When Early Humans Began Killing Planetmates and Eating Flesh, It Was Not Long Until They Were Killing Each Other: Human Savagery Started With Meat-Eating

Becoming Controlling, Becoming Killers: In the Tenth Prasad, the Planetmates Tell How Humans Became So Complacent About Taking Life

The Great Reveal from the Planetmates, The Tenth Prasad: Descent Into Savagery Begins … Becoming Controlling, Becoming Killers

Planetmates Release The Tenth Prasad
You first began your fearful, deluded controlling when you added Planetmate flesh to your former vegetarian diet[/strong]
Pig was First Consciousness at The Tenth Prasad.
"Your descent into aggression and savagery started here, because when you learned how to kill fellow Planetmates...it was not too long before you began to be able to kill each other."
The Tenth Prasad – Becoming Controlling, Becoming Killers
Rather than the natural state of being, awareness, and bliss, your state of omnipresent fear caused you to be ever more unable to accept the gifts of life and survival on Nature’s terms, which were uncertain, but on the other hand, adventurous and surprising. It is the state we enjoy and find blissful and playful and always interesting. [strong]Your fear made you unable to bear the uncertain state. So, being impatient, and therefore unwilling to receive sustenance and nurturing on Nature’s timetable,
you first began taking control of when you would be nourished by adding planetmate flesh to your former vegetarian diet. [/strong]
[strong][strong][/strong]Your descent into aggression and savagery started here, because when you learned how to kill fellow planetmates, which had not been in your nature prior to the prematurity trauma and your constant adult state of tension,[strong][strong][strong]
[/strong][/strong][/strong] it was not too long before you began to be able to kill each other. Continuing to lose faith in the reality of divine perfection, love, and nurturing, which all other planetmates know without doubt, you thought you needed to compete over resources and sometimes to kill your own to keep from starving, or to keep from being killed. The first was your delusion, the second was your delusion made real among yourselves.[/strong]

Video Commentary by SillyMickel Adzema
What follows is a video of a reading of The Tenth Prasad, as received from The Planetmates, with additional explanation, context, and some commentary by SillyMickel Adzema.
The Tenth Prasad from The Planetmates: Part One – Faith vs. Fear, Playful vs. Predictable
The issues highlighted in the commentary relate to that of the blissful existence of the Planetmates based on absolute faith in the goodness of Existence contrasted with the fearful one of humans based on mistrust, and of the adventurous, playful lives of the Planetmates compared to the striving for predictability and certainty of humans.
The Tenth Prasad from The Planetmates: Part Two – Descent Into Savagery Begins
This next video is a continuation of the commentary of The Tenth Prasad, as received from The Planetmates. The issues highlighted in this commentary relate to the descent into savagery that began with the switch from a completely vegetarian diet to one that included planetmate flesh and involved hunting and killing. Very importantly this led to the ability to be able to kill other humans as well. This momentous development—its significance and consequences—is elaborated upon.

Audio Commentary by SillyMickel Adzema
The link above takes you to the audio-only version of Part One of my commentary on The Tenth Prasad, exactly as is in the video. Click on the link to go to the the audio site, or you can listen to it here using the audio player below.
Image of The 10th Prasad. “The Great Reveal” By The Planetmates: Pt 1 – Faith Vs. Fear, Playful Vs. Predictable[em][/em]
The link above takes you to the audio-only version of Part Two of my commentary on The Tenth Prasad, exactly as is in the video. Click on the link to go to the the audio site, or you can listen to it here using the audio player below.
Image of Commentary On The 10th Prasad Continued: Descent Into Savagery Begins, By Silly Mickel Adzema
Paraphrase/ Summary/ Abstract of “The Tenth Prasad” — by SillyMickel Adzema
Your state of ominipresent fear caused you to lose faith in the goodness of Nature/ the Divine as it is. You became increasingly fearful of what would happen in any future time and so spent your time seeking to determine that future through fervid controlling activities in the present, which consumed both your consciousness and became your lived Existence. Life is uncertain because we do not know the future consequences of our present actions, but we see that as part of the joyous adventure, whereas that fact causes you dread. So our natural state is one of being, awareness, and bliss, and our lives are surprising, playful, and always interesting;
whereas yours became one of impatience, defiance toward Nature/ the Divine in all its forms, and set toward fighting imaginary threats in a state of fervid, obsessive controlling of things inside and around you.
The basic needs of physical existence, like sustenance, food, we accept as gifts from God; your crazed state caused you to seek to control this aspect of existence, to make it less certain. Your first attempt to do that involved your adding Planetmate flesh to your former, exclusively vegetarian, diet. You had been happy accepting God’s varied and often surprising gifts through foraging, but now you began what you called “hunting,” as well. This began your descent into savagery.

Prior to your prematurity trauma it had not been in your nature to kill, let alone eat, flesh that resembled your own—those that you call “animals.” [strong]
But with your lives of increasing tension and as your continued loss of touch with Real Existence diminished and your lives lived in your substitute world of monochromatic ghostly symbols expanded, you became insensitive enough to the spilling of blood to make life and death decisions over fellow Planetmates. After that, it was not long before you were intruding on God’s domain by making these decisions about each other, as well. [/strong]
You first began to kill each other out of your fear that there would not be enough sustenance for all—what you call “competition over resources.”
Planetmates know without doubt that they are interwoven with and therefore infinitely loved and sustained by a God who is perfect in His care and nurturing of us in every way, even the tiniest and most insignificant. So your fear of dying through lack of sustenance was your delusion wrought of your crazed, increasingly ghostly existence.

But as more of you believed it, you created the very real threat of being killed, for that reason, by one of your own kind. So, out of your delusion of scarcity of resources, you created the reality that you would need to kill in order to keep from being killed.

To Read the Entire Book … [strong]on-line, free at this time[/strong]… Go to The Great Reveal from The Planetmates
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#aggression #awareness #Being #bliss #carnivore #carnivorous #competition #control #delusion #descent #eat #faith #fear #flesh #hunting #impatience #kill #killOrBeKilled #meat #nature #omnipresent #Planetmate #playful #prematurity #savage #savagery #tension #trauma #uncertain #uncertainty #vegetarian