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Items tagged with: menstruation

two mini-zines I made a while ago.
One is a comic dealing with PMS the other one deals with possible feelings during menstruation.

I send them for free worldwide if you send me a mini-zine in return. 😀

#zine #pms #menstruation #zineswap

FĂŒr Schauspielerin Halle Berry ist das Ende ihrer Fruchtbarkeit ein besonderes Ereignis. Obwohl sie frĂŒher kaum etwas ĂŒber die Wechseljahre wusste, wolle sie sie nun zelebrieren – mit einer »Shiesta«.#HalleBerry #Wechseljahre #Frauengesundheit #Menstruation

"...a $600,000 grant to Southern University in Louisiana was being revoked for studying 'menstrual cycles in transgender men,'...The grant was actually intended for research on the potential health risks posed by synthetic feminine hygiene products and for developing alternatives using natural fibers and fabrics, according to the project's documentation, which was publicly filed on the USDA website."


#healthcare #science #research #menstruation #DOGE #USpol

@Tabs, @Anne Herpertz, Kit und @Zwecki / Flo bereiten in der 82. Folge des Piratencasts die #Bundestagswahl nach. Neben Einblicken in die Wahlkampfzeit und eines ziemlich unvorhersehbar langen, mikrowellen-warmen Aufbereitens der aktuellen #Sondierungen auf Bundesebene geht es noch um den feministischen Kampftag und kostenfreie #Periodenprodukte.


#Piratencast #Podcast #Dresden #Menstruation #FeministischerKampftag #Piraten #Sondierungspapier

'I am a female jaguar
I am a female jaguar
You are afraid
You are afraid'

#Piro girl's initiation song, as she emerges at #Kigimawlo, the major community ceremony of her first #menstruation đŸ©ž
(From Peter Gow, 'An Amazonian Myth and its History' p.168-9)

Source: @TheAdvocate4q66

From the article: "The Trump administration has revoked a $600,000 federal grant awarded to Southern University Agricultural and Mechanical College after conservative activists falsely claimed it was funding research on “menstrual cycles in transgender men.” The decision comes amid the administration’s broader crackdown on programs acknowledging transgender and nonbinary people."

#PeriodProducts #Menstruation #Health #WomensHealth
#TrangenderMen #Trangender #USPolitics #ThePoliticsOfHate #Ignorance


Was ein bisschen Druck bewirken kann. Nachdem @stillnotlovin und Julia Hartl die Ratshaustoiletten schon zweimal aus eigener Tasche mit Hygieneartikeln versorgt haben, hat die Stadtverwaltung #Dresden nun doch einen Gang zugelegt und den #Staddrat - Beschluss von 2021 endlich umgesetzt - zumindest zum Teil.

#Tampons #Binden #Periode #Menstruation #SPD #PVP #Piraten

Heute beginnt auf Spektrum.de eine Themenwoche zu "Fruchtbarkeit"! Wie schon angekĂŒndigt einer Frage, die mich besonders umtrieb: Wieso menstruieren Menschen - wĂ€hrend es die meisten anderen Tiere nicht tun? Und wozu "braucht" es diesen energiefressenden (und unangenehmen) Prozess eigentlich? Hier gibt's ein paar spannende Beobachtungen und Theorien dazu (und als "Bonus" eine kleine SĂŒĂŸmaus, die als einziges Nagetier menstruiert): #menstruation #periode spektrum.de/news/fruchtbarkeit

Huhu! M8!
ich nutze mal den internationalen feministischen Kampftag, um auf meine fantastischen gehĂ€kelten tamponförmigen Tampon"Verpackungen" aufmerksam zu machen. Sie sind nicht nur ein tolles Geschenk, sondern auch ein super GesprĂ€chsstarter und ich freue mich schon sehr, mit vielen Menschen noch viel mehr Tampons zu hĂ€keln! In den Varianten weiß, natur, Used-Look oder welche Farben und Muster uns einfallen #achterMĂ€rz #handarbeit #LetsTalkMenstruation #menstruation #tampon @handarbeiten


Heute haben wir in der FußgĂ€ngerzone von #Dresden erneut das BlĂŒmchen-Gehabe zum #Frauentag auf die Schippe genommen. In unseren Geschenken steckten #Tampons und #Binden, garniert mit unangenehmen Wahrheiten zum Thema #Menstruation.

Über 200 dieser Notfall-Sets haben @stillnotlovin, @tabs, @ueckueck und ich verteilt. Warum, wieso, weshalb, erfahrt ihr auf unserer Homepage:


#Feminismus #Piraten #InternationalerFrauentag #Sachsen

Schon alle Notfall-PĂ€ckchen zum #FeministischerKampftag in #Dresden verteilt :transfem:

#Menstruation raus aus der Tabuzone!

Danke @piratendresden, war eine super Aktion.

Blog mit allen Info-Materialien kommt auch bald als Nachtrag.

#Piraten #Frauenkampftag #Frauentag #

A brilliant blog for #IWD from the University of Leicester

#Archaeology #Menstruation #Periods


The low-dose contraceptive pill can do more than help prevent pregnancies — it can help alleviate symptoms associated with heavy menstruation and diseases such as endometriosis. japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/
 #japan #sciencehealth #women039sissues #health #menstruation #pharmaceuticals #doctors

Amid the global space race of the 1960s, Japan had its own quiet revolution: The launch of its first mass-produced disposable menstrual pads. But who were the people behind the societal shift? japantimes.co.jp/news/2025/03/
 #japan #sciencehealth #womensissues #periodpoverty #health #history #menstruation

Und haben wir schon ĂŒber ZyklusĂŒberraschungen und der VerĂ€nderung der #menstruation auf dem Weg in / in der #perimenopause gesprochen?


#Menstruation raus aus der Tabuzone!

Unter diesem Motto findet ihr uns am 8. MĂ€rz zum #FeministischerKampftag (oder auch #Frauentag, wenn's euch lieber ist) auf der Prager Straße in #Dresden.

#Piraten #8MĂ€rz #8Maerz

Dark 🌑 overnight and last day of #winter tomorrow (gregorianwise!)

We hold our #menstrual đŸ›–đŸ©žFriday evening to practice #polyphony 'a Technology of Enchantment'

#Menstruation #ritual

And this stunning article by #Keeney and Keeney on Re-entry to First Creation which tells what a difference #menstruation makes. đŸ©žcounts.


Kana Oyama, a former member of the Japanese women's national volleyball team, called on high school students and teachers to gain correct knowledge on how female athletes should deal with menstruation. japantimes.co.jp/sports/2025/0
 #moresports #kanaoyama #women #menstruation

Als ich das erste Mal meine Periode bekommen habe, war ich ja blutige AnfÀngerin.

The educational board game #GoWithTheFlo - The #Period Game is exactly what you think it is. It is about #Menstruation, and probably India’s only board game on the subject. It is designed to demystify menstruation and aims to create menstrual literacy not only for girls who have reached #Menarche, but for parents and educators.


The game, priced â‚č799, will be launched on February 28; can be pre-ordered on gowiththeflo.in

Fellow menstruators - be safe out there and keep your menstrual data safe too.

Whilst still available, I recommend you buy enough contraception pills to last you until the next administration comes in.

Remember: you need 13 packs per year ❀


#MyPeriodDataIsMine #SafeAbortions #Equality #womensrights #contraception #politics #menstruation #MenstruationTracker

„Hygieneartikel sind kein Luxus, sondern eine Notwendigkeit. Man(n) stelle sich vor, Angestellte mĂŒssten ihr eigenes Toilettenpapier mitbringen.", sagt unsere #Piraten-StadtrĂ€tin und sozialpolitische Sprecherin der @PVP-Kooperation @Anne Herpertz.

Sie hat gestern zusammen mit Julia Hartl (#SPD) Menstruationsprodukte auf allen 30 Toiletten im Rathaus verteilt. Diese Eigeninitiative ist notwendig, da ein Stadtratsbeschluss aus dem Juli 2021, dass die Hygieneartikel auf den Toiletten vorgehalten werden sollen, immer noch nicht umgesetzt wurde. Und das, obwohl solche Angebote in anderen StÀdten wie #Leipzig bereits umgesetzt und gut angenommen wurden.

Das Thema #Menstruation muss endlich raus aus der Tabuzone!

Mehr zur Aktion und den HintergrĂŒnden lest ihr hier: pvp-kooperation.de/2025/01/29/

#Piraten #Dresden #StaDDrat #PVPKoopDD

Things I didn't know about menopause and perimenopause until they happened to me:

- extremely itchy ear holes
- exhausted way too easily
- suddenly growing tits after a lifetime of being flat
- feeling much more feminine than masculine
- anxiety levels cranked up to 11
- skin no longer sloughs off dead skin on its own
- bones trying to turn into talc
- ghost periods, as in all the symptoms of menstruation except for the blood
- my hair went from being really curly to slightly wavy

There are probably more, but that'll do for now. #menstruation #menopause #perimenopause


Yes, precisely. Let's talk bloody hell and not assume everyone's anatomy is identical. I've heard so many women argue it's not that bad, and they manage without even taking an aspirin. I mean, good for you, but is it such a wild concept that bodies react and feel differently from person to person?

#bloodyhell #menstruation

I wish you get appropriate help.

I was finally diagnosed with endometriosis, then post hysterectomy with adenomyosis. Years of pain and the last few with clots and flooding. My first gynae was nasty and appeared to hate women, he described himself as a preserver of ovaries. To women with endo.
My last was fantastic and removed everything.


I'm not looking for medical advice, I'm just venting, but I'm tired of pretending menstruation isn't debilitating. Mine are bloody awful. Have been since I was nine years old. I'm really looking forward to menopause.

If you consider this tmi, or think I should hide this with cw, that is very much part of the problem, and I strongly suggest you consider why that is your reaction.

#feminism #menstruation

66 days to cut down sugar: ‘I find myself enjoying the sweetness of my lip balm’ theguardian.com/lifeandstyle/2
 #Health&wellbeing #Australianews #Lifeandstyle #Menstruation #Nutrition #Diabetes #Health #Health #Sugar

Hot flashes and mood swings: why perimenopausal symptoms get misdiagnosed – and how to treat them theguardian.com/wellness/2025/
 #Health&wellbeing #Women'shealth #Wellactually #Menstruation #Lifeandstyle #Menopause #Society #Health

Doctors Share the Best Natural Remedies for Cramps to Relieve #PeriodPain Fast


#MenstrualHealth #Menstruation

Surprising brain benefits of #Menstruation revealed

For years, menstruation has been associated with physical discomfort and perceived cognitive decline. However, recent research from University College London is challenging these assumptions. A groundbreaking study reveals that menstruation may enhance certain cognitive abilities, such as decision-making, information processing, and problem-solving.


Ok step 1 of Operation: Blood for the Blood God is “make a pouch I’m happy with.” This is a quick prototype that is broadly correct: there are two expandable pockets and a middle small pocket and a fold over flap. The expandable pockets means it can hold about 5 each pads and tampons which means, much like NASA to Sally Ride, I must ask the menstruators of mastodon if that’s the right number of tampons. I think I made the middle pocket a shade too big and would probably drop it by a half inch in all dimensions on the next attempt, but it’s not bad. The whole thing maybe could be a little bit smaller but then we get back into questions of what’s the right number of tampons, because smaller means fewer.

Poll in thread.

#sewing #handmade #periods #menstruation

What #PeriodProducts Are Best for the #Environment?

"#MenstrualCups are a really clear winner,” said Pippa Notten, a sustainability consultant who analyzed the environmental impact of menstrual products for the United Nations Environmental Program.


#MenstrualHygieneManagement #Menstruation #EcologicalFootprint
