Items tagged with: blogpost
I wrote a post about everybody's favorite thing: internet ads!…
#blog #blogging #blogpost #indieweb #advertising #personalwebsite
Continuing the break-neck cadence of around 1 post per month through 2025, I have written an all-new blog post.
For this chapter, I'm breaking into the world of food and recipe blogging with *"The Fish Finger and Scampi Nik Naks Sandwich"*.
You won't want to miss it.
#BlogPost #Blogging #Food #Recipe #OmNomNom #CrispSandwich #DailyCrispSandwich…
Fish Finger and Scampi Nik Naks Sandwich
A (the?) recipe for a Fish Finger and Scampi Nik Nak Sandwichtheaardvark
Kuvaajankulma – Valokuvaaja Jarno S:n tarina Lappeenrannasta
Kuvaajankulma – Valokuvaaja Jarno S Lappeenrannasta käsin toimiva kokenut valokuvaaja ja Kuvaajankulman perustaja. Kuvaan aina tunteella, persoonallisestikuvaajankulma (Kuvaajankulma)
Video from Pathfinder (2017 version) that I just shot, showing the finding of a Habitable Base, way back when.…
#NoMansSky #NMS #HelloGames #gaming #gamers #gamers #basebuilding #blog #blogpost #SciFi #procgen #exploration #spacegames #Steam #PCgaming #PS4 #PS5 #Xbox #macGaming #Switch
I shared the backstory in a blog post about the enigmatic Base Computers in the wild in No Man's Sky that I keep seeing people ask about. (Blog post w/ pics, video, etc.)
For those curious...…
#NoMansSky #NMS #HelloGames #gaming #gamers #gamers #basebuilding #blog #blogpost #SciFi #procgen #exploration #spacegames #Steam #PCgaming #PS4 #PS5 #Xbox #macGaming #Switch
About Those Base Computers in the Wild... - NMSspot
Every few days in No Man’s Sky areas on the Discord, Reddit, or Facebook, I see some nonplussed Traveller with a screenshot of a lonely, unclaimed base computer sitting in the middle of a clearing, saying, “look what I just found – an unclaimed base …blakespot (NMSspot - A No Man's Sky Traveller's Blog)
A New Partnership is Formed with Weightless Books
Adamsdesk expands with a new partnership that provides value to those seeking e-books that respect your freedom while supporting independence.…
#books #reading #blog #BlogPost #bookstodon
Four photos & one video from a very windy visit to Point Reyes National Seashore as part of the “SAN-2-SEA” trip with in May 2013. It was about time to put them together in a blog post, I guess! 😅…
#PhotoBlog #PointReyes #LandscapePhotography #BlogPost #Seascape #Photography
Gale Force Winds at Point Reyes - Alexander S. Kunz Photography
Four photos and one video from a very windy visit to Point Reyes National Seashore as part of the “SAN-2-SEA” trip in May 2013. :)Alexander S. Kunz (Alexander S. Kunz Photography)
A new blog post, some early musings about a local self hosting co-op:…
Let me know what you'd do differently!
Local Hosting Co-Op
State of the World 2025 Sorry for the pompous title, but I need to set the scene before starting to discuss the solutions.LovesTha Posts
Möchte den 350+ Leuten danken, die seit gestern hier auf #Mastodon an meiner Umfrage zu #Trump & #Taiwan teilgenommen haben.
Ihr habt gezeigt, dass die allermeisten Menschen hier den aktuellen, säkularen #Zeitenumbruch durchaus erfassen und weder mit Panik noch mit Verschwörungsmythen reagieren.
Das bedeutet mir viel, gibt mir #Hoffnung.
Danke, sehr! 🙏🙌 #Blogpost #Zeit #Krieg #Philosophie #Ukraine #USA #Russland #China #Antisemitismus…
Zeitenumbruch: Wie Trumps Ukraine-Politik auch Taiwan bedroht
Dr. Michael Blume argumentiert, dass israelbezogener Antisemitismus auch völlig darin versagt, die Gefahren des Zeitenumbruchs zu erfassen.Michael Blume (Natur des Glaubens)
水了一篇《浏览器从 A 到 Z》!
2024:浏览器从 A 到 Z
本文的诞生离不开 Sukka 的《2024:浏览器从 A 到 Z》: 和大部分人使用浏览器书签或者导航类网站索引自己的常用网站不同,我强烈依赖基于浏览器地址栏自动补全来访问我常用的网站。那么,将 A-Z 逐一输入到 Google Chrome 的地址栏里,我的 Google Chrome 都会自动补全出哪些域名呢? A - aka.mrwillcom.com用 Hono 写的超轻量短链接!而且Mr. Will
New blog post: Some notes on recent (in)activity…
#blog #blogging #BlogPost #art #creativity
Some notes on recent (in)activity
I’m starting to feel that — finally! — some thoughts are starting to come together for some new artwork. It’s been a particularly uncreative past few months for me, so this comes as a very welcome…Paul Watson
Things people commonly have, but I don't.
In a conversation recently with a friend I casually mentioned I didn't have something. They were shocked... "but everyone has one" was the response.
So here's my list of don't haves:…
Things people commonly have, but I don't
In a conversation recently with a friend I casually mentioned I didn't have something. They were shocked... "but everyone has one" was the response. So h...Forking Mad+
I've been reading a couple of books that are packed with gardening tips from getting the best out of your veg plot to low cost growing. (Given review copies not paid for review.)
You can read my review of 'Grow Food Anywhere' by Lucy Chamberlain and 'The Money-Saving Garden Year by
Anya Lautenbach on my blog:
#gardening #gardens #plants #flowers #books #BookReview #BlogPost #GrowYourOwn #GrowFood #HomegrownFood
Gardening Tips For Smarter Growing - The Chatty Gardener
Two new books from DK offer gardening tips to save you money and get better results in both flowers and vegetables.The Chatty Gardener
Dive into the fascinating world of technology with insights from "The Nature of Technology" by W. Brian Arthur! 📚 Discover how technology evolves, shapes our world, and fuels exponential growth. Explore the symbiotic relationship between humans and tech, and ponder the future impact of AI. Perfect for curious minds! 🤖✨ #Technology #Innovation #AI #BlogPost #WBrianArthur…
Key Takeaways from The Nature of Technology by W. Brian Arthur - The Computer & Technology Network
Explore how technology evolves and shapes our world, blending human-made systems and phenomena, in "The Nature of Technology" by W. Brian Arthur.Sean Barnes (The Computer & Technology Network)
Today's Cheering Up Mondays flower has been brightening my garden - and mood - for the past week. Read about it on my blog:
#gardening #gardens #flowers #BloomScrolling #MondayMotivation #photography #plants #BlogPost
Cheering Up Mondays #462 - The Chatty Gardener
This week’s cheerful flowers are a particular favourite and have been brightening my garden for the past week. The dainty . . .The Chatty Gardener
Ayer se publicó mi artículo para 🎉 y es que hay pocas cosas que me pongan más tontorrón que usar #Plasma y #HomeAssistant en la misma frase. 🥵
Así que nada, si queréis que os pegue una pequeña chapa sobre #kiot y cómo ya ha empezado el movimiento por hacer #KDEplasma parte de una #SmartHome, todo con #SoftwareLibre, por supuesto...…
¡Gracias @baltollkien por el espacio! 💌
#KDE #blog #blogpost #artículo #automatización #FLOSS #FOSS #LibreSoftware
Conectando KDE Plasma con Home Assistant a través de kiot - KDE Blog
Presento “Conectando KDE Plasma con Home Assistant a través de kiot” que nos ofrecen una serie de consejos para gestionar estos servicios que nos puede propocionar intenet.baltolkien (KDE Blog)
I've been going through the press releases, scribbled notes and photos from the recent Garden Press Event. This rather lovely new clematis was just one of the things I saw.
Head over to my blog to read about the day:
#gardens #gardening #clematis #flowers #plants #GardenChat #clematis #BlogPost #journalist
A Growing Trend at The Garden Press Event - The Chatty Gardener
A round-up of some of the trends at The Garden Press Event 2025The Chatty Gardener
Despite committing to leave #Twitter, I am conflicted because it has been my go-to social media platform for engaging with people on important issues. It's also been the main platform for promoting my writing and podcasting, and interacting with other writers. 👋 #goodbyetwitter #goodbyex #blogpost
Link to post on Tall And True:…
Goodbye Twitter-X
Twitter is now X. I can post 280 characters and have many more followers. I've enjoyed tweeting, but it's time to say Goodbye Twitter.Tall And True
»Why Personal Websites Matter More Than Ever«
– from @Daojoan
#webseite #personal #mathern #web #blog #PersonalSites #MoreThan #everyone #blogpost
Why Personal Websites Matter More Than Ever
I don’t know why we talk about walled gardens. That seems to imply something beautiful, something worth defending. It conjures images of beautifully maintained flowerbeds protected from the outside world.Joan Westenberg (westenberg.)
I once gave my mom a journal for her birthday and included a letter with tips on what to add.
I loved the letter so much that I turned it into a blog post.
I think that journaling is one of the most healing things one can do for themselves.
Here are some of my best tips to get you started on your journaling journey!
If you went by its name, you'd think this daffodil was late. It's actually flowering just about on time. Why are plant names often so misleading?
Still perfect for this week's #cheeringupmondays flower.
More on my blog:
#MondayMotivation #flowers #gardens #gardening #daffodils #narcissi #BloomScrolling #BlogPost
Cheering Up Mondays #461 - The Chatty Gardener
A flower to brighten the start of the week.The Chatty Gardener
#Flashback #blogpost, My Bookcase Blurbs (February 2023): I thought I'd share front-cover blurbs from my bookcase in this post, but because I have so many fiction and nonfiction books, I narrowed my selection criteria. 📚 #books #blurbs
Link to post on Tall And True:…
My Bookcase Blurbs
Blurbs are those short reviews or shout lines on books and have been around in different forms since Ancient Roman times.Tall And True
I added a #Blogroll 🥳
I also added a Mastodon feed for #blogpost of #indieweb tags.……
Konfetti Explorations
Hi! I'm Marisabel! Puertorican living the Dutch life. This is my personal web garden to make things grow.Konfetti Explorations
Just shared my thoughts on 'Unveiling Colombian Elegance: AI's Shocking Take on Ultimate Beauty from San Vicente del Caguán.' It dives deep into how AI reshapes our view of beauty and humanity. Curious? Check it out on!
Watch the video on Youtube:…
Read the full article here:…
[AI Generated] #beauty #ai #reflection #blogpost #colombia
- YouTube
Auf YouTube findest du die angesagtesten Videos und Tracks. Außerdem kannst du eigene Inhalte hochladen und mit Freunden oder gleich der ganzen Welt
Ja, diese Art von Leuten hat ja auch #Sokrates ausgelacht. Und ihn dann schließlich sogar zum Tode verurteilt.
Sorry, für mich gibt es keinen Rückweg in den #Platonismus. Und die Aussage "Alle Menschen sind Philosophen." ist ja auch nicht von mir, sondern vom großen Liberalen und Erkenntnistheoretiker Karl #Popper. Und wo er Recht hatte, hatte er Recht. Meine ich. 😊📚👍 #Dialog #Philosophie #Blogpost…
Sollten alle Dialog-Philosophie betreiben? Ein Pro mit Sokrates
Dr. Michael Blume erklärt, warum er glaubt, dass Demokratien ohne mehr dialogische Philosophie nicht überleben werden.Michael Blume (Natur des Glaubens)
For the middle of the month as usual, I have my monthly #Throwback to photos and their stories from 10 years ago. It's just three photos this month, in my #PhotoBlog…
#LandscapePhotography #SanDiego #BlogPost #Photography
February 2015 Throwback - Alexander S. Kunz Photography
The monthly throwback to photos and photographic activities ten years ago, in February 2015, with three photos (one new!) that have passed the test of time.Alexander S. Kunz (Alexander S. Kunz Photography)
Programs don't kill people, computers do
The world outside our computers is unpredictable and interacting with it can make programs unreliable. However, programs must interact with the wider world to do anything useful.
– from Peter Saxton
#world #computer #programming #it #code #unpredictable #interactive #kill #people #killpeople #blog #blogpost
Programs don't kill people, computers do
This post outlines the evolution of the EYG editor. The major changes over time, design thoughts and some implementation
Was bisher geschah. #Blogpost…
Zicke zacke Katzenkacke
Eine Strebe meines Wäscheständers ist vom Rahmen gesprungen. Da ich sie weder ankleben noch entbehren konnte und die anderen Stangen nach gefühlt ewiger Nutzung auch schon rosteten, schaffte ich ei…Pressepfarrerin
New blogpost!
I'm a dragon, so I must hoard, and I have several of them, including an old computer pile.
Today, I've decided to rant about the fact that this pile of shiny trinkets is, in fact, a pile of fancy paper presses.…
Many thanks to the proofreaders of this post!
#blogpost #indieweb #dragonposting
My computer hoard, or why I can't throw away stuff
'I'm a dragon so I must hoard' meets 'I'm neurodivergent so I have weird special interests'Indigo's den
It may be the common snowdrop but isn't it a beauty! Perfect for this week's #CheeringUpMondays flower. This was seen on my latest snowdrop garden trip. More on my blog:
#snowdrops #BlogPost #photography #MondayMotivation #plants #gardens #gardening #flowers #BloomScrolling
Cheering Up Mondays #459 - The Chatty Gardener
A flower to brighten the start of the week.The Chatty Gardener
Sam Altman: Cost of Using AI Will Drop by 10 Times Every Year
AI is going to become cheaper to use, says Sam Altman.The CEO of OpenAI said in a blog post that the cost of using AI will drop by 10 times every year.OpenAI announced Stargate, a $500 billion AI infrastructure investment project, in January.BYTESEU (Bytes Europe)
Please Forgive Us For Intruding...
#WebLinks #BurrDeming #WryCommentary #BlogPost #BoyScoutDay…
Please Forgive Us For Intruding…
…on your National Boy Scout Day activities, but we would be remiss if we did not alert you that our pal Burr Deming has posted his best-of-the-web links complete with wry commentary at the es…Mock Paper Scissors
Started outlining my next blog post! 🤔
AI is a fascinating but complex topic—we need to understand its potential downsides before we can harness its power.
Can it be harmful? I'm not sure yet...
We'll find out! Together at
#AI #ArtificialIntelligence #Technology #Ethics #AIethics #RisksOfAI #BlogPost #Writing