. These universes are part of the swampland.The recently confirmed AdS instability for GR [18] is another indication that superstring can live in AdS but that our spacetime cannot be AdS. Otherwise, it would not be able to contain matter (macroscopically)! And yes, [1] states that matter are black holes but it is not exactly the intent of what [18] showed and why AdS is unstable under GR. In [1], this conclusions is not a result of instability: [1] does not and cannot apply to AdS, as it cannot physically generate negative curvature. An interesting consequence is the flip conclusion that matter does not exists (macroscopically) in AdS(5), the superstring universe. Therefore, besides gravitons, the other superstrings, appearing in superstring theories, do not describe particles in our space time, unless through D-branes world sheets or by connecting to our spacetime attached to particles that they characterizes . In [1] that would be connecting to spacetime through the microscopic black hole surrounding the particle and within its uncertainty region. And yes that uncertainty region may appear as a string per the above but is not, per this instability. More way to reconcile that with AdS/CFT correspondence are discussed in the speculative section 3.
[1] showed that it is ok that superstrings live in the tangent space with gravity impacting our spacetime via multi-folds and mapping. It is our version of AdS/CFT correspondence and holographic principle. In our view, it is a more sensible result than all the still on-going attempts to transform superstrings results in AdS to guess the results in dS or other positive curved spacetime à la de Sitter. That has never really worked… All this should clarify landscapes and swampland for superstrings [19].
Entanglement and Gravity
QFT and Superstrings do not model well particles as discussed in [1]. They models fields. As a result they also do not model well entanglement between individual particles (and strings). Their models and methods are only statistical (Thermodynamics) through correlations and entanglement entropies. That is in part why these approaches cannot see gravity emerging the same way as in [1].[1] suggests that superstring theory should evolve to support explicit modeling of entanglement between strings, e.g. as in [1]. So far, and using the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture, ER=EPR and [10] are examples of a first possible steps. Approaches like [9] are other ones. Lessons and approaches with multi-folds as in [1] and this paper are also an input.
Background independence
[1] is covariant and background independent both in its top down analysis (first part of [1]) and it reconstruction (bottom-up).QFT and superstrings are not background independent. Many have argued that it is a major issue that creates complexity, divergences and renormalization issues. [1] agrees with these arguments.
The duality discussed here may inspire ways to address this problem in QFT and superstrings; albeit without a bottoms-up approach it is more challenging. Maybe superstring model should encompass a bottoms-up (re)constructive effort, where spacetime is built, not pre-supposed.
Strange (Discrete and Noncommutative yet Lorentz invariant) Geometries
Noncommutative geometries have been shown to appear in some superstring models. Noncommutative geometry often are associated to discrete spacetime, as in [1]. The non-commutativity is in fact a way to preserve Lorentz invariance; but its physical motivation can’t be cleanly explained by superstrings (they are rather only as math results).[1] shows how Lorentz invariance of spacetime is the result of fractals produced by random walks, at very small scales, as paths of the path integrals. Doing so, produces a Lorentz invariant spacetime, that is discrete, and where noncommutative geometry expresses suitably the Lorentz invariance through the commutators (that render the position operators fuzzy). Interestingly, [1] derives the noncommutativity of the position operators in AdS(5), because of the dynamics of the multi-folds. As the holographic (mappings) effects in spacetime matches these dynamics, spacetime must also be discrete. This is a fantastic result and it implies, per our duality, that superstring theory should consider that the universe is discrete with random then noncommutative geometry.
These properties of a discrete spacetime were well known already through different reasoning [20,21]. Yet, its implications for superstring, while sometimes compatible, do not seem to have been seriously pursued. The physical explanation obtained by [1] is also very unexpected and had not been matched in [20,21] (i.e. they are not able to either why Lorentz invariant, it is rather respectively postulated or deducted from random distributions but then without explaining why random.) or other non-commutative, fractal or fractional spacetime theories! There are many theories and models proposing some of these features out there, typically without a detailed justification.
Supersymmetries, supergravity and more
[1] does not require or assume supersymmetries or supergravity. It would remain unaffected by their existence. Without requiring them, [1] avoids the problems of the absence of proton decays and absence of magnetic monopoles to name a few and yet still have options for an Ultimate Unification of interaction scenarios that survive the absence of these effects. [1] shows how gravity further precludes proton decay [5] and magnetic monopoles in multi-folds universes.[1] treats AdS(5) as an external space. The extra dimensions of AdS(5) are not visible to us (only to paths of our constituting particles through curvature of the effect of attractive effective potential). It does not matter, if AdS(5) is complemented by additional compact dimensions to reach 10 or 11 dimensions, as needed respectively by superstrings and M-Theory. Being outside spacetime matters, as discussed in our footnote earlier: we can’t explain macroscopic ER bridges in spacetime: they are not exactly observed. It also helps with the notions of non-observability of entanglement [27]. It also explains non divergence and normalizability of the quantized gravity modeled in spacetime by [1].
3. Supersymmetry only in AdS(5)(++)?
This section is speculative and should be treated as such. We thought along time if this section should be added. We do not want to distract from the analysis above that shows all the touch points between multi-folds universe introduced in [1] and superstrings. Because this section is more speculative and provocative on what might or might not be, it may distract and become the focus of all the attention. We decided to go ahead and not push these considerations to another paper, because it is really part of the analysis and its implications. We hope that the reader will approach the section in the same spirit.Maybe one should think about super partner particles differently, and it may be why they have never been observed: maybe super partners exist after all, but, like gravitons or multi-folds, they would only live in AdS(5), not in our spacetime. We already understand how gravitons relate both to our spacetime and AdS(5). As mentioned earlier, none other physical particle than the gravitons should live in the superstring space as AdS is unstable with matter. But nonphysical (e.g. virtual, or other concepts) might exist without problem and they are clearly encountered by superstring theories. This unconventional idea may then require new holographic principles if we expect super partners to have effects in our spacetime. Otherwise they only exist for the sanity of the superstrings but would be unphysical or unconnected to physical reality, which maybe that is what it is!
So, according to [1], multi-fold live outside our spacetime, in AdS(5). When quantized massive and massless gravitons live in AdS(5). This recovers a version of the AdS/CFT correspondence for multi-folds universes. If we exploit all the considerations on correspondence between superstrings and multi-fold mechanisms, it is natural to imagine that AdS(5) can of course by extended with multiple additional (compact) dimensions (which we will here conveniently denote as AdS{5)(++); it is all outside our spacetime anyway. AdS(5)(++) is the space where superstrings or M-theory live (with one more dimension). The (multi-) folds are not affected and their dynamic do not have to follow GR in AdS(5)(++): graviton can continue to behave the same even if they now are in AdS{5)(++).
Yet the multi-fold mechanism, with its mapping, brings some paths of the particle crossing the support domains of the mapping, in the fold. In [1] the fold is treated as a extension of spacetime; so physics is as in the conventional world, only the spacetime is curved and the folds are single tenant (i.e. single instance per particle: no interactions in the folds other than at entry and exit. But if we relax a bit that last assumption, one could see that paths on the folds also brings the particle in AdS(5)(++), where Physics is now dictated by superstring theory (and it could explain why AdS/CFT may model aspects of our spacetime physics in the bulk, as announced earlier).
For the sake of discussion, let’s see how that could happen and how could it play out. Two scenarios can maybe explain how some of these path would lead to strings:
- because of uncertainties in our spacetime (and in the folds), the folds wiggle around tangent to spacetime. While the paths stays in their fold, the wiggling means that this implies wiggling around in AdS(5)(++), between the different positions of the fold spacetime.
- at any point within the fold, the curvature effect results into an attractive effective potential felt in our spacetime. Then at the next time click, the fold evolves with the path. Yet if we consider an infinitesimal time with a given fold (at a given time), the path on the fold is a path left behind in AdS(5)(++).
In either cases (or combining both), these multi-folds of [1] leaves a myriad of tiny paths in AdS(5)(++). The particle (path) on it had all its physical properties with it. These could be seen (we have no better qualifier at this stage), as small strings in AdS(5)(++). These paths may be very small and proportional to the energy of the particle (in our spacetime) e.g. for option 2) or all of the same size, e.g. for 1)). In this model, it is clear that entanglement, and therefore gravity per [1], is responsible for the apparition of the tiny paths in AdS(5)(++): no entanglement or no gravity and no mapping exists to make this happen. If just considering our spacetime, it also shows how superstring can affix themselves to particles while wiggling in AdS{5)(++); if that was how particle in our spacetime get their properties, a claim solely from string theories.
When in AdS(5)(++), superstring Physics applies. Other particles exist (e.g. the super partners) depending on the superstring variant that is considered. They can interact with the tiny paths and do Physics with associated stringy Feynman diagrams. How that might in anyway be then reflected to our reality is anyone’s guess and for future work, as symmetries in our spacetime and conservation rules must be suitably handled. At least this way, it may not matter that magnetic monopoles do not exist; they can just exist in AdS(5)(++). The handling of proton decay depends on how the above is handled or if proton stability could be a landscape requirement. Or physics in AdS(5)(++), while tacking place has no effect at all on our spacetime… In fact, even the requirement for symmetry breaking may be relaxed, as in AdS(5)(++), super partners could have the same mass as particles in our spacetime. Or physics in AdS(5)(++), while tacking place, has no effect at all on our spacetime…
Ensuring that symmetries in our spacetime and conservation rules must be suitably handled could be achieved by prescribing that
- only interactions where super partners or others are virtual string account.
- They can be modeled as reflected in our spacetime via the mappings (i.e. this way, the Feynman diagram has input and output with spacetime particles and the blob in between reflects the multi-folds and interactions in AdS(5)(++)). As far as we know, none of these have been ever observed so far.
- supersymmetry accommodates not having proton decay, e.g. via gravity prevention of proton decay or supersymmetry conservation rules that amount to conservation of baryon and lepton numbers (not just their differences) or other mechanisms. This may include other prescriptions to protect other symmetries; but we do no
Of course, ii) is nontrivial but it would also bring conventional GUTs back in the race[1]. It is possible per [29,30,31]. This way, for superstrings: no proton decay, no magnetic monopoles (they are at best in AdS(5)(++)), no recurrent mass acquisition in our spacetime, and no never observed super partners (they are also in AdS(5)(+)). It is
These could be good criteria for the string landscape. The scheme above may not yet help for GUTs as the other effects including magnetic monopoles can’t be address if we can’t put the super partners outside our spacetime. What could be proposed for that is still unclear at this stage.
4. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows a duality between multi-fold universe and superstrings with an amazing amount of explanations and insights on what happens and what does not happen in superstrings, as well as what should be worth investigating to go to the next step and either converge superstrings with multi-fold universes or bring superstrings to the next level. It also helps programs like the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture, the ER=EPR conjecture and GR=QM. As often, what are conjecture in superstrings are facts with a twist, or theorems in [1], or often offer some insight on what is meant or happening in superstrings with physical interpretation relating to spacetime. After all, unless spacetime and strings are suitably compartmentalized, as also proposed here, the fact that strings and matter live in different universes may hamper some superstring theories ambitions as ToEs (unless if our latest proposal for super partners resulted into something concrete and may be solves as a result also the issues of predicting proton decay or magnetic monopoles). AdS/CFT correspondence, as a conjecture, today may miss the oomph that [1] provides to close the deal.Maybe [1] can also help with aspects of the landscape or even the elusive M-theory.
[1] also offers touch points with the superstrings evil twins (depending on those perspective – It is a figure of speech; we do not make judgement of which is what): Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) and other spacetime construction approaches (e.g. [22]). For example, the reconstruction schemes and entanglement models and mechanisms of [1] are key input.
[1] shows also significant impact on the Standard Model, when we add gravity (especially the short scale massive contributions). It could contribute explanations to several famous open issues.
Despite all the energy out there, it is fair to say that the momentum behind quantum gravity, GUTs and ToEs, and that includes superstrings, has again waned. At least, it appears so from the outside.
We certainly would invite some opportunities to put it all together, as this paper started to do by positioning what [1] and its multi-folds mechanisms can offer to superstring, M-theory as quantum gravity in general. In fact [1], with its massive gravity contributions at small scale seems to offer a new alternative for a Unification of all the interactions by democratizing the effects of all interactions, at very small scales, instead of uber symmetry approaches à la Electroweak that first combined it with the strong interaction into GUTs [28]; something that has run into some significant snags.
Although quite different approaches, all the models depicts facettes of the required framework. Hopefully, this paper and [1] helped, and maybe these approaches can progress more collaboratively together?
[1] With for examples supersymmetry only for virtual particles (and no proton decay). Feasibility and implications have not been evaluated. It is just an idea.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[2]: G. ‘t Hooft, (1990), “The Black Hole Interpretation of String Theory”, Nuclear Physics B335 (1990) 138-154
[3]: Zwiebach, Barton (2003). “A First Course in String Theory”. Cambridge University Press.
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes “, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[6]: Claudia de Rham, (2014), “Massive Gravity”, arXiv:1401.4173v2
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[f1]: [1] could have decide to rather use wormholes (or folds) within spacetime (e.g. like ER bridges). All the mechanisms, models and features would remain valid, except that the AdS position (as tangent to spacetime and as in the AdS/CFT correspondence) may be different or more cumbersome to discuss and the analysis presented here may have to evolve a bit: superstring and multi-fold may lose, or have to adapt, some of their relationships detailed here. But, allowing this (in spacetime wormholes instead of outside spacetime) leads to two additional challenges: 1) folds probably would have to follow GR in our spacetime (maybe not but it is harder to argue). As explained in [1] that is a constraint that is limiting, yet not an impossibility. 2) ER bridges in our spacetime may be harder to comprehend when spanning macroscopic distances! Shouldn’t they be observable? (2) is why while equivalent in terms of most of the results, [1] did not decide to pursue that path and just to assume it as a less interesting particular case. Yet a pre-print post publication of [1], shows that traversable wormholes of very small diameters could be envisaged in our spacetime [26]. Without any idea, if they would be detectable or observable or how things would encounter them and interact with them, it is hard to say it if would make sense as “in spacetime” (multi-)folds. But, if they are undetectable and [26] is correct, they could be candidates for a variations of multi-fold universe were multi-folds would be built with such wormholes and paths could traverse them. For now, we do not explore further or support this variation of multi-folds. It may be for future work.
[f2]: With for examples supersymmetry only for virtual particles (and no proton decay). Feasibility and implications have not been evaluated. It is just an idea.
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Area Laws Between Multi-Fold Universes and AdS
Stephane H. Maes
August 10, 2020 [This is the April 26, 2021 version]
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
In this paper, we discuss the area laws encountered in multi-fold universes as well as their implications to AdS tangent to the Multi-fold Universe and recover results from the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and associated holographic principles. Multi-fold mechanisms can provide hints of superstrings in AdS(5) (+ additional dimensions), their relationship to gravity and explain a AdS/CFT correspondence or holographic principle. As a result, with multi-fold mechanisms we find physical explanations for the Ryu–Takayanagi conjecture; not as a conjecture but as a fact. Doing so, we will also revisit the related work of Ted Jacobson, on entanglement thermodynamics equilibrium and General Relativity, and apply it to a multi-fold universe.
This analysis reinforces the positioning and understanding of superstrings with respect to multi-fold universes. We believe that it has strong implications for superstrings and M-theory.
Added April 26, 2021: Jacobson’s work also emphasizes how conventional physics also derives that entanglement is the source of GR.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity (GR) at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. AdS, Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe
With the multi-fold mechanisms described in [1], we discover that multi-folds can be considered as gravitons, massless and massive [13], in AdS(5) (+ additional dimensions for superstrings / M-theory). The relationship and dualities with multi-fold universes are compiled and summarized in [5,12].
In particular, [1,5] position AdS(5) around each spacetime point of the spacetime in a multi-fold universe; with multi-folds attached to entangled particles (real or virtual) evolving in AdS(5) and their effect reflected, via the mapping mechanisms, in spacetime as attractive effective potential or effective curvature contributions. This version of the (Multi-fold spacetime QFT)/AdS correspondence is a fact and along with multi-fold mappings it gives physical explanations to the holographic principles behind the conventional AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture.
Such analyses [1,5] have significant implications for superstrings, supersymmetries, Grand Unification Theories (GUTs) and Theories of Everything (ToE) [6].
3. Area Laws in Multi-fold Universe
[1] derived area laws and area related laws for multi-fold universe, including:
- Recovery of the Gauss theorem for massless gravity as well as a discussion of the impact for massive gravity or in presence of entanglement.
- Recovery of the Area law for blackholes and causal horizons in multi-fold universe spacetime.
- 2D processes associated to high energy (i.e. Planck scale) gravity processes as fractal random walks.
We will not repeat these analysis here and refer the reader to [1] for more details.
[1] also mentions area laws for entanglement, based on [7], as another hint of the link between gravity and entanglement in conventional physics. It is important as, after all, [1] focuses on showing how gravity emerges from entanglement among real particles (gravity like effects) or among virtual particles (emerging massive and massless gravity). We will provide a simple derivation of the structure of these laws (suitable in multi-fold universes and beyond) and therefore re-motivate ourselves the statements in [1]. Doing so, we will also revisit the work of Jacobson [8,9] in this domain.
[1] does not discuss another key conventional conjecture built on AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and holography: the Ryu–Takayanagi conjecture [10]. We will do so and physically motivated it as factual in the following sections.
4. Area Laws for Entanglement in the Spacetime of Multi-fold Universe
In this section we derive in a simple manner the area law (up to the proportionality factor) for entanglement in ways simpler than all the methods cited in [7,8,10].
Consider a field in spacetime. Consider a finite region spatial Σ with a (closed) surface in spacetime and a field ψ of correlation length ξ. Consider a discrete spacetime as a lattice of cell minimum spatial dimension a. remember that [1] justifies such a discrete spacetime. Lets is call L the minimum L characterizing opposite sides of
as volume of Σ and
as area of :
- If a << ξ << L, then the entanglement entropy of S(t, Σ) with respect to the rest of the spatial spacetime (for a given t) is given by:
where the proportionality term is independent of the Σ (only dependent on the field properties).
- Otherwise for ξ > L:
(1) and (2) simply rely on computing the entropy by enumerating the possible entangled regions: a region of coherence per surface element, hence (1). When the coherence length is larger than L(Σ), the characteristic dimension of Σ, the number of units in the whole
is what matters, hence (2).
5. Ryu–Takayanagi Equation in a Multi-fold Universe
We now consider
, the surface in AdS(5) wrapping (tangent) to all the multi-folds opposite grand circle to the entry point, i.e. the exit points with the mappings defined in [1]. Then by construction of the multi-fold mechanisms, that surface:
This derivation of (3) is sketched in figure 1.
Figure 1: (a) Shows a set of folds, à la [1], for a ray through Σ. (b) explode the view of the folds at each point along the ray. (c) illustrates how the surface build against the opposite point of the grand circle for the largest fold for each point along the ray. It’s contribution is depends on the length of the ray as does the contribution if the ray to the area of the boundary of Σ. Areas are compared by considering all the possible rays.
The field ψ is a QFT, not CFT; so equation (1) or (2) may apply but it remains:
can be constant or functions of Σ depending on the type and properties of the field.
[10] showed that under the CFT case, with conventional AdS/CFT correspondence,
is a constant and dominates. It matches the value of the entropy of black holes (Bekenstein-Hawking entropy).
As we do not depend on the AdS/CFT correspondence as a conjecture, (3) is factual in multi-fold universes. Also, in our model, gravity is present in the spacetime where entanglement is tracked (not just CFT without gravity).
The multi-fold mechanisms explain physically the choice of the minimal surface in [10], as a scaled version of the further away that the multi-folds, associated to all the possible entanglements within Σ, can reach. Entanglement beyond , introduces non-negligible additional contributions of the terms beyond the first term in (4).
Also, we know (see [1]) that, when defines acausal horizon, the relationship is again involving only the first term in (4). With CFTs, and within the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture, the Ryu–Takayanagi equation shows that only the first term in (4) is relevant.
6. Non-holographic Considerations and Entanglement Equilibrium
[9] details holographic inspired models that do not use holography (but are inspired by the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture) and cite [8] as a key example. Our derivation of (1) and (2) did not consider any holographic principle or inspiration. It was introduced later on to derive (4) and physically explain the results of [10].
Because we consider non-CFT and include gravity, we are in fact aligned with the analysis of [8]. All the reasoning presented in [8] for conventional physics can be repeated here for multi-fold universes.
However, we do want to comment on the derivation of GR. First of all, in [8], ψ is not attempting to model a quantum gravity field. Instead Jacobson relies on semi classical GR. He shows that as equilibrium of the entanglement implies no changes in the entanglement entropy [Added on 4/26/21: under constant volume, which is selected to maintain Lorentz invariant in all allowed dynamics], he recovers the GR equation for the energy of the field (and anything else). It is a powerful and intriguing derivation. Yet it was trivially the case the moment that [8] associated area deficit to the energy content of spacetime: it is an equivalent statements as imposing the Hilbert Einstein action (extremization). Here we show that the derivation is more generic: multi-fold mechanisms imply gravity and recover GR [1] as well as (1)-(4). No entanglement equilibrium is really needed for the derivation.
We also note that the model quantitative model of [8], allows to link directly short scale entanglement (e.g. vacuum) degree to gravity intensity: if much entanglement exist, then gravity is weaker. It makes sense also in a multi-fold universe: as entanglement create attractive potentials towards the center of mass and gravity is the result of entanglement between virtual particles: it is clear that if there is a lot of local entanglement everywhere, it will reduce / combat the gravity effect. It is analogous to some of the vacuum polarization effects to modify the gravity effects that we discussed in [1]. Indeed GR is an global and average effect that can’t handle these effects other than by modifying the Newton gravitation that it uses.
Comment added on April 26, 2021:
On the other hand, expanding on the comments above, it is also worth noting that [8,14] provides another strong indication of a relationship between entanglement and gravity. Around equilibrium, for adiabatic systems, which is what to expect of the universe, stability, for constant volume, of entanglement of vacuum across any surface in spacetime, and/or its characterization by area laws, imply at large enough scale that spacetime is described by GR. In other words, these papers explicitly derive (conventionally, no multi-fold consideration or no New Physics) that entanglement imply gravity, just as in [15,16] and we propose in [1] for multi-fold universes.
6. Conclusions
Our analysis reviews area laws, for multi-fold universes, as defined in [1]. It provides non holographic area law for the entanglement entropy across an arbitrary space surface in spacetime (valid in multi-fold and non multi-fold universe) and it extend the result to a multi-fold equation analogous to the Ryu–Takayanagi conjecture, without the CFT limitation. This reinforces the analogies and dualities with superstring theories and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture discussed in [5].
We also showed the alignment with the work of Jacobson on Entanglement equilibrium and GR. Although, unfortunately, in our view, we do not see [8] as a derivation of GR from entanglement (it was derived from the area deficit that implies GR or Hilbert Einstein action), the result also reinforces the agreement with multi-fold approaches: it confirms indirectly and matches what [1] predicted in terms of vacuum polarization as a way to modify the total gravity effect in spacetime; something predicted in [1]. It is an additional validation option à la [11] for our multi-fold predictions.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Area Laws Between Multi-Fold Universes and AdS”, viXra:2010.0207v1,…, August 10, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[6]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”, viXra:2006.0211v1,…, June 16, 2020.
[7]: J. Eisert, M. Cramer, M.B. Plenio, (2008), “Area laws for the entanglement entropy – a review”, arXiv:0808.3773v4
[8]: Ted Jacobson, (2015), “Entanglement Equilibrium and the Einstein Equation”, arXiv:1505.04753v4
[9]: Rasmus Jaksland, Niels S. Linnemann, (2020), “Holography without holography: How to turn inter-representational into intra-theoretical relations in AdS/CFT”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics
[10]: Shinsei Ryu, Tadashi Takayanagi, (2006), ), “Aspects of Holographic Entanglement Entropy”, arXiv:hep-th/0605073v3
[11]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”,…, June 24, 2020.
[12]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Superstrings Encounter of the Second, Third or Fourth Types?”, viXra:2010.0140v1,…, July 5, 2020.
[13]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Massless and Massive Multi-Gravity in a Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2010.0095v1,…, June 19, 2020.
References added on April 26, 2021
[14]: Ted Jacobson, (1995), “Thermodynamics of Spacetime: The Einstein Equation of State”, arXiv:gr-qc/9504004v2.
[15]: van Raamsdonk, Mark (2010). “Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement”. Gen. Rel. Grav. 42 (14): 2323–2329. arXiv:1005.3035.
[16]: ChunJun Cao, Sean M. Carroll, Spyridon Michalakis, (2016). “Space from Hilbert Space: Recovering Geometry from Bulk Entanglement”, arXiv:1606.08444v3.
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Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?
Stephane H. MaesJune 24, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
All these phenomena result from the observation that attractive gravity-like potentials appear in spacetime between entangled systems, because of the mechanisms proposed in a multi-fold universe to address the EPR paradox. An immediate implication, and opportunity to validate or falsify the model, is that gravity-like effects and fluctuation are predicted to appear between, around or near entangled systems; we just need check if this is encountered in the real world.
This paper discuss situations where attraction due to entanglement, and hence gravity like effects or fluctuations, could be encountered. For example, within or near quantum matter like superconductors or (Bose Einstein Condensates) BECs or within Qubits. One could argue that some indications exist that some of these effects could already have already been observed. We are really seeking falsifiability or validation opportunities for the multi-fold mechanisms. Early considerations are encouraging.
Discussing some related experiments led us to also address how shielding is correctly modeled with multi-fold mechanisms: Faraday cages do not weaken gravity!
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles [5], detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity (GR) at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In the present paper, we remain at a high level of analysis. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. The followings subsections are organized as a series of observations in [1] where gravity like effects are expected to result from entanglement and should be observable, at least indirectly through some resulting effects. Direct observation will remain challenging because of the expected weakness of the attractions. Our analysis is by no means exhaustive. However, we hope that it will intrigue enough the reader to push him or her to dig deeper. Most of the more detailed (or entry point) references are provided in [1], and so every statement is not motivated here or presented with the most appropriate references. This paper is rather a story tale. “[1]” appears often, as a person or a model, to refer to the original arguments, analysis, mechanisms or proposals discussed in [1].
2. Entanglement effects in Multi-fold universes
The mechanisms of multi-folds, the main feature proposed in [1], trigger activation of additional structures (folds) when particles are (EPR) entangled so that additional paths can traverse the folds, where the EPR entangled particles can always meet as a same exit points. Doing so, all the activated folds (i.e. multi-folds) create attractive potentials in in between the entangled particles ( per fold). The attraction is towards their source or center the mass, depending of the use cases and movements (and masses involved – entangled particles can be massive or massless). When involving virtual particles emitted by a source of energy, this potential is reminiscent of gravity and [1] attributes gravity to these effects. It can also be looked as adding contributions of the Ricci curvature scalar R of the folds, from all matter or energy contributions, to build a new Ricci curvature scalar field R and, with the direction of attraction information, a new consistent Ricci curvature tensor. Doing so, for all sources of energy, recovers Einstein’s GR field equations (or Hilbert Einstein Action); which is amazing as invariance of surfaces (the real geometrical meaning behind the Hilbert Einstein Action) or variants of the Hilbert Einstein have, at no point, be postulated in [1] prior to that determination (something that can’t exactly be said the same way for strings). Also, the multi-folds have a spin-2 symmetry.So, it is predicted in [1], that (EPR) entanglement between particles (or larger systems), results into attractive potentials in
towards the center of mass, with r the distance between form the center of mass, in
between the entangled particles (on the support domain of the mapping), if integration takes place over r. That is over a system of entangled particles or for the range of uncertainty. Otherwise, each particles contribute a per fold contribution. For gravity, the integration of r goes to infinity, hence the generic gravity like statement.It is also important to note for completeness that [1] postulates that such effects only exist when entanglement is the result of interaction occurring locally (same source location). Other situations are considered as hierarchical and thought not to contribute an additional effective potential. Yet, as in force composition, the different parts involved in a hierarchical event also amount to attractive effects; so attraction exist but as force composition. Also, if the entanglement is the effect of many repeated interactions (e.g. electron to phonon to electron), while hierarchical, the effects with composition will just appear as a normal non-hierarchical effect with attractive potential (at least in first approximation). So solid state entanglements a la superconductors for examples are modeled as nonhierarchical entanglement in this discussion; even if, in reality, it is the outcome of complex hierarchical composition of attractive potentials.
3. Gravity like fluctuations near (in between) entangled systems
An immediate consequence of the mechanism and model proposed in [1], is that fluctuations of gravity-like effects (in
– when macroscopic and in
when mostly between localized individual particles. These effects are very small (as is gravity beyond very small scales), so direct observation is probably hopeless for the near future, if ever. We will need clever indirect ways or macroscopic additive effects to be able to validate our model.A non-exhaustive list of candidate scenarios where such gravity like fluctuations are predicted to exist is provided here:
- Gravity like effects or fluctuations within, and in proximity of superconductors. Superconductors involve of combinations of Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer (BCS) pairs (at low temperatures and for low temperature superconductors) [7] and Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC) pairs [8] (after a transition from BCS pairs for high temperature superconductors) as well BEC pairs of pairs etc. in high temperature superconductors [6]. According to the mechanisms described in [1]:
- Attraction should occur within the bulk of the superconductors. It should also be with stronger effects for high temperature superconductors, because BEC pairs are smaller than BCS pairs (That spread all over the material over many crystal cells).
- This kind of effects have been anecdotally reported (see [9] for one of the most recent compilation of these controversial and hard to reproduce experiments)[fn1]. However, we urge the reader to be cautious in reading beyond the descriptions of the experiments and results and the references as we do not necessarily subscribe with the presentation of the experiments as accepted facts or many aspects of the proposed explanations or assertions in some of the listed references material, of anti-gravity, gravity shielding or repulsive gravity effects and other families or properties of gravitons-like particles. Unfortunately, the results experiments seem to have never been rigorously confirmed or unambiguously analyzed.
- In our view, these reported effects, if corroborated, and if we understand well the setup of the two experiments, could result from super-conductor internal stress within the electromagnetic field (between separated BEC BCS-pairs) plus vacuum polarizations. The latter results from entanglement attractions between the produced polarized virtual pairs. When the discharges occur, the superconductor and the vacuum polarization relaxes and so does the vacuum entanglement and attraction potential, resulting into a gravity fluctuation or wave that propagate at the same speed as the polarization relaxation. The relaxation produce a “expansion effects”, wherever polarization was present in the vacuum as well as within the superconductor and could explain the effects on the emitter or on the test masses. It would appear as an initially repulsive effect as the relaxation wave propagates. This explanation to these controversial experiments have never been proposed in the related literature as summarized in [9]. The complications of the shields is discussed in Appendix A.
- If true (both the observations and our suggested explanation), then we have a resounding indirect confirmation of the mechanisms described (attraction due to entanglement) in [1]; not just for entanglements within the superconductor but also the entanglement of the polarized vacuum.
- The stronger attraction within the high temperature superconductor creates a stronger effect than with low temperature superconductor material when the pairs are pushed to its boundaries by the electromagnetic field. A non-entangled material only see the vacuum effect. Without superconductors, i.e. in normal discharge situations, only vacuum polarization relaxation takes place. This is not sufficient. The fact that recoil may be better corroborated while radiation effects seems (often) no reproducible could come from the fact that the relaxation effect within the superconductor always takes place and is stronger than vacuum polarization relaxation. The other case (figure 1-a in [9]) requires suitable polarization beyond the right electrodes till the test mass something and it is a much weaker effect.
- Superconductors are also involved in these experiments also because of their known propensity of quantum matter like superconductors to amplify or reflect the vacuum polarization effects; something well known since the work for example of deWitt [10] and also involved in the still unconfirmed gravitational Casimir effect proposal [11]. These works predict effects of gravity on superconductor, not gravity like effect produce by super conductors. The distinction matters and shows the challenge in distinguishing the two types of effects if we want to validate the gravity like attraction generated by entanglement.
- To be convincing, we should see larger effects than expected by just contributions à la [10]. The results, with the problems already mentioned seem to indicate that it may be the case.
- As another related potential corroboration, building on the ideas of [10], it has also been proposed that an effect for gravitation analogous to the London moment in superconductor could exist for gravitons, in rotating superconductors, in a varying strong magnetic field [12]. Again, the magnetic field would push BEC BCS-pairs towards the surface of the superconductor and, as a result, bring stronger gravitation effect leaks observable outside and very near the super conductor, where a frame dragging effect as in GR, but stronger could be observed. Such effects have been observed [12]. However, the reported results were again in our view not clear enough to assess for sure if they would match our frame dragging expectation. It seems that they might.
- It is also important to understand all aspects of the experiments and details are missing on the actual results and in particular make sure that the effect are due to entanglement and not a variation a la [10], where frame dragging would be explained solely by the rotation flipping the roles (here the super conductor rotates, the detector is fixed) without the contributions of the attraction / gravity like fluctuation due to entanglement.
- The effect must be larger than normal frame dragging (undetectable) or effects explained by [10]. More work to model how [10] impacts the experimentation and if we can really detect an unexpected additional effect. Assuming that [12] did correctly account for [10], then according to the result, they have unaccounted for effects.
- The proposed setup of [12] and variations could be good ways (better than the first set of discharge experiments) to (indirectly) validate the multi-fold mechanisms. However, we would prefer experiments that are not involving and mixing other Physics (like strong magnetic fields, strong electromagnetic pulses etc.) to avoid the risk of misinterpretations and combinations of all these effects from superconductor, existing gravity and electromagnetism interactions. Electromagnetic fields were required because London – Meissner types of behaviors can amplify our predicted attraction . Unfortunately, we could not determine based on the research reports what of the side effects of the fields, as discussed here, have been accounted for in the results.
- Quantum matter, like BECs, superfluids, supermetals etc. are other candidates. The gravity fluctuation effects to look for are similar to what is discussed above for superconductors. The particular existing results discussed above for superconductor may not be repeatable or may need adaptation depending on the type of quantum material.
- Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) is another example of BEC [14]. Here, we see two avenue for confirmations:
- Experimentally when such plasma are formed in high energy accelerators [13]. It would be worth looking if any perturbations due to attractive potentials could be modeled and observed
- Theoretical models of cosmology (early moments after the big bang) and stellar physics could consider if adding such considerations could introduce new prediction or effects when involving large quantities of plasma and thus entanglement. The main reason being that at the scale of the universe or of stars, even small effects can start to play meaningful roles.
- Speaking of which, [1,5] showed of an effect associated to entanglement can qualitatively explain the dark matter effects, without requiring New Physics. It seems also consistent with the observations of galaxies that seem not to contain dark matter; something that most other models have had difficulties to handle. This is quite a potential confirmation, but we now need to proceed towards a more quantitative model of [1] so that we can determine if the number match to account for dark matter (or a portion of it).
- Validating [5] would be of great interest. It would after all, with the conclusions of our model, probably and most influential entanglement effect that we can think of (short of large or even larger, scale spacetime entanglement, proposed by others, but not something that we support).
- It is certainly encouraging that in addition, [1,15] can also explains effects that contribute to cosmological inflation and dark energy as well as a small cosmological constant that does not conflict with the QFT vacuum energy density estimates.
- Qubits are entangled systems achieved by different mechanisms like trapped ions, superconductors etc. [16]. They are at the code of quantum computing and larger Qubit systems are being built as time passes. These are not yet large enough for our needs, but things may change rapidly. Within the Qubits, if measurable, attraction would be a sign of entanglement and therefore a way to detect entanglement without observing it; something forbidden by the non-observability of entanglement [17]. Being able to do so would be a great tool for quantum computing and validation of our predictions.
- For quantum computing, teleportation or other purpose, researchers are entangling bigger systems like atoms, larger and larger molecules, wider atom systems or even biological systems; all involving huge amounts of entities (see for example [18-20]). The bigger these systems are the better are the chance to directly or indirectly determine if gravity fluctuations appear among them, as long that we do not hit the snag of hierarchical entanglement not producing attractive potentials. So some precaution are needed to understand if validation is possible or if the absence of attraction would implies falsifiability of our model or rather such the dominance of hierarchical entanglement effects.
4. Other effects and Considerations
It is also worth also noting that [1] predicts impact of the multi-folds effects on the Standard Model. So far, we have used that explain some open problems with the standard model, without requiring new physics. We have shown how entanglement would also appear; but we have not yet found any situation (besides dark matter as in [5]) where it is the contributing factor, versus rather the massive gravity contribution term at small scales also predicted by [1] and expected to be non-negligible at small scales. So far it is that latter mechanism that is invoked in [1] to contribute explanations. See [21] for a list of papers derived from [1], many discussing the impact on the standard model or on New Physics beyond the Standard Model.That is not to say that, even if possibly surprising, the model proposed in [1] is in fact already contained in many existing conventional physics as well as New Physics around Superstrings and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture [22]. Indeed, see for example [23-24] showing how entanglement and spacetime curvature relate. See [1,22] for analysis of how our model also relates to superstring and more directly on topic, how the ER=EPR conjecture [25] is very much a more limited model corroborating the multi-fold mechanisms (see for example [26]); but missing the resulting impact of gravity like potentials towards the center of mass. Non-transferability of the wormholes and misreading of the curvature implications of the entangled black holes may possibly be why these models have not (yet) reached our conclusions. For us, the beauty is that we do not need the New Physics, we just need to add gravity (string enough at smalls scales) to the Standard Model. There is enough material to start making a case for this [21].
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we have compiled examples of situation where it might be possible to observe gravity like fluctuations due to entanglement, as predicted by the multi-fold mechanisms proposed in [1].At this stage, we hope to find more experiments, effects or model where the additional gravity fluctuation due to entanglement plays a significant role that makes it or its consequence detectable. It is essential to the validation or falsifiability of the multi-fold mechanism proposed in [1]. Doing so if for future work but we can only encourage any such experiments or to keep our predictions in mind quantum matter or quantum computing and teleportation experiments, just in case.
A few challenges remain. The main one being that just like for gravity, at the scale considered, the effects are so small that it will be very hard to detect them, especially directly. Yet our proposal for dark matter already shows that there are ways and there is hope. We also have high hopes for superconductors and BEC experiments. We already pointed out to anecdotal that may corroborate; even if not necessarily as the authors of these experiments would have expected.
Of course, another challenge is that the model of [1] is more qualitative than quantitative. Now, it is a priority for us to evolve towards more quantitative approaches by evolving form proportionality equation to the real coupling factors and estimate these factors (e.g. by relating to expected values in classical situations). We aim with future work to get such better quantitative predictions as well as to evangelize experimentations base don the present paper. Not being currently active in a Physics institution, currently limits our ability to directly attempt an experimental program ourselves.
Our hope with this publication is that others will get ideas on how to validate our model directly or indirectly. We certainly welcome such, or any other, collaborations.
Needless to say that the early hints of corroboration presented here, the contributions to addressing open issues covered in [1,21] and the fact that Physics all along maybe hinted at the multi-folds mechanism, are strong encouragements. We hope it will convince the community to spend some cycle on what [1] proposes.
Note (10/2/20): The progresses towards larger entangled systems reported recently in [27,28], as well as [18-20], will hopefully result into some focused efforts to test our model of attractive gravity like effects between and among entangled systems.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”, viXra:2010.0010v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[fn1]: We are cautious about citing and concerned about the extensive discussion presented here. Indeed the experiment result mentioned here are seen as controversial. We mention them, more as examples of indirect ways to experiments with effects predicted by [1], than as successfully reviewed experimental results that we would want to rely on.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[9]: Giovanni Modanese, (2014), “Gravity-Superconductors Interactions as a Possible Means to Exchange Momentum with the Vacuum”, arXiv:1408.1636v1
[10]: Bryce S. DeWitt, (1966), “Superconductors and Gravitational Drag”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 16, 1092
[11]: James Q. Quach, (2015), “Gravitational Casimir effect”, arXiv:1502.07429v1
[12]: Clovis Jacinto de Matos, Martin Tajmar (2006). “Gravitomagnetic London Moment and the Graviton Mass inside a Superconductor”, arXiv:cond-mat/0602591
[13]: ALICE Collaboration, (2018), “Anisotropic flow in Xe-Xe collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.44 TeV”, arXiv:1805.01832v2
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”,, June 19, 2020.
[17]: Ning Bao and Jason Pollack and Grant N. Remmen, (2015), “Wormhole and entanglement (non-)detection in the ER=EPR correspondence”, arXiv:1509.05426
[18]: C. F. Ockeloen-Korppi, E. Damskagg, J.-M. Pirkkalainen, A. A. Clerk, F. Massel, M. J. Woolley, M. A. Sillanpaa, (2017), “Entangled massive mechanical oscillators”, arXiv:1711.01640v1
[19]: Yaakov Y. Fein et al. (2019), “Quantum superposition of molecules beyond 25 kDa”, Nature Physicss.
[20]: Kong, J., Jiménez-Martínez, R., Troullinou, C. et al., (2020), “Measurement-induced, spatially-extended entanglement in a hot, strongly-interacting atomic system”. Nat Commun 11, 2415.
[22]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[23]: ChunJun Cao, Sean M. Carroll, Spyridon Michalakis, (2016). “Space from Hilbert Space: Recovering Geometry from Bulk Entanglement”, arXiv:1606.08444v3.
[24]: van Raamsdonk, Mark (2010). “Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement”, Gen. Rel. Grav. 42 (14): 2323–2329. arXiv:1005.3035
[26]: Julian Sonner, (2013), “Holographic Schwinger Effect and the Geometry of Entanglement”, arXiv:1307.6850v3.
[28]: Rodrigo A. Thomas, Michał Parniak, Christoffer Østfeldt, Chistoffer B. Møller, Christian Bærentsen, Yeghishe Tsaturyan, Albert Schliesser, Jürgen Appel, Emil Zeuthen, Eugene S. Polzik, (2020), “Entanglement between Distant Macroscopic Mechanical and Spin Systems”, arXiv:2003.11310v1
Appendix A – No gravity shields in Multi-fold Universes
In [9], the experiences of figure 1 and 2, sensors are described as positioned in shielded boxes or behind shield screens, we do interpret this as electromagnetic shields (as faraday cages or large screens). This is certainly challenging a direct vacuum polarization story beyond the shield. We did not want to bring this up in the main discussion and add more controversies.Obviously, gravity screens do not exist. [1] must be able to account for no weakening of gravity within faraday cages for example, despite our mechanisms relying on virtual particles. If only virtual neutrinos were to contribute, gravity would be weakened within such a cage, which is obviously not the case. In general for the multi-fold mechanisms of [1], when the virtual particles tries to reach a test particle within an electromagnetic shield, it does it be affecting the four -vector potential of the shield. Considering the system shield + target particle, its total energy is affected and it affects the energy source available to multi-folds affecting the test particle. The combine effect is hierarchical and the composition appears as if the effect went through the shield. A dedicated upcoming paper or an update of [1] will explicitly address these shielding concerns with the multi-fold mechanisms.
Coming back to [9], our plausible explanation stops at the shield. So what could be happening next? The gravity fluctuation due to the relaxation of the vacuum polarization (e.g. in figure 2 of [9]) affects the 4-vector potential as a fluctuation that therefore could continue beyond the shield as a gravity fluctuation. Remember, we only try to interpret [9] at the light of [1]. We are in no position to corroborate what actually was observed.
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Physicists Have Successfully Connected Two Large Objects in Quantum Entanglement : ScienceAlert
We stride through our Universe with the confidence of a giant, giving little thought to the fact that reality bubbles with uncertainty.Mike McRae (ScienceAlert)
The E/G conjecture: entanglement is gravity and gravity is entanglement
Stephane H. Maes
October 15, 2020
We postulate the E/G conjecture for the real universe: entanglement is gravity and gravity is entanglement. In other words, entanglement creates gravity effects and gravity results from entanglement effects.
E/G conjecture is a factual duality in multi-fold universes. With its close match and recovery of other superstring-based conjectures, we argue that it plays at the minimum an equivalent role as mathematical model, or as model of the real universe.
1. Introduction and Context
Strings, superstrings, supergravity and supersymmetry are mathematical framework. Therefore they are mathematically valid that they be physical or not. Just as AdS/CFT correspondences conjecture seems to mathematically work in many contexts (physical or mathematical). This is despite an unphysical model.
2. E/G conjecture and E/G duality
The same is true for the multi-fold model. It works in a multi-fold universe. But it is also a mathematical model. We do not know if it is physical or not, even if we wish and have hints that it may be physical.
It may explains why conjectures like holographic duality, AdS/CFT correspondences conjecture, ER=EPR conjecture, GR=QM conjecture (whatever that one really is) seems to fit so well aspects of the real world. See [4] for a list of relevant conjecture that we found relevant.
We believe that the same is true between the multi-fold universe and the real universe, in case multi-fold universes do not match the real universe
Therefore, we can propose a new key conjecture (factual in multi-fold universe and hints already by many aspects in the real universe): “Entanglement is gravity and gravity is entanglement” in the real universe. We propose to call this the E/G conjecture.
If multi-fold universes model the real universe, the conjecture becomes a fact: the E/G (factual) duality.
3. Derivation
The E/G conjecture is based on and derived from the reasoning above, [1] and all the material in [2]:
- Multi-fold mechanisms between EPR entangled systems create attractive effective potential, or effective curvature in the region between the entangled systems [1]. It could be recovered also from the ER=EPR conjecture if the wormholes were traversable, which may possibly be the case.
- There are exception for hierarchical entanglements [1] that match the ER=EPR requirements for associating ER to entangled systems (see[1,3]).
- Entanglements between virtual particle pairs emitted by a particle or energy source generate gravity-like attractive effective potential, or effective curvature in the region between the entangled systems [1]. It can be used to recover GR and more [5].
- [1,2] discuss many resulting effects that:
- Could explain standard model issues
- Could explain standard cosmological model issues and observations
- We also positioned the model with respect to superstrings, supersymmetry, and lots of their associated conjecture that are recovered, with variations. It can also explain some of aspects of these theories, by understanding their relations to the multi-fold models [1, 6 – 11, 3].
- On this basis, we believe that multi-fold are mathematical models consistent with these conventional models. Hence the E/G conjecture.
As compiled in [1], other works have previously argued such links between entanglement and gravity (e.g. [12-14]) ; but typically with fully explaining its physical origin, but rather showing hints or statistical argument in its favor. Confusion in these work also exist between entity entanglement or spacetime entanglement etc. Some derive hints of curvature of spacetime as a result. Other make gravity and MOND emerge from entanglement.
4. Conclusions
In the real universe, we propose the E/G conjecture that Entanglement is gravity and gravity is entanglement, meaning Entanglement creates gravity effects and gravity results from entanglement effects.
In multi-fold universes, the conjecture is a factual duality: Entanglement generates gravity-like effects and gravity is the result of entanglement between virtual particles.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “The E/G conjecture: entanglement is gravity and gravity is entanglement”, viXra:2010.0139v1,…, October 15, 2020.
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[2]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe”, Navigation page listing all papers.….
[3]: Hrant Gharibyan, Robert F. Penna, (2013), “Are entangled particles connected by wormholes? Support for the ER=EPR conjecture from entropy inequalities”, arXiv:1308.0289v1
[4]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Circular Arguments in String and Superstring Theory from a Multi-fold Universe Perspective”,… , October 5, 2020.
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Massless and Massive Multi-Gravity in a Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2010.0095v1,…, June 19, 2020.
[6]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[7]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”, viXra:2006.0211v1,…, June 16, 2020.
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Superstrings Encounter of the Second, Third or Fourth Types?”,…, July 5, 2020.
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes”,…, August 20, 2020.
[10]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Area Laws Between Multi-Fold Universes and AdS”,…, August 10, 2020.
[11]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Gravitons In-N-Out Spacetime”,…, July 27, 2020, (posted September 6, 2020)
[12]: van Raamsdonk, Mark (2010). “Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement”. Gen. Rel. Grav. 42 (14): 2323–2329. arXiv:1005.3035
[13]: ChunJun Cao, Sean M. Carroll, Spyridon Michalakis, (2016). “Space from Hilbert Space: Recovering Geometry from Bulk Entanglement”, arXiv:1606.08444v3
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#AdSCFTCorrespondence #EGConjecture #EGFactualDuality #Entanglement #EntanglementIsGravityAndGravityIsEntanglement #EREPR #GeneralRelativity #GRQM #Gravity #HolographicDuality #multiFold #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumPhysics #realUniverse #StringTheory #Supergravity #Superstrings #Supersymmetry
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Site navigation / map WEB SITE TRACKING ALL PUBLICATIONS AROUND THE MULTI-FOLD UNIVERSE / COMPILATION OF UPDATES, FOLLOW-UPS AND NEW WORKS In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglemen…Shmaes - Physics
Area Laws Between Multi-Fold Universes and AdS
Stephane H. MaesAugust 10, 2020 [This is the April 26, 2021 version]
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
In this paper, we discuss the area laws encountered in multi-fold universes as well as their implications to AdS tangent to the Multi-fold Universe and recover results from the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and associated holographic principles. Multi-fold mechanisms can provide hints of superstrings in AdS(5) (+ additional dimensions), their relationship to gravity and explain a AdS/CFT correspondence or holographic principle. As a result, with multi-fold mechanisms we find physical explanations for the Ryu–Takayanagi conjecture; not as a conjecture but as a fact. Doing so, we will also revisit the related work of Ted Jacobson, on entanglement thermodynamics equilibrium and General Relativity, and apply it to a multi-fold universe.
This analysis reinforces the positioning and understanding of superstrings with respect to multi-fold universes. We believe that it has strong implications for superstrings and M-theory.
Added April 26, 2021: Jacobson’s work also emphasizes how conventional physics also derives that entanglement is the source of GR.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity (GR) at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. AdS, Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe
With the multi-fold mechanisms described in [1], we discover that multi-folds can be considered as gravitons, massless and massive [13], in AdS(5) (+ additional dimensions for superstrings / M-theory). The relationship and dualities with multi-fold universes are compiled and summarized in [5,12].In particular, [1,5] position AdS(5) around each spacetime point of the spacetime in a multi-fold universe; with multi-folds attached to entangled particles (real or virtual) evolving in AdS(5) and their effect reflected, via the mapping mechanisms, in spacetime as attractive effective potential or effective curvature contributions. This version of the (Multi-fold spacetime QFT)/AdS correspondence is a fact and along with multi-fold mappings it gives physical explanations to the holographic principles behind the conventional AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture.
Such analyses [1,5] have significant implications for superstrings, supersymmetries, Grand Unification Theories (GUTs) and Theories of Everything (ToE) [6].
3. Area Laws in Multi-fold Universe
[1] derived area laws and area related laws for multi-fold universe, including:
- Recovery of the Gauss theorem for massless gravity as well as a discussion of the impact for massive gravity or in presence of entanglement.
- Recovery of the Area law for blackholes and causal horizons in multi-fold universe spacetime.
- 2D processes associated to high energy (i.e. Planck scale) gravity processes as fractal random walks.
We will not repeat these analysis here and refer the reader to [1] for more details.
[1] also mentions area laws for entanglement, based on [7], as another hint of the link between gravity and entanglement in conventional physics. It is important as, after all, [1] focuses on showing how gravity emerges from entanglement among real particles (gravity like effects) or among virtual particles (emerging massive and massless gravity). We will provide a simple derivation of the structure of these laws (suitable in multi-fold universes and beyond) and therefore re-motivate ourselves the statements in [1]. Doing so, we will also revisit the work of Jacobson [8,9] in this domain.
[1] does not discuss another key conventional conjecture built on AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and holography: the Ryu–Takayanagi conjecture [10]. We will do so and physically motivated it as factual in the following sections.
4. Area Laws for Entanglement in the Spacetime of Multi-fold Universe
In this section we derive in a simple manner the area law (up to the proportionality factor) for entanglement in ways simpler than all the methods cited in [7,8,10].Consider a field in spacetime. Consider a finite region spatial Σ with a (closed) surface
in spacetime and a field ψ of correlation length ξ. Consider a discrete spacetime as a lattice of cell minimum spatial dimension a. remember that [1] justifies such a discrete spacetime. Lets is call L the minimum L characterizing opposite sides of
as volume of Σ and
as area of:
- If a << ξ << L, then the entanglement entropy of S(t, Σ) with respect to the rest of the spatial spacetime (for a given t) is given by:
(1)where the proportionality term is independent of the Σ (only dependent on the field properties).
- Otherwise for ξ > L:
(2)(1) and (2) simply rely on computing the entropy by enumerating the possible entangled regions: a region of coherence per surface element, hence (1). When the coherence length is larger than L(Σ), the characteristic dimension of Σ, the number of units in the whole
is what matters, hence (2).
5. Ryu–Takayanagi Equation in a Multi-fold Universe
We now consider
, the surface in AdS(5) wrapping (tangent) to all the multi-folds opposite grand circle to the entry point, i.e. the exit points with the mappings defined in [1]. Then by construction of the multi-fold mechanisms, that surface:
(3)This derivation of (3) is sketched in figure 1.
Figure 1: (a) Shows a set of folds, à la [1], for a ray through Σ. (b) explode the view of the folds at each point along the ray. (c) illustrates how the surface build against the opposite point of the grand circle for the largest fold for each point along the ray. It’s contribution is depends on the length of the ray as does the contribution if the ray to the area of the boundary of Σ. Areas are compared by considering all the possible rays.The field ψ is a QFT, not CFT; so equation (1) or (2) may apply but it remains:
can be constant or functions of Σ depending on the type and properties of the field.[10] showed that under the CFT case, with conventional AdS/CFT correspondence,
is a constant and dominates. It matches the value of the entropy of black holes (Bekenstein-Hawking entropy).As we do not depend on the AdS/CFT correspondence as a conjecture, (3) is factual in multi-fold universes. Also, in our model, gravity is present in the spacetime where entanglement is tracked (not just CFT without gravity).
The multi-fold mechanisms explain physically the choice of the minimal surface in [10], as a scaled version of the further away that the multi-folds, associated to all the possible entanglements within Σ, can reach. Entanglement beyond
, introduces non-negligible additional contributions of the terms beyond the first term in (4).
Also, we know (see [1]) that, when
defines acausal horizon, the relationship is again involving only the first term in (4). With CFTs, and within the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture, the Ryu–Takayanagi equation shows that only the first term in (4) is relevant.
6. Non-holographic Considerations and Entanglement Equilibrium
[9] details holographic inspired models that do not use holography (but are inspired by the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture) and cite [8] as a key example. Our derivation of (1) and (2) did not consider any holographic principle or inspiration. It was introduced later on to derive (4) and physically explain the results of [10].Because we consider non-CFT and include gravity, we are in fact aligned with the analysis of [8]. All the reasoning presented in [8] for conventional physics can be repeated here for multi-fold universes.
However, we do want to comment on the derivation of GR. First of all, in [8], ψ is not attempting to model a quantum gravity field. Instead Jacobson relies on semi classical GR. He shows that as equilibrium of the entanglement implies no changes in the entanglement entropy [Added on 4/26/21: under constant volume, which is selected to maintain Lorentz invariant in all allowed dynamics], he recovers the GR equation for the energy of the field (and anything else). It is a powerful and intriguing derivation. Yet it was trivially the case the moment that [8] associated area deficit to the energy content of spacetime: it is an equivalent statements as imposing the Hilbert Einstein action (extremization). Here we show that the derivation is more generic: multi-fold mechanisms imply gravity and recover GR [1] as well as (1)-(4). No entanglement equilibrium is really needed for the derivation.
We also note that the model quantitative model of [8], allows to link directly short scale entanglement (e.g. vacuum) degree to gravity intensity: if much entanglement exist, then gravity is weaker. It makes sense also in a multi-fold universe: as entanglement create attractive potentials towards the center of mass and gravity is the result of entanglement between virtual particles: it is clear that if there is a lot of local entanglement everywhere, it will reduce / combat the gravity effect. It is analogous to some of the vacuum polarization effects to modify the gravity effects that we discussed in [1]. Indeed GR is an global and average effect that can’t handle these effects other than by modifying the Newton gravitation that it uses.
Comment added on April 26, 2021:
On the other hand, expanding on the comments above, it is also worth noting that [8,14] provides another strong indication of a relationship between entanglement and gravity. Around equilibrium, for adiabatic systems, which is what to expect of the universe, stability, for constant volume, of entanglement of vacuum across any surface in spacetime, and/or its characterization by area laws, imply at large enough scale that spacetime is described by GR. In other words, these papers explicitly derive (conventionally, no multi-fold consideration or no New Physics) that entanglement imply gravity, just as in [15,16] and we propose in [1] for multi-fold universes.
6. Conclusions
Our analysis reviews area laws, for multi-fold universes, as defined in [1]. It provides non holographic area law for the entanglement entropy across an arbitrary space surface in spacetime (valid in multi-fold and non multi-fold universe) and it extend the result to a multi-fold equation analogous to the Ryu–Takayanagi conjecture, without the CFT limitation. This reinforces the analogies and dualities with superstring theories and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture discussed in [5].We also showed the alignment with the work of Jacobson on Entanglement equilibrium and GR. Although, unfortunately, in our view, we do not see [8] as a derivation of GR from entanglement (it was derived from the area deficit that implies GR or Hilbert Einstein action), the result also reinforces the agreement with multi-fold approaches: it confirms indirectly and matches what [1] predicted in terms of vacuum polarization as a way to modify the total gravity effect in spacetime; something predicted in [1]. It is an additional validation option à la [11] for our multi-fold predictions.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Area Laws Between Multi-Fold Universes and AdS”, viXra:2010.0207v1,…, August 10, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[6]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”, viXra:2006.0211v1,…, June 16, 2020.
[7]: J. Eisert, M. Cramer, M.B. Plenio, (2008), “Area laws for the entanglement entropy – a review”, arXiv:0808.3773v4
[8]: Ted Jacobson, (2015), “Entanglement Equilibrium and the Einstein Equation”, arXiv:1505.04753v4
[9]: Rasmus Jaksland, Niels S. Linnemann, (2020), “Holography without holography: How to turn inter-representational into intra-theoretical relations in AdS/CFT”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science Part B: Studies in History and Philosophy of Modern Physics
[10]: Shinsei Ryu, Tadashi Takayanagi, (2006), ), “Aspects of Holographic Entanglement Entropy”, arXiv:hep-th/0605073v3
[11]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”,…, June 24, 2020.
[12]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Superstrings Encounter of the Second, Third or Fourth Types?”, viXra:2010.0140v1,…, July 5, 2020.
[13]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Massless and Massive Multi-Gravity in a Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2010.0095v1,…, June 19, 2020.
References added on April 26, 2021
[14]: Ted Jacobson, (1995), “Thermodynamics of Spacetime: The Einstein Equation of State”, arXiv:gr-qc/9504004v2.
[15]: van Raamsdonk, Mark (2010). “Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement”. Gen. Rel. Grav. 42 (14): 2323–2329. arXiv:1005.3035.
[16]: ChunJun Cao, Sean M. Carroll, Spyridon Michalakis, (2016). “Space from Hilbert Space: Recovering Geometry from Bulk Entanglement”, arXiv:1606.08444v3.
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Strong CP Violation Tamed in The Presence of Gravity
Stephane H. Maes
June 23, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
The strong CP violation problem is one of these issues: QCD predicts CP violation, yet no CP violation has ever been observed involving the strong interaction (when it occurs, it is for the weak interaction). In this paper we show that when adding gravity to the Standard Model, in a multi-fold universe, gravity allows the mass of the up quark to be smaller (close to, or equal to zero). This symmetry, or quasi symmetry, is a way to eliminate the CP violation contributions in QCD, therefore resolving the problem. It argues for evolving the Standard Model to add gravity, if non negligible at very small scales. No New Physics are introduced as new particles, which could also explain why axions have never been observed ,and we may have to remove them as candidates to explain dark matter.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. SMG : The Standard Model with Multi-Fold Gravity
[1] proposes that, in a multi-fold universe, the Lagrangian is complemented by terms associated to gravity and entanglement (in the form of the sum of the attractive effective potentials) [1]:
The effect of gravity can be seen through the attractive potential contributions of all the energy sources, static or moving (hence modeled by the energy momentum 4-vector). It can also been seen as expressing the Standard Model Lagrangian in curved spacetime (semi-classical point of view), now considered valid till small scales.
EPR entanglement is not believed to often play a significant role, except in dark matter use cases [5].
The last term is all other “New Physics” terms and we will consider it to be null.
With (1), the mass generation terms now involves the gravity effective potential described in [1]: (2)
Where, the C1() designates the vertex contribution that represents the interaction with the Higgs/QCD Vacuum (and/or Quark Gluon condensate) with chirality flip and C2() represents the contributions of the right-handed and left-handed leptons or quarks and anti-particles.
3. The Strong CP Violation Problem
Overviews of the Strong-CP violation problems can be found in [6] with a popular science discussion in [7]. Quantum Chromodynamic (QCD), which models with high accuracy string interactions among quarks and gluons, as well as between nuclei, predicts a CP violation term.
Yet there have never been any observation of CP violations involving the strong interaction. CP violations have been observed but they involve the weak interaction [8]. This puzzle is known as the Strong CP violation problem.
[9] discusses in great details the violation in QCD and how to explain its apparent nonexistence. As is often the case, introducing symmetries and symmetry breaking helps when these kind of problems are met in Physics. So, one of the popular hypothesis relies on the introduction of a new symmetry with a scalar field and a particle: the axion [10].
Unfortunately, the axions is not expected to interact much with rest of the world and it has, so far, never been observed (in experiences where axions are expected to interact with a strong magnetic field and converts to photons). So we do not know if the Peccei-Quinn symmetry exists [12]. The flip side of this, is that the axion became an ideal candidate to explain dark matter [11]. Yet, [1,5] suggest an entanglement-based explanation for dark matter (at least a portion of the effects).
If axions do not exists, axiogenesis, proposed to explain why the universe has matter, also collapses [13,14].
4. Gravity and The Quark Mass: No More Strong CP Violation Problem
The solution proposed by [1] is straightforward. Gravity is no more negligible at the strong interaction scales, mostly because of the massive gravity contributions. In the case of the up quark (lightest quark), the mass term, conventionally assumed to represent the mass quark, can actually originate (in part) from Veff, the gravity effective potential contributions. Therefore, mu, the mass of the up quark, can be significantly reduced and correspond to a quasi-zero rest mass. If that is the case, the offending terms in QCD, responsible for CP violation, disappears [9].
The mystery is solved. It is achieved within the context of the Standard Model with Gravity, in a multi-fold universe, and without the need of New Physics.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipates the behaviors modeled of a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Other theories showing that gravity is relevant at the level of the standard model, can repeat the mu, the mass of the up quark, reduction argument, even with no relation to multi-fold universe and mechanisms or to gravity emergence from entanglement. So our model here is generic: if we add gravity to Standard Model with a model keeping it non negligible at the Standard Model scales, then the CP violating term in QCD disappears.
If our model here is not validated, by experience, it would not invalidate the multi-fold mechanism and the proposal that gravity emerges from entanglement as detailed in [1]. The analysis builds on [1], as a consequence of it, but it is not a condition for validation of multi-fold universes.
Note the recent possible sightings of axions (or at least anomalous events) reported in [17]. Considering the analysis below, it is not too likely that these are due to axions. It is important to understand that our approach does not forbid axions and the Peccei-Quinn symmetry. We only stated that it may not be needed in the context of explaining the strong CP violation problem. Even the Peccei-Quinn symmetry exists, it can combine with our proposal (or render our argument moot), yet without implying that our proposal does not also occur in terms of mu, the mass of the up quark.
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the strong CP violation problem.
We explain how the addition of gravity to the QCD Lagrangian (and Standard Model), can eliminate the term responsible for CP violation in QCD, therefore resolving the strong CP violation problem.
The model works for multi-fold universe as well as in any situation where gravity is non negligible and added to the Standard Model.
This, along with similar results in [1] and [15,16], make a strong case for more seriously considering the implications of adding gravity to the Standard Model to obtain SMG, as a way to addressing open issues and offer better alternatives to New Physics speculations. This goes hand in hand with recognizing that this also implies the need to seriously consider that gravity may not always be negligible at the Standard Model scales as proposed in [1].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Strong CP Violation Tamed in The Presence of Gravity”, viXra:2007.0025v1,… , June 21, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”,…, June 21, 2020.
[9]: I. I. Bigi and A. I. Sanda, (2009), “CP Violation”, Cambridge University Press
[12]: R. D. Peccei and Helen R. Quinn, (1977), “CP Conservation in the Presence of Pseudoparticles”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 38, 1440
[14]: Raymond T. Co, Keisuke Harigaya, (2019), “Axiogenesis”, arXiv:1910.02080v2.
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes “, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
[16]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity”, viXra:2007.0018v1,…, June 21, 2020.
[17]: E. Aprile, et al., (2020), “Observation of Excess Electronic Recoil Events in XENON1T”, arXiv:2006.09721v1.
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Top Dark Matter Candidate Loses Ground to Tiniest Competitor
Physicists have long searched for hypothesized dark matter particles called WIMPs. Now, focus may be shifting to the axion — an ultra-lightweight particle whose…Charlie Wood (Quanta Magazine)
Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?
Stephane H. MaesJune 19, 2020
Note: if you are looking for “Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, go to…, or viXra:2007.0006v1.
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement and spacetime is discrete, with a fractal structure based on random walk and a non-commutative geometry. When random walk is combined with maximal particle generations, exponential expansion can automatically takes place. Away from maximal generation or in an already concretized spacetime, random walk accounts for a constant or slowing down expansion. Meanwhile, the multi-fold mechanisms also implies a constant expansion potential, adding a force to the expansion of the universe, thanks to uncertainties. It explain the constant acceleration of the universe expansion with a cosmological constant that is not the vacuum energy density but can be way smaller.
It may contribute to addressing problems like the absence of any explanation of dark energy, the embarrassing orders of magnitude of discrepancies between vacuum energy and the cosmological constant predicted by conventional Physics; issues that are among Today’s biggest mysteries of the universe. These explanations do not require New Physics beyond the Standard Model and the Standard Cosmology Model.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Spacetime Construction
In [1], spacetime is created when it is encountered by a particle (This is also inspired from the ideas that spacetime creation may result from wave function collapse) that consists of a microscopic black hole surrounding it. As the particle moves, it leaves remnants of minimal Schwarzschild black holes as spacetime location. The effect is also inspired from [6]. We speak of spacetime concretization. With this scenario, and as result of the top down framework of multi-fold universes, [1] shows that spacetime is therefore discrete and non-commutative with particles moves as relativistic paths of the path integral describing the particles: i.e. a random walk, in space and in time, leading to a fractal structure. The random sprinkles of spacetime points and particles ensure that spacetime can be Lorentz invariant.These conclusions from the multi-fold model are all along consistent with well know results [7,8]. But why and how these features are actually realized in spacetime were something missing, so far.
Spacetime concretization can generate new spacetime points and grow the edges of the universe. As the process is fractal in space and in time, it also leaves many non-concretized points of the underlying discrete lattice (of minimum length cells). At later times, particles can random walk on the existing concretized structure or fill gaps by concretizing points missed so far. At no time, is a minimum length (in space and in time) violated, in accordance with [5].
We will also describe bulk expansion effects.
To be complete, there are also entanglement between particles and spacetime that they concretize. These also introduce a temporary brake (with effective potential per the multi-fold mechanisms of [1]) to the expansion but limited to the duration of such entanglements. We do not use spacetime entanglement as sources of gravity as proposed in proposals where Gravity would emerge from entropy as in Verlinde’s papers, e.g. [19,20]. The model in [1] is quite different from these works.
3. Big Bang and Inflation
At the beginning of our universe, that it be localized in one or a few points, across an initial region or more widely extended (as proposed for example by other infinite or parallel universe models), the energy is such that every fluctuation or particle move can both concretize spacetime and create new particles. A toy model to hint how fluctuations in spacetime can create particles and spacetime is discussed in [6].When the energy is such that at every time jumps take place and new particles can be created (in every directions) along with spacetime concretization (reoccupied or visited for the first time), the process results into an exponential growth of the number of particles and spacetime. Bulk effects (dark energy effects, discussed later) contribute to stretch the structures at the same time which also ensures that spacetime stretches as this takes place. These early particles can be of different types, including creation and annihilation of the ones we encounter today, or essentially be all of the same as an inflaton [9]. It does not matter for our model.
In conventional QFT views, the inflaton field, a candidate to conventionally explain inflation, is homogenous throughout the universe and the total energy content of the universe grows also exponentially until it stops everywhere (or only somewhere in eternal inflation models, in such case, possibly resulting into different universe, etc.). It sets a high vacuum energy ground level and hence, per GR, a negative pressure [10], and we have inflation [11]. In a multi-fold universe, at small scales, the density of particle is initially roughly the same everywhere, which provides energy to the particles who exert a constant pressure due to that energy. That pressure is the combination of the jumps to new spacetime point and interspersed growth between points (as will continue today, as discussed later) along with the bulk effect to be discussed later. So both our model from [1] and the inflaton model essentially match. [1] works with inflaton (explaining it effect at very small scales) or instead of it.
The source of energy enabling these effects is not really explained in [1] and out of scope for this work. It is either inherent to the inflaton field (e.g. as (false) vacuum), which can also be the case for the particles only explanation (false vacuum giving always a minimum energy to every particles with no energy changes but why is it at such a level is not explained) or due to a tremendous original energy that remains so large early on that its level is essentially not affected by particle creation long enough for the exponential growth to take place as long as needed (in practice, that is also a very short time even if the expansion and stretching effects are tremendous, except in eternal inflation models where it would still be going on somewhere beyond our universe horizon). As inflatons have not yet be found or well modeled, we prefer the latter explanation, i.e. no inflation. Note that such a choice also probably negates eternal inflation models, that would need energy to continue eternally. But both sources of energy are supported.
The energy involved can originate from the everything that we do not know and that happened before the Big Bang event, including big bounces, or a vacuum collapse bubbles, or from a symmetry breaking event (and resulting phase change). For example (it is just an illustration of a possible mechanism), it could be energy released due to the break of the Ultimate Unification symmetry introduced in [1,12], as if it was a phase change of the universe. The democracy symmetry breaks as progressively more and more of the involved particles drop out from being able to contribute at the same level as carriers of massive gravity from spacetime point to point. Each time, this correspond to a conversion of energy potential of everything in the universe into kinetic energy as gravity weakened at smaller scales due to particles decrease their contribution as larger scale carriers to the massive gravity component. Note this example would be an oscillating situation as increasing energy (e.g. like inflation reheating) will bring back the particles that just gave up as gravity carriers, until they drop out again). It evolves like this particle type per particle type till inflation stops.
When there is no more enough energy to sustain both systematic spacetime concretization and particle creation, the inflation progressively die out. Again all this takes a very short time.
After that, random walks continue and particles (virtual and real) can revisit already concretized spacetime point or concretize new points. In addition. Expansion also continue as discussed after. These effects are now the dominant contributions for expansion, albeit countered for a while in the battle for universe dominance by attractive gravity that fights off expansion and balances a significant part of the expansion effects, for as long at matter and energy clusters are close enough: until distances become too large between clusters and expansion start to really dominate and accelerate. Our universe is now in that phase.
4. Dark Energy? Maybe not so fast…
Dark energy is proposed as a way to explain the observed expansion and now observed accelerated expansion of the universe. Good entry points can be found at [13,14].Cosmological expansion is conventionally modeled by the cosmological constant in GR [16]. In QFT and superstrings, this leads immediately to major issues. QFT predicts a vacuum energy density that leads to a cosmological constant that is larger than what is observed [16]. It is hardly a small adjustment issue! There is clearly a problem or something is missed by conventional Physics.
New Physics is not faring much better, as discussed in [15]: superstrings are not stable (i.e. they cannot live) in positive cosmological constant universes [17]; while GR is unstable with matter in AdS [18]. [15] explains how this is in fact consistent with multi-fold universes [1] and our deducted superstrings dualities. For the purpose of discussion here, it only matters in the sense that New Physics has no helpful say about the cosmological constant problem!
A zero cosmological constant may help with superstrings (and for many supersymmetric theories). However, again it does not match physical explanations or observations of accelerated expansion, granted that, as mentioned in [1], some recent papers are still revisiting and questioning if there is indeed such an acceleration.
This situation is not just an open problem but one of the most embarrassing problem for modern Physics. There are no other ways to put it. Today, we have no clue.
Yet in a multi-fold universe:
- A small positive cosmological constant (generating negative curvature contributions are not supported by the multi-fold mechanism, which also explain why superstrings cannot, and do not, live in our spacetime [15]) can be explained
- It is independent of the QFT energy vacuum density
- And the explanation is without involving any New Physics other than adding gravity to the Standard Model in a multi-fold universe.
Indeed, expansion of the spacetime comes in two flavors:
- Random walks, business as usual, that revisit existing spacetime point and fill the gaps in the spacetime fractal structure or pushes the edge. It is not a dominant bulk effect expansion but it has a small contribution to the cosmological constant.
- Constant effective potential pressure everywhere towards AdS(5) resulting from uncertainties of entangled particles, that generate attractive effective potentials between them. [1] shows that, as the particles wiggle because of quantum uncertainties, the folds and mappings can create, within the bulk, effective potential pulls towards the bulk, (which amounts to normal random walk acceleration) or towards the outside spacetime, which is a bulk expansion effect a always present force (because of uncertainty that component always consistently exists): we have found a dark energy effect, without any dark energy involved, that also contribute to the cosmological constant. Fluctuations creates the effective potential due to entanglement; fluctuations are not the energy that expand, it the effective potential that expands; therefore decoupling the cosmological constant value from the energy density of the vacuum.
This second effect is between entangled particles, real or virtual, but therefore, slightly more pronounced within or around matter or energy clusters (where more energy fluctuations may be encountered and also because pulling out towards AdS(5) will happen more often where spacetime is curved by matter). Yet, it exists everywhere as vacuum virtual pairs also contribute. Its intensity is related to the vacuum energy levels as well as the energy content of the entangled particles. It is not the vacuum energy density and it is expected to be a way smaller contribution, but omnipresent in spacetime. This way, we are able to solve the cosmological constant problem. It also weakens the arguments for an anthropic principle (to explain the cosmology constant), which in turns weakens reuse of such a principle to justify parallel universes and the “expected” existence of large superstring swampland and landscape (maybe – not that certain now that the landscape needs to be a positive curvature universe [15]).
The arguments in [1] are only qualitative, not yet quantitative. More work is needed to see if quantitative estimates make sense and may suffice to explain dark energy. Of course, other effects can also play along.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipate the behaviors modeled in a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] potentially explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Our proposal has no equivalent or variations for non multi-fold universe: the source of dark energy effects come directly from the multi-folds mechanisms as proposed in [1]. Even other models that link entanglement and gravity would most probably not help as the multi-fold universe does.
The fact that dark energy and cosmological constant issues are confirmed (so far) by observations, yet unexplained, indicates one possible small step in favor of this subject helping to validate the models proposed in [1].
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges with dark energy and with the cosmological constant.The model also has the ability to further explain the expected discrete and noncommutative (Lorentz invariant and fractal) nature of spacetime and to support inflation (with or without inflatons).
While steps in the right direction in terms of validating [1], future work should aim at providing quantitative estimates to further determine viability of the proposal or completeness of the explanation, versus just contributing to what happens, which would already be satisfying.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261v1,…, June 19, 2020.
Note: If you were by mistake pointed here looking for Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006v1, or… June 21, 2020, the web version (here) is tracked at…. A mistake in many references instead provided the URL to the dark energy paper (here). It is regrettable and will be corrected in the future for all upcoming papers and revisions.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Luis J. Garay, (1995), “Quantum Gravity and Minimum Length”, International Journal of Modern Physics A, V 10.
[6]: Hou Y. Yau, (2007 & 2016), “Quantum Theory from a Space-Time Wave”, arXiv:0706.0190 v2 and v4
[7]: S. Doplicher, K. Fredenhagen and J. E. Roberts, (1994), “Spacetime quantization induced by classical gravity”, Phys. Rev. B 331 (1994) 33.
[8]: Hooft, Gerard ’t, (2016), “How quantization of gravity leads to a discrete space-time”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 701 012014
[12]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”,…, June 16, 2020.
[14]: B. Clegg (2019), “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Hidden 95% of the Universe”, Icon Books Ltd
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe“, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[17]: Georges Obied, Hirosi Ooguri, Lev Spodyneiko, Cumrun Vafa, (2018), “De Sitter Space and the Swampland”, arXiv:1806.08362v3.
[18]: Georgios Moschidis, (2018), “A proof of the instability of AdS for the Einstein–massless Vlasov system”, arXiv:1812.04268v1.
[19]: Erik P. Verlinde (2010), “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton”, arXiv:1001.0785
[20]: Erik Verlinde, (2016), “Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe”, arXiv:1611.02269v2
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No Gravity Shield in Multi-folds Universes
Stephane H. Maes
June 26, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
The presence of a matter obstacle or shield on the path of the entangled virtual photons may be understood as weakening the gravity perceived beyond or within by a test particle. It is an incorrect conclusion. The potential energy (momentum 4-vector) of the shield and the shield acting a new source ensure that gravity perceived by the test particle is unaffected (other than by the additional contributions due to the proper gravity of the shield).
In a multi-fold universe, Faraday cages do not weaken gravity!
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles [5], detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity (GR) at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In the present paper, which is just a short note, we remain at a high level of analysis. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. However, we hope that it will intrigue enough the reader to push him or her to dig deeper. Most of the more detailed (or entry point) references are provided in [1], and so every statement is not motivated here or presented with the most appropriate references. This paper is rather a story tale. “[1]” appears often, as a person or a model, to refer to the original arguments, analysis, mechanisms or proposals discussed in [1].
The paper discuss a topic not discussed in [1]: how to deal with matter shielding that path of virtual photons as gravity emerges from the entanglement of virtual particles.
2. Gravity through or behind a larger mass or inside a Faraday cage
The mechanisms of multi-folds, the main feature proposed in [1], trigger activation of additional structures (folds) when particles are (EPR) entangled so that additional paths can traverse the folds, where the EPR entangled particles can always meet as a same exit points. Doing so, all the activated folds (i.e. multi-folds) create attractive potentials in in between the entangled particles (
per fold). The attraction is towards their source or center the mass, depending of the use cases and movements (and masses involved – entangled particles can be massive or massless). When involving virtual particles emitted by a source of energy, this potential is reminiscent of gravity and [1] attributes gravity to these effects. It can also be looked as adding contributions of the Ricci curvature scalar R of the folds, from all matter or energy contributions, to build a new Ricci curvature scalar field R and, with the direction of attraction information, a new consistent Ricci curvature tensor. Doing so, for all sources of energy, recovers Einstein’s GR field equations (or Hilbert Einstein Action); which is amazing as invariance of surfaces (the real geometrical meaning behind the Hilbert Einstein Action) or variants of the Hilbert Einstein have, at no point, be postulated in [1] prior to that determination (something that can’t exactly be said the same way for strings). Also, the multi-folds have a spin-2 symmetry.
Because gravity is explained via the virtual particles in [1] an incorrect but logical expectation would be that behind a large mass or within a cage, especially a massive Faraday cage; gravity in a multi-fold universe would be weakened as at large scale, only neutrinos would go through the shield and carry multi-fold effects. If it was the case the model and mechanisms of a multi-fold universe would not model well our real universe.
Fortunately, such expectation is not correct; gravity is not affected by such obstacles or shields.: there are no gravity shields.
[1] must be able to account for no weakening of gravity within Faraday cages for example, despite our mechanisms relying on virtual particles. If only virtual neutrinos were to contribute, gravity would be weakened within such a cage, which is obviously not the case. In general for the multi-fold mechanisms of [1], when the virtual particles tries to reach a test particle within an electromagnetic shield, it does affect the four -vector potential of the particles on shield. Considering the system shield + target particle, its total energy is affected and it affects the energy source available to multi-folds affecting the test particle. The combined effect is hierarchical and the composition appears as if the effect went through the shield: The mass of the shield particle is increased to reflect the potential from the source (Note added on 5/16/21: Better yet see comment [5]). The outcome is the same as if no shield were present except form the additional proper gravitational effect of the shield as source.
3. Conclusions
The multi-fold mechanism proposed in [1] Is not defeated by matter shield: gravity is not weakened: instead of only letting neutrinos contribution through the shield adds a contribution that reflects that as a source of energy it is subject to the potential energies from the source; which resolves the perceived issue and maintain suitability of the model of gravity emergence from entanglement of virtual particle emitted by a source of energy (or mass).
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “No Gravity Shield in Multi-folds Universes”, viXra:2010.0032v1,… , June 26, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
Reference added on 5/16/21:
[5]: Stephane H. Maes, (2021), “Comment on potential energy”,….
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#Entanglement #FaradayCage #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #MultiFoldUniverse #noGravityShield #QuantumGravity
Don’t hesitate to reach out with the contact information below, or send a message using the form. Multi-fold Community, where you can submit your own related papers, and be linked here. (Apri…Shmaes - Physics
Particles, Especially Virtual Particles, in a Multi-fold Universe vs. QFT
Stephane H. Maes
July 10, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
In this paper, we discuss the point of view of the virtual particles used to explain gravity emergence from entanglement and in particular position their use versus the more conventional view on virtual particles in QFT. Indeed, besides the fact that QFT has challenges to model particles, there are some strong views on what is or is not appropriate when it comes to involving virtual particles in conventional QFT, or vacuum fluctuations for that matter. The proposed multi-fold mechanisms on the other hand rely first and foremost on the concept of particles, with modifications to conventional QFT. In that context virtual particle play a central role. Besides evangelizing the need to evolve QFT, we also review how virtual particles are key to the notion of small scale non negligible addition of gravity to the standard model, and to a proposal for Ultimate Unification where al particles convey gravity and their proper interactions. We also discuss how this model is key and aligned to the area laws of blacks holes, Hawking’s radiation and the absence of gravity shielding even when using virtual particle. This discussion will also offer some perspectives on QFT in curved spacetime. The bottom line is that there are no contradiction with the main views on virtual particles of conventional QFT proposed with multi-fold universe mechanisms and that in fact, while hard to formulate, the use of virtual particles could also be modeled with fields and associated multi-fold fields.
[em]We also discuss comparing our model using pairs of entangled virtual particles versus models using only (or in addition) pairs of entangled gravitons. Such a multi-fold model with only gravitons may recover the same results or differ depending on how massive gravitons would be modeled in these new models. But we end up still recommending only a model where gravitons live in AdS(5).[/em]
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Particles and QFT
Quantum Field Theory (QFT) has a particle problem: it is often argued that the concept of particles does not exist or does not make sense in QFT on the basis that (See [1] for a more extensive discussion of some of these aspects):
- Particles can be created and annihilated all the time. So their number is always changing. It is by design of the second quantization and to handle particle to particle interactions. But as a result, typically, one does not identify or track a specific particle and definitively have problem with modeling particle to particle entanglement: QFT is more a statistical handling of particle behaviors and properties (hence also the close link to Statistical Physics, with which it shares many QFT tools and models).
- Particles are modeled by fields that have nonzero values over large regions of spacetime making it hard to know when a particle can be located somewhere versus somewhere else vs multiple particles.
- If a field or energy bump appears somewhere, it is hard to associate it to a particle as, with relativistic behaviors, it very rapidly spreads (all) over spacetime.
- Nonzero correlations of every spacetime point with every other spacetime, complicate particle interpretations
- In a curved spacetime, the curvature itself can create particles. The number of particles seen as present in a given spacetime region is not something that can typically be agreed upon by different observers [9].
Yet, particles exist and they are in fact central to some computation model of QFT like the Feynman diagrams. They are also observed, including in particle colliders like the LHC, where one experiment with the outcome of collisions and interactions modeled by these Feynman diagrams.
The dominant school of thought is that, in such cases, particles make sense asymptotically far from the interaction point(s), and, of course, that virtual particles are just intermediary representations of computational steps in Feynman diagrams and associated path integrals. See for example [5] for an opiniated discussions. Of course these statements are correct from the perspective of conventional QFT.
3. Particles and Entanglement in Multi-fold Universes
3.1 Particles
In a multi-fold universe, the notion of particle is central to deriving its core principles, focused on resolving the EPR paradox that involves entanglement between explicit particles. To address the problems with making sense of particles, [1] relies on a few principles:
- A universe where no supra-luminous interaction, movement, communications or signals are allowed.
- Path integrals must filter out, i.e. forbid, paths where any portion is spacelike, for another portion of the path.
- This is different from many conventional point of views in Quantum Physics, QFT or even New Physics. See for example [6].
This way, the problem of spacelike correlation and the spread and leak of the wavefunction is addressed. To this, [1] adds the recipe of knowingly tracking particles only between their creation and annihilation.
As explained in [1], when particles are entangled, an attractive (towards their center of mass) effective potential appears in between them with a gravity like behavior, function of their motion [17].
3.2 Virtual Particles, Vacuum Fluctuations and Emerging Gravity
[1] relies on the concepts of virtual particles from Feynman diagram and vacuum fluctuations to propose that energy sources (e.g. particles) emit pairs of entangled virtual particles in opposite direction. In our view, as discussed in next two paragraphs, it is aligned with conventional QFT and virtual particles as a mathematical tool [5]. At this stage, the important observation is that, doing so, and allowing virtual particles to contribute only as additional sources of entanglement in spacetime, results into activations of many multi-folds and as a result gravity like attractive potential towards the source or energy/particle [17]. This model recovers GR at large scale. The model is also not encountering problems with virtual particle shields that could, at first thought appear as gravity shield in multi-fold universe. They are not gravity shields, as is discussed in [8].
With respect to [5], we do know that virtual particles are even more controversial in conventional QFT than particles, and that usage of them may lead to further confusion and controversies. As argued, the proposal that we have for virtual particles (emitted in pairs by particles or by energy exciting the vacuum fluctuation), does not in our view counter the opiniated views presented for conventional QFT in [5]. Indeed, virtual particles are proposed here, have no associated creation operator or annihilation operators. They do not become real unless if there is a conventional reason for it (e.g. as in Casimir pressure [7]). Annihilation here is the recombination (possibly in the multi-folds) of a pair. Interaction is absorption by another system of the virtual particle and its entangled virtual partner at the exit point; not the result of creation or annihilation operators that would make the particle real. All conservation and Physics laws are respected for the virtual particles; except (or including depending on the point of view) energy conservation. The latter is viewed as respected with positive and negative energies allowed for durations specified by the uncertainty principles, the former allowed as temporary uncertainties. Of course this model can be seen also a mathematical trick whereby, there are fields of virtual particles and anti-particles (randomly distributed in the absence of other energy) and now with distribution of emitted (entangled) pairs dictated by energy distributions of all the other fields. The distribution spread from each source as time passes, at $c$ for massless particles and at lower rates for massive particles; that also limit their range (not just due to the smaller speed but also due to the uncertainty principle; as is also the amount emitted when massive).
Entanglement between the pairs will create a “field” of multi-fold effects. All this could be formulated as a field, and we may do so in future work. However, it is not required for the rest of the analysis presented in this paper or in [1]; as, at the risk of incurring the ire of analyses like [5] for muddling the story, using the particle “tool” leads to easier ways to understand what is happening; yes, only if one does not get blocked by arguments like [5] that we do not dispute and in our view do not go against, despite possibly the first impression. In the rest of the paper, we assume that this is well understood and do not revisit the validity of explanations and models built on virtual particles: we know there is a pending field version if one wanted to go there. We urge the reader to take that point of view, from now on.
The ability to let entangled virtual particle pairs recombine at the exit points also explains what happens when virtual particle reach the limit of the range allowed by the uncertainty principle (or what happen when interaction disappears etc.); the pairs annihilate even if far away in spacetime; because they were entangled.
3.3 Real vacuum pairs?
If enough energy is available at a given spacetime location, when the energy is sufficient, real entangled pairs of particles and anti-particles can materialize. Situations like [9] are other examples. These are also some of the focus of [5]. If they are entangled, gravity like effects appear between these particles [1] and they are subjects to the multi-fold mechanisms of [1].
In multi-fold universe, the situation does not change. In general, there are no difference in terms of these use cases with conventional QFT. There is no reliance on real particle pairs created from vacuum fluctuations in what [1] proposes. The upcoming sections in the present paper will introduce such effects but it is to address other use cases and observations, proper to new, and different, aspects that we want to address.
4. Particles and QFT in Curved Spacetime
A priori, conventional QFT has such a track record of success that we can not dismiss its model as suitable in most situations. It is not intention in any case. However, we want however to point out that QFT story may not be that clear in curved spacetime, which, after all, is our everyday real universe. Indeed, it is well known that curved spacetime can create new particles and their number is not something not usually agreed upon by different observers [9]. It means that, in general, interaction (or scattering matrix) models can only make some sense when considering asymptotically flat Minkowski spacetime and counting all what happens to the particles in between from -infinity to + infinity time and space! Anything else is subjective and ambiguous, and that any notion of particle count is meaningless.
On one hand, the previous paragraph certainly adds to the argument that particles do not make sense in QFT. On the other hand, it may add to the view that QFT is reaching its limits in curved spacetime and in the presence of gravity.
In a multi-fold universe, the model goes as follow:
- The background spacetime is flat and Minkowski, without particle creations.
- Multifold mechanisms add effective potential contributions at every spacetime point or equivalently effective curvature.
- These are precursors to recovering GR at large enough scales.
- The model matches Einstein view that curvature is really just a geometrical visualization and modeling tool. It is a field on a flat space. His collaborator, Rosen, then tried to enshrine this view into evolutions of GR (see for example [10]).
- Because background spacetime is flat, QFT is to be expanded in that spacetime and should not suffer of the particle ambiguity encountered so far in curved spacetime. QFT in curved spacetime is a mathematical model to be understood as such: it allows to do computations. Many of its results are correct approximations. Some of its problems are reflections of the limitations of the model.
- The effective potential raises the energy around a spacetime location:
- When happening where real particles are located, the multi-fold mechanisms associates more production of entangled pairs of virtual particles (due to higher potential energy). This is also how [1] derives the area law for black hole entropy or how we can understand that there exist no gravity shields even when systems apparently block the virtual particles [8]. We do not count or track these virtual particles, only their multi-fold effects dictated by the source (energy and movement).
- When this additional (potential) energy is high enough, real entangled pairs of particles and anti-particles can be created. They are observable like any other particle. The number may not be agreed by different observer but we can very well explain; because different observers will not agree:
- When enough energy is reached to render such creation of real particle at a given spacetime point
- When, and in what order, they are created.
- This explanation is much more “physical” and it is well aligned with GR.
With this viewpoint, we manage to have a better grasp on particles and again show that it is possible to make sense of them in the context of QFT. In particular, we are not limited to asymptotic discussions to model their interactions.
5. Hawking’s Radiation
Let us make a digression that was in fact the original motivation for this paper. It started from reading the following popular science article [11], which argues that Hawking would have not presented a consistent explanation of black hole evaporation and his Hawking’s radiation between its popular book [13] and his scientific publication where he first communicated his discovery [12]. The point here is not to dissect [11], but to emphasize the confusions that exists regarding all these notions, something also behind [5].
The first derivation, in [12], is an analysis of asymptotic scattering between past null infinity and future null infinity. It does not, and cannot, segregate between what happens on the black hole horizon and what happens outside around it (between it and future null infinity). In fact, it can’t, because in the proposed model, the black hole is also, at the same time, too busy emerging from the star collapse in progress. The analysis relies on creation and annihilation operators, and so, in accordance with [5], it tracks real particle creation; not any virtual particles, as argued by [11].
However, then in [14, page 202] for example, Hawking provides a derivation at the black hole horizon, which anticipates [13], where Hawking argues that (entangled – he does not discuss that aspect) virtual pairs are created and one falls into the black hole, enabling the other one to become real. He also explains that it is just an intuitive visualization and refers to the derivation à [12] for the full proof.
How does this relates to the derivation in [1]? [1] derives a proportionality of the entropy of the horizon to its area by counting how many sources of gravity come from the fluctuations of the horizon (and it is not an evaporation argument). This is not re-questioned in [1] or [14]. However, [1] did not extracts exactly the constant of proportionality. [12,14] estimates evaporation of the infinite asymptotic system seen from infinity so that the constant can be derived. It seems to imply that the number of particles created in between the black hole horizon and future null infinity is proportional to the area of the black hole horizon.
Is it true? A quick way to check if the model with multi-fold mechanism works is to estimate energy within a sphere as a function of the radius of a black hole (See [15 equation (7)]) and integrate over the radius. In the case of a Schwarzschild black hole, the result is indeed essentially in r2, (integrated between the horizon and infinity) and hence proportional to the area of the horizon. So the conclusion is that, in a multi-fold universe, there is a contribution from the horizon effects and a contribution from the region beyond the horizon (between horizon and infinity). Each are proportional to the area of the horizon. Because at such scales, we recover GR, it is safe to deduct that the same is happening with QFT in curved spacetime.
With respect to the arguments in [11], both reasonings lead to area proportionalities for the particles emitted. Only the asymptotic model ([12]) gives the correct proportionality constant ([13] gives a smaller contribution); but the intuitive picture of is easier to convey.
We consider that the above validates the predictions of multi-fold mechanisms with virtual particles when horizons or obstacles are introduced (e.g. [8])), as well as in what would conventionally be a curved spacetime. This is important to demonstrate consistency of the model proposed in [1].
6. Gravitons vs. Virtual particles
Note added 10/17/20: One should also note that in multi-fold universes, as envisaged in [1], gravitons live in AdS(5) tangent to multi-fold spacetime and have effects in spacetime through effective potentials or curvature that can be also understood as graviton quasi particles [18,19].
For completeness, it is important to understand that in [1], gravitons are associated to the multi-fold universe instead of being one of the virtual particles, or in lieu of the virtual particles. On one hand it is a question of definition as [1] shows that quantas in AdS(5), where multi-folds live correspond to quantas of spacetime in the spacetime. It is really motivated by the observation that doing so really provides complete symmetry between the multi-fold mechanisms in EPR entanglement and the entangled virtual pairs. Rejecting this approach and only invoking massless and possibly massive gravitons (produced as entangled pairs), could also work but may run with some of the problems met so far in QFT quantization of GR as well as may lose some of the arguments why gravity may not be negligible any more in some Standard Model phenomena, at least if massive gravitons were not also considered. Adding entangled virtual graviton pairs to the other entangled virtual particle pairs is of course also an option and that does not really change anything to [1].
So in a multi-fold universe graviton live outside of spacetime and have an effect on spacetime via the effective potentials (or effective curvatures). Doing so solves many problems of quantum gravity [1] and position nicely the real universe and superstrings [16]. But rebuilding the model with gravitons instead of virtual particle is fully supported by the approach. It leads to a lot of similar results and some variations. Detailing the implications could be the object of a future publication.
[em]Note on 10/17/20: if we follow the idea that superstrings are consistent mathematical models that teach us about multi-fold universes (as well as the real universe) as reasoned in [20], then the fact that superstrings can only exists in universes with negative cosmological constant, and hence curvature, implies that, with multi-fold universes, graviton should be confined to AdS(5) [1,21], and have effects in spacetime that are: effective potentials, effective curvature or quasi particles. So the approach of [1] is the recommended way forward on that basis. It also ensures we have models behaving well at high energy.[/em]
7. Conclusions
We have discussed the reliance on particles and in particular virtual particles and vacuum fluctuations in [1]. To that effect we have justified its usage, arguing for better handling of particles in QFT, defending that virtual particles and vacuum fluctuation as used in [1] are not contradicting the spirit of [5] and showing the consistency of the approach in curved spacetime, especially for Hawking’s Black hole radiation. [8] separately discussed with a similar reasoning when obstacles to virtual particles are introduced: gravity shielding does not take place.
We discussed also how virtual particles could be formulated as a field model; something that we have not done so far because it seems way more complicated and not the most pressing item to address to understand all the implications of multi-fold mechanisms.
As this papers focuses on particles and virtual particles, we acknowledge that [1] could have selected to rely on spacetime gravitons (massless and massive) instead of any virtual pairs. In general, attributing gravity to entangled gravitons instead of other entangled pairs of virtual particles can be a theory equivalent to [1] but where gravitons also exist in spacetime. Outcome can be rigorously equivalent to [1] or differ depending on how massive gravitons would be considered. But not counting entanglement between other virtual pairs besides graviton seems arbitrary. Adding pairs of virtual gravitons to the other pairs of entangled virtual particles is also an option and it does not change anything to [1].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Particles, Especially Virtual Particles, in a Multi-fold Universe vs. QFT”, viXra:2010.0133v1,… , July 10, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Arnold Neumaier, (2016), “Learn the Physics of Virtual Particles”,…
[6]: Ian H. Redmount, Wai-Mo Suen (1992). “Path integration in relativistic quantum mechanics”, arXiv:gr-qc/9210019v1
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “No Gravity Shield in Multi-folds Universes”, viXra:2010.0032v1,… , June 26, 2020.
[9]: Carroll, S., “Spacetime and Geometry. An Introduction to General Relativity”, (Pearson Education Limited, 2014)
[10]: Rosen, Nathan (1973), “A bi-metric Theory of Gravitation”, Gen. Rel. Grav., 4 (6): 435–447.
[12]: Hawking, S. (1974), “Black hole explosions?”, Nature 248, 30–31.
[13]: Hawking, S. (1988), “A Brief History of Time”, Bantam, 10th Anniversary edition.
[14]: Hawking, S. (1975), “Particle Creation by Black Holes”, Commun. math. Phys. 43, 199—220.
[15]: Yuan K. Ha, (2005), “The Gravitational Energy of a Black Hole”, arXiv:gr-qc/0508041
[16]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[17]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”, viXra:2010.0010v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[18]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Gravitons In-N-Out Spacetime”,…, July 27, 2020, (posted September 6, 2020)
[19]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes”,…, August 20, 2020.
[20]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “The E/G conjecture: entanglement is gravity and gravity is entanglement”,…, October 15, 2020.
[21]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Superstrings Encounter of the Second, Third or Fourth Types?”,…, July 5, 2020.
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#BlackHoleEntropy #BlackHoleEvaporation #BlackHoleHorizon #GeneralRelativity #Graviton #MultiFoldUniverse #particle #particleAnnihilation #particleCreation #particleCreationByGrvaity #QFT #QFTInCurvedSpacetime #QuantumGravity #vacuumFluctuations #VirtualParticle
Learn the Physics of Virtual Particles in Quantum Mechanics
There is considerable confusion about various notions around the concept of particles of subatomic size, and about the notion of a virtual particle.Arnold Neumaier (Physics Forums)
No Gravity Shield in Multi-folds Universes
Stephane H. MaesJune 26, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
The presence of a matter obstacle or shield on the path of the entangled virtual photons may be understood as weakening the gravity perceived beyond or within by a test particle. It is an incorrect conclusion. The potential energy (momentum 4-vector) of the shield and the shield acting a new source ensure that gravity perceived by the test particle is unaffected (other than by the additional contributions due to the proper gravity of the shield).
In a multi-fold universe, Faraday cages do not weaken gravity!
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles [5], detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity (GR) at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In the present paper, which is just a short note, we remain at a high level of analysis. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. However, we hope that it will intrigue enough the reader to push him or her to dig deeper. Most of the more detailed (or entry point) references are provided in [1], and so every statement is not motivated here or presented with the most appropriate references. This paper is rather a story tale. “[1]” appears often, as a person or a model, to refer to the original arguments, analysis, mechanisms or proposals discussed in [1].
The paper discuss a topic not discussed in [1]: how to deal with matter shielding that path of virtual photons as gravity emerges from the entanglement of virtual particles.
2. Gravity through or behind a larger mass or inside a Faraday cage
The mechanisms of multi-folds, the main feature proposed in [1], trigger activation of additional structures (folds) when particles are (EPR) entangled so that additional paths can traverse the folds, where the EPR entangled particles can always meet as a same exit points. Doing so, all the activated folds (i.e. multi-folds) create attractive potentials inin between the entangled particles (
per fold). The attraction is towards their source or center the mass, depending of the use cases and movements (and masses involved – entangled particles can be massive or massless). When involving virtual particles emitted by a source of energy, this potential is reminiscent of gravity and [1] attributes gravity to these effects. It can also be looked as adding contributions of the Ricci curvature scalar R of the folds, from all matter or energy contributions, to build a new Ricci curvature scalar field R and, with the direction of attraction information, a new consistent Ricci curvature tensor. Doing so, for all sources of energy, recovers Einstein’s GR field equations (or Hilbert Einstein Action); which is amazing as invariance of surfaces (the real geometrical meaning behind the Hilbert Einstein Action) or variants of the Hilbert Einstein have, at no point, be postulated in [1] prior to that determination (something that can’t exactly be said the same way for strings). Also, the multi-folds have a spin-2 symmetry.
Because gravity is explained via the virtual particles in [1] an incorrect but logical expectation would be that behind a large mass or within a cage, especially a massive Faraday cage; gravity in a multi-fold universe would be weakened as at large scale, only neutrinos would go through the shield and carry multi-fold effects. If it was the case the model and mechanisms of a multi-fold universe would not model well our real universe.
Fortunately, such expectation is not correct; gravity is not affected by such obstacles or shields.: there are no gravity shields.
[1] must be able to account for no weakening of gravity within Faraday cages for example, despite our mechanisms relying on virtual particles. If only virtual neutrinos were to contribute, gravity would be weakened within such a cage, which is obviously not the case. In general for the multi-fold mechanisms of [1], when the virtual particles tries to reach a test particle within an electromagnetic shield, it does affect the four -vector potential of the particles on shield. Considering the system shield + target particle, its total energy is affected and it affects the energy source available to multi-folds affecting the test particle. The combined effect is hierarchical and the composition appears as if the effect went through the shield: The mass of the shield particle is increased to reflect the potential from the source (Note added on 5/16/21: Better yet see comment [5]). The outcome is the same as if no shield were present except form the additional proper gravitational effect of the shield as source.
3. Conclusions
The multi-fold mechanism proposed in [1] Is not defeated by matter shield: gravity is not weakened: instead of only letting neutrinos contribution through the shield adds a contribution that reflects that as a source of energy it is subject to the potential energies from the source; which resolves the perceived issue and maintain suitability of the model of gravity emergence from entanglement of virtual particle emitted by a source of energy (or mass).____
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “No Gravity Shield in Multi-folds Universes”, viXra:2010.0032v1,… , June 26, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
Reference added on 5/16/21:
[5]: Stephane H. Maes, (2021), “Comment on potential energy”,….
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#Entanglement #FaradayCage #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #MultiFoldUniverse #noGravityShield #QuantumGravity
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Multi-fold Gravitons In-N-Out Spacetime
Stephane H. Maes
July 27, 2020 (Finalized and Posted September 6, 2020 after completion of [6])
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
In this paper, we discuss how in a multi-fold universe, gravitons live in AdS(5) and affect spacetime via effective attractive potential or curvature. They attach to entangled particles. These effects in spacetime result into quasi particle effect in spacetime. Quantum uncertainties spread gravity effects within the extra dimensions from the multi-fold, resulting into the impression of a local 7D embedding governed by general relativity (GR) that induces properties of space time and matter in the multi-fold spacetime and can explain the Standard Model with gravity.
On the other hand, GR may or may not govern AdS(5) and multi-fold dynamics, with implications for superstrings and related theories. So, in a multi-fold universe, particle live in a 4D spacetime with properties induced by a 7D vacuum geometrical effects, while gravitons live in a AdS(5) space surround every point of spacetime. Other particles in AdS(5)(+additional dimensions) may simply be unphysical.
1. Introduction
The multi-fold mechanism proposed in [1] argues that when two particles are entangled in spacetime of a multi-fold universes, folds are activated, and doing so, new paths are available for particles whose paths cross the support domain of a mapping of the space between the entangled particles. As a result an attractive effective potential appears towards the center of mass of the entangled particles. It can also be seen as contribution to an effective curvature. We speak of multi-folds because many folds are activated with a spin-2 symmetry along the axis between the entangled particles.
Gravity (including recovering GR at larger scales) is achieved with all the entangled pairs of virtual particles emitted by a particle or energy source [1,5,7]. When the virtual particles are massless, or with virtual neutrinos, we recover massless gravity. Massive gravity correspond to massive virtual particle pairs contributions at small scales. [5] shows that using virtual particles does not lead to problems or gravity shields. The approach and the massive gravity at small scales leads to the suggestion that gravity should be considered non-negligible at the level of standard model (SM), something denoted as SMG. Within SMG, many open issues in the SM and the Standard Cosmological Model can be explained (and the Standard Model can even be justified). Related papers summarizing these aspects from [1] or extending it can be found at [6] and a list of the proposals to address these open issues is captured in [6].
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Multi-fold and Gravitons in AdS(5) surrounding multi-fold universe spacetime
The multi-fold mechanism proposed in [1] argues that when two particles are entangled in spacetime of a multi-fold universes, folds are activated, and doing so, new paths are available for particles whose paths cross the support domain of a mapping of the space between the entangled particles. As a result an attractive effective potential appears towards the center of mass of the entangled particles. It can also be seen as contribution to an effective curvature. We speak of multi-folds because many folds are activated with a spin-2 symmetry along the axis between the entangled particles.
Gravity (including recovering GR at larger scales) is achieved with all the entangled pairs of virtual particles emitted by a particle or energy source [1,5,7]. When the virtual particles are massless, or with virtual neutrinos, we recover massless gravity. Massive gravity correspond to massive virtual particle pairs contributions at small scales. [8] shows that using virtual particles does not lead to problems or gravity shields. The approach and the massive gravity at small scales leads to the suggestion that gravity should be considered non-negligible at the level of standard model (SM), something denoted as SMG. Within SMG, many open issues in the SM and the Standard Cosmological Model can be explained (and the Standard Model can even be justified). Related papers summarizing these aspects from [1] or extending it can be found at [6] and a list of the proposals to address these open issues is captured in [6].
The set of all the multi-folds, associated to entangled pairs emitted by a particle, constructs an AdS(5) space. For that reason we argue that multi-folds exists in AdS(5) surrounding any particle (or spacetime point). Yet, their dynamics are not necessarily described by GR [1,6].
The multi-fold approach is covariant (because relying on path integrals), background independent, which we know eliminates problems of divergences and singularities; as do also the facts that the multi-fold mechanisms predict torsion in matter and a discrete spacetime. Indeed, reconstruction analysis of a multi-fold universe spacetime leads to a discrete spacetime that is generated by fractal random paths, Lorentz invariant as well as non-commutative. The reconstruction process also shows that the multi-fold are quantized with “units” of growths of the discrete spacetime, hence the confirmation that they can be considered as gravitons. They exist massive or massless (depending on the entangled particles (massive or massless) that they are associated to).
No conserved quantities are lost in the multi-folds because they are associated to arbitrarily tiny path contributions and the proposed dynamics of the multi-folds can ensure that all is recovered when disentanglement takes place. The processes remain unitary.
3. Quasi particles in the multi-fold universe spacetime – A tamed model
As mentioned above, the multi-fold mechanisms of [1] result into effective attractive potentials (and effective curvatures) in the spacetime of a multi-fold universe. These recover GR and propagate was the multi-folds follow the entangled particles. The effect exists for gravity [1] and for entanglement [7]. These effects are more like quasi particles or collective excitations although at the difference say of phonons or excitons, their behavior is dictated by the virtual particles to which they are attached. As such this is reminiscent of aspects of Rosen’s bi-gravity (although a different model) [9].
In the case of multi-fold universes, gravitons live in the AdS(5) surrounding the multi-fold spacetime and result into fields of potentials or curvatures propagating in the multi-fold spacetime, which in turn result into gravity-like attraction between entangled particles and into gravity (and recovering GR at suitable scales).
So conventional gravitons (not the stringy ones also living in AdS(5)) are these sorts of quasi particles. Because they are only effects of the gravitons/multi-fold, we can start to understand why the problems encountered in linearization of gravity, quantum gravity (e.g. lack of renormalizability, divergences etc.) may not matter physically.
In [8], we also discussed alternative models where gravity would result from entablement of virtual graviton in the multi-fold spacetime. They are plausible would still work with our model but they would be less consistent (e.g. why other entangled virtual particles would not contribute or what would it add if graviton virtual pairs were in addition to the others?). These latter considerations and the lessons from superstrings and the AdS/CFT conjecture correspondence[8,12] leave us to not further consider these cases and only consider gravitons in AdS(5) with effects or quasi particles in spacetime.
4. Gravitons and extended dimensions unconstrained Kaluza-Klein (KK)
Because of the multi-folds, the multi-fold spacetime points and particles feel a local embedding in a 7D spacetime (flat, i.e. vacuum) [6]. This can induce space time and matter behaviors that can describe masses, charges and quantum equations and quantum fields and can justify the Standard Model. Empty / source less gravity (metric objects, without curvature) in 7D explains SMG in the multi-fold spacetime, as induced model with sources. Also, in a multi-fold case, the problems of chiral fermions in odd dimensions and of extra forces, unobserved precessions and broken conversation laws can be resolved. Magnetic monopoles can also be avoided.
GR rules in this 7D spacetime: quantum uncertainties and fluctuations, in the multi-fold universe spacetime, create multi-fold effects in the extended space and hence we can recover GR in 7D. So gravitons also appear in the resulting surrounding AdS(8), but only the ones in AdS(5) create the effective potentials and curvature in the 4D spacetime.
The possibility to recover SMG presents an interesting match to claims and hopes of superstrings. Yet the model and processes are quite different.
5. Multi-fold Gravitons and Superstrings
[1,10,13] position dualities, differences and lessons learned with respect to superstrings. A key observation is that the apparition of gravitons in superstrings results first and foremost from the fact that the action of strings extremizes their world sheet areas which is also the Hilbert Einstein action. There is therefore noting magic about the graviton in superstrings and no reason why this should be taken a sign that superstrings would be on the right track. Multi-fold mechanisms do not make any such postulate to recover gravity, GR and its own version of the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and ER=EPR conjecture. Note that in a multi-fold universe these are facts not conjectures any more. There are however differences [6,11]. Other difference exist for example related background independence, modeling entanglement and tracking particles.
With its ability to only generate positively curved spacetimes (unless if initially negatively curved), multi-fold universe corroborate why superstring can only be stable and live in a negatively curved spacetime; and that it is ok to be so.
In fact [6], illustrates that among the differences mentioned above, we recover that while GR in AdS(5) is implied by entanglement rules in the CFT space in the conventional AdS/CFT correspondence; it is not necessarily the case for the AdS(5) resulting from the multi-fold mechanisms. It leads to significant challenges for superstrings and related theories (supersymmetry, supergravity, M-theory) [10,11,13]. The analysis questions physicality of the superstrings in AdS(5) (Plus additional dimensions) that would be associated to particles other than gravitons. Other consideration question many Grand Unifications Theories and Theories of Everything [13] especially if they imply magnetic monopoles [14].
While GR in AdS(5) (plus extra dimensions) is not ruled out in a multi-fold universe, because of the limitations of ER=EPR in terms of traversable wormholes, it is questionable if GR can governs AdS(5) and support suitable multi-fold mechanisms. If it is true, it would be another argument again the physicality of superstring particles other than the gravitons, identified with multi-folds.
We do not encounter similar issues when explaining SM as the 7D induced space-time-matter in a multi-fold universe. This alternative geometrical justifications for SM, noted as SMG, may avoid much of the challenges behind the program to do the same with strings (where the strings landscape and swampland [16] and the amount of possible Calabi Yau manifold geometries to consider presents a dauting task, yet possibly doomed in advance, considering the negative cosmological constraints already established and [17,10,12]).
On the other hand, with its ability to only generate positively curved spacetimes (unless if initially negatively curved), multi-fold universe corroborate why superstring can only be stable and live in a negatively curved spacetime; and that it is ok to be so.
In any case, with or without GR in AdS(5), there are complementarities between superstrings and multi-fold universe that are worth exploring and understanding if anything beyond their graviton models has physical impact is worth better understanding.
6. LQG and Multi-fold universe
[1,15] also provide an analysis of the relationship between LQG and multi-fold universes. There are many similarities, analogies and complementarities worth exploring. In fact, some LQG aspects have more similarities with multi-fold universes than with superstrings.
However, at the difference of LQG, [1] builds a macroscopically recoverable spacetime from particle random walks and gravity from entanglement; while LQG has challenges to model particles and entanglement and to recover a macroscopic spacetime. Models have tried to extend LQG to AdS(5) (+extra dimensions), but as analyzed above this may be moot if, in multi-fold universes, GR does not reign in the AdS(5) surrounding the spacetime of a multi-fold universe.
6. Conclusions
We have summarized results across several papers explaining or extending [1]. As a result, we observed that in a multi-fold universe, multi-folds are associated to gravitons. Gravitons live in a AdS(5) (plus possible extra dimensions); but GR may not govern in that AdS(5). Multi-fold mechanisms including the mapping result into virtual attractive potentials in the multi-fold universe 4D spacetime that are responsible for gravity, massive or massless as well as attraction between (suitably, [1] has an exclusion rule) entangled systems []. In the 4D spacetime, these can be seen as quasi particle although not exactly fitting the definition of collective excitations: it is how we recover the conventional notion of graviton.
Quantum uncertainties, around the multi-fold mechanisms, imply local embedding and feelings of a 7D spacetime where multifold mechanisms exist and hence GR also rule. It allows to derive a unconstrained 7D KK model with induction of spacetime and matter (as well as quantum behaviors) for source less gravity / geometry in 7D (vacuum i.e. flat but it could also be an Einsteinian universe with a positive cosmological constant). When involving a multi-fold universe, these 7D unconstrained KK models can justify the standard model with multi-fold gravity SMG. SMG. in turn, can contribute explanations to many open issues with SM and with the standard cosmology model.
In the AdS(5) (plus extra dimensions) surrounding the spacetime and particles of a multi-fold universe, it is no more certain that GR rules. If it does not, superstrings are unphysical beyond modeling gravitons. If GR does rule, then we know that other problems still exist related to the implied positive curvature from the observed universe and implied by the multi-fold mechanisms and instability of superstring in such positively curved / with positive cosmological constant universes. Furthermore, the challenges with traversability of wormholes in AdS(5)(plus additional dimensions) with GR, threatens possible compatibility of ER=EPR with multi-fold mechanisms and hence possible derivation of gravity from ER=EPR.
Note (10/5/20): By having the multi-fold (and graviton) evolving in AdS(5), we escape any issues from spin-2 massive terms (e.g. Issues from no-go theorems, if any issues really existed, as discussed in [18]). Massive gravity is also not to be affected by the Weinberg-Witten no-go theorem [19]). We also have no particular constraint imposed on the multi-folds massive or massless (and higher spin physics in general).
Note (10/18/20): More problems for supersymmetries and superstrings, as well as many conventional GUTs and TOEs, are discussed in [20].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-fold Gravitons In-N-Out Spacetime”, viXra:2010.0155v1,…, July 27, 2020, (posted September 6, 2020)
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Massless and Massive Multi-Gravity in a Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2010.0095v1,…, June 19, 2020.
[6]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes”,…, August 20, 2020.
[7]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”, viXra:2010.0010v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Particles, Especially Virtual Particles, in a Multi-fold Universe vs. QFT”, viXra:2010.0133v1,… , July 10, 2020.
[9]: Rosen, Nathan (1973), “A bi-metric Theory of Gravitation”, Gen. Rel. Grav., 4 (6): 435–447
[10]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[11]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Area Laws Between Multi-Fold Universes and AdS”,…, August 10, 2020.
[12]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Superstrings Encounter of the Second, Third or Fourth Types?”, viXra:2010.0140v1,…, July 5, 2020.
[13]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”, viXra:2006.0211v1,…, June 16, 2020.
[14]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Gravity or Magnetic Monopoles? You Cannot Have Both!“, viXra:2006.0190v1,… , June 15, 2020.
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”, viXra:2006.0211v1,…, June 16, 2020.
[16]: Cumrun Vafa, (2005), “The String Landscape and the Swampland”, arXiv:hep-th/0509212v2
[17]: Georges Obied, Hirosi Ooguri, Lev Spodyneiko, Cumrun Vafa, (2018), “De Sitter Space and the Swampland”, arXiv:1806.08362v3
[18]: Sarah Folkerts, Cristiano Germani, Nico Wintergerst, (2013), “Massive spin-2 theories”, arXiv:1310.0453v2
[20]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Renormalization and Asymptotic Safety of Gravity in a Multi-Fold Universe: More Tracking of the Standard Model at the Cost of Supersymmetries, GUTs and Superstrings”,…, September 18, 2020.
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#7D #CFTAdSCorrespondenceConjecture #Entanglement #EREPR #GeneralRelativity #Graviton #Gravity #GUT #InducedSpaceTimeMatter #LoopQuantumGravity #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumGravity #Superstrings #TheoryOfEverything
constraints on possible particle properties
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?
Stephane H. MaesJune 24, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
All these phenomena result from the observation that attractive gravity-like potentials appear in spacetime between entangled systems, because of the mechanisms proposed in a multi-fold universe to address the EPR paradox. An immediate implication, and opportunity to validate or falsify the model, is that gravity-like effects and fluctuation are predicted to appear between, around or near entangled systems; we just need check if this is encountered in the real world.
This paper discuss situations where attraction due to entanglement, and hence gravity like effects or fluctuations, could be encountered. For example, within or near quantum matter like superconductors or (Bose Einstein Condensates) BECs or within Qubits. One could argue that some indications exist that some of these effects could already have already been observed. We are really seeking falsifiability or validation opportunities for the multi-fold mechanisms. Early considerations are encouraging.
Discussing some related experiments led us to also address how shielding is correctly modeled with multi-fold mechanisms: Faraday cages do not weaken gravity!
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles [5], detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity (GR) at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In the present paper, we remain at a high level of analysis. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. The followings subsections are organized as a series of observations in [1] where gravity like effects are expected to result from entanglement and should be observable, at least indirectly through some resulting effects. Direct observation will remain challenging because of the expected weakness of the attractions. Our analysis is by no means exhaustive. However, we hope that it will intrigue enough the reader to push him or her to dig deeper. Most of the more detailed (or entry point) references are provided in [1], and so every statement is not motivated here or presented with the most appropriate references. This paper is rather a story tale. “[1]” appears often, as a person or a model, to refer to the original arguments, analysis, mechanisms or proposals discussed in [1].
2. Entanglement effects in Multi-fold universes
The mechanisms of multi-folds, the main feature proposed in [1], trigger activation of additional structures (folds) when particles are (EPR) entangled so that additional paths can traverse the folds, where the EPR entangled particles can always meet as a same exit points. Doing so, all the activated folds (i.e. multi-folds) create attractive potentials in in between the entangled particles ( per fold). The attraction is towards their source or center the mass, depending of the use cases and movements (and masses involved – entangled particles can be massive or massless). When involving virtual particles emitted by a source of energy, this potential is reminiscent of gravity and [1] attributes gravity to these effects. It can also be looked as adding contributions of the Ricci curvature scalar R of the folds, from all matter or energy contributions, to build a new Ricci curvature scalar field R and, with the direction of attraction information, a new consistent Ricci curvature tensor. Doing so, for all sources of energy, recovers Einstein’s GR field equations (or Hilbert Einstein Action); which is amazing as invariance of surfaces (the real geometrical meaning behind the Hilbert Einstein Action) or variants of the Hilbert Einstein have, at no point, be postulated in [1] prior to that determination (something that can’t exactly be said the same way for strings). Also, the multi-folds have a spin-2 symmetry.So, it is predicted in [1], that (EPR) entanglement between particles (or larger systems), results into attractive potentials in
towards the center of mass, with r the distance between form the center of mass, in
between the entangled particles (on the support domain of the mapping), if integration takes place over r. That is over a system of entangled particles or for the range of uncertainty. Otherwise, each particles contribute a per fold contribution. For gravity, the integration of r goes to infinity, hence the generic gravity like statement.It is also important to note for completeness that [1] postulates that such effects only exist when entanglement is the result of interaction occurring locally (same source location). Other situations are considered as hierarchical and thought not to contribute an additional effective potential. Yet, as in force composition, the different parts involved in a hierarchical event also amount to attractive effects; so attraction exist but as force composition. Also, if the entanglement is the effect of many repeated interactions (e.g. electron to phonon to electron), while hierarchical, the effects with composition will just appear as a normal non-hierarchical effect with attractive potential (at least in first approximation). So solid state entanglements a la superconductors for examples are modeled as nonhierarchical entanglement in this discussion; even if, in reality, it is the outcome of complex hierarchical composition of attractive potentials.
3. Gravity like fluctuations near (in between) entangled systems
An immediate consequence of the mechanism and model proposed in [1], is that fluctuations of gravity-like effects (in
– when macroscopic and in
when mostly between localized individual particles. These effects are very small (as is gravity beyond very small scales), so direct observation is probably hopeless for the near future, if ever. We will need clever indirect ways or macroscopic additive effects to be able to validate our model.A non-exhaustive list of candidate scenarios where such gravity like fluctuations are predicted to exist is provided here:
- Gravity like effects or fluctuations within, and in proximity of superconductors. Superconductors involve of combinations of Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer (BCS) pairs (at low temperatures and for low temperature superconductors) [7] and Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC) pairs [8] (after a transition from BCS pairs for high temperature superconductors) as well BEC pairs of pairs etc. in high temperature superconductors [6]. According to the mechanisms described in [1]:
- Attraction should occur within the bulk of the superconductors. It should also be with stronger effects for high temperature superconductors, because BEC pairs are smaller than BCS pairs (That spread all over the material over many crystal cells).
- This kind of effects have been anecdotally reported (see [9] for one of the most recent compilation of these controversial and hard to reproduce experiments)[fn1]. However, we urge the reader to be cautious in reading beyond the descriptions of the experiments and results and the references as we do not necessarily subscribe with the presentation of the experiments as accepted facts or many aspects of the proposed explanations or assertions in some of the listed references material, of anti-gravity, gravity shielding or repulsive gravity effects and other families or properties of gravitons-like particles. Unfortunately, the results experiments seem to have never been rigorously confirmed or unambiguously analyzed.
- In our view, these reported effects, if corroborated, and if we understand well the setup of the two experiments, could result from super-conductor internal stress within the electromagnetic field (between separated BEC BCS-pairs) plus vacuum polarizations. The latter results from entanglement attractions between the produced polarized virtual pairs. When the discharges occur, the superconductor and the vacuum polarization relaxes and so does the vacuum entanglement and attraction potential, resulting into a gravity fluctuation or wave that propagate at the same speed as the polarization relaxation. The relaxation produce a “expansion effects”, wherever polarization was present in the vacuum as well as within the superconductor and could explain the effects on the emitter or on the test masses. It would appear as an initially repulsive effect as the relaxation wave propagates. This explanation to these controversial experiments have never been proposed in the related literature as summarized in [9]. The complications of the shields is discussed in Appendix A.
- If true (both the observations and our suggested explanation), then we have a resounding indirect confirmation of the mechanisms described (attraction due to entanglement) in [1]; not just for entanglements within the superconductor but also the entanglement of the polarized vacuum.
- The stronger attraction within the high temperature superconductor creates a stronger effect than with low temperature superconductor material when the pairs are pushed to its boundaries by the electromagnetic field. A non-entangled material only see the vacuum effect. Without superconductors, i.e. in normal discharge situations, only vacuum polarization relaxation takes place. This is not sufficient. The fact that recoil may be better corroborated while radiation effects seems (often) no reproducible could come from the fact that the relaxation effect within the superconductor always takes place and is stronger than vacuum polarization relaxation. The other case (figure 1-a in [9]) requires suitable polarization beyond the right electrodes till the test mass something and it is a much weaker effect.
- Superconductors are also involved in these experiments also because of their known propensity of quantum matter like superconductors to amplify or reflect the vacuum polarization effects; something well known since the work for example of deWitt [10] and also involved in the still unconfirmed gravitational Casimir effect proposal [11]. These works predict effects of gravity on superconductor, not gravity like effect produce by super conductors. The distinction matters and shows the challenge in distinguishing the two types of effects if we want to validate the gravity like attraction generated by entanglement.
- To be convincing, we should see larger effects than expected by just contributions à la [10]. The results, with the problems already mentioned seem to indicate that it may be the case.
- As another related potential corroboration, building on the ideas of [10], it has also been proposed that an effect for gravitation analogous to the London moment in superconductor could exist for gravitons, in rotating superconductors, in a varying strong magnetic field [12]. Again, the magnetic field would push BEC BCS-pairs towards the surface of the superconductor and, as a result, bring stronger gravitation effect leaks observable outside and very near the super conductor, where a frame dragging effect as in GR, but stronger could be observed. Such effects have been observed [12]. However, the reported results were again in our view not clear enough to assess for sure if they would match our frame dragging expectation. It seems that they might.
- It is also important to understand all aspects of the experiments and details are missing on the actual results and in particular make sure that the effect are due to entanglement and not a variation a la [10], where frame dragging would be explained solely by the rotation flipping the roles (here the super conductor rotates, the detector is fixed) without the contributions of the attraction / gravity like fluctuation due to entanglement.
- The effect must be larger than normal frame dragging (undetectable) or effects explained by [10]. More work to model how [10] impacts the experimentation and if we can really detect an unexpected additional effect. Assuming that [12] did correctly account for [10], then according to the result, they have unaccounted for effects.
- The proposed setup of [12] and variations could be good ways (better than the first set of discharge experiments) to (indirectly) validate the multi-fold mechanisms. However, we would prefer experiments that are not involving and mixing other Physics (like strong magnetic fields, strong electromagnetic pulses etc.) to avoid the risk of misinterpretations and combinations of all these effects from superconductor, existing gravity and electromagnetism interactions. Electromagnetic fields were required because London – Meissner types of behaviors can amplify our predicted attraction . Unfortunately, we could not determine based on the research reports what of the side effects of the fields, as discussed here, have been accounted for in the results.
- Quantum matter, like BECs, superfluids, supermetals etc. are other candidates. The gravity fluctuation effects to look for are similar to what is discussed above for superconductors. The particular existing results discussed above for superconductor may not be repeatable or may need adaptation depending on the type of quantum material.
- Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) is another example of BEC [14]. Here, we see two avenue for confirmations:
- Experimentally when such plasma are formed in high energy accelerators [13]. It would be worth looking if any perturbations due to attractive potentials could be modeled and observed
- Theoretical models of cosmology (early moments after the big bang) and stellar physics could consider if adding such considerations could introduce new prediction or effects when involving large quantities of plasma and thus entanglement. The main reason being that at the scale of the universe or of stars, even small effects can start to play meaningful roles.
- Speaking of which, [1,5] showed of an effect associated to entanglement can qualitatively explain the dark matter effects, without requiring New Physics. It seems also consistent with the observations of galaxies that seem not to contain dark matter; something that most other models have had difficulties to handle. This is quite a potential confirmation, but we now need to proceed towards a more quantitative model of [1] so that we can determine if the number match to account for dark matter (or a portion of it).
- Validating [5] would be of great interest. It would after all, with the conclusions of our model, probably and most influential entanglement effect that we can think of (short of large or even larger, scale spacetime entanglement, proposed by others, but not something that we support).
- It is certainly encouraging that in addition, [1,15] can also explains effects that contribute to cosmological inflation and dark energy as well as a small cosmological constant that does not conflict with the QFT vacuum energy density estimates.
- Qubits are entangled systems achieved by different mechanisms like trapped ions, superconductors etc. [16]. They are at the code of quantum computing and larger Qubit systems are being built as time passes. These are not yet large enough for our needs, but things may change rapidly. Within the Qubits, if measurable, attraction would be a sign of entanglement and therefore a way to detect entanglement without observing it; something forbidden by the non-observability of entanglement [17]. Being able to do so would be a great tool for quantum computing and validation of our predictions.
- For quantum computing, teleportation or other purpose, researchers are entangling bigger systems like atoms, larger and larger molecules, wider atom systems or even biological systems; all involving huge amounts of entities (see for example [18-20]). The bigger these systems are the better are the chance to directly or indirectly determine if gravity fluctuations appear among them, as long that we do not hit the snag of hierarchical entanglement not producing attractive potentials. So some precaution are needed to understand if validation is possible or if the absence of attraction would implies falsifiability of our model or rather such the dominance of hierarchical entanglement effects.
4. Other effects and Considerations
It is also worth also noting that [1] predicts impact of the multi-folds effects on the Standard Model. So far, we have used that explain some open problems with the standard model, without requiring new physics. We have shown how entanglement would also appear; but we have not yet found any situation (besides dark matter as in [5]) where it is the contributing factor, versus rather the massive gravity contribution term at small scales also predicted by [1] and expected to be non-negligible at small scales. So far it is that latter mechanism that is invoked in [1] to contribute explanations. See [21] for a list of papers derived from [1], many discussing the impact on the standard model or on New Physics beyond the Standard Model.That is not to say that, even if possibly surprising, the model proposed in [1] is in fact already contained in many existing conventional physics as well as New Physics around Superstrings and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture [22]. Indeed, see for example [23-24] showing how entanglement and spacetime curvature relate. See [1,22] for analysis of how our model also relates to superstring and more directly on topic, how the ER=EPR conjecture [25] is very much a more limited model corroborating the multi-fold mechanisms (see for example [26]); but missing the resulting impact of gravity like potentials towards the center of mass. Non-transferability of the wormholes and misreading of the curvature implications of the entangled black holes may possibly be why these models have not (yet) reached our conclusions. For us, the beauty is that we do not need the New Physics, we just need to add gravity (string enough at smalls scales) to the Standard Model. There is enough material to start making a case for this [21].
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we have compiled examples of situation where it might be possible to observe gravity like fluctuations due to entanglement, as predicted by the multi-fold mechanisms proposed in [1].At this stage, we hope to find more experiments, effects or model where the additional gravity fluctuation due to entanglement plays a significant role that makes it or its consequence detectable. It is essential to the validation or falsifiability of the multi-fold mechanism proposed in [1]. Doing so if for future work but we can only encourage any such experiments or to keep our predictions in mind quantum matter or quantum computing and teleportation experiments, just in case.
A few challenges remain. The main one being that just like for gravity, at the scale considered, the effects are so small that it will be very hard to detect them, especially directly. Yet our proposal for dark matter already shows that there are ways and there is hope. We also have high hopes for superconductors and BEC experiments. We already pointed out to anecdotal that may corroborate; even if not necessarily as the authors of these experiments would have expected.
Of course, another challenge is that the model of [1] is more qualitative than quantitative. Now, it is a priority for us to evolve towards more quantitative approaches by evolving form proportionality equation to the real coupling factors and estimate these factors (e.g. by relating to expected values in classical situations). We aim with future work to get such better quantitative predictions as well as to evangelize experimentations base don the present paper. Not being currently active in a Physics institution, currently limits our ability to directly attempt an experimental program ourselves.
Our hope with this publication is that others will get ideas on how to validate our model directly or indirectly. We certainly welcome such, or any other, collaborations.
Needless to say that the early hints of corroboration presented here, the contributions to addressing open issues covered in [1,21] and the fact that Physics all along maybe hinted at the multi-folds mechanism, are strong encouragements. We hope it will convince the community to spend some cycle on what [1] proposes.
Note (10/2/20): The progresses towards larger entangled systems reported recently in [27,28], as well as [18-20], will hopefully result into some focused efforts to test our model of attractive gravity like effects between and among entangled systems.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”, viXra:2010.0010v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[fn1]: We are cautious about citing and concerned about the extensive discussion presented here. Indeed the experiment result mentioned here are seen as controversial. We mention them, more as examples of indirect ways to experiments with effects predicted by [1], than as successfully reviewed experimental results that we would want to rely on.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[9]: Giovanni Modanese, (2014), “Gravity-Superconductors Interactions as a Possible Means to Exchange Momentum with the Vacuum”, arXiv:1408.1636v1
[10]: Bryce S. DeWitt, (1966), “Superconductors and Gravitational Drag”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 16, 1092
[11]: James Q. Quach, (2015), “Gravitational Casimir effect”, arXiv:1502.07429v1
[12]: Clovis Jacinto de Matos, Martin Tajmar (2006). “Gravitomagnetic London Moment and the Graviton Mass inside a Superconductor”, arXiv:cond-mat/0602591
[13]: ALICE Collaboration, (2018), “Anisotropic flow in Xe-Xe collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.44 TeV”, arXiv:1805.01832v2
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”,, June 19, 2020.
[17]: Ning Bao and Jason Pollack and Grant N. Remmen, (2015), “Wormhole and entanglement (non-)detection in the ER=EPR correspondence”, arXiv:1509.05426
[18]: C. F. Ockeloen-Korppi, E. Damskagg, J.-M. Pirkkalainen, A. A. Clerk, F. Massel, M. J. Woolley, M. A. Sillanpaa, (2017), “Entangled massive mechanical oscillators”, arXiv:1711.01640v1
[19]: Yaakov Y. Fein et al. (2019), “Quantum superposition of molecules beyond 25 kDa”, Nature Physicss.
[20]: Kong, J., Jiménez-Martínez, R., Troullinou, C. et al., (2020), “Measurement-induced, spatially-extended entanglement in a hot, strongly-interacting atomic system”. Nat Commun 11, 2415.
[22]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[23]: ChunJun Cao, Sean M. Carroll, Spyridon Michalakis, (2016). “Space from Hilbert Space: Recovering Geometry from Bulk Entanglement”, arXiv:1606.08444v3.
[24]: van Raamsdonk, Mark (2010). “Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement”, Gen. Rel. Grav. 42 (14): 2323–2329. arXiv:1005.3035
[26]: Julian Sonner, (2013), “Holographic Schwinger Effect and the Geometry of Entanglement”, arXiv:1307.6850v3.
[28]: Rodrigo A. Thomas, Michał Parniak, Christoffer Østfeldt, Chistoffer B. Møller, Christian Bærentsen, Yeghishe Tsaturyan, Albert Schliesser, Jürgen Appel, Emil Zeuthen, Eugene S. Polzik, (2020), “Entanglement between Distant Macroscopic Mechanical and Spin Systems”, arXiv:2003.11310v1
Appendix A – No gravity shields in Multi-fold Universes
In [9], the experiences of figure 1 and 2, sensors are described as positioned in shielded boxes or behind shield screens, we do interpret this as electromagnetic shields (as faraday cages or large screens). This is certainly challenging a direct vacuum polarization story beyond the shield. We did not want to bring this up in the main discussion and add more controversies.Obviously, gravity screens do not exist. [1] must be able to account for no weakening of gravity within faraday cages for example, despite our mechanisms relying on virtual particles. If only virtual neutrinos were to contribute, gravity would be weakened within such a cage, which is obviously not the case. In general for the multi-fold mechanisms of [1], when the virtual particles tries to reach a test particle within an electromagnetic shield, it does it be affecting the four -vector potential of the shield. Considering the system shield + target particle, its total energy is affected and it affects the energy source available to multi-folds affecting the test particle. The combine effect is hierarchical and the composition appears as if the effect went through the shield. A dedicated upcoming paper or an update of [1] will explicitly address these shielding concerns with the multi-fold mechanisms.
Coming back to [9], our plausible explanation stops at the shield. So what could be happening next? The gravity fluctuation due to the relaxation of the vacuum polarization (e.g. in figure 2 of [9]) affects the 4-vector potential as a fluctuation that therefore could continue beyond the shield as a gravity fluctuation. Remember, we only try to interpret [9] at the light of [1]. We are in no position to corroborate what actually was observed.
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#AdSCFTCorrespondence #BCS #BEC #DarkEnergy #DarkMatter #EPR #EREPR #FrameDragging #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #GravityFluctuations #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumComputing #QuantumGravity #QuantumMatter #QuarkGluonPlasma #Qubits #StandardModel #Superconductor #superfluid #Teleportation #VacuumPolarization #WeakGravityConjecture
Physicists Have Successfully Connected Two Large Objects in Quantum Entanglement : ScienceAlert
We stride through our Universe with the confidence of a giant, giving little thought to the fact that reality bubbles with uncertainty.Mike McRae (ScienceAlert)
Circular Arguments in String and Superstring Theory from a Multi-fold Universe Perspective
Stephane H. Maes
October 5, 2020
Following our derivation of multi-fold models, we revisited the main aspects and claims of self-consistencies of strings and superstrings. Rather than focusing on their relationship to multi-fold universes, we used our lessons learned to show how many claims or results rely on circular arguments coming from the resonance dual model: many consistent results are derived from this model rather than proofs of self-consistency.
The previously shown incompatibility between the standard model and superstrings if quantum gravity is asymptotically stable remains standing post analysis of superstrings self-consistency claims. Its applicability to the real universe repositions the role of superstrings and its derived conjectures and models.
No matter what, it demonstrates that claims of self-consistency are not validation of the theory as model of the real universe: experimental validations or invalidations are required, as many have argued before.
1. Introduction
The paper [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (à la EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries, without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales, and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons, and spacetime locations, and black hole metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes, from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components, at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
The present paper reviews a set of circular arguments encountered in Strings and Superstring Theories and its derivative like M-theory. We do not aim this as a critic of strings and superstring theories. Unfortunately, from that point of view, the multi-fold approach of [1] has already led us to conclude that superstrings are not physical for multi-fold universes or the real universe [5]. For sure, quite a shocking statement for strings aficionados and it results from different considerations [5-9,13,14]. We also do not pretend or aim at arguing the scientific processes followed by the string community or the often-associated (alleged; depending on the point of view,) problems with falsifiability [10-12]. No, instead we observed many times that beliefs and arguments are either obvious or not proofs because based on assumptions that render the result obvious but maybe less interesting (e.g. not credibly contributing to reinforcing the arguments in favor of strings). Yet, these points seem to not have often been pointed out within, or outside, the string community.
Our arguments are often based on what we believe to be simple or straightforward considerations developed as we modeled the multi-fold mechanisms [1] and subsequent analyses [15], but much is generic and not limited to multi-fold universes. In fact, the conclusions of [5] are not at all limited to multi-fold universes.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1] and derived papers.
In general, it would be a good idea, for the reader, to understand the history of String Theory. An overview is available in [16]. Details are provided in [17].
2. The Graviton Contained in Strings / Superstrings
A priori, we are only interested in discussing Superstrings. However, historically, String Theory was introduced to study hadrons, especially mesons. It is in that context that some of the core initial aspects of superstrings were introduced.
Historically, the origin of strings is often associated to the discovery by Veneziano of a mathematical formula (based on the Euler beta function) [18] to model the scattering amplitude of strongly interacting mesons, while also presenting the right behavior and symmetries prescribed by the dual resonance model [19]. This formula reminds of an infinite set of harmonic oscillators; something that reminds of elastic rubber bands [20] or strings and leading to the string equations and Nambu-Goto action, or the Polyakov version [17,21,22]. With these models, it is possible to account for the Veneziano amplitude [38] as well as the Virasoro-Shapiro version; hence the birth of the strings [36,37]. Thereafter, these models have be shown to contain, at lower order, the Yang-Mills [25,26] and GR field equations [24].
[em]Figure 1 – The Ricci Curvature scalar is computed as a limit of ratio of deficit surface of small spheres [34]. The Nambu-Goto or Polyakov actions extremization operations extremize an area which is, to the first order, equivalent to extremizing grand circle surfaces for a D dimensional Hilbert Einstein action (with a sign difference and up to a monotonic transformation). String action invariance under Weyl metric transformations, ensures covering other “inclinations of the grand circles” in one shot. A Einstein Hilbert action would instead also consider smaller circles and multiple effects and it would also consider non-conformal cases (where different inclinations are not equivalent). However, as explained in the text, in the presence of strings, we would expect that the background or derived fields will be “essentially” conformant also (as an effective model of the impact of the strings). Therefore, the extremization of string actions, computed over the whole manifold of spacetime, contains and is essentially equivalent to, at least to the first order, the extremization of the Hilbert-Einstein action, computed over the whole manifold of spacetime. However we need to “play” with the sign: the string action is always positive (area), but equivalently (through a monotonic transformation) decreasing as curvature increases while the Ricci curvature scalar can be positive or negative. Yet extremizing one amounts to extremizing the other, by changing the sign (and adequately shifting to ensure all encountered Ricci curvature scalars are of the same sign when extremizing if we wanted to match the same action appearance): the string action (in a covariant volume) increases (as the manifold is uncompressed and so the area contribution of (σ,τ) can increase), as the Ricci curvature over an covariant volume decreases (negatively), i.e. the manifold is uncompressed) and conversely. This analysis was hinted in [1], but not detailed.[/em]
The Nambu-Goto (or Polyakov version) action is used to extremize the area for the metric of the world sheet [17,23]. As such it is expressing the same action as the Einstein-Hilbert action on the world sheet (when using Riemann curvature in D dimensions (as we are talking about strings and superstrings), by geometrical interpretation of the Ricci scalar curvature [33,34]. Indeed, an infinitesimal sphere/ball in D dimension has a corresponding infinitesimal grand circle, which is what is tracked in the string action. The Hilbert-Einstein extremization in D-dimension (from τ to τ+ε) for a given D-spacetime position is in first order well approximated by the Polyakov action extremization because of the Weyl-invariance of the metric on the world sheet [23] as sketched on Figure 1: deformations of the world sheet metric are all equivalent and therefore taken into account in one shot by Polyakov action extremization. Higher order effects, e.g. non-equivalent grand circles (if we are in a non-conformal also considered in the extremization of the Hilbert-Einstein action), other smaller circle, multiple effects, not grouped within bands of support of the string (world sheet) along each axis, are missed by the string action extremization with respect to what is modeled by the Hilbert Einstein action extremization. As conformality is assumed when comparing the operations, as strings are expected to generate spacetime bring in that property, these higher order effects will be even smaller. The difference between treating negative curvature extremization (directly matching the string action sign) vs. positive curvature (requiring mathematical handling with sign change and/or shift) hints that, while GR and gravitons are recoverable and contained in the string actions, strings may not be able to similarly handle or generate negative and positive curved spacetimes, and that may impact QFT vacua (spacetime without matter, i.e. at minima excitation).
Note added on 3/30/2021: See [89] for an important confirmation of this prediction.
As a side note, the finite length of the strings ensure finite increases or decreases (the function flattens asymptotically) of the action, which explains the good behavior of superstrings (action) even at very high curvatures, and hence renormalizability of quantum gravity etc.: after a while, at very high energy (curvatures) or small scales, while reaching similar extrema solutions, the action of the string theory does not diverge. This concrete derivation of the good behavior (no divergences at large curvature (i.e. high energy or very small scales)) of superstrings is original to this paper. As far as we know, this results has been in general only conjectured based on series expansions and arguments about non-point like properties of the (super)strings.
Therefore, the Nambu-Goto action, or the Polyakov version, and conformal symmetry (Weyl invariance with respect to the world sheet metric) of strings ensures that the extremization are to the first order equivalent to a Hilbert Einstein action extremization. Therefore, to first order, we should recover GR if we model strings in a manifold. Such reasonings indeed directly recovers GR, when string action is extremized on a manifold with background fields [33,36,39,40]. It is suggesting that, in a string or superstring model, the metric background fields are the result of string effect aggregations (string condensation) into the definition of the manifold. This amounts to our statement that if strings models physics the manifold will be built on strings and hence a priori conformant. Whenever that happen results coincide very closely to the lower orders. Interestingly, it is also directly related to the acceptable dimensions of string spacetime (D=26 for boson strings and D=10 for superstrings). The same approach also similarly uncovers Yang-Mills fields. We will discuss that combined effect in the next section.
A consequence is also that “solutions” are associated to conformal symmetries. So we expect the high energy contributions of the associated GR fields[1] (e.g. at higher order) to be more scale independent (may be with analogies to scale relativity approaches[48]) and well behaved (e.g. like asymptotic safe [49] (although this property is typically considered as distinct from, and incompatible with, what is expected from 1D objects), or renormalizable (e.g. if on discrete spacetime). Note added on 3/30/21: See [89,90] for how this concern can actually be addressed.), at the difference of direct GR quantization [50]. Similarly, Yang Mills fields should appear (though not be rigorously) like a CFT, in such high energy regimes, something that has been proven by now.
With respect to Figure 1, we also can see what happens when we apply the Scherk limit (or zero-slope dual of the resonance model), i.e. when α’ goes to zero (see [45]), which amounts to strings of zero length (and infinity energy density). In such case figure 1 reduces its “band effects” and we get less higher order variations from GR. It is as expected.
The above explains how graviton appears in strings and superstrings as a spin 2 (tensor) massless boson. An example of a more rigorous derivation with superstrings (instead of dual resonances) can be found in [27].
Based on the previous paragraph, this was a straightforward result of the fact that conformance + world sheet area extremization (in D dimension) amount, to the first order, to GR in D dimensions. Because strings are quantizable, it should have been obvious that we would recover a graviton. It is a great result; but in no way a sign from above. Instead, it is a consequence of selecting from day 1 a model where the Hilbert Einstein is baked in (to the first order). It makes it a candidate to model quantum gravity but it does not prove that it would be the (only) correct theory of quantum gravity. In fact, most quantum gravity theories do start from a baked in or variations of the Hilbert Einstein action. Strings and superstrings just do the same and so they are bound to model aspects of gravity. Which aspects and under what conditions is of course what really matters. In fact, at the light of [1,5-9], we could explain this result differently: it results from the insight that gravity exists in AdS(5); not because it models it correctly (e.g. if AdS(5) is not governed by GR) nor are the other particles that it models physical. Note that the multi-fold theory [1], does not bake in at all the Hilbert Einstein action. It recovers it from the multi-fold mechanism proposed to address and model quantum entanglement (EPR). It may be an important distinction if we want to be impressed for being able to extract GR or graviton from a theory…
Encountering GR and gravitons in strings and superstrings was predictable but it was and is a good result. It shows relevance of strings and superstrings to study quantum gravity. It does not proves validity or superiority of the approach. It also does not tell us in what context it is relevant.
Note added on 3/30/2021: We refer to [89] for a discussion of the quantum gravity regime possibly suitable, but by no means certain to be relevant, for superstrings.
3. Yang Mills and Strings or Superstrings as TOE
As already indicated, Yang Mills fields appear also in Veneziano / Virasoro-Shapiro dual models [25,26] and in string/superstring [33,36,40]. In the latter case, the same conclusions also appear in terms of “condensation” of background field and dependency on conformal invariance that fixes the dimensions (and supersymmetry to encompass fermions).
The discovery that strings (and superstrings) model can reduce to Yang Mills combined with GR, at low energy, and models the graviton [24,25], is considered as the greatest sign that strings would be the right theory and the only game in town when it comes to Theories of Everything (TOEs), e.g. [28-31]. In fact, this argument is a big part of the disagreement, that non string supporters seem to have with the string community: instead of falsifiable predictions, the apparition of the graviton/GR (and their consistency as later discussed later) and of Yang Mills fields, combined with GR, are argued as sufficient proof of superstrings being the only game in town, or the best guess so far [10-12].
Again, the Yang Mills apparition is not transcendent. Considering that strings model the dual resonance model which models the strong interactions, involving a kind of Yang Mills field, this result was again to be expected.
More physically, we can see that Yang Mills fields result directly from the string conformance within a D dimensions manifold. Indeed, consider [41] (we invert the reasoning from that paper), a string world sheet (2D) in a larger spacetime (D dimensional). The world sheets fluctuates (e.g. due to uncertainties) and let us consider that the fluctuations tend towards zero. As a result, it leads a field in a surrounding manifold that can be seen as a small deformation of the worlds sheet. The field on the world sheet and in the deformed surroundings must satisfy consistency requirements on its energy momentum stress tensor which implies that its components along the world sheet must vanish (on word sheet and in the deformation). Such field follows Yang Mills equations on the world sheet and in the deformed region. Said differently, as shown in [41], the limit of the deformation of Yang Mills is a string on the world sheet and the consistency condition amounts to conformality of the strings and Yang Mills in the surroundings. And this why [25,26] works and why they are renormalizable (Yang Mills and (super)strings). We then need to remember that Yang-Mills fields are renormalizable/CFT-like at high energy.
Mathematically, it is also related to the relationship between covariance and gauge invariance already identified in Ashtekar’s work [42]: compatibility/generation of GR can also generate Yang Mills with similar models: tools and approaches can be reused; something also observed, in a different context, by Feynman in his talks on quantum gravity [44].
In summary: conformance of strings and Polyakov action imply first order match of Hilbert Einstein action and therefore containing GR to the first order (and gravitons) and leaking or condensing Yang Mills fields (because of quantum uncertainty). Strings => GR (+ field as matter) and strings => Yang Mills Field (= matter fields) => fits also within GR (first order) and models Yang Mills bosons. The latter step is encountered when modeling gravity with fermions, which from a string point of view requires D=10 and supersymmetry, as the only way to consistently bring fermions into (super)strings) [33,40].
In fact, if we start from superstrings, then the leaked Yang Mills are supersymmetric [43], and, because of the reasoning of section 2, we again expect asymptotically safe or renormalizable / with a CFT-like behaviors at high energy, for whatever fields are modeled in 4D (or D, as long that it is a field, i.e. localized; not an extended object) spacetime.
So encountering Yang Mills in strings and superstrings was predictable but it was and is a good result. It shows relevance of strings and superstrings to study QFT or rather TOE and SM. It does not proves validity or superiority of the approach. In fact as hinted, the link to QFT is predominantly for CFTs on supersymmetric spaces.
4. String Anomalies Avoidance, Renormalizability of Superstrings and Asymptotic Safety
The onset of the second superstrings explosion (post the loss to QCD as model of the strong interaction [17]) resulted in great part from the proof that superstring (in 10D) are well behaved, without quantum anomalies with respect to gauge invariance and/or general coordinate invariance, possibly renormalizable (and hopefully non-divergent) [32]. Following this, in addition to the previous discovery of the graviton, many in the Physics community got convinced that superstrings are consistent and therefore have good potentials as a theory of quantum gravity as well as a TOE (see for example the first sections of [53]).
Since then, the string community has claimed that superstring is the only quantum gravity theory proven consistent [17], and used this statement as another proof for being the only game in town.
Let us revisit this. Yes, anomalies disappear and renormalization seems possible: several superstring models are (believed) anomaly free and believed finite (D=10 or 26 depending on the cases like the mixings of heterotic strings): e.g. Type I open and closed with N=1 and SO(32), type II N=2 supersymmetric closed strings and heterotic on E8xE8 or SO(32). We believe that such finiteness is not accepted by all. However, so far, guarantees of finiteness and renormalizability can also be obtained for models where strings are associated to non-associative and / or non-commutative geometry, i.e. implicitly, or explicitly discrete, e.g. [47].
If we remember that strings and superstrings are conformant, then we suspect that there should be renormalizable schemes for (some of) them [46]. These have not been demonstrated yet, with many instead searching for a non-perturbative approach (including M-theory) and using dualities to also argue renormalizability.
So much for consistency! While it should be (per our conformant reasoning or discrete spacetime emergence), nothing is definitely proven and agreed upon… Yet, argument in favor of superstrings usually mention this desired, and possibly achieved, but not unambiguously confirmed, “consistency”.
What about asymptotic safety [49]? As already mentioned, the concept does not really make sense for strings and strings and superstrings that are not local, bit extended, at the difference of QFT. However, asymptotic safety of quantum gravity would, and in fact does [5], forbid superstrings as models compatible with the Standard Model SM / SMG [5]. As the SM is well established and experimentally confirmed (never ever disproved so far), it does not bode well for superstrings. Note added on March 31, 2021: [90] provides a possible way out for the 2D regime.
There have been a wide range of reactions and criticism of the asymptotic safety of quantum gravity, but mostly only in blogs, something also surprising (e.g. [57-60]). If one didn’t know better one could think it might be possibly motivated by concerns of the impact of conclusions as in [5,54,55] piling up on all the other criticism of superstrings [10-12]. It also implies that much of the Physics community may not be aware of these concerns, especially outside the string community. However, we note that the concerns essentially result from criticism of proofs of asymptotic stability based on analysis of the evolution (e.g. expansion beyond the Ricci scalar) of the Hilbert Einstein action, or assumptions on high energy behavior of QFT formulations vs. CFT; thereby concluding, of course, that QFT models for gravity, as they exist today, would not be CFT-like, and that quantum gravity would not be asymptotically safe[2].
It is again a circular argument. In fact we know a counter argument based on the fact that quantum gravity becomes 2-D, with a random, discrete (and other properties depending on the model) spacetime and entropy evolves from proportionality to area to logarithm proportionality to areas (See [1] for references. Note added on March 31, 2021: [90-92] show the universality of the result, including for non-multi-fold universes). In other words, yes, QFT formulation of quantum gravity will have to look like a CFT at high energy. In fact, and ironically, we have explained in section 2 why even superstrings (if they were physical) would also imply such a conclusion. Current shortcomings of a model do not imply that the underlying Physics would have the same issues.
5. The AdS/CFT Correspondence Conjecture
5.1 Dualities between string theories and M-theory
Superstrings love dualities [17,61,62], in part because of its dual resonance model origin and philosophy but also because it is seen as a way to address the challenges with not being directly experimentally verifiable and because dualities provide a way to model non-perturbative considerations. To a large extent, superstrings are in a similar position as QFT for gravity: they are missing part of the picture. As discussed in section 4, for QFT, we need a UV completion story, hence the renormalization challenge, asymptotic safety discussions. For superstrings, the issue is similar to QFT: the theory is perturbative, not accepted by all as proven consistent (finite/renormalizable etc.), and believed to present similar issues as the Gribov ambiguity discussed in another context in [60] for Yang Mills and envisaged for gravity: there are parts of the model that are (topologically) disconnected from others and inaccessible by only-perturbative methods. The observation that dualities exists across the different superstring theories (and supergravity), allows perturbations to reach into some of these other disconnected regions (because, through dualities, strong couplings in one theory can be transposed into weak couplings in another, etc.). As part of this work, D-branes (higher dimensional objects, besides strings, aka 1-brane) were encountered. It led to the assumption that an 11-D non perturbative theory exists, M-theory [17,62], which is still quite mysterious to this day. The dualities are conjectures and mathematical tools to guess the unknown non-perturbative M-theory.
As such, one can hardly say that superstrings are really better positioned that any other approach to quantum gravity, including hopes of a QFT approach the quantum gravity that would be more CFT-like, renormalizable or asymptotically safe at high energies (i.e. very small scales).
5.2 AdS/CFT correspondence Conjecture
Often labelled as the biggest discovery in the field of the last 25 years, the AdS/CFT conjecture establishes a concrete duality between supersymmetric gauge CFT in D-1 dimensions and gravity in D dimensions [63,65]. It implements the holographic principle assumed from the Bekenstein-Hawking area formula for black hole entropy [17,64].
Reasoning-based derivation can be found in [28,66]. [66] explains both Maldacena’s derivation and a hindsight reasoning analogous to what we have done so far in the previous sections. Let us repeat the latter, but this time at the light of our work on multi-fold universes, which also recovers a factual (multi-fold spacetime)/AdS(5) correspondence [1,5,6,8,15,67] and holographic principles with area laws (e.g. [1,15,28]).
We refer to [66], section 3.2, for the steps of the proof; just adding relevant comments:
- D+1=5 per the holographic principle. The duality or holographic principle is between a bulk AdS(5) universe (+ compactified dimensions in S5 per supersymmetry and section 2/3: 10D is needed for conformance of superstrings), where we know that superstrings can exist (per [68], they can’t be in a positively curved (or rather, with a positive cosmological constant) universe nor really even in a flat spacetime (no conformant solution) per an older result [69], although there could be ways around), where quantum gravity exists and a particular 4D supersymmetric (N =4, for maximally supersymmetric) CFT (The choice of CFT is justified in next bullet) without gravity. So the graviton lives in AdS(5)(+…), something recovered in multi-fold universes [1,67], where the graviton appears as multi-folds.
- D=4 is a spacetime boundary to AdS(5)(+…). It is consistent, as there are different ways that we know for sure that spacetime is 4D [1,5] (Note added on March 31, 2021: see also [93-96]). The justification for AdS(5) (+…) comes from proposing a 5th large dimension that can only be added to provide a negative curvature (cosmological constant), as mentioned above (de Sitter dS(5)(+…) would therefore not work as no superstring could live in it). The criteria of having a stable energy behavior over large-scale ranges implies that scale can be used as 5th dimension. Such stability implies that CFT reigns on the D=4 spacetime. Based on the previous sections we would rather state that, if (Yang-Mills like) fields are to appear around superstrings they will be CFT-like (remember sections 2 and 3): super Yang Mills in this case. Note that in multi-fold universe, the 5th dimension rather results from the scale of the distance between entangled systems that generate gravity or gravity like effects [1].
- In addition, because the fields model matter and interactions with and among matter, and because they are expected to be related to superstrings, the fields will be also supersymmetric. Therefore, in 4D spacetime, we have supersymmetric CFTs. Also, in order to bring comparable degrees of freedoms between CFTs (few) and superstrings, we need take the largest possible symmetry (in supersymmetry: we pick lim N->+∞ SU(N). Of course, it does not really matter the physical significance, as we already know that supersymmetry is unphysical [5,6,7].
- Per section 3, superstrings on world sheets in AdS(5) (+…) in contact to the boundary D=4 spacetime, generate super Yang Mills CFT on D=4 spacetime, or following more properly [43], super Yang Mills CFTs (N=4) on D=4 result into superstrings in AdS(5) (+…). The superstrings further away from the boundary have little or no effect in terms of Yang Mills CFT generation in the D=4 spacetime. N ~ different layers of spacetime or 3D-branes.
- The rest can be derived following the reasoning of [66] – section 3.1.
- When coupling is weak (gsN<<1), D=5 spacetime is not curved. Curved string (gravitons) are in the bulk, away from surface (as no gravity is present). We have just 4D Yang Mills (supersymmetric) on 4D spacetime (flat). Gravity is present in the bulk, and decoupled from Yang Mills.
- When gsN>>1, many 3D-branes are added in the limit of N and it becomes like a black hole, i.e. a 3D black brane in superstring theory. Gravity is responsible for the behavior near the surface. Further away, it is beyond a black hole horizon: only gravity really matters, described by closed strings (gravitons) in AdS(5) (+…).
- Because Yang Mills is renormalizable, the solution on the 3D-brane for gsN<<1 is also known for gsN>>1. We have encountered the same solution for gsN>>1: Yang Mills CFT (i.e. supersymmetric N=4) on 3D (+1) spacetime and gravity (i.e. modeled by superstrings) in AdS(5)(+..) describe the same Physics (for gsN>>1). That is the correspondence.
- The conjecture is that this works for all gsN.
It can be seen first and foremost as a mathematical conjecture between two frameworks. It has been proved to work in other context of physics like material science [68], and in mathematics. But it is an unproven conjecture. And it results mainly from a) the superstring model elaborated in sections 2 and 3 (i.e. the string action, conformant invariance and gauge invariances) b) Black hole behaviors with respect to its horizon. Nothing more.
The conjecture models a universe (D=4, supersymmetric N=4, with CFT and no gravity) that is not exactly our real universe, although, it may be a closer match when energies are high. Remember that we said that all QFT including gravity should look like CFTs[3].
This AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture is the closest link to multi-fold universes, where we have a factual holography due to the mappings and the multi-fold mechanisms, between entangled particles (i.e. fields) in 4D spacetime and AdS(5). Entanglement seems the biggest difference between statements (besides fact vs. conjecture), but it is recovered in the ER=EPR conjecture discussed in the next section.
The relationship to entanglement is also present in the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture: the entanglement entropy of the CFT fields can be expressed as proportional to an minimal surface area in AdS(5). It is known as the Ryu–Takayanagi equation [71] and it relates to the Hawking-Bekenstein formula. Again, it may appear surprising, but it is in fact a circular result because black holes were also the source of the derivation of the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture: of course the area law is therefore baked in it. In fact, Ted Jacobson [72], ignoring the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture, recovered variations of the formula in the 4D spacetime both for QFTs and CFTs and showed that the framework implies recovering, linearized, but [73] can then be adapted to make it full, GR in 4-D spacetime. Entanglement, entropy of entanglement and entropy of Black holes, GR and AdS/CFT are directly related [71,72]. All this shows a duality between GR and its linearization in 4D spacetime vs. gravitons in AdS(5) and the ability to use one (gravitons in spacetime) or the other (gravitons, or multi-folds, in AdS(5)) to model gravity. It was also our contention in [1,67] for multi-fold universes and the reason why, despite the outcome of [5], we still consider that gravitons in AdS(5) and the holographic correspondence, as well as the principle that gravity = entanglement and entanglement = gravity, survive even if superstrings are not physical: the AdS(5) graviton effects seem physical, at least for a multi-fold universe.
Going further, [73] showed that the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture, its dictionary and entanglement (entropy) implies that GR governs AdS(5) (+…). In other words:
GR in AdS(5) => superstrings in 10D => AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture => CFT (supersymmetric etc.) + entanglement => Ryu–Takayanagi equation => (full) GR in AdS(5) (1)
(1) allows to invert the arrows as a mathematical proof. It can be considered as a strong example of a consistent approach.
About [73], we may ask if it means that GR reigns in AdS(5) implies superstrings in AdS(5) +(…). [43] only studied AdS(D) via the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. To that effect, let us consider two other papers [74,75] that infer that the outcome seems to be that indeed AdS(5) (+…) is populated with extended objects (i.e. strings or D-branes), detected by their energy spectrum that provides a characteristic Hagedorn phase, at very high energy (i.e. exponential growth with energy due to each element of the string / D-brane contributing significantly), that differs from the behavior of CFT or QFT (or conventional black holes): AdS(5) appear stringy. The derivation chain from above therefore becomes:
GR in AdS(5) => Super strings in 10D => AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture => CFT (supersymmetric etc.) + entanglement => Ryu–Takayanagi equation => (full) GR in AdS(5) & superstrings in AdS(5) + (…) (2)
In a multi-fold universe, we also recover a version of Ryu–Takayanagi equations, that explains the minimum surface area as being as far as the multi-fold reach in AdS(5)[28], but GR may or may not reign in AdS(5), and so superstrings may or may not be physical… Also, multi-fold dynamics may or may not governed by GR/Hilbert Einstein action or variations [1,6,8,9,15].
Is there a problem for multi-fold universes because of [5] vs. [74,75]? The answer is no: the result of [74,75] assumes the full dictionary and properties of AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. (1) was satisfied and (1) implies superstrings in AdS(5) and therefore also in (+…) = (+ S5). The outcome was circularly baked in.
Multi-fold changes AdS/CFT correspondence into spacetime of Multi-fold Universe with matter gravity & QFT / AdS(5) mapping, and, as a result, (1) and (2) evolve as:
4D spacetime with gravity
Entanglement => AdS(5)/spacetime mapping and multi-fold mechanisms (=> Ryu–Takayanagi equation)
multi-folds in AdS(5) => maybe or maybe no GR in AdS(5) to govern multi-folds. (3)
GR in AdS(5) => Maybe or Maybe no superstrings in AdS(5) (+…) (4)
(3) and (4) are now fully decoupled and (4) can be a valid mathematical result. [5] only says that no matter what, it has no impact on the 4D spacetime with gravity in (3). Note added on March 31, 2021: The 2D regime and model of [90] may allow the relationship to work between AdS(3) & 2D spacetime. Amazingly, AdS(3)/CFT2 correspondence is a mathematically proven theorem, not just a conjecture [97]. In our view this is another hint that this maybe the only case that is physical.
To conclude this discussion, we will also point out, as mentioned in [6], that GR is unstable with matter in AdS(5) [86]. In our view, it implies that superstrings other than closed strings, aka massless gravitons, probably cannot physically live in AdS(5) (even with (+…)); therefore destroying the conventional derivations of AdS/CFT correspondence conjectures as above; while the multi-fold approach still works. However, (3) and (4) may remain valid with GR reigning in AdS(5) (it is of course valid without GR) if, as expected, paths in multi-folds are not resulting to any energy momentum stress tensor leaks into AdS(5).
5.3 ER = EPR Conjecture (and more)
ER=EPR was proposed by Maldacena and Susskind (fathers of the holographic principle and its AdS/CFT version), as their way to use entangled black hole analogies to handle the hints of a link between entanglement and gravity [76]; which [1] explains for multi-fold universes where we discover that entanglement generates gravity (like) effects and gravity is due to entanglement of virtual particles.
The original reasoning behind ER=EPR goes as follows:
- Consider two black holes (in AdS) with entangled horizon. We are continuing to use black holes analogies and to AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture to model CFTs or Gravity.
- They start from one black hole that radiates per Hawking’s theory
- The second black holes is composed of all the particles produced by Hawking radiation: if all these particles are brought together they will collapse into another blackhole entangled with the first one acting as source.
- Link their regions behind the horizon to form a ER (Einstein Rosen) bridge, i.e. a wormhole which is non-traversable.
- Doing so, one can resolve the Black Hole information paradoxes (AMPS / firewall, complementarity) relying on the entanglement between the inside and the outside radiations.
- It correctly “emulates” the EPR paradox with Alice and Bob’s experiments[4].
- So it would make sense that two entangled blackholes be linked by ER bridges as manifestation of entanglement.
- The result is conjectured to be generalizable to any entanglement.
- It is quite a jump but it seems a good model:
- [77] proposes an example between pairs of particles, using the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and [78] shows that entropy of ER bridges follows the entropy (or information) laws and inequality.
- As discussed next, [1] proposed a stronger model for it with many more consequences, including ultimately the demise of superstrings as TOE, or even as correct gravity model, beyond approximations of gravitons (but preserving the idea of AdS/CFT correspondence).
- It is quite a jump but it seems a good model:
Multi-folds mechanisms were proposed in [1], without knowledge of ER=EPR and therefore without using its model. In hindsight:
- Multi-folds are equivalent to many aspects of ER=EPR but without resorting to strings or holographic postulates to derive the model. Instead the goal was only to address the ER paradox and locality vs. non-locality.
- Many would now argue on the string side that the AdS/CFT correspondence is often used without any reference to strings anymore.
- Multi-fold mechanisms resulted into showing that:
- Entanglement is gravity: entangled systems are attracted by gravity like effects [79]
- Gravity is entanglement: by relying on virtual pair productions, and therefore entangled, around sources, gravity appears and GR can be recovered at the right scales [1].
- Massive virtual particles add massive gravity effects [80] at very small scales that renders possible a standard model with non-negligible gravity at the SM scales, aka SMG [1,15].
- Multi-fold universes and / or SMG explain many open issues with the standard model and standard cosmological model. It also demonstrates that supersymmetry, higher dimensions and superstrings are not compatible with SM and unphysical (as are most conventional GUTs and TOEs) [1,5,6,8,9].
- Multi-fold mechanisms add to ER=EPR (besides a completely different derivation and model), the ability to traverse them (so that path integrals include paths in the multi-folds). This is what is responsible for the appearance in spacetime of gravity like attractive effective potentials (or positive effective curvatures).
- Wormhole in ER=EPR proposal are not traversable
- Wormholes / blackholes in AdS may be traversable but only when involving unphysical considerations like exotic matter with negative mass/energy, and/or, with unreasonably large duration
- Recent work [81] suggests that in the presence of ER=EPR, reasonable traversability may be possible without exotic matter[5]. [82,83] provide a possible way to ensure that traversability of wormholes in GR governed AdS(5) can be achieved with couplings of their Left and Right boundaries; which is exactly what happens when they are entangled… If any of these were the case:
- It would validate the multi-fold mechanisms (when wormholes are in AdS for [82]).
- It should derive gravity as we did in [1].
- Note added on March 31, 2021: [98] shows examples of traversable wormholes associated to entangled massive fermions which could also be a way to realize multi-folds (although it should also work with massless fermions and with entangled bosons to match multi-folds).
- Interestingly, the absence of multi-fold mechanisms in hierarchical entanglements without local entanglement initiation [1] is related or somehow equivalent to the entanglement cases where classical ER bridges appear in [78].
- In the multi-fold model, nothing is limited to CFTs (without gravity) in spacetime and superstrings are not involved.
Our statement that entanglement is gravity and gravity is entanglement [15] is stronger than ER=EPR, factual in multi-fold universe and a proposal for experimental verifications in our real universe [1,79]. In its quantum computing with Qubit variations, it encompasses, and is stronger than, the GR = QM conjecture [84], that we also discovered post our proposal. GR = QM is about Qubits proposed wormhole-based teleportation in lab experiments resulting from the connection of entangled Qubits via wormholes and this way derive properties of bulk gravity (in AdS(5) (+…)). Of course traversability is not resolved nor the resulting gravity effects in spacetime. The need to invoke CFTs, requires a lab beyond critical fixed point may not be achievable within the promised timeframe either… But yes, everything proposed in [84] and more is also plausible with multi-folds [1] where traversability problems and critical fixed point/CFT concerns do not apply.
The non-traversability in ER=EPR has probably been the hurdle that has so far prevent the String community to uncover that entanglement is gravity and gravity is entanglement…
In hindsight, we can see that the string community has grasped for a non-perturbative theory and modeled it essentially only through its dualities. Doing so, it only got blurry picture of Physics, using mathematical and unphysical concepts that have some relation to Physics. The circumvoluted way to work with CFTs and AdS and role of black holes in AdS vs. entanglement in CFT, led them to hints of the multi-fold mechanisms.
We do not know how much of AdS(5) is governed by an GR/Hilbert Einstein action and if multi-fold are therefore wormholes or can have unrelated dynamics. Sure, AdS(5) is a solution of GR, so we can mathematically model it via GR and end up with superstrings and the circular reasonings of (2). Yet, the reasoning in (2) does not model the real universe per [5]. Having wormholes, as multi-folds, has no impact if they can’t support our proposed mechanisms. In such case, physically, we would still follow (3) and (4) and not imply that superstrings are physical (other than the fact that they can model gravitons in AdS(5)).
6. The String Landscape
Upon discovering that many superstring universes can exist, the notion of swampland and landscape (of acceptable) superstring universes was introduced [85].
Unfortunately, it turned out that superstrings can not live in a universe with positive cosmological constant / curvature (and it is borderline on flat spacetime) [68, 69]; which does not match our real universe observations. The instability of AdS with GR when matter is present further reduces the possibilities of supersymmetric particles modeling anything other than gravitons.
The superstring community claims that it finds standard model compatible universes in the string landscape like for example in [87]. It is a supersymmetric version of SM (known as Minimal Supersymmetric Standard Model – MSSM [88]). No MSSM extension to the SM has ever been observed (no New Physics particle and No New Physics yet despite the open issues [15]) and the incompatibility with SM/SMG derived in [5], implies also incompatibility of superstrings with MSSM if quantum gravity is asymptotically safe; which we argued to be the case for multi-fold universes and for the real universe. With MSSM, we have the typical problem that without questioning supersymmetry, models assume that finding MSSM amounts to modeling the real universe[6]. Results like [87] do not at all invalidate [5].
Note added on March 31, 2021: See also the considerations in [89] that further explore the landscape and swampland issues.
7. Conclusions
With the benefit of our multi-fold models [1,15], we showed how we can (better) understand the main aspects of superstrings theory. We also showed how the claimed consistency of superstrings is at time incomplete or leading to circular, and, in hindsight, obvious models where consistency often results from the circular arguments instead of deriving an unexpected consistency with the physical reality. As claimed by others (e.g. [10-12]), it implies that experimental confirmation can not be acceptably replaced by superstrings claims of consistency; nor even by its modeling of gravitons, alleged renormalizability or cancellation of some anomalies.
[1,5-9] arguments that superstrings are incompatible with SM/SMG remains standing in the face of superstring self-consistency claims. The discovery of hints of superstrings in [1,5-9] also help us position superstrings: they are a mathematical model for dual resonance models and to study properties of supersymmetry, supersymmetric Yang Mills CFTs and GR in the context of supersymmetry. They do not correspond to physical effects but can approximate aspects of them, and be useful to discover physical effects (just as strings are undisputed as a mathematical model of the dual resonance model of aspects of the strong interaction) and as a mathematical framework. As such they can have a bright future and be part of the Physics and Mathematics arsenals of tools. Hints about GR / quantum gravity UV completion, AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and ER=EPR conjecture are invaluable, have led and will lead to key insights and provide approaches to solve or, guess properties of still, unsolvable physical and mathematical problems.
IIt also cautions against moving from models of the universe (e.g. as we have also with multi-fold universes) to claims about the real universe. Strings and superstrings model stringy and supersymmetric worlds; having them self-consistent does not ensure that they are good model or compatible with the real universe. The same holds for our multi-fold approach. Only experimental results can provide confirmation. For us [1,68,15] provide plausible ways forward towards validation, or invalidation. Any progress, theoretical or, better yet, experimental, towards determining if gravity is asymptotically safe in our real universe, and not somewhere else, is obviously critical considering [5][7].
We believe that, throughout [1,15], we have been careful in restricting our claims to multi-fold universes. But we also believe that aspects of SMG already go beyond multi-fold universes and that the conclusions of [5] about incompatibilities between supersymmetry, superstrings and higher dimensions, and SM/SMG are valid in our real universe. It is why in this paper we allowed ourselves to present [5] as slated to read on superstrings always without restrictions to multi-fold universes.
We realize that aspects of this paper run the risk to generate negative reactions. It is provocative to get a reaction, not to present a negative perspective. The intent has always been to do a fair analysis, albeit with a purely outside perspective, and with full admiration for the derivation of superstring model, its mathematics and the potential of its framework. We hope this will help progress string theory, quantum gravity and Multi-fold models and foster discussions, self-evaluations and collaborations.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Circular Arguments in String and Superstring Theory from a Multi-fold Universe Perspective”, viXra:2103.0195v1,…, October 5, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
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[1] By this, we mean the field (classic or quantum) extracted from the string models as their effect in D dimension (or, especially D=4) spacetime. This statement is fundamentally different from quantum gravity non-renormalizability [50]: we do not suggest (in fact, following [51], we know that it is not the case) that this field theory is correctly modeling quantum gravity; just that when extracted from strings or superstrings, we expect such behaviors. It is in our view as for CFT vs. Yang-Mills QFT and in particular QCD: QCD is not exactly CFT (think about confinement for example); but it can look like a CFT at high enough energies, as it has been proven that nonabelian gauge theories are renormalizable (e.g. see [52]). Also, note that we do not state asymptotic safety of strings as that may not be a well-defined concept as already mentioned above.
This handling of asymptotic safe QFT above superstring scales is proposed in [51] as a bridge between superstrings and SM. We can also predict the right part of the graph from [51]-FIG. 1. However, because of [5] and arguments of [5-9,13,14], we argue that superstrings are unphysical and not compatible with SM/SMG (Standard model with Gravity), at least at scales that are 4D. So the QFT on the left side of [51]-FIG. 1 are “mathematical” fields, not connected to the real universe spacetime and QFTs: this way, citing analogy to [51] is not contradictory.
Somehow our statements here will amount to state in the domain of potential physical validity, fields extracts from superstrings (especially gravity ones or Yang Mills ones) will be like CFT at these scales, but possibly not at lower scales. Note added on 3/30/21: Again [89,90] should help concretize what we mean. It should also not be contradictory with UU (Ultimate Unification) proposed of [7], where we do not validate a Weak Gravity Conjecture: as all interactions converge, gravity matches the other interactions but they all behave well asymptotically (if nothing else because they end up on a discrete spacetime in a multi-fold universe) [1].
[2] By the way, these are not the arguments that we used in [5] for multi-fold universes or even for the real universe. The conclusions from [5] remain valid for quantum gravity and are not refuted by the criticism provided so far. In fact, it is also interesting to see how [56] is criticized as non-conclusive (By the way, we agree with that view: it’s just at best corroborating [54,55], not a proof). Note added on March 31, 2021: [90] in our view directly addresses and resolves the matter.
[3] Do not hold your breath. [5] killed the supersymmetry option for our universe as incompatible with SM/SMG, because quantum gravity seems asymptotically safe. Note on March 31, 2021: [90] confirms that view.
[4] This emulation is probably the inspiration for the GR=QM conjecture mentioned later in this section [84].
[5] Ironically, [81] relies on asymptotic stability of quantum gravity to “help”. Of course [82,83] do not require it.
[6] After all, for example, assuming supersymmetric CFTs in the real universe also seems to turn out to be a bridge too far for applicability of the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture.
[7] If superstring were to infer asymptotic stability on 4D spacetime, it would settle the matter once and for all. Note added on March 31, 2021: We believe that [89,90] show that superstrings indeed provide such an inference.
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#AsymptoticSafe #CFT #CFTAdSCorrespondenceConjecture #Conformant #Entanglement #EREPR #GaugeSymmetry #GaugeTheory #GeneralRelativity #GRQM #GrandUnificationTheories #Gravity #HilbertEinsteinAction #MultiFoldUniverse #NambuGotoAction #PolyakovAction #renormalizable #StandardCosmologicalModel #StandardModel #standardModelWithGravity #StringTheory #Supergravity #Superstrings #Supersymmetry #TheoryOfEverything #UltimateUnification #WeylInvariance #YangMills
supersymmetric extension to the Standard Model
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Protons may never decay, except in black holes
Protons may never decay, except in black holesS. Maes
June 12, 2010
Replaced and superseded by: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), ” Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons may never decay, except in black holes “,…, June 13, 2020.
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Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity
Stephane H. Maes
June 21, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model. In particular with chirality flips of fermion induced by gravity, right-handed neutrinos (and left-handed anti-neutrinos) can appear in flight and now acquire mass when encountering Higgs bosons; two mysteries can be explained in one shot in a multi-fold universe.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. SMG : The Standard Model with Multi-Fold Gravity
[1] proposes that in a multi-fold universe, the Lagrangian is complemented by terms associated to gravity and entanglement (in the form of the sum of the attractive effective potentials) [1].
The effect of gravity can be seen through the attractive potential contributions of all the energy sources. It can also been seen as expressing the Standard Model Lagrangian in curved spacetime (semi-classical point of view), now considered valid till small scales.
EPR entanglement is not believed to often play a significant role, except in dark matter use cases [5]. The last term is all other “New Physics” terms and we will consider it to be null.
3. Chirality and Helicity flips induced by Gravity
In a curved spacetime, the chirality (or helicity) of massless fermions flips back and forth [6].
In the presence of gravity (with perturbative graviton models), the chirality of massive fermions flips [7]. Additional torsion further contribute to such flips [8]. [1] generates torsion within matter due to the effect of uncertainty on the multi-folds.
These effects have already been analyzed as the reason why gravity can smear the anomalies of baryon and lepton number symmetries and therefore potentially ensure the absence of proton decay, except possibly in extreme conditions within black holes [9].
Note that in the literature, it is also argued that chirality would not flip for massless fermion [7], at the difference of [6]. We believe that the latter is more correct as [7] relies on linearization of gravity, a process that does not work well and that is not giving a correct analysis compared to how gravity is explained in [1] and we know that gravity is not weak any more at very smalls scales, especially due to the massive gravity contributions.
4. The Right-handed Neutrino and its Left-handed anti particles
We recommend the following reference as entry point to neutrinos [10].
Neutrinos exist with different flavors and oscillate in flight between these flavors to change flavor and masses. They always interact in a specific flavor with the corresponding mass. Only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed anti neutrinos seem to interact (i.e. when not in flight).
So far, only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed anti-neutrinos have been observed. It is unknown if what happens or happened to the particles with opposite chirality. Do they exist?
5. The Neutrino mass problem
As a result of the absence of these opposite chirality neutrinos cannot interact with the Higgs Boson (which flips chirality). Therefore it is known in the standard model how neutrino have acquired their observed mass (that is now established to by non-zero).
Many theories have been proposed, usually with New Physics, to explain try to the mass. None have been validated so far. They involve hypothesis of seesaw mechanism, Majorana neutrinos (i.e. neutrino as its own self anti-particle), an additional sterile neutrino and a whole bunch of super partners proposals. An overview can be found in [11].
Numerous experiments have been proposed to try to validate on model or another with for example the search for Neutrino-less Double Beta-Decay (e.g. to determine if neutrinos are Majorana particles). It is fair to say that nothing conclusive has been observed so far!
At the light of [1], the reasoning above for SMG, and [9], we suspect that all these efforts may be going in the wrong direction…
Indeed, if we consider that gravity is present, then in flight particles can flip chirality in addition to oscillating in mass and flavors. So Higgs interactions are now possible in flight, which is how and when bumps with Higgs boson take place -a different situation form particle to particle interactions (also flipping chiralities, to be then flip back to observable chiralities by gravity, before any of all the other types of interaction can take place), which means mass acquisition as conventionally understood for fermions in the Standard Model can occur in flight for neutrinos (also why it is inflight that we can find the neutrino mass eigenstates). Masses are small, because available interaction time with Higgs bosons is small.
It resolves in one shot both the questions of the existence of right-handed neutrinos (and left-handed antineutrinos) as well as the origin of the (low) mass of the neutrinos. All is achieved within the context of the Standard Model with Gravity, in a multi-fold universe, and without the need of New Physics.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipates the behaviors modeled of a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Other theories showing that gravity is relevant at the level of the standard model, can repeat the chirality flip argument, even with no relation to multi-fold universe and mechanisms or to gravity emergence from entanglement. So our model here is generic: if we add gravity to Standard Model with a model keeping it non negligible at the Standard Model scales, then right-handed neutrinos and left-handed anti neutrinos exist in flight, only left-handed neutrinos and right-handed anti neutrinos interact in general; but the existence of both chirality in flight ensures mass acquisition via the Higgs mechanism.
Note however that If our model here is not validated by experience, it would not invalidate the multi-fold mechanism and the proposal that gravity emerges from entanglement as detailed in [1]. The analysis builds on [1], as a consequence of it, but it is not a condition for validation of multi-fold universes.
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges of explaining the mass of the neutrinos without New Physics.
We explain the fate of right-handed neutrinos and left-handed anti neutrinos: they exist, but only in flight where they can interact with the Higgs. Why it only exist in flight is still an open issue. And the low mass of the neutrinos results from the usual Higgs mechanism, while in flight. The mass is low because only little time is available for mass acquisition and bumping with Higgs bosons). The model works for multi-fold universe as well as in any situation where gravity is non negligible and added to the Standard Model.
This along with similar results in [1] and [9], make a strong case for more seriously considering the implications of adding gravity to the Standard Model to obtain SMG, as a way to contribute to addressing open issues and offer better alternatives to New Physics speculations. This goes hand in hand with recognizing that this also implies the need to seriously consider that gravity may not always be negligible at the Standard Model scales as proposed in [1].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity”, viXra:2007.0018v1,…, June 23, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261v1,…, June 21, 2020.
[6]: Carlos Mergulhao Jr., (1995), “Neutrino Helicity Flip in a Curved Space-tlme”, General Relativity and Gravitation, volume 27, pages 657–667.
[7]: R. Aldrovandi, G. E. A. Matsas, S. F. Novaes, D. Spehler, (1994), ” Fermion Helicity Flip in Weak Gravitational Fields”, arXiv:gr-qc/9404018v1
[8]: Soumitra SenGupta, Aninda Sinha, (2001), ” Fermion helicity flip by parity violating torsion”, arXiv:hep-th/0102073v2.
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes “, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
[11]: M.C. Gonzalez-Garcia and M. Yokoyama, (2019), “14. Neutrino Masses, Mixing, and Oscillations”, in M. Tanabashi et al. (Particle Data Group), Phys. Rev. D 98, 030001 (2018) and (2019) update.
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#Chirality #ChiralitySymmetry #Entanglement #Gravity #Helicity #HiggsMechanism #MajoranaParticle #MassProblem #MultiFoldUniverse #NeutrinoMass #Neutrinos #NewPhysics #QuantumGravity #SeesawMechanism #StandardModel #symmetryBreaking
elementary particle with extremely low mass that interacts only via the weak force and gravity
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?
Stephane H. MaesJune 21, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles or regions. When applied to astrophysics, these effects are analogous to additional matter within or around galaxies. This way, we recover behaviors that match expected and observed dark matter effects, when present or missing. No New Physics is introduced in terms of new particles beyond the Standard Model or modifying long range gravity: only the modeling of gravity as emerging from entanglement in a multi-fold universe.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR – Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Attractive Potential Between Entangled particles
The key proposal in [1] is a mechanism of multi-folds designed to address the EPR paradox. It is shown that, with such a mechanism, (EPR) entanglement creates an attractive potential between entangled particles that behaves like gravity.When involving virtual particles emitted around a source of energy, we recover GR equations (and the Hilbert Einstein action) at classical (and semi-classical scales). At very small scales, there are additional contributions of massive virtual particles that generate additional contributions.
Entanglements between particles create additional contributions expected to behave like additional gravity contributions or fluctuations that we expect to see for example near macroscopically entangled material like superconductors [10].
The effective potentials can be seen as in
(or in
when it can be integrated over a region (uncertainty region or bundle of entangled particles. For Gravity, the integration goes over [r,infinity), for all the previous sent virtual pairs), where r is the distance between particle and center of mass or source).The effects due to entanglement are very small in general at macroscopic scales; yet, just like for gravity, they add up when considering the combined effect across a galaxy.
3. The Dark matter problem
It has been extensively shown that dark matter, i.e. matter that has mass or energy and interacts with other matter only (or mostly) through gravity (at least long range), is required to explain behavior of the universe, in particular the rotational velocities of most galaxies [5,6]. Without dark matter, they would disintegrate, considering the amount of normal matter observed or modeled. Dark matter is expected to constitute 85% of the total matter in the universe. Many models confirm its existence with good consistency across the methods used to estimate or validate its effects.Today, however, Physics cannot account for, or explain, the origin of dark matter. Proposed tentative solutions (to explain or avoid dark matter) range from changes to gravity with for examples modifications of the long-range behavior of (newton) gravity (e.g. MOND), large scale massive gravity versions of GR, additional long range bulk spacetime entanglement effects[fn1] in (entropic) gravity models, or proposing actual candidates for dark matter like black holes or particles most of the time new and associated to New Physics (see [5] for an overview).
Dark energy is another mysterious content of our universe [6,7]. [8] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms proposed in [1] can contribute to an explanation of the dark energy.
4. EPR Entanglement in Multi-fold Universe: A Source for Dark Matter
In [1], entangled EPR pairs create attractive gravity like potential in between them towards the center of mass of these particles (and variations for multi-partite, nonhierarchical, entanglement).Virtual pairs emitted by energy or matter contribute to gravity with the model of [1]. Any other entanglement between particles, especially real particle entanglement, is not counted in conventional gravity. These entanglements appear as additional gravity contributions.
Entanglement can be, as shown in figure 1:
- (1) Between particles emitted by stellar or other objects and these objects.
- (2) Between pairs of entangled particles moving in opposite directions.
- (3) Between surrounding matter or particles entangled with the above.
Figure 1: It illustrates how the different entanglements cases, discussed in the text, appear as dark matter with attraction towards the galaxy center and mass in the center or in halos. Green circles represent center of masses.In all cases, the sources or centers of mass are located within the galaxy (especially in the center) and in surrounding halos. It matches the models for dark matter. The effect is a combination of cold and hot dark matter, but it always appear as cold matter. The dominant contributing particles involved in entanglement are photons and neutrinos. Of course, other cosmic radiations also contribute.
It is also well known that dark matter present some challenges for conventional explanations based on modified gravity or on particles because there are cases of galaxies where no or very little dark matter is inferred (See [9] for an example – more references can be found in [1]). It is hard to explain gravity laws or particles that would be sometimes be modified or sometimes be there; but not always.
It is not a problem with the multi-folds mechanism of [1].
Figure 2: In globular cases, with enough matter surrounding, entanglement may be destroyed before it has the desired effects, therefore giving the impression of missing dark matter.In the model of [1], if matter is distributed (e.g. Globular galaxy – see Figure 2) in a way that intercept most particles early and disentangle them on their way out of a galaxy region, the effect weakens or disappears… It matches the few galaxy examples that miss dark matter.
Tthis model and explanation is therefore able to account for dark matter, at least partially (till quantitatively estimated), and that is qualitatively consistent with observations; including when dark matter would be observed as missing.
The arguments in [1] are only qualitative, not yet quantitative. More work is needed to see if quantitative estimates make sense and may suffice to explain dark energy. Of course, other effects can also play along.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipates the behaviors modeled of a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Our proposal has no equivalent or variations for a non multi-fold universe: the source of dark matter effects come directly from the multi-folds mechanism as proposed in [1] and the resulting attraction towards the source or center of mass as a result of entanglement. Even other models, that link entanglement and gravity, may not help as the multi-fold universe do, as none have clearly identified such a gravity-like attraction as a result of entanglement. Any model where gravity appears between entangled particles could support the proposal from this paper.
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges with dark matter as well as the situation where it is believed to be missing.Combined with [8], it is remarkable that the mechanism of [1] can contribute to effects like inflation, small cosmological constant and dark energy and now dark matter; that it be present or missing.
While steps in the right direction in terms of validating [1], future work should aim at providing quantitative estimates to further determine viability of the proposal or completeness of the explanation, versus just contributing to what happens, which would already be satisfying.
The proposed explanation of dark matter is also an attractive validation candidate for the proposal that entanglement generates gravity like contributions [1,10].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006, or…, June 21, 2020.
Note: The web version (here) is tracked at…. A mistake in many references instead provided the URL to the dark energy paper. It is regrettable and will be corrected in the future for all upcoming papers and revisions.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[6]: B. Clegg (2019), “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Hidden 95% of the Universe”, Icon Books Ltd
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”,…, June 19, 2020.
[9]: Shany Danieli, Pieter van Dokkum, Charlie Conroy, Roberto Abraham, and Aaron J. Romanowsky, (2019), “Still Missing Dark Matter: KCWI High-resolution Stellar Kinematics of NGC1052-DF2”, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 874, Number 2
[10]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Entanglement Concretizes Time in a Multi-fold Universe”,…, June 28, 2020.
[11]: Erik P. Verlinde (2010), “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton”, arXiv:1001.0785
[12]: Erik Verlinde, (2016), “Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe”, arXiv:1611.02269v2
[fn1]: These notions, as proposed in [11,12], are fundamentally different effects from what is proposed in [1]. [1] considers effects between particles. Entropic bulk entanglement are postulated as statistical effects between spacetime regions. Of course, [1] may be an enabler or an explanation for such effect; or not. It does not really matter within the scope of this paper.
September 15 2020: Check [Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Successful Explanation and the “Too Thin Universe” but “Too Strong Gravity Lensing by Galaxy Clusters””,…, September 14, 2020.] for more recent obeservation explained with our approach (and problematic for conventional approaches).
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Gravity Dictates the Number of Fermion Generations: 3
Stephane H. Maes
June 24, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
It has always been intriguing to explain why there seems to be only 3 generations of Fermions, for each family, including neutrinos. In this paper, we show that there are only 3 regimes defined in the Standard Model Lagrangian complemented with gravity, when it comes to the contribution of fermion masses interacting with Higgs bosons. As a result, differentiations of mass implies only 3 generations. It is another surprising result, from adding non-negligible gravity to the Standard model. While shown in the context of a multi-fold universe, the result can be extended to any model where gravity is not negligible at small scales.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in s multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with others like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. SMG : The Standard Model with Multi-Fold Gravity
[1] proposes that in a multi-fold universe, the Lagrangian is complemented by terms associated to gravity and entanglement (in the form of the sum of the attractive effective potentials) [1].
The effect of gravity can be seen through the attractive potential contributions of all the energy sources. It can also been seen as expressing the Standard Model Lagrangian in curved spacetime (semi-classical point of view), now considered valid till small scales.
EPR entanglement is not believed to often play a significant role, except in dark matter use cases [5].
The last term is all other “New Physics” terms and we will consider it to be null.
With (1), the mass generation terms now involves the gravity effective potential described in [1]:
Where, the C1 () designates the vertex contribution that represents the interaction with the Higgs/QCD Vacuum and/or Quark Gluon condensate with chirality flip and C2 () represents the contributions of the right-handed + left-handed leptons or quarks.
3. The Number of Fermion Generations
This work is inspired from the recent publication from Steven Weinberg trying unsuccessfully to model and estimate Leptons and Quark masses [6].
We considered the success encountered so far by adding gravity to the standard model as already reported in [1] (e.g. stabilization of the Electroweak vacuum), to explain how neutrinos acquire mass without New Physics [7], Dark matter [5] and Energy [8], without New Physics, and the absence of proton decays [9] or magnetic monopoles [10]; along with careful analyses that reduce plausibility of New Physics through (Grand Unification Theories) GUTs [11], (Theories of Everything) ToEs as well as superstring theories [12]. It seemed tempting to see if SMG has better luck than [6].
So we start from equation (2) and write it as a function of the fermion mass and the Higgs mass interacting to provide mass to the (charged) fermions. Note that with [7], we argue that this statement extends to neutrinos.
It can be expressed as:
Where, MHiggs designates the Higgs Mass. K1and K2 depend on the interaction including the mass of fermion.
(4) can be estimated and plotted with the following considerations: For mFermion ≈ MHiggs , the potentials effect is strong and maximum (as the particles have equivalent masses and will overlap a lot when the fermion bumps into a Higss boson). For mFermion ≈ 0, the effect is essentially null. In between, the effect is essentially not impacted by mFermion (dominated by Higgs attraction, no charge of overlap when mass changes). The result is plotted in in Figure 1.
Figure 1: Estimated plot of equation (4) as a function of mFermion.
As a result, we can see that only 3 regimes exist and hence differentiated fermion generations can only distribute in 3 regions.
The existence of 3 and only 3 generations of Fermions per family is automatically derived from Figure 1. It is achieved within the context of the Standard Model with Gravity, in a multi-fold universe, and without the need of New Physics.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipates the behaviors modeled of a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Other theories showing that gravity is relevant at the level of the standard model, can repeat the arguments, even with no relation to multi-fold universe and its mechanisms or to gravity emergence from entanglement. So our model here is generic: if we add gravity to Standard Model with a model keeping it non negligible at the Standard Model scales, then there will be 3 and only 3 generations of Fermions.
If our model here is not validated by experience, it would not invalidate the multi-fold mechanisms and the proposal that gravity emerges from entanglement as detailed in [1]. The analysis builds on [1], as a consequence of it, but it is not a condition for validation of multi-fold universes.
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can predict the existence of 3 and only 3 generations of Fermions (including neutrinos per [7]).
The model works for multi-fold universe as well as in any situation where gravity is non negligible and added to the Standard Model.
This along with similar results in [1] and [5,7-11], make a strong case for more seriously considering the implications of adding gravity to the Standard Model to obtain SMG, as a way to contribute to addressing open issues and offer better alternatives to New Physics speculations. This goes hand in hand with recognizing that this also implies the need to seriously consider that gravity may not always be negligible at the Standard Model scales as proposed in [1].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Dictates the Number of Fermion Generations: 3”, viXra:2007.0068v1,…, June 24, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020). Updates and revisions tracked at…
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006v1,…, June 21, 2020.
[6]: Steven Weinberg, (2020), “Models of Lepton and Quark Masses”, arXiv:2001.06582v1
[7]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity”, viXra:2007.0018v1,…, June 21, 2020.
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261,…, June 19, 2020.
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes “, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
[10]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Gravity or Magnetic Monopoles? You Cannot Have Both!“, viXra:2006.0190v1,… , June 15, 2020.
[11]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”, viXra:2006.0211v1,…, June 16, 2020.
[12]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
I thank my generous supporters on Patreon. [strong]If you like my work, publications, and opinions, please consider joining them. This way, you can support this research work done totally independent from any institution. Use the contact form if you prefer to help by putting together a grant or other type of funding.[/strong]
#Entanglement #FermionMasses #Fermions #GrandUnificationTheories #Gravity #HiggsMechanism #HighEnergyPhysics #Mass #MassGeneration #MultiFoldUniverse #NewPhysics #QuantumGravity #StandardModel #Superstrings #TheoryOfEverything
Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?
Stephane H. MaesJune 19, 2020
Note: if you are looking for “Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, go to…, or viXra:2007.0006v1.
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement and spacetime is discrete, with a fractal structure based on random walk and a non-commutative geometry. When random walk is combined with maximal particle generations, exponential expansion can automatically takes place. Away from maximal generation or in an already concretized spacetime, random walk accounts for a constant or slowing down expansion. Meanwhile, the multi-fold mechanisms also implies a constant expansion potential, adding a force to the expansion of the universe, thanks to uncertainties. It explain the constant acceleration of the universe expansion with a cosmological constant that is not the vacuum energy density but can be way smaller.
It may contribute to addressing problems like the absence of any explanation of dark energy, the embarrassing orders of magnitude of discrepancies between vacuum energy and the cosmological constant predicted by conventional Physics; issues that are among Today’s biggest mysteries of the universe. These explanations do not require New Physics beyond the Standard Model and the Standard Cosmology Model.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Spacetime Construction
In [1], spacetime is created when it is encountered by a particle (This is also inspired from the ideas that spacetime creation may result from wave function collapse) that consists of a microscopic black hole surrounding it. As the particle moves, it leaves remnants of minimal Schwarzschild black holes as spacetime location. The effect is also inspired from [6]. We speak of spacetime concretization. With this scenario, and as result of the top down framework of multi-fold universes, [1] shows that spacetime is therefore discrete and non-commutative with particles moves as relativistic paths of the path integral describing the particles: i.e. a random walk, in space and in time, leading to a fractal structure. The random sprinkles of spacetime points and particles ensure that spacetime can be Lorentz invariant.These conclusions from the multi-fold model are all along consistent with well know results [7,8]. But why and how these features are actually realized in spacetime were something missing, so far.
Spacetime concretization can generate new spacetime points and grow the edges of the universe. As the process is fractal in space and in time, it also leaves many non-concretized points of the underlying discrete lattice (of minimum length cells). At later times, particles can random walk on the existing concretized structure or fill gaps by concretizing points missed so far. At no time, is a minimum length (in space and in time) violated, in accordance with [5].
We will also describe bulk expansion effects.
To be complete, there are also entanglement between particles and spacetime that they concretize. These also introduce a temporary brake (with effective potential per the multi-fold mechanisms of [1]) to the expansion but limited to the duration of such entanglements. We do not use spacetime entanglement as sources of gravity as proposed in proposals where Gravity would emerge from entropy as in Verlinde’s papers, e.g. [19,20]. The model in [1] is quite different from these works.
3. Big Bang and Inflation
At the beginning of our universe, that it be localized in one or a few points, across an initial region or more widely extended (as proposed for example by other infinite or parallel universe models), the energy is such that every fluctuation or particle move can both concretize spacetime and create new particles. A toy model to hint how fluctuations in spacetime can create particles and spacetime is discussed in [6].When the energy is such that at every time jumps take place and new particles can be created (in every directions) along with spacetime concretization (reoccupied or visited for the first time), the process results into an exponential growth of the number of particles and spacetime. Bulk effects (dark energy effects, discussed later) contribute to stretch the structures at the same time which also ensures that spacetime stretches as this takes place. These early particles can be of different types, including creation and annihilation of the ones we encounter today, or essentially be all of the same as an inflaton [9]. It does not matter for our model.
In conventional QFT views, the inflaton field, a candidate to conventionally explain inflation, is homogenous throughout the universe and the total energy content of the universe grows also exponentially until it stops everywhere (or only somewhere in eternal inflation models, in such case, possibly resulting into different universe, etc.). It sets a high vacuum energy ground level and hence, per GR, a negative pressure [10], and we have inflation [11]. In a multi-fold universe, at small scales, the density of particle is initially roughly the same everywhere, which provides energy to the particles who exert a constant pressure due to that energy. That pressure is the combination of the jumps to new spacetime point and interspersed growth between points (as will continue today, as discussed later) along with the bulk effect to be discussed later. So both our model from [1] and the inflaton model essentially match. [1] works with inflaton (explaining it effect at very small scales) or instead of it.
The source of energy enabling these effects is not really explained in [1] and out of scope for this work. It is either inherent to the inflaton field (e.g. as (false) vacuum), which can also be the case for the particles only explanation (false vacuum giving always a minimum energy to every particles with no energy changes but why is it at such a level is not explained) or due to a tremendous original energy that remains so large early on that its level is essentially not affected by particle creation long enough for the exponential growth to take place as long as needed (in practice, that is also a very short time even if the expansion and stretching effects are tremendous, except in eternal inflation models where it would still be going on somewhere beyond our universe horizon). As inflatons have not yet be found or well modeled, we prefer the latter explanation, i.e. no inflation. Note that such a choice also probably negates eternal inflation models, that would need energy to continue eternally. But both sources of energy are supported.
The energy involved can originate from the everything that we do not know and that happened before the Big Bang event, including big bounces, or a vacuum collapse bubbles, or from a symmetry breaking event (and resulting phase change). For example (it is just an illustration of a possible mechanism), it could be energy released due to the break of the Ultimate Unification symmetry introduced in [1,12], as if it was a phase change of the universe. The democracy symmetry breaks as progressively more and more of the involved particles drop out from being able to contribute at the same level as carriers of massive gravity from spacetime point to point. Each time, this correspond to a conversion of energy potential of everything in the universe into kinetic energy as gravity weakened at smaller scales due to particles decrease their contribution as larger scale carriers to the massive gravity component. Note this example would be an oscillating situation as increasing energy (e.g. like inflation reheating) will bring back the particles that just gave up as gravity carriers, until they drop out again). It evolves like this particle type per particle type till inflation stops.
When there is no more enough energy to sustain both systematic spacetime concretization and particle creation, the inflation progressively die out. Again all this takes a very short time.
After that, random walks continue and particles (virtual and real) can revisit already concretized spacetime point or concretize new points. In addition. Expansion also continue as discussed after. These effects are now the dominant contributions for expansion, albeit countered for a while in the battle for universe dominance by attractive gravity that fights off expansion and balances a significant part of the expansion effects, for as long at matter and energy clusters are close enough: until distances become too large between clusters and expansion start to really dominate and accelerate. Our universe is now in that phase.
4. Dark Energy? Maybe not so fast…
Dark energy is proposed as a way to explain the observed expansion and now observed accelerated expansion of the universe. Good entry points can be found at [13,14].Cosmological expansion is conventionally modeled by the cosmological constant in GR [16]. In QFT and superstrings, this leads immediately to major issues. QFT predicts a vacuum energy density that leads to a cosmological constant that is larger than what is observed [16]. It is hardly a small adjustment issue! There is clearly a problem or something is missed by conventional Physics.
New Physics is not faring much better, as discussed in [15]: superstrings are not stable (i.e. they cannot live) in positive cosmological constant universes [17]; while GR is unstable with matter in AdS [18]. [15] explains how this is in fact consistent with multi-fold universes [1] and our deducted superstrings dualities. For the purpose of discussion here, it only matters in the sense that New Physics has no helpful say about the cosmological constant problem!
A zero cosmological constant may help with superstrings (and for many supersymmetric theories). However, again it does not match physical explanations or observations of accelerated expansion, granted that, as mentioned in [1], some recent papers are still revisiting and questioning if there is indeed such an acceleration.
This situation is not just an open problem but one of the most embarrassing problem for modern Physics. There are no other ways to put it. Today, we have no clue.
Yet in a multi-fold universe:
- A small positive cosmological constant (generating negative curvature contributions are not supported by the multi-fold mechanism, which also explain why superstrings cannot, and do not, live in our spacetime [15]) can be explained
- It is independent of the QFT energy vacuum density
- And the explanation is without involving any New Physics other than adding gravity to the Standard Model in a multi-fold universe.
Indeed, expansion of the spacetime comes in two flavors:
- Random walks, business as usual, that revisit existing spacetime point and fill the gaps in the spacetime fractal structure or pushes the edge. It is not a dominant bulk effect expansion but it has a small contribution to the cosmological constant.
- Constant effective potential pressure everywhere towards AdS(5) resulting from uncertainties of entangled particles, that generate attractive effective potentials between them. [1] shows that, as the particles wiggle because of quantum uncertainties, the folds and mappings can create, within the bulk, effective potential pulls towards the bulk, (which amounts to normal random walk acceleration) or towards the outside spacetime, which is a bulk expansion effect a always present force (because of uncertainty that component always consistently exists): we have found a dark energy effect, without any dark energy involved, that also contribute to the cosmological constant. Fluctuations creates the effective potential due to entanglement; fluctuations are not the energy that expand, it the effective potential that expands; therefore decoupling the cosmological constant value from the energy density of the vacuum.
This second effect is between entangled particles, real or virtual, but therefore, slightly more pronounced within or around matter or energy clusters (where more energy fluctuations may be encountered and also because pulling out towards AdS(5) will happen more often where spacetime is curved by matter). Yet, it exists everywhere as vacuum virtual pairs also contribute. Its intensity is related to the vacuum energy levels as well as the energy content of the entangled particles. It is not the vacuum energy density and it is expected to be a way smaller contribution, but omnipresent in spacetime. This way, we are able to solve the cosmological constant problem. It also weakens the arguments for an anthropic principle (to explain the cosmology constant), which in turns weakens reuse of such a principle to justify parallel universes and the “expected” existence of large superstring swampland and landscape (maybe – not that certain now that the landscape needs to be a positive curvature universe [15]).
The arguments in [1] are only qualitative, not yet quantitative. More work is needed to see if quantitative estimates make sense and may suffice to explain dark energy. Of course, other effects can also play along.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipate the behaviors modeled in a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] potentially explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Our proposal has no equivalent or variations for non multi-fold universe: the source of dark energy effects come directly from the multi-folds mechanisms as proposed in [1]. Even other models that link entanglement and gravity would most probably not help as the multi-fold universe does.
The fact that dark energy and cosmological constant issues are confirmed (so far) by observations, yet unexplained, indicates one possible small step in favor of this subject helping to validate the models proposed in [1].
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges with dark energy and with the cosmological constant.The model also has the ability to further explain the expected discrete and noncommutative (Lorentz invariant and fractal) nature of spacetime and to support inflation (with or without inflatons).
While steps in the right direction in terms of validating [1], future work should aim at providing quantitative estimates to further determine viability of the proposal or completeness of the explanation, versus just contributing to what happens, which would already be satisfying.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261v1,…, June 19, 2020.
Note: If you were by mistake pointed here looking for Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006v1, or… June 21, 2020, the web version (here) is tracked at…. A mistake in many references instead provided the URL to the dark energy paper (here). It is regrettable and will be corrected in the future for all upcoming papers and revisions.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Luis J. Garay, (1995), “Quantum Gravity and Minimum Length”, International Journal of Modern Physics A, V 10.
[6]: Hou Y. Yau, (2007 & 2016), “Quantum Theory from a Space-Time Wave”, arXiv:0706.0190 v2 and v4
[7]: S. Doplicher, K. Fredenhagen and J. E. Roberts, (1994), “Spacetime quantization induced by classical gravity”, Phys. Rev. B 331 (1994) 33.
[8]: Hooft, Gerard ’t, (2016), “How quantization of gravity leads to a discrete space-time”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 701 012014
[12]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”,…, June 16, 2020.
[14]: B. Clegg (2019), “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Hidden 95% of the Universe”, Icon Books Ltd
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe“, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[17]: Georges Obied, Hirosi Ooguri, Lev Spodyneiko, Cumrun Vafa, (2018), “De Sitter Space and the Swampland”, arXiv:1806.08362v3.
[18]: Georgios Moschidis, (2018), “A proof of the instability of AdS for the Einstein–massless Vlasov system”, arXiv:1812.04268v1.
[19]: Erik P. Verlinde (2010), “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton”, arXiv:1001.0785
[20]: Erik Verlinde, (2016), “Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe”, arXiv:1611.02269v2
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#CosmologicalConstantProblem #Cosmology #DarkEnergy #Entanglement #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #Inflation #Inflaton #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumGravity
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Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Successful Explanation and the “Too Thin Universe” but “Too Strong Gravity Lensing by Galaxy Clusters”
Stephane H. Maes
September 14, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles or regions. No New Physics is introduced in terms of new particles beyond the Standard Model or modifying long range gravity: only the modeling of gravity as emerging from entanglement, in a multi-fold universe.
Two recent observations are considered to have raised new concerns with conventional approach to dark Matter: the universe structures would be too thin for the dark matter conventionally predicted while gravity lensing from galaxy clusters seems too string. In this paper, we argue that our multi-fold explanation for dark matter effect is consistent with such observations.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR – Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reissner Nordström [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
[1,5] derived an explanation for Dark matter in a multi-fold universe, without requiring New Physics.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Multi-Fold Explanation to Dark Matter
[1,5] recovers automatically dark matter with its model of attractive effective potential appearing between physical (real) entangled systems [6], at the difference of virtual ones that already account for gravity.
Accordingly, emitted massless (or quasi-massless, i.e. neutrinos) particles are entangled in pairs or with their source or intermediate systems. This account for extra gravity like attraction towards the center and / or halos around galaxies. It is illustrated in figure 1 (from [5]).
Figure 1: It illustrates how the different entanglement cases, discussed in the text, appear as dark matter with attraction towards the galaxy center and mass in the center or in halos. Green circles represent center of masses. (Reused from [5]).
[5] (see its figure 2) explains that the proposed multi-fold dark matter mechanisms due to entanglement can also account for globular galaxies where no significant dark matter is detected.
3. Too strong lenses by galaxy clusters?
A new study [7] of the gravitational lensing effect due to clusters of galaxies raised significant issues for conventional dark matter [9] and the Λ-CDM [8]: the effect is way stronger than what should be produced by the dark matter thought to be associated to the different galaxies in clusters in between the lensed galaxies. There is simply no conventional explanation yet to such an effect and popular scientific press already identifies this as implying the need for new understanding of dark matter as illustrated for example in [10 – 15]. The amount of article attest the belief that this new study can potentially have significant implications on our understanding of the universe and dark matter or even New Physics.
4. Too strong lenses by galaxy clusters? Not in a Multi-fold Universe
In a multi-fold universe, a straightforward explanation comes from the fact that if galaxies are in a cluster, entanglement can take place between entangled particles emitted from one galaxy and located / entangled within another; an effect hinted and predicted in [5] but without observable consequences so far (as dark matter effect came mostly from effects on rotation of individual galaxies or lensing due to a galaxy). Figure 2 sketches the effect.
Figure 2: The violet lines between galaxies in a cluster sketch some entanglement support domain that would exist between the galaxies of the cluster. Per the dark matter mechanisms discussed in [1,5], these contribute additional gravity like attraction effects. Combinatorial considerations suggest that the additive contributions could rapidly amount to apparently 10 times or more dark matter that conventionally predicted.
As illustrated in figure 2, combinatorial ways to achieve entanglements can rapidly create much large dark matter estimates that assumed so far.
5. A Too Thin Universe?
On the other hand, another study argues that observed large structure in the universe are too thin compared to what should have been aggregated as a result of the matter + dark matter contained in the galaxies [16]. It also made the popular scientific press [17]. It is the latest of a long line of observation arguing that matter clumping is smaller than expected and that the universe is “too thin” [18,19]
Again, such observations are expected to have significant impact on conventional models, considering the Λ-CDM [8].
6. No Anorexic Multi-fold Universe
In a multi-fold universe, clumping not matching conventional dark matter estimate is explained as follows. When only matter density fluctuations existed and no entanglement could be (strongly) established with regions further away from a local clump, no attraction takes place. Initial clumping is limited. This remains valid: beyond local galaxies or clusters entanglement is nonexistent, weaker (disentanglement occurs before reaching the further away region or only fewer entangled particles can create entanglement with these regions). Without entanglement, no, or less, additional gravity-like attraction takes place and so clumping does not match what would be expected from associated dark matter models.
7. Conclusions
We extended the use cases supported by the multi-fold dark matter models proposed in [1,5]. These allow us to explain and survive the new observations that suggest excess of gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters, on one hand, and insufficient matter clumping on the other hand, when compared to conventional predictions.
The model survives the apparently contradictory challenges better than all the explanations out there. While this is by no means a validation of the multi-fold universe proposal, we consider that it is another supporting and corroborative hint that should encourage the community to serious consider our proposed multi-fold dark matter mechanisms and investigate seriously the proposal of attractive gravity-like effect between entangled systems [1,6]. Dark matter as a result of entanglement would be a tantalizing macroscopic validation of multi-fold mechanisms and its explanation of gravity emerging from entanglement [1].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Successful Explanation and the “Too Thin Universe” but “Too Strong Gravity Lensing by Galaxy Clusters””, viXra:2102.0079v1,…, September 14, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006v1, or, June 21, 2020.
[6]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”,…, June 24, 2020.
[7]: Massimo Meneghetti, Guido Davoli, Pietro Bergamini, Piero Rosati, Priyamvada Natarajan, Carlo Giocoli, Gabriel B. Caminha, R. Benton Metcalf, Elena Rasia, Stefano Borgani, Francesco Calura, Claudio Grillo, Amata Mercurio, Eros Vanzella, (2020), “An excess of small-scale gravitational lenses observed in galaxy clusters”, arXiv:2009.04471v1
[8]: Wikipedia, “Lambda-CDM model”,… (Retrieved for this paper on September 14, 2020).
[9]: B. Clegg (2019), “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Hidden 95% of the Universe”, Icon Books Ltd
[16]: Marika Asgari, Chieh-An Lin, Benjamin Joachimi, Benjamin Giblin, Catherine Heymans, Hendrik Hildebrandt, Arun Kannawadi, Benjamin Stölzner, Tilman Tröster, Jan Luca van den Busch, Angus H. Wright, Maciej Bilicki, Chris Blake, Jelte de Jong, Andrej Dvornik, Thomas Erben, Fedor Getman, Henk Hoekstra, Fabian Köhlinger, Konrad Kuijken, Lance Miller, Mario Radovich, Peter Schneider, HuanYuan Shan, (2020), “KiDS-1000 Cosmology: Cosmic shear constraints and comparison between two point statistics”, arXiv:2007.15633v1
[18]: Khaled Said, Matthew Colless, Christina Magoulas, John R. Lucey, Michael J. Hudson, (2020), “Joint analysis of 6dFGS and SDSS peculiar velocities for the growth rate of cosmic structure and tests of gravity”, arXiv:2007.04993v1
[19]: Supranta S. Boruah, Michael J. Hudson, Guilhem Lavaux, (2019), ), “Cosmic flows in the nearby Universe: new peculiar velocities from SNe and cosmological constraints”, arXiv:1912.09383v1
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#DarkMatter #Entanglement #GalaxyClusters #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #GravityLensing #LambdaCDM #MatterClumping #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumGravity #ThinUniverse
What's the matter with dark matter? Observations show we're missing something.
New results from Hubble of galaxy clusters indicate a problem in or understanding of dark matter.Phil Plait (SYFY)
Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?
Stephane H. Maes
June 21, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles or regions. When applied to astrophysics, these effects are analogous to additional matter within or around galaxies. This way, we recover behaviors that match expected and observed dark matter effects, when present or missing. No New Physics is introduced in terms of new particles beyond the Standard Model or modifying long range gravity: only the modeling of gravity as emerging from entanglement in a multi-fold universe.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR – Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Attractive Potential Between Entangled particles
The key proposal in [1] is a mechanism of multi-folds designed to address the EPR paradox. It is shown that, with such a mechanism, (EPR) entanglement creates an attractive potential between entangled particles that behaves like gravity.
When involving virtual particles emitted around a source of energy, we recover GR equations (and the Hilbert Einstein action) at classical (and semi-classical scales). At very small scales, there are additional contributions of massive virtual particles that generate additional contributions.
Entanglements between particles create additional contributions expected to behave like additional gravity contributions or fluctuations that we expect to see for example near macroscopically entangled material like superconductors [10].
The effective potentials can be seen as in
(or in
when it can be integrated over a region (uncertainty region or bundle of entangled particles. For Gravity, the integration goes over [r,infinity), for all the previous sent virtual pairs), where r is the distance between particle and center of mass or source).
The effects due to entanglement are very small in general at macroscopic scales; yet, just like for gravity, they add up when considering the combined effect across a galaxy.
3. The Dark matter problem
It has been extensively shown that dark matter, i.e. matter that has mass or energy and interacts with other matter only (or mostly) through gravity (at least long range), is required to explain behavior of the universe, in particular the rotational velocities of most galaxies [5,6]. Without dark matter, they would disintegrate, considering the amount of normal matter observed or modeled. Dark matter is expected to constitute 85% of the total matter in the universe. Many models confirm its existence with good consistency across the methods used to estimate or validate its effects.
Today, however, Physics cannot account for, or explain, the origin of dark matter. Proposed tentative solutions (to explain or avoid dark matter) range from changes to gravity with for examples modifications of the long-range behavior of (newton) gravity (e.g. MOND), large scale massive gravity versions of GR, additional long range bulk spacetime entanglement effects[fn1] in (entropic) gravity models, or proposing actual candidates for dark matter like black holes or particles most of the time new and associated to New Physics (see [5] for an overview).
Dark energy is another mysterious content of our universe [6,7]. [8] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms proposed in [1] can contribute to an explanation of the dark energy.
4. EPR Entanglement in Multi-fold Universe: A Source for Dark Matter
In [1], entangled EPR pairs create attractive gravity like potential in between them towards the center of mass of these particles (and variations for multi-partite, nonhierarchical, entanglement).
Virtual pairs emitted by energy or matter contribute to gravity with the model of [1]. Any other entanglement between particles, especially real particle entanglement, is not counted in conventional gravity. These entanglements appear as additional gravity contributions.
Entanglement can be, as shown in figure 1:
- (1) Between particles emitted by stellar or other objects and these objects.
- (2) Between pairs of entangled particles moving in opposite directions.
- (3) Between surrounding matter or particles entangled with the above.
Figure 1: It illustrates how the different entanglements cases, discussed in the text, appear as dark matter with attraction towards the galaxy center and mass in the center or in halos. Green circles represent center of masses.
In all cases, the sources or centers of mass are located within the galaxy (especially in the center) and in surrounding halos. It matches the models for dark matter. The effect is a combination of cold and hot dark matter, but it always appear as cold matter. The dominant contributing particles involved in entanglement are photons and neutrinos. Of course, other cosmic radiations also contribute.
It is also well known that dark matter present some challenges for conventional explanations based on modified gravity or on particles because there are cases of galaxies where no or very little dark matter is inferred (See [9] for an example – more references can be found in [1]). It is hard to explain gravity laws or particles that would be sometimes be modified or sometimes be there; but not always.
It is not a problem with the multi-folds mechanism of [1].
Figure 2: In globular cases, with enough matter surrounding, entanglement may be destroyed before it has the desired effects, therefore giving the impression of missing dark matter.
In the model of [1], if matter is distributed (e.g. Globular galaxy – see Figure 2) in a way that intercept most particles early and disentangle them on their way out of a galaxy region, the effect weakens or disappears… It matches the few galaxy examples that miss dark matter.
Tthis model and explanation is therefore able to account for dark matter, at least partially (till quantitatively estimated), and that is qualitatively consistent with observations; including when dark matter would be observed as missing.
The arguments in [1] are only qualitative, not yet quantitative. More work is needed to see if quantitative estimates make sense and may suffice to explain dark energy. Of course, other effects can also play along.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipates the behaviors modeled of a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Our proposal has no equivalent or variations for a non multi-fold universe: the source of dark matter effects come directly from the multi-folds mechanism as proposed in [1] and the resulting attraction towards the source or center of mass as a result of entanglement. Even other models, that link entanglement and gravity, may not help as the multi-fold universe do, as none have clearly identified such a gravity-like attraction as a result of entanglement. Any model where gravity appears between entangled particles could support the proposal from this paper.
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges with dark matter as well as the situation where it is believed to be missing.
Combined with [8], it is remarkable that the mechanism of [1] can contribute to effects like inflation, small cosmological constant and dark energy and now dark matter; that it be present or missing.
While steps in the right direction in terms of validating [1], future work should aim at providing quantitative estimates to further determine viability of the proposal or completeness of the explanation, versus just contributing to what happens, which would already be satisfying.
The proposed explanation of dark matter is also an attractive validation candidate for the proposal that entanglement generates gravity like contributions [1,10].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006, or…, June 21, 2020.
Note: The web version (here) is tracked at…. A mistake in many references instead provided the URL to the dark energy paper. It is regrettable and will be corrected in the future for all upcoming papers and revisions.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[6]: B. Clegg (2019), “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Hidden 95% of the Universe”, Icon Books Ltd
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”,…, June 19, 2020.
[9]: Shany Danieli, Pieter van Dokkum, Charlie Conroy, Roberto Abraham, and Aaron J. Romanowsky, (2019), “Still Missing Dark Matter: KCWI High-resolution Stellar Kinematics of NGC1052-DF2”, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 874, Number 2
[10]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Entanglement Concretizes Time in a Multi-fold Universe”,…, June 28, 2020.
[11]: Erik P. Verlinde (2010), “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton”, arXiv:1001.0785
[12]: Erik Verlinde, (2016), “Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe”, arXiv:1611.02269v2
[fn1]: These notions, as proposed in [11,12], are fundamentally different effects from what is proposed in [1]. [1] considers effects between particles. Entropic bulk entanglement are postulated as statistical effects between spacetime regions. Of course, [1] may be an enabler or an explanation for such effect; or not. It does not really matter within the scope of this paper.
September 15 2020: Check [Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Successful Explanation and the “Too Thin Universe” but “Too Strong Gravity Lensing by Galaxy Clusters””,…, September 14, 2020.] for more recent obeservation explained with our approach (and problematic for conventional approaches).
I thank my generous supporters on Patreon. [strong]If you like my work, publications, and opinions, please consider joining them. This way, you can support this research work done totally independent from any institution. Use the contact form if you prefer to help by putting together a grant or other type of funding.[/strong]
#Astrophysics #DarkMatter #Entanglement #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumGravity #StandardModel
mysterious non-luminous matter (and/or radiation) comprising most of the matter in our observable universe
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Successful Explanation and the “Too Thin Universe” but “Too Strong Gravity Lensing by Galaxy Clusters”
Stephane H. MaesSeptember 14, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles or regions. No New Physics is introduced in terms of new particles beyond the Standard Model or modifying long range gravity: only the modeling of gravity as emerging from entanglement, in a multi-fold universe.
Two recent observations are considered to have raised new concerns with conventional approach to dark Matter: the universe structures would be too thin for the dark matter conventionally predicted while gravity lensing from galaxy clusters seems too string. In this paper, we argue that our multi-fold explanation for dark matter effect is consistent with such observations.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR – Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reissner Nordström [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
[1,5] derived an explanation for Dark matter in a multi-fold universe, without requiring New Physics.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Multi-Fold Explanation to Dark Matter
[1,5] recovers automatically dark matter with its model of attractive effective potential appearing between physical (real) entangled systems [6], at the difference of virtual ones that already account for gravity.Accordingly, emitted massless (or quasi-massless, i.e. neutrinos) particles are entangled in pairs or with their source or intermediate systems. This account for extra gravity like attraction towards the center and / or halos around galaxies. It is illustrated in figure 1 (from [5]).
Figure 1: It illustrates how the different entanglement cases, discussed in the text, appear as dark matter with attraction towards the galaxy center and mass in the center or in halos. Green circles represent center of masses. (Reused from [5]).[5] (see its figure 2) explains that the proposed multi-fold dark matter mechanisms due to entanglement can also account for globular galaxies where no significant dark matter is detected.
3. Too strong lenses by galaxy clusters?
A new study [7] of the gravitational lensing effect due to clusters of galaxies raised significant issues for conventional dark matter [9] and the Λ-CDM [8]: the effect is way stronger than what should be produced by the dark matter thought to be associated to the different galaxies in clusters in between the lensed galaxies. There is simply no conventional explanation yet to such an effect and popular scientific press already identifies this as implying the need for new understanding of dark matter as illustrated for example in [10 – 15]. The amount of article attest the belief that this new study can potentially have significant implications on our understanding of the universe and dark matter or even New Physics.4. Too strong lenses by galaxy clusters? Not in a Multi-fold Universe
In a multi-fold universe, a straightforward explanation comes from the fact that if galaxies are in a cluster, entanglement can take place between entangled particles emitted from one galaxy and located / entangled within another; an effect hinted and predicted in [5] but without observable consequences so far (as dark matter effect came mostly from effects on rotation of individual galaxies or lensing due to a galaxy). Figure 2 sketches the effect.
Figure 2: The violet lines between galaxies in a cluster sketch some entanglement support domain that would exist between the galaxies of the cluster. Per the dark matter mechanisms discussed in [1,5], these contribute additional gravity like attraction effects. Combinatorial considerations suggest that the additive contributions could rapidly amount to apparently 10 times or more dark matter that conventionally predicted.As illustrated in figure 2, combinatorial ways to achieve entanglements can rapidly create much large dark matter estimates that assumed so far.
5. A Too Thin Universe?
On the other hand, another study argues that observed large structure in the universe are too thin compared to what should have been aggregated as a result of the matter + dark matter contained in the galaxies [16]. It also made the popular scientific press [17]. It is the latest of a long line of observation arguing that matter clumping is smaller than expected and that the universe is “too thin” [18,19]Again, such observations are expected to have significant impact on conventional models, considering the Λ-CDM [8].
6. No Anorexic Multi-fold Universe
In a multi-fold universe, clumping not matching conventional dark matter estimate is explained as follows. When only matter density fluctuations existed and no entanglement could be (strongly) established with regions further away from a local clump, no attraction takes place. Initial clumping is limited. This remains valid: beyond local galaxies or clusters entanglement is nonexistent, weaker (disentanglement occurs before reaching the further away region or only fewer entangled particles can create entanglement with these regions). Without entanglement, no, or less, additional gravity-like attraction takes place and so clumping does not match what would be expected from associated dark matter models.7. Conclusions
We extended the use cases supported by the multi-fold dark matter models proposed in [1,5]. These allow us to explain and survive the new observations that suggest excess of gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters, on one hand, and insufficient matter clumping on the other hand, when compared to conventional predictions.The model survives the apparently contradictory challenges better than all the explanations out there. While this is by no means a validation of the multi-fold universe proposal, we consider that it is another supporting and corroborative hint that should encourage the community to serious consider our proposed multi-fold dark matter mechanisms and investigate seriously the proposal of attractive gravity-like effect between entangled systems [1,6]. Dark matter as a result of entanglement would be a tantalizing macroscopic validation of multi-fold mechanisms and its explanation of gravity emerging from entanglement [1].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Successful Explanation and the “Too Thin Universe” but “Too Strong Gravity Lensing by Galaxy Clusters””, viXra:2102.0079v1,…, September 14, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006v1, or, June 21, 2020.
[6]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”,…, June 24, 2020.
[7]: Massimo Meneghetti, Guido Davoli, Pietro Bergamini, Piero Rosati, Priyamvada Natarajan, Carlo Giocoli, Gabriel B. Caminha, R. Benton Metcalf, Elena Rasia, Stefano Borgani, Francesco Calura, Claudio Grillo, Amata Mercurio, Eros Vanzella, (2020), “An excess of small-scale gravitational lenses observed in galaxy clusters”, arXiv:2009.04471v1
[8]: Wikipedia, “Lambda-CDM model”,… (Retrieved for this paper on September 14, 2020).
[9]: B. Clegg (2019), “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Hidden 95% of the Universe”, Icon Books Ltd
[16]: Marika Asgari, Chieh-An Lin, Benjamin Joachimi, Benjamin Giblin, Catherine Heymans, Hendrik Hildebrandt, Arun Kannawadi, Benjamin Stölzner, Tilman Tröster, Jan Luca van den Busch, Angus H. Wright, Maciej Bilicki, Chris Blake, Jelte de Jong, Andrej Dvornik, Thomas Erben, Fedor Getman, Henk Hoekstra, Fabian Köhlinger, Konrad Kuijken, Lance Miller, Mario Radovich, Peter Schneider, HuanYuan Shan, (2020), “KiDS-1000 Cosmology: Cosmic shear constraints and comparison between two point statistics”, arXiv:2007.15633v1
[18]: Khaled Said, Matthew Colless, Christina Magoulas, John R. Lucey, Michael J. Hudson, (2020), “Joint analysis of 6dFGS and SDSS peculiar velocities for the growth rate of cosmic structure and tests of gravity”, arXiv:2007.04993v1
[19]: Supranta S. Boruah, Michael J. Hudson, Guilhem Lavaux, (2019), ), “Cosmic flows in the nearby Universe: new peculiar velocities from SNe and cosmological constraints”, arXiv:1912.09383v1
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#DarkMatter #Entanglement #GalaxyClusters #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #GravityLensing #LambdaCDM #MatterClumping #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumGravity #ThinUniverse
What's the matter with dark matter? Observations show we're missing something.
New results from Hubble of galaxy clusters indicate a problem in or understanding of dark matter.Phil Plait (SYFY)
Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?
Stephane H. Maes
June 19, 2020
Note: if you are looking for “Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, go to…, or viXra:2007.0006v1.
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement and spacetime is discrete, with a fractal structure based on random walk and a non-commutative geometry. When random walk is combined with maximal particle generations, exponential expansion can automatically takes place. Away from maximal generation or in an already concretized spacetime, random walk accounts for a constant or slowing down expansion. Meanwhile, the multi-fold mechanisms also implies a constant expansion potential, adding a force to the expansion of the universe, thanks to uncertainties. It explain the constant acceleration of the universe expansion with a cosmological constant that is not the vacuum energy density but can be way smaller.
It may contribute to addressing problems like the absence of any explanation of dark energy, the embarrassing orders of magnitude of discrepancies between vacuum energy and the cosmological constant predicted by conventional Physics; issues that are among Today’s biggest mysteries of the universe. These explanations do not require New Physics beyond the Standard Model and the Standard Cosmology Model.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Spacetime Construction
In [1], spacetime is created when it is encountered by a particle (This is also inspired from the ideas that spacetime creation may result from wave function collapse) that consists of a microscopic black hole surrounding it. As the particle moves, it leaves remnants of minimal Schwarzschild black holes as spacetime location. The effect is also inspired from [6]. We speak of spacetime concretization. With this scenario, and as result of the top down framework of multi-fold universes, [1] shows that spacetime is therefore discrete and non-commutative with particles moves as relativistic paths of the path integral describing the particles: i.e. a random walk, in space and in time, leading to a fractal structure. The random sprinkles of spacetime points and particles ensure that spacetime can be Lorentz invariant.
These conclusions from the multi-fold model are all along consistent with well know results [7,8]. But why and how these features are actually realized in spacetime were something missing, so far.
Spacetime concretization can generate new spacetime points and grow the edges of the universe. As the process is fractal in space and in time, it also leaves many non-concretized points of the underlying discrete lattice (of minimum length cells). At later times, particles can random walk on the existing concretized structure or fill gaps by concretizing points missed so far. At no time, is a minimum length (in space and in time) violated, in accordance with [5].
We will also describe bulk expansion effects.
To be complete, there are also entanglement between particles and spacetime that they concretize. These also introduce a temporary brake (with effective potential per the multi-fold mechanisms of [1]) to the expansion but limited to the duration of such entanglements. We do not use spacetime entanglement as sources of gravity as proposed in proposals where Gravity would emerge from entropy as in Verlinde’s papers, e.g. [19,20]. The model in [1] is quite different from these works.
3. Big Bang and Inflation
At the beginning of our universe, that it be localized in one or a few points, across an initial region or more widely extended (as proposed for example by other infinite or parallel universe models), the energy is such that every fluctuation or particle move can both concretize spacetime and create new particles. A toy model to hint how fluctuations in spacetime can create particles and spacetime is discussed in [6].
When the energy is such that at every time jumps take place and new particles can be created (in every directions) along with spacetime concretization (reoccupied or visited for the first time), the process results into an exponential growth of the number of particles and spacetime. Bulk effects (dark energy effects, discussed later) contribute to stretch the structures at the same time which also ensures that spacetime stretches as this takes place. These early particles can be of different types, including creation and annihilation of the ones we encounter today, or essentially be all of the same as an inflaton [9]. It does not matter for our model.
In conventional QFT views, the inflaton field, a candidate to conventionally explain inflation, is homogenous throughout the universe and the total energy content of the universe grows also exponentially until it stops everywhere (or only somewhere in eternal inflation models, in such case, possibly resulting into different universe, etc.). It sets a high vacuum energy ground level and hence, per GR, a negative pressure [10], and we have inflation [11]. In a multi-fold universe, at small scales, the density of particle is initially roughly the same everywhere, which provides energy to the particles who exert a constant pressure due to that energy. That pressure is the combination of the jumps to new spacetime point and interspersed growth between points (as will continue today, as discussed later) along with the bulk effect to be discussed later. So both our model from [1] and the inflaton model essentially match. [1] works with inflaton (explaining it effect at very small scales) or instead of it.
The source of energy enabling these effects is not really explained in [1] and out of scope for this work. It is either inherent to the inflaton field (e.g. as (false) vacuum), which can also be the case for the particles only explanation (false vacuum giving always a minimum energy to every particles with no energy changes but why is it at such a level is not explained) or due to a tremendous original energy that remains so large early on that its level is essentially not affected by particle creation long enough for the exponential growth to take place as long as needed (in practice, that is also a very short time even if the expansion and stretching effects are tremendous, except in eternal inflation models where it would still be going on somewhere beyond our universe horizon). As inflatons have not yet be found or well modeled, we prefer the latter explanation, i.e. no inflation. Note that such a choice also probably negates eternal inflation models, that would need energy to continue eternally. But both sources of energy are supported.
The energy involved can originate from the everything that we do not know and that happened before the Big Bang event, including big bounces, or a vacuum collapse bubbles, or from a symmetry breaking event (and resulting phase change). For example (it is just an illustration of a possible mechanism), it could be energy released due to the break of the Ultimate Unification symmetry introduced in [1,12], as if it was a phase change of the universe. The democracy symmetry breaks as progressively more and more of the involved particles drop out from being able to contribute at the same level as carriers of massive gravity from spacetime point to point. Each time, this correspond to a conversion of energy potential of everything in the universe into kinetic energy as gravity weakened at smaller scales due to particles decrease their contribution as larger scale carriers to the massive gravity component. Note this example would be an oscillating situation as increasing energy (e.g. like inflation reheating) will bring back the particles that just gave up as gravity carriers, until they drop out again). It evolves like this particle type per particle type till inflation stops.
When there is no more enough energy to sustain both systematic spacetime concretization and particle creation, the inflation progressively die out. Again all this takes a very short time.
After that, random walks continue and particles (virtual and real) can revisit already concretized spacetime point or concretize new points. In addition. Expansion also continue as discussed after. These effects are now the dominant contributions for expansion, albeit countered for a while in the battle for universe dominance by attractive gravity that fights off expansion and balances a significant part of the expansion effects, for as long at matter and energy clusters are close enough: until distances become too large between clusters and expansion start to really dominate and accelerate. Our universe is now in that phase.
4. Dark Energy? Maybe not so fast…
Dark energy is proposed as a way to explain the observed expansion and now observed accelerated expansion of the universe. Good entry points can be found at [13,14].
Cosmological expansion is conventionally modeled by the cosmological constant in GR [16]. In QFT and superstrings, this leads immediately to major issues. QFT predicts a vacuum energy density that leads to a cosmological constant that is larger than what is observed [16]. It is hardly a small adjustment issue! There is clearly a problem or something is missed by conventional Physics.
New Physics is not faring much better, as discussed in [15]: superstrings are not stable (i.e. they cannot live) in positive cosmological constant universes [17]; while GR is unstable with matter in AdS [18]. [15] explains how this is in fact consistent with multi-fold universes [1] and our deducted superstrings dualities. For the purpose of discussion here, it only matters in the sense that New Physics has no helpful say about the cosmological constant problem!
A zero cosmological constant may help with superstrings (and for many supersymmetric theories). However, again it does not match physical explanations or observations of accelerated expansion, granted that, as mentioned in [1], some recent papers are still revisiting and questioning if there is indeed such an acceleration.
This situation is not just an open problem but one of the most embarrassing problem for modern Physics. There are no other ways to put it. Today, we have no clue.
Yet in a multi-fold universe:
- A small positive cosmological constant (generating negative curvature contributions are not supported by the multi-fold mechanism, which also explain why superstrings cannot, and do not, live in our spacetime [15]) can be explained
- It is independent of the QFT energy vacuum density
- And the explanation is without involving any New Physics other than adding gravity to the Standard Model in a multi-fold universe.
Indeed, expansion of the spacetime comes in two flavors:
- Random walks, business as usual, that revisit existing spacetime point and fill the gaps in the spacetime fractal structure or pushes the edge. It is not a dominant bulk effect expansion but it has a small contribution to the cosmological constant.
- Constant effective potential pressure everywhere towards AdS(5) resulting from uncertainties of entangled particles, that generate attractive effective potentials between them. [1] shows that, as the particles wiggle because of quantum uncertainties, the folds and mappings can create, within the bulk, effective potential pulls towards the bulk, (which amounts to normal random walk acceleration) or towards the outside spacetime, which is a bulk expansion effect a always present force (because of uncertainty that component always consistently exists): we have found a dark energy effect, without any dark energy involved, that also contribute to the cosmological constant. Fluctuations creates the effective potential due to entanglement; fluctuations are not the energy that expand, it the effective potential that expands; therefore decoupling the cosmological constant value from the energy density of the vacuum.
This second effect is between entangled particles, real or virtual, but therefore, slightly more pronounced within or around matter or energy clusters (where more energy fluctuations may be encountered and also because pulling out towards AdS(5) will happen more often where spacetime is curved by matter). Yet, it exists everywhere as vacuum virtual pairs also contribute. Its intensity is related to the vacuum energy levels as well as the energy content of the entangled particles. It is not the vacuum energy density and it is expected to be a way smaller contribution, but omnipresent in spacetime. This way, we are able to solve the cosmological constant problem. It also weakens the arguments for an anthropic principle (to explain the cosmology constant), which in turns weakens reuse of such a principle to justify parallel universes and the “expected” existence of large superstring swampland and landscape (maybe – not that certain now that the landscape needs to be a positive curvature universe [15]).
The arguments in [1] are only qualitative, not yet quantitative. More work is needed to see if quantitative estimates make sense and may suffice to explain dark energy. Of course, other effects can also play along.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipate the behaviors modeled in a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] potentially explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Our proposal has no equivalent or variations for non multi-fold universe: the source of dark energy effects come directly from the multi-folds mechanisms as proposed in [1]. Even other models that link entanglement and gravity would most probably not help as the multi-fold universe does.
The fact that dark energy and cosmological constant issues are confirmed (so far) by observations, yet unexplained, indicates one possible small step in favor of this subject helping to validate the models proposed in [1].
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges with dark energy and with the cosmological constant.
The model also has the ability to further explain the expected discrete and noncommutative (Lorentz invariant and fractal) nature of spacetime and to support inflation (with or without inflatons).
While steps in the right direction in terms of validating [1], future work should aim at providing quantitative estimates to further determine viability of the proposal or completeness of the explanation, versus just contributing to what happens, which would already be satisfying.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261v1,…, June 19, 2020.
Note: If you were by mistake pointed here looking for Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006v1, or… June 21, 2020, the web version (here) is tracked at…. A mistake in many references instead provided the URL to the dark energy paper (here). It is regrettable and will be corrected in the future for all upcoming papers and revisions.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Luis J. Garay, (1995), “Quantum Gravity and Minimum Length”, International Journal of Modern Physics A, V 10.
[6]: Hou Y. Yau, (2007 & 2016), “Quantum Theory from a Space-Time Wave”, arXiv:0706.0190 v2 and v4
[7]: S. Doplicher, K. Fredenhagen and J. E. Roberts, (1994), “Spacetime quantization induced by classical gravity”, Phys. Rev. B 331 (1994) 33.
[8]: Hooft, Gerard ’t, (2016), “How quantization of gravity leads to a discrete space-time”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 701 012014
[12]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”,…, June 16, 2020.
[14]: B. Clegg (2019), “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Hidden 95% of the Universe”, Icon Books Ltd
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe“, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[17]: Georges Obied, Hirosi Ooguri, Lev Spodyneiko, Cumrun Vafa, (2018), “De Sitter Space and the Swampland”, arXiv:1806.08362v3.
[18]: Georgios Moschidis, (2018), “A proof of the instability of AdS for the Einstein–massless Vlasov system”, arXiv:1812.04268v1.
[19]: Erik P. Verlinde (2010), “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton”, arXiv:1001.0785
[20]: Erik Verlinde, (2016), “Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe”, arXiv:1611.02269v2
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#CosmologicalConstantProblem #Cosmology #DarkEnergy #Entanglement #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #Inflation #Inflaton #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumGravity
Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?
Stephane H. MaesJune 21, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles or regions. When applied to astrophysics, these effects are analogous to additional matter within or around galaxies. This way, we recover behaviors that match expected and observed dark matter effects, when present or missing. No New Physics is introduced in terms of new particles beyond the Standard Model or modifying long range gravity: only the modeling of gravity as emerging from entanglement in a multi-fold universe.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR – Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above, Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Attractive Potential Between Entangled particles
The key proposal in [1] is a mechanism of multi-folds designed to address the EPR paradox. It is shown that, with such a mechanism, (EPR) entanglement creates an attractive potential between entangled particles that behaves like gravity.When involving virtual particles emitted around a source of energy, we recover GR equations (and the Hilbert Einstein action) at classical (and semi-classical scales). At very small scales, there are additional contributions of massive virtual particles that generate additional contributions.
Entanglements between particles create additional contributions expected to behave like additional gravity contributions or fluctuations that we expect to see for example near macroscopically entangled material like superconductors [10].
The effective potentials can be seen as in
(or in
when it can be integrated over a region (uncertainty region or bundle of entangled particles. For Gravity, the integration goes over [r,infinity), for all the previous sent virtual pairs), where r is the distance between particle and center of mass or source).The effects due to entanglement are very small in general at macroscopic scales; yet, just like for gravity, they add up when considering the combined effect across a galaxy.
3. The Dark matter problem
It has been extensively shown that dark matter, i.e. matter that has mass or energy and interacts with other matter only (or mostly) through gravity (at least long range), is required to explain behavior of the universe, in particular the rotational velocities of most galaxies [5,6]. Without dark matter, they would disintegrate, considering the amount of normal matter observed or modeled. Dark matter is expected to constitute 85% of the total matter in the universe. Many models confirm its existence with good consistency across the methods used to estimate or validate its effects.Today, however, Physics cannot account for, or explain, the origin of dark matter. Proposed tentative solutions (to explain or avoid dark matter) range from changes to gravity with for examples modifications of the long-range behavior of (newton) gravity (e.g. MOND), large scale massive gravity versions of GR, additional long range bulk spacetime entanglement effects[fn1] in (entropic) gravity models, or proposing actual candidates for dark matter like black holes or particles most of the time new and associated to New Physics (see [5] for an overview).
Dark energy is another mysterious content of our universe [6,7]. [8] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms proposed in [1] can contribute to an explanation of the dark energy.
4. EPR Entanglement in Multi-fold Universe: A Source for Dark Matter
In [1], entangled EPR pairs create attractive gravity like potential in between them towards the center of mass of these particles (and variations for multi-partite, nonhierarchical, entanglement).Virtual pairs emitted by energy or matter contribute to gravity with the model of [1]. Any other entanglement between particles, especially real particle entanglement, is not counted in conventional gravity. These entanglements appear as additional gravity contributions.
Entanglement can be, as shown in figure 1:
- (1) Between particles emitted by stellar or other objects and these objects.
- (2) Between pairs of entangled particles moving in opposite directions.
- (3) Between surrounding matter or particles entangled with the above.
Figure 1: It illustrates how the different entanglements cases, discussed in the text, appear as dark matter with attraction towards the galaxy center and mass in the center or in halos. Green circles represent center of masses.In all cases, the sources or centers of mass are located within the galaxy (especially in the center) and in surrounding halos. It matches the models for dark matter. The effect is a combination of cold and hot dark matter, but it always appear as cold matter. The dominant contributing particles involved in entanglement are photons and neutrinos. Of course, other cosmic radiations also contribute.
It is also well known that dark matter present some challenges for conventional explanations based on modified gravity or on particles because there are cases of galaxies where no or very little dark matter is inferred (See [9] for an example – more references can be found in [1]). It is hard to explain gravity laws or particles that would be sometimes be modified or sometimes be there; but not always.
It is not a problem with the multi-folds mechanism of [1].
Figure 2: In globular cases, with enough matter surrounding, entanglement may be destroyed before it has the desired effects, therefore giving the impression of missing dark matter.In the model of [1], if matter is distributed (e.g. Globular galaxy – see Figure 2) in a way that intercept most particles early and disentangle them on their way out of a galaxy region, the effect weakens or disappears… It matches the few galaxy examples that miss dark matter.
Tthis model and explanation is therefore able to account for dark matter, at least partially (till quantitatively estimated), and that is qualitatively consistent with observations; including when dark matter would be observed as missing.
The arguments in [1] are only qualitative, not yet quantitative. More work is needed to see if quantitative estimates make sense and may suffice to explain dark energy. Of course, other effects can also play along.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipates the behaviors modeled of a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Our proposal has no equivalent or variations for a non multi-fold universe: the source of dark matter effects come directly from the multi-folds mechanism as proposed in [1] and the resulting attraction towards the source or center of mass as a result of entanglement. Even other models, that link entanglement and gravity, may not help as the multi-fold universe do, as none have clearly identified such a gravity-like attraction as a result of entanglement. Any model where gravity appears between entangled particles could support the proposal from this paper.
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges with dark matter as well as the situation where it is believed to be missing.Combined with [8], it is remarkable that the mechanism of [1] can contribute to effects like inflation, small cosmological constant and dark energy and now dark matter; that it be present or missing.
While steps in the right direction in terms of validating [1], future work should aim at providing quantitative estimates to further determine viability of the proposal or completeness of the explanation, versus just contributing to what happens, which would already be satisfying.
The proposed explanation of dark matter is also an attractive validation candidate for the proposal that entanglement generates gravity like contributions [1,10].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006, or…, June 21, 2020.
Note: The web version (here) is tracked at…. A mistake in many references instead provided the URL to the dark energy paper. It is regrettable and will be corrected in the future for all upcoming papers and revisions.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[6]: B. Clegg (2019), “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Hidden 95% of the Universe”, Icon Books Ltd
[8]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”,…, June 19, 2020.
[9]: Shany Danieli, Pieter van Dokkum, Charlie Conroy, Roberto Abraham, and Aaron J. Romanowsky, (2019), “Still Missing Dark Matter: KCWI High-resolution Stellar Kinematics of NGC1052-DF2”, The Astrophysical Journal Letters, Volume 874, Number 2
[10]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Entanglement Concretizes Time in a Multi-fold Universe”,…, June 28, 2020.
[11]: Erik P. Verlinde (2010), “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton”, arXiv:1001.0785
[12]: Erik Verlinde, (2016), “Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe”, arXiv:1611.02269v2
[fn1]: These notions, as proposed in [11,12], are fundamentally different effects from what is proposed in [1]. [1] considers effects between particles. Entropic bulk entanglement are postulated as statistical effects between spacetime regions. Of course, [1] may be an enabler or an explanation for such effect; or not. It does not really matter within the scope of this paper.
September 15 2020: Check [Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Multi-Fold Universe Dark Matter Successful Explanation and the “Too Thin Universe” but “Too Strong Gravity Lensing by Galaxy Clusters””,…, September 14, 2020.] for more recent obeservation explained with our approach (and problematic for conventional approaches).
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Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?
Stephane H. Maes
June 24, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
All these phenomena result from the observation that attractive gravity-like potentials appear in spacetime between entangled systems, because of the mechanisms proposed in a multi-fold universe to address the EPR paradox. An immediate implication, and opportunity to validate or falsify the model, is that gravity-like effects and fluctuation are predicted to appear between, around or near entangled systems; we just need check if this is encountered in the real world.
This paper discuss situations where attraction due to entanglement, and hence gravity like effects or fluctuations, could be encountered. For example, within or near quantum matter like superconductors or (Bose Einstein Condensates) BECs or within Qubits. One could argue that some indications exist that some of these effects could already have already been observed. We are really seeking falsifiability or validation opportunities for the multi-fold mechanisms. Early considerations are encouraging.
Discussing some related experiments led us to also address how shielding is correctly modeled with multi-fold mechanisms: Faraday cages do not weaken gravity!
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles [5], detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity (GR) at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In the present paper, we remain at a high level of analysis. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. The followings subsections are organized as a series of observations in [1] where gravity like effects are expected to result from entanglement and should be observable, at least indirectly through some resulting effects. Direct observation will remain challenging because of the expected weakness of the attractions. Our analysis is by no means exhaustive. However, we hope that it will intrigue enough the reader to push him or her to dig deeper. Most of the more detailed (or entry point) references are provided in [1], and so every statement is not motivated here or presented with the most appropriate references. This paper is rather a story tale. “[1]” appears often, as a person or a model, to refer to the original arguments, analysis, mechanisms or proposals discussed in [1].
2. Entanglement effects in Multi-fold universes
The mechanisms of multi-folds, the main feature proposed in [1], trigger activation of additional structures (folds) when particles are (EPR) entangled so that additional paths can traverse the folds, where the EPR entangled particles can always meet as a same exit points. Doing so, all the activated folds (i.e. multi-folds) create attractive potentials in in between the entangled particles ( per fold). The attraction is towards their source or center the mass, depending of the use cases and movements (and masses involved – entangled particles can be massive or massless). When involving virtual particles emitted by a source of energy, this potential is reminiscent of gravity and [1] attributes gravity to these effects. It can also be looked as adding contributions of the Ricci curvature scalar R of the folds, from all matter or energy contributions, to build a new Ricci curvature scalar field R and, with the direction of attraction information, a new consistent Ricci curvature tensor. Doing so, for all sources of energy, recovers Einstein’s GR field equations (or Hilbert Einstein Action); which is amazing as invariance of surfaces (the real geometrical meaning behind the Hilbert Einstein Action) or variants of the Hilbert Einstein have, at no point, be postulated in [1] prior to that determination (something that can’t exactly be said the same way for strings). Also, the multi-folds have a spin-2 symmetry.
So, it is predicted in [1], that (EPR) entanglement between particles (or larger systems), results into attractive potentials in
towards the center of mass, with r the distance between form the center of mass, in
between the entangled particles (on the support domain of the mapping), if integration takes place over r. That is over a system of entangled particles or for the range of uncertainty. Otherwise, each particles contribute a per fold contribution. For gravity, the integration of r goes to infinity, hence the generic gravity like statement.
It is also important to note for completeness that [1] postulates that such effects only exist when entanglement is the result of interaction occurring locally (same source location). Other situations are considered as hierarchical and thought not to contribute an additional effective potential. Yet, as in force composition, the different parts involved in a hierarchical event also amount to attractive effects; so attraction exist but as force composition. Also, if the entanglement is the effect of many repeated interactions (e.g. electron to phonon to electron), while hierarchical, the effects with composition will just appear as a normal non-hierarchical effect with attractive potential (at least in first approximation). So solid state entanglements a la superconductors for examples are modeled as nonhierarchical entanglement in this discussion; even if, in reality, it is the outcome of complex hierarchical composition of attractive potentials.
3. Gravity like fluctuations near (in between) entangled systems
An immediate consequence of the mechanism and model proposed in [1], is that fluctuations of gravity-like effects (in
– when macroscopic and in
when mostly between localized individual particles. These effects are very small (as is gravity beyond very small scales), so direct observation is probably hopeless for the near future, if ever. We will need clever indirect ways or macroscopic additive effects to be able to validate our model.
A non-exhaustive list of candidate scenarios where such gravity like fluctuations are predicted to exist is provided here:
- Gravity like effects or fluctuations within, and in proximity of superconductors. Superconductors involve of combinations of Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer (BCS) pairs (at low temperatures and for low temperature superconductors) [7] and Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC) pairs [8] (after a transition from BCS pairs for high temperature superconductors) as well BEC pairs of pairs etc. in high temperature superconductors [6]. According to the mechanisms described in [1]:
- Attraction should occur within the bulk of the superconductors. It should also be with stronger effects for high temperature superconductors, because BEC pairs are smaller than BCS pairs (That spread all over the material over many crystal cells).
- This kind of effects have been anecdotally reported (see [9] for one of the most recent compilation of these controversial and hard to reproduce experiments)[fn1]. However, we urge the reader to be cautious in reading beyond the descriptions of the experiments and results and the references as we do not necessarily subscribe with the presentation of the experiments as accepted facts or many aspects of the proposed explanations or assertions in some of the listed references material, of anti-gravity, gravity shielding or repulsive gravity effects and other families or properties of gravitons-like particles. Unfortunately, the results experiments seem to have never been rigorously confirmed or unambiguously analyzed.
- In our view, these reported effects, if corroborated, and if we understand well the setup of the two experiments, could result from super-conductor internal stress within the electromagnetic field (between separated BEC BCS-pairs) plus vacuum polarizations. The latter results from entanglement attractions between the produced polarized virtual pairs. When the discharges occur, the superconductor and the vacuum polarization relaxes and so does the vacuum entanglement and attraction potential, resulting into a gravity fluctuation or wave that propagate at the same speed as the polarization relaxation. The relaxation produce a “expansion effects”, wherever polarization was present in the vacuum as well as within the superconductor and could explain the effects on the emitter or on the test masses. It would appear as an initially repulsive effect as the relaxation wave propagates. This explanation to these controversial experiments have never been proposed in the related literature as summarized in [9]. The complications of the shields is discussed in Appendix A.
- If true (both the observations and our suggested explanation), then we have a resounding indirect confirmation of the mechanisms described (attraction due to entanglement) in [1]; not just for entanglements within the superconductor but also the entanglement of the polarized vacuum.
- The stronger attraction within the high temperature superconductor creates a stronger effect than with low temperature superconductor material when the pairs are pushed to its boundaries by the electromagnetic field. A non-entangled material only see the vacuum effect. Without superconductors, i.e. in normal discharge situations, only vacuum polarization relaxation takes place. This is not sufficient. The fact that recoil may be better corroborated while radiation effects seems (often) no reproducible could come from the fact that the relaxation effect within the superconductor always takes place and is stronger than vacuum polarization relaxation. The other case (figure 1-a in [9]) requires suitable polarization beyond the right electrodes till the test mass something and it is a much weaker effect.
- Superconductors are also involved in these experiments also because of their known propensity of quantum matter like superconductors to amplify or reflect the vacuum polarization effects; something well known since the work for example of deWitt [10] and also involved in the still unconfirmed gravitational Casimir effect proposal [11]. These works predict effects of gravity on superconductor, not gravity like effect produce by super conductors. The distinction matters and shows the challenge in distinguishing the two types of effects if we want to validate the gravity like attraction generated by entanglement.
- To be convincing, we should see larger effects than expected by just contributions à la [10]. The results, with the problems already mentioned seem to indicate that it may be the case.
- As another related potential corroboration, building on the ideas of [10], it has also been proposed that an effect for gravitation analogous to the London moment in superconductor could exist for gravitons, in rotating superconductors, in a varying strong magnetic field [12]. Again, the magnetic field would push BEC BCS-pairs towards the surface of the superconductor and, as a result, bring stronger gravitation effect leaks observable outside and very near the super conductor, where a frame dragging effect as in GR, but stronger could be observed. Such effects have been observed [12]. However, the reported results were again in our view not clear enough to assess for sure if they would match our frame dragging expectation. It seems that they might.
- It is also important to understand all aspects of the experiments and details are missing on the actual results and in particular make sure that the effect are due to entanglement and not a variation a la [10], where frame dragging would be explained solely by the rotation flipping the roles (here the super conductor rotates, the detector is fixed) without the contributions of the attraction / gravity like fluctuation due to entanglement.
- The effect must be larger than normal frame dragging (undetectable) or effects explained by [10]. More work to model how [10] impacts the experimentation and if we can really detect an unexpected additional effect. Assuming that [12] did correctly account for [10], then according to the result, they have unaccounted for effects.
- The proposed setup of [12] and variations could be good ways (better than the first set of discharge experiments) to (indirectly) validate the multi-fold mechanisms. However, we would prefer experiments that are not involving and mixing other Physics (like strong magnetic fields, strong electromagnetic pulses etc.) to avoid the risk of misinterpretations and combinations of all these effects from superconductor, existing gravity and electromagnetism interactions. Electromagnetic fields were required because London – Meissner types of behaviors can amplify our predicted attraction . Unfortunately, we could not determine based on the research reports what of the side effects of the fields, as discussed here, have been accounted for in the results.
- This kind of effects have been anecdotally reported (see [9] for one of the most recent compilation of these controversial and hard to reproduce experiments)[fn1]. However, we urge the reader to be cautious in reading beyond the descriptions of the experiments and results and the references as we do not necessarily subscribe with the presentation of the experiments as accepted facts or many aspects of the proposed explanations or assertions in some of the listed references material, of anti-gravity, gravity shielding or repulsive gravity effects and other families or properties of gravitons-like particles. Unfortunately, the results experiments seem to have never been rigorously confirmed or unambiguously analyzed.
- Attraction should occur within the bulk of the superconductors. It should also be with stronger effects for high temperature superconductors, because BEC pairs are smaller than BCS pairs (That spread all over the material over many crystal cells).
- Quantum matter, like BECs, superfluids, supermetals etc. are other candidates. The gravity fluctuation effects to look for are similar to what is discussed above for superconductors. The particular existing results discussed above for superconductor may not be repeatable or may need adaptation depending on the type of quantum material.
- Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) is another example of BEC [14]. Here, we see two avenue for confirmations:
- Experimentally when such plasma are formed in high energy accelerators [13]. It would be worth looking if any perturbations due to attractive potentials could be modeled and observed
- Theoretical models of cosmology (early moments after the big bang) and stellar physics could consider if adding such considerations could introduce new prediction or effects when involving large quantities of plasma and thus entanglement. The main reason being that at the scale of the universe or of stars, even small effects can start to play meaningful roles.
- Speaking of which, [1,5] showed of an effect associated to entanglement can qualitatively explain the dark matter effects, without requiring New Physics. It seems also consistent with the observations of galaxies that seem not to contain dark matter; something that most other models have had difficulties to handle. This is quite a potential confirmation, but we now need to proceed towards a more quantitative model of [1] so that we can determine if the number match to account for dark matter (or a portion of it).
- Validating [5] would be of great interest. It would after all, with the conclusions of our model, probably and most influential entanglement effect that we can think of (short of large or even larger, scale spacetime entanglement, proposed by others, but not something that we support).
- It is certainly encouraging that in addition, [1,15] can also explains effects that contribute to cosmological inflation and dark energy as well as a small cosmological constant that does not conflict with the QFT vacuum energy density estimates.
- Qubits are entangled systems achieved by different mechanisms like trapped ions, superconductors etc. [16]. They are at the code of quantum computing and larger Qubit systems are being built as time passes. These are not yet large enough for our needs, but things may change rapidly. Within the Qubits, if measurable, attraction would be a sign of entanglement and therefore a way to detect entanglement without observing it; something forbidden by the non-observability of entanglement [17]. Being able to do so would be a great tool for quantum computing and validation of our predictions.
- For quantum computing, teleportation or other purpose, researchers are entangling bigger systems like atoms, larger and larger molecules, wider atom systems or even biological systems; all involving huge amounts of entities (see for example [18-20]). The bigger these systems are the better are the chance to directly or indirectly determine if gravity fluctuations appear among them, as long that we do not hit the snag of hierarchical entanglement not producing attractive potentials. So some precaution are needed to understand if validation is possible or if the absence of attraction would implies falsifiability of our model or rather such the dominance of hierarchical entanglement effects.
4. Other effects and Considerations
It is also worth also noting that [1] predicts impact of the multi-folds effects on the Standard Model. So far, we have used that explain some open problems with the standard model, without requiring new physics. We have shown how entanglement would also appear; but we have not yet found any situation (besides dark matter as in [5]) where it is the contributing factor, versus rather the massive gravity contribution term at small scales also predicted by [1] and expected to be non-negligible at small scales. So far it is that latter mechanism that is invoked in [1] to contribute explanations. See [21] for a list of papers derived from [1], many discussing the impact on the standard model or on New Physics beyond the Standard Model.
That is not to say that, even if possibly surprising, the model proposed in [1] is in fact already contained in many existing conventional physics as well as New Physics around Superstrings and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture [22]. Indeed, see for example [23-24] showing how entanglement and spacetime curvature relate. See [1,22] for analysis of how our model also relates to superstring and more directly on topic, how the ER=EPR conjecture [25] is very much a more limited model corroborating the multi-fold mechanisms (see for example [26]); but missing the resulting impact of gravity like potentials towards the center of mass. Non-transferability of the wormholes and misreading of the curvature implications of the entangled black holes may possibly be why these models have not (yet) reached our conclusions. For us, the beauty is that we do not need the New Physics, we just need to add gravity (string enough at smalls scales) to the Standard Model. There is enough material to start making a case for this [21].
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we have compiled examples of situation where it might be possible to observe gravity like fluctuations due to entanglement, as predicted by the multi-fold mechanisms proposed in [1].
At this stage, we hope to find more experiments, effects or model where the additional gravity fluctuation due to entanglement plays a significant role that makes it or its consequence detectable. It is essential to the validation or falsifiability of the multi-fold mechanism proposed in [1]. Doing so if for future work but we can only encourage any such experiments or to keep our predictions in mind quantum matter or quantum computing and teleportation experiments, just in case.
A few challenges remain. The main one being that just like for gravity, at the scale considered, the effects are so small that it will be very hard to detect them, especially directly. Yet our proposal for dark matter already shows that there are ways and there is hope. We also have high hopes for superconductors and BEC experiments. We already pointed out to anecdotal that may corroborate; even if not necessarily as the authors of these experiments would have expected.
Of course, another challenge is that the model of [1] is more qualitative than quantitative. Now, it is a priority for us to evolve towards more quantitative approaches by evolving form proportionality equation to the real coupling factors and estimate these factors (e.g. by relating to expected values in classical situations). We aim with future work to get such better quantitative predictions as well as to evangelize experimentations base don the present paper. Not being currently active in a Physics institution, currently limits our ability to directly attempt an experimental program ourselves.
Our hope with this publication is that others will get ideas on how to validate our model directly or indirectly. We certainly welcome such, or any other, collaborations.
Needless to say that the early hints of corroboration presented here, the contributions to addressing open issues covered in [1,21] and the fact that Physics all along maybe hinted at the multi-folds mechanism, are strong encouragements. We hope it will convince the community to spend some cycle on what [1] proposes.
Note (10/2/20): The progresses towards larger entangled systems reported recently in [27,28], as well as [18-20], will hopefully result into some focused efforts to test our model of attractive gravity like effects between and among entangled systems.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”, viXra:2010.0010v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[fn1]: We are cautious about citing and concerned about the extensive discussion presented here. Indeed the experiment result mentioned here are seen as controversial. We mention them, more as examples of indirect ways to experiments with effects predicted by [1], than as successfully reviewed experimental results that we would want to rely on.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[9]: Giovanni Modanese, (2014), “Gravity-Superconductors Interactions as a Possible Means to Exchange Momentum with the Vacuum”, arXiv:1408.1636v1
[10]: Bryce S. DeWitt, (1966), “Superconductors and Gravitational Drag”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 16, 1092
[11]: James Q. Quach, (2015), “Gravitational Casimir effect”, arXiv:1502.07429v1
[12]: Clovis Jacinto de Matos, Martin Tajmar (2006). “Gravitomagnetic London Moment and the Graviton Mass inside a Superconductor”, arXiv:cond-mat/0602591
[13]: ALICE Collaboration, (2018), “Anisotropic flow in Xe-Xe collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.44 TeV”, arXiv:1805.01832v2
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”,, June 19, 2020.
[17]: Ning Bao and Jason Pollack and Grant N. Remmen, (2015), “Wormhole and entanglement (non-)detection in the ER=EPR correspondence”, arXiv:1509.05426
[18]: C. F. Ockeloen-Korppi, E. Damskagg, J.-M. Pirkkalainen, A. A. Clerk, F. Massel, M. J. Woolley, M. A. Sillanpaa, (2017), “Entangled massive mechanical oscillators”, arXiv:1711.01640v1
[19]: Yaakov Y. Fein et al. (2019), “Quantum superposition of molecules beyond 25 kDa”, Nature Physicss.
[20]: Kong, J., Jiménez-Martínez, R., Troullinou, C. et al., (2020), “Measurement-induced, spatially-extended entanglement in a hot, strongly-interacting atomic system”. Nat Commun 11, 2415.
[22]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[23]: ChunJun Cao, Sean M. Carroll, Spyridon Michalakis, (2016). “Space from Hilbert Space: Recovering Geometry from Bulk Entanglement”, arXiv:1606.08444v3.
[24]: van Raamsdonk, Mark (2010). “Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement”, Gen. Rel. Grav. 42 (14): 2323–2329. arXiv:1005.3035
[26]: Julian Sonner, (2013), “Holographic Schwinger Effect and the Geometry of Entanglement”, arXiv:1307.6850v3.
[28]: Rodrigo A. Thomas, Michał Parniak, Christoffer Østfeldt, Chistoffer B. Møller, Christian Bærentsen, Yeghishe Tsaturyan, Albert Schliesser, Jürgen Appel, Emil Zeuthen, Eugene S. Polzik, (2020), “Entanglement between Distant Macroscopic Mechanical and Spin Systems”, arXiv:2003.11310v1
Appendix A – No gravity shields in Multi-fold Universes
In [9], the experiences of figure 1 and 2, sensors are described as positioned in shielded boxes or behind shield screens, we do interpret this as electromagnetic shields (as faraday cages or large screens). This is certainly challenging a direct vacuum polarization story beyond the shield. We did not want to bring this up in the main discussion and add more controversies.
Obviously, gravity screens do not exist. [1] must be able to account for no weakening of gravity within faraday cages for example, despite our mechanisms relying on virtual particles. If only virtual neutrinos were to contribute, gravity would be weakened within such a cage, which is obviously not the case. In general for the multi-fold mechanisms of [1], when the virtual particles tries to reach a test particle within an electromagnetic shield, it does it be affecting the four -vector potential of the shield. Considering the system shield + target particle, its total energy is affected and it affects the energy source available to multi-folds affecting the test particle. The combine effect is hierarchical and the composition appears as if the effect went through the shield. A dedicated upcoming paper or an update of [1] will explicitly address these shielding concerns with the multi-fold mechanisms.
Coming back to [9], our plausible explanation stops at the shield. So what could be happening next? The gravity fluctuation due to the relaxation of the vacuum polarization (e.g. in figure 2 of [9]) affects the 4-vector potential as a fluctuation that therefore could continue beyond the shield as a gravity fluctuation. Remember, we only try to interpret [9] at the light of [1]. We are in no position to corroborate what actually was observed.
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#AdSCFTCorrespondence #BCS #BEC #DarkEnergy #DarkMatter #EPR #EREPR #FrameDragging #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #GravityFluctuations #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumComputing #QuantumGravity #QuantumMatter #QuarkGluonPlasma #Qubits #StandardModel #Superconductor #superfluid #Teleportation #VacuumPolarization #WeakGravityConjecture
Physicists Have Successfully Connected Two Large Objects in Quantum Entanglement : ScienceAlert
We stride through our Universe with the confidence of a giant, giving little thought to the fact that reality bubbles with uncertainty.Mike McRae (ScienceAlert)
Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?
Stephane H. MaesJune 19, 2020
Note: if you are looking for “Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, go to…, or viXra:2007.0006v1.
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from entanglement and spacetime is discrete, with a fractal structure based on random walk and a non-commutative geometry. When random walk is combined with maximal particle generations, exponential expansion can automatically takes place. Away from maximal generation or in an already concretized spacetime, random walk accounts for a constant or slowing down expansion. Meanwhile, the multi-fold mechanisms also implies a constant expansion potential, adding a force to the expansion of the universe, thanks to uncertainties. It explain the constant acceleration of the universe expansion with a cosmological constant that is not the vacuum energy density but can be way smaller.
It may contribute to addressing problems like the absence of any explanation of dark energy, the embarrassing orders of magnitude of discrepancies between vacuum energy and the cosmological constant predicted by conventional Physics; issues that are among Today’s biggest mysteries of the universe. These explanations do not require New Physics beyond the Standard Model and the Standard Cosmology Model.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Spacetime Construction
In [1], spacetime is created when it is encountered by a particle (This is also inspired from the ideas that spacetime creation may result from wave function collapse) that consists of a microscopic black hole surrounding it. As the particle moves, it leaves remnants of minimal Schwarzschild black holes as spacetime location. The effect is also inspired from [6]. We speak of spacetime concretization. With this scenario, and as result of the top down framework of multi-fold universes, [1] shows that spacetime is therefore discrete and non-commutative with particles moves as relativistic paths of the path integral describing the particles: i.e. a random walk, in space and in time, leading to a fractal structure. The random sprinkles of spacetime points and particles ensure that spacetime can be Lorentz invariant.These conclusions from the multi-fold model are all along consistent with well know results [7,8]. But why and how these features are actually realized in spacetime were something missing, so far.
Spacetime concretization can generate new spacetime points and grow the edges of the universe. As the process is fractal in space and in time, it also leaves many non-concretized points of the underlying discrete lattice (of minimum length cells). At later times, particles can random walk on the existing concretized structure or fill gaps by concretizing points missed so far. At no time, is a minimum length (in space and in time) violated, in accordance with [5].
We will also describe bulk expansion effects.
To be complete, there are also entanglement between particles and spacetime that they concretize. These also introduce a temporary brake (with effective potential per the multi-fold mechanisms of [1]) to the expansion but limited to the duration of such entanglements. We do not use spacetime entanglement as sources of gravity as proposed in proposals where Gravity would emerge from entropy as in Verlinde’s papers, e.g. [19,20]. The model in [1] is quite different from these works.
3. Big Bang and Inflation
At the beginning of our universe, that it be localized in one or a few points, across an initial region or more widely extended (as proposed for example by other infinite or parallel universe models), the energy is such that every fluctuation or particle move can both concretize spacetime and create new particles. A toy model to hint how fluctuations in spacetime can create particles and spacetime is discussed in [6].When the energy is such that at every time jumps take place and new particles can be created (in every directions) along with spacetime concretization (reoccupied or visited for the first time), the process results into an exponential growth of the number of particles and spacetime. Bulk effects (dark energy effects, discussed later) contribute to stretch the structures at the same time which also ensures that spacetime stretches as this takes place. These early particles can be of different types, including creation and annihilation of the ones we encounter today, or essentially be all of the same as an inflaton [9]. It does not matter for our model.
In conventional QFT views, the inflaton field, a candidate to conventionally explain inflation, is homogenous throughout the universe and the total energy content of the universe grows also exponentially until it stops everywhere (or only somewhere in eternal inflation models, in such case, possibly resulting into different universe, etc.). It sets a high vacuum energy ground level and hence, per GR, a negative pressure [10], and we have inflation [11]. In a multi-fold universe, at small scales, the density of particle is initially roughly the same everywhere, which provides energy to the particles who exert a constant pressure due to that energy. That pressure is the combination of the jumps to new spacetime point and interspersed growth between points (as will continue today, as discussed later) along with the bulk effect to be discussed later. So both our model from [1] and the inflaton model essentially match. [1] works with inflaton (explaining it effect at very small scales) or instead of it.
The source of energy enabling these effects is not really explained in [1] and out of scope for this work. It is either inherent to the inflaton field (e.g. as (false) vacuum), which can also be the case for the particles only explanation (false vacuum giving always a minimum energy to every particles with no energy changes but why is it at such a level is not explained) or due to a tremendous original energy that remains so large early on that its level is essentially not affected by particle creation long enough for the exponential growth to take place as long as needed (in practice, that is also a very short time even if the expansion and stretching effects are tremendous, except in eternal inflation models where it would still be going on somewhere beyond our universe horizon). As inflatons have not yet be found or well modeled, we prefer the latter explanation, i.e. no inflation. Note that such a choice also probably negates eternal inflation models, that would need energy to continue eternally. But both sources of energy are supported.
The energy involved can originate from the everything that we do not know and that happened before the Big Bang event, including big bounces, or a vacuum collapse bubbles, or from a symmetry breaking event (and resulting phase change). For example (it is just an illustration of a possible mechanism), it could be energy released due to the break of the Ultimate Unification symmetry introduced in [1,12], as if it was a phase change of the universe. The democracy symmetry breaks as progressively more and more of the involved particles drop out from being able to contribute at the same level as carriers of massive gravity from spacetime point to point. Each time, this correspond to a conversion of energy potential of everything in the universe into kinetic energy as gravity weakened at smaller scales due to particles decrease their contribution as larger scale carriers to the massive gravity component. Note this example would be an oscillating situation as increasing energy (e.g. like inflation reheating) will bring back the particles that just gave up as gravity carriers, until they drop out again). It evolves like this particle type per particle type till inflation stops.
When there is no more enough energy to sustain both systematic spacetime concretization and particle creation, the inflation progressively die out. Again all this takes a very short time.
After that, random walks continue and particles (virtual and real) can revisit already concretized spacetime point or concretize new points. In addition. Expansion also continue as discussed after. These effects are now the dominant contributions for expansion, albeit countered for a while in the battle for universe dominance by attractive gravity that fights off expansion and balances a significant part of the expansion effects, for as long at matter and energy clusters are close enough: until distances become too large between clusters and expansion start to really dominate and accelerate. Our universe is now in that phase.
4. Dark Energy? Maybe not so fast…
Dark energy is proposed as a way to explain the observed expansion and now observed accelerated expansion of the universe. Good entry points can be found at [13,14].Cosmological expansion is conventionally modeled by the cosmological constant in GR [16]. In QFT and superstrings, this leads immediately to major issues. QFT predicts a vacuum energy density that leads to a cosmological constant that is larger than what is observed [16]. It is hardly a small adjustment issue! There is clearly a problem or something is missed by conventional Physics.
New Physics is not faring much better, as discussed in [15]: superstrings are not stable (i.e. they cannot live) in positive cosmological constant universes [17]; while GR is unstable with matter in AdS [18]. [15] explains how this is in fact consistent with multi-fold universes [1] and our deducted superstrings dualities. For the purpose of discussion here, it only matters in the sense that New Physics has no helpful say about the cosmological constant problem!
A zero cosmological constant may help with superstrings (and for many supersymmetric theories). However, again it does not match physical explanations or observations of accelerated expansion, granted that, as mentioned in [1], some recent papers are still revisiting and questioning if there is indeed such an acceleration.
This situation is not just an open problem but one of the most embarrassing problem for modern Physics. There are no other ways to put it. Today, we have no clue.
Yet in a multi-fold universe:
- A small positive cosmological constant (generating negative curvature contributions are not supported by the multi-fold mechanism, which also explain why superstrings cannot, and do not, live in our spacetime [15]) can be explained
- It is independent of the QFT energy vacuum density
- And the explanation is without involving any New Physics other than adding gravity to the Standard Model in a multi-fold universe.
Indeed, expansion of the spacetime comes in two flavors:
- Random walks, business as usual, that revisit existing spacetime point and fill the gaps in the spacetime fractal structure or pushes the edge. It is not a dominant bulk effect expansion but it has a small contribution to the cosmological constant.
- Constant effective potential pressure everywhere towards AdS(5) resulting from uncertainties of entangled particles, that generate attractive effective potentials between them. [1] shows that, as the particles wiggle because of quantum uncertainties, the folds and mappings can create, within the bulk, effective potential pulls towards the bulk, (which amounts to normal random walk acceleration) or towards the outside spacetime, which is a bulk expansion effect a always present force (because of uncertainty that component always consistently exists): we have found a dark energy effect, without any dark energy involved, that also contribute to the cosmological constant. Fluctuations creates the effective potential due to entanglement; fluctuations are not the energy that expand, it the effective potential that expands; therefore decoupling the cosmological constant value from the energy density of the vacuum.
This second effect is between entangled particles, real or virtual, but therefore, slightly more pronounced within or around matter or energy clusters (where more energy fluctuations may be encountered and also because pulling out towards AdS(5) will happen more often where spacetime is curved by matter). Yet, it exists everywhere as vacuum virtual pairs also contribute. Its intensity is related to the vacuum energy levels as well as the energy content of the entangled particles. It is not the vacuum energy density and it is expected to be a way smaller contribution, but omnipresent in spacetime. This way, we are able to solve the cosmological constant problem. It also weakens the arguments for an anthropic principle (to explain the cosmology constant), which in turns weakens reuse of such a principle to justify parallel universes and the “expected” existence of large superstring swampland and landscape (maybe – not that certain now that the landscape needs to be a positive curvature universe [15]).
The arguments in [1] are only qualitative, not yet quantitative. More work is needed to see if quantitative estimates make sense and may suffice to explain dark energy. Of course, other effects can also play along.
Also, this analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipate the behaviors modeled in a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1] potentially explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
Our proposal has no equivalent or variations for non multi-fold universe: the source of dark energy effects come directly from the multi-folds mechanisms as proposed in [1]. Even other models that link entanglement and gravity would most probably not help as the multi-fold universe does.
The fact that dark energy and cosmological constant issues are confirmed (so far) by observations, yet unexplained, indicates one possible small step in favor of this subject helping to validate the models proposed in [1].
5. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how the mechanisms of multi-fold universes can help address the challenges with dark energy and with the cosmological constant.The model also has the ability to further explain the expected discrete and noncommutative (Lorentz invariant and fractal) nature of spacetime and to support inflation (with or without inflatons).
While steps in the right direction in terms of validating [1], future work should aim at providing quantitative estimates to further determine viability of the proposal or completeness of the explanation, versus just contributing to what happens, which would already be satisfying.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0261v1,…, June 19, 2020.
Note: If you were by mistake pointed here looking for Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2007.0006v1, or… June 21, 2020, the web version (here) is tracked at…. A mistake in many references instead provided the URL to the dark energy paper (here). It is regrettable and will be corrected in the future for all upcoming papers and revisions.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: Luis J. Garay, (1995), “Quantum Gravity and Minimum Length”, International Journal of Modern Physics A, V 10.
[6]: Hou Y. Yau, (2007 & 2016), “Quantum Theory from a Space-Time Wave”, arXiv:0706.0190 v2 and v4
[7]: S. Doplicher, K. Fredenhagen and J. E. Roberts, (1994), “Spacetime quantization induced by classical gravity”, Phys. Rev. B 331 (1994) 33.
[8]: Hooft, Gerard ’t, (2016), “How quantization of gravity leads to a discrete space-time”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 701 012014
[12]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”,…, June 16, 2020.
[14]: B. Clegg (2019), “Dark Matter and Dark Energy: The Hidden 95% of the Universe”, Icon Books Ltd
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe“, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[17]: Georges Obied, Hirosi Ooguri, Lev Spodyneiko, Cumrun Vafa, (2018), “De Sitter Space and the Swampland”, arXiv:1806.08362v3.
[18]: Georgios Moschidis, (2018), “A proof of the instability of AdS for the Einstein–massless Vlasov system”, arXiv:1812.04268v1.
[19]: Erik P. Verlinde (2010), “On the Origin of Gravity and the Laws of Newton”, arXiv:1001.0785
[20]: Erik Verlinde, (2016), “Emergent Gravity and the Dark Universe”, arXiv:1611.02269v2
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Massless and Massive Multi-Gravity in a Multi-fold Universe
Stephane H. Maes
June 30, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
In this paper, we discuss some of the properties and implications of the massive gravity contributions. In particular we will discuss it similarities and differences with what is usually meant by massive gravity in conventional physics and derived modern bigravity theories.. Instead of being a large-scale theory, where massive gravity can support a limited range or even a repulsive behavior, multi-fold massive gravity is here a mostly small-scale effect with almost no larger scale impact other than through entangled virtual neutrino pairs. Multi-fold universe accelerated expansion come from other effects of multi-fold mechanisms. In multi-fold theory, massive gravity is also multiple (one per available virtual carrier). The resulting gravity model is different from all the massive gravity and bigravity current proposed in the literature. [em]In particular we discuss the known issues with conventional classical massive gravity.[/em]
We conclude with a suggestion to attempt, with or independently of a multi-fold models, bi (or multi) gravity models, massive only at very small scale with massless gravity at any larger scale. We already know that such model helps address many Standard Model and Standard Cosmology Model open issues: there is value in SMG: the standard Model with non-negligible gravity at its scales.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Conventional Massive Gravity: Problems and Breakthroughs
Massive gravity has been around since the work of [5] for a spin-2 massive (linear) gravity. An historical overview, with reference as well as detailed reviews, that also fairly well explain the assertions in [6], can be found respectively in [6] and [7,8]. It is far to say that massive gravity has presented multiple challenges related to and the presence of discontinuities between massive gravity models and massless models due to non-vanishing extra degrees of freedom, the need for suitable non-linearities themselves to address the discontinuity that themselves introduce ghosts and other schemes like screening effects which are unstable or divergent, supra luminosity and acausality. Then [9], introduced a solution that is ghost free: the dRGT massive gravity. It also can fit cosmological models like Λ-CDM [10], the Standard Cosmological Model [27,32]. [28,29] provided for stabler massive gravity model. While argument still exist (e.g. [30,31]) that supra luminosity or acausality is encountered, ([7]-section 10.6) argues very convincingly again taking them as serious issues mainly because associated to non-physical effects or beyond the limits of validity of the classical models.
It seems logical to also try combining massive and massless gravity. It is known as bigravity or partially massless gravity [10,7]. Again different approaches exist and its latest incarnation as combining the Hilbert Einstein action with the dRGT Action (both with weight factors that amount to different Planck constants for each contribution). One can see how this could also evolve into a multi-gravity, but to our knowledge that has not been that seriously considered.
On one hand, bi or multi-gravity can depend on massless gravity or only add to it . So for example, in curved space (e.g. curved by massless effects), ghosts also disappear [8].
Yet all these approaches affect the long ranges and with very small mass graviton, constrained by Λ-CDM and gravitation wave observation (if/when detected hand in hand with electromagnetic events, as was just claimed recently, these boundaries will become stricter or massive gravity effects will be disproved or validated. As far as we have seen so far, no new claims have been made yet) and many still have discrepancies with some of the cosmology observations. They try to have no observable effects at smaller scales so that hey do not affect how conventional massless gravity works.
The most important observation from this section is that it is possible to formulate a reasonable, ghost-free massive theory of gravity or bigravity and even argue for stability, no supra luminosity and no acausality. Renormalization may not be an issue [7] in massive some gravity [8]. Remember that conventional massless (quantum)gravity is not renormalizable so far [12]. All these points are good news for the multi-fold universes which include massive / bi / multi gravity [1], and for which we know that the massless gravity contribution can recover GR at large scales.
3. Gravity in Multi-fold Universes
We refer to [1] for the details of the model. The important observations are:
- Multi-fold mechanisms introduced to address the EPR paradox, result into gravity like attractive potential in spacetime between the entangled particles (See also [13]).
- If entangled virtual particles emitted by a sources are considered as the source of gravity, then entangled virtual photons result into a massless gravity contribution that recovers GR at larger scales.
- Virtual neutrino pairs where not really distinguished because of their small mass and large speed; but rigorously they are a first long-range massive gravity contribution certainly fitting not impacting local observations (to be seen in a multi-fold universe as bi-gravity due respectively to entangled virtual pairs of photons and neutrinos).
- Most of the other virtual pairs (fermions and Bosons) are massive (or contained) and therefore offer massive gravity at (very) small scales; not large scales. They have very small ranges dictated by their masses.
- Entanglement adds gravity like contributions [13], that could explain dark matter [14].
Therefore, in a multi-fold universe, we have a large scale bi-gravity that may be modeled by bi-gravity at large scale and multi-gravity at small scales; it is a multi-gravity [7]. The massless part (or massless = massive within the range of the neutrinos) can recovers GR.
The vDVZ discontinuity [6], whereby massive gravity does not converge to massless gravity when the mass of the graviton goes to zero can be understood in a multi-fold universe as follow:
- Small range effects can’t converge to large range effects: the limit makes no sense or said differently the discontinuity makes a lot of sense.
- Only entanglement of neutrinos virtual pairs can be seen as a long-range massive gravity contribution. Again a limit to zero does not make sense: it is or it is not associated to massless neutrinos. As neutrinos are not massless, the convergence is not meaningful.
- The notion of massive graviton vs. massless is not really something that makes sense. They are realization of the multi-fold dynamics [1] and behaviors of the associated entangled virtual particles. In between particles types, the notion of limit is meaningless.
4. Small and Very Small Scales Implications
(Sorry for the self-citations)
As result, at small scale, gravity is no more negligible and we recommend adding its effect to the Standard Model. This resulted into providing solutions to several Standard model open issues without New Physics other than this addition of gravity (SMG) [1]:
- Why no proton decays [15]?
- Why no magnetic monopoles [16]?
- Why 3 and only 3 generations of fermions per family [17]?
- Why no strong CP violation [18]?
- Where can the neutrino masses come from and where did the right-handed neutrino go [19]?
- Why the Yang Mills Mass gap problem may not be already resolved [20]?
- Why is the Electroweak vacuum actually stable, despite the mass of the Higgs boson [21]?
As well as explaining cosmological problem again without adding new physics to the Standard Model / Standard Cosmological Model other than our multi-fold mechanisms and SMG [1]:
- Accelerated expansion, Dark Energy and small cosmological constant [11]
- Inflation with or without inflaton [11]
- Dark Matter [14]
Eventually, it resulted into revisiting the Weak Gravity Conjecture (WCG) [22] (no more valid at small scales in a multi-fold universe) and a new proposal for force unification: the Unified Unifications (UU) [23]. Based on the new analysis à la WCG [22], we see that all interactions equally contribute to gravity and their proper interactions at very small scales, resulting into a democracy of effects: a different twist on Grand Unification.
Because spacetime in [1] is discrete, fractal, noncommutative and Lorentz invariant, we can ensure (re)normalization of gravity. In addition to discreteness, torsion and dark energy / random walk effects ensure the absence of gravity (and cosmological singularities). See [33] to follow-up the latest updates and new results related to multi-fold universe. Many illustrate the importance of SMG for SM and the Standard Cosmological Model.
5. Discussion
In our multi-fold universe, the Lagrangian (density) contribution from a massive component gravity relates to the massless gravity by:
designates the massive gravity constant and usage of metric associated to it.
designates the potential energy by not fully extending gravity.
If we repeat the GR recovery arguments of [1], with regions where massive gravity does not reach, we recover field equation that correspond to (1) with
encountered as all the missing contributions tapered or missing due to the limited reach.
Bigravity similarly is expressed as:
correspond to the massless gravity constant. Multi gravity is similarly handled [7].
These equation match [7] (equations 6.6 – 6.7). So we know that in a multi-fold universe, the massive / bi or multi gravity terms can correspond to the terms of dRGT. We also know that there are no one but many dRGT solutions. We recover one of them as we are by construction Ghost free and renormalized. Finding concrete version of the recovered dRGT gravity does not seem immediate though.
The multi gravity equation version can be thought as the GR (i.e. classical / curvature based) version of the gravity discovered in multi-fold universe where
is the conventional Hilbert Einstein Action.
6. Closing The Open Issues With Massive Gravity and Some Consequences
Based on the derivation in [1] (multi-fold and reconstruction phase), we encounter massive gravity at small scale in addition to massless. No Ghost are encountered. Which lead us to the conclusion that classic approximation must either contain no Ghost or reject them as unphysical because of limitation of the model. Indeed we clearly see the quantum aspects of massive gravity to consider: i) very small and small scales ii) carried by massive virtual particles, a quantum only effect iii) resulting from entanglement.
As a result, the arguments of ([7]-section 10.6) against taking supra luminous effects and acausality as serious issues in classical approximations fully hold. Indeed in a multi-fold universe, by reconstruction, spacetime is discrete, fractal (by random walks), Lorentz invariant and non-commutative at very small scales. This ensures that supra luminosity will not take place and that acausality is not occurring.
In multi-fold universe, these effects in classical model are unphysical and do not impact the suitability of proposing a small-scale massive gravity contribution; especially as it is so important to justify the introduction SMG.
At large scale, we have essentially ignored the mass of the neutrinos. We know it is non-zero, and so there will be observable effects (e.g. echoes in gravitational waves and echoes or delays in multi-messenger astronomical observations). Yet today this is not detectable. Also because neutrinos are of such a small mass and virtual neutrino pairs emissions compete with virtual photon pair emissions, which are more probable, we do expect that besides being hard to observe, the effect is very small at large scales and mostly results into echoes rather than modifications of gravity at large range as would be proposed with MOND inspired approaches [34] (or conventional expectations for massive gravity where the mass is expected to play a larger role). It is however also a prediction of our model and such large-scale effects exists and should be detectable at some point and another possible way to validate our multi-fold theory. Small-scales effect also of course, but this is probably even harder to detect anytime soon.
7. Conclusions
This analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems as well as small-scale effect and corroboration of the value of considering SMG), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipate the behaviors modeled in a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1,33] potentially explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. Part of our analysis has no equivalent or variations for non multi-fold universe (e.g. dark matter explanation or gravity like effects due to entanglement). Yet modeling a multi gravity solution with large effects at small and very small ranges and bi-gravity at very large range (or just ~ massless if both components are essentially combined / or if virtual neutrino pairs are not significant (something that multi-messenger astronomy could maybe help determine [24]) could be of great interest. We hope that it may be of interest to massive gravity experts. From our point of view, we would like to see what actual action (i.e.
) and other terms would be recovered when we try to repeat GR recovery for the massive contributions. Doing so if for future works but plausible when quickly reasoning as in [1], as semi-classical models can apply, in multi-fold universes, to way smaller ranges than probably expected.
[strong]Note (10/5/20):[/strong]By having the multi-fold (and graviton) evolving in AdS(5), we escape any issue of spin-2 massive terms (e.g. no-go theorem if it were applicable as discussed in [25] that seems proven avoidable anyway [9,25]). Massive gravity is also not to affected by the Weinberg-Witten no-go theorem [26]). We have no particular constraint imposed on the multi-folds associated to massive or massless behaviors.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Massless and Massive Multi-Gravity in a Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2010.0095v1,…, June 19, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[5]: M. Fierz, Wolfgang Ernst Pauli, (1939), “On relativistic wave equations for particles of arbitrary spin in an electromagnetic field”, Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A173211–232
[7]: Claudia de Rham, (2014), “Massive Gravity”, arXiv:1401.4173v2
[8]: Kurt Hinterbichler, (2011), “Theoretical Aspects of Massive Gravity”, arXiv:1105.3735v2
[9]: Claudia de Rham, Gregory Gabadadze, Andrew J. Tolley, (2010), “Resummation of Massive Gravity”, arXiv:1011.1232v2
[12]: Assaf Shomer (2007). “A pedagogical explanation for the non-renormalizability of gravity”, arXiv:0709.3555v2
[13]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”, viXra:2010.0010v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[14]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Matter Without New Physics?”, viXra:2006.0088v1,, June 21, 2020.
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black holes“, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
[16]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Gravity or Magnetic Monopoles? You Cannot Have Both!“, viXra:2006.0190v1,… , June 15, 2020.
[17]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Dictates the Number of Fermion Generations: 3”, viXra:2007.0068v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[18]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Strong CP Violation Tamed in The Presence of Gravity”, viXra:2007.0025v1,… , June 21, 2020.
[19]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Right-handed neutrinos? Mass? Ask Gravity”, viXra:2007.0018v1,…, June 21, 2020.
[20]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ” Progress on Proving the Mass gap for Yang Mills and Gravity (maybe it’s already proved…)”, viXra:2006.0155v1,…, June 12, 2020.
[21]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Stabilizes Electroweak Vacuum – No Bubble of Nothing to Worry About!”, viXra:2007.0173v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[22]: Nima Arkani-Hamed, Lubos Motl, Alberto Nicolis, Cumrun Vafa, (2006), “The String Landscape, Black Holes and Gravity as the Weakest Force”, arXiv:hep-th/0601001v2.
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[25]: Sarah Folkerts, Cristiano Germani, Nico Wintergerst, (2013), “Massive spin-2 theories”, arXiv:1310.0453v2
[27]: Claudia de Rham, Lavinia Heisenberg, Raquel H. Ribeiro, (2013), “Quantum Corrections in Massive Gravity”, arXiv:1307.7169v2
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[30]: Andrei Gruzinov, (2011), “All Fierz-Paulian massive gravity theories have ghosts or superluminal modes”, arXiv:1106.3972v1
[31]: S. Deser, K. Izumi, Y.C. Ong, A.Waldron, (2013), “Massive Gravity Acausality Redux”, arXiv:1306.5457v3
[32]: Yashar Akrami, Tomi S. Koivisto, Marit Sandstad, (2012), “Accelerated expansion from ghost-free bigravity: a statistical analysis with improved generality”, arXiv:1209.0457v3
[33]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe” -Navigation page listing all papers.…
[34]: Wikipedia, “Modified Newtonian dynamics”,… . Retrieved in March 2019.
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alternative explanation of the non-Newtonian rotation of galaxies
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?
Stephane H. MaesJune 24, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
All these phenomena result from the observation that attractive gravity-like potentials appear in spacetime between entangled systems, because of the mechanisms proposed in a multi-fold universe to address the EPR paradox. An immediate implication, and opportunity to validate or falsify the model, is that gravity-like effects and fluctuation are predicted to appear between, around or near entangled systems; we just need check if this is encountered in the real world.
This paper discuss situations where attraction due to entanglement, and hence gravity like effects or fluctuations, could be encountered. For example, within or near quantum matter like superconductors or (Bose Einstein Condensates) BECs or within Qubits. One could argue that some indications exist that some of these effects could already have already been observed. We are really seeking falsifiability or validation opportunities for the multi-fold mechanisms. Early considerations are encouraging.
Discussing some related experiments led us to also address how shielding is correctly modeled with multi-fold mechanisms: Faraday cages do not weaken gravity!
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles [5], detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity (GR) at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
In the present paper, we remain at a high level of analysis. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. The followings subsections are organized as a series of observations in [1] where gravity like effects are expected to result from entanglement and should be observable, at least indirectly through some resulting effects. Direct observation will remain challenging because of the expected weakness of the attractions. Our analysis is by no means exhaustive. However, we hope that it will intrigue enough the reader to push him or her to dig deeper. Most of the more detailed (or entry point) references are provided in [1], and so every statement is not motivated here or presented with the most appropriate references. This paper is rather a story tale. “[1]” appears often, as a person or a model, to refer to the original arguments, analysis, mechanisms or proposals discussed in [1].
2. Entanglement effects in Multi-fold universes
The mechanisms of multi-folds, the main feature proposed in [1], trigger activation of additional structures (folds) when particles are (EPR) entangled so that additional paths can traverse the folds, where the EPR entangled particles can always meet as a same exit points. Doing so, all the activated folds (i.e. multi-folds) create attractive potentials in in between the entangled particles ( per fold). The attraction is towards their source or center the mass, depending of the use cases and movements (and masses involved – entangled particles can be massive or massless). When involving virtual particles emitted by a source of energy, this potential is reminiscent of gravity and [1] attributes gravity to these effects. It can also be looked as adding contributions of the Ricci curvature scalar R of the folds, from all matter or energy contributions, to build a new Ricci curvature scalar field R and, with the direction of attraction information, a new consistent Ricci curvature tensor. Doing so, for all sources of energy, recovers Einstein’s GR field equations (or Hilbert Einstein Action); which is amazing as invariance of surfaces (the real geometrical meaning behind the Hilbert Einstein Action) or variants of the Hilbert Einstein have, at no point, be postulated in [1] prior to that determination (something that can’t exactly be said the same way for strings). Also, the multi-folds have a spin-2 symmetry.So, it is predicted in [1], that (EPR) entanglement between particles (or larger systems), results into attractive potentials in
towards the center of mass, with r the distance between form the center of mass, in
between the entangled particles (on the support domain of the mapping), if integration takes place over r. That is over a system of entangled particles or for the range of uncertainty. Otherwise, each particles contribute a per fold contribution. For gravity, the integration of r goes to infinity, hence the generic gravity like statement.It is also important to note for completeness that [1] postulates that such effects only exist when entanglement is the result of interaction occurring locally (same source location). Other situations are considered as hierarchical and thought not to contribute an additional effective potential. Yet, as in force composition, the different parts involved in a hierarchical event also amount to attractive effects; so attraction exist but as force composition. Also, if the entanglement is the effect of many repeated interactions (e.g. electron to phonon to electron), while hierarchical, the effects with composition will just appear as a normal non-hierarchical effect with attractive potential (at least in first approximation). So solid state entanglements a la superconductors for examples are modeled as nonhierarchical entanglement in this discussion; even if, in reality, it is the outcome of complex hierarchical composition of attractive potentials.
3. Gravity like fluctuations near (in between) entangled systems
An immediate consequence of the mechanism and model proposed in [1], is that fluctuations of gravity-like effects (in
– when macroscopic and in
when mostly between localized individual particles. These effects are very small (as is gravity beyond very small scales), so direct observation is probably hopeless for the near future, if ever. We will need clever indirect ways or macroscopic additive effects to be able to validate our model.A non-exhaustive list of candidate scenarios where such gravity like fluctuations are predicted to exist is provided here:
- Gravity like effects or fluctuations within, and in proximity of superconductors. Superconductors involve of combinations of Bardeen Cooper Schrieffer (BCS) pairs (at low temperatures and for low temperature superconductors) [7] and Bose Einstein Condensate (BEC) pairs [8] (after a transition from BCS pairs for high temperature superconductors) as well BEC pairs of pairs etc. in high temperature superconductors [6]. According to the mechanisms described in [1]:
- Attraction should occur within the bulk of the superconductors. It should also be with stronger effects for high temperature superconductors, because BEC pairs are smaller than BCS pairs (That spread all over the material over many crystal cells).
- This kind of effects have been anecdotally reported (see [9] for one of the most recent compilation of these controversial and hard to reproduce experiments)[fn1]. However, we urge the reader to be cautious in reading beyond the descriptions of the experiments and results and the references as we do not necessarily subscribe with the presentation of the experiments as accepted facts or many aspects of the proposed explanations or assertions in some of the listed references material, of anti-gravity, gravity shielding or repulsive gravity effects and other families or properties of gravitons-like particles. Unfortunately, the results experiments seem to have never been rigorously confirmed or unambiguously analyzed.
- In our view, these reported effects, if corroborated, and if we understand well the setup of the two experiments, could result from super-conductor internal stress within the electromagnetic field (between separated BEC BCS-pairs) plus vacuum polarizations. The latter results from entanglement attractions between the produced polarized virtual pairs. When the discharges occur, the superconductor and the vacuum polarization relaxes and so does the vacuum entanglement and attraction potential, resulting into a gravity fluctuation or wave that propagate at the same speed as the polarization relaxation. The relaxation produce a “expansion effects”, wherever polarization was present in the vacuum as well as within the superconductor and could explain the effects on the emitter or on the test masses. It would appear as an initially repulsive effect as the relaxation wave propagates. This explanation to these controversial experiments have never been proposed in the related literature as summarized in [9]. The complications of the shields is discussed in Appendix A.
- If true (both the observations and our suggested explanation), then we have a resounding indirect confirmation of the mechanisms described (attraction due to entanglement) in [1]; not just for entanglements within the superconductor but also the entanglement of the polarized vacuum.
- The stronger attraction within the high temperature superconductor creates a stronger effect than with low temperature superconductor material when the pairs are pushed to its boundaries by the electromagnetic field. A non-entangled material only see the vacuum effect. Without superconductors, i.e. in normal discharge situations, only vacuum polarization relaxation takes place. This is not sufficient. The fact that recoil may be better corroborated while radiation effects seems (often) no reproducible could come from the fact that the relaxation effect within the superconductor always takes place and is stronger than vacuum polarization relaxation. The other case (figure 1-a in [9]) requires suitable polarization beyond the right electrodes till the test mass something and it is a much weaker effect.
- Superconductors are also involved in these experiments also because of their known propensity of quantum matter like superconductors to amplify or reflect the vacuum polarization effects; something well known since the work for example of deWitt [10] and also involved in the still unconfirmed gravitational Casimir effect proposal [11]. These works predict effects of gravity on superconductor, not gravity like effect produce by super conductors. The distinction matters and shows the challenge in distinguishing the two types of effects if we want to validate the gravity like attraction generated by entanglement.
- To be convincing, we should see larger effects than expected by just contributions à la [10]. The results, with the problems already mentioned seem to indicate that it may be the case.
- As another related potential corroboration, building on the ideas of [10], it has also been proposed that an effect for gravitation analogous to the London moment in superconductor could exist for gravitons, in rotating superconductors, in a varying strong magnetic field [12]. Again, the magnetic field would push BEC BCS-pairs towards the surface of the superconductor and, as a result, bring stronger gravitation effect leaks observable outside and very near the super conductor, where a frame dragging effect as in GR, but stronger could be observed. Such effects have been observed [12]. However, the reported results were again in our view not clear enough to assess for sure if they would match our frame dragging expectation. It seems that they might.
- It is also important to understand all aspects of the experiments and details are missing on the actual results and in particular make sure that the effect are due to entanglement and not a variation a la [10], where frame dragging would be explained solely by the rotation flipping the roles (here the super conductor rotates, the detector is fixed) without the contributions of the attraction / gravity like fluctuation due to entanglement.
- The effect must be larger than normal frame dragging (undetectable) or effects explained by [10]. More work to model how [10] impacts the experimentation and if we can really detect an unexpected additional effect. Assuming that [12] did correctly account for [10], then according to the result, they have unaccounted for effects.
- The proposed setup of [12] and variations could be good ways (better than the first set of discharge experiments) to (indirectly) validate the multi-fold mechanisms. However, we would prefer experiments that are not involving and mixing other Physics (like strong magnetic fields, strong electromagnetic pulses etc.) to avoid the risk of misinterpretations and combinations of all these effects from superconductor, existing gravity and electromagnetism interactions. Electromagnetic fields were required because London – Meissner types of behaviors can amplify our predicted attraction . Unfortunately, we could not determine based on the research reports what of the side effects of the fields, as discussed here, have been accounted for in the results.
- Quantum matter, like BECs, superfluids, supermetals etc. are other candidates. The gravity fluctuation effects to look for are similar to what is discussed above for superconductors. The particular existing results discussed above for superconductor may not be repeatable or may need adaptation depending on the type of quantum material.
- Quark Gluon Plasma (QGP) is another example of BEC [14]. Here, we see two avenue for confirmations:
- Experimentally when such plasma are formed in high energy accelerators [13]. It would be worth looking if any perturbations due to attractive potentials could be modeled and observed
- Theoretical models of cosmology (early moments after the big bang) and stellar physics could consider if adding such considerations could introduce new prediction or effects when involving large quantities of plasma and thus entanglement. The main reason being that at the scale of the universe or of stars, even small effects can start to play meaningful roles.
- Speaking of which, [1,5] showed of an effect associated to entanglement can qualitatively explain the dark matter effects, without requiring New Physics. It seems also consistent with the observations of galaxies that seem not to contain dark matter; something that most other models have had difficulties to handle. This is quite a potential confirmation, but we now need to proceed towards a more quantitative model of [1] so that we can determine if the number match to account for dark matter (or a portion of it).
- Validating [5] would be of great interest. It would after all, with the conclusions of our model, probably and most influential entanglement effect that we can think of (short of large or even larger, scale spacetime entanglement, proposed by others, but not something that we support).
- It is certainly encouraging that in addition, [1,15] can also explains effects that contribute to cosmological inflation and dark energy as well as a small cosmological constant that does not conflict with the QFT vacuum energy density estimates.
- Qubits are entangled systems achieved by different mechanisms like trapped ions, superconductors etc. [16]. They are at the code of quantum computing and larger Qubit systems are being built as time passes. These are not yet large enough for our needs, but things may change rapidly. Within the Qubits, if measurable, attraction would be a sign of entanglement and therefore a way to detect entanglement without observing it; something forbidden by the non-observability of entanglement [17]. Being able to do so would be a great tool for quantum computing and validation of our predictions.
- For quantum computing, teleportation or other purpose, researchers are entangling bigger systems like atoms, larger and larger molecules, wider atom systems or even biological systems; all involving huge amounts of entities (see for example [18-20]). The bigger these systems are the better are the chance to directly or indirectly determine if gravity fluctuations appear among them, as long that we do not hit the snag of hierarchical entanglement not producing attractive potentials. So some precaution are needed to understand if validation is possible or if the absence of attraction would implies falsifiability of our model or rather such the dominance of hierarchical entanglement effects.
4. Other effects and Considerations
It is also worth also noting that [1] predicts impact of the multi-folds effects on the Standard Model. So far, we have used that explain some open problems with the standard model, without requiring new physics. We have shown how entanglement would also appear; but we have not yet found any situation (besides dark matter as in [5]) where it is the contributing factor, versus rather the massive gravity contribution term at small scales also predicted by [1] and expected to be non-negligible at small scales. So far it is that latter mechanism that is invoked in [1] to contribute explanations. See [21] for a list of papers derived from [1], many discussing the impact on the standard model or on New Physics beyond the Standard Model.That is not to say that, even if possibly surprising, the model proposed in [1] is in fact already contained in many existing conventional physics as well as New Physics around Superstrings and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture [22]. Indeed, see for example [23-24] showing how entanglement and spacetime curvature relate. See [1,22] for analysis of how our model also relates to superstring and more directly on topic, how the ER=EPR conjecture [25] is very much a more limited model corroborating the multi-fold mechanisms (see for example [26]); but missing the resulting impact of gravity like potentials towards the center of mass. Non-transferability of the wormholes and misreading of the curvature implications of the entangled black holes may possibly be why these models have not (yet) reached our conclusions. For us, the beauty is that we do not need the New Physics, we just need to add gravity (string enough at smalls scales) to the Standard Model. There is enough material to start making a case for this [21].
5. Conclusions
In this paper, we have compiled examples of situation where it might be possible to observe gravity like fluctuations due to entanglement, as predicted by the multi-fold mechanisms proposed in [1].At this stage, we hope to find more experiments, effects or model where the additional gravity fluctuation due to entanglement plays a significant role that makes it or its consequence detectable. It is essential to the validation or falsifiability of the multi-fold mechanism proposed in [1]. Doing so if for future work but we can only encourage any such experiments or to keep our predictions in mind quantum matter or quantum computing and teleportation experiments, just in case.
A few challenges remain. The main one being that just like for gravity, at the scale considered, the effects are so small that it will be very hard to detect them, especially directly. Yet our proposal for dark matter already shows that there are ways and there is hope. We also have high hopes for superconductors and BEC experiments. We already pointed out to anecdotal that may corroborate; even if not necessarily as the authors of these experiments would have expected.
Of course, another challenge is that the model of [1] is more qualitative than quantitative. Now, it is a priority for us to evolve towards more quantitative approaches by evolving form proportionality equation to the real coupling factors and estimate these factors (e.g. by relating to expected values in classical situations). We aim with future work to get such better quantitative predictions as well as to evangelize experimentations base don the present paper. Not being currently active in a Physics institution, currently limits our ability to directly attempt an experimental program ourselves.
Our hope with this publication is that others will get ideas on how to validate our model directly or indirectly. We certainly welcome such, or any other, collaborations.
Needless to say that the early hints of corroboration presented here, the contributions to addressing open issues covered in [1,21] and the fact that Physics all along maybe hinted at the multi-folds mechanism, are strong encouragements. We hope it will convince the community to spend some cycle on what [1] proposes.
Note (10/2/20): The progresses towards larger entangled systems reported recently in [27,28], as well as [18-20], will hopefully result into some focused efforts to test our model of attractive gravity like effects between and among entangled systems.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity-like Attractions and Fluctuations between Entangled Systems?”, viXra:2010.0010v1,…, June 24, 2020.
[fn1]: We are cautious about citing and concerned about the extensive discussion presented here. Indeed the experiment result mentioned here are seen as controversial. We mention them, more as examples of indirect ways to experiments with effects predicted by [1], than as successfully reviewed experimental results that we would want to rely on.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[9]: Giovanni Modanese, (2014), “Gravity-Superconductors Interactions as a Possible Means to Exchange Momentum with the Vacuum”, arXiv:1408.1636v1
[10]: Bryce S. DeWitt, (1966), “Superconductors and Gravitational Drag”, Phys. Rev. Lett. 16, 1092
[11]: James Q. Quach, (2015), “Gravitational Casimir effect”, arXiv:1502.07429v1
[12]: Clovis Jacinto de Matos, Martin Tajmar (2006). “Gravitomagnetic London Moment and the Graviton Mass inside a Superconductor”, arXiv:cond-mat/0602591
[13]: ALICE Collaboration, (2018), “Anisotropic flow in Xe-Xe collisions at sqrt{s_{NN}}=5.44 TeV”, arXiv:1805.01832v2
[15]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Explaining Dark Energy, Small Cosmological Constant and Inflation Without New Physics?”,, June 19, 2020.
[17]: Ning Bao and Jason Pollack and Grant N. Remmen, (2015), “Wormhole and entanglement (non-)detection in the ER=EPR correspondence”, arXiv:1509.05426
[18]: C. F. Ockeloen-Korppi, E. Damskagg, J.-M. Pirkkalainen, A. A. Clerk, F. Massel, M. J. Woolley, M. A. Sillanpaa, (2017), “Entangled massive mechanical oscillators”, arXiv:1711.01640v1
[19]: Yaakov Y. Fein et al. (2019), “Quantum superposition of molecules beyond 25 kDa”, Nature Physicss.
[20]: Kong, J., Jiménez-Martínez, R., Troullinou, C. et al., (2020), “Measurement-induced, spatially-extended entanglement in a hot, strongly-interacting atomic system”. Nat Commun 11, 2415.
[22]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[23]: ChunJun Cao, Sean M. Carroll, Spyridon Michalakis, (2016). “Space from Hilbert Space: Recovering Geometry from Bulk Entanglement”, arXiv:1606.08444v3.
[24]: van Raamsdonk, Mark (2010). “Building up spacetime with quantum entanglement”, Gen. Rel. Grav. 42 (14): 2323–2329. arXiv:1005.3035
[26]: Julian Sonner, (2013), “Holographic Schwinger Effect and the Geometry of Entanglement”, arXiv:1307.6850v3.
[28]: Rodrigo A. Thomas, Michał Parniak, Christoffer Østfeldt, Chistoffer B. Møller, Christian Bærentsen, Yeghishe Tsaturyan, Albert Schliesser, Jürgen Appel, Emil Zeuthen, Eugene S. Polzik, (2020), “Entanglement between Distant Macroscopic Mechanical and Spin Systems”, arXiv:2003.11310v1
Appendix A – No gravity shields in Multi-fold Universes
In [9], the experiences of figure 1 and 2, sensors are described as positioned in shielded boxes or behind shield screens, we do interpret this as electromagnetic shields (as faraday cages or large screens). This is certainly challenging a direct vacuum polarization story beyond the shield. We did not want to bring this up in the main discussion and add more controversies.Obviously, gravity screens do not exist. [1] must be able to account for no weakening of gravity within faraday cages for example, despite our mechanisms relying on virtual particles. If only virtual neutrinos were to contribute, gravity would be weakened within such a cage, which is obviously not the case. In general for the multi-fold mechanisms of [1], when the virtual particles tries to reach a test particle within an electromagnetic shield, it does it be affecting the four -vector potential of the shield. Considering the system shield + target particle, its total energy is affected and it affects the energy source available to multi-folds affecting the test particle. The combine effect is hierarchical and the composition appears as if the effect went through the shield. A dedicated upcoming paper or an update of [1] will explicitly address these shielding concerns with the multi-fold mechanisms.
Coming back to [9], our plausible explanation stops at the shield. So what could be happening next? The gravity fluctuation due to the relaxation of the vacuum polarization (e.g. in figure 2 of [9]) affects the 4-vector potential as a fluctuation that therefore could continue beyond the shield as a gravity fluctuation. Remember, we only try to interpret [9] at the light of [1]. We are in no position to corroborate what actually was observed.
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#AdSCFTCorrespondence #BCS #BEC #DarkEnergy #DarkMatter #EPR #EREPR #FrameDragging #GeneralRelativity #Gravity #GravityFluctuations #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumComputing #QuantumGravity #QuantumMatter #QuarkGluonPlasma #Qubits #StandardModel #Superconductor #superfluid #Teleportation #VacuumPolarization #WeakGravityConjecture
Physicists Have Successfully Connected Two Large Objects in Quantum Entanglement : ScienceAlert
We stride through our Universe with the confidence of a giant, giving little thought to the fact that reality bubbles with uncertainty.Mike McRae (ScienceAlert)
Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes
Stephane H. Maes
V1.0 November 28, 2020
(V0.1 online was August 20, 2020 – Original Available here.)
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hints at a even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
Besides having multi-folds, and gravitons, living in AdS(5) tangent to the multi-fold universe spacetime, spacetime points and particles or field locally encounter additional 3D spatial dimensions due to the multi-folds used by paths of entangled particles. It provides an apparent local 7D manifold embedding the multi-fold universe spacetime.
Modern unconstrained 5+D Kaluza-Klein (KK) empty (flat) space models, i.e. without compactification constraints of the additional spatial dimensions in 7D, allow the recovery from the 7D vacuum of gravity and electromagnetism as well as Yang Mills and the symmetries needed for strong and weak interactions. They also provide geometrical sources for masses, charges, wave functions, equations, quantum behavior and quantum vacuum. Unfortunately, limitations in terms of lack of chirality and chiral fermions, as well as apparition 5th or higher order forces, have tampered the enthusiasm just as what happened with earlier KK models.
Within a multi-fold universe, we can recover chiral fermion and chiral symmetry breaking, due to gravity, of Electroweak and Strong interactions, while avoiding 5th (and more) forces, magnetic monopoles (because not relying on compactification), undue precessions, loss of conservation laws or supersymmetry. Such considerations do not work in conventional induced space-time-matter theories. In other words, the Standard Model seems to be induced purely from gravity and spacetime geometries in a multi-fold universe. Explanations for masses, charges and quantum behaviors (wave functions, equations QFT loops and of course entanglement and quantum gravity emerging from entanglement) can be hinted, albeit not (yet) quantified, in multi-fold universes. This is quite an achievement putting multi-fold mechanisms, themselves also physically clarified in terms of mapping, on par with, if not ahead of, other Quantum Gravity, GUTs and ToEs candidates of Unification of Physics. The analysis of 7D empty universes vs. AdS(5) both surrounding any spacetime points, in a multi-fold universe, also illustrates the implications of dualities and the differences between multi-fold universes with additional dimensions vs. the universe where superstrings, supersymmetry, supergravity and M-theory seem to live and matter.
Our analysis also discusses, for multi-fold universes, if General Relativity (GR) governs physics in AdS(5) (plus additional dimensions) and the resulting implications for the ADS/CFT correspondence and ER=EPR conjectures as well as for superstrings.
Additional considerations in terms of what entanglement may mean for the associated microscopic black holes are also discussed.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
The present paper presents how multi-fold mechanisms and uncertainties expose particles and spacetime points to an apparent 7D (empty) spacetime itself also subject to an Hilbert Einstein action and how as a result the Standard Model (equations, quantum behaviors, particles and fields with masses and charges) can be induced. Focus is on showing how specific properties of multi-fold universes enable success where past KK and induced unconstrained models failed to convince.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1] and derived papers.
2. Conventional 5D Kaluza-Klein
Kaluza-Klein theory details and history can be found at [5, 6,7]. Its main claim to fame comes from the apparition of Maxwell equations in 4D out of the effect of the vacuum in 5D. Electromagnetism seems to originate from the fifth dimension with constraints like cylindrical behavior and compactification. It is known as the Kaluza miracle. Unfortunately, conventional 5D KK turned out to be unstable in the ground state due to vacuum tunneling [8]. 5D compactification also creates problems with the apparition of magnetic monopoles, in as much that they have never been observed and that we have argued that they probably do not exist in multi-fold universes [9]. Also odd dimensions like 5D cannot account for chiral fermions, which constitute matter (besides radiation) in the Standard Model [13,14,15]. Higher dimension conventional KK got stuck on these issues and drifted instead towards supersymmetry, super gravity and eventually superstrings as more dimensions were considered [6,10]. The mechanisms behind the introduction of additional compact dimensions has certainly inspired the subsequent work in supersymmetry, super gravity and superstring as summarized for example in [10]. It is worth also noting the equivalence between KK and Yang Mills Lagrangians as reviewed and discussed in [16]; albeit without chiral fermions in 5D or higher odd dimensions (because no useful Lorentz invariant chirality matrix
can be defined in odd dimensions).
3. 5D unconstrained KK for empty space
] On the fringes of mainstream physics, a small community has spent several decades revisiting and modernizing Kaluza-Klein [5,10,11,12] leading to what are known as theories of induced space-time-matter. In particular, their work focused on 5D unconstrained KK theories (i.e. KK in spacetime without compact dimensions) and showed how these derive most of the quantum behavior, electromagnetism (without necessarily magnetic monopoles), masses and charges (including their plausible quantization) or even equations of properties of QFT and vacuum [17]. Working in 5D (or any odd dimension) spacetimes, still results into no chiral Fermions: all Fermions solutions are limited to Dirac (and maybe Majorana) Fermions.
The issue with chirality remains the main block encountered by unconstrained KK approaches, which probably explains the limited interest in the work and limited communities involved, despite the interpellation naturally arising from such results! Indeed, otherwise simple extensions of the symmetries of ND spacetime, with N > 4, leads to Yang Mills Equation (we knew that per the works discussed, for example, in [16]) and the capability to support the Standard Model (SM) symmetries of Yang Mills in 7D. See [6] for models and references in the case of 5D compactified KK; the results are essentially the same when considering unconstrained from that the point of view of recovering physical Actions and field equations in 4D that model GR, Electromagnetism and Yang Mills (with SM symmetries)), i.e. the Standard Model (SM).
Of course, unconstrained KK models appear to also have a few other challenges:
- i) how to explain unobserved additional unconstrained and hence macroscopic or large extra dimensions? When the extra dimensions were compact (and microscopic), it was easier to make a case for us not to notice them. Of a same vein, we may lack of justifications for suggesting that spacetime is 5D (or higher dimensional); other than justifying that it motivates (via induction) the 4D physics that we observe. We would like at least some physical explanations to the why this would happen; not just that it happens mathematically.
- ii) This type of ND Physics, with N > 4, problems occur with conservation laws and precessions of spins / angular momentum as well as fifth (and higher order for N > 5) forces. Sure they may be small effects, so that no experiment has ever really ruled them out. But such results are a bit concerning. See [5,10,11,12] as well as [18] for some related issue lists. Satellites programs and Particle colliders programs like at CERN are running and planning experiments looking for any effects from extra dimensions (compactified, a leading interest because of superstrings and conventional KK theories, or not).
The Kaluza miracle, even if appearing as a gift that keeps on giving, now with the induced space-time-matter theories, does not seem to be sufficient yet to resolve i). It adds to clamors that, in terms of higher dimensional physics (that is a restriction we add to the statement, the clamors probably will typically often ignore such caveat), superstrings and M-theory would be the only game in town; something concerning, considering our analyses in the context of multi-fold theories [1,19,20,21], where we suggest that strings are unphysical. Note that competing constructive quantum gravity model [22] like Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) are for the purpose of this discussion not considered to be higher dimensional models as they aim at recovering 4D spacetime (because of what we observe and of the work of [51]). Therefore, with the higher dimension caveat, our statement does not imply that superstring theories would be a better approach than LQG, its main competitor today. Refer to [22] for some analysis of LQG from a multi-fold universe perspective.
4. Unconstrained 7D KK for a Multi-fold universe
[1] describes the multi-fold mechanisms that appear when particles (systems) are entangled in a multi-fold universe: folds are activated outside spacetime and the mapping mechanisms ensure that particles crossing the support domains of these mappings have additional contributions to their Path Integrals due to paths on the multi-folds. It results into attractive gravity like effective potentials between the entangled particles or equivalently effective curvatures.
When energy or mass is located in spacetime, virtual particles are emitted around it resulting into massless and massive gravity contributions [1,23]. More discussions on the use of virtual particles instead of gravitons are covered in [1] and on the on-going discussions at [24]. At larger scales, this models recovers Einstein GR field equations and Hilbert Einstein Action in 4D.
Figure 1: Aspects of the multi-fold and mapping mechanisms proposed in [1].
Figure 1 shows an example of activated fold and mapping (M) of the space time support between two EPR entangled particles. Many more folds are activated (axial symmetry) to form multi-folds. The set of folds (multi-folds) are in a space tangent to the multi-fold universe spacetime. [1] derived that the resulting space surrounding every particles or spacetime point is AdS(5), when we look at the evolution of the multi-folds involved in gravity.
Any particle is emitting entangled virtual particles and is surrounded by many multi-folds tangent to the multi-fold universe spacetime. From the point of view of any particle crossing the support domain of the mapping (essentially the region between entangled virtual particles), it sees many multi-folds to which some of its path are mapped. With uncertainties, the position of the particles (sources) and particle crossing the support domain are fluctuating. As a result, every particle (as emitter or as test) and every spacetime point (e.g. for the vacuum) “feel” three additional space dimensions (folds are 2D in 3D space and multi-folds virtual particles emitted at different time) create the 3D external / embedding additional dimensions (time is assumed shared for the this discussion).
Therefore, due to the multi-fold mechanisms and because of the uncertainty principle, spacetime appears as 7D (6 space and one time). The “feeling” is practically limited to moves (fluctuations) within uncertainty balls around every particle or spacetime point, as nothing really ventures further, even when fluctuations are actually expanding spacetime, à la dark energy, as discussed in [1,25]. Yet, because constrained only by uncertainties, the particles and spacetime points feel non-compact and unconstrained additional 3D space dimensions. This is reminiscent both of KK but rather as with induced space-time-matter models.
The approach of unconstrained KK, as in [10], can be repeated for 7D. Indeed, we can predict that 7D GR applies in 7D spacetime embedding a multi-fold universe: the uncertainty fluctuations amount to emitting entangled particles in the new 3D, and, if we repeat the multifold mechanism processes, as in [1], we end up recovering GR (i.e. the Hilbert Einstein action) in 7D. Let’s make a note that we also introduced therefore an additional 3D space dimensions for the new multi-folds: we have a 10D spacetime (assuming time is shared) and AdS(11) tangent surrounding every spacetime point (assuming the extra temporal dimension is shared as it amounts to scales). We will not make use of these 10D and 11D but it is interesting that we recover dimensions also encountered by superstrings, supergravity and M-theory.
For now, what is important is to understand that we can apply GR, in the 7D universe, without having to postulate it (as it is recovered from multi-fold mechanisms). From our point of view, nothing really lives in 7D (other than the path affected on the folds and the fluctuating presence). So the GR field equations become:
RAB = 0 (1)
just as for unconstrained KK theories [10,11,12], and with A,B ranging over the 7D. In (1), RAB is the 7D Ricci curvature tensor.
The approach and results from space-time-matter induction models, in 5D, can be fully reused in 7D, but now, the presence of a GR controlled 7D spacetime is physically justified; not just postulated. In a multi-fold universe, it is clear why we have embedding in a 7D spacetime following (1). Because the 7D spacetime is tangent to the multi-fold universe spacetime (à la dual (bundle) space), it is also explains why nothing happening beyond the 4D spacetime is observable by anything in the 4D multi-fold spacetime. Simply adding a dimension as in conventional or unconstrained KK does not typically have such a tangency concept, physically motivated.
On the other hand, as the effects are solely due to the uncertainty principle (fluctuations), and as multi-fold mechanisms do not leak energy or conserved values, none of the troubling effects of fifth (or higher order) forces, non-respect (leaks) of conservation laws dictated by 4D spacetime symmetries and no undue precession for 4D physics occur in the 4D multi-fold spacetime: the effects are not expected to take place and therefore to be observable, at the difference of unconstrained KK theories [10].
So again spacetime in a multi-fold universe is 4D. 7D vacuum spacetime following Hilbert Einstein action materializes through the uncertainty principle and multifold mechanisms.
Non vacuum models could also be investigated. However, Campbell’s theorem [26,12] ensures that 7D (vacuum) flat solutions to GR, well justified by the above, can always embed a 4D manifolds like the spacetime of a multi-fold universe (and solution also to GR equations, at appropriate scales). We can in general restrict the discussion to such vacuum considerations.
5. Induced 7D Space-Time-Matter models in a Multi-fold Universe: SMG
Repeating the search for solutions to (1) in 7D, as in [10,11,12], brings back the ability to explain:
- Mass and Charges as 7D geometrical (4D effects of solutions for suitable metric in 7D)
- The recovery of Klein Gordon or Dirac equations, as well as motivation of the uncertainty principle
- QFT behavior as well as quantum vacuum with its self-interaction loops [17]
- Field equations and actions with sources (matter, radiation, energy) for:
- GR
- Electromagnetism
- Yang Mills [6] (not surprising we already stated the equivalence between Yang-Mills and KK – Yes these work are for conventional KK but [10] showed that from compactified to unconstrained dimensions, the Kaluza miracle is maintained and field equations are equivalently recovered in unconstrained situations if using the right metric / solution in ND)
Because 7D supports the symmetries of Weak and Strong interactions [6], we can recover the whole Standard Model with Gravity (by construction): SMG, assuming, for now, that chiral fermions are not an issue (see next section for resolution of that specific challenge). How multi-folds are related to the 7D objects or seeding them is for future work (Note added on 11/29/20: Papers that we published after initial publication of the present paper provide further hints [52,53]).
It is also important to remember that multi-folds (and gravitons) have their dynamics in AdS(5) sharing the spacetime extension portion with the 7D spacetime.
SMG was introduced in papers detailing the implications of [1], one by one [24]. Appendix A (to avoid just simply self-referencing all or work) will provide a list with bibliography of our contributions so far. The conclusions of these works being that:
- Gravity with it massive contribution and multi-fold behaviors can be considered as well defined in semi classical mode and non-negligible at the Standard Model scales.
- When in a multi-fold universe, SM with gravity, i.e. SMG, does not require New Physics (other than gravity) to contribute an explanation to many open issues with the Standard Model or Standard Cosmology.
- We therefore proposed in these works [1,24], that it is now time to consider SMG, as a more complete Standard Model.
The spacetime reconstruction analysis, provided in [1], also derives a spacetime, for a multi-fold universe, that is discrete, fractal as a result of random walk process, Lorentz invariant and non-commutative. For the same reasons that every particle is surrounded by AdS(5), every particle and every spacetime point are surrounded by a microscopic black hole (Note added on 11/29/20: relating spacetime location points in multi-fold universes and Higgs field are further detailed in[53]). With the reasoning presented here, we now know that the mass and charges (electromagnetic, hypercharge or color) and mass are determined by the geometry of objects / metrics in 7D. They can be seen as microscopic hairs of the microscopic black holes. Spin can also be viewed as the result of the multi-fold mechanisms and virtual particles path making the particle wave function spin [1].
6. Chiral Fermions in a Multi-fold Universe with 7D induced Space-Time-Matter models
Because the space, tangent to the multi-fold spacetime, is 7D, we cannot encounter chiral fermions induced by the model in 4D. Therefore, fermions ready to interact with the fields induced from 7D geometry are Dirac fermions associated (or near) the microscopic black holes.
We already know that the parity symmetry is violated by gravity [1] in multi-fold universe and hence chirality. In fact it is a generic result that general gravity can be formulated entirely, and solely, relying on the left-handed spin connection, i.e. not using the right-handed part [27,28]. Physically, it can be understood as follows: because, in 4D and in a multi-fold universe, gravity flips fermion chirality / helicity [1,29-32], and gravity is always present, fermions and their corresponding fields or wave functions must be fully described by their left-handed only (or right-handed only) spinor (e.g. the right handed version is simply a left-handed version that has been or will be flipped). It explicitly shows that gravity breaks chirality symmetry.
As a result, the Dirac fermions properties induced by 7D physics are in fact fully modeled as say left-handed fermions that can be flipped to right-handed: Any fermion is a combination of operators acting on chiral fermions: they appear automatically in the 4D spacetime of the multi-fold universe.
Following the same reasoning, [33] argued that the symmetry breaking of chirality by gravity is exactly freeing the degrees of freedom to replace the right-handed symmetry representations with the electroweak representation post chirality symmetry breaking. So, gravity makes the chiral fermion reappear from 7D physics induction of non-chiral fermions and the effect allows for the electroweak chiral symmetry breaking. Above a certain level of energy (or below a certain scale), flips are so fast that fermion chirality is smeared and electroweak is no more chiral: this correspond to a situation before chirality symmetry breaking by gravity. The maximal symmetry breaking explains why the weak interaction only interacts with left-handed fermions. Note that, per [29] which explains how the neutrino masses can be explained in SMG with chirality flips, it is not the case for the Higgs mechanism and for the Higgs boson which interacts equally with both chirality. Additional note added 11/29/20: Additional thoughts were provided in [53]. According to these conjectures, left-handed spacetime (gravity) is accompanied with missing right-handed representations stuck in 7D/multi-folds entry/mapping points.
As a side note, the same reasoning could also explain the main chirality breaking of the strong interaction [14]: when a pair of (massive if the above already took place) quark/antiquark (reasoning can be repeated for more quarks) is considered, the helicity flips induced by gravity generate sequences of new pairs to conserve helicity; therefore resulting into spontaneous symmetry breaking of the QCD vacuum.
The important take away is that gravity restores chiral fermions in the 4D spacetime of a multi-fold universe even if only non-chiral Dirac fermions where from higher dimensional spacetime geometries. This completes the justification that, in a multi-fold universe, the standard model can be recovered from 7D vacuum objects and geometries. We can explain the origins of the properties of its elementary particles and fields and model them. However, we cannot (yet) predict coupling constants or values of the particle quantum numbers. Note on 11/29/20: with more hints are presented in [52,53], where one can start to see how some of the quantum numbers could maybe also be encountered by this type of analysis.
7. What about AdS and Superstrings?
[1] derived a AdS(5) spacetime surrounding every particles when considering the dynamics of the multi-folds. In fact, it is assumed that this is where multi-folds live and how gravitons are associated to them. They live in AdS(5) [1,34]; which is important to resolve some of the challenges with conventional quantization of GR that lead to divergences, non-renormalization etc.
Much ado has been made in [19,20,34] about the recovery of the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture, as a factual property of multi-fold universe, along with its area laws and holographic principles. Were we wrong?
From this work, it seems that at least 7D (or higher) dimensions spacetime surround every spacetime point and particle in a multi-fold universe. 7D (6 spatial, one shared time) spacetime solutions (vacuum / flat solution of GR in 7D) induce space-time-matter behavior following SMG, in multi-fold spacetime, which is where matter lives. Gravitons on the other hand live in AdS(5), i.e. in a 8D (sharing time), spacetime where multi-fold dynamics occur. As discussed in [1,19], multi-folds do not necessarily follow GR dynamics but the resulting AdS(5) can be a GR solution. Superstrings besides gravitons live in Ads(5)(plus extra dimensions). It may explains why, besides gravitons with dynamics in AdS(5), other superstrings are probably not physical [19]: they characterize physic in a spacetime (AdS(5), or AdS(8) when considering adding the scale (second time) dimension to the 7D spacetime), instead of the surrounding 7D spacetime of unconstrained KK models.
Analysis of these dimensions is also interesting. Indeed in a multi-fold universe,
- Space time is 4D (in fact discrete, fractal, non-commutative, Lorentz invariant and appearing 2D at very small scales)
- Multi-folds and gravitons live in AdS(5) surrounding every particle
- 7D flat spacetime solution of GR in 7D (vacuum solutions) surrounds every particle and spacetime point of the multi-fold universe.
- With gravitons and multi-fold dynamics, a AdS(8) (8D) is similarly surrounding every particle and spacetime point of the multi-fold universe.
- If multi-fold mechanisms exist also in 7D to explain 7D GR / Hilbert Einstein actions then it is actually a 10D spacetime that surrounds every particle and spacetime point of the multi-fold universe and induce space-time-matter and a AdS(11) for all the multi-fold dynamics and associated gravitons. Again this is reminiscent of supergravity, superstrings and M-theory.
None of these dimensions are compactified. AdS(5) matters the most to explain gravity and entanglements. It is not observable because tangent. This is why compactification is not required in multi-fold universes; at the difference of conventional higher dimensional Physics where the extra dimensions are postulated as directly dimensions of spacetime. In multi-fold universes, the other dimensions are similarly not observable because tangent and they are primarily used to induce quantum and field properties (and to support entanglement and gravity for AdS(5/8/11). While dimensions interestingly match results from Supersymmetry, supergravity, superstrings and M-theory, one can see where superstrings approaches bifurcate from ours (e.g. no compactification, no supersymmetry, positive curvature / cosmological constant, etc.). Yet it is intriguing that we successfully obtained the result of being able to explain SMG from higher dimensional geometries, as had already been discovered but never completed physically motivated by conventional KK, and as actively investigated by superstring theories. Finding actual concrete objects inducing the quantum numbers / particles of SMG or predicting those is for future work (Note on 11/29/20: See additional details in [52,53]). At least, it does not look like we would have to deal with the swampland [36] or a non-tractable zoology of Calabi-Yau manifolds [37] as met in superstring theories..
8. GR in AdS(5)?
We provided a simple argument to prove that the 7D flat spacetime surrounding and locally embedding the multi-fold universe spacetime is subject to GR equation (in 7D): fluctuation create multi-folds tangent to the 3D spacetime formed by the multi-folds from the multi-fold universe 4D spacetime. Space-time-matter models assume this 7D spacetime to be flat (and hence a vacuum universe).
However, the same reasoning cannot be extended to AdS(5) (or AdS(8)). As a result we do not know if the AdS(5) surrounding any particle or spacetime point in the multi-fold universe is governed by GR (in 5D). [1,19] go out of their way to also emphasize that the (multi-)folds dynamics in the model proposed in [1] are not a priori governed by GR: they might be or they might not be.
On a related topic, these aspects also relate to the ER=EPR conjecture [47]: in general (AdS) wormholes (and black holes) are not traversable within reasonable durations without the involvement of exotic matter (e.g. with negative energy or mass – see [1] for some references and discussion of the following considerations) and this may have prevented ER=EPR to complete the model into multi-fold mechanisms, by allowing the wormholes to offer additional paths to path integrals and resulting into the effective potentials or curvatures in spacetime. [48] also discusses some overview of the problem of wormhole traversability in AdS and offers a potential example where traversability is possible, but only with a suitable magnetic field; something not observed today as associated to entanglement (Note on 11/29/20: find more discussions in [54]). Not imposing GR on the folds avoids these problems. But as a result, it seems that in such a case we have less reasons to assume that Physics in AdS(5) would be governed by GR.
On the other hand, superstrings and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture as well as the associated ER=EPR conjecture assume that AdS(5) physics is modeled by GR in 5D. In fact, [49] proves that the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture, as holographic principle linking to CFT with vacuum entanglement, behaving thermodynamically as expected, implies recovering GR in AdS(5), which justifies using GR to model black holes and worm holes in it. It was essential to accommodate superstrings that imply an Hilbert Einstein Action in a spacetime negatively curved / with negative cosmological constant.
In the case of AdS(5) surrounding the multi-fold universe, we can rely on a theorem that extends the Campbell Theorem beyond flat embeddings to Einstein spaces as embeddings [50]. Accordingly, AdS(5) can be an Einstein space embedding the 4D (3D space for the multi-folds) and 1D time shared with the multi-fold universe spacetime) manifold generated by the multi-folds. So indeed, GR(5) could govern the surrounding AdS(5). However other embeddings could be considered: we recover the principles stated in [1,19] and keep the freedom that the multi-fold dynamics does not follow GR thereby allowing any behavior driven by the behavior of the associated entangled particles in the multi-fold universe spacetime (something a priory hard to verify if possible to well model in AdS(5) with objects following GR) and avoiding problems of traversability. The note added on 9/28/20, offer however a partial indication on how a GR governed AdS(5) could support traversable wormholes as multi-folds.
On the other hand the same theorem extension applied to the unconstrained 7D KK model, implies that the 7D spacetime can also be an Einstein space (with positive cosmological constant considering the multi-fold mechanisms that motivates GR (in 7D) for that space); opening even more 7D physics. Yet because we do not believe that anything enters these addition dimensions other than negligible paths (recovered as disentanglement) and temporary fluctuation; that space is expected to be empty and so the vacuum / Ricci flat choices discussed earlier seem probably better justified (Note on 11/29/20: However, the multi-fold Higgs considerations of [52] could provide new motivations. It is for future work).
A lesson from this discussion is that: physical properties can come from geometries of the vacuum in 7D as induced model (KK unconstrained) and / or from geometries in AdS(5) + Additional dimensions (for superstrings) if GR applies. The latter is needed for superstrings / M-Theory models. Yet it still does not provide us with a mechanisms that would support ER=EPR as multi-fold implementation (e.g. traversability is a key issue) and as a result moving from CFT spacetime to the real universe (e.g. with QFT, gravity…) (Note on 11/29/20: Comments in [54] may provide new ways to address the traversability challenge). Induced unconstrained KK models do not have such problems. It is quite possible that this is the, or an, additional problem with supersymmetry, superstrings, supergravity or M-theories: they model AdS(5) (Plus additional dimensions) as governed by GR / Hilbert Einstein Action, but that may not be what happens with the real universe where it could be just an option (when not just for a CFT spacetime) imperiled with transversability and GR dynamics challenges that still would prevent explaining gravity effects in the real universe. If GR is not ruling in AdS(5), then all the superstrings particle predictions would be unphysical, as already discussed with other arguments in [1,19].
In a multi-fold universe, much of all this does not matter. Gravitons live in AdS(5) as multi-folds. They may not be governed by GR but their effects in the spacetime universe amounts to quasi particles in spacetime that produce effective attractive potentials and effective curvature and recover GR in that spacetime.
9. Conclusions
Trying to apply unconstrained KK to multi-fold universe resulted into the unexpected derivation of the standard model with gravity SMG, while physically explaining the plausibility of the extra non compactified dimensions and their non observability. This is a result that certainly matches, if not exceeds, superstrings aspirations and most GUTs and TOEs. We cannot (yet) motivate quantum numbers or coupling constant. These are for future work, including {52,53]).
Having advocated (See Appendix A) for adding non-negligible gravity effects to the Standard Model as enabled in multi-fold mechanisms, it came as a surprise that revisiting Kaluza-Klein theories would produce SMG. We are now really far from an original program aiming at explaining EPR entanglement between two particles and discovering gravity like interactions as a result [1,38]. The multi-fold mechanisms introduced as explanation of EPR were the missing link to resolving the problems of KK.
Of course, other models could lead to non-negligible gravity at the Standard Model scales and therefore physically justify therefore SMG. If they also manage to overcome the problems of KK, and in particular explain chiral fermions, then they could provide other ways to derive SMG. But New Physics, like supersymmetry and superstrings, have again been shown to not be the source of the Standard Model particles, as already suspected in [19].
We also shown that, while the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and the associate ER=EPR conjecture imply GR in AdS(5) (Plus additional dimensions) that leads to say superstrings, that conclusion may not apply to a multi-fold universe or the real universe. Therefore it could resolve the ambiguity in terms of which higher dimensional geometry can dictate the properties of SMG: it comes from the 7D unconstrained KK model; not from AdS(5) (+plus additional dimensions) and its landscape with Calabi-Yau manifold geometries. Meanwhile, the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and the associate ER=EPR conjecture remain good models to inspire or deduct some related mathematical results. Superstrings particles may then be unphysical and even the graviton they model may not fully match what we have encountered in multi-fold universes.
It is interesting to note how the work of [1] has evolved [24]. We started from a proposal to explain the EPR paradox and entanglement by introducing multi-fold mechanisms. From it, we derived a proposal for gravity like interactions between entangled systems (albeit not hierarchical), and a model for massless and at small scale non negligible massive gravity. The former recovers GR at large enough scales and semiclassical models remain valid till very small scales. This, in turn, allows us to potentially address many of the open questions with the Standard Model by adding gravity (non-negligible at the SM scales) to it. Multi-fold mechanisms can contribute explanations to dark energy, while entanglement can contribute explanations to dark matter, in ways that also address some of the open challenges with these models. Entanglement between particles and their quantum fluctuations justify local feelings of embedding in 7D, with unconstrained KK models, that can recover the Standard Model (with gravity). These models are working only because the multi-fold mechanisms constrain everything to infinitesimal feelings (uncertainty fluctuations) and therefore avoid the issues of conventional unconstrained KK, especially with odd dimension embedding spacetimes (multi-fold spacetime is even for all Physics that matters). Multi-folds live in AdS(5) and this can hints at superstrings, and related models, while also explaining why they may not be physical. Entanglement of massive virtual particle opens a door to a different “ultimate Unification”. On the way, we recovered the properties of a discrete, fractal (through random walks, i.e. a 2D apparent process – which was after all not a hint of strings but of random walks…), random, Lorentz invariant and non-commutative 4D spacetime at very small scales. We also encountered explanations at Quantum and Classic Physics behavior and (irreversible) thermodynamics behind all of them.
It is certainly a compelling journey that may merit further considerations in the quest to what’s next in Physics.
Appendix A: Multi-fold mechanisms contribute to understanding several Standard Model and standard cosmology model open problems
In a multi-fold universe as defined in [1], at small scale, gravity is no more negligible and we recommend adding its effect to the Standard Model (SM) to obtain SMG. Doing so resulted into providing solutions to several Standard Model open issues without New Physics other than this addition of gravity (SMG) [1]:
- Why no proton decays [39]?
- Why no magnetic monopoles [9]?
- Why are there 3 and only 3 generations of fermions per family [40]?
- Why no strong CP violation [41]?
- Where can the neutrino masses come from and where did the right-handed neutrino go [29]?
- Why the Yang Mills Mass gap problem may not be already resolved [42]?
- Why is the Electroweak vacuum actually stable, despite the mass of the Higgs boson [43]?
It also explains cosmological problem again without adding New Physics to the Standard Model / Standard Cosmological Model other than gravity and our multi-fold mechanisms and SMG [1]:
- Accelerated expansion, Dark Energy and small cosmological constant [25]
- Inflation with or without inflaton [25]
- Dark Matter [44]
- Why are there more matter than anti-matter and why do we exist [46]?
More results are being added to the list. Please refer to [24] to track the latest results and developments.
Eventually, our work resulted into revisiting the Weak Gravity Conjecture (WCG) [45] (no more valid as conventionally phrased at small scales in a multi-fold universe) and a new proposal for force unification: the Unified Unifications (UU) [21]. Based on the new analysis à la WCG [45], we see that all interactions equally contribute to gravity and their proper interactions at very small scales, resulting into a democracy of effects: a different twist on Grand Unification. Because spacetime in [1] is discrete, fractal, noncommutative and Lorentz invariant, we can ensure good behavior of gravity at very large energy or very small scales (Asymptotic safety). In addition to discreteness, torsion and dark energy / random walk effects ensure the absence of gravity (and cosmological) singularities.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes”, viXra:2011.0208v1,…, August 20, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[4]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[6]: David Bailint and Alex Love, (1987), “Kaluza-Klein theories”, Rep. Prog. Phys. 50 (1987) 1087-1170.
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9/28/20 notes:
The following papers [55,56] provide a possible way to ensure that traversability of wormholes, in GR governed AdS(5), can be achieved with couplings of their Left and Right boundaries, which may be what is entailed by entanglement. This could be a way to support multi-folds in AdS(5), governed by GR, although the dynamics of the black holes is dictated by the attachment that they have to the entangled EPR particles in the spacetime; something that still requires additional “explanations” but it is possibly not that different from hoping that the geometric objects in 7D adapt to follow the dynamics in 4D. So with this, we believe that we have proven: (i) we can have GR or not governing in AdS(5), and, when GR governs, it is compatible with multi-folds (ii) ER=EPR still misses using traversability to model effects on Path Integrals that creates the gravity like effect between entangled systems as discussed in [38]; but we are getting closer.
Note however that “coupling” is related to conventional AdS/CFT correspondence and hence CFT. As, neither multi-fold spacetime or its real universe equivalent are CFT… The analyses of these two papers above may just be another circular combination of redundant assumptions, i.e. the traversability with CFT coupled boundaries in a GR governed AdS(5) may not be traversable in AdS(5) with GR for non-CFT entanglement. So not imposing GR in AdS(5) is a safer and more generic approach that for multi-fold universes can encompass the cases where GR governs AdS(5).
The concept of entanglement amounting to coupling left and right boundaries of associated black holes is certainly warranting further analysis (Note on 11/29/20: See [54] for related discussions). As, in multi-fold universes, microscopic black holes are associated to any particles, or concretized spacetime point, this coupling could be a fundamental behavior of entanglement (with or without GR reigning in AdS(5)).
11/28/20: The original V0.1 available here:…
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field theory on a spacetime with small, compact extra dimensions beyond the large observed dimensions
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Massless and Massive Multi-Gravity in a Multi-fold Universe
Stephane H. MaesJune 30, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General relativity at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model. This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model.
In this paper, we discuss some of the properties and implications of the massive gravity contributions. In particular we will discuss it similarities and differences with what is usually meant by massive gravity in conventional physics and derived modern bigravity theories.. Instead of being a large-scale theory, where massive gravity can support a limited range or even a repulsive behavior, multi-fold massive gravity is here a mostly small-scale effect with almost no larger scale impact other than through entangled virtual neutrino pairs. Multi-fold universe accelerated expansion come from other effects of multi-fold mechanisms. In multi-fold theory, massive gravity is also multiple (one per available virtual carrier). The resulting gravity model is different from all the massive gravity and bigravity current proposed in the literature. [em]In particular we discuss the known issues with conventional classical massive gravity.[/em]
We conclude with a suggestion to attempt, with or independently of a multi-fold models, bi (or multi) gravity models, massive only at very small scale with massless gravity at any larger scale. We already know that such model helps address many Standard Model and Standard Cosmology Model open issues: there is value in SMG: the standard Model with non-negligible gravity at its scales.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1].
2. Conventional Massive Gravity: Problems and Breakthroughs
Massive gravity has been around since the work of [5] for a spin-2 massive (linear) gravity. An historical overview, with reference as well as detailed reviews, that also fairly well explain the assertions in [6], can be found respectively in [6] and [7,8]. It is far to say that massive gravity has presented multiple challenges related to and the presence of discontinuities between massive gravity models and massless models due to non-vanishing extra degrees of freedom, the need for suitable non-linearities themselves to address the discontinuity that themselves introduce ghosts and other schemes like screening effects which are unstable or divergent, supra luminosity and acausality. Then [9], introduced a solution that is ghost free: the dRGT massive gravity. It also can fit cosmological models like Λ-CDM [10], the Standard Cosmological Model [27,32]. [28,29] provided for stabler massive gravity model. While argument still exist (e.g. [30,31]) that supra luminosity or acausality is encountered, ([7]-section 10.6) argues very convincingly again taking them as serious issues mainly because associated to non-physical effects or beyond the limits of validity of the classical models.It seems logical to also try combining massive and massless gravity. It is known as bigravity or partially massless gravity [10,7]. Again different approaches exist and its latest incarnation as combining the Hilbert Einstein action with the dRGT Action (both with weight factors that amount to different Planck constants for each contribution). One can see how this could also evolve into a multi-gravity, but to our knowledge that has not been that seriously considered.
On one hand, bi or multi-gravity can depend on massless gravity or only add to it . So for example, in curved space (e.g. curved by massless effects), ghosts also disappear [8].
Yet all these approaches affect the long ranges and with very small mass graviton, constrained by Λ-CDM and gravitation wave observation (if/when detected hand in hand with electromagnetic events, as was just claimed recently, these boundaries will become stricter or massive gravity effects will be disproved or validated. As far as we have seen so far, no new claims have been made yet) and many still have discrepancies with some of the cosmology observations. They try to have no observable effects at smaller scales so that hey do not affect how conventional massless gravity works.
The most important observation from this section is that it is possible to formulate a reasonable, ghost-free massive theory of gravity or bigravity and even argue for stability, no supra luminosity and no acausality. Renormalization may not be an issue [7] in massive some gravity [8]. Remember that conventional massless (quantum)gravity is not renormalizable so far [12]. All these points are good news for the multi-fold universes which include massive / bi / multi gravity [1], and for which we know that the massless gravity contribution can recover GR at large scales.
3. Gravity in Multi-fold Universes
We refer to [1] for the details of the model. The important observations are:
- Multi-fold mechanisms introduced to address the EPR paradox, result into gravity like attractive potential in spacetime between the entangled particles (See also [13]).
- If entangled virtual particles emitted by a sources are considered as the source of gravity, then entangled virtual photons result into a massless gravity contribution that recovers GR at larger scales.
- Virtual neutrino pairs where not really distinguished because of their small mass and large speed; but rigorously they are a first long-range massive gravity contribution certainly fitting not impacting local observations (to be seen in a multi-fold universe as bi-gravity due respectively to entangled virtual pairs of photons and neutrinos).
- Most of the other virtual pairs (fermions and Bosons) are massive (or contained) and therefore offer massive gravity at (very) small scales; not large scales. They have very small ranges dictated by their masses.
- Entanglement adds gravity like contributions [13], that could explain dark matter [14].
Therefore, in a multi-fold universe, we have a large scale bi-gravity that may be modeled by bi-gravity at large scale and multi-gravity at small scales; it is a multi-gravity [7]. The massless part (or massless = massive within the range of the neutrinos) can recovers GR.
The vDVZ discontinuity [6], whereby massive gravity does not converge to massless gravity when the mass of the graviton goes to zero can be understood in a multi-fold universe as follow:
- Small range effects can’t converge to large range effects: the limit makes no sense or said differently the discontinuity makes a lot of sense.
- Only entanglement of neutrinos virtual pairs can be seen as a long-range massive gravity contribution. Again a limit to zero does not make sense: it is or it is not associated to massless neutrinos. As neutrinos are not massless, the convergence is not meaningful.
- The notion of massive graviton vs. massless is not really something that makes sense. They are realization of the multi-fold dynamics [1] and behaviors of the associated entangled virtual particles. In between particles types, the notion of limit is meaningless.
4. Small and Very Small Scales Implications
(Sorry for the self-citations)As result, at small scale, gravity is no more negligible and we recommend adding its effect to the Standard Model. This resulted into providing solutions to several Standard model open issues without New Physics other than this addition of gravity (SMG) [1]:
- Why no proton decays [15]?
- Why no magnetic monopoles [16]?
- Why 3 and only 3 generations of fermions per family [17]?
- Why no strong CP violation [18]?
- Where can the neutrino masses come from and where did the right-handed neutrino go [19]?
- Why the Yang Mills Mass gap problem may not be already resolved [20]?
- Why is the Electroweak vacuum actually stable, despite the mass of the Higgs boson [21]?
As well as explaining cosmological problem again without adding new physics to the Standard Model / Standard Cosmological Model other than our multi-fold mechanisms and SMG [1]:
- Accelerated expansion, Dark Energy and small cosmological constant [11]
- Inflation with or without inflaton [11]
- Dark Matter [14]
Eventually, it resulted into revisiting the Weak Gravity Conjecture (WCG) [22] (no more valid at small scales in a multi-fold universe) and a new proposal for force unification: the Unified Unifications (UU) [23]. Based on the new analysis à la WCG [22], we see that all interactions equally contribute to gravity and their proper interactions at very small scales, resulting into a democracy of effects: a different twist on Grand Unification.
Because spacetime in [1] is discrete, fractal, noncommutative and Lorentz invariant, we can ensure (re)normalization of gravity. In addition to discreteness, torsion and dark energy / random walk effects ensure the absence of gravity (and cosmological singularities). See [33] to follow-up the latest updates and new results related to multi-fold universe. Many illustrate the importance of SMG for SM and the Standard Cosmological Model.
5. Discussion
In our multi-fold universe, the Lagrangian (density) contribution from a massive component gravity relates to the massless gravity by:
designates the massive gravity constant and usage of metric associated to it.
designates the potential energy by not fully extending gravity.If we repeat the GR recovery arguments of [1], with regions where massive gravity does not reach, we recover field equation that correspond to (1) with
encountered as all the missing contributions tapered or missing due to the limited reach.Bigravity similarly is expressed as:
correspond to the massless gravity constant. Multi gravity is similarly handled [7].These equation match [7] (equations 6.6 – 6.7). So we know that in a multi-fold universe, the massive / bi or multi gravity terms can correspond to the terms of dRGT. We also know that there are no one but many dRGT solutions. We recover one of them as we are by construction Ghost free and renormalized. Finding concrete version of the recovered dRGT gravity does not seem immediate though.
The multi gravity equation version can be thought as the GR (i.e. classical / curvature based) version of the gravity discovered in multi-fold universe where
is the conventional Hilbert Einstein Action.6. Closing The Open Issues With Massive Gravity and Some Consequences
Based on the derivation in [1] (multi-fold and reconstruction phase), we encounter massive gravity at small scale in addition to massless. No Ghost are encountered. Which lead us to the conclusion that classic approximation must either contain no Ghost or reject them as unphysical because of limitation of the model. Indeed we clearly see the quantum aspects of massive gravity to consider: i) very small and small scales ii) carried by massive virtual particles, a quantum only effect iii) resulting from entanglement.As a result, the arguments of ([7]-section 10.6) against taking supra luminous effects and acausality as serious issues in classical approximations fully hold. Indeed in a multi-fold universe, by reconstruction, spacetime is discrete, fractal (by random walks), Lorentz invariant and non-commutative at very small scales. This ensures that supra luminosity will not take place and that acausality is not occurring.
In multi-fold universe, these effects in classical model are unphysical and do not impact the suitability of proposing a small-scale massive gravity contribution; especially as it is so important to justify the introduction SMG.
At large scale, we have essentially ignored the mass of the neutrinos. We know it is non-zero, and so there will be observable effects (e.g. echoes in gravitational waves and echoes or delays in multi-messenger astronomical observations). Yet today this is not detectable. Also because neutrinos are of such a small mass and virtual neutrino pairs emissions compete with virtual photon pair emissions, which are more probable, we do expect that besides being hard to observe, the effect is very small at large scales and mostly results into echoes rather than modifications of gravity at large range as would be proposed with MOND inspired approaches [34] (or conventional expectations for massive gravity where the mass is expected to play a larger role). It is however also a prediction of our model and such large-scale effects exists and should be detectable at some point and another possible way to validate our multi-fold theory. Small-scales effect also of course, but this is probably even harder to detect anytime soon.
7. Conclusions
This analysis is for a Multi-fold universe as in [1]. [1] details arguments and ways to check its relationship with the real universe. Besides properties that can be experimentally verified (in the future because of the macroscopic weakness of gravity and gravity like effects for entangled systems as well as small-scale effect and corroboration of the value of considering SMG), [1] shows how the multi-fold mechanisms and behaviors are in many aspects in today’s conventional physics, that, at times, anticipate the behaviors modeled in a multi-fold universe. In addition, [1,33] potentially explains many results obtained in gravity, quantum mechanics, General Relativity, superstring theory, Loop Quantum Gravity and the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture. All these works attempt to come up with models for the real universe. It is at least a good sign that [1] may provide an interesting model of the real universe.We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. Part of our analysis has no equivalent or variations for non multi-fold universe (e.g. dark matter explanation or gravity like effects due to entanglement). Yet modeling a multi gravity solution with large effects at small and very small ranges and bi-gravity at very large range (or just ~ massless if both components are essentially combined / or if virtual neutrino pairs are not significant (something that multi-messenger astronomy could maybe help determine [24]) could be of great interest. We hope that it may be of interest to massive gravity experts. From our point of view, we would like to see what actual action (i.e.
) and other terms would be recovered when we try to repeat GR recovery for the massive contributions. Doing so if for future works but plausible when quickly reasoning as in [1], as semi-classical models can apply, in multi-fold universes, to way smaller ranges than probably expected.[strong]Note (10/5/20):[/strong]By having the multi-fold (and graviton) evolving in AdS(5), we escape any issue of spin-2 massive terms (e.g. no-go theorem if it were applicable as discussed in [25] that seems proven avoidable anyway [9,25]). Massive gravity is also not to affected by the Weinberg-Witten no-go theorem [26]). We have no particular constraint imposed on the multi-folds associated to massive or massless behaviors.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Massless and Massive Multi-Gravity in a Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2010.0095v1,…, June 19, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
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[34]: Wikipedia, “Modified Newtonian dynamics”,… . Retrieved in March 2019.
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Superstrings Encounters of the Second, Third or Fourth Types?
Stephane H. Maes
July 12, 2020
Strings and their evolutions as superstrings and M-theory have been one of the main focus of theoretical Physics for the last 40 years. In fact some have characterized superstrings and M-theory as the best candidates at explaining quantum gravity and providing a Theory of Everything. Others have claimed that it is “Physics of the next century provided for our exploration this century”. Yet not much has come out of it in terms of actual predictions or observation of anything about anything.
In the context of explaining gravity with entanglement with multi-fold mechanisms, we encountered traces of superstrings and may have met some of them or their impacts. It qualifies for an alien encounter of the third type. Dualities between spacetime and superstrings were derived, yet nobody embarked or will ever embark on a superstring spacetime trip, at least for now. So no encounter of the fourth type for now.
This paper summarizes what we have determined about strings, superstrings and M-theory as part of the multi-fold universe models. The observations and lessons learned are telling signs for superstring investigators.
1. Introduction
Strings and their evolutions as superstrings and M-theory have been one of the main focus of theoretical Physics for the last 40 years. In fact some have characterized superstrings and M-theory as the best candidates at explaining quantum gravity and provide a Theory of Everything (ToE). Others have claimed it is physics of the next century provided for our exploration this century. Yet not much has come out of it in terms of actual predictions or any subsequent observations.
The present paper characterizes the properties of strings, superstrings and M-Theory as we encountered unexpected hints of them as part of the multi-fold universe proposal [1], that proposes to address the Einstein Podolsky Rosen (EPR) paradox and encountered massless and massive gravity as a result, including recovery of General relativity (GR) at large scales, and a discrete, fractal, non-commutative, Lorentz invariance spacetime generated by random walks at very small scales. See [1] for more details.
In [2], we discussed the resulting lessons learned and dualities with respect to superstrings and super symmetry. [3] then expanded the analysis to Grand Unification Theories (GUTs) and Theories of Everything and [4] did the same for Loop Quantum Gravity, the main quantum gravity model that competes with Superstrings.
The present paper aims solely at capturing in one place, how strings, superstrings and M-theory (which we will now simplify designate as superstrings) relate to our spacetime, at least in the context of [1]. It should be of interest to all those who have interest in superstrings. As observations are (still) non-existent, theoretical chance encounters are worth keeping track of, just like UFOs… See [5] for the UFO and Alien encounter classification analogy we relied upon here.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet it requires the reader to review [1,2], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. This paper is rather a story tale. “[1]” appears often, as a person or a model, to refer to the original arguments, analysis, mechanisms or proposals discussed in [1].
Note on 10/17/20: Work on multi-fold universes is continuing [19]. More recent result have further advanced our understanding of superstrings in multi-fold universes as well as in the real universe [20-22]. We strongly recommend reading of these references, in their order of citation, after reviewing the present paper.
2. Second, Third or Fourth type encounters of Superstrings?
The claim of fame of strings came when it was observed that gravitons, or at least spin 2 massless strings/particles, emerge from the theory and that it models well GR perturbative models up to high order apparently without divergences. See [6] for some history. To this date, these points are presented as the most resounding validation of superstrings (as gravitons would not have been intended but emerged from the model) and the motivation for quasi cult-like belief that superstring will lead to the final ToE. Unfortunately for superstrings, and contrary to conventional statements, these results were actually baked in from the beginning when the Physics of strings with action that extremize the area between initial and final position (just like for soap membranes or bubbles) [2,7,9]: it’s the same action as the Hilbert Einstein action, at least to the first order! So their appearance is at best the result of trying to model quarks in mesons as strings according to the dual resonance model and such that confinement is modeled by stretched strings that when broken results into two mesons (i.e. create its own new quark / anti quark pair rather than let the quarks live alone). Gravitons are one type of strings (closed bosonic per the theory).
Yet, superstring theory has already determined that the theory can not exist stable in a universe with positive cosmological constant [12]. It can only exist in a negative curvature universe or a flat universe. We do know that our universe rather appears to have a positive curvature and a positive cosmological constant (and we know matter can’t exist in an AdS spacetime in a stable manner [18]). The multi-fold mechanisms that recovers GR, can only account for generation of positive effective curvature and hence a positively curved universe unless if the initial conditions (background spacetime) were negatively curved [1]. It explains the restrictions on where superstrings can exist!
So, gravitons cannot exist in our spacetime! This is aligned with [1], where the multi-folds are identified as equivalent to the gravitons and exist in AdS(5) (+ whatever additional dimensions, it does not matter, for this discussion) and have an effect in our spacetime via the multi-fold mechanisms and mappings discussed in [1]. So no encounter of the third type with gravitons nor any other superstrings. The only possible encounters of the second type are through the effective attractive potentials and curvatures associated to gravitons.
Also, as discussed in the spacetime reconstruction model of [1], spacetime matches multi-fold quantas. So, we are not in a spacetime built on superstrings: no fourth type encounter! Indeed, even in the context of M-theory and D-branes, they cannot be associated positive cosmological constant; at best fine-tuned flat branes [17]. D-brane can exist on a positive curvature (again as initial condition0 but the same considerations as above apply! No Encounter of the fourth type is possible (we are not on a superstring spaceship… Although some future applications envisaged in [1] could lead to some counter argument; and yes multi-fold are traversed by path integrals. These was not what we meant by encounter of the fourth type. We really meant that we are not in a superstring spacetime (i.e. built by superstrings or consisting of a D-brane etc.).
The multi-folds mechanism and mappings concretize the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture [13,16] as a fact: AdS(5) is tangent to any point of spacetime (or conversely). Mappings amount to the holographic effects between gravitons in AdS(5) (+ other dimensions) and our spacetime is responsible for gravity. It is not a conjecture; it is a concrete effect implemented via multi-folds.
The multi-folds themselves concretize in a possibly richer manner (i.e. without limitation a priori to multi-fold dynamics dictated by Hilbert Einstein Actions) the ER=EPR conjecture [14,15]: multi-folds are activated between EPR entangled particles and generate attractive effective potentials; something missed by the ER=EPR work so far.
These effects qualify as encounters of the second type. Besides the irony of the analogy, it is important; in multi-fold universes, without any a priori setup to model or meet strings or any prescription of an Hilbert Einstein derived action, we encounter feature reminiscent and consistent with superstrings (gravitons) outside our spacetime (and we recover GR) [1,2].
Superstring is replete of other strings besides the spin two closed bosonic string associated to gravitons. These other strings are supposed to be associated to other particles, in theory the particles we know and their super partners. Yet none have ever been observed and [2,3,10,11] argues that such super partners, and the associated supersymmetry effects, may not exist in the universe unless if the ideas suggested in [2,3] proved sensible. But that would require additional holographic mapping mechanisms and their physical justification, i.e. not just postulating the existence of such a mechanism (as was done so far, until [1,2], for the AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and the Holographic principle for gravity) but also justifying why it should be there and what it would entail.
3. What about other alleged encounters of the third type?
3.1 Superstrings or Point Particles
String and Superstring theories also argue particles appearance as strings instead of point particles (and wiggling with properties that would characterize the particles). It is another conventional explanation of how strings relate to our world.
In our view, not limited to multi-fold universes, we explain this differently:
- In spacetime, point particles appear with uncertainty as a fuzzy ball oscillating around. In the presence of gravity, they wiggle preferably along geodesics (it is in fact one of the reason why gravity breaks supersymmetry and prevent magnetic monopoles [11]).
- As discussed in [8], one can see strings wiggling on the horizon of black holes. Looking carefully, it is just a particular case of the previous bullet where the impression results from the horizon fluctuations due to uncertainties and changes in the horizon position due to the absorption and emission of particles.
We claim therefore that these are not strings, only appearances of strings due to gravity and uncertainty. Moving on, nothing to see here.
3.2. Superstrings attached to spacetime
Another popular view is that superstrings attach to point particles in our spacetime and wiggle in their own universe in ways that again characterize the particles they attach to. It relates to D-branes, AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture and M-theory.
As it is outside our spacetime, if it were to exist, we can only observe the effects, i.e. the particle properties. These would be by definition only encounters of the second type. Note that in multi-fold universes, particles appear as surrounded by microscopic black holes. They could be the attachment point for superstrings. Concretized spacetime appear similarly and the same behavior could exist with respect to graviton strings.
These may be results or alternatives to holographic principles in order to justify effects of strings in our spacetime. They are at best encounters of the second type.
4. Conclusions
In [1], we have encountered possible effects or traces of superstrings. They live a universe tangent to spacetime with impact due to holographic effects associated to the multi-fold mechanisms. The duality that seems to exist between multi-fold mechanisms able to recover GR and predict multiple falsifiable phenomena [1,2], is intriguing enough that we believe it should be investigated by string theorists in their quest to relate superstring and the real universe.
Unfortunately, while it seems that we have encountered traces of superstrings, we have also established that we can never encounter them: they are not physical to our spacetime and do not live in our spacetime. Only their effect can be seen and it certainly raises fundamental questions that superstring, supergravity and M-theory may also want to consider. Combined with [3], supersymmetry and GUTs have also questions to answer or new models to consider.
Superstring live in a different space tangent to our spacetime. They have gravity effects on our spacetime if they implement the multi-fold mechanisms. They could characterize particles if they attach to the microscopic black hole surrounding particle and spacetime locations in multi-fold universe. Or they do not contribute this way, multi-folds are not related to superstrings; they just also live in AdS(5). Then whatever happens in that space (and its additional dimension) is unphysical and irrelevant to our spacetime. Superstring may exist and be perfectly modeled, but why bother?
[1] shows also significant impact on the Standard Model, when we add gravity (especially the short scale massive contributions). It could contribute explanations to several famous open issues; without requiring the New Physics offered by superstrings and supersymmetry. An always updated set of such examples can be found in [19].
Needless to say that [1] brings a lot of food for thoughts to theoretical physics. Hopefully, it will not be dismissed because still in a too early stage. Instead we hope for efforts to validate or falsify our predictions, and, in the present case, understand its implications on superstrings. [2] was introduced to emphasize the amazing dualities between multi-fold universes and superstrings. The present paper tries to call a spade a spade and to show exactly what our analysis of multi-fold mechanisms implies for superstrings. Sure, we can argue that our universe may not be characterized as a multi-fold universe, hence the need to falsify its claims then. But what about all the dualities with superstrings [2]? So far multi-fold mechanisms provide amazingly concrete physical explanations.
And so, yes, we demonstrated that only superstring encounters of the second type are possible in multi-fold universe. We believe and conjecture that is also true in the real universe.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Superstrings Encounter of the Second, Third or Fourth Types?”, viXra:2010.0140v1,…, July 5, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[2]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[3]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Ultimate Unification: Gravity-led Democracy vs. Uber-Symmetries”, viXra:2006.0211v1,…, June 16, 2020.
[4]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Alignments and Gaps Between Multi-fold Universes And Loop Quantum Gravity”, viXra:2006.0229v1,…, June 18, 2020.
[7]: Edouard B. Manoukian, (2016), “Quantum Field Theory II: Introductions to Quantum Gravity, Supersymmetry and String Theory”, Springer
[8]: G. ‘t Hooft, (1990), “The Black Hole Interpretation of String Theory”, Nuclear Physics B335 (1990) 138-154
[9]: Zwiebach, Barton (2003). “A First Course in String Theory”. Cambridge University Press.
[10]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons May Never Decay, Except in Black Holes“, viXra:2006.0128v1,…, June 13, 2020.
[11]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ”Gravity or Magnetic Monopoles? You Cannot Have Both!“, viXra:2006.0190v1,… , June 15, 2020.
[12]: Georges Obied, Hirosi Ooguri, Lev Spodyneiko, Cumrun Vafa, (2018), “De Sitter Space and the Swampland”, arXiv:1806.08362v3.
[13]: J. M. Maldacena, (1998), “The Large N Limit Of Superconformal Field Theories And Supergravity”, Adv. Theor. Math. Phys. 2 (1998) 231.
[14]: Maldacena, Juan and Susskind, Leonard (2013). “Cool horizons for entangled black holes”, Fortsch. Phys. 61 (9): 781–811. arXiv:1306.0533
[15]: Julian Sonner, (2013), “Holographic Schwinger Effect and the Geometry of Entanglement”, arXiv:1307.6850v3
[16]: Makoto Natsuume, (2015), “AdS/CFT Duality User Guide (Lecture Notes in Physics)”, Springer; 2015 edition (April 2, 2015)
[17]: Katrin Becker, Melanie Becker, John H. Schwarz, (2007), “String Theory and M-Theory: A Modern Introduction”, Cambridge University Press
[18]: Georgios Moschidis, (2018), “A proof of the instability of AdS for the Einstein–massless Vlasov system”, arXiv:1812.04268v1.
[19]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe” -Navigation page listing all papers,…
[20]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Tracking Down The Standard Model With Gravity In Multi-Fold Universes”,…, August 20, 2020.
[21]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Renormalization and Asymptotic Safety of Gravity in a Multi-Fold Universe: More Tracking of the Standard Model at the Cost of Supersymmetries, GUTs and Superstrings”,…, September 18, 2020.
[22]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Circular Arguments in String and Superstring Theory from a Multi-fold Universe Perspective”,… , October 5, 2020.
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Site navigation / map WEB SITE TRACKING ALL PUBLICATIONS AROUND THE MULTI-FOLD UNIVERSE / COMPILATION OF UPDATES, FOLLOW-UPS AND NEW WORKS In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglemen…Shmaes - Physics
Protons may never decay, except in black holes
Protons may never decay, except in black holesS. Maes
June 12, 2010
Replaced and superseded by: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), ” Gravity Induced Anomalies Smearing in Standard Model so that Protons may never decay, except in black holes “,…, June 13, 2020.
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Renormalization and Asymptotic Safety of Gravity in a Multi-Fold Universe: More Tracking of the Standard Model at the Cost of Supersymmetries, GUTs and Superstrings
September 18, 2020
In a multi-fold universe, gravity emerges from Entanglement through the multi-fold mechanisms. As a result, gravity-like effects appear in between entangled particles that they be real or virtual. Long range, massless gravity results from entanglement of massless virtual particles. Entanglement of massive virtual particles leads to massive gravity contributions at very smalls scales. Multi-folds mechanisms also result into a spacetime that is discrete, with a random walk fractal structure and non-commutative geometry that is Lorentz invariant and where spacetime nodes and particles can be modeled with microscopic black holes. All these recover General Relativity (GR) at large scales and semi-classical model remain valid till smaller scale than usually expected. Gravity can therefore be added to the Standard Model (SM). This can contribute to resolving several open issues with the Standard Model without new Physics other than gravity. These considerations hints at a even stronger relationship between gravity and the Standard Model.
Conventional quantum gravity is typically known, or assumed, to be non-renormalizable; something that has so far prevented reconciliation of GR and Quantum Gravity. In this paper, we discuss what should be said about renormalization in a multi-fold universe, where discreteness (while fractal, random, non-commutative and Lorentz invariant), multi-fold dark energy (repulsive), as well as the support for in matter, and among particles, torsion, guarantee the absence of divergences, and of any gravity or cosmological singularities.
We argue that quantum gravity in a multi-fold universe is asymptotically safe: an alternate renormalizability criteria, that was originally proposed by S. Weinberg in the 70s to guarantee that no unphysical singularities or misbehaviors should appear in quantum gravity.
Re-using results obtained by others, we argue that asymptotic safety implies constraints on the allowed number of particle types that can be present in a 4D universe (roughly the same as in the SM), as well as estimates of the top quark and Higgs boson masses. It adds to our previous thesis, that gravity is key to the properties of SM, with the standard model with gravity not negligible at its scales (SMG), as it enables us to explain, at least partially, open issues with SM and the standard cosmology model. These constraints on the number of particle types, now in effect in a multi-fold universe, further render unphysical theories like supersymmetry, supergravity, superstrings (and as a result M-Theory) as well as many GUTs and TOEs: the additional super partners needed by these theories, and universes with more than 4 dimensional spacetime are not compatible asymptotic safety.
These conclusions extend to many universe models beyond multi-fold universes; in fact, possibly, to any consistent model of the real universe where gravity is well behaved and follows Quantum Physics and General relativity at suitable scales. There are many indications that conventional quantum gravity derived from QFT would be asymptotically safe, without needing to bring in any multi-fold assumption. The reasoning in this paper adds arguments to the compelling conjecture of asymptotic safety of quantum gravity, with the same implications for all the incompatible theories, and to the need for SMG, where non negligible gravity at small scales is considered.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity (GR) with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.
With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic black holes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reissner Nordström [2] and Kerr Newman [3] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [4], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model in a multi-fold universe. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant at these scales. Semi-classical models also turn out to work well till way smaller scales that usually expected.
The present paper reviews renormalization and asymptotic safety of gravity and present the consequences of asymptotic safety for the standard model. We then discuss applicability to Multi-fold universes and derive consequences for Physics in general, in terms of supersymmetry, superstrings and related GUTs and TOEs.
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis and references are generic for the subjects. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanisms or reconstruction of spacetime. More targeted references for all the material discussed here are compiled in [1] and derived papers.
2. Gravity and Renormalization
It is conventionally accepted that quantum gravity is not renormalizable and that perturbative expansions are not well behaved and probably diverge [5]. For a good introduction to renormalization, see [7]. It has been argued that this challenge would more or less result from the background dependence of QFT [6,15] and the related divergences of self-interactions (e.g. one-loop and higher loop divergences [14]). This explanations makes a lot of sense when thinking about renormalization as originally pursued in QED to cleverly cancel infinities.
Superstrings are believed to avoid divergences as would Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG). Besides the “discovery” of the graviton, to be taken with a grain of salt as discussed in [1,8,9], it is one of the main reason for “believing in superstrings”. Indeed, in perturbative string theory, because of extended objects, superstrings are expected to behave well, and be renormalizable in the UV. LQG (and other reconstructive models) skirts the problem by being on a discrete spacetime albeit unfortunately never actually able to recover a macroscopic spacetime as governed by GR [10].
This discreteness argument and reconstructive model is also part of multi-fold approaches [1].
3. Asymptotic Safety of Gravity
Confronted with the indications that (perturbative) renormalization is not looking like a property for conventional QFT-inspired quantum gravity approaches, Steven Weinberg proposed a new generalized criteria for a well-behaved (in the UV region) quantum gravity theory: Asymptotic safety [11,13]. The criteria is not limited to gravity: it has been shown to apply to Yang Mills theories, e.g., [46,47], and therefore to the SM.
Intuitively, a theory is asymptotically safe if, above very high energies (i.e. below very small scales, it is associated to a non-trivial, and non-gaussian, fixed point), it starts to behave (in terms of its main couplings – i.e. the strength of the interactions involved) as if independent of the scale, and with no significant increase of degrees if freedom [15]. This way, its behavior can be extrapolated to infinity without divergences or unphysical singularities: above a certain scale, the theory masks the microscopic specificities with universal behaviors and as such it can be considered as a consistent effective theory above such scale that does not mischaracterize, at higher scales, the (combined) effects from lower scales.. Typically it would be expected that, below that scale, there may be opportunities for New Physics.
Asymptotic safety of quantum gravity has not yet been (conventionally) proven, and it is in fact criticized, as misguided, by many.
It can be seen as a possible criteria aspired upon for a theory or a conjecture for the actual real-world quantum gravity theory still to be discovered. As the latter, it arguments in its favor include:
- It is the case at lower dimensions (2+ε)D (but not up to 4) [13]
- Approximations (the Hilbert Einstein action Truncation) seem to show a fixed point [13]
- The model works for non-gravity models [15].
- Remembering that we know that gravity appears as 2D processes at very small scales, as discussed in [16] and recovered in multi-fold universes [1], where it results from the random walk fractal reconstruction; we know that 2D gravity is renormalizable [11,13,43].
More details are in [13.15], yet none of these references provide a firm final confirmation in 4-D.
It is to be noted that supersymmetry is considered to guarantee asymptotic safety for 4D gauge theories [48].
Note on 2/20/2021: More details and references can be found in [63]. In that work, we use a new approach to derive what we consider to be a proof of asymptotic safety of gravity.
4. Asymptotic Safety and the Standard model.
Follow-up works have shown that the constraints of asymptotic safety have significant impacts on acceptable actions of coexisting fields. It has been proven that Yang Mills theories are asymptotically safe, even when asymptotic freedom fails, when the SM is present [46,47].
In particular [17,18] showed that:
- The number of particles and fields, especially fermions allowed with asymptotically safe quantum gravity is limited by a strong upper limit on fermions, (vectors) and scalar fields. In 4-D the Standard Model is compatible with a asymptotically safe quantum gravity.
- Super partners are not compatible with an asymptotically safe quantum gravity in 4-D, even if supersymmetry guarantees asymptotic safety in 4D [48]. (SUGRA would compatible, but it is known to have other problems [49]).
- Most popular Conventional GUTs (e.g., SU(5) and SO(10)) require super partners that are not compatible with an asymptotically safe quantum gravity in 4D
- 5D is compatible with asymptotically safe quantum gravity but, in general the Standard Model, is not (under some approaches it may be) [17]. Any higher dimension is not compatible with the Standard Model.
- Compact or large dimensions are similarly treated as at very high energy, scales will appear be so small that the differences aren’t noticeable [17]: the difference between continuous spectrum and discrete ones of compact dimensions have no effect on the results.
In addition, [19,50] showed that the Higgs boson and top quark mass can be predicted (from the bottom quark mass for the top quark). It is work in progress and subject also to the approximation of the truncation approach.
As an aside, recent work also used similar considerations to go beyond the standard model to narrow down on the mass Higgs prediction [51]. We know that there are many prediction of the Higgs mass that were made (see [52] for a compilation up to the Higgs discovery) and that the (low) value found by many is believed to be linked to the Higgs potential (vacuum) potential stability (also related to, and addressed by [53]). Note added on 2/21/2021: yet this convergence across approaches [54] reinforces the outcome of the analysis reported in [62] and the importance of 2D gravity in the (multi-fold) random walk regime (or beyond Hagedorn temperature for superstrings).
Considering the implications of the above, it would be great to prove asymptotic safety of quantum gravity not only in multi-fold universes but also in our real universe, as it would have huge impact on many New Physics theories. Note added on 2/21/2021: See [63] for such a proof independent of multi-fold mechanisms
5. Gravity is Asymptotically Safe in a Multi-fold Universe
In a multi-fold universe, asymptotic safety results from different paths of reasonings:
- A) The multi-fold spacetime is discrete, fractal and random [1]. [20] proposes an approach to renormalize the spacetime geometry modeled by a random fractal graph (which is how a multi-fold spacetime can be modeled), which is another way to see how a reconstructed multi-fold universe behaves as a macroscopic spacetime that follows GR ([1] instead simply achieved that same analysis with the microscopic black holes surrounding every concretized spacetime location and every particles.). That approach leads to UV fixed points.
- B) The spacetime of a non-commutative and (multi)fractal which also leads to UV fixed points [21]. This path is a bit more elaborate to use as a proof and we will not explain it in this paper other than by pointing at some hints that can be found in [54-60], where black hole singularities are cured by non-commutativity, fields are renormalizable with asymptotic safety (UV Fixed points), torsion, known to prevent misbehaviors, results into non-commutativity, and non-commutativity regularize the theory and results into/from minimal length concepts [61].
- C) Starting from the Ultimate Unification (UU) reasoning around falsifying (e.g. at least no strict inequality) the Weak Gravity Conjecture, with a phase (at very small scales), where all particle equally contribute with interactions of same intensity, as presented in [1,22]:
- at very small scales, all entangled virtual pairs are massless and of same ranges. At smaller scale, it becomes apparent that they propagate via random walk leading to a fractal (and Lorentz invariant and non-commutative) spacetime. When reaching the scale where the random walks are visible, the process becomes scale independent and essentially 2D (i.e., asymptotically safe / renormalizable [11,13,43]). (Note on 2/21/2021 – See [63] for a much more detailed discussion.)
- Unoccupied (but concretized – see [1]) spacetime points are simply following a scale independent random fractal structure
- Spacetime points occupied by particles are within a microscopic blackhole where no singularity is involved because of discreteness, torsion and dark energy (repulsive) effects and have there effects externally only visible via the horizon(s) at a fixed scale defined by the nature of the particle. Effects are therefore also scale independent.
- D) Spacetime is randomly fractal at the discrete scale and so pure gravity corresponds to a critical fixed point (RG) [13], where universality takes over for the effective theories at higher scales. The formulation above the scale of the critical point are asymptotically safe, and these scales are the scales that matter for SM.
- E) [1] showed that spacetime and gravity in a multi-fold universe becomes a 2D process at small scales (where random fractal walks dominate). 2-D gravity is renormalizable [11,13,43]
- F) Combining of all of some of the arguments A)- through E)
These different reasonings demonstrate a UV fixed point and asymptotic safety of gravity in a multi-fold universe. C) and D) are in our view the most rigorous and complete arguments but each of the argument above are probably sufficient on their own.
6. Standard Model support and very limited options for New Physics in a Multi-fold universe
The reasonings of section 5 lead to a step that, so far, could not be made by all the works and initiatives around conventional asymptotically safe quantum gravity that have been summarized in section 4: in a multi-fold universe[1], gravity is asymptotically safe. It is not an aspire, a criteria or a conjecture. It is a fact.
6.1 SMG
As a consequence, we recover support for SMG (i.e. Standard Model with non-negligible gravity at the standard model scales) in multi-fold universe, in a way complementary to the hints recovered in [23], or the ability of SMG, in a multi-fold universe, to explain many open issues in the standard model and the standard cosmology model [1,23,24]. The order of magnitude of the numbers of particles (fermion, bosons, scalars) and some mass estimates, as well as the 4D dimensions of spacetime are the main new deductions that result from asymptotic safety and match observations. The latter is a different and complementary argument for 4D (and not more) from the ones that we presented in [1].
Note on February 21, 2021: More arguments are getting assembled in [64,65] and a related paper will be published in the future.
Note that the derivation of SMG, by induction from a 7D unconstrained Kaluza-Klein (KK) model, as in [23], is not impacted by the higher dimension constraints discussed in section 4. Indeed, in such a model, the 7D spacetime is flat / vacuum (no sources) and with a multi-fold universe, no particles actually live in it.
Note on February 21, 2021. Even the proposals of [66], do only assume access by particles, including Higgs boson and right-handed neutrinos, to the multi-folds; not existence in 7D. The embedding 7D space is only felt due to uncertainty fluctuations.
In [23], we mentioned the possibility to also consider non-flat embedding spaces. It may still work with multi-fold universes (as no particle really enters the extra dimensions), but trying to build such models would require paying attention to the dimension considerations. Finally, in [23], the extra dimensions are a new 3 space + 1 (shared time) dimension spacetime “added” to the multi-fold spacetime (and with no source/particles); so that there is no need to have a SMG in that spacetime. In other words, the 7D embedding does not care to support SMG in its 7D, and there are no issues with the 7D embedding space being incompatible with SMG, just as for the incompatibilities of 7D spaces and chiral fermions.
6.2 Not too much room for New Physics
With our convention, used since [1], that SMG is not New Physics, as SM lives in a universe where gravity is present anyway, “no New Physics” is strongly motivated at this stage in a asymptotically safe universe.
However, very early on, multi-fold universes also hinted at a relationship with superstrings [8,9] and negative implications for superstrings (and related theories), including supersymmetry, popular conventional GUTs and TOEs [8,22]. We already knew that multi-fold gravity impacts on proton decay [40] and on magnetic monopoles [39] were bad augurs for all these theories, from which ultimately only gravitons in AdS(5) [8,9,25], the AdS / CFT correspondence conjecture [8,9,25] and the ER=EPR conjecture [1,8,9,25] seem to manage survive as plausible approximations of (multi-fold) Physics, with a potential pass when it comes to their relevance in 2D regimes, if they have one. After all, these theories have already seen the writing on the wall on their own with the absence of any observation of proton decay, magnetic monopoles or any new super partner as new particles; or with the potentially devastating conjectures that superstrings are no compatible with positive cosmological constant (and positive curvature) spacetime and can only live in negative spacetime where we know GR is unstable in the presence of matter!
Note on February 21, 2021: More details on the de Sitter vacua as swampland can be found in [67].
At this stage of the multi-fold program, the conclusions are rather striking: in a multi-fold universe [1,24],
- Superstrings seem unphysical and model at best gravitons in AdS(5) tangent to spacetime. All the related and derived theories (e.g. M-Theory) are similarly threatened. The main reasons being:
- 10 or 11 dimensions (or more) are no compatible with SMG. Compactification does not change the outcome
- No observed proton decay, magnetic monopoles or super partners
- Conjectured (Note on February 21, 2021: It has become an established fact through work published meanwhile) incompatibility with a positive cosmological constant as apparently encountered in the real universe [41]
- Triviality of the highlights of superstrings (e.g. graviton discovery resulting simply from the inclusion of the Hilbert Einstein action in the string actions [1,62]) that justified its raison d’être.
- Supergravity, although plausible without supersymmetry, under certain conditions at low dimensions, e.g. 4D or 6D, as SUGRA, suffers the same fate for its 11 dimensions theory (i.e. with supersymmetry). We know that simple SUGRA has its own problems and that is why it was happy to hijack a ride with supersymmetry, superstrings and M-theory. See [38] for an historical overview.
- Supersymmetry seems not viable because of the required number of particles with super partners would be incompatible with a 4D spacetime and SMG
- We already had established many challenges for these theories related to proton decay, magnetic monopoles, etc. [1,8,9,22,24]
- Similarly, popular GUTs like SU(5) and SO(10) seem not viable:
- Because of the required number of particles with super partners would be incompatible with a 4D spacetime and SMG.
- It is also worth noting that, as suggested in [7], the scalar fields (how many appear, especially how many fields) in these theories is a key reason for their demise. That is good: physical reasoning can still see through the fog of mathematics and their beauty.
- Also, just as for supersymmetry, we already had established many challenges for these theories related to proton decay, magnetic monopoles, multiple / recurrent Higgs mechanisms etc. [1,8,9,22,24]
- All of the above, and any other GUT or TOE requiring more dimensions than 4D, or significantly more new particles, or predicting proton decay or magnetic monopole seem not viable.
- Symmetry breaking mechanisms are not expected to reduce the number of particles or the required spacetime dimensions, to the contrary. It does not seem to be a escape mechanism, as when that argument is used to argue that super partners masses would have been shifted to way higher energy level, thereby hoping to account for their non-observation so far.
Essentially, all these major New Physics candidates are eliminated in a multi-fold universe, and those, that may have survived the hit of asymptotic safety of section 4, are eliminated by their prediction of proton decay or magnetic monopoles that we have already invalidated [1,24]. It has been a significant decimation; at least in a multi-fold universe.
There is of course a possible loophole: with UU, that could reduce the viable types of particles during its regime, as they behave similarly, these models that support a 2D regime, may be suitable during the 2D regime at very small scales, or very high energies. That would be the equivalent to, i.e. the approximation by these models of, the random walk period of spacetime reconstruction in our multi-fold model [1]. But no matter what, they can’t model higher scale processes and have persistent problems with the super partners.
Besides this 2D regime options, with are mainly left only with gravity approaches still standing like LQG and reconstructive theories [1,10], our multi-fold universe model (which has a strong reconstructive aspect and a Ultimate Unification proposal [22]), and some esoteric models like say causal fermion systems [26], which we do consider to possibly be compatible with multi-folds, in as much as when it comes to the outcome of induction of space-time-matter from 7D unconstrained Kaluza-Klein vacuum [23], or universes as Quantum computers, something that we also embraced in [1,27].
6.3 Beyond Multi-fold Universes
Of course, one could argue that multi-fold mechanisms are just a model and nothing proves that it is relevant to our real universe. Besides the ability of Multi-fold models to explain many open issues and to offer falsifiable predictions, the hints of aspects of multi-fold mechanism in conventional physics, and their ability to explain aspects of the New Physics models (e.g. Area laws and Gravitons in AdS(5) [1,28], ER=EPR [1,8,9,25], AdS/CFT correspondence conjecture [1,8,9,25], etc.), we should note that many features used to reach our devastating conclusions for the affected models could be repeated without invoking multi-fold universes:
- SMG is fundamentally to add a gravity contribution to SM, that is non negligible at the SM scales. There are many ways to admit this, including, simply pushing semi-classical approaches to as small scales as possible (by the way, something that multi-fold mechanisms justify) and remembering that r-2 can become non-negligible at very small r. Only dark energy, inflation and dark matter would not be explained just by doing so [1,29,30,31]. Most of the other open issues of SM addressed by SMG, remain addressable in a non multi-fold SMG.
- Recovery of the SMG by induction from 7D flat spacetime governed by (7D) GR (unconstrained Kaluza-Klein models) [23] can be achieved.
- The issues proper to the negatively affected theories (positive cosmological constant in the swampland, super partners, proton decay and magnetic monopole observations), and our invalidations of proton decay and magnetic monopoles in the presence of gravity are, by no means, requiring a multi-fold universe, but rather just non-negligible gravity effects at small scales.
- The asymptotic safety is not far-fetched as discussed in section 3. Also the reasonings presented in section 5 can be repeated beyond multi-fold theories. (Note on February 21, 2021: See [63] for a more complete analysis).
- Referring to [1], we saw that discrete, random fractal noncommutative and Lorentz invariant spacetime are predicted by many other approaches[2], with all or a subset of these properties. While these approaches may not derive SMG, or explain its open problems, as can be done with multi-fold mechanisms, all would have the same negative implications on much of the affected conventional or popular New Physics out there.
- In fact, argument iv) in section 4, combined with [14,42,44] (i.e. option E (or F of course) in section 5, but derived for generic gravity using [14,42,44]) seals the deal, even without a multi-fold universe. We assert that it extends our conclusions to any consistent model of the real universe with gravity that follows Quantum Physics and GR at suitable scales. Therefore, we conclude that Gravity is asymptotically safe, in the real universe. And so, much of New Physics in in trouble. Restrictions of our reasoning to a multi-fold universe do not restrict the conclusions to such universe because of iv). (Note on February 21, 2021: See [63] for a more complete analysis and a definitive proof).
So while our reasoning is primarily a proof only in multi-fold universes, we should not disregard its applicability to our real universe, even without complete validation yet (not yet but soon to come hopefully) of it being multi-fold.
Note on February 21, 2021: [63] complete the proof of asymptotic safety in a conventional universes and then firms up our conclusions.
7. Conclusions
Our ability to prove asymptotic safety for gravity in a multi-fold universe recovers more predictions for SMG, that are complementary to our previous results. Also, it allows us to reject, as unphysical, most New Physics theories in multi-fold universes, and possibly in a whole class of other universes where we can justify SMG, or a discrete, random fractal non-commutative and Lorentz invariant spacetime (visible when in a 2D regime at very small scales).
Fundamentally, we borrowed the results from others. Our main contribution being to add our complementary, and already derived impacts of SMG to the consequences of asymptotic safety and to provide reasonings to prove its applicability to gravity, as well as a concrete model (i.e. multi-fold universes), where it is the case. We conjecture that the reasonings apply to any consistent model of the real universe that include gravity, that follows Quantum Physics and GR, at suitable scales, where we can conclude that quantum gravity is also asymptotically safe.
Needless to say that the consequences for New Physics are daunting. Certainly, this analysis, already out there for pondering since publication of [17], may not be popular with aficionados of specific New Physics theories. But it behooves to everybody to internalize it, properly decide if it is relevant or not, and determine what’s next for each of these New Physics programs. Interestingly, besides the status of non-observation of predictions by the affected theories, the analysis above could be a first experimental invalidation of these theories, especially supersymmetry, superstrings and M-theory: observations of SM, done over the last few decades, are compatible with asymptotic safety of gravity, and seem to invalidate New Physics. It is the case in multi-fold universes. Experimental validation of SMG, in the real universe, would close the deal. For example, validations of multi-fold mechanisms could be explored as discussed in [34].
It is somehow ironic[3] (everybody was wrong: the naysayers and the aficionados) ) that superstrings, and supersymmetries and all their associated models, but really the irony is on superstrings, so often accused of not providing falsifiable predictions [35-37], would have delivered on falsifiability after all (i.e. provide falsifiable predictions in terms of super partners beyond SM, in order to explain SM and higher dimensions). These theories would be invalidated by the same SM model that they tried to explain and supersede, and by the addition of gravity (non-negligible at the SM scale) to it (SMG). Especially, as quantum gravity is something that superstrings claimed to be their birth rights, since the “discovery” of a graviton created the craze; never mind that it was a direct consequence of how the string actions (and world sheet actions) had been expressed.
At this stage, the conclusions of the paper and the executive summary of the multi-fold program are:
In a Multi-fold universe,
- Gravity is non-negligible at the Standard Model scales. The resulting SMG explains much of the Standard model behaviors, quantum properties (including amounts and masses of particles and fields) as well the standard cosmological model. See [24].
- Spacetime is 4D (Note on February 21, 2021: See also [64,65]).
- New Physics, GUTs and TOEs that require:
- a. Significantly more particles or fields with respect to SM
- b. More than 4D where gravity and particles exist
are unphysical and conflict with the SM (and SMG) and therefore are invalidated by asymptotic safety of gravity and observations of SM.
- 4. Items (3) affect all GUTs, TOE, Supersymmetry, Superstrings, Modern supergravity and M-theory (and 12D evolutions), already called in question earlier [24], as well as most GUTs that escaped the analysis from [8,22].
- 5. Induction with unconstrained KK models may escape the issues as the embedded spacetime is empty (vacuum solutions) and particles do not live in it.
- 6. AdS(5) aspects (e.g. ER=EPR, Holography, AdS/CFT correspondence, gravitons in AdS(5)) may survive, as only gravitons live in AdS(5). It is fortunate, as these results were also derived from multi-fold mechanisms. They are valid because they are recovered in multi-fold universe, or possible with other holographic motivations. Consistency expectations had to keep these aspects valid. Yet, their formulations now depend on the underlying theory. We have covered, in [1,24], the variations of these frameworks with respect to multi-fold universes.
- 7. On the other hand, across [1,24], we used to say AdS(5) (+ additional dimensions) when trying to reconcile with say superstrings. At this stage, we have determined that what happens in these additional dimensions are probably only mathematical curiosities.
- 8. A 2D regime remain the only domain where these New Physics theories, if they also include a 2D regime, may still be physical as an approximation of random walk during spacetime reconstruction à la [1].
- 9. Many more Physics implications especially in terms of entanglement and quantum gravity (reconciliation of GR and Quantum Physics) exist [1], and the latest set of discoveries can be found at [24].
In our real universe, (assuming here that it may differ from multi-fold universes. If it is correctly modeled by multi-fold universe then obviously (1) thru (8) hold):
- 1) may or may not hold, although we believe we can make a case for it independently of multi-fold universes.
- 2) thru (8) hold even in the absence of multi-fold behavior. (3) is obviously the highlight!
- So let us state it explicitly: In the real universe, New Physics like supersymmetry and superstrings, GUTs and TOEs that require:
- Significantly more particles or fields with respect to SM
- More than 4-D where gravity and particles exist
seem unphysical and conflict with the SM (and SMG), and therefore are invalidated by asymptotic safety of gravity, along with observations of the SM.
The bottom line is that, over the last two decades, many expected New Physics have failed to materialize to appear in the latest colliders. It just didn’t happen. We can’t help but think that this paper provides a first glimpse at why not.
We want to conclude with a strong caveat. These conclusions do not invalidate the mathematical framework of strings and superstrings, and the dualities that were established nor, of course, the suitability of strings as dual resonant model for the strong interaction [45].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Renormalization and Asymptotic Safety of Gravity in a Multi-Fold Universe: More Tracking of the Standard Model at the Cost of Supersymmetries, GUTs and Superstrings”, viXra:2102.0137v1,…, September 18, 2020.
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[1] Please note that towards the end we will actually lift that restriction. But bear with us: the approach, that we follow, is driven by our multi-fold model, and more can be said on the topics addressed here when we indeed have a Multi-fold universe, or at least SMG. SMG itself is not limited to multi-fold universes, but the argument for asymptotic stability can be more generic.
[2] Remember that the introduction of the microscopic black holes from [1] is only one reasoning (option C). Also, the microscopic black hole model is not unique to multi-fold universe. [1] provide references to works, unrelated to multi-fold universes, that model spacetime with networks of black holes, study microscopic and Planck scale black holes or model particles as black holes: remember Wheeler’s original proposals (See for example [32]) or the ER=EPR conjecture, albeit never explicitly stated as such in most of related publications (with a notable exception of [33], mentioned in [8]).
[3] Because this topic seems filled with passions, we want to emphasize that reaching such conclusions was not at all our objective. While the conclusions did not come as a surprise, as our work evolved, we initially thought that, instead, the complementarity would help explore new options for these approaches now put in doubts. Of course, if we are proven wrong, then these latter approaches would emerge more consistent.
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#asymptoticSafety #Entanglement #GeneralRelativity #GrandUnificationTheories #Gravity #InducedSpaceTimeMatter #KaluzaKlein #LoopQuantumGravity #MTheory #MultiFoldUniverse #QuantumComputing #QuantumGravity #QuantumPhysics #SMG #StandardModel #StandardModelDerivation #SUGRA #Supergravity #Superstrings #SUSY #TheoryOfEverything #UltimateUnification
combination of the principles of supersymmetry and general relativity
Contributors to Wikimedia projects (Wikimedia Foundation, Inc.)Alignments and Gaps Between Multi-fold Universes And Loop Quantum Gravity
Stephane H. MaesJune 18, 2020
Multi-fold universes and LQG have a lot in common as well as complementarities. A priori, both models are compatible with each other. The present paper analyses these touch points and suggests ways forward both in terms of multi-fold universes and of LQG. Also, considering the relationships between multi-fold universes results and superstring theories, there are many ways that the three approaches could use lessons learned or mechanisms from each other, in order to fill gaps or improve some of their own models. Maybe they could even converge towards new and more encompassing combined frameworks. We conclude with a call for such a collaboration.
1. Introduction
The new preprint [1] proposes contributions to several open problems in physics like the reconciliation of General Relativity with Quantum Physics, explaining the origin of gravity proposed as emerging from quantum (EPR- Einstein Podolsky Rosen) entanglement between particles, detailing contributions to dark matter and dark energy and explaining other Standard Model mysteries without requiring New Physics beyond the Standard Model other than the addition of gravity to the Standard Model Lagrangian. All this is achieved in a multi-fold universe that may well model our real universe, which remains to be validated.With the proposed model of [1], spacetime and Physics are modeled from Planck scales to quantum and macroscopic scales and semi classical approaches appear valid till very small scales. In [1], it is argued that spacetime is discrete, with a random walk-based fractal structure, fractional and noncommutative at, and above Planck scales (with a 2-D behavior and Lorentz invariance preserved by random walks till the early moments of the universe). Spacetime results from past random walks of particles. Spacetime locations and particles can be modeled as microscopic blackholes (Schwarzschild for photons and spacetime coordinates, and metrics between Reisner Nordstrom [13] and Kerr Newman [14] for massive and possibly charged particles – the latter being possibly extremal). Although surprising, [1] recovers results consistent with other like [15], while also being able to justify the initial assumptions of black holes from the gravity or entanglement model. The resulting gravity model recovers General Relativity at larger scale, as a 4-D process, with massless gravity, but also with massive gravity components at very small scale that make gravity significant these scales. Semi-classical models also work well till way smaller scales than usually expected.
Loop Quantum Gravity (LQG) [5] is based on the initial work of Ashtekar to reformulate General Relativity (GR) in terms of new variables and Actions, with a formalism closer to Einstein Cartan (and (Yang Mills) Gauge Theories), and hence also able to model torsion in addition to curvature. The formalism is also known as canonical formulation of GR in terms of Ashtekar variables [2], leading to canonical quantum gravity.
Throughout the analysis, [1] finds numerous touch points with LQG and its numerous derivatives (e.g. spin networks and spin foams), or related constructive approaches as, for example, enumerated and analyzed in [3], despite multi-folds coming from a completely different starting point, i.e.
- not starting from General Relativity (GR) or the Hilbert Einstein Action, Hamiltonian (spin networks) or Lagrangian (spin foams) (with path integrals) and variants like the Palatini, Holtz (new formulations equivalent to Hilbert-Einstein Action but best suited for tetrahedron frames) and Holtz Immirzi Action) [4].
- not imposing, a priori, spacetime area and volume conservations (except to the extent that at the end the derived microscopic black holes come with their usual area laws; but these law have first been rediscovered in a multi-fold universe in the top down phase of [1], this is post recovery of GR equation and Hilbert Einstein action by [1]).
In this paper, we remain at a high level of discussion of the analysis. It makes the points accessible to a wider audience and keeps the door open to further papers or discussions devoted to details of interest. Yet, it requires the reader to review [1], as we do not revisit here all the details of the multi-fold mechanism or reconstruction of spacetime. The followings subsections are organized as a series of observations in [1] that relate to LQG and conversely. [1] did not focus on presenting these facts as a comparison or as lessons learned for and from LQG. Also, our analysis is not exhaustive. However, we hope that it will intrigue enough the reader to push him or her to dig deeper. Most of the more detailed (or entry point) references are provided in [1] and so every statement is not motivated here or presented with the most appropriate references. This paper is rather a story tale. “[1]” appears often, as a person or a model, to refer to the original arguments, analysis, mechanisms or proposals discussed in [1]. In general, we will use LQG to designate all the variations out there, unless if a specific approach needs to be called out.
[1] is about a multi-fold universe. We discovered that the framework and mechanism of [1] have many touch points with LQG, in terms of the resulting picture of the universe and specific properties or phenomena. [1] argues that it can model well our real space time and provides predictions and opportunities for falsifiability.
2. Selected Points of Comparison
2.1 Spacetime reconstruction
The second part of [1] describes a spacetime reconstruction phase (bottom up) based on the results obtained top down, in the first part. It leads to a discrete, fractal, random and Lorentz invariant spacetime as well as a network of microscopic black hole models for spacetime locations and particles. The model recovers GR at larger scales and therefore the classical spacetime.On the other hand, spin networks and spin foams start with an a priori situation where there is no spacetime, but a discrete graph of points and principles like: conservation and quantization of angular momentum, of areas (or deficit angles à la Regge Calculus) and of volumes, for tetrahedrons [19]. While very generic and somehow “logical”, these steps are actually, from the onset, bringing in GR and the Hilbert Einstein Action, that also extremizes volumes and surfaces. LQG does not try to recover GR, it uses GR to recover a quantized spacetime and its dynamics, using Action frameworks.
Graphs are built and evolve with kinematics and dynamics prescribed by the formalism. Yet, it never recovers (yet) a smooth or convincing macroscopic spacetime[18]. GR recovery is somehow handwaved, something somehow surprising considering how the Hilbert Einstein Action is so deeply baked into everything related to LQG. It is fair to say that in our view, LQG is more focused on recovering quantum kinematics and dynamics of spacetime than recovering spacetime, with say measures (metrics) as in GR.
Besides direct recovery of Einstein fields equations of GR in [1], the microscopic black holes, introduced in [1] as a bottom up reconstruction, provide a way to ensure recovery of a smooth continuous spacetime at large scales (semi classical and classical), something that is still stomping LQG.
Passing over on how to formulate these concepts from [1] in the context of LQG, [1] can expand on the reconstruction scheme by providing a random walk model for the nodes of the graphs used by LQG. This could finally attach the spin networks or spin foams to an actual spacetime. More on these thoughts later, in terms of Lorentz invariance.
The problems of time, and its absence, in LGQ is also puzzling. At least from the point of view of [1], where reconstruction, and the fractal model due to the random walk, is fractal in space and also in time. So the suggestions, made about fractals and random walks, may clarify these aspects, assuming that one wants to, as there is not clear agreement, on the LGQ side, if time is fundamental or emergent. In [1], time and space cells are created hand in hand by random walk.
All these inferences and reconstructions are based on the multi-fold mechanisms that recover GR without assuming or postulating anything about it. It is to be compared to what strings can claim when they argue that strings recover the graviton without looking for it. As explained in [1,9], the superstring graviton is baked in the Actions and Physics of minimizing the surface of the world sheets just like soap bubbles. Nothing more profound or mysterious. Of course, gravitons and GR are modeled in strings! No need to compute or model anything else, it’s obvious. It does not mean anything much more profound about being automatically a ToE, as selecting such models was purely a lucky fitting of scattering amplitudes with a formula that worked well and matched the physics of strings. Indeed, it just amounted to modeling, before QCD, mesons as stretchable strings. The work is fantastic and was not trivial; but discovering gravitons this way may not have warranted the sudden quasi new religion status that was bestowed over strings, then superstrings and then M-theory etc. [18] argue the same from a different angle. It does not seem that this immediate consequence of the string action has been really noted before. Note, that it is not at all about dissing superstrings. In fact [9], shows many congruent results between superstring theory and multi-folds universes as introduced in [1].
2.2. Background independence
As we just discussed, LQG is often accused to never suitably recovering spacetime, only its networks or graphs of nodes. To some extent, it is taken positively by LGQ proponents, as a consequence of being background independent; just as GR is through its covariant principle.In fact, LQG proponents often promote background independence as one of the main reasons why QFT and strings (e.g. superstrings) encounter so much complexity and so many challenges and why QFT methods of quantizing GR systematically fail with divergences and non-renormalizability [6]. So LQG is background independent because it does not assume any background. Unfortunately, somehow, it never recovers any spacetime connected to our macroscopic reality, because of the approach followed so far.
[1] is also background independent because it is covariant, by relying on Path Integrals in proper particle frameworks. Its model can support different choices of initially flat or curved spacetime, as background spacetime (and hence as initial conditions) with the effects of entanglement (and gravity), due to additional matter or energy, captured on top. Gravity (and gravitons when quantized), via the multi-folds that live in AdS(5), outside our spacetime, lives also outside our spacetime and its effects result into attractive effective potentials felt in spacetime, or effective curvatures, through the multifold mappings, which reminds of holographic principles. This way, no divergence, no renormalizability problems. The fact that spacetimes ends up being discrete further addresses these issue; more on this later.
2.2. Spacetime discreteness
LQG, and its variants, do not really motivate that spacetime is discrete. The main argument is that the vectors normal to tetrahedron surfaces (and of norm equal to their area) share the same commutator relationships as the angular momentum and therefore can be seen respectively as equivalent rotation group representations. Therefore they should similarly be quantized, hence the discrete spacetime. As many, despite the irrefutable arguments presented in [7,8], still do not believe that spacetime is discrete, or have objections to it. LGQ has only weak justifications beyond the above. For LQG, discretization is a fact and the starting point [19].[1] can provide better arguments as it not only manages to infer discreteness, but also the fact that it must come with a random walk structure and therefore is non-commutative (inferred not just from [7] but, more surprising, from the dynamics of the multi-fold mechanisms that model EPR entanglement), and Lorentz invariant (ensured by randomness of the structure and formalized by the non-commutative geometry of spacetime ) till very smalls scales or very early moments of the universe. The discreteness does not just come from considerations like [8], but from the actual kinematics and dynamics of the multi-folds that imply non-commutativity of AdS(5), and therefore of our spacetime.
Non-commutative geometry is also encountered in LQG approaches, and comes, from the beginning, from the commutators of vectors normal to tetrahedrons surfaces (with area as length) matching angular momentum commutators.
It seems of interest to consider adding the notion of random walk or fractal structure to LQG. It could provide a path to a macroscopic spacetime à la GR. It would also help with Lorentz invariance as discussed below.
2.3 Matter and Energy
With its focus on spacetime, LQG has little to say on matter, and energy, other than reusing the outcome of Quantum Physics in terms of matter and spin coupling to gravity and matter Actions. So, in our view, LQG rather reconstructs well the dynamics of an empty spacetime from first principles (that are already based on the Hilbert Einstein action), then dumps in conventional matter models to add matter and energy. Nothing much to say. Depending on where the focus is, this is fine or a gap to be filled.The top down derivation in [1] essentially ignored spacetime (another way to see its background independence). Instead, it focused on reusing conventional physics for matter (That includes energy and radiation for the purpose of this discussion) and on modeling EPR entanglement of real and virtual particle,s in ways that address the EPR paradox. It leads to the multi-folds mechanisms that recovers gravity like effects between entangled particles (Attractive effective potential and effective curvature), real or virtual, and can recover GR at larger scales. From this analysis, [1] discovers that AdS(5) surrounds every particles and that microscopic black holes seem to form around them. This is the basis for the bottom up reconstruction of spacetime, starting from no spacetime at all. Particles are created and random walk to new points, following paths in path integrals. As they do, they concretize spacetime with a fractal structure that is random, and therefore can be Lorentz invariant (and non-commutative). The microscopic black holes recover the area laws (and area quantization) of LQG. With such a model, well known thermodynamics considerations and analysis also recover GR as was taught by [10].
It is puzzling, why LQG does not repeat the methodology of [10], to also recover GR. We are not clear why not.
It seems that it would be of interest to evaluate if tracking particles and entanglement as proposed in [1] may result into a better way to handle matter / energy in LQG. Today, LQG, like QFT and Superstrings, has challenges modeling particles or entanglement between specific particles (versus statistically with entanglement entropy or entanglement Hamiltonians). Of course, reconciling these aspects is not trivial. Maybe considerations of [1] may help and provide inspiration.
Conversely, it may be advantageous for [1] to investigate building an hybrid spin network or spin foam model where microscopic black holes are replaced by these constructs: the spacetime around the microscopic black holes (for particles and spacetime locations) could now fluctuate and settle using LQG dynamics models, instead of the black box (no pun intended) models provided by the black holes and their immediate surrounding. If it recovers the same type of space time and behaviors, it probably will offer insights both to multi-fold reconstruction models and to LQG, and may provide a more more complete reconstruction of spacetime than what [1] has done so far, before passing the buck to microscopic black holes. On the other hand, the microscopic black hole model solves the problem of the smooth spacetime at larger scales that LQG has not been able to address so far.
On the other hand, in [1], the microscopic black holes are the smallest constructs. Therefore it is not sure if they can or should be decomposed into spin networks or spin foams.
2.4 Lorentz Invariance
[1] argues for strict respect of a non supra luminosity principle that implies, among other things, forbidding, in Path Integrals, space like paths, i.e. paths that have portions space like with respect to other portions. It is at the difference of what is done by most conventional physics. We believe that such new criteria has already the potential to remove some of the Lorentz violations effects [16]. It is to be validated.During the reconstruction phase in [1], background independence is recovered through the random walks and the Lorentz invariance of the reconstructed spacetime. It is the randomness that ensures this invariance despite the discreteness of spacetime, and requires non-commutative geometry to model it.
In general, LQG spacetime is not Lorentz invariant (with some exceptions for specific Lorentz networks). Yet, it does not mean that Physics cannot be Lorentz invariant on it, if say the laws are correctly expressed as tensors etc. This problem is recognized [17], often only blamed on discreteness, and even sometimes considered as a sign that superstrings and LQG can converge.
Adding the suggestions above in terms of random walk fractal structure should probably restore the Lorentz invariance (through randomness) to LQG, especially when combined with the strict no supra luminosity principle of [1]. Success with LQG, could be a great way to theoretically validate the importance of the stict supra luminosity principle and the approach of supra-luminosity filtered path integral proposed in [1].
2.5 Actions
As mentioned earlier, LQG relies on variations of the Hilbert Einstein Action [4,5]. [1] does not. It derives the Hilbert Einstein Action from the multi-fold mechanisms, that have, a priori, nothing to do with area extremization.Bottom line, the Actions in LGQ and multi-fold universes are very similar (and variations can be accommodated on both side): the Physics is the same in both spaces (much more than with respect to superstrings, where most Physics do not happen in the same spaces[9]).
2.6 No Gravitational Singularity, no Divergence, Renormalization
LQG accommodates models that ensure the absence of singularities and can support big bounces model in cosmology. In our view, this is a direct consequence of the discrete spacetime (and hence a minimum length) and the LQG formulation of the action convenient to expose torsion. In LQG, torsion, and spin to gravity couplings, appear when fermions are added. It is known that torsion ensure the absence of singularities [11]. In addition, it has been shown in many cases and argued that no divergence appear in LQG (Again because of discreteness and background independence – theorems also claim to bound the series, in many cases) and so the theory is believed to be normalized.In [1], we have the same conclusions. The main enablers are:
- Discreteness of spacetime
- Background independence
- Torsion within matter resulting from the multi-fold mechanisms combined with uncertainties
- Positive cosmology constant and dark energy behaviors due to the multi-folds mechanisms combined with uncertainties
- Non perturbative approach (so no infinite series)
As a result, both approaches are compatible, essentially for very similar reasons, with big bounce cosmology scenarios. Simulations have demonstrated such cosmological scenarios for LQG.
2.6 The AdS Saga
LQG has no notion or relations to an AdS space tangent to our spacetime. Nothing introduces it. Sure, proposal have been made to adapt LQG to AdS and higher dimensional spaces [20]. However, our analysis in [1,9] questions the suitability of AdS(5) or AdS(5) (+ other dimensions) as physical spacetime. Therefore, we do not believe that this proposal are helping; other than at best maybe if they were used to model folds. But we emphasized a lot in [1,9], that folds do not have to follow GR. They may or they may not.[1] introduce such a AdS(5) where multi-folds, and gravitons post quantization, live. We can see in [1,9] how AdS(5)(+ more dimensions) is also the space where superstring theories find gravitons ,as well as other superstrings (e.g. super partners). By now, we know that they cannot live in a positive curvature spacetime (or spacetime with dark energy or positive cosmological constant) [12].
Based on [1] and on its amazing corroboration of the AdS/CFT correspondence met as a conjecture in superstrings, but as facts in a multi-fold universe, we believe that there is value to see how to encounter AdS(5) in LQG. A most obvious option is to add multi-folds, to the graphs of LQG, possibly (but not necessarily – as discussed in [1], multi-folds may or may not follow GR) built by similar graphs. This also would allow tracking particles and modeling (EPR) entanglement at the nodes (spacetime entanglement or entanglements of particles at the nodes).
3. Superstrings and LQG
It is not a stretch to say that LQG, along with its variations, and string theories are competing with each other. The popular scientific literature is full of stories of alleged misbehaviors towards each other. Yet recently, their more or less stalled states have finally led to calls for more collaboration and combinations of ideas and frameworks.[9] shows how multi-fold universes and superstrings have many congruent results and how superstring could benefit from including aspects or lessons learned from multi-fold universes. It even shows how multi-fold universes might account for superstrings. This paper does the same for LQG and some recommendations are the same (e.g. add particle modeling, add entanglement modeling between particles, add the random walk/ fractal reconstructions, consider the microscopic black hole models). Others are different and specific for superstrings and LQG but need to equally take place to converge or build on the two approaches (even without multi-fold considerations) like resolve background independence vs background dependence (e.g. for string to address problems of back reaction and LQG to relate to a concrete macroscopic spacetime), understand AdS/CFT correspondence in LQG, model matter, etc.
4. Conclusions
We believe that [1] makes a compelling case for the consistency of its multi-fold proposal. The present paper shows how LQG and multi-fold universes relate: where they agree and complement each other versus some of the gaps. There are no real incompatibilities in our view, just facets of many similar concepts. It seems clear that concepts of multi-fold universes can help address challenges of LQG and all its variations.When adding the considerations of superstrings, including aspects of the analysis in [9], we also showed many touch points with these approaches.
[1] shows also significant impact on the Standard Model, when we add gravity (especially the short scale massive contributions). It could contribute explanations to several famous open issues.
At this stage, we believe that there is a way forward exploiting multi-fold universes, LQG and superstrings that can result into strong benefits for all approaches or maybe even a converged approach. Hopefully, this paper and [1] helped, and maybe these approaches can progress more collaboratively together?
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Alignments and Gaps Between Multi-fold Universes And Loop Quantum Gravity”, viXra:2006.0229v1,…, June 18, 2020.
References: (most references come from popular science to make the discussion more approachable)
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020).
[3]: Johannes Thueringen, (2015), “Discrete quantum geometries and their effective dimension”, Ph.D. Thesis, Humboldt-Universitaet zu Berlin.
[6]: Lee Smolin, (2005), “The case for background independence”, arXiv:hep-th/0507235v1
[7]: S. Doplicher, K. Fredenhagen and J. E. Roberts, (1994), “Spacetime quantization induced by classical gravity”, Phys. Rev. B 331 (1994) 33.
[8]: Hooft, Gerard ’t, (2016), “How quantization of gravity leads to a discrete space-time”, J. Phys.: Conf. Ser. 701 012014
[9]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), ” Dualities or Analogies between Superstrings and Multi-fold Universe “, viXra:2006.0178v1,…, June 14, 2020.
[10]: Ted Jacobson, (1995), “Thermodynamics of Spacetime: The Einstein Equation of State”, arXiv:gr-qc/9504004v2.
[11]: A. Trautman, (1973), “Spin and Torsion May avert Gravitational Singularities”, Nature Physical Science, ol. 142, 7-8.
[12]: Georges Obied, Hirosi Ooguri, Lev Spodyneiko, Cumrun Vafa, (2018), “De Sitter Space and the Swampland”, arXiv:1806.08362v3.
[15]: Burinskii, Alexander, (2008), “The Dirac-Kerr-Newman electron”, arXiv:0507109v4
[16]: John Collins, Alejandro Perez, Daniel Sudarsky, Luis Urrutia, Héctor Vucetich, (2004), “Lorentz invariance and quantum gravity: an additional fine-tuning problem?”, arXiv:gr-qc/0403053v4
[17]: Rodolfo Gambini, Jorge Pullin, (2014), “Emergence of string-like physics from Lorentz invariance in loop quantum gravity”, arXiv:1406.2610v1
[18]: Carlo Rovelli, (1998), “Strings, loops and others: a critical survey of the present approaches to quantum gravity”, arXiv:gr-qc/9803024v3
[19]: Carlo Rovelli and Francesca Vidotto, (2014), “Covariant Loop Quantum Gravity: An elementary introduction to Quantum Gravity and Spinfoam Theory”, Cambridge University Press.
[20]: Norbert Bodendorfer, Thomas Thiemann, Andreas Thurn, (2011), “Towards Loop Quantum Supergravity (LQSG)”, arXiv:1106.1103v2.
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Spacetime and Gravity are 2D around Planck Scales: A Universal Property of Consistent Quantum Gravity
March 20, 2021
This short paper shows that General Relativity (GR) combined with Quantum Physics implies spacetime and quantum gravity with 2D degrees of freedom at very small scales.
The result is obtained independently of any other assumption on the underlying theory of quantum gravity other than the existence of quantum fluctuations, the formation of black holes if masses or energy sources are very high, and the properties of interactions with and among Black holes.
Implications include universality of particles as microscopic black holes, asymptotic safety of quantum gravity for consistent theories and physical justifications, and hints of a physical justification for chirality of spacetime, and massive fermions/particles; something that will be exploited to explain the early universe, and the absence of GUTs in upcoming publications.
1. Introduction
In [1], we derived that at very small scales, quantum gravity and spacetime appears as 2D processes, then 3D before being 4D at larger scales. It results from the random walks introduced as part of the spacetime reconstruction phase.
We relied on this result to assert that quantum gravity is asymptotically safe in multi-fold universe [2,3]. Then, relied on the quasi-universality of 2D regimes in quantum gravity theories, as in [4,5] with the caveats of [6] for [5], to justify that 2D regimes, and asymptotic safety are universal and not limited to multi-fold universes [2,3].
In the present paper, we show that such a 2D regime is in fact entirely derivable simply from basic combination of GR and Quantum Physics. When semi-classical, the emerging microscopic black holes and their interaction qualifies how 2D comes into play and hints at the apparition of chirality of spacetime.
2. Universality of Microscopic Black Holes at High Energy or Small Scales
It is possible to show with GR (General Relativity) and Quantum Physics that Asymptotic Safety can be achieved. This is obtained as follows:
- Quantum introduces uncertainties and fluctuations.
- At very high energy, and hence very small scales, fluctuations will have very specific results, according to these theories. 2 options should be considered though:
- At the beginning of the universe, i.e. coming from a high temperature environment, fluctuations results into tiny curvatures of spacetime, or very high energy massless particles (pairs) (or their excitations): we are above the electroweak symmetry breaking energy: most effects involve massless particles. If with spin (rotating), and / or charged, they will be close to extremal. Any massive fluctuation will certainly be extremal when rotating (i.e. with spin), with the state spin 0 particles possibly seen as combining opposite spin effects (except for the massless Higgs that does not rotate at all and are rather a (minimum) Schwarzschild black hole). So this covers any particle that is not massless (i.e. associated by fluctuation with the Higgs field before electroweak symmetry breaking), or the massive Higgs (i.e. Today’s Higgs boson associated with Higgs field post electroweak symmetry breaking).
- In later epochs, e.g. post electroweak symmetry breaking and mass acquisition, at very small scales, fluctuations will again appear as very temporary particles / excitations of massive or massless particle (pairs) in a possible background spacetime. Extremality is similar.
- So high energy and/or small scales quantum fluctuations in energy content / spacetime , result in microscopic black holes that are the virtual, or sometimes physical, particles. Interactions at these scales are in and with a spacetime filled with black holes that are extremal, beyond extremal or at least close to it, depending on the model [12].
- In [1,7], we detailed how, in fact, which is a consistent proposal in a multi-fold universe[1]. It was based on [8-11] that illustrate plausible consistency in conventional non-multi-fold models. In all cases the challenges of singularities or rings of singularities are addressed and avoided by solitons (of Higgs) with superconducting edges that hide these effects and regularize the solutions; but externally everything appears as black holes.
- These black holes will interact mostly through scattering, which we know are matching particle interactions, when using Kerr-Newman or Reissner-Nordström metrics [1,7,17,18,22]. It also applies to Schwarzschild metrics modeled as limits to charge and rotation going to zero, or seen as sum of two black holes which rotate in opposite directions.
This result was already hinted in [13,14].
3. Universality of 2D processes at High Energy or Small Scales
The interactions, described in section 3, are mostly black hole to black hole (higher scale/lower energy objects rather providing the semi-classical curvature background). These are essentially 2D processes, because interacting or orbiting a Kerr-Newman, Reissner-Nordström, or in the limit Schwarzschild blackhole, amounts to a 2D CFT model [1], as scattering become elastic and massless boson walks (e.g. massless Higgs) are modeled by 2D CFT [25].
As a result, we recover the spacetime conclusions of [1-3] about gravity and spacetime behaving as 2D processes at very small scales. The result does not depend on any particular considerations coming from particular QFT models, and certainly without any superstrings or other quantum gravity considerations.
It was also hinted at in [14,17-19][2]. As described in [6], even [13] arrived at that results with its model of dimension reduction at very smalls scales, where effects are dominated by massless particles under our current considerations. [4] compiles a set of quantum gravity theories agreeing with this 2D process outcome; therefore confirming universality across models, and / or a criteria for suspicion of theory that do not produce such an outcome.
Another derivation, showing universality across theories can be found for example at [24], and many others, universal or bound to a model, can be found as papers or remarks in the literature.
4. Some implications
4.1 Universality of asymptotically safe Quantum Gravity
The fact that 2(+ε)D is asymptotically safe, see e.g. [20-21], proves universally that, no matter what the theory of quantum gravity, under consideration, is, to be correct, it will have a 2D regime, and, therefore, it must be asymptotically safe. Arguing that it is not, as has been widely done in the literature (See references in [2,3]), means that such models are relying on incorrect or incomplete quantum gravity models or assumptions. Of courses as already widely discussed in [2,3], these have significant implications for superstrings, supersymmetry, M-Theory and many popular GUTs (Grand Unification Theory) and TOEs (Theory Of Everything); reducing for example their plausible physicality to the 2D regime, in the best case for superstrings or supersymmetry and that is in fact no guarantee to be consistent either [3].
The analysis and relations to microscopic black holes, in conjunction with models like [1,8-11] provide physical justifications of why quantum gravity is physically asymptotically safe [3,6]. Ironically, an opposite result from the one obtained by [14], that was also using microscopic black hole as models for trans-Planckian events.
Note added on October 31, 2022: More discussions of 2(+ε)D asymptotic safety can be found in [28]. A non-perturbative proof of asymptotic safety in 4D is provide in [29].
4.2 Chiral massive fermion, Chiral spacetime and more
Furthermore, for external microscopic black holes, we see that the modeled spacetime, and massive fermions and bosons are chiral [15,16][4], when involving extremal blackholes: anything near an extremal (spinning) black hole must spin with same chirality as the black hole. This is also what orients spacetime as discussed in [1,7,27]. Note added on 10/31/22: See also [30].
This result will be exploited in an upcoming paper (soon to be posted at [23]), to explain chirality of massive particles (fermions and bosons) and the interactions such bosons carries (weak) and rewrite the history of the early universe in terms of its high energy symmetry breakings. In future works, we will also explain at why GUTs do not exist.
5. Conclusions
We have proven the universality across consistent quantum gravity theories of particles as microscopic black holes, spacetime and gravity at very small scales as 2D processes, asymptotic safety of such quantum gravity and unavoidability of chirality of spacetime and massive particles, fermions and bosons. At larger scales, it goes to 3D then 4D.
Upcoming work will show how in the context of multi-fold universes, this can rewrite the history of the early universe and address the challenges of the absence of any hint of GUTs and TOEs.
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “Spacetime and Gravity are 2D around Planck Scales: A Universal Property of Consistent Quantum Gravity”, viXra:2211.0001v1,…, March 20, 2021.
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020) “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1,…, (June 9, 2020.
[2]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Renormalization and Asymptotic Safety of Gravity in a Multi-Fold Universe: More Tracking of the Standard Model at the Cost of Supersymmetries, GUTs and Superstrings”, viXra:2102.0137v1,…, September 18, 2020.
[3]: Stephane H Maes, (2021), “Quantum Gravity Asymptotic Safety from 2D Universal Regime and Smooth Transition to Dual Superstrings”, viXra:2208.0151v1,…, January 29, 2021.
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[20]: Yoshihisa Kitazawa, (1995), “Quantum Gravity is Renormalizable near Two Dimensions”, arXiv:hep-th/9505193v1.
[21]: H. Kawai, Y. Kitazawa, M. Ninomiya, 91995), “Renormalizability of Quantum Gravity near Two Dimensions”, arXiv:hep-th/9511217v1.
[22]: Nima Arkani-Hamed, Yu-tin Huang, Donal O’Connell, (2019-2020), “Kerr Black Holes as Elementary Particles”, arXiv:1906.10100v2.
[23]: Stephane Maes, (2020-2022), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe”, Navigation page listing all papers.….
[24]: T. Padmanabhan, Sumanta Chakraborty, Dawood Kothawala, (2015-2016), “Spacetime with zero point length is two-dimensional at the Planck scale”, arXiv:1507.05669v3.
[25]: Philippe Francesco, Pierre Mathieu, David Senechal, (1997), “Conformal Field Theory”, Springer.
[26]: Stephane H. Maes, (2021-2022), “Our real universe spacetime is 4D”. Multiple comments / threads in the comment section of….
[27]: Stephane H Maes, (2022), “Can Chirality Flips Occur in a Multi-Fold Universe? What About Conservation Laws? II”, viXra:2204.0152v2,…, August 20, 2022.
References added on October 31, 2022:
[28]: Riccardo Martini, Gian Paolo Vacca, Omar Zanusso, (2022), “Perturbative approaches to non-perturbative quantum gravity”, arXiv:2210.13910v1.
[29]: Stephane H Maes, (2022), “A Non-perturbative Proof of the Asymptotic Safety of 4D Einstein Gravity, With or Without Matter”,…, May 4, 2022.
[30]: Stephane H. Maes, (2022), “Invalidation and Proof of the Mass Gap, and Viability of The Standard Model on a Discrete Spacetime”,…, July 15, 2022.
[1] Conversely, this reasoning also motivates [1,7]: even without the multi-fold theory, or the analyses of [8-11], it is clear (too much energy for a given volume) that particles (physical or virtual) end up existing as microscopic black holes for very high energy fluctuations. In itself, it motivates our models of particles as microscopic black holes.
[2] [17-19] add to [1,7]: particles, modeled as black holes produce only few particles, not larger black holes. This also matches the observation and models of particle physics, instead of black hole mergers, resolving what otherwise might be an objection to our proposal.
[3] Indeed, the reduction to 2D is a dominant process statement, not an implication that spacetime is actually 2D. As such [2,3] (and references relied upon) probably limit superstrings and superstrings as, at best, approximations of the 2D regime and not actually a better model than QFT or certainly not better than our multi-fold reconstruction models [1]. We know that as scale increase it will appear 3D then 4D and continuous. The reason for 4D spacetime is discussed in [1,26].
[4] Black holes are modeled isolated in [15,16].
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#2D #2DCFT #2DGravity #4DSpacetime #AsymptoticSafe #CFT #chiralBosons #chiralFermions #chiralGravity #chiralSpacetime #Chirality #Electroweak #ExtremalBlackHole #GeneralRelativity #GrandUnificationTheories #GUT #Higgs #Inflation #KerrNewman #Massive #massless #multiFoldConsistency #multiFoldMechanism #MultiFoldUniverse #ParticlesAsBlackHoles #QFT #QuantumGravity #QuantumPhysics #randomWalk #ReissnerNordstrom #renormalizable #Schwarzchild #spacetime #spacetimeReconstruction #StandardModel #standardModelWithGravity #Superstrings #Supersymmetry #symmetryBreaking #TheoryOfEverything #TOE
“Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”: 2D or 2+1D spacetime at small scales
Stephane H. Maes[1]March 20, 2021
This short note presents a clarification to statements provided in our paper “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, with respect to the dimensional reduction of quantum gravity proposed by ‘t Hooft.
1. Motivations
In [1], and subsequent multi-fold theory papers, e.g. [2], tracked in [3,4], we stated that G. ‘t Hooft proposed that gravity behaves as if it had 2D degrees of freedom [5]. Multiple readers asked about this, as [5] explicitly states 2+1D.2. Clarifications
Yes, [5] recovered degrees of freedom associated to a 2+1D spacetime, which may appear inconsistent with our statements made in [1,2].We should have been clearer that 2+1D in [5] indeed implies 2D spacetime at very small scales. Indeed if at these scales, all particle are massless (e.g. because we are above the electroweak energy scale), their speed is fixed at c. The resulting process is therefore 2D.
In fact, it is consistent with most quantum gravity theories per [6].
Cite as: Stephane H Maes, (2021), ““Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”: 2D or 2+1D spacetime at small scales”, viXra:2103.0142,…, March 20, 2021.
[1]: Stephane H. Maes, (2020), “Quantum Gravity Emergence from Entanglement in a Multi-Fold Universe”, viXra:2006.0088v1, (June 9, 2020). (See also…).
[2]: Stephane H Maes, (2020), “Renormalization and Asymptotic Safety of Gravity in a Multi-Fold Universe: More Tracking of the Standard Model at the Cost of Supersymmetries, GUTs and Superstrings”, viXra:2102.0137v1,…, September 18, 2020.
[3]: Stephane Maes, (2020), “Web Site Tracking all Publications around the Multi-fold universe”, Navigation page listing all papers.….
[4]: Stephane Maes, (2021), “Current Review – All Publications around the Multi-fold universe – February 2021”,,…, February 15, 2021. (More recent updates available at the URL).
[5]: G. ‘t Hooft, (1993), “Dimensional Reduction in Quantum Gravity”, arXiv:gr-qc/9310026v2.
[6]: Steven Carlip, (2010), “The Small Scale Structure of Spacetime“, arXiv:1009.1136v1.
I thank my generous supporters on Patreon. [strong]If you like my work, publications, and opinions, please consider joining them. This way, you can support this research work done totally independent from any institution. Use the contact form if you prefer to help by putting together a grant or other type of funding.[/strong]
#2D #4D #AsymptoticSafe #CFT #DiscreteSpacetime #Entanglement #GeneralRelativity #LorentzInvariance #MultiFoldUniverse #nonCommutative #QuantumGravity #QuantumPhysics #randomWalk #renormalizable #spacetimeReconstruction
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