Posts from October 2022

Masked Gradient Dashed Lines

Published 2 years, 4 months past

I talked in my last post about how I used linear gradients to recreate dashed lines for the navlinks and navbar of, but that wasn’t the last instance of dashing gradients in the design.  I had occasion to use that technique again, except this time as a way to create a gradient dash.  I mean, a dashed line that has a visible gradient from one color to another, as well as a dashed line that’s constructed using a linear gradient.  Only this time, the dashed gradient is used to create the gaps, not the dashes.

To set the stage, here’s the bit of the design I had to create:


The vertical dashed line down the left side of the design is a dashed linear gradient, but that’s not actually relevant.  It could have been a dashed border style, or an SVG, or really anything.  And that image on the right is a PNG, but that’s also not really relevant.  What’s relevant is I had to make sure the image was centered in the content column, and yet its dashed line connected to the left-side dashed line, regardless of where the image landed in the actual content.

Furthermore, the colors of the two dashed lines were different at the point I was doing the implementation: the left-side line was flat black, and the line in the image was more of a dark gray.  I could have just connected a dark gray line to the black, but it didn’t look right.  A color transition was needed, while still being a dashed line.

Ideally, I was looking for a solution that would allow a smooth color fade over the connecting line’s length while also allowing the page background color to show through.  Because the page background might sometimes be white and sometimes be a light blue and might in the future be lime green wavy pattern or something, who knows.

So I used a dashed linear gradient as a mask.  The CSS goes like this:

.banner::before {
	content: '';
	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
	left: -5rem;
	width: 5rem;
	height: 1px;
	background: linear-gradient(90deg, #222, #888);
	mask-image: repeating-linear-gradient(
		270deg, transparent, #999 1px 3px, transparent 4px 7px);

Please allow me to break it down a step at a time.

First, there’s the positioning of the pseudo-element, reaching leftward 5rem from the left edge of the content column, which here I’ve annotated with a red outline. (I prefer outlines to borders because outlines don’t participate in layout, so they can’t shift things around.)

.banner::before {
	content: '';
	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
	left: -5rem;
	width: 5rem;
	height: 1px;
The very skinny-short red box is where the connecting line needs to be drawn.

To that pseudo-element, I added a 90-degree-pointing linear gradient from black to gray to its background.

	background: linear-gradient(90deg, #222, #888);
The gradient filling the entire background of the pseudo-element.

The pseudo-element does happen to touch the end of one of the vertical dashes, but that’s purely by coincidence.  It could have landed anywhere, including between two dashes.

So now it was time for a mask.  CSS Masks are images used to hide parts of an element based on the contents of the masking image, usually its alpha channel. (Using luminosity to define transparency levels via the mask-mode property is also an option, but Chrome doesn’t support that as yet.)  For example, you can use small images to clip off the corners of an element.

In this case, I defined a repeating linear gradient because I knew what size the dashes should be, and I didn’t want to mess with mask-size and mask-repeat (ironically enough, as you’ll see in a bit).  This way, the mask is 100% the size of the element’s box, and I just need to repeat the gradient pattern however many times are necessary to cross the entire width of the element’s background.

Given the design constraints, I wanted the dash pattern to start from the right side, the one next to the image, and repeat leftward, to ensure that the dash pattern would look unbroken.  Thus I set its direction to be 270 degrees.  Here I’ll have it alternate between red and transparent, because the actual color used for the opaque parts of the mask doesn’t matter, only its opacity:

	mask-image: repeating-linear-gradient(
		270deg, transparent, red 1px 3px, transparent 4px 7px);
The pseudo-element being masked over and over again to create a dashed line that allows the backdrop to show through.

The way the mask works, the transparent parts of the masking image cause the corresponding parts of the element to be transparent  —  to be clipped away, in effect.  The opaque parts, whatever color they actually have, cause the corresponding parts of the element to be drawn.  Thus, the parts of the background’s black-to-gray gradient that line up with the opaque parts of the mask are rendered, and the rest of the gradient is not.  Thus, a color-fading dashed line.

This is actually why I separated the ends of the color stops by a pixel: by defining a one-pixel distance for the transition from transparent to opaque (and vice versa), the browser fills those pixels in with something partway between those two states.  It’s probably 50% opaque, but that’s really up to the browser.

The pixels of the repeating gradient pattern, shown here in the reading order of the CSS value.  In practice, this pattern is flipped horizontally, since its gradient arrow points to 270 degrees (leftward).

The result is a softening effect, which matches well with the dashed line in the image itself and doesn’t look out of place when it meets up with the left-hand vertical dashed line.

At least, everything I just showed you is what happens in Firefox, which proudly supports all the masking properties.  In Chromium and WebKit browsers, you need vendor prefixes for masking to work.  So here’s how the CSS turned out:

.banner::before {
	content: '';
	position: absolute;
	top: 50%;
	left: -5rem;
	width: 5rem;
	height: 1px;
	background: linear-gradient(90deg, #222, #888);
	-webkit-mask-image: repeating-linear-gradient(
		270deg, transparent, red 1px 3px, transparent 4px 7px);
	mask-image: repeating-linear-gradient(
		270deg, transparent, red 1px 3px, transparent 4px 7px);

And that’s where we were at launch.

It still bugged me a little, though, because the dashes I created were one pixel tall, but the dashes in the image weren’t.  They were more like a pixel and a half tall once you take the aliasing into account, so they probably started out 2 (or more)  pixels tall and then got scaled down.  The transition from those visually-slightly-larger dashes to the crisply-one-pixel-tall pseudo-element didn’t look quite right.

I’d hoped that just increasing the height of the pseudo-element to 2px would work, but that made the line look too thick.  That meant I’d have to basically recreate the aliasing myself.

At first I considered leaving the mask as it was and setting up two linear gradients, the existing one on the bottom and a lighter one on top.  Instead, I chose to keep the single background gradient and set up two masks, the original on the bottom and a more transparent one on top.  Which meant I’d have to size and place them, and keep them from tiling.  So, despite my earlier avoidance, I had to mess with mask sizing and repeating anyway.

		270deg, transparent, #89A4 1px 3px, transparent 4px 7px),
		270deg, transparent, #89A 1px 3px, transparent 4px 7px);
	mask-size: 100% 1px;
	mask-repeat: no-repeat;
	mask-position: 100% 0%, 100% 100%;
Two masks, one effect.

And that’s how it stands as of today.

In the end, this general technique is pretty much infinitely adaptable, in that you could define any dash pattern you like and have it repeat over a gradient, background image, or even just a plain background color.  It could be used to break up an element containing text, so it looks like the text has been projected onto a thick dashed line, or put some diagonal slashes through text, or an image, or a combination.

No PNG, no SVG, just text and CSS.

Or use a tiled radial gradient to make your own dotted line, one that’s fully responsive without ever clipping a dot partway through.  Wacky line patterns with tiled, repeated conic gradients?  Sure, why not?

The point being, masks let you break up the rectangularity of elements, which can go a long way toward making designs feel more alive.  Give ’em a try and see what you come up with!

A Dashing Navbar Solution

Published 2 years, 4 months past

One of the many things Igalia does is maintain an official port of WebKit for embedded devices called WPE WebKit, and as you might expect, it has a web site.  The design had gotten a little stale since its launch a few years ago, so we asked Denis Radenković at 38one to come up with a new design, which we launched yesterday.  And I got to turn it into HTML and CSS!  Which was mostly normal stuff, margins and font sizing and all that, but also had some bits that called for some creativity.

There was one aspect of the design that I honestly thought wasn’t going to be possible, which was the way the “current page” link in the site navbar connected up to the rest of the page’s design via a dashed line. You can see it on the site, or in this animation about how each navlink was designed to appear.

Navigation link styles, not including the Home button, which is essentially the same but not nearly as obvious because of its specific layout.

I thought about using bog-standard dashed element borders: one on a filler element or pseudo-element that spanned the mostly-empty left side of the navbar, and one on each navlink before the current one, and then… I don’t know. I didn’t get that far, because I realized the dashed borders would almost certainly stutter, visually. What I mean is, the dashes wouldn’t follow a regular on-off pattern, which would look fairly broken.

My next thought was to figure out how to size a filler element or pseudo-element so that it was the exact width needed to reach the middle of the active navlink. Maybe there’s a clever way to do that with just HTML and CSS, but I couldn’t think of a way to do it that wasn’t either structurally nauseating or dependent on me writing clever JavaScript. So I tossed that idea, though I’ll return to it at the end of the post.

In the end, it was the interim development styles that eventually got me there. See, while building out other parts of the design, I just threw a dashed border on the bottom of the navbar, which (as is the way of borders) spanned its entire bottom edge. At some point I glanced up at it and thought, If only I could figure out a mask that would clip off the part of the border I don’t need. And slowly, I realized that with a little coding sleight-of-hand, I could almost exactly do that.

First, I removed the bottom border from the navbar and replaced it with a dashed linear gradient background, like this: {
	background-image: linear-gradient(
		currentColor 25%,
		transparent 25% 75%,
		currentColor 75%
	background-position: 0 100%;
	background-size: 8px 1px;
	background-repeat: repeat-x;

(Okay, I actually used the background shorthand form of the above — linear-gradient(…) 0 100% / 8px 1px repeat-x — but the result is the same.)

I thought about using repeating-linear-gradient, which would have let me skip having to declare a background-repeat, but would have required me to size the gradient’s color stops using length units instead of percentages. I liked how, with the above, I could set the color stops with percentages, and then experiment with the size of the image using background-size. (7px 1px? 9px 1px? 8px 1.33px? Tried ’em all, and then some.) But that’s mostly a personal preference, not based in any obvious performance or clarity win, so if you want to try this with a repeating gradient, go for it.

But wait. What was the point of recreating the border’s built-in dash effect with a gradient background? Well, as I said, it made it easier to experiment with different sizes. It also allowed me to create a dash pattern that would be very consistent across browsers, which border-style dashes very much are not.

But primarily, I wanted the dashes to be in the background of the navbar because I could then add small solid-color gradients to the backgrounds of the navlinks that come after the active one. li.currentPage ~ li {
	background: linear-gradient(0deg, #FFF 2px, transparent 2px);

That selects all the following-sibling list items of the currentPage-classed list item, which here is the “Learn & Discover” link.

<ul class="about off">
	<li><a class="nav-link" href="…">Home</a></li>
	<li class="currentPage"><a class="nav-link" href="…">Learn &amp; Discover</a></li>
	<li><a class="nav-link" href="…">Blog</a></li>
	<li><a class="nav-link" href="…">Developers</a></li>
	<li><a class="btn cta" href="…">Get Started</a></li>

Here’s the result, with the gradient set to be visible with a pinkish fill instead of #FFF so we can see it:

The “masking” gradients, here set to be a nicely rosy pink instead of the usual solid white.

You can see how the pink hides the dashes. In the actual styles, because the #FFF is the same as the design’s page background, those list items’ background gradients are placed over top of (and thus hide) the navbar’s background dash.

I should point out that the color stop on the white solid gradient could have been at 1px rather than 2px and still worked, but I decided to give myself a little bit of extra coverage, just for peace of mind. I should also point out that I didn’t just fill the backgrounds of the list items with background-color: #FFF because the navbar has a semitransparent white background fill and a blurring background-filter, so the page content can be hazily visible through the navbar, as shown here.

The backdrop-blurring of content behind the navbar, not blurring nearly as much as I thought they should, but oh well.

The white line is slightly suboptimal in this situation, but it doesn’t really stand out and does add a tiny bit of visual accent to the navbar’s edge, so I was willing to go with it.

The next step was a little trickier: there needs to be a vertical dashed line “connecting” to the navbar’s dashed line at the horizontal center of the link, and also the navbar’s dashed line needs to be hidden, but only to the right of the vertical dashed line. I thought about doing two background gradients on the list item, one for the vertical dashed line and one for the white “mask”, but I realized that constraining the vertical dashed line to be half the height of the list item while also getting the repeating pattern correct was too much for my brain to figure out.

Instead, I positioned and sized a generated pseudo-element like this: ul li.currentPage {
	position: relative;
} ul li.currentPage::before {
	content: '';
	position: absolute;
	z-index: 1;
	top: 50%;
	bottom: 0;
	left: 50%;
	right: 0;
			currentColor 25%,
			transparent 25% 75%, 
			currentColor 75%) 0 0 / 1px 8px repeat-y, 
		linear-gradient(0deg, #FFFF 2px, transparent 2px);
	background-size: 1px 0.5em, auto;

That has the generated pseudo-element fill the bottom right quadrant of the active link’s list item, with a vertical dashed linear gradient running along its left edge and a solid white two-pixel gradient along its bottom edge, with the solid white below the vertical dash. Here it is, with the background pinkishly filled in to be visible behind the two gradients.

That’s the ::before with its background filled in a rosy pink instead of the usual transparency.

With that handled, the last step was to add the dash across the bottom of the current-page link and then mask the vertical line with a background color, like so: ul li.currentPage a {
	position: relative;
	z-index: 2;
	background: var(--dashH); /* converted the dashes to variables */
	background-size: 0.5em 1px;
	background-position: 50% 100%;
	background-color: #FFF;

And that was it. Now, any of the navbar links can be flagged as the current page (with a class of currentPage on the enclosing list item) and will automatically link up with the dashes across the bottom of the navbar, with the remainder of that navbar dash hidden by the various solid white gradient background images.

An animation of the link styles, only now you know how they work.

So, it’s kind of a hack, and I wish there were a cleaner way to do this. And maybe there is! I pondered setting up a fine-grained grid and adding an SVG with a dashed path, or maybe a filler <span>, to join the current link to the line. That also feels like a hack, but maybe less of one. Or maybe not!

What I believe I want are the capabilities promised by the Anchored Positioning proposal. I think I could have done something like: {position: relative;} .currentPage {anchor-name: --navLink;} {
	position: absolute;
	left: 0;
	bottom: 0;
	right: var(--center);
	--center: anchor(--navLink 50%);
	top: anchor(--navLink bottom);

…and then used that to run the dashed line over from the left side of the page to underneath the midpoint of the current link, and then up to the bottom edge of that link. Which would have done away with the need for the li ~ li overlaid-background hack, and nearly all the other hackery. I mean, I enjoy hackery as much as the next codemonaut, but I’m happier when the hacks are more elegant and minimal.

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