Items tagged with: qwant
Recently I've been looking at European search engines. #Qwant and #StartPage seem to be the most popular, the latter having stricter privacy policy.
Which privacy focused engine are you using and why?
#searchengine #privacy #europeanalternatives
- Qwant (0 votes)
- StartPage (0 votes)
- DuckDuckGo (0 votes)
- Brave (0 votes)
Stepping away from big tech #usa is possible with #european solutions that are in line with the #eu #dsgvo. Search engine: #qwant Mail, Calendar, Adressbook: from #germany I am moving away from #google and #apple (part-time) step by step for an all-European solution
Wir HABEN 2025 😉
Das ist mal eine Information, die etwas Hoffnung macht auf Souveränität in der #EU Aber ich hoffe, dass dann auch im Hintergrund keine Infrastruktur läuft, von der man sich dann wieder abhängig macht, wie z.B. #AWS usw.…
Unabhängig von Google und Bing: Ecosia und Qwant kooperieren -
Die Suchmaschinenbetreiber Ecosia und Qwant haben angekündigt, gemeinsam einen eigenen Suchindex für Europa zu entwickeln.Nicolas (
Qwant got it.…
train derails, kills 47, film adrien brody – Qwant Search
Fast, reliable answers and still in trust: Qwant does not store your search data, does not sell your personal data and is hosted in Europe.Qwant
@jackyan @tournesol @FrancoisPrague @Mojeek
Today HN had a submission on #Qwant and #Ecosia teaming up:…
Btw, from the top comment:
> I'd be very careful with Qwant. They have taken major investment from Axel Springer (Bild, Die Welt) and the day will come when the publisher wants something back for its investment.
Ecosia is teaming up with Qwant to build a European search index
#SearchEngine #eu #UnplugTrump #qwant #ecosia
We’re teaming up with Qwant to build a European search index
We are proud to share the next step in our journey towards tech independence: building our very own search index!Ecosia (The Ecosia Blog)
#Ecosia und #Qwant kooperieren und bieten eine europäische Alternative zu Google, Bing & co. Inklusive Search-Indexer
We’re teaming up with Qwant to build a European search index
We are proud to share the next step in our journey towards tech independence: building our very own search index!Ecosia (The Ecosia Blog)
Programme de fidélité Qwant
Découvrez le nouveau programme de fidélité du moteur de recherche Qwant et tentez de gagner jusqu’à 10 euros par semaine !Qwant
Testing ecosia as google alternative.
It's an German product, at the moment not USA-free, but with an interesting business model.
Promoting various projects like planting trees, Vivaldi-browser, Qwant European search...
Will "(e)cosi it" be the new "google it"?
I'll give it a try.
#ecosi #vivaldi #qwant #google #unplugTrump
Ecosia - the search engine that plants trees
Ecosia uses 100% of its profits for the planet and produces enough renewable energy to power all searches twice
After some reading and thoughts, I have refreshed my ~15 years old browser + search engine setup. And the winners are @Vivaldi and Ecosia (and a note on @Qwant).
As a Netscape/Mozilla user, I can't remember when I became a Firefox user but really early on. All this time it has been my browser for everything (first) and then for personal use (see below). I have collected stickers, I have met Mozilla Foundation staff, and I even applied a long time ago. +
The European search engines (and competitors) Ecosia 🇩🇪 and Qwant 🇫🇷 are joining forces to build their own European search index!
And the best part? It'll be open and available to all of us!
This is great news for other small search engines, start-ups and the AI industry, as they'll now have the chance to use this index instead of the ones offered by Microsoft and Google.
#ecosia #qwant #searchengine #european #europeanalternatives #germany #france #innovation
We’re teaming up with Qwant to build a European search index
We are proud to share the next step in our journey towards tech independence: building our very own search index!Ecosia (The Ecosia Blog)
Dopo aver provato per alcuni mesi (con soddisfazione) @brave Search, sono passato da alcuni giorni a @Qwant
Alla fine del test deciderò quale dei due motori sarà all'altezza di sostituire #Google.
Per ora quasi tutte le ricerche fatte con #Brave non hanno avuto la necessità di una seconda ricerca su Google.
Vediamo se #Qwant sarà all'altezza.
US-Unternehmen meiden – Warum jetzt?
In den #USA boykottieren viele Menschen große Konzerne wegen ihrer politischen Verflechtungen. Wer das auch hier tun will:
US-Firmen: #Amazon, #Microsoft, #Apple, #Google, #Intel, #AMD, #Dell, #HP, #Disney, #Facebook, #Instagram, #Netflix, #Twitter, #Tesla, #Adobe, #eBay, #Snapchat, #Airbnb, #Fitbit, #Activision, #Uber, #Garmin, #Bose.
Alternativen: #Nextcloud, #Fairphone, #Qwant, #DuckDuckGo. #boykott
#UnplugTrump : Wer nutzt die Suchmaschine #Qwant ?
War eine Empfehlung von K1.
Erste Ergebnisse sehen vielversprechend aus.
@lorenzkiefner @MetaGer @Mike Kuketz 🛡
Ich nutze entweder #Qwant Oder #DuckduckGo als Suchmaschine, #Ecosia und #Startpage habe ich auch schon getestet.
Reading @pluralistic 's article "With great power came no responsibility":
"And that's how we get to the enshittified Google of today, where every query serves back a blob of AI slop, over five paid results tagged with the word AD in 8-point, 10% grey on white type, which is, in turn, over ten spammy links from SEO shovelware sites filled with more AI slop."
I've switched to #Qwant and it's a breath of fresh air. No more AI slop for me, and it makes such a difference! #SearchEngine
To add Qwant to the search engines in Firefox:
1️⃣ open
2️⃣ right click in the address bar
3️⃣ at the bottom, select "Add Qwant"
and it's available
Es gibt eine Menge sehr gut funktionierender europäischer Software, die den US amerikanischen Anwendungen in nichts nachsteht. Es bedarf vielleicht die eine oder andere kleine Umstellung. Aber das ist nach 3-4 Suchen vergessen.
Seit gestern nutze ich #Qwant, statt Duckduckgo, als meine Standardsuchmaschine. Ich bin sehr zufrieden.
#Qwant #CaisseDesDepots #Macron
Olivier Sichel, ce sale menteur avait quel rôle chez Wanadoo France Telecom pendant que des gens se suicidaient en se défenestrant ?…
C'est à lui que l'on confie les ~3.500 milliards de fonds que gère la CDC au nom des français (livret A, retraites, etc.).
J'ai tenté Stract qui a une licence AGPL, et j'y retourne de temps en temps pour voir, c'est pas au point pour du grand public mais s't'une base, même si j'aimerais savoir d'où qu'ils viennent...