Thursday, 29 March 2001
Published 23 years, 11 months pastKat and I just returned from the company retreat to Curaçao, which was quite lovely and very warm but also lacked Internet access. There was also a distinct lack of stuff for me to do besides sit around, read books, and swim. Sounds like heaven, right? Wrong. My head was in danger of imploding, to reference Babylon 5 once more, and frankly the island pace doesn’t suit me. I don’t care how relaxed life is down there: it should not take fifteen minutes to screw up an order for three scoops of ice cream in a bowl. I expect that level of incompetence to consume no more than five minutes, tops.
On the other hand, I did at long last learn to snorkel and got relatively good at it, so I was able to enjoy gliding over coral formations, minor shipwrecks, and brightly colored fish while the sun warmed my (SPF45 and T-shirt protected) back. So I can’t say the trip was a total loss.