‘Off By One’ On 2 July
Published 17 years, 8 months pastFor them what might be interested, this Monday (July 2nd) I’ll be the guest on Off By One, a half-hour technology radio show originating from the studios of WCSB in sunny downtown Cleveland and is available on iTunes as well as via the station’s streaming audio. Locals can, of course, catch it at 89.3 MHz on their FM dials. The show starts at 12:30pm EDT and runs a half-hour, so it will be, y’know, off by 1:00pm. (Hee hee!)
This will be my first time on the air since Your Father’s Oldsmobile ended back in 2005 (unless you count my talk radio call-in earlier this month), and the first time I’ve done a live on-air chat about my professional work and life in about seven years. Bart, the show’s host, and I haven’t discussed any specific topics to be covered, so if you’ve ever wanted to find out what I’m like in an almost totally unrehearsed environment, well, now’s your chance. I’m looking forward to it.
Update [4 Jul 07]: a recording of the show is available via the “Off By One” weblog. Apparently I say “fractional update” a lot.