Items tagged with: clothing
and that we want to reduce the amount of #TextileWaste that ends up in #landfill.
👖…And if an item can’t be repaired, over 3 in 5 of our #SecondHand clothing purchases have displaced the need to buy new ones!
The rise of resale websites like #Vinted and #Depop have been an eye opener into just how much #clothing we all own. You can now search for a specific item by size, colour and brand so easily that buying second hand is becoming easier than ever.
Google Blog: Unveiling royal style: A digital journey through five centuries of fashion. “Among [Historic Royal Palaces’] most remarkable collections is the Royal Ceremonial Dress Collection (RCDC), an extraordinary archive of fashion, history and craftsmanship. Now, in collaboration with Google Arts & Culture, we are bringing this collection to a global audience, offering an unprecedented […]
#Google #clothing #fashion #royalty #UK #DigitalHumanities
"Among [Historic Royal Palaces'] most remarkable collections is the Royal Ceremonial Dress Collection (RCDC), an extraordinary archive of fashion, history and craftsmanship. Now, in collaboration with Google Arts & Culture, we are bringing this collection to a global audience, offering an unprecedented look at over 500 years of royal style."…
Unveiling royal style: A digital journey through five centuries of fashion
Google Arts & Culture and Historic Royal Palaces launch ultra-high resolution images from the Royal Ceremonial Dress Collection.John Barnes (Google)
Hey, we're Fibre2Fabric, a mother-daughter owned business that provides #handdyed natural fibres for #handspinning and #felting, #yarn, #fabric, #crafting kits, and #handmade / #upcycled #clothing. We sell spinning wheels, spindles, and fibre processing tools supplied by #Majacraft, and #Wizpick felting needles. We also have a subscription service to get a themed #fibre box every month! (Blue Moon Fibre Club, in honour of the og business name when we bought it.)
#4thofjulybaby #4thofjulyoutfit #4thofjulyprop #4thofjulycrochet #photographyprop #babyboy #etsy #etvy #accessories #hat #anniversary #clothing #children #boy #girl #etsyfinds #etsygifts #etsysale #etsycoupon #shopsmall #musthave #loveit
Eyeing waste, Japanese apparel industry pushes sustainable fashion
About 60% of the clothes sold in Japan are thrown away, according to the Environment Ministry.The Japan Times
New Design: Vintage Design from Shin-Bijutsukai Monthly (1902) Products
Available exclusively from
Also on coasters, laptop covers, hoodies, tees, and much more!
The original book is available from the Internet Archive at…
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#Shin-Bijutsukai #japan #japanese #design #textile #pattern #cotton #print #history #vintage #forsale #products #gifts #coasters #cards #clothing #crafts #technology #iphone #cases #bags #totes #prints #home #housewares #tops #notebooks #pillows #clocks #mugs #throwblankets #dufflebags
Shin-bijutsukai : Free Download, Borrow, and Streaming : Internet Archive
Description based on surrogate of: 1901 (monthly issues bound together subsequent to publication)Internet Archive
I’m playing a bit with @Surf and setting up a feed for sustainable clothing, do you know shops, profiles, podcast that can be interesting to add to the feed?
#clothing #sustainability #surf #fediverse
Lindsay Scarrow gives clothes that others have rejected a new life. Her pieces come from a rag house, which diverts millions of pounds of clothing away from the landfill each year.
#clothing #recycling #fashion #News #Canada #Saskatoon…
"Spoonie threads provides adaptive clothing for all kinds of disabilities!"… #Accessibility #Fashion #Clothing
For the Love of the Goddess, how I hate setting up an overlock machine 🤡
#textile #TextileArt #fashion #slowfashion #FiberArt #clothing #sewing #sewists #handmade
My new-to-me #Meindl Perfekt #hiking boots. Changed laces after I saw the pretty examples here:… (The red-laced ones are Super Perfekt boots, but 🤷)
Used to frequent /r/goodyearwelt, but #Reddit today is... Well. Did learn a thing or two about #boots and #shoes. A Goodyear welt is recognizable by the stitching around the sole, and makes it possible to replace them. Lengthening the life of your boots!
#buyitforlife #clothing #fashion #goodyearwelt #frugal @goodyearwelt
Vollleder-Wanderschuhe von Meindl | Magazin Zürich
Altbewährte und von Hand hergestellte Dinge, so finde ich, sind eine Wohltat für die Seele. Sie beruhigen, erzählen Geschichten und wecken Erinnerungen.Urs Blöchliger (Magazin Zürich)
Recently Purchased: Vintage Daffodils Botanical Print Poster
Includes iPhone cases, throw blankets, duvet covers, pillows, hoodies, tees, and much more!
Available exclusively from
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#Daffodils #poster #flowers #plants #vintage #cards #history #art #publicdomain #products #gifts #coasters #cards #clothing #crafts #technology #iphone #cases #bags #totes #prints #home #housewares #tops #notebooks #pillows #clocks #mugs #throwblankets
"Dangerous Coats"
by Sharon Owens
Someone clever once said
Women were not allowed pockets
In case they carried leaflets
To spread sedition
Which means unrest
To you & me
A grandiose word
For commonsense
So ladies, start sewing
Dangerous coats
Made of pockets & sedition
Found thanks to @GrrlScientist.
#poem #poems #poetry #TodaysPoem #PoemADay #women #InternationalWomensDay #clothing #pockets #history #WomensHistory #resist #fairness #kindness #equality #justice
Why does President Zelenskyy dress in military-style attire, and why did he get flak from certain quarters when he wore it to the White House? @timkmak, Myroslava Tanska-Vikulova and Anastasiia Kryvoruchenko dig into it for Counteroffensive.…
#Ukraine #UkraineRussia #Clothing #WhiteHouse #Zelenskyy #Newstodon #NewstodonFriday #FollowFriday
Why Zelenskyy wore that shirt to the Oval Office
Ukraine has a wartime mentality, and so does its president. That’s why Zelenskyy chooses military style attire over a formal suit. So why does Zelenskyy get flak while others go without criticism?Myroslava Tanska-Vikulova (The Counteroffensive with Tim Mak)
Women in Japan call for clothing that has pockets
Many women's jackets, pants and skirts either lack pockets or have only shallow pockets.Seiji Koyama (The Japan Times)
New Design: “A Quiet Alley, Catania, Sicily, Italy” Products [For Sale]
Available exclusively from
Also on coasters, laptop covers, hoodies, tees, and much more!
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#catania #sicily #italy #watercolor #painting #digital #forsale #products #gifts #coasters #cards #clothing #crafts #technology #iphone #cases #bags #totes #prints #home #housewares #tops #notebooks #pillows #clocks #mugs #throwblankets #dufflebags
Another great Andrewism vid!
*The REAL Cost of Fashion*
"Let's spin a tale about our clothing, as they tell a story interwoven with identity, class, and self-expression. We'll unravel the stained truth about fashion’s impact and stitch together a future that mends our broken connections."…
#fashion #clothing #identity #class #selfExpression #anarchism #capitalism
The Best Celebrity Style At Paris Fashion Week Fall 2025
The Best Celebrity Style At Paris Fashion Week Fall 2025 - INBELLAINBELLA
New Design: Paperwhites 2025 Products [For Sale]
Available exclusively from
Also on coasters, laptop covers, hoodies, tees, and much more!
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#paperwhites #leucojum #bulbs #spring #flowers #plants #garden #nature #outdoors #forsale #products #gifts #coasters #cards #clothing #crafts #technology #iphone #cases #bags #totes #prints #home #housewares #tops #notebooks #pillows #clocks #mugs #throwblankets #dufflebags
#renaissancebabe #fiber #fashion #textile #clothing #embroidery #string #designer
I read @extinctionrebellionnl 's toots about "fast fashion" being bad for the environment, so I was inspired to go to some second hand stores to buy more climate friendly clothing!
Both are on the short/tight side, but I kinda like that. But now I want better pants to fit with these. Maybe something more colorful? I'm not much into fashion, so inspiration is welcome 😁
I'd love to hear opinions on these. I think the blouse maybe makes me look a bit dull/old? Or does it? I think I vibe better with the sweater. But I'm curious about your opinions! Don't hold back!
Inas Video Diary - Folge 34 - Hühnersuppe Statt Kuchen
Alohaaaa hier sind wir wieder!
Aus dem Zuckergeist Labor
In dieser Folge geht es unter anderem um:
- Neustart Swirl
- Schildkröten Memory
- Pullover Sekretär 🐻
- Fortschritt mein Pullover
- Hoffnungssocken
- Socken Socken Socken
- Gerettet
- Regenbogen gegen rechts
#socken #regenbogengegenrechts #slowfashion #clothing #pullover #jacke #memory #betreuung #senioren
Eine kleine Übersicht wo ihr uns überall findet…
Musik: erstellt mit
#clothing #textiles #recycling #sustainability #paper
'Until now, old clothes have mainly been incinerated. Using adapted processes from paper production, it is possible to recover the cellulose fibres from used clothing and use them to produce cardboard and other packaging materials.'…
#clothing #mourning #grief #MourningClothes #bereavement…
#clothing #sewing #fiberarts #fashion
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