Items tagged with: winwin
such as Canada or France, this is really a win-win situation:
Putin wins because the United States alienated our allies, and
Putin wins because the economy of his enemy, the United States, is worse.
This makes #PutinsPuppet Trump happy. #WinWin #politics #treason
Duke Energy considers building nuclear plant in Stokes County; Plant could generate power to most of NC
Officials are considering bringing a nuclear power plant to the triad. It'll generate power for thousands of people across the Carolinas.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Dit lijkt een no-brainer:
Maar: “Maar een aantal lidstaten had er vragen bij.”
Wie weet waarom er bezwaren zouden kunnen zijn tegen kunstmestvervanger op basis van dierlijke mest als dit een overeenkomstige samenstelling heeft? 🤔
Kabinet lobbyt voor Nederlandse vervanger van Russische kunstmest
De Europese Commissie wil dat Europa minder afhankelijk wordt van Russische kunstmest. Het Nederlandse kabinet ziet daarin een kans.Emma Jackson (NOS Nieuws)
Steelers Highlighted as Potential Scheme Fit for 'Talented' QB Riser
#NFLDraft #SchemeFit #QuarterbackProspect #WinWin #Steelers…
Steelers Highlighted as Potential Scheme Fit for ‘Talented’ QB Riser
A former NFL GM and draft expert signaled out the Pittsburgh Steelers as a potential win-win scheme fit for quarterback prospect Jaxson Dart.Michael Obermuller (Heavy)
#winwin #diabetes #seasalt #vinegar #pistachios
Sådär alla rika Trumpister - nu har ni snart möjlighet att köpa er medborgarskap i USA för en så där 50 miljoner kronor.
Passa på - ni kan snart vara i ett land som inte funkar men men där man iaf slipper woke-människor!
Glöm inte bort att ni inte gillar dubbla medborgarskap så kan vi slippa er i de länder ni ändå avskyr #winwin
nån mer än jag som tror detta blir ett fjasko igen för Trump?
NBCUniversal Formats Takes Global On Audience Playalong Show ‘Win Win!’ Ahead Of London TV Screenings
#News #HelloDolly #LondonTVScreenings #MIPLondon #NBCUniversal #NBCUniversalFormsts #TVMarkets #WinWin…
NBCUniversal Formats Takes Global On 'Win Win!' - London TV Screenings
The show sees audiences play along via an app and is produced by 'Ant & Dec's Limitless Win' producer Hello Dolly.Max Goldbart (Deadline)
h/t to @doctormo for the pointer (ironically, from across the planet) to something very cool happening just down the road from us! or…
#Electrify #NoFossilFuels #Solar #WinWin #Cherries #NZ #Aotearoa
I very, very, very much recommend playing "The evolution of trust" (link below) which shows (with game theory) that a certain amount of forgiveness towards errors (or opposing viewpoints) of the other side is a winning strategy, whereas screwing people over is a losing strategy. Everyone, it's Sunday, play it.
The Evolution of Trust
an interactive guide to the game theory of why & how we trust each