Items tagged with: murakami
Experience the magic of Kafka039;s stories in a breathtaking new production! Dive into the surreal world where dreams and reality intertwine, featuring unforgettable characters and stunning choreography. This is a must-see event for theater lovers in Zlín! #Kafka #Theater #Zlin #CulturalEvent #Murakami
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Sobotní česká premiéra Kafky na pobřeží byla událostí zlínské divadelní sezony
Ve světě Murakamiho obrazových příběhů, oscilujících na pomezí snu a reality, je možné vše. Kočky zde mluví, z nebe padají ryby, Johnnie Walker hraje na flétnu a Plukovník Sanders vám umí zprostředkovat potěšení všeho
🌊🎭 Nezapomeňte na sobotní premiéru Kafky na pobřeží! Tato inscenace vás zavede do fantastického světa, kde se mísí sny a realita. Přijďte se podívat na příběh o probuzení do vlastního života a objevování sebe sama. Těšíme se na vás! #Kafka #Divadlo #Zlín #Premiéra #Murakami
👉 Více informací najdete zde:…
Sobotní česká premiéra Kafky na pobřeží bude událostí zlínské divadelní sezony
Ve světě Murakamiho obrazových příběhů, oscilujících na pomezí snu a reality, je možné vše. Kočky zde mluví, z nebe padají ryby, Johnnie Walker hraje na flétnu a Plukovník Sanders vám umí zprostředkovat potěšení všeho
a painting i made for my diploma exhibition installed in the owner’s apartment - thank you so much for your support M. M. !!!
painting untitled / acrylic on canvas board / 2007
#soundofsilence #river #meander #hideout #untiefen #escapism #howtodisappear #moveme #greywaters #moki #mioke #landscapepainting #imagination #murakami #hearttalk #listen #whispers #disolve
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
Perhaps a good audio book option for 2025 for me.
(I don't run, but I doubt this will matter somehow.)…
What I Talk About When I Talk About Running
In 1982, having sold his jazz bar to devote himself to …Goodreads
Choose 20 books that have stayed with you or influenced you. One book per day for 20 days, in no particular order. No explanations, no reviews, just covers!
#Books #BookSky #BookChallenge #fiction #novel #literature #murakami
The Wind-Up Bird Chronicle, by Haruki Murakami.
'Now it’s McCoy Tyner’s piano solo I hear, the left hand carving out a repetitious rhythm and the right layering on thick, forbidding chords.…The patient, repeating music ever so slowly breaks apart the real, rearranging the pieces. It has a hypnotic, menacing smell, just like the forest'—Kafka On The Shore, Murakami
"Jazz In Haruki Murakami Novels Mix"…
#jazz #collection #japan #japanese #music #murakami #surreal #art
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#youtube_NTSLIVEUK #Murakami #Jazz #Kafka_on_the_shore #Haruki
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Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
It’s no secret that Louis Vuitton, like most major fashion brands, knows how to leverage its ambassadors. Since joining the iconic French fashion house in 2023, Zendaya has consistently represented the brand, starring in campaigns for the Capucines handbags and flaunting designs by creative director Nicolas Ghesquière with effortless flair.…
#Zendaya #LouisVuitton #Murakami #FashionIcon #LuxuryFashion #ArtMeetsFashion #StyleInspiration #HighFashion #Celebrity #Fashion
The English translation of Haruki Murakami's first novel in six years is set for release next week. Called "The City and its Uncertain Walls," it's another genre-defying book, with some of Murakami's trademark motifs including jazz, coffee, and the Beatles. @npr interviewed the multi-award-winning Japanese writer about the book's origins, his thoughts on getting older, and his abiding love for "The Great Gatsby."
Who are your 5 favourite authors, and your favourite book by each. I need a reading list to help me escape this endless doomscrolling.
I’ll start.
Haruki Murakami - Kafka on the Shore
John Irving - A prayer for Owen Meany
Paul Auster - The Music of Chance
Neil Gaiman - American Gods
Terry Pratchett - Small Gods
Kurt Vonnegut - Slaughterhouse 5
(Yes, that’s 6)
#books #bookstodon #TerryPratchett #PaulAuster #JohnIrving #Murakami #Gaiman #Vonnegut