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www-tag@w3.org Mail Archives

This is the archive of the public discussion list for issues around Web architecture, and was formally used for the work of the W3C Technical Architecture Group. TAG-related topics remain welcome, but to engage with the TAG more explicitly please see TAG's work mode. Comments in this archive are visible to the public.

See also: more information about W3C mailing lists.

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November 2024by threadby authorby subject2
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February 2015by threadby authorby subject76
January 2015by threadby authorby subject213
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August 2014by threadby authorby subject101
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September 2012by threadby authorby subject96
August 2012by threadby authorby subject55
July 2012by threadby authorby subject64
June 2012by threadby authorby subject160
May 2012by threadby authorby subject126
April 2012by threadby authorby subject243
March 2012by threadby authorby subject231
February 2012by threadby authorby subject116
January 2012by threadby authorby subject185
December 2011by threadby authorby subject128
November 2011by threadby authorby subject125
October 2011by threadby authorby subject120
September 2011by threadby authorby subject107
August 2011by threadby authorby subject129
July 2011by threadby authorby subject131
June 2011by threadby authorby subject203
May 2011by threadby authorby subject92
April 2011by threadby authorby subject75
March 2011by threadby authorby subject149
February 2011by threadby authorby subject151
January 2011by threadby authorby subject81
December 2010by threadby authorby subject79
November 2010by threadby authorby subject110
October 2010by threadby authorby subject153
September 2010by threadby authorby subject77
August 2010by threadby authorby subject35
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June 2010by threadby authorby subject137
May 2010by threadby authorby subject71
April 2010by threadby authorby subject132
March 2010by threadby authorby subject123
February 2010by threadby authorby subject176
January 2010by threadby authorby subject115
December 2009by threadby authorby subject128
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September 2009by threadby authorby subject75
August 2009by threadby authorby subject71
July 2009by threadby authorby subject173
June 2009by threadby authorby subject181
May 2009by threadby authorby subject132
April 2009by threadby authorby subject85
March 2009by threadby authorby subject160
February 2009by threadby authorby subject332
January 2009by threadby authorby subject164
December 2008by threadby authorby subject139
November 2008by threadby authorby subject126
October 2008by threadby authorby subject127
September 2008by threadby authorby subject117
August 2008by threadby authorby subject135
July 2008by threadby authorby subject182
June 2008by threadby authorby subject130
May 2008by threadby authorby subject223
April 2008by threadby authorby subject260
March 2008by threadby authorby subject149
February 2008by threadby authorby subject105
January 2008by threadby authorby subject78
December 2007by threadby authorby subject96
November 2007by threadby authorby subject77
October 2007by threadby authorby subject169
September 2007by threadby authorby subject247
August 2007by threadby authorby subject127
July 2007by threadby authorby subject201
June 2007by threadby authorby subject149
May 2007by threadby authorby subject88
April 2007by threadby authorby subject86
March 2007by threadby authorby subject45
February 2007by threadby authorby subject33
January 2007by threadby authorby subject69
December 2006by threadby authorby subject63
November 2006by threadby authorby subject116
October 2006by threadby authorby subject80
September 2006by threadby authorby subject115
August 2006by threadby authorby subject119
July 2006by threadby authorby subject69
June 2006by threadby authorby subject158
May 2006by threadby authorby subject58
April 2006by threadby authorby subject46
March 2006by threadby authorby subject79
February 2006by threadby authorby subject90
January 2006by threadby authorby subject83
December 2005by threadby authorby subject133
November 2005by threadby authorby subject53
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September 2005by threadby authorby subject34
August 2005by threadby authorby subject15
July 2005by threadby authorby subject25
June 2005by threadby authorby subject115
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April 2005by threadby authorby subject101
March 2005by threadby authorby subject115
February 2005by threadby authorby subject249
January 2005by threadby authorby subject32
December 2004by threadby authorby subject35
November 2004by threadby authorby subject77
October 2004by threadby authorby subject209
September 2004by threadby authorby subject183
August 2004by threadby authorby subject52
July 2004by threadby authorby subject26
June 2004by threadby authorby subject40
May 2004by threadby authorby subject55
April 2004by threadby authorby subject37
March 2004by threadby authorby subject72
February 2004by threadby authorby subject87
January 2004by threadby authorby subject79
December 2003by threadby authorby subject200
November 2003by threadby authorby subject77
October 2003by threadby authorby subject172
September 2003by threadby authorby subject220
August 2003by threadby authorby subject80
July 2003by threadby authorby subject412
June 2003by threadby authorby subject93
May 2003by threadby authorby subject105
April 2003by threadby authorby subject179
March 2003by threadby authorby subject73
February 2003by threadby authorby subject322
January 2003by threadby authorby subject437
December 2002by threadby authorby subject269
November 2002by threadby authorby subject211
October 2002by threadby authorby subject335
September 2002by threadby authorby subject361
August 2002by threadby authorby subject376
July 2002by threadby authorby subject353
June 2002by threadby authorby subject188
May 2002by threadby authorby subject227
April 2002by threadby authorby subject331
March 2002by threadby authorby subject300
February 2002by threadby authorby subject203
January 2002by threadby authorby subject240
December 2001by threadby authorby subject32
September 2001by threadby authorby subject3
July 2001by threadby authorby subject8