Items tagged with: loki
They are both already royalty in a way,
Loki is already a Prince of Asgard & the Scarlet Witch is also known as the Queen of Chaos, but we wanted to give them both a more typical Disney princess makeover for today's prompt.
Fundraisixng for the ACLU:
#disneyboundchallenge2025 #disneyboundchallenge #disneybounding #disneybounder #disneybound #disney #disneystyle #disneyfashion #disneyfan #disneycommunity #disneyootd #ootd #bluehair #bluehaircolor #purplehair #purplehaircolor #marvel #mcu #loki #lokilaufeyson #scarletwitch #wandamaximoff #thescarletwitch
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Started watching "Ragnarok", a Norwegian show about teenagers who become modern reincarnations of Norse gods.
The show itself is decent, though I'm quite biased when it comes to anything Norse Mythology inspired
What caught me by surprise, was to see Loke (Loki) be written as a trans person. It's impressive to see how seamlessly they integrated emotional, societal and practical trans issues into the show as it progresses. It's made so that it never feels unnatural in the context of the show.
Trans representation often devolves into exaggerations and caricatures. So while not perfect, the improvements compared to other shows should be applauded
J'ai découvert le projet #Dozzle une alternative au couple #Loki #Grafana
Je n'ai pas encore testé si il fonctionne bien.
Between Two Worlds: Gender Non-Conforming Deities
I'm of the opinion that if more people would understand that there are more than binary people in this world, it would be a better and safer place for all. I think the ancients got it right in their beliefs.Brianne Raven Wolf (Patheos)
To help your week get off to a great start, here's Loki offering her assistance on product shots!
#smallbusiness #girlboss #cats #Loki #FoxgloveAndFairywings #ShowerSnacks
A Quick History of elementary OS and its codenames
Welcome to this quick little tour of every elementary OS release, and its codenames.
Music courtesy of Kevin MacLeod (
Also Watch my Experience with Manjaro Budgie on a Full AMD Linux Build:…
In Danish folklore, the great explorer Thorkil desires to meet one of the Norse gods, and eventually discovers "Utgartha-Loki" (a hideous giant) chained in a cave. As the Aesir gods imprisoned Loki underground, some scholars think this story's author confused Loki with Utgard-Loki.
🎨 Louis Moe
#WyrdWednesday #LegendaryWednesday #BookChatWeekly #31DaysofHaunting #Folklore #Mythology #NorseFolklore #NorseMythology #VikingFolklore #VikingMythology #Norse #Vikings #Scandinavia #Denmark #Loki