Items tagged with: japansecrecyact
This from someone very familiar with TEPCO's falsification. From 2011:
#TEPCO’s shady history
LA Times: "As many people here are well aware (TEPCO) has a history of not being forthcoming about nuclear safety issues, particularly those surrounding earthquake-related dangers. In 2003, all 17 of its nuclear plants were shut down temporarily after a scandal over falsified safety-inspection reports. It ran into trouble again in 2006, when it emerged that coolant-water data at two plants had been falsified in the 1980s."
by Tim Shorrock
March 14, 2011
"In 2002, Tokyo Electric Co. admitted to #falsifying its records of #nuclear inspections and hiding the facts for more than a decade. Ironically, the information came from a #whistleblower at #GE, which helped build the plants and has contracted with TEPCO on operational matters for decades.
"The problems at the tsunami-stricken #NuclearPowerPlant at #Fukushima continue to mount. On Monday in #Japan, another hydrogen explosion shook the plant as the utility and the government tried furiously to stop a meltdown at two reactors.
"This morning the New York Times is reporting that 'experts in Japan and the United States say the country is now facing a cascade of accumulating problems that suggest that radioactive releases of steam from the crippled plants could go on for weeks or even months.'
"If we’ve learned anything from the crisis so far, it’s that the Japan government and its nuclear industry don’t have the smoothest PR in the world. Ever since the tsunami knocked out the plant’s cooling system on Friday and the reactor cores began over-heating, the official word has been confusing, contradictory and downright mysterious.
"The problem was underscored in a most ludicrous way on Saturday afternoon in Washington, when the Japanese Ambassador appeared on CNN with Wolf Blitzter and sought almost desperately to reassure the world that everything was fine. 'No meltdown,' he snapped to Wolf. But, within minutes, the ambassador was contradicted by the head of Japan’s Nuclear and Industrial Safety agency, which told CNN that a meltdown actually 'might be under way.' Hard to reconcile those two points (see this chart on what happens in a meltdown.)
"By now, of course, it’s clear that there’s been a partial #meltdown, and we’re all hoping that the situation can be brought under control and the radiation contained. Yet the impression lingers of, let us say, a failure to communicate. And it’s much worse for people in Japan, who are trying to sort through the conflicting information and monitoring a news media that doesn’t seem to be demanding answers. As my friend Alan Gleason, a translator, editor and jazz musician living in Tokyo, wrote on this site yesterday,
"So far the most sobering and disturbing thing is the inability or unwillingness of government and power company spokesmen to give straight answers about what’s going on, as well as the TV stations’ unwillingness to press them on this…[It seems that] when a man-made disaster, or one exacerbated by human error, occurs, self-censorship kicks in to protect #PowerfulInterests."
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#WaterIsLife #OceansAreLife #IAEAHides #TEPCOLies
#FukushimaIsntOver #NoDumping
#RethinkNotRestart #KashiwazakiKariwa #PacificOcean #Censorship #FalsifyingData #JapanSecrecyAct #CIA
TEPCO's shady history
In 2002, Tokyo Electric Co. admitted to falsifying its records of nuclear inspections and hiding the facts for more than a decade. Ironically, the information came from a whistleblower at GE, which helped build theTHE SHORROCK FILES