Thursday, 30 May 2002
Published 22 years, 9 months past
I experienced a touch of techno-frisson this evening. The phone rang, and when I answered it, it turned out to be a sales call offering to refinance my mortgage. Just as the words “we’re calling to offer competitive interest rates on mortgage refinancing” left the guy’s mouth and grated across my eardrum, e-mail dropped into my Inbox with the subject line current mortgage interest rate
I had no idea I seemed so desperate for a new mortgage. (Which I’m not, thanks.)
Spam continues to stay in the forefront of my (mostly negative) thinking. I do have to give major honesty points to a message I received a few weeks back. When I opened it up (I still don’t know why I did) I found what’s depicted in the accompanying graphic. They may be the scum of humanity, but at least they’re up front about what they do. I have to respect that. I admit I laughed out loud when I saw it, then took a screenshot and deleted the message.
The other thing I wanted to mention is from the “this is funny but I’m laughing as much at the audacity as the humor” department: The Onion managed this week to put a surreal perspective on current events. You know, it almost does make sense…
Brief correction: apparently the painting I liked so much isn’t called “Deception” any more. Now it’s called “Ear Drops”. Personally, I think the original title worked better.