Items tagged with: moki
close up. and work in progress
a painting i created for pictoplasma "CHARACTER MATTERS" CALL – it is an interpretation of the Kodama spirits known from HAYAO MIYASAKI'S "Princess Mononoke" #charactermatters
Character is how you treat people who can't do anything for you.
#pictoplasma #kodama #forestspirit #mononoke #wholeearth #entangledlife #miyasaki #spirit #critters #chthulucene #woodwideweb #everythingisconnected #workinprogress #timelapse #painting #moki #mioke
work-in-progress of a painting i created for pictoplasma "CHARACTER MATTERS" CALL (an interpretation of the Kodama spirits known from HAYAO MIYASAKI'S "Princess Mononoke")
Character is how you treat people who can't do anything for you.
#pictoplasma #kodama #forestspirit #mononoke #wholeearth #entangledlife #miyasaki #spirit #critters #chthulucene #woodwideweb #everythingisconnected #workinprogress #timelapse #painting #moki #mioke
for pictoplasma "CHARACTER MATTERS" CALL – i painted an interpretation of the Kodama spirits known from HAYAO MIYASAKI'S "Princess Mononoke" #charactermatters
Character is how you treat people who can't do anything for you.
#pictoplasma #kodama #forestspirit #mononoke #wholeearth #entangledlife #miyasaki #spirit #critters #chthulucene #woodwideweb #everythingisconnected #workinprogress #timelapse #painting #moki #mioke
painting that is included in my book MÄANDER
24x30cm acrylic on canvas 2020
you can order the book by writing a message
🖌️MÄANDER hardcover / 160 pages / GER + ENG
130 illustrations / 22.3 x 25.7 cm / 44€ Published by Hatje Cantz 2024
#cosmos #connection #howtodisappear #wrappedup #falte #morethanhuman #breath #moki
exhibition view: MÄANDER @kleineaffaere
if you would like an original painting you find pdfs on my website
#mäander #meander #moki #kleineaffaere #exhibitionview #shelter #antropocene #painting
you find my pictures now at PIXELFED from now on. my ideals of an open diverse democratic society do not match with instagrams ideas!
change too!
exhibition view: MÄANDER @kleineaffaere
if you would like an original painting you find pdfs on my website
#mäander #meander #moki #kleineaffaere #exhibitionview #shelter #antropocene #painting
you find my artworks at pixelfed in the future
my ideals of an open diverse democratic society do not match with instagrams ideas!
change too!
exhibition view: MÄANDER @kleineaffaere
if you would like an original painting you find pdfs on my website
#mäander #meander #moki #kleineaffaere #exhibitionview #shelter #iceland #painting
within the next weeks i will leave companies like insta x facebook spotify who work together with climate change denying and inhuman persons or institutions
i will try apps like
or other upcoming ones like flashes
to see what fits best
imagine you could curl up like a sow bug tiny acrylic painting 13x13cm 2019
this painting is one out of 135 paintings you find in MÄANDER by HATJE&CANTZ 2024.
if you order the art book in december 2024 you automatically take part in the lottery for an original painting 60x60cm!
💌 To order, email
i’m very proud of this publication!
next to paintings from the last 10 years you find poetic thoughts by frank weber, merlin sheldrake, lina josephina lindqvist, marianna andrly & bus126 as well as dogen, walters benjamin and zhuangzi
🖌️MÄANDER hardcover / 160 pages / GER + ENG
130 illustrations / 22.3 x 25.7 cm / 44€ Published by Hatje Cantz 2024
🖼️ you find all available paintings in a pdf on > for you > originals
#woodlouse #sowbug #lottery #winapainting #moki #mossytree #meander #hiddenplaces #painting #hatjecantz
#littlefellow #animalrights #science #humananimalstudies #pingu #painting #tracking #migratingbirds #mybodymychoice #penguin #moki #mioke
#escapism #safe #shelter #hideout #howtodisappear #cabin #foresthouse #treehouse #woodcabin #naturelovers #shadesofgreen #forestbathing #colourbathing #healers #connection #home #RD #paintedshelters #moki #mioke #painting
my father ones told me that he likes this painting. he had it framed as a postcard. nowadays it is hard to get in conversation with him. he has alzheimer’s disease. he is rarely responding, living in his own world.
when he was younger he was often imitating bird songs. sometimes when i whistle for him he responds with a bird voice.
#hay #maki #fur #painting #dissolve #moki #myfavorite #absent
a painting i made for my diploma exhibition installed in the owner’s apartment - thank you so much for your support M. M. !!!
painting untitled / acrylic on canvas board / 2007
#soundofsilence #river #meander #hideout #untiefen #escapism #howtodisappear #moveme #greywaters #moki #mioke #landscapepainting #imagination #murakami #hearttalk #listen #whispers #disolve
#hannahkowalski #island #mossy #lichen #tobelikewater #painting #waterfall #landscapepainting #icelandcolors #greenshades #moki #relation #sheltered
#rebellion #actionspeakslouder #luyen #demandtheimpossible #one #tobelikewater #painting #waterfall #greenshades #moki #relation #sheltered #howtodisappear
this painting is published in the art book HOW TO DISAPPEAR. the next art book will be called MEANDER and be released in summer 2024 by @hatjecantzverlag
i had the honor to share a studio @kampnagel_hamburg with gabe @gabedubois1981
and @brookodil! thank you gabe for all your help and time and being open for a portrait!
#gabrieldubois #raft #island #painting #climatecrisis #anthropocene #moki #howtodisappear #likewater #meander
this painting is published in the art book HOW TO DISAPPEAR. the next art book will be called MEANDER and be released in summer 2024 by @hatjecantzverlag
a few years later, i was actually allowed to paint jon and i’m very happy about it. in this picture, he draws the feeding passages of a leaf miner (miniermotte) with chalk in a rocky gorge. thank you dear jon!
#moth #cryptic #whispering #rockymountains #hidden #hideout #jon #moki #painting #size #relation #sheltered #howtodisappear
this painting is published in the art book HOW TO DISAPPEAR. the next art book will be called MEANDER and be released in summer 2024 by @hatjecantzverlag
walking leave clay sculptures
#walkingleave #handmade #multiples #howtodisappear #unique #clumsy #mioke #mimicry #moki #jurassic #dustofthedays #iamnothere #arachnophobia
this year no larvae hatched from the eggs of my walking leaves. that's why i made some myself. if you like them let me know. all unique handmade 42€
walking leave clay sculptures
#walkingleave #handmade #multiples #howtodisappear #unique #clumsy #mioke #mimicry #moki #jurassic #dustofthedays #iamnothere #arachnophobia
this year no larvae hatched from the eggs of my walking leaves. that's why i made some myself. if you like them let me know. all unique handmade 42€
picture by @thaleroriginalgrafik from the group show HIMBEERGEIST UND SAUERAMPFER (the show took place in june/july 2023) many thanks to gallery thaler leipzig & @gabrielajolowicz for the invitation!
featured artists:
#painting #gallerythaler #moki #leipzig, #thaleroriginalgrafik #spinnereileipzig #spinnereigallerys #howtodisappear
this story is about growing up. the slow change, perhaps with the danger of hardening. imagination, playfulness and openness can give way to sobriety and evaporate as life seeps in with all its facets.
(a spread of the book KALEIDOSKOP published by @reprodukt_berlin - order by DM with drawing signature or dedication 29euro)
#kaleidoskop #growingup #graphicnovel #kopffüssler #reprodukt #compilation #conservation #comic #moki #mioke #imagination #reality #openness #softness #tenderness #love
a window show is on view in hamburg @stripsstories wohlwillstr from friday 9.6 until the 25th of june – on FRIDAY 9.6 17-19h there is a lottery + signing hours and book release @stripsstories today!
#ichi #flader #painting #stripstories #reprodukt #moki #mioke
a window show is on view in hamburg @stripsstories wohlwillstr from friday 9.6 until the 25th of june – on FRIDAY 9.6 17-19h there is a lottery + signing hours and book release @stripsstories today!
#ichi #flader #painting #stripstories #reprodukt #moki #mioke
a window show is on view in hamburg @stripsstories wohlwillstr from friday 9.6 until the 25th of june – on FRIDAY 9.6 17-19h there is a lottery + signing hours and book release @stripsstories today!
#ichi #flader #painting #stripstories #reprodukt #moki #mioke
a window show is on view in hamburg @stripsstories wohlwillstr from friday 9.6 until the 25th of june – on FRIDAY 9.6 17-19h there is a lottery + signing hours and book release @stripsstories today!
#ichi #flader #painting #stripstories #reprodukt #moki #mioke
a window show is on view in hamburg @stripsstories wohlwillstr from friday 9.6 until the 25th of june – on FRIDAY 9.6 17-19h there is a lottery + signing hours and book release @stripsstories today!
#ichi #flader #painting #stripstories #reprodukt #moki #mioke
weaver bird
tiny painting 20x20cm 2023
#birdsrising #climatechange #nestfromscrap #anthropocene #Ploceidae #weaverbirds #finches #webervögel #weaver #humanparasite #brassworksgallery #birdpainting #workinprogress #moki #mioke
paintings for the show "Birds Rising” curated by Heiko Müller @heikomullerart at Brassworks Gallery @brassworksgallery Portland USA september ‘23
with works by Alexandra Lukaschewitz, Ana Juan, Bene Rohlmann, Brad Woodfin, Caitlin McCormack, Dan Barry, Darla Jackson, Dewi Plass, Diana Sudyka, Eiko Borcherding, El Gato Chimney, Elmar Lause, Gregory Hergert, Hazel Ang, Heiko Müller, John Casey, Juliet Schreckinger, Katrin Berge, Kisung Koh, Marc Burckhardt, Mario Klingemann, moki, Richard Ahnert, Ryan Heshka
#birdsrising #climatechange #anthropocene #Ploceidae #weaverbirds #finches #webervögel #weaver #humanparasite #brassworksgallery #birdpainting #workinprogress #moki #mioke
in times of human made anthropocene - the weaver birds like the bowery birds started to use plastic scrap to build their nests and bowers (acrylic painting on canvas board 20x20cm 2023)
this painting is part of the show "Birds Rising” curated by heiko müller @heikomullerart at Brassworks Gallery @brassworksgallery Portland USA september ‘23
#birdsrising #climatechange #anthropocene #Ploceidae #weaverbirds #finches #webervögel #weaver #humanparasite #brassworksgallery #birdpainting #workinprogress #moki #mioke
blue bird - tiny painting 20x20cm 2023
#birdsrising #climatechange #anthropocene #Ploceidae #weaverbirds #finches #webervögel #weaver #humanparasite #brassworksgallery #birdpainting #workinprogress #moki #mioke
a weaver bird that - in times of human made anthropocene - makes its nest from plastic scrap
a painting for the show "Birds Rising” curated by heiko müller @heikomullerart at Brassworks Gallery @brassworksgallery Portland USA september ‘23
with works by Alexandra Lukaschewitz, Ana Juan, Bene Rohlmann, Brad Woodfin, Caitlin McCormack, Dan Barry, Darla Jackson, Dewi Plass, Diana Sudyka, Eiko Borcherding, El Gato Chimney, Elmar Lause, Gregory Hergert, Hazel Ang, Heiko Müller, John Casey, Juliet Schreckinger, Katrin Berge, Kisung Koh, Marc Burckhardt, Mario Klingemann, moki, Richard Ahnert, Ryan Heshka
#birdsrising #climatechange #anthropocene #Ploceidae #weaverbirds #finches #webervögel #weaver #humanparasite #brassworksgallery #birdpainting #workinprogress #moki #mioke
wonderful people! i have 3 paintings for you: i will do a lottery on the 20st of dec.
your chances to win an original painting are still 50%!!!! all you have to do is order a SHELTER BOOK.
you have 7 days left! 29,90€ signed & dedicated if you like - mailto:
take your chance!
i also have 2 special edition books left - the cover is made out of wood with an embossed drawing
#freepainting #winoriginalartwork #lottery #shelter #shelterbook #fakewood #imitation #painting #moki #gingkopress
wonderful people! i have 3 paintings for you: i will do a lottery on the 20st of dec.
your chances to win an original painting are still 50%!!!! all you have to do is order a SHELTER BOOK.
you have 7 days left! 29,90€ signed & dedicated if you like - mailto:
take your chance!
i also have 2 special edition books left - the cover is made out of wood with an embossed drawing
#freepainting #winoriginalartwork #lottery #shelter #shelterbook #fakewood #imitation #painting #moki #gingkopress
#mypieceofcake #allyoucaneat #letthemeatcake #ownership #cherrypicking #expropriation #earthday #consumption #postapocalypse #moneycantbuy #cake #jammy #marieantoinette #cliffhanger #moki #mioke #painting
#mypieceofcake #allyoucaneat #letthemeatcake #ownership #cherrypicking #expropriation #earthday #consumption #postapocalypse #moneycantbuy #cake #jammy #marieantoinette #cliffhanger #moki #mioke #painting
i painted some tiny black & white pictures like this one (15x15cm acrylic on canvas 2022) for the DWD annual group show curated by @heikomullerart at gallery @feinkunstkrueger in hamnburg – it runs until the 23rd of dec ‘22
ARTISTS: with Tanja Hirschfeld, Susanne König, Alexandra Lukaschewitz, Allison Sommers, Caitlin McCormack, Femke Hiemstra, moki, Pamela Tait, Hazel Ang, Dewi Plass, Babs Webb, Juliet Schreckinger, Brad Woodfin, Chris Leib, Dave Cooper, Elmar Lause, Fred Stonehouse, Gregory Hergert, Heiko Müller, Jan Thomas, Jason Limon, Jeff Soto, Jesús Aguado, Johnny Akihito Noda, Marcus Schäfer, Marc Burckhardt, Paul Neberra, Ryan Heshka, Alex Diamond, Andrew Cadima, Atak
#floating #observer #asleep #painting #DWD #moki #howtodisappear