Items tagged with: attention
Attention without feeling... is only a report.
-- Mary Oliver
⬆ #Wisdom #Quotes #MaryOliver #Attention #Emotion
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #ChacoCanyon #PuebloBonito #Ruins #360panorama #NewMexico
Logging in to say how happy and grateful I am to be able to make annotations on #EPUB on my e-reader running #KOReader, and to then be able to import and read those same EPUBs and annotations on my laptop in @zotero
💌 💌 💌
This allows me to read long-form (I really struggle to do so on my laptop) and still take digital notes (not having to manually copy afterwards.)
3 Up, 3 Down: FSU baseball takes care of business to end non-conference slate, turns attention to first test next week
At first glance, Florida State baseball (15-0) stayed par for the course this week, rounding out their non-conference slate with a series win over Lipscomb, and handling UNF + Bethune Cookman in the mid-week.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Henry Farrell's consideration of the attention economy & political science's failure to really see it, is an important read; he asks
'How might the attention economy remake the underlying structures of democracy? If there is a political scientist who predicted how Musk could effectively leverage his position to eliminate US-AID despite the legal and political barriers, I don’t know who she or he is'!
The political economy of attention *needs* our attention!
The attention economy is devouring politics
Social scientists need to understand how. As do we all.Henry Farrell (Programmable Mutter)
*~*Job 23:10-11*~*
*~*Job Replies!*Where Is God?*~*
*~*But he knows the way that I take!*when he has tried me!*I shall come out as gold!*My foot has held fast to his steps!*I have kept his way!*& have not turned aside!*~*
#Attention #Sunday #Devotional #GOD #Love #Jesus #Christ #Holy #Spirit #Believe #Faith #Hope #Peace
#Ads Popped Up on Drivers’ Screens. There May Be More on the Way
When #Jeep owners complained ads were appearing while #driving, the carmaker said it was a #glitch. But as #automakers consider connected car opportunities, in-vehicle selling might be too tempting to ignore.
> should I interpret this action as they’re willing to put their customers lives at risk for a potential few extra pennies ?
#advertising #security #safety #attention…
Ads Popped Up on Drivers' Screens. There May Be More on the Way
When Jeep owners complained ads were appearing while driving, the carmaker said it was a glitch. But as auto makers consider connected car opportunities, in-vehicle selling might be too tempting to ignore.Aarian Marshall (WIRED)
"si vous écartez votre #attention de l'enseignement dispensé, vous perdez de l'information, et, au final, [...] comprenez moins bien ce qui vous est expliqué."
cf 1996… -> risque politique d'économie budgétaire -> approche "peu dangereuse' qui "ne créent aucune difficulté politique" : " 'si l'on diminue les dépenses de fonctionnement, il faut veiller à ...
#MichelDesmurget #digital #teameduc #teamprof #parents #science #education #economie #politique
cob (
Attached: 1 image 1982 : - Fred Trump (père) achète des obligations d'Etat israélienne après rapprochement avec Benyamin Netanyahou représentant pays siège ONU à NY (USA). - Assad père Syrie massacres ville de Hama (cf 2024) : min 20 000 morts.Mastodon
We Shall Not be Overwhelmed
How discerning attention can help us survive Trump 2.0: a guest essay from Andrew BoydUnthinkable (Unthinkable (formerly Gen Dread))
We Shall Not be Overwhelmed
How discerning attention can help us survive Trump 2.0: a guest essay from Andrew BoydUnthinkable (Unthinkable (formerly Gen Dread))
I wrote a Google doc and invited editing on social media literacies for high school.
It needs updating, but it's still there, more than a decade later.
#attention #media #literacy #education #socialmedia…
Howard Rheingold's Social Media Literacies Syllabus: High School
Syllabus: Social Media Literacies High School Level Seed Version Compiled By: Howard Rheingold Note on using this syllabus: As an instructor of undergraduate and graduate students at University of California, Berkeley, and Stanford University, I …Google Docs
I taught Social Media Literacies at Stanford 2012-2015. Does anyone know of courses about attention and/or other contemporary media literacies?
#attention #media #literacy #education #socialmedia…
Rheingold calls for new literacy in social media
“You have to understand that everything you do now is going to be there forever, is going to be searchable, is going to be reproducible and is going to be broadcast around the world,” said Howard Rheingold during a discussion about his latest book, “…Lindsey Txakeeyang (The Stanford Daily)
I wrote about attention and other social media literacies 15 years ago. Clearly, edu institutions have failed toeven try to teach attention control, crap detection, etc. The online commons might be a very different place if a larger population had learned to use it without damaging/deceiving themselves and others.
#attention #media #literacy #education #socialmedia…
Attention, and Other 21st-Century Social Media Literacies
© 2010 Howard Rheingold. The text of this article is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution NonCommercial License (http://creativecommons.EDUCAUSE Review
Concentration is the secret of strength in politics, in war, in trade, in short, in all management of human affairs.
Ralph Waldo Emerson (1803-1882) American essayist, lecturer, poet
Essay (1860), “Power,” The Conduct of Life, ch. 2
Sourcing, notes:…
#quote #quotes #quotation #attention #business #concentration #focus #leadership #politics #strength #success #war
Essay (1860), "Power," The Conduct of Life, ch. 2 - Emerson, Ralph Waldo | WIST Quotations
Concentration is the secret of strength in politics, in war, in trade, in short, in all management of human affairs. Based on a course of lectures by that name first delivered in Pittsburg (1851-03).WIST Quotations
Jaylen Brown's Exchange with LeBron James is Turning Heads
#NBAAllStar #Lakers #HeavySports #Attention #LeBronJames…
Jaylen Brown’s Exchange with LeBron James is Turning Heads
Jaylen Brown's interaction — or lack thereof — with Los Angeles Lakers superstar LeBron James caught some attention during the all-star festivities in the Bay Area.J.R. DeGroote (Heavy)
I'm reflecting on the "attention" and "overwhelm" a great deal at the moment and trying to put things (tentatively) into words.
Starting to think about the "allocation of attention" here:…
Human attention certainly behaves like an economic good in the sense that we buy it and measure it. On an individual level, we're deeply aware when we don't have enough of it.
-- Thomas H. Davenport ((Harvard Business Review Sep/Oct 2000))
⬆ #Wisdom #Quotes #ThomasHDavenport #Attention
⬇ #Photography #Panorama #LavaFlow #Galapagos #Geology
"..spending lots of time online posting about what people in power are saying and doing is not going to accomplish anything. If anything, it’s exactly what they want."…
#attention #activism #doomScrolling
You Can’t Post Your Way Out of Fascism
Authoritarians and tech CEOs now share the same goal: to keep us locked in an eternal doomscroll instead of organizing against them, Janus Rose writes.Janus Rose (404 Media)
Just finished Stolen Focus, by Johann Hari. It's an excellent read.
It covers why attention spans have degraded over the decades, a huge chunk of which is due to corporate social media. It covers a lot of ground, includes a lot of research, and has an excellent systemic analysis (instead of the usual individualistic focus of self-help books).
If you care about your mental health, or global geopolitics, or climate change, I'd strongly recommend giving it a read.
The best thing anyone can do is drawn #attention to something so that others can see, and feel sympathy, which will then #inspire people to actually help.
If you don't see something you don't know you can help at all.
I am obnoxious and can write.
I am the perfect person and I am just trying to protect my friends and loved ones.
We all struggle.
I don't want us to more so I am SHOUTING for them.
I won't stop until things are better for everyone.
🔑 #attention #IA #Web #données
🙏 @inria @cnrs @lemonde
Prêtez Attention : quand « prêter » est « données » (épisode 2)
A l'heure où Elon Musk fait un peu n'importe quoi au nom de la liberté d'expression, quand des grands patrons du numérique lui emboitent le pas sans doute pour pousser leurs intérêts économiques, il devient encore plus indispensable de comprendre les…binaire
#Guerre au #Proche- #Orient : les propos de #DonaldTrump ( rhe #chaos #orange #fool ) sur #Gaza éclipsent les #dossiers #chauds aux #États- #Unis #US #USA C'est vieux comme le monde : c'est le #principe de l' #enfumage, de la #déviation de l' #attention ..
Guerre au Proche-Orient : les ...
Guerre au Proche-Orient : les propos de Donald Trump sur Gaza éclipsent les dossiers chauds aux États-Unis
Pendant que le monde s'indigne de la volonté du président américain de prendre possession de l'enclave palestinienne, Elon Musk ferme les agences fédérales à tour de bras.franceinfo (Franceinfo)
#Guerre au #Proche- #Orient : les propos de #DonaldTrump ( the #chaos #orange #fool ) sur #Gaza éclipsent les #dossiers #chauds aux #États- #Unis #US #USA
C'est vieux comme le monde : c'est le #principe de l' #enfumage, de la #déviation de l' #attention ..…
Guerre au Proche-Orient : les propos de Donald Trump sur Gaza éclipsent les dossiers chauds aux États-Unis
Pendant que le monde s'indigne de la volonté du président américain de prendre possession de l'enclave palestinienne, Elon Musk ferme les agences fédérales à tour de bras.franceinfo (Franceinfo)
A Reporter Asked Jalen Hurts' Advice on How to Be More Handsome. Here's His Response
#Advice #Handsome #Jealousy #Attention #PhiladelphiaEagles…
A Reporter Asked Jalen Hurts' Advice on How to Be More Handsome. Here's His Response
The Philadelphia Eagles quarterback is seeking his first Super Bowl win.Noah A. McGee (The Root)
Hashtags are meant to help people find the topics they're looking for. They're not meant to be a cry for attention, OK people?
#Funny #NotFunny
#Joke #Jokes
#Attention #AttentionGrabber
#Funny #NotFunny
While still hoping, I found this piece (… ) which put me down fully ... considering the rapid demontage of institutions and their resources and the frictions with #Canada , #Mexico and #China just starting ( with #Europe upcoming and not ending with #panama and #greenland ).
It's all about " #honor " ( or as you hinted to: personal #attention / #ambition ).
No more jokes: the formation of the #freewest has to and will come ...
The three causes of war
The great Athenian historian Thucydides said that there are three causes of war: (1) honor (2) fear (3) national interest.Gene Veith (Patheos)
🔑 #attention #IA #Web #données
🙏 @Blog_Binaire @SocInfoFr @inria @univ_cotedazur @dr20_cnrs @i3S @3ia @franck_michel @cnrs @lemonde
Prêtez Attention : quand « prêter » est « données » (épisode 1)
A l'heure où Elon Musk fait un peu n'importe quoi au nom de la liberté d'expression, quand des grands patrons du numérique lui emboîtent le pas sans doute pour pousser leurs intérêts économiques, il devient encore plus indispensable de comprendre les…binaire
"Keeping ourselves alert and conscious, along with shifting, focusing, and sustaining attention, are the most energy-intensive things our brain can do. The high energy cost of cortical activity is why selective attention — focusing on one thing at a time — exists in the first place and why multitasking is an unaffordable fool’s errand."…
How Multitasking Drains Your Brain
Renowned neurologist Richard Cytowic exposes the dangers of multitasking in the digital age.The MIT Press Reader
In a copy of a letter…sent to lawmakers ahead of #RFKJr’s confirmation hearings to lead the Dept of #Health & #Human Services, the fmr ambassador to Australia alleges that her cousin, “addicted to #attention & #power,” has given #hypocritical advice by discouraging parents from vaccinating their children while vaccinating his own children. She alleged that his “crusade against #vaccination” has also served to enrich him.
#USpol #plutocracy #PublicHealth #NationalSecurity #law #health #science
Democrats Are Losing the War for Attention. Badly. | Ezra Klein Show…
#EzraKlein #ChrisHayes #Democrats #Attention #SocialMedia #Politics #Democracy #Podcast #Trump #Musk
Will they uphold a commitment to #FreeSpeech, which all of them, in various ways, espouse, or is free speech just the pretext to undoing #social, #corporate, & #political norms that might have restrained their companies from fully hijacking America’s #attention? Will they fiddle w/the knobs of their #platforms, as #ElonMusk has done at X, to produce a chaotic #agitprop machine? Or are they just happy they no longer have to pay for #DEI consultants or deal with an aggressive #FTC?
#neuroscience of #meditation
#attention #consciousness #mind…
How meditation deconstructs your mind
Want to learn how to meditate? Scientists have a new theory that might change how you practice. We also walk you through different styles, like non-dual practice and cessation.Oshan Jarow (Vox)
How to survive being online
Wee little union sign I painted in 2022, maybe? This week’s question comes to us anonymously: How do we survive being online? Erika and I bought a radio. For...Mike Monteiro’s Good News