Items tagged with: magazines
The Reflections of a Bygone Age website includes all editions of the magazine Picture Postcard Magic, to date, free to view online, and has details of countless other publications available for order.
Kali Uchis photographed by Charlie Denis for 10 magazine
#KaliUchis #CharlieDenis #10magazine #magazine #magazines #photoshoot #photography #model #singer #songwriter #music
My own contribution is a piece about an app called Oorion which helps visually impaired people find objects and identifies what is around them. I’m finding it really useful, and very accurate.
#Magazines #Scotland #Accessibility
Primeira revista do Club Nintendo de Portugal.
First magazine of Club Nintendo of Portugal.
#clubnintendo #nintendo #geekhobbies #magazines
Revista Club Nintendo
Primeira revista do Club Nintendo em Portugal.…
Réception : Batailles & Blindés hors-série n°56, retour dans le désert ! -
Pour son premier numéro hors-série de l’année 2025, Batailles & Blindés retourne dans le désert pour suivre les divisions blindées de l’Afrika-Korps.3945km (
Spoke to Broccoli’s Anja Charbonneau about her nascent publishing empire, which includes talk of snail art, oracles, unicorns, cats, and mushrooms. And more! Available wherever you listen to podcasts.
#magazines #media #print #publishing
Leigh Bowery! review – a colossal display of shapeshifting outrageousness and originality
The late Australian performance artist’s huge retrospective is packed with outlandish costumes, stylish photographs, emotive writing and evocative video footage, but what is most striking is his singular artistic visionLaura Cumming (The Guardian)
Black models, foreign films, queer culture – how the Face shaped me as a young man
In the 1980s and 90s this pioneering magazine was a hub for subcultures, but in today’s digital landscape trends are followed rather than set, says queer archivist Marc ThompsonMarc Thompson (The Guardian)…
Réception : LA REVUE du musée de blindés et de la cavalerie n°82, des siècles d'épopée et de défis ! -
Passage obligé en passant à Saumur : un petit arrêt au Musée de blindés et à sa boutique ! Et inévitablement quelques emplettes, dont le dernier numéro annuel de LA REVUE réalisée par l’AAMBC paru en décembre 2024.3945km (
Rodger B. MacGowan has passed away
Word from relatives came out on Facebook that Rodger B. MacGowan, the noted wargaming artist--who among other things, created all the original Squad Leader series box covers--has passed away. A...Pitman (GameSquad Forums)…
Batailles & Blindés n°124 (Caraktère, 2025) -
Présentation, sommaire, recension, index des thèmes abordés dans Batailles & Blindés n°124 des Editions Caraktère paru en…
Réception : Trucks & Tanks Magazine n°107, une petite révolution ? -
Après une tentative discrète, mais avortée, de repositionnement en un magazine des « armements et des matériels militaires » amorcée avec le n°91, Trucks & Tanks Magazine semblait en quête d’un second souffle.3945km (
How do you list/credit a guest editor on a special issue of a magazine?
I usually credit myself as the editor in BLAG, along with my sub-editor, but for the next issue we also have a guest editor.
I can't decide if they 'replace' me, despite me working alongside them on the issue, if my role needs a new name, or if I simply place them above me in the credits.
Please #boost for greater reach, and share your expertise/experience by reply.
#AskFedi #Publishing #Magazines
- Guest editor goes above regular editor credit (76%, 10 votes)
- Guest editor credit replaces regular editor credit (7%, 1 vote)
- Regular editor credit amended to something else (0%, 0 votes)
- Other, discuss in replies (15%, 2 votes)…
Normandie 1944 Magazine n°54 (Heimdal, 2025) -
Présentation, recension, sommaire, index de Normandie 1944 Magazine des éditions Heimdal : Puma, parachutistes alliés, généraux tué
Kate, Kylie, Kim … and a topless Iggy: faces of the Face magazine – in pictures
Through the 80s and 90s, the British style glossy defined pop and magazine culture – as a dazzling new exhibition showsThe Guardian…
Réception : LOS ! n°77, ouverture du millésime 2025 ! -
Avec ce premier numéro de l’année 2025, LOS !, le magazine des Editions Caraktère consacré à la guerre navale, aéronavale et sous-marine, fait encore une fois honneur à son sous-titre car ces trois thèmes sont abordés.3945km (…
Réception : Normandie 1944 Magazine n°54, toujours fidèle au poste ! -
Comme tous les trimestres, Normandie 1944 Magazine fournit un numéro bien dense, richement illustré, autour de quelques articles seulement dont le toujours imposant dossier de Frédéric DEPRUN qui poursuit ici son étude sur l’unité de reconnaissance d…3945km (
New Eye Magazine
#design #EyeMagazine #graphicDesign #Typography #magazines #printMedia #printsNotDead…
Réception : premier numéro de l'année 2025 pour Batailles & Blindés ! -
Le premier numéro de l’année 2025 de Batailles & Blindés, est arrivé ! Malgré le contexte compliqué de son éditeur, ce nouveau volet reste fidèle à la ligne habituelle de la revue.3945km (
Debut LP Magazine - Issue 8/9
1984 UK Compilation + Magazine
Killer find today!
I’ve come across a few of these before, & every time I do, I make sure to grab them.
The thing I like about these old UK magazines are the advertisements & album reviews, & there’s always a handful of good songs on the record that comes with it.
The nicest musical surprise here is “Lazy Afternoon” by Animal Nightlife.
#vinyl #vinylrecords #vinylcollection #1980s #80s #80smusic #art #magazines
My favorite computer magazine of the early to mid 80s was Compute! magazine. Today I decided to go check if the internet archive had them and the answer is yes!
Writer’s Digest: Presenting the Writer’s Digest Digital Archive!. “It’s a project that’s been talked about and attempted since before I joined WD 8 years ago: digitizing the full collection of back issues of Writer’s Digest. Finally, we’re proud to announce the Writer’s Digest Archive is now available!”
A History of the Microcomputer Industry in 300 Adverts
#vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #vintagecomputers #vintageads #vintagetech #tech #magazines #computinghistory
A history of the microcomputer industry in 300 adverts
In a private room at the Winter Consumer Electronics Show in Chicago in January 1977, Commodore showed the world's first complete "personal computer" - the PET 2001 - an "appliance" micro that for the first time could be taken out of the box, plugged……
Bilan 2024 du site -
Créé en 2007, vient d’abord d’un besoin personnel : répertorier articles de magazines, livres et jeux en ma possession pour en faciliter l’accès via un index transverse.3945km (
6 more Coin Journal [月刊コインジャーナル] issues have been scanned:
#retroarcade #coinjournal #japan #magazines #arcade
scans: 6 more Coin Journals! 月刊コインジャーナル
Who wants more Coin Journals? Me and a few other people pitched in to buy these, and Detchibe did a great job scanning them. Click on the
The first confirmed case of carpal neck syndrome, shown here.
#Mac #Macintosh #macOS #vintagecomputing #retrocomputing #ads #vintageads #vintagemagazines #magazines #mouse #mice #HID #ergronomics #funny #MacWorld #vintage
Couldn’t put it down: #DavidHurn’s #Photographs of people #Reading
#Books #Book #MagnumPhotographer #Photographer #Magazines #PhotoJournalism #BNW #MonochromePhotography…
Couldn’t put it down: David Hurn’s photographs of people reading – in pictures
The Magnum photographer has collected images he took around the world while working as a photojournalist for a new bookThe Guardian
#WW2 #Magazines #Militaryhistory #ukraine…
Recension : Trucks & Tanks Magazine n°106, une histoire de carburant et de litres à la tonne déplacée, nouveau coup à Koursk 81 ans après l'opération Zitadelle, un cocktail détonnant ! -
Cela faisant longtemps que je n’avais pas pris un tel plaisir à lire un numéro de Trucks & Tanks Magazine ! Ce n°106 accueille une belle brochette d’auteurs de qualité et fins connaisseurs dans leur domaine avec des approches qui changent des angles …3945km (
Source: ‘Star Weekly’ (1940-43)
#pinup #1940s #comics #magazines #comicbooks #WW2 #Canadian #Covers #StarWeekly
Loaded: Lads, Mags and Mayhem review – how a drug-fuelled publishing bender went very wrong
From dropping LSD at award shows to coughing up blood on the office carpet – the rise and fall of James Brown’s oft-sexist lads magazine empire goes under the microscopeLucy Mangan (The Guardian)
Support publications and media outlets doing good work on U.S. news. What or who else should be included? Check comments for more!
@19thnews @404mediaco
@coloradosun @DemocracyNow_Headlines_rss
your local paper
your local NPR station
#news #media #newspapers #magazines #USpol
Editing: Added/alphabetized comments
Some more publications added to the Fediverse:
Photography & Cameras
Food & Drink
Fitness & Exercise
Home & Gardening
(If an account posts too much, use Mastodon's Lists feature to create separate mini-timelines for news accounts etc. More info on how to do this at…)
#Magazines #Publications #Periodicals
How to use the Lists feature on Mastodon | Fedi.Tips – An Unofficial Guide to Mastodon and the Fediverse
An unofficial guide to using Mastodon and the