Items tagged with: email
Fünf wirklich gute Alternativen zu Outlook und Thunderbird
Mail-Programme sind quicklebendig: c't 3003 hat fünf ungewöhnliche Mail-Clients getestet und mit den Standard-Programmen verglichen.…
#ct #EMail #Linux #macOS #MicrosoftOutlook #MozillaThunderbird #Windows #news
¡Nueva charla! 📢
Privacidad y seguridad en emails 🔒
¡Se presentará un nuevo proyecto relacionado *super interesante*! 🛡️
Más ℹ️:…
🗓️ Viernes 28 ¡Entrada libre!
📍 Las Naves (València)
🕠 17:00 Taller de instalación/ayuda
🕕 18:30 Charla: privacidad y seguridad en emails
#Privacidad #Seguridad #Email #CorreoElectrónico #Charla #Presentación #València #Quedada #QuedadaValència #LasNaves
Charla: privacidad y seguridad en emails
¿Sabías que los correos electrónicos pueden ser leídos y analizados por terceros si no están debidamente protegidos? La privacidad no debe ser un lujo, sino un derecho. Peleemos por él.\nIvan GJ (GNU/Linux València)……
Das Landgericht München I hat kürzlich geurteilt, dass automatische Antwort-E-Mails, die von einer im Impressum angegebenen E-Mail-Adresse gesendet werden, rechtswidrig sein können. 🚨
Zum Artikel:…
#landgerichtmünchen #automatischeantwort #email #rechtswidrig #wettbewerbszentrale
If you have Yahoo mail, terms of service changed & you are signing off your data
March 2025, Yahoo mail started forcing changes to the UI in yahoo mail. With it, new changed terms of services. In short, they will sell your yahoo mail data to companies.…
#Yahoo #email #privacy #personaldata #surveillance #tech #enshittification
A list of Digital Service Providers outside the jurisdiction of the United States of America.…
This is a group project, so feel free to reach out if you have any suggestions, or learn any new information.
#Vpn #Email #Dns #Domain #Messenger #WebHosting #PasswordManager #WebSearch #UsJurisdiction #Project2025 #UnitedStates
Regional court ruling: Automatic reply email may be unlawful
According to a court, anyone who provides an e-mail address in an imprint and only replies by auto-reply is in breach of competition rules.…
#EMail #Netzpolitik #Recht #Urteil #news
Domain registrar #Porkbun now offers #ProtonMail for custom domain emails…
#email #Proton #cybersecurity #SelfHosting
Domain registrar Porkbun now offers Proton Mail for custom domain emails
Porkbun has teamed up with Proton to offer encrypted custom-domain mailing. The rates are a bit higher than buying a mail plan directly from Proton, however the plans aren’t exactly the same.Techlore Discussions
Landgerichtsurteil: Automatische Antwort-E-Mail kann rechtswidrig sein
Wer in einem Impressum eine E-Mail-Adresse angibt und auf Zuschriften dorthin nur per Auto-Reply antwortet, verstößt laut einem Gericht gegen Wettbewerbsregeln.…
#EMail #Netzpolitik #Urteil #news
Have you started using the new features in your Tuta Calendar⁉️ (and have you looked at the sneak peek of what's coming next 👀)
Now your encrypted calendar has:
⭐ Three-day view
⭐ Calendar name in event preview
⭐ Improved calendar repeat rules
Tuta Mail & Tuta Calendar Updates (+ What’s coming next) | Tuta
Your encrypted Tuta apps are becoming faster, easier to use and built for even more convenience. Let’s take a look at what’s recently changed, and what you can expect to see next!Tuta
A Milena pergunta: “Queria um app/site para me descadastrar rapidamente de newsletters e e-mail marketing. Existe isso?”…
Como cancelar o recebimento de newsletters e e-mail marketing de um jeito rápido? ⁄ Manual do Usuário
A Milena pergunta: “Queria um app/site para me descadastrar rapidamente de newsletters e e-mail marketing. Existe isso?”…Rodrigo Ghedin
Every time I look at #mailbox providers, I get happier about my #Runbox.
I just gave a look at #Migadu, which was heavily recommended in some threads here. In 5 minutes I found 3 things I don't like:
1) No explicit pricing to get more storage space beyond the plan's default.
2) Says servers are "in France" but doesn't say with whom in the #privacy policy.…
3) Prohibits "immoral, unethical or socially unacceptable activity".…
Now when you reply to a post you basically send #email back to person who created it + CC to all people who commented on it (if you want).
Simple. Scallable. Secure and private by default.
You can send private #GPG encrypted #messages directly to people you want as you know their email adress.
What about #SPAM? Well public feed of Mastodon is basically a spam and you don't care about it. But I thought about either way.
So. You can create contact lists which will be list of people you follow.
Just curious.
Do you use #email for genuine connection / conversation with pals/acquaintances (not just signing up for stuff)?
- Yes (0%, 0 votes)
- No (66%, 2 votes)
- Depends (33%, 1 vote)
What is masked #email…
#guide #privacy #cybersecurity
What is masked email
What is masked email, how to mask an email address? Learn how masked emails protect your privacy, reduce spam and keep your personal inbox secureAlina Ivanova (AdGuard)
Celebrating one year of quantum-safe #encryption in #Tuta Mail & Tuta #Calendar…
#email #privacy #cybersecurity #pqe
What are two security risks of sending confidential files via #email?…
What are two security risks of sending confidential files via email?
What are two security risks of sending confidential files via email? Learn about potential threats and how to protect sensitive information.Alina Ivanova (AdGuard)
Okay tech community.
I am looking for a new and free #Email server. My first email was yahoo - 30 years ago. I can’t remember what I used on ThunderBird.
I have been using gmail since it started, and I started trying to publish writing.
So, due to a multitude of illnesses, I am no longer tech savvy.
I need simple, and useable on the #Mac.
I have considered switching to Icloud, but don’t want that.
About six years ago, my writing #Gmail turned into a spam hub, so I had to switch to my junk email to use as my primary business email. I have never been able to get my writing gmail back to no, or even low, spam.
Can anyone walk me through setting up email through @nextcloud ?
I have my own domains (1 for work, 1 for personal).
As in, walk me through it in an "imagine you're explaining to a 3 year old" way.
I used to be able to figure this stuff out but autistic burnout and covid brain fog have destroyed my ability to thing entirely.
New post where I list out some of the things I am considering as I am trying to find a replacement for my #email provider. As I am considering leaving #fastmail for a different options that are out there. I am curious if others have thoughts and would be interested in reading my thoughts and reply to my post here on the #fediverse with some thoughts.
Pytanie do osób ze skrzynkami pocztowymi na do was też przychodzi tyle polskiego spamu?
Nigdzie publicznie nie podawałem tego adresu, a właściwie od samego momentu założenia go regularnie dostaję spam z kont w domenach ze zrzutu, z powtarzającymi się imionami i nazwiskami.
A lawyer for one of three B.C. Mounties facing code of conduct proceedings for making racist and sexist comments accused the leadership of their detachment of sending out an "inflammatory" email Tuesday commenting on their evidence.
#law #police #racism #email #BC #News…
Hey Fediverse, anybody got a recommendation for an inexpensive private #email service for individuals that isn't #ProtonMail? I'm trying to get away from #Gmail.
I'm wondering if self-hosting might be a good option, but I've never run my own server before.
на злобу дня)
Вы за: (my favorite IM)
#matrix #jabber #telegram #whatsapp #signalapp #deltachat #session #tox #email #vk #tech
- 1. Matrix (8%, 2 votes)
- 2. Jabber/ XMPP (8%, 2 votes)
- Telegram (4%, 1 vote)
- WhatsApp (0%, 0 votes)
- DeltaChat/ ArcaneChat (47%, 11 votes)
- Signal Private Messenger (21%, 5 votes)
- Session (0%, 0 votes)
- Tox (0%, 0 votes)
- За обычный E-mail (4%, 1 vote)
- За другое (можно в комменты и почему) (4%, 1 vote)
Anyone here use Superhuman as their email client ?
We send thousands of emails a day. The only two complaints we’ve had about email layout issues are using that client.
Seems to be stylistic things controlled by CSS.